Guardain vs Yor and Pro life begins

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F/n's pov

Neo stands beside me as I'm looking at the Ace Ops and my harem with a confident smirk on my face

F/n: Ok this operation a simple elimination mission every huntsmen and huntresses must do. Stick close to your teammates and call your kills, but mind your spacing and watch your partner back.... All right let do this thing.... Woohooooo!

I jump out the transport with Neo as where excited like during Beacon's initation at are drop zone and we land safely due to Neo umbrella weapon Hush as we watch everyone else landing strategy and when everyone lands we go inside are entrances and I see Thorn bullet holes as I get my scroll out and contact everyone

F/n: Everyone get on high alert Tiffany Yor here!

Weiss (scroll): What do you mean here, like in the mines with us?

F/n: Everyone if you see her alert everyone no heroic actions just find cover and wait I'll deal with her.

I put my scroll away after warning everyone of the danger as I look at Harriet and Neo as I aim Ace of Spades forward while using my tracker from my ghost

Harriet: Who this Yor person?

F/n: A serial killer like her daddy and I killed him with my old fireteam as I'm the last Guardian still has light and alive.

Harriet: Wait light? And alive?

F/n: A Guardian without the light can't resurrect and do alot of the feats without powers. And without are powers were vulnerable and easily killed I seen comrades die without their light.

Harriet: So you can di-

I push Neo and Harriet down as a sniper was fired and I keep them down behind a truck

Tiffany: Damnit I missed the icecream girl.

I take a quick peek and I find her straight ahead of us with Grimm guarding her with Icebreaker

F/n: Ok you two don't panic!

Harriet: How did you know she was firing a sniper at us?

F/n: Experience in Crusible cause their always a sniper main and can go almost flawless with getting killed. But that gun was lost so how does she have that gun?

I look at a worried looking Neo and Harriet gets beside me as I draw Ace of Spades and hold my new knife as I roll out and fire two bullets at the Grimm protecting her before throwing my knife at a fired bullet but it cut through like butter and jams the rifle as I roll into a kneeling position aiming Ace of Spades ahead at Tiffany as she aiming Thorn at me

F/n: Neo and Harriet go on ahead I'll handle this and don't worry Neo I'll come out alive.

Harriet: You insane she disrupting a Military operation and if she a serial killer she needs to stand trail.

F/n: She a Guardian operation and it personal for her to fight me.

Tiffany: Run away little Hare and Cream Whore I'll see you soon.

They get triggered at those insults and get ready to charge Tiffany but I step in front of them

F/n: Now I'm mad Tiffany no one insults my girlfriends and live to tell about it.

I start firing as she doing the same while were dodging each other bullets by moving around fast until we hit each other critical as I see her ghost going to heal her but I use my glove to retract my knife and her ghost destroyed and she falls over slightly healed in her right hand as I stand up fully healed and approach her

Tiffany: You... destroyed my life and now your going to... kill me like all you Guardians do is kill with threats.

I kick Thorn away from her and aim Ace of Spades down at her forehead

F/n: Any last words or repent your sins and guilt?

Tiffany: Last words?...... Yeah, how your wife?

I move Ace of Spades slightly away and fires taking her left ear off slight and she clutches it before I handcuff her arms behind her back

Harriet: What going to happen to her now?

F/n: She left bodies in Anima so Mistral police would be happy that Atlas caught her, wouldn't you say?

I look at Harriet as she looks confused at me like I have an angle with this

Harriet: What are you getting at?

F/n: Nothing Hare just stating an obvious point.

Marrow (scroll): Oh just kiss already.

RWBY (scroll): Neo don't let it happen!

Harriet: No way I'm kissing a lawless cowboy.

F/n: Nope cause one bombshell enough I don't need two.

Neo nodding as she gets beside me and we escort Tiffany out and I sit her down gently before treating her left ear

Tiffany: Why did you kill my father?

F/n: Why did your dad killed countless Guardians is it cause he chose to or was it cause he wanted to do it?

Tiffany: He choose to cause your people hated him.

F/n: I respected him before he started killing Guardians. But I regretted it Tiffany I really did cause I respect your dad before he became a infamous murderer of Guardians.

Tiffany looks at me with a speechless expression and looking into my eyes

F/n: Now you can either take prison or repentance in isolation in disguise helping others just don't speak or see your face.

Tiffany: I want some time to think.

I sit beside her and Neo sits on my lap and I hold her lovingly as she nuzzles my neck with her head

Ruby's pov

My team just watched with JNR the Ace Ops beat the Geist and head outside as we see Tiffany being loaded in a bullhead in cuffs and Neo twirling Thorn while sitting on are boyfriend lap

F/n: How was your guys day?

Ruby: You arrested her and not kill her?

F/n: She powerless and I arrested her as she posed no threat anymore.

Weiss: And Neo has Thorn now, why?

F/n: Look at this face and tell me you can't say no to it.

We look at her face and we see she smiling innocently with puppy eyes

Blake: Weak minded man to a woman charm.

Harriet: She'll never see the light of day again as she going to be held for life in prison.

F/n: Unless I say otherwise Hare cause she my prisoner and I have to take her to a special prison called the Prison of Elders.

Clover: But she a murderer and must stand trail.

F/n: Your laws differentiates from Guardian's laws but she will have a trail and gets what coming to her. Just not through Atlas but through the Vanguard.

Harriet: What makes you so different with the laws?

Ironwood comes over to us with his arms behind his back

Ironwood: Cause even his people have laws and rights. I seen the Tower and their technologically advanced and non hostile to Remnant.

Weiss: Oh no!

We look to see a Schnee logo ship coming to land and Neo hops off F/n lap and gets beside us as he gets beside Ironwood to see Weiss's father coming towards them

F/n: Hello Jacques, how have you been?

Weiss's dad: I see your not arrested for being a Criminal Terrorist like the faunus of the White Fang.

F/n: The White Fang are no longer doing violent protests for equal rights that was promised to them and me a terrorist check in on your facts before you stand in a old style gunfight without your gun. And your trespassing on a military operation site, so please leave or you'll be removed.

Ironwood: Well Jacques you heard him and if your running for the counsil seat you shouldn't be starting trouble involving yourself in a military operation as a cilvizan.

Weiss's dad: You haven't heard the last of me Gaurdian cause after I get elected I'm banning your kind from Mantle. Weiss I see you came back and joined up with your sister.

F/n: My vote on Robyn Hill then cause Mantle such a beautiful place.

Weiss's dad leaves after glaring at the General and F/n one last time before he hugs Weiss as Winter pulls up and we stare at her before Penny shows up with confetti


F/n: First of all I'm confused, and second adorable cinnamon roll just adorable.

Penny: I guess I am adorable, so am I your girlfriend like my friends?

Weiss: As alpha female we need to discuss this so Neo get over here with your scroll of her pros and cons.

We huddle up as F/n chatting with Penny and Winter to keep them occupied as we look at Weiss

Ruby: She friendly but she clingy.

Yang: Like you sis but remember she a android so she can crush him.

Neo's scroll: Megaton whale I don't like it or want her Ice Queen.

Weiss gives Neo a look of disapproval as I look over at F/n who peek over snickering at Weiss out of her view of sight

Ruby: Well I think Penny should join as it will be an experience for her.

Blake: I don't cause his body could take so much with my libido image her getting her alone time after a birds and the bees talk.

Yang: Agreed kitten.

Neo's scroll: I say give her a chance but she can't join are orgy as Blake said her libido.

Weiss: Damn I'm the tiebreaker but what the hell she can join but she must be supervised.

Yang: Right so you ladies wanna get a matching ace tattoo on us?

Neo's scroll: Sure but are colored themed!

Yang: Neo your a genius!

Ruby: Red, White, Black, Yellow, and Icecreamed themed tattoos yes please!

Winter: What this I'm hearing about tattoos?

Weiss: Harem exclusive sister but Penny in as it was put to a vote.

Yang: Why not have Schneester in the harem he has Ruby and myself?

Weiss: My sister already has a career she won't be sharing him.

Winter: You'll share with other sisters but not your own that fine he not my type anyway.

F/n: Relax Winter she'll come around to you joining eventually.

We head up to Amity as F/n approaches so technology carts with Guardians and the Exo gunsmith Max-3

Max: F/n it good to see your still alive and I brought five of each class and a new gun for you.

Max hands F/n a sniper rifle design to look like his paint job with his bond holding on the scope as an attachment and he aims with it and holds it as it looks heavy

F/n: What it name and catalog as?

Max: Vocal bond and exotic my friend now I got to head to the tower to help prepare stock.

Max leaves on a Guardian style transport ship as he looks at the Guardians of Humans, Exos, Awokens, and Faunuses

F/n: Listen up everyone cause this is important to listen so listen up or no mission. The General was kind enough to open the borders up for us but it your job to help around with security and defence mostly you Titans.

Awoken Titan: You say that as it means I'm going to do everything carrying these twats.

F/n: Shut it and deal with it Titan. Hunters I need you to help in the security from the shadows. And Warlocks I need you to help around with resource transport or security services. Any questions?

Guardians: No sir!

Ironwood and the Ace Ops approach as F/n snickers at Harriet who scowls at him as Marrow smiles

Ironwood: Like Penny said congratulation your now huntsmen and huntresses after everything you ever did leading up to this moment.

F/n: I like to say they might say they're ready but in reality they aren't until they find a balance of their professional life now.

Ironwood: Which is why I'm registering you as Huntsmen and Huntresses of Atlas and F/n's Guardians will help you with this discrete operation to turn Amity into a transit tower to reconnect with the world.

We look at are new scrolls to see are student licences turn into Huntsmen and Huntresses licences as F/n looking at the stuff to tinker with with his ghost beside him

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