Hunter's Past

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In the past before the Golden Age no one pov location Earth

I young lone adult wearing a hooded stealth outfit twirling a knife in his hand after running away waiting for his client for his heist and when his client arrives he surrounded by armed men in case the teen was up to something but in reality they were to gun him down after all he stole countless items from his family prior

Client: You the best teenage theif around, F/n L/n?

The younger adult looks at his older male client then his armed men with automatic assault rifles in hand aimed at him

F/n: Depends who asking?

Client: I have a easy job for you and that is to steal a priceless item from a rival family that was stolen weeks ago. And I'll pay any expenses you want.

F/n: So steal a stolen object back interseting, well you have a deal on my pay sir just be ready when I message you when I complete my job. Location of my heist.

The client gives F/n the adress and item description he lefts since he knows location he can make quick work with the money he can give to the less fortunate as he focuses on his heist plotting the timing of everyone inside his previous client home

Time skip after the heist

F/n arrived at the specified rendezvous my client suggested as as this heist almost killed and when he arrive and see his client and when he approach him he raise his left hand

Client: You done well but seeing how you almost got killed doing your heist it be a shame if the tipster didn't finish you off.

F/n notice his armed guards surround him and he drop the priceless pearl as he fired at from all vital organs in his body and he see the light

F/n: I'm.... coming....

F/n close my eyes to walk into the light with no regret of he life choices

Time skip F/n's pov

I feel strange like something missing but I hear a faint voice nearby

Voice: Guardian, Guardian wake up... please wake up.

I open my eyes and see a floating thing above me

Voice: Thanks the stars it work and your alive but we can't waste anymore time I have to get you out of here.. but in sort I'm a Ghost or in simpler terms your Ghost.

He disappears and I get up as I notice my surroundings as my ghost warns me of the dangers and I fight my way to a ship and I take it to the Last City and when I land I look around with my hood up and head down until I bump into a Awoken woman in armor and a exo from description in a robe beside her

Armored Woman: Hunter what are you doing? Aren't you going to apploagize?

F/n: Sorry for bumping into you. I'm new out the grave and confused beside I'm looking for a exo called Cayde-6.

Robed Exo: Down the stairs in the meeting room.

I walk away after thanking the exo and go meet Cayde-6 and the meeting was also with a Human Warlock and a Awoken Titan like the chick from before

Cayde-6: You fresh out of the grave well get used to never resting again. Oh where are my manners I'm the Vanguard leader of the Hunters and I'm the best at what I do.

Titan: Cayde your new hunter should join up in a mission in the Cosmodrome. Just some Patrols and Lost Sectors nothing more.

I look towards the Titan Vanguard leader with Cayde-6 looking unamused and giving a really face before I see that Titan and Warlock coming in I met prior to this meeting

Armored Woman: Commander Zavala you called me and Max-3?

Zavala: Yes this is your newest squad member just take him back down to the Comsodrome to adjust to his second life, Bethany treat him well.

I walk upto her and offer my hand to give a handshake and she accepts it as I keep my hood up covering my face

Time skip to the Comsodrome

We land outside the Comsodrome and I see Max-3 pull out a sniper rifle and aims down to scout ahead while Bethany start loading an assault rifle and I'm loading my shotgun  before we head forward to get a few patrols to get glimmer, resources, armor and weapons from eliminated targeted fallen or hive enemies as I'm using a hand cannon to travel light only while were traversing some Lost Sectors having a good time

Bethany: Ok Rookie let return to the tower.

F/n: I'm having a good time Beth just let me enjoy myself.

Bethany: Listen to your squad leader rookie and let go now.

We head back to the Tower as Bethany heads to deliver the get are next mission but I go to Banshee-44 to shop to browse as Max-3 beside me watching me like a hawk

Max: Why you browsing not buying an of these weapons?

F/n: Assult rifles I have a disdain for some reason and I rather travel light so hand cannon only.

Max: Your right on the point but Bethany wants her squad members to pull her weight with damage then priority. That why I use a sniper rifle and my Nova Bomb at a distance.

I go look around the Tower to familiarize myself with it and I find a spot I can rest as I plant myself in my spot above the Speaker at the North Tower and as soon as I goto close my eyes my ghost appears to see I'm trying to relax

Ghost: Guardian your needed at the Tower's Hanger it important you can rest later.

F/n: Damn I'm trying to relax.

I get down and head to the Hanger on the other side of the Tower as Bethany eyeing me while Max-3 checking his sniper rifle as I salute them both with two fingers

Bethany: About time hunter now we have a strike mission outside these very walls.

We head to Old Russia into the House of Devil from the Fallen Devil's Lair and when we land we quickly get to work

Time skip a few years

It been a solid few years since I came back from the dead and I did some research on my past and found out I was like Robin Hood with my heist money until I was gunned down on my last job but I'm excited Beth and myself are happily married after many Crusible fights after are disputes after a mission on what we could've done and on are way to kill a Hive god with two other titans and one other warlock on Earth's moon with it being a Raid we need strong light and six guardians and when we land I take a look at my blueberry with a smirk

F/n: Hey Blueberry, when we get home can I get some pie?

Beth: If your behave Hotshot.

Max: Don't mind them you three they do this all the time.

We start head into the Hellmouth and follow the Stills and everything was going fine but when we reached Crota everything was literally Hell on the Moon (First timers on the raid with no outsider help am I right?) we get pinned down with no room to return fire back as the other Warlock gets ballsy and try get us ground but dies after trying to self resurrect and loses his ghost as his fire team shouts an anger and frustration

Beth: Listen Max and F/n I'm going to place a bubble out there and that be your chance to move forward and ready your Nova Bomb and Golden Gun on those swordberers. You two titans stay put after your idoit of a warlock got himself kill you need time to get your shit together.

Titans nod their head in agreement as Beth charges out and place a Bubble as Max and myself join her inside and I jump towards my beloved and she hoists me high in the air as I use my Way of the Sharpshooter and fire at the closet Hive Swordbearer to as the sword drops and Crota locks eyes with me as I land back in the bubble

Beth: Max your up use the sword to hurt the son of a bitch.

Max runs out the bubble as Beth using her assult rifle and me a hand cannon to keep the fire on us as we dodge and weave the bullets and when Max deals the damage to Crota he gets knocked back and heavily damaged and his ghost goes to repair him but it destroyed cause both me and Beth to get distracted Crota separates us with a sword swing and I take crack shots at him to lure him away from my love but I'm slash to near death and I refuse my ghost to come out and Beth protect me with a bubble as she hardens it

Beth: Sweetie I love you and I'm sorry I didn't listen to you this time... but live for me.

I look at Beth scared as Crota impales through the bubble into my Blueberry as I finally snap and active my Golden Gun and fire at Crota after the bubble went down after the other two Titans rejoin me and when Crota on his last breath I start beating him down with the butt of my hand cannon without mercy until those two pull me away but I get the Last Word with said Last Word fired into his skull and Max approaches me grieving before we carry are dead out to bury and mourn

Time skip to Earth

Max stands beside me standing over my beloved grave as I'm wearing her Avenger Mark on my left wrist and are wedding rings around my neck as my hood up to protect me from the rain that falling

Max: I'm sorry she didn't make it and I'm sorry I lost my light leaving you alone in the fight.

F/n: Max she was pregnant and was too stupid to listen to me to not take this mission. And I was right you believe it she actually admitted I was right.

I start laughing but not in joy but in pain as Max puts his left hand on my right shoulder to comfort me until I calm myself

Max: How about we go get some ramen?

F/n: I'll join you in a bit buddy beside cause you need a job now while I'm a Guardian.

Max: I'll work with Banshee-44 in the gun shop.

We parted ways a few days after he gave me his Blood Maturity Bond and I put it on my left arm as I'm currently in orbit as he way to busy with the shop to hang out with and when I go in the planet I head to the Comsodrome to kill Fallen and Hive enemies

Time skip to after the events of Taken King in the Red War

I head to the Tower with great haste after my call with Max was suddenly dropped when we finally were on speaking terms and when I arrive I see Cabal attacking and I make my way slowly and we meet up with Cayde

Ghost: Cayde..

Cayde: Yeah... Hang on!

He fires off his Golden Gun like an Outlaw and twirls Ace of Spades before looking at me

Cayde: Ace get to Zavala I got a date with the one behind this.

He jumps and disappears and thus began the red war I was being awesome like Cayde-6 kicking ass and firing bullets

Time skip to Remnant

I'm currently in class drawing a Assult Rifle design for my beloved Blueberry to build as Ruby watching me after doing Crescent Rose maintenance as I'm making it a Void weapon

Ruby: Need help F/n?

I pack up and leave to the tower to think and get parts to build Starblue Revenge as I see Max at the shop as are weapon vendor

Max: Hey buddy long time no see?

F/n: I have a weapon I want build for her anniversary.

I hand Max the blueprint and he looks at it impressed

Max: If I could I be smiling right now but buddy I'll have it built by the Vytal Festival first round.

F/n: Thanks Max I really mean it. Anyway I gotta go back to school before what you two did to me in Crusible look like mercy compared to three girlfriends.

I head back to Beacon and when I land I'm greeted by Gylnda Goodwitch

Gylnda: I get your a Guardian but running out of class ear-

I look her in her Emerald eyes and clutch Beth's mark and she gets the hint as why I did it

Gylnda: Her anniversary coming up isn't it?

I nod then head to my teams dorm and when I arrive a blonde man hugging Ruby and Yang as Summer with them after her mission to scout the increasing Grimm activity outside Vale's borders as I head to Ozpin's office and breathes out a heavy sign as I notice Team CFVY with me and only Velvet concerned about my well being as we enjoy the ride in complete silence

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