Best Day Ever, Queen's favor, and a Deal?

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F/n's pov

I was in the Cafeteria with Weiss and Blake beside me reviewing notes until Neo appears on my lap

Weiss: F/n can't you dump her at the Tower?

F/n: Weiss watch this.

I pour Chocolate syrup on her head

F/n: Neo what are you?

Neo holds up a sign and shows everyone

Neo's sign: An Idoit Sundae.

She throw her sign and gets up before leaving to get washed

Weiss: I suppose that funny.

Nora: It hilarious.

I put my hands on her cheek as we look into each other eyes

F/n: Weiss what are you?

Weiss: Your Ice Queen.

F/n: Damn straight.

Ruby slams a obnoxiously large binder on the table as we look at her making it my que to try and weasel myself out of this

Ruby: Sister, Friends, Future boyfriend, Weiss.

Weiss: Hey.

I quickly do my vanishing act to stand outside and not long after I see Jaune hit a window and food flying while Sun and a blue hair guy were walking in talking

Sun: And this guy was shoot multiple times but healed and threw knifes and captured him it was amazing.

I wrap my arm around his right shoulder as he looks at me to see I'm smiling

F/n: Way of a Thousand Cuts is amazing.

Blue: Sun who this?

Sun: F/n and their was this chick who I think is ho-

I cut him off when Sun feels me put the barrel of my gun on his lower region

F/n: Don't even try it buddy she sharing me with Weiss Schnee.

Sun: Got it off limits. So this is my friend Neptune.

F/n: Like the god of water from my world.

Neptune: Wait my name a godly name?

F/n: So is Sun name as a monkey king. But sadly no reads about are planets past but me and a few exiled people.

We open the door to the Cafeteria and students are running past us

Random student: FOOD FIGHT.

We see Nora on top of a tower of tables with her team


After this I leave to Ozpin's office to wait for a meeting with someone as I called Summer here who wearing a outfit to show her body and hood up to cover her face as we stand bored

F/n: So wanna play the knife game?

Summer: Why?

I put Summer left hand on Ozpin's desk as I stand behind her pressing my body on her as my left hand on top of her hand and spreads are fingers before stabbing my knife between are fingers slowly picking up the speed before stopping as Ozpin and Gylnda walk in and we look at them

Gylnda: What were you doing?

F/n: Knife game I'll play it with you beautiful witch.

Gylnda blushes like I broke her as her glasses fog up and she turns red embarrassed as Ozpin chuckles

Ozpin: Who this?

F/n: New Guardian and a hunter like me.

As the sun sets we see a large fleet docks unloading students

Gylnda: James likes bringing his work with him everywhere.

F/n: If he a General it understandable Witchy but it an eyesore but with numbers like this it proves to be more helpful to bring more peace to Vale cause between Guardians and Huntsman another outside force of peace would be great trust me.

After that a man in white comes in and we all look at him as he walks up and shakes Ozpin hand

Ozpin: James it been too long.

James: Yes it has Oz. Gylnda it great to see you.

Gylnda: Oh James... I'll be outside.

Glynda walks out as James finally notice us in the room

F/n: General I'm F/n L/n a hunter of the Vanguard of this sector within a tower on this planet.

James: Yes I heard, but who this lady with you?

I look torwards Summer and gestures her to step forward

Summer: My name Summer Rose.

Ozpin: How is that possible?

F/n: Guardians are choosen by the deeds they do in life and the traveler looks into the afterlife to choose.

James: So you come back from the dead?

F/n: Yes but we aren't immortal we can die by a few things. Like in dark zones where respawn impossible or if are ghosts are destroyed. In dark zones fire teams can revive each other.

James: So can you share your technology?

F/n: No I informed Vale Counsel as the Tower set up as Vale the closest Kingdom we are on your side and what we do it bring peace. War is a no go unless were attacked first.

James: Then let share tech information.

F/n: James no and that final. You want my trust earn it due to it being a two way street.

Both Summer and myself leave and we separate as I head to the library and sit above my team watching them play a boardgame until Sun and Neptune walks up

Sun: Sup losers.

I cough and they look at me

Sun: Ladies, Ace, Ice Queen

Weiss: Why do people keep calling me that?

F/n: Your my Ice Queen Weiss.

Weiss: Thanks Fire king.

Yang: So who your friend?

Sun: This my friend Neptune?

Neptune: Aren't Libraries for reading.

F/n+Ren: Thank you.

Both of us look at each other then give a mutual nod of respect as Nora wakes up

Nora: Pancakes.

Sun: Shut up don't be a nerd.

Neptune: It inteletical actually.

Weiss: So where you from?

Neptune gets close to Weiss

Neptune: Haven snow angel.

Weiss see me loading Ace of Spades as she nervously laughing

Weiss: I'm taking Neptune and he currently loading his gun.

Neptune looks up at me as I'm radiating Arc energy as I look at my Crusible buddy Nora who smiling

Nora: We smashing legs?

F/n: We might-

My Ghost appears as Sun and Neptune look at this

Ghost: Guardian Mara Sov requesting you in the Shattered Throne in the Dreaming City. She said it urgent you come and requested you her brother's killer.

Weiss: Wait she wants her brother's killer to go see her in a place alone?

Blake: Agreed not happening.

F/n: Mara aware and forgave me beside she trust me as I married an awoken and she still the queen to them.

Weiss looks at me as she understands

Weiss: May we come with?

F/n: If you don't mind space travel into a place filled with Taken enemies?

Ruby: Are they Hive like?

F/n: Hive, Fallen, Vex, and Cabal back in the Taken War after I killed Crota his Father came and started taken enemies and allies corrupting them. And the Reef royal family was lost Mara was sent to another plane of existence and Uldren was corrupted by Riven to free her pretending to be his sister.

Weiss: How many did you kill?

F/n: Powerful Hive creatures have an Ascended Plane even me since I killed Crota, Oryx, Riven, and many more.

Sun: So you going to see a queen is she hot and single?

F/n: She is definitely but it took a long time to earn her trust so she'll refer you as it.

Sun: Rude.

F/n: All hail the Queen of the Reef.

Weiss: I'm coming with.

Blake: Same.

Ruby: Space trip.

I look at them as my Ghost looks at me

Ghost: Guardian it your call.

F/n: Fine but you must wear armor to protect yourself and not that.

Weiss: Why?

F/n: Well a dress ok but you need to adjust to combat so more armor great and Yang revealing her breasts not armor it desperation.

Yang: Hey you look at these cause Weiss small chested.

Weiss: He-

F/n: My world flat so Weiss my world.

Weiss blushing before I get beside them and start analyzing them of what to wear

F/n: Wiess has to wear Warlock armor, Ruby and Blake Hunter, and Yang Titan.

Weiss: And I'm assuming you have the armor for us prepared.

Neo appears excited as she gets beside Blake and Weiss happily smiling

F/n: Sorry Neo I need you to stay here and cover for us and if your behaved I'll buy you something.

Neo pouts before walking away as Sun, Neptune, Jaune, and myself watch her walk out the library

Neptune: Is she stable?

F/n: Fifty fifty but Ren I'll need you to keep Nora away from her please.

Ren: I'll do my best.

Me and my team head towards the hanger and I hand them custom made Ghosts to borrow for this trip and reveals armor for them

Ruby: Can we keep this armor?

F/n: It was made with your semblances in mind and your Ghosts will keep you alive and will help you find your team when they fall in battle to help revive them.

Yang: Any special features we should know of?

F/n: Yang you can put up a shield to block bullets. Weiss can put a healing rift to heal us. And Ladybug can triple jump as hunters.

They get in the ship and change into their armor before walking out to show me as I blush under my hood

(Dont own this credit goes to the artist.)

Ruby: How we look?

F/n: Amazing ladies.

Gylnda walks in and see us as she accompanied by James

F/n: Witchy and James I'm taking my team out on a mission off planet cause I was summoned by a Queen I'm allied with.

James: Accessed Denied you can't leave with four huntress in training.

F/n: And it Guardian business plus I need someone to cover my back and they volunteer on short noticed.

Gylnda: Just make sure you bring them back alive.

We get in the ship as they see wide variety of ammo as I sit in the cockpit and start up the ship as they sit down in the back strapped in as we take off onto lightspeed until we reach the Dreaming city at the Shattered throne entrance as we land outside and we load up on ammunition before we head inside fighting Taken enemies until we reach Mara Sov

Mara: Hello F/n and who are they?

Weiss steps forward and bows like a princess

Weiss: Weiss Schnee I'm his girlfriend and Alpha of his Harem.

Mara: Harem?

Blake: It means multiple lovers and I'm Blake Belladonna his second girlfriend.

Ruby: Ruby Rose your highness.

Yang: Yang Xiao Long Ruby older sister.

F/n: Together they are Team RWBY I just supervise them.

Mara: So you moved on from Bethany. But wear her mark to remember her.

F/n: Let cut to the chase on why were here Mara Sov.

Mara: I asked for you personally but you came with all girls.

F/n: Were this going?

Mara: The Darkness is coming and so is Oyrx Sisters in the coming months I want you prepared and ready. Cause your light might not be enough you might need to embrace the darkness.

Ghost: Guardian I'll be with you until the end but embracing darkness I'm not sure I can handle it if you do.

F/n: I believe in you as you do for me.

Mara: Also I'm calling in that favor you owe me.

We all look at Mara looking straight at me with a blushing face

Weiss: Your highness what are you implying?

Mara: I been here since the Taken war so I been isolated from the outside world. All I ask is for him to show me his potential after all Guardians do any bounty or patrol requested for rewards.

Weiss: He not that type of guardian he a Vanguard now.

F/n: You can always join in.

Weiss looks flustered and broken as Blake mumbling lewd stuff as Ruby ears are covered by Yang who smirking

Ruby: Yang what going on?

Mara: Young pure innocents about to be ruined.

Yang eyes turn red from normal lilac

Mara: Joking but seriously I'm calling my favor and I want you to head to Earth's moon to get me something in the Crimson Keep from Crota's daughter. I need her essence in this talisman.

F/n: I'll get on that I'll have Zavala send a fireteam in and deliver to you cause I need to get this four home and alive.

Mara: Take them with I'm sure they can handle themselves.

We leave the Shattered Throne and get in the ship to head to Earth's moon to begin a strike as I put the ship on autopilot as I walk in the back to debrief the mission as I'm holding the talisman

F/n: Ok Huntresses this is a simple Guardian Strike and retrieval mission. Mind your spacing and watching your surroundings aswell call your shots these Hive aren't like the nest on Remnant. So ladies you been curious about why Guardians are different this is why.

We land outside the keep and we run inside the keep as the fun begins and when we reach Crota's Daughter Hashladûn and after the fight of weakening her she on the ground as I draw Ace of Spades and put it near her head

F/n: Tell Daddy I said hi.

I fire into her skull as her essence absorbed into the talisman and we quickly get back into the ship to go back to Mara as Weiss sitting on my lap in the cockpit resting her head on my chest

Weiss: So much killing and you do this daily.

F/n: It my duty beside your the Heiress of a Company and a Huntress in training can you handle both jobs.

Weiss: With you I can. Beside when we get home we're going to have a talk about are future.

F/n: Weiss you know Guardians don't age after we come back from the dead. So I'll be eighteen when your a ol-

Weiss: Don't you even say that word.

I kiss her on her lips as she kissing me back while blushing before pulling my lips away

F/n: Plus think Weiss Schnee as an old lady having a young stud like me making her feel young in bed might sound fun.

Weiss: You... I can't be mad at you as your too cute. But agreed unless you destory your ghost you'll age but still be a Vanguard leader.

F/n: I could but I'll need a successor when I'm ready to retire.

We reach the Dreaming City and make are way back to Mara and deliver her the talisman before leaving back to the ship to head to Remnant and land at Beacon before heading to are dorm to crash without taking off are equipment we just crash after all the fighting and running we did

Cinder's pov

I look out my window at Beacon to see F/n and those girls return all exhausted I follow them to their dorm and I hear them crashing

Cinder: Did they pass out?

I open the door as it not locked just to see the Schnee girl and a Faunus girl cuddling him on each side with Neo on top but stop approaching when I see a barrel pointing at me and see him looking at me noticing me from my eyes but can't see my face due to the light behind me

F/n: Your the employer I heard about I have to say not impressed. So Candle Queen get out this room or I'll have to explain why we have a dead body in the room. We can talk tomorrow if we both agree no mischief and talk.

I nod before leaving and shuts the door to head to my dorm then I realized he asked me out so he has to see my face after catching me trying to snoop around I quickly contact Watt through a call

Watt: Yes child?

Cinder: The Hunter more tricky then expected I tried to do a dream brainwashing after he returned from wherever he went but he asked me out to talk as he was expecting me to show up.

Watt: It your issue not mine.

Cinder: If I fail in bringing him in I'll tell Salem you refused to help me.

Watt: Take him to lunch and seduce him.

Cinder: It not that easy he has a Schnee girlfriend aswell a Faunus and traitor.

Watt: I'll ask Hazel or Tyrion to watch you I'm going back to bed.

He hangs up as I get ready for bed and in my sleep I see in my dreams of F/n walking up to me branding his Ace painted gun and aims it at me as I look around to see the heiress Weiss Schnee shot by one of my arrows in the skull and when I look up at him he showing anger with Salem behind him

Salem: Kill her like she killed your lovers.

Cinder: Mistress Salem save me I'm the Fall maiden.

F/n: Cinder Fall you took everything from me. My friends, my lovers, and you destoryed Beacon.

He shoots me in the skull forcing me to wake up as I sit up then I notice he in my room tossing a knife into the air repeatedly as I look to see it three in the morning

F/n: I said we'd talk now I'll be outside waiting for you to get ready so I we can talk False Maiden.

I look at him confused before he leaves my room and think back to my dream as it a warning for me to not piss him off and I quickly get dressed in my normal attire and go for the window to flee just to see another guardian but female aiming a sword at my throat

Huntress: I'd listen to F/n so other way.

I go to the door just to see him with Mercury and Emerald tied up before looking at me

F/n: You three are to follow me I'm taking you somewhere but you can't peak or I'll rip your eyes out.

He puts blind folds on us and ties me up next to my subordinates before dragging us forcing us to walk and I try to use my maiden's power but I stop when I hear a gun cocking

F/n: Lady just don't. Summer can you drive cause I know your a rookie but you must have some driving and flying experience?

Summer: Yes I can fly.

He boards us on something and straps us in before removing my blindfold and I see a a older version of Ruby enter the cockpit but my attention on F/n

F/n: Cinder Fall you think I wasn't aware of you coming to Beacon?

Cinder: Neo told you didn't she.

F/n: No just a hunch cause Neo cared for Roman and if I said he was safe and alive she was ok with it. So it was a matter of time before you showed up plus I'm good with recognizing facial features.

Emerald: What do you know about us?

F/n: Kids Mommy and Daddy are talking. But Cinder I believe you can change after all your a pawn yourself.

Cinder: I'm no paw-

F/n: You where mumbling in your sleep and what caught my attention was Mistress Salem before waking up.

I look at him shocked before he puts the blindfold back on me and we land before getting us out and dragged somewhere before put against something and are blindfolds are removed to see he has us surrounded by a firing squad readying to take aim

F/n: It be easy to just kill you three but that not my call. So let strike a deal?

Cinder: A deal?

F/n: If not I'm afraid you won't leave here alive or at all as you'll be imprisoned. A murderer, a thief, and a megalomaniac.

Cinder: Let talk in private then just us two alone.

F/n: If they try anything you think they can beat all these Guardians while avoiding are snipers who are hidden far away from sight.

Cinder: You two stay put and behave he has us pinned and out gunned.

We head inside a building and we sit at a table as he looks into my eyes with his own

F/n: Here the deal you don't destroy Beacon or hurt my friends and I won't be your judge, jury, or executioner. Aswell information on this Salem.

He tapping his left fingers on the table as I see Roman Torchwick drinking coffee relaxing this early in the morning out the corner of my left eye

F/n: Don't focus on him only on me.

Roman: I'd listen trust me.

Cinder: You have him here living in a city that being built by criminals of Human and Faunus kind, why?

F/n: Second chances are earned and he doing community service by helping build a town with houses and businesses while we Gaurdians focus on are Tower. Beside Roman likes it here cause he doesn't have to hide or steal he treated like a child in a orphanage. So are deal?

Cinder: Do I get to leave if I promise to uphold your end if ask of you on my part of the deal?

F/n: What would you like me to do or give you?

Cinder: The remaining Fall maiden powers and Ozpin killed and Beacon can stay standing.

F/n: I see you had a rough childhood but I don't want to be your enemy I want you to trust me. This Salem chick would rather enslave everyone under you and Ozpin wants to stop her I don't know how.

Cinder: You sound just like them then.

I look at him as he has a look of sadness

F/n: Cinder a Guardian is forbidden to dig into their past as it will change them to see if they were good or bad in their first life.

I look intrigued by this and listens in

F/n: I was raised by an alcoholic father who'd beat me daily since I was three years old and when I was five I was forced to cook for him every mealtime and had to eat scraps of the floor like a dog. So when I turned thirteen I ran away doing anything I could do to survive even if I had to harm others. And by the time I hit eighteen I made name for myself doing stealth jobs until my last job was my death I was to steal something but I was ambushed and killed to be left to die alone not knowing the feeling of love as my father blamed me for my Mother death when I was born but she had a disease that killed her but brought life in her darkest moment.

I look at him amazed that he been through so much I go to say something

F/n: But I woke up to be a guardian may years after I was dead to find my name only to have more pain happening but in my second life I found love and felt it only to lose my family.

I see him hold a cloth on his wrist before pulling a necklace with two wedding rings on it

F/n: So am I like them or better cause I see suffering and try my best to help rid it. I'm selfless that way, so deal or not?

Cinder: Deal but we must be protected.

He gets up and I look at him

F/n: You made a deal with a hunter and if you betray this deal I'll kill you slow and painful.

He leaves before I follow him to Emerald and Mercury being pushed in a ship as he gets in before I walk in

Cinder: F/n why you letting us leave?

F/n: I refuse to leave you here cause you might do something so we're returning to Beacon and you'll turn yourself in to Ozpin.

Cinder: Then what we rot in prison?

F/n: That all up to you.

We head back to Beacon as I watch him sit down with his eyes closed as I sit beside him before I see Emerald signaling me to slit his throat and when I look back to his face I see his eyes open as we quickly land and leave to see Atlas Military and Ironwood waiting at sunrise

Cinder: You promised are safety.

F/n: I did but James here thought showing his military power would get him laid but said no this is so we can get to Ozpin's office with no issues as he doesn't trust me.

Ironwood: And I'll refuse to still trust you.

We head to Ozpin's office as us three are handcuffed and F/n stays beside us even in the elevator until were face to face with Ozpin

Ozpin: So these are Amber's assailants? Miss Fall you stolen Amber the true fall maidens power so we could either return it or Ironwood would do any means necessary to retrieve that power from you?

F/n: Ozpin I made this arrest don't forget beside we made a deal. I offer her protection and she won't do anything to your school or students.

Ozpin: F/n you may leave as this is a serious matter.

F/n: Ozpin I understand that Cinder stole Amber powers. But I refuse to let some General torture someone to death so let my people handle this beside from what I know you allowed this to happen by not having someone protecting her to begin with.

I look at him defending us while blushing before both the General and himself point their guns at each other

F/n: Ozpin tell James to stand down or something regrettable happens.

James: Ozpin he a threat to Remeant like those suppose Guardians how do we know he not evil.

F/n: I serve the light as it gun of justice to gun down those who follow the path of darkness.

Ozpin: Both of you stand down I'm sure Mister L/n here has a plan to solve this peacefully.

Both of them put their guns away before everyone looks at us and he uncuff us

F/n: Cinder will have the Maiden power removed but not how James was going to do it. You see I can travel in time with Vex technology so I need to travel to a planet with Vex on it to capture one to pick it circuits.

Ozpin: What are Vex?

F/n: Something not great but this planet doesn't have Vex presence at all. So I need to head to Nessus beside I'll be bringing a AI who had a nice personality and a negative one.

A little drone appears beside F/n

Drone: You don't mean Failsafe right?

F/n: Ghost I love hearing you two argue it cute your like a married couple.

He leaves as we follow him to his dorm and when we enter we see the Schnee, a cat faunus, and Neo looking at him angrily and before they move to kill him

F/n: I'll take you all on a date separately.

They smile before kicking him out with us to get ready and assort for their dates

Cinder: What just happened?

F/n: You saw the "Use F/n as a body pillow" trio. But I felt rage I was with two more beautiful ladies.

Emerald: So they'll kill you if they see you with more?

F/n: Em I'm not afraid to smack the bitch out of you.

Cinder: You can smack me anyti-

He walks away dragging Mercury with him and we enter the dorm to see those three in in their bra and panties looking through clothes as I see those two relaxing under a tree reading comics and books

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