Chapter 11: Blake, Activist

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The day started and everyone went his or her own separate ways. Ruby and Crescent Rose went to do something that Nora, Pyrrha, Magnhild, and the Stormflower twins went to go spy on, and Ren tried finding Nora and his weapons. Yang and Ember Celica both went to the weapon store while Miló and Akoúo both went with Crocea Mors keeping an eye on them.

Jaune, Blake, and Gambol Shroud went to do whatever Blade did, while Weiss and Myrtenaster both just stormed off.

"This is just a disaster," Weiss grumbled still annoyed that everyone left in the middle of her lecture, "Any day now my fathers going to find out and then he'll go 'Young Lady, where in Monty's name did you get ahold of green dust?'. I'll be amazed if he doesn't pull me out of Beacon."

"I'm sure you're father loves-… that he'll understand-… he'll listen to you-… he loves you deep down," Myrtenaster said with uncertainty.

"You obviously know how he thinks," Weiss said, "Well, it's only for a week. If I'm lucky then no one will say anything, and in the meantime I should take advantage of this moment," she said staring down at Myrtenaster.

"Wha-… what do you mean? Myrtenaster suddenly felt uncomfortable with Weiss looking at her.

"… we need to be friends," Weiss said.

"Uh… excuse me?" Myrtenaster asked confused.

"Ozpin told us that everyone who became friends with their weapons suddenly started showing more proficient skill in their abilities," Weiss said, "So… what do you have fun doing?"

"Oh… well… hm?" Myrtenaster thought for a minute, "What is fun?"

"Wha-… what do you mean?" Weiss questioned.

"I don't think I've heard that word too often, just around you and your team," Myrtenaster said.

"Well it's… um… it just means something you do to have a good time," Weiss told her, though she didn't sound to sure of her own answer.

"Alright… how do you have a good time?" Myrtenaster questioned.

"Oh dust this is going to be difficult," Weiss groaned.

Pyrrha held on to Magnhild's head as he walked through the streets of the city. She desperately wanted to get off after being seen by so many people who looked at her quizzically. However Nora made sure that she stayed on to 'stay the course of fun'ness' and 'learn from her ancient style of good times'.

"Ow OW!" and every time she tipped over the Stormflower twin would hold on to her by her hair.

"I see them," Nora said looking ahead. Ruby and Crescent Rose were a distance away from them, both oblivious to the groups advancing.

"Fleb seboda, rena mek wii," Magnhild said.

"Exactly," Nora said, "We must be stealthy, activate stealth mode," she commanded.


"Just tip toe, don't let them hear you," Nora said.

"Fwas sah," Magnhild said quietly tip toeing his way to Ruby and Crescent Rose.

"They're getting away," Nora told her weapon.

"Nora, couldn't we just follow the two of them on foot?" Pyrrha questioned.

"Uh… on foot?" Nora repeated like she was offended, "Pyrrha, we have a ride with us right now, and you're saying you don't want to ride it?"

"Well… it's just a bit-," Pyrrha tried to think of her reason.

"If you have something that's fun to ride you don't just ignore it. You use it to get everywhere, and when you don't have something fun to ride you just find nearest living thing you can find, jump on it's back, and ride him to wherever you want to go," Nora said.

"Is that why you keep jumping on Ren… or Monty forbid those Ursa?" Pyrrha questioned.

"Duh!" Nora told her, "and you want to follow her on foot… shame on you Pyrrha."

"Right… of course," Pyrrha deadpanned.

"Faboroby, deborado wagon," Magnhild whispered.

"Crud they went into a shop," Nora complained, "Steak out! Twins, acquire provisions!"

"Roger." "Roger," they said hopping off both Nora and Pyrrha.

"You two know what Provisions are right?" Nora asked them, they both nodded.

"Good, then take this lien and get whatever we need," Nora said dropping some money down for them to catch.

The two gathered the few coins and bills needed and headed off. Right for the same shop Ruby and Crescent Rose were in.

"Wait! WAIT!" Nora cried, but it was too late and they were both inside the shop, "We've been found out! Abort!" she said.

"BO Fey!" Magnhild said.

*PUSH* Both Pyrrha and Nora were shoved off his shoulders and Magnhild started running.

"Wait! NO! My ride!" Nora cried chasing after Magnhild.

"Nora, Nora wait!" Pyrrah started following her as well.

Ruby and Crescent Rose both looked inside the dust store checking on a few things, seeing if they had a certain type of dust for sale. Ruby saw exactly what she was looking for but cringed at the price.

"Green dust," Ruby said, "And they don't carry it here, it has to be shipped, and that cost extra."

"What does it matter?" Crescent Rose questioned.

"I was hoping to replace what Weiss wasted, but there's no way I can afford it with even a years worth of my meager allowance," Ruby said.

"Ah… even when you're not at fault you always try to fix things," Crescent Rose said, "You always were like that, even back at Signal."

"Say… now that I think about it, when were you born?" Ruby questioned.

"Well let's see… I suppose it was back when you were forging my blade," Crescent Rose said, "Most weapons start feeling life in them when we are surrounded by Aura from their user, when you were making my you were just bursting with it."

"That far?" Ruby said, "You uh… haven't been telling other people about me have you?"

"No you explained to me that you wanted me to keep everything a secret back when you were talking to me as a weapon," Crescent Rose said.

"Of course," Ruby said remembering all the times she told her secrets to her scythe that she wanted him to make sure not to tell anyone what she said. Ironically of course thinking that he would never be able to say anything in the first place.

"Ooh, while we're here let me sample this," Crescent Rose said looking over at one of the dust dispensers. He stuck his finger in the red tube for a second coting it in a thin layer of red dust.

"Wait? Sample?" Ruby questioned.

Crescent Rose stuck his finger in his mouth and licked off the little Dust that was on it.

"Whoa wait don't-!" Ruby tried to tell him, but it was already gone.

A second later Crescent Rose blew out a small tiny stream of fire. Ruby was waiting for something wrong to happen but he looked fine.

"That… did that taste good?" Ruby questioned worried.

"Yes… why? Is it not?" Crescent Rose asked.

"You don't eat Dust, we use it… in our weapons," Ruby suddenly realized, "Wait so you can eat dust?"

"Technically I use it to keep myself energized," Crescent Rose said, "I run on Dust, not cookies."

"Oh… yeah I guess that makes sense," Ruby said still worried, "Then does this mean the others might need some?" she asked.

"Well I suppose, we can live without it for a while, but then we would feel weak if we went too long without food like regular people," Crescent Rose thought.

"Does it have to be a certain kind?" Ruby asked.

"No, any kind will do," Crescent Rose told her.

"Phew, alright then let's get food for everyone," Ruby declared.

*tug tug* Ruby then felt a bit of a tug at her scarf, looking down she saw both Stormflower twins, both of them holding a bit of money and then seemingly offering it to her.

"Awww, did you two want something to?" Ruby asked adorably.

"We've been lost for so long, is our journey coming to an end?" Miló asked sadly.

"Possibly," Akoúo said just as depressed.

"You two are hopeless," Crocea Mors said annoyed.

Both the Spartan Brothers had been going around the city searching for whatever it was that Crocea could figure. However they had really just been going around in circles. Crocea Mors thought about saying something, but she thought that they should learn for themselves. However, the two had given up hope in a matter of minutes, and seemed ready to give up on life.

"What exactly is it that you're searching for?" Crocea asked the two.

"Sanctuary, Utopia, someplace where we can be free," Miló told her.

"You both do realize that once this green dust wears off we go back to being regular weapons, and you plan to spend most of that time looking for an ideology," Crocea Mors said.

"Then we must make use of the time we have now," Akoúo told her.

"OR we could just talk to the woman you're afraid of, I'm more than certain she would be willing to speak to the two of you. You know, plan for the long run," Crocea Mors told them.

"You can't ever predict what turns may come your way," Akoúo told her.

"I can predict nothing will change with this idiocy," Crocea told her.

"gasp, Brother look!" Miló said pointing out near a harbor. In the distance he could see what looked like piles and piles of metallic like objects such as weapons or old carriers and other piles of junk.

"That place! That must be the promise land we've been searching for," Akoúo said.

"That's a recycling plant, that's where weapons go to die," Crocea Mors told them.

"Then it's the perfect place to go," Miló said.

"'Die' you idiots, 'die' was the key-word in that sentence," Crocea Mors told them, but they were off not even trying to process what she was saying, "Monty, I hate Pyrrha right now."

"Would you two slow down?" Crocea told them. The brothers tried to get closer to the many piles of garbage and metal, but there was a fence holding them back.

"Blast!" Miló cursed.

"Something we want is not going to be easy to acquire," Akoúo said.

"A fence is what's going to stop you?" Crocea Mors questioned.

"Ah, look brother, in the distance," Miló said, "Perhaps that large creature could help us."

Crocea look where he was pointing at and saw what looked to be giant claw, obviously made for moving and picking up very large piles of junk. It was currently lowering down to one of the garbage piles and picking up a chunk off.

"And it's made for picking things up, we can definitely use that creatures help," Akoúo said.

"Wait… where's it going?" Miló suddenly questioned.

A little to the left there was an even larger machine, whatever it was it had a large funnel on top and on the sides were what Crocea could deduce were metal plates made for smashing things together.

"You two are going to want to look away," Crocea Mors told them, but once again they didn't listen.

The large claw dropped everything it was carrying into the machine. After a few whirrs and clicks the brothers watched as the two metal plates moved closer to each other and everything in the middle soon got smaller.

"Oh Monty NO!" Akoúo reeled in horror gripping the fence.

A third press came down from above pressing everything into a square like shape.


After a few more presses all the weapons that were thrown out had been reduced to a fine neat little cube that was pushed out of the machine where a tiny drone picked it up and carried it away to a previously missed pile of other cubed up weapons.

"What kind of horrible place is this?" Miló questioned in fear.

"ˆBLLAAAARRRGH!" Akoúo started puking up a green mist of residue life dust.

"I told you two to look away," Crocea told them, "However those weapons were dead long ago, whoever was wielding them died out."

"Those were our comrades!" Akoúo told her.

"If they were following you they would have died long ago, do you think you're a prisoner or at war with Pyrrha?" Crocea Mors questioned.

"We are prisoners of war to the scarlet haired she devil," Miló told her.

"That's completely different from the two things I said," Crocea told them.

"Now if we look here you'll see that these prices are far too high even with the discounted price," Yang told Ember Celica who listened to her intently. Yang had made her way to the local weapon shop to restock on her bullets just as she said. Though while she was here she decided to teach her weapon about shopping.

"Got it, so we steal them?" Ember Celica concluded.

"Close, we're gonna haggle them over the price," Yang told her.

"Got it, we're gonna choke them till they give us what we want. I like this idea," Ember Celica said with glee.

"No, haggle is a term for trying to get them to agree to lower the price," Yang corrected, patter her weapon on the head as if she made a childish mistake, "Now look over to the register over there, what do you see?" she asked.

"Some guy," Ember Celica told her, there was a young bearded man working the stand looking around 30 or 40.

"Exactly, now watch this," Yang told her walking forward with her buckshot's in hand leaning close to the cashier, "Excuse me, how much for these bullets?" she asked.

"Hm? Oh they're on sale, 540 lien a pack," the man said.

"Oh… there's no way you can go any cheaper?" Yang commented as sweetly as she could.

"S-sorry ma'am but I can't control the price," he told her.

"Really?" Yang asked leaning in as close as she could letting her shirt spill forward, "There's no way you could take an more off?" she asked short and seductively.

"U-U-Uuh, y-ea uh," the man nervously stuttered, "W-Well, I suppose I could 'mistake' that you work here and give you the 50% employee discount."

"Great thanks!" Yang quickly left the correct amount he agreed to and took off before he could say anything. Grabbing Ember Celica the two were out and rushed around the corner.

"Woo! I love being hot," Yang said holding her prize, "And that little Ember is how you haggle."

"Awesome," Ember Celica cheered, "So when do we go back and beat the guy up."

"No no, Ember you're missing the point, I got what I wanted that's all that matters," Yang told her.

"Well when do we get what I want?" Ember Celica questioned.

"What do you want?" Yang asked her.

"I want to beat up somebody," Ember Celica told her.

"Fine, we'll both go behind an Alley, look for some seedy people. I'll act like I'm defenseless and easy. Then when some thugs try to take advantage of me we'll both fight them in an act of 'Self Defense'," Yang air quoted.

"Yay! Can we kill them?" Ember Celica questioned.

"Hurt them, we hurt people," Yang told her.

"Got it," Ember Celica ran off looking for the nearest alley way.

"Heh, what a rascal," Yang said, "I can't wait for a real one, I'd like to think I'd make a good mother," she said to herself.

Jaune was walking about with Blake and Gambol Shroud. Once again Blake lead the two after stopping at one of the teashops, the two walking behind her. Jaune kept trying to make conversation with Blake who kept her nose in a book.

"So uh… you like… books?" Jaune asked.

"Mm-hm," Blake answered not looking back.

"Okay… nice… real nice," Jaune said, "I guess I never got that into reading myself, I mean I used to read 'Bald Potter' but everyone read that."

"Yup," Blake said.

"Okay…," Jaune said awkwardly again, "So… um… you seeing anyone?"

Blake paused a moment to look behind her and give Jaune a worried glare.

"Uh… never mind," Jaune said deflated.

"She is a bit enamored with a Monkey Faunus by the name of Sun," Gambol Shroud told him.

Blake cringed and turned at her weapon, this time with an angry glare.

"Ah… right I suppose you don't want to let other know," Gambol Shroud apologized.

"Why not?" Jaune questioned.

"Ah… um because of… excuse!" Gambol Shroud said.

"… What's the excuse?" Jaune asked confused.

"Isn't… isn't the conversation supposed to end when you say excuse?" Gambol questioned.

"You need an actual reason, the word won't help," Blake told him annoyed.

"Ah right," Gambol said in realization, "The excuse is a rainy day."

"Okay but that's not a real excuse either," Jaune said.

"I don't know how to talk now," Gambol Shroud told him.

"Look just… don't go telling people about this," Blake told him, "Especially Yang and Weiss."

"O-okay, sure," Jaune said, "I get it, I mean I've had a crush on a bunch of people before so I know why you'd want to keep it quiet."

"Like Weiss?" Blake questioned going back to her book.

"A bit… why? She say anything about me?" Jaune asked her a bit hopeful.

"It was all negative stuff," Blake told him.

"Ah… right," Jaune got depressed again, "What about your guy, is he nice?"

"I thought I told you not to talk about him," Blake warned.

"Right right… just.. wanted to talk or something. Why don't you want to talk about him though?" Jaune questioned.

"It's complicated, so stop," Blake told him.

"Oh wait… I get it," Jaune said.

"Get what?" Blake asked, dreading whatever Jaune would come up with.

"You're worried about being judged for dating a Faunus aren't you?" Jaune concluded.

"First of all we barely know each other," Blake told him a bit annoyed, "Second, why? Would that make a difference?" she asked sounding mad this time.

"Well… not really," Jaune answered, "I mean yeah I know that discrimination is going to be an issue from other people."

"I see," Blake narrowed her eyes, "so tell me Jaune, what's your opinion on Faunus?"

"Me?" Jaune started thinking for a moment, "Well… I guess I don't have as much a problem with them as other people would. I mean yeah people say that Faunus are dangerous, but so anyone else holding a weapon. Well… not me I guess I'm pretty weak."

"I see," Blake said feeling a slight tinge or relief, "Well… maybe I'll start telling Weiss to stop complaining about you."

"She complains about me?" Jaune asked.

"Yes, she questions why a scraggly little blonde maggot is partners with Pyrrha Nikos when she would be better off with someone who actually knows her rightful status as well as her fame," Gambol Shroud told him.

"Uh… right," Jaune said.

"Gambol," Blake tried to say.

"She also questions how a simpleton who can't preform a simple landing strategy is able to attend Beacon."


"And that you're as useful as a dead cat, that you also extrude the same smell."

"Gambol! Quiet!" Blake yelled at him.

He was about to say something else, until he noticed the depressed and down state Jaune was in at the moment.

"Oh… uh I mean… excuse!"

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