Chapter 9: Ruby Rose, investigator

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"Okay… looking at this chart," Weiss said reading something off of her Scroll, "We have… 18 of us… 8 beds… sigh, this is going to be annoying," she grumbled.

"Bigger Slee-."


"Sorry Ren."

Currently both team RWBY and JNPR were trying to figure out the sleeping arrangements for both team. Unfortunatly it was becoming more complicated than they thought.

"I am not sharing a room with that psychopath," Weiss told them.

"Ruby and I require a room," Crescent Rose said.

"And I am required that same room," Yang then said.

"I shall stay by Miss Schnee's side," Myrtenaster told them.

"Me and Ren!" Nora called, "Ooh and Magnhild!"

"Flap Pricey!"

"Guys! Stop!" Ruby called out, "I can't follow what's going on now, who's staying where with who?"

"I'M not staying anywhere near that insane weapon of Jaune's, she might kill me in my sleep!" Weiss exclaimed, "Jaune, get her out right now!" she said pushing him towards team RWBY's door.

"I-I can't just scare her away!" Jaune said trying to resist being pushed.

"Well where am I supposed to sleep then!?"

"Ugh," Weiss groaned forced to take a sleeping bag into team JNPR's room.

"And in exchange for Weiss as well as holding two of your weapons you also get her weapon and… who else can we get rid of? We gotta make it even," Yang asked the other two while they spoke to Jaune.

"I refuse to leave Ruby's side," Crescent Rose said.

"And I refuse to leave you two alone," Yang told them, "Blake?"

"I still wish to read with her," Gambol Shroud told her.

"What about Ember?" Blake asked.

"Uhhhh… what are you guys going to do?" she asked team RBY.

"Sleep," Yang said.

"Read," Blake said.

"Uh… y-you know," Ruby said shyly and awkwardly.

"What are you guys doing?" she asked Team JNPR.

Nora then stuck her head out the door holding a small box, "Candy Land!"

"I'm in!" Ember Celica cheered rushing into team JNPR's dorm room.

"What!? Aww," Yang groaned, "I feel like I got dumped… by my own weapon," she said dejectedly.

"Stay out of my things!" Weiss called out before she slammed the door.

"Oh my gosh! I wasn't even thinking that but now I want to go through her things," Yang suddenly said.

"This is boring!" Yang said going through Weiss's stuff immediately after she was asked not to, "Seriously what did she think we were going to do with all of this?"

After going through her bags all she found were her clothes, some books, cosmetics, and her school supplies.

"You'd think that the heiress to a massive conglomerate company would have something more interesting, like expensive jewels, or more of that rare dust… what else do rich people have?" Yang questioned the teams.

"Are any of her outfits designer brand?" Blake asked her while writing at her desk.

"Yeah, but they look like something I'd wear at a Court House," Yang told her.

"As the victim or-," Blake questioned.

"As the Lawyer," Yang said annoyed, "Oooh! Phone Book!" she said going through a mini pocket book.

"Weiss isn't going to be happy when she finds out you've been going through her stuff," Blake told her.

"Don't know why, all that's in here is family names," Yang told them, "A hundred pages and ninety-nine of them are blank, she literally has no life. I think I should take her out clubbing, I don't think she has any friends."

"I'm not surprised by that," Crocea Mors said.

"What's your deal with her anyway? Yeah she was a little mean to Jaune at the start but she and him are on good ter-… tolerating terms," Yang said.

"The way she talked to my friend Velvet," Crocea Mors told her.

"Oh… okay yeah she did have a bit of a fauna problem but she… Blake would you say she fixed that problem?" Yang asked.

"As good as one could hope," Blake told her.

"I've seen people like her millions of times, they say they're over their race problem but it's still there," Crocea told her.

"So she still has a bit of a phobia, you didn't need to threaten to alter her thinking pattern," Yang said.

"What?... oh right, that whole threat was a lie," Crocea Mors told her.

"Wait what?" Yang questioned, everyone else in the room was suddenly interested.

"I can make a guy crap his pants sure, but altering the way people think? That's a wholly fictional thing. Do you know how many nerves are in a brain? I don't, and I've seen A-LOT of brains, inside and out," Crocea Mors said.

"So… you won't hurt her then?" Ruby asked Jaune's weapon.

"I didn't say that, if she keeps talking like she did to Velvet. I might not be able to change her views manually but I can still make her vomit or defecate."

"Uhh… please don't do that," Yang asked a bit disgusted, "Isn't there anything else you could do to people? You know, something that won't require a janitor?"

"There are, but they all lead to death," Crocea bluntly said.

"Wow, all this and yet you can't face Jaune?" Yang teased.

"He's… I'm not ready to be with him… yet," Crocea Mors said.

"Yeah don't let Pyrrha hear that," Yang teased again, "What are you talking about? What IS the deal with you and him, every time he gets near you you freak out like crazy."

"It's… I… he…. I kind of… ," Crocea stuttered for the words.

"Please don't tell me its love," Yang suddenly said.

"What? No! He just… he scares me," Crocea admitted.

"Pft, what?" Yang lightly chuckled, "Vomit boy scares you?"

"The man does seem pretty tame," Gambol Shroud said.

"What's so scary about Jaune?" Ruby asked curious.

"It's a weapon thing," Crocea said, "I've been wielded by the Arc family for some time, and then… he comes along and after everything he's gone through… he's different. He was like the others at first, but ever since that event in the forest after Pyrrha unlocked his Aura I saw his real power, it's immense."

"Damn seriously?" Yang said surprised.

"Yet with all that power he has… he doesn't even use it," Crocea told her, "Back in the Forever Fall forest when him and Cardin were attacked by that Ursa Major he could have easily annihilated it with his Aura alone. He doesn't know how to use it yet, but Pyrrha is actually trying to teach him."

"Wait… You're afraid of his Aura?" Ruby questioned.

"I'm afraid of what he'll become once he learns of his real power," Crocea Mors said, "You have no idea what power does to people, I'm afraid of what he'll become once he sees what he can really do. I've seen it millions of times, someone seems nice and kind, but once they get ahold of some power it always leads to a massive tragedy. Once Jaune get's ahold of his power-."

"Jaunes not like that," Ruby spoke up.

"You say that now, but just wait," Crocea Mors said, "Once he realizes what he can do it'll just be a matter of time… he'll be a monster, and that's why I fear him."

"Well… damn… I don't think I can make fun of that," Yang said.

"I don't believe you're supposed to," Gambol Shroud told her.

"Is that another reason why you and Weiss don't get along as well? Cause of all her power?" Ruby questioned.

"Please, a corporation, that's an illusion of power. I could drop her and everyone who works for her in my sleep," Crocea Mors said.

"Wish everyone was as positive a thinker as you," Yang told her, "What about you two?"

"We're not here!" Akoúo said. The two brothers were now hiding in the corner using a bedsheet as poor camouflage.

"You two can rest easy," Crescent Rose told them, "With the door closed Pyrrha is completely unable to see you two."

"Really!?" Akoúo questioned, the two of them dropped the bed sheets, "Finally! It was getting cramped in there."

"Is Pyrrha dead yet?" Miló asked hopeful.

"Still alive," Blake told them.

"Damn it!"

"Um… do you know why those two are a little… slow?" Ruby asked her weapon.

"Well… I suppose Pyrrha wasn't really one to… do a lot of things with her weapons," Crescent Rose said, "You see the more we weapons are used, the more… life experience we get. Pyrrha must not have used her weapons enough."

"Oh wait wait wait!" Ruby said getting a notepad and pen, "I wanna take notes for our assignment, go on," she said.

"Pyrrha hasn't used her weapon enough?" Yang questioned, "Didn't she win some tournament four or five times in a row?"

"It's much more than just being used for battle, sure it gets us out in the open but we need much more than that to fully learn about ourselves and the world around us," Crescent Rose said.

"Can you give an example?" Blake questioned.

"Well take me for example," Crescent Rose said, "I understand the human society as well as socializing very well because Ruby took me everywhere she went, and used me for more than just fighting. There was reaching for things high above her, flying, cutting food."

"Wait what!?" Yang suddenly stared at her sister.

"Uuh… s-so you're intelligent because you got out more?" Ruby asked changing the subject quickly.

"Exactly," Crescent Rose said.

"I didn't use my weapon to cook, but he seems just like you… somewhat," Blake said writing down a few things in her notepad as well.

"But you went places with it, holding it with you on your person doing different things with it?" Crocea Mors asked, "Experiencing many parts of the outside world with your weapon on hand is good for us."

"I do like to go out with Ember Celica on, they make wicked cool looking bracelets," Yang said.

"Lucky," Akoúo said, "Pyrrha rarely let us out of our case, she only let us out when she needed us to fight, every place we went she put us somewhere where we would be safe."

"Leave the case, fight some opponent, wipe off the blood and guts sometimes, then back in the locker every time!" Miló said, "It was miserable! We saw glimpses of the world from time to time but we could never experience it, forced to see a world we could never be apart of."

"She never let you guys out?" Ruby questioned.

"No! We're made of steel, yet she treats us like glass!" Akoúo told her.

"Well… Pyrrha is a bit of a perfectionist, she does seem like someone who would practice good weapon maintenance," Blake said.

"Sure keeping a weapon locked away from the world would help it last longer," Crocea said, "But in the same way a human lives; if you stay in a house forever, you might live longer but would you call that living?"

"I suppose I'd go crazy as well, dad rarely let me out of the house on my own," Yang said.

"And we see the terrible damage that caused," Blake said with a light smirk.

"Oh like you're one to talk," Yang said back, "So you don't fear Pyrrha, you just hate working with her?"

"Yes!" Akoúo said.

"She's so boring to be with!" Miló told them.

"That's why we wanted to escape!" Akoúo said.

"Jeeze, so she's just been keeping you locked up, that's terrible," Yang said.

"To be fair, they were just inanimate objects," Blake said.

"I'll be right back," Ruby said, "I'm gonna… talk to… some people," she said weary of the two brothers.

"Don't tell Pyrrha where we are," Akoúo told her.

"Uh… sure," Ruby said.

"Come on come on come on!" Ember Celica pleaded picking up a card and seeing a blue color.

"Ooops, stuck in the Lollipop forest," Nora said.

"FWA FWA FWA!" Magnhild laughed.

"NNRGH!" Ember Celica then threw the board away ruining the game, "This is a dumb game anyway."

"Aww! We were winning!" Storm Flower said.

"Forget this mess, let's start a pillow fight!" Ember Celica told them.


"NO! Not again!" Weiss ordered them.

"Awwww." "Blaaaaah."

"Alright then, Syrup Chugging!" Nora cried taking out two jars of sap from out of nowhere.

"NO!" Ren said taking the two jars away from her, "It's too late for sugar, and where do you keep getting all of this!?"

"Trade secret… also some stealing," Nora told him.

"Spin the bottle!"

"No!" Weiss said.

"This is the worst sleepover ever," Nora pouted crossing her arms, "What CAN we do?"

"You can go to sleep," Weiss said.

"Who wants to do that?" Nora questioned.

"I do!" Weiss argued.

"Man you must have a terrible social life," Ember Celica told her, "Let's just look up things we're not supposed to on the internet."

"Ooh! I'm in!" Nora said taking out her scroll.

"NO!" Ren said taking it away from her.

"Of all the… how do you survive this!?" Weiss suddenly questioned Pyrrha.

"I'm sorry?" Pyrrha questioned.

"This team? I mean… I thought my team acted like a bunch of children with Ruby's personal preferences, and Yangs teasing, but this!" Weiss said motioning to Nora riding on Magnhild's shoulders holding a jar of sap over Ren's head while Ember Celica tried to get to the sap from behind, holding a Stormflower twin in each hand as a reacher.

"You can't possibly tell me that you're happy with this team," Weiss said.

"It's not what I'm used to," Pyrrha said, "But… I can definitely see myself staying with this team," she happily admitted.

"Well you're a trooper aren't you?" Weiss said, "Jaune will you please order your team to behave?" she asked him.

"Behave?" Jaune questioned.

"sigh, Myrtenaster?" Weiss questioned.

"Ah, of course miss Weiss," she said procuring a book she was carrying, "Everyone, who wants to read a story?"

"gasp! YAY!" both of the twins were the first to react. Myrtenaster took a seat on Nora's bed while the twins and Ember Celica as well as Magnhild took a seat on the floor at her feet.

"Wait guys-!" Nora was saying until Ren took her sap away.

"Not this late," Ren told her.

"Awww," she groaned.

"That's not what I meant," Weiss said to herself.

*Beep beep* As she was speaking Jaune's scroll suddenly started beeping, opening it up he saw that he received a voice message from Ruby labled "For Pyrrha and Jaune"

"Hey Pyrrha, we got a message from Ruby," Jaune told her.

"Hm?" Pyrrha walked right next to Jaune as he pressed play on the recording, Weiss started listening in on it as well.

"Hey Jaune, hey Pyrrha if you're listening to this. Listen nothing important just a heads up for you two your weapons told us why they don't like you."

Ren and Nora suddenly directed their attention to the voice as well.

"Okay sooo… turns out Jaune might be more awesome than we thought."

"Really?" Jaune questioned suddenly feeling a bit proud.

"Crocea was able to see how much Aura Jaune has in him and… yada yada yada, she thinks he'll turn into some dictator going mad with power."


"I don't get it myself, I think it's a history thing. Anyway as for Pyrrha's weapons they don't fear her they just hate being her weapons."

"What?" Pyrrha suddenly asked.

"It's about how she rarely lets them out, only when she needs them. Never really going places with them, keeping them locked in a room… you ever read that book where a king protects his princess by keeping her locked away in a room never to see the world… and it messes her up a bit."

"Clarabell the crazy princess?" Pyrrha recalled.

"Same situation, they just want to be free they say Pyrrha's no fun."

"What?!" Pyrrha said, this time in disbelief.

"Anyway, going to bed now, see ya in the morning," the message ended.

"So she… thinks I'm gonna turn into a monster?" Jaune questioned.

"They don't think I'm fun?" Pyrrha questioned, "I'm Fun! I… Nora I'm fun right?" she asked her friends.

"Uhhhhhhhhhhh," Nora just stood there.

"Jaune?" Pyrrha questioned him.

"Well… you uh," Jaune started, nervously scratching the back of his head.

"But I… I'm… oh my god I'm no fun," Pyrrha admitted slumping down in depression.

"Pyrrha it's fine, so you're not fun, it's not like it matters. You're a straight A student, you don't need to worry about having fun," Weiss said. Though with each and every word she spoke she failed to notice that Pyrrha's face was slowly filled with dread.

"U-Uh so… turns out I have a crazy amount of Aura. That's interesting right?" Jaune said trying to get Pyrrha's attention.

"And Crocea believes that you'll become corrupted when you learn how to use your power," Ren said.

"You don't… think I'll turn like that do you?" Jaune asked them.

"Aww no way, you're too nice to ever go crazy," Nora said.

"Given your history I don't believe you'll become like other people have in history," Ren told him, "But… it's always the ones you least suspect," he finished.

"Uh, yeah," Jaune said nervous.

"But, now that we suspect him that might mean he won't go crazy, but then again since we no longer suspect him that would mean he's the one we should suspect but then now that he's a suspect he's not a suspect which is suspectable… ummmm," Nora pondered on what she was thinking.

"Maybe we should try talking to her tomorrow," Ren said, "and your weapons as well Pyrrha, maybe we could convince them you're not power mad or… boring."

"Yeah… y-yeah, I can show them I'm just as fun as anyone," Pyrrha said trying to be confident, "We can all… um… ," she tried thinking of something fun to do.

"Ooh, let's all go into town tomorrow! Some Weapon buddy bonding time! We can experiment with them," Nora said.

"Yeah… yeah it's our day off tomorrow, let's do that," Pyrrha said.

"I suppose," Weiss said.

"And they all lived happily ever after… the end," Myrtenaster finished her story book. Most of the weapons suddenly became tired after reading and they all cuddled on Nora's bed trying to take a comfy spot like a bunch of puppies.

"Awww… that's adorable," Nora said, "But now they're in my bed… Ren make room!"

"What? Nora you can't share a bed with another man!" Weiss nearly shouted.

"It's fine… she'll make her way to me no matter what I do," Ren said.

"Dgh… Jaune are you really going to allow this?" Weiss questioned.

"They're fine," Jaune said.


"I've gotten used to it, I actually think it's kinda cute."

"Uugh… I give up, I'm going to bed," Weiss said getting under the covers of her sleeping bag.

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