Welcome To The Multiverse

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???: "OW!!"

(The story opens up to see Jake's Harem have somehow transported into a huge theater and landed in a large pile of each other. They were doing their usual things at Beacon until they were soon appeared in a theater.)

Rainbow: "What the heck happened!?"

Nora: "I don't know!" [pushes Blake off her] "Me and Rin were on our way to get some pancakes from the cafeteria and then, poof! Blake's ass was in my face!"

Sunset: "Uhh, girls?" [looks around] "Where are we?"

(The girls look around as they saw a huge coach with foods and drinks in the food section and a huge flat-screen TV on stage.)

Ruby: "Why is there a big TV in here?"

Applejack: "But back to Sunset's question, y'all. Where are we?"

Fluttershy: [timidly] "B-but most importantly, where's Jake?"

(As she asked this, everyone looked around to see Jake is not with them and they were calling for them with worriedly.)

Pyrrha: "Oh no! Where's Jake!?"

Velvet: "Jake, where are you!?"

Joan: "Oh, crap! I forgot to pay my lil' bro 100 lien after losing a bet in the game."

???: "Do not fret, everyone. Jake is just fine."

(Everyone look to see a source of a voice coming from the stage and on stage comes in an all-powerful being of the multiverse who has a small smile on her face.)

Najimi Ajimu

Yang: [angry; with her eyes turning from lilac to red.] "Who are you!? What have you done to our boyfriend!? I'll make you regret taking us away from him!"

(Yang tried to activate her semblance, but it didn't work and her Ember Celiac is back in her team's dorm back at Beacon. Both teams doesn't have any of their weapons or activating their semblances, either.)

Ajimu: "Calm down, I said. I have no intention of harming all of you. Your weapons are back at Beacon and you can't use your semblance here unless it's important. Let me introduce myself, my name is-"

(Before she continues, she was interrupted when she got hit by rocks and Ajimu see's Nora and Pinkie holding rocks to an all-powerful being.)

Ajimu: "HEY!! Stop that! Where in the world did you two get those rocks!?"

(Nora and Pinkie gave Ajimu an innocent look and giggles sheepishly at her.)

Pinkie: "I don't know."

Nora: "I don't know, either."

Ajimu: "Well, stop that! That hurt, y'know!"

Rarity: "Why are we here, darling?"

Ajimu: "As I was saying, my name is Najimi Ajimu, an all-powerful being in all of the multiverse. And before I explain, does anyone know about the multiverse theory?"

Twilight: "I do, I do!"

Rainbow: "Ah, great. Here comes the Egghead's talk."

Twilight: "The multiverse theory is that there are multiple dimensions where they are any and every single possibility is endless. There could be hundreds or thousands or infinite universes, in simple term."

Ajimu: "That's correct. Now, what if I tell you that it's all true?"

Weiss: "I would say you are full of it."

Ruby: "Where's Jake?"

Ajimu: "He's still back at Beacon, don't worry. Your friend, Jake, is a perfect candidate for the multiverse theory."

Blake: "What do you mean?"

Coco: "Then why bring us here all of a sudden outta nowhere instead of just showing yourself and ask us to come quietly? We were kinda busy."

Ajimu: "To show you what can happen to a boy you know change in one of various universes, and he's a perfect candidate for it."

Pyrrha: "My love will be the same guy I know. Sweet, kind and adorable. Nothing can get to him."

Ajimu: "Are you sure about that, Nikos? Cuz I highly doubt it. You all thought that every Jake will be the same? No, you are going to see and react different versions of Jake in one of these universes."

Rin: "This is interesting. How different are we talking about?"

Ajimu: "There's a universe where he's a superhero and save the world, another where he's a bad guy and rules the world, another where he's neutral between good and evil. Hell, there's even a universe where he's a genius inventor."

Weiss: [eyes widen; surprise] "H-h-how?"

Ajimu: "Like I said, infinite universes are endless. Everything is possible. Jake can be anything, for example: Ninja, hedgehog, cyborg, god, angel, demon, dragon warrior, superhero, you name it! Jake has versions of them all!"

(That made the girls think and feel excited at the same time, as Jake is becoming more popular by the second.)


Ajimu: [chuckle] "Of course, Nora. However, before you all can watch these different versions of your boyfriend, I want to let you all know that some may be disturbing, scary, gory, merciless, and scenes that are lewd. And remember, every actions you'll take for Jake may have effects on one of these universes. Hell, even your actions will have effect on Jake back at your universe."

(Everyone nodded as Ajimu completely inform them on what would happen to Jake and they're pretty glad that they were kind of to their bf or else something worse would happen to him.)

Ajimu: "Now then, I'm going to set everything up. Meanwhile, why don't you all go on and get some refreshments on the food section and have a seat while I'd work?"

(Everyone nodded as they slowly walked up to the food section and each get some refreshments as they collected all kinds of food and drinks they like before heading to their seats.)

Yang: [sat down with a plate of pizza in her hand and saw Ruby's plate filled with chocolate chip cookies on them and some milk.] "Ruby, dad said eating too much cookies is bad for your teeth."

Ruby: "Aww! Come on, Yang! Cookies are my favorite!" [eats some cookies like an animal.]

Weiss sighed softly as she grabs her refreshments and sat down on the couch with Blake by her side with her own refreshments. Team JNPR then takes their seats with their refreshments, then Coco and Velvet, then the Mane 7 afterwards.)

Ruby: [squeals] "Ooh, I can't wait to watch!"

Yang: "Haha! You're not the only one, lit' sis!"

Nora: "YEAH! I can't wait to watch our Jake break some legs!"

Rin: [sigh] "Nora..."

Pyrrha: [giggle] "I'm looking forward to this, as well."

Fluttershy: "I just hope Jake is going to be okay without us back in our universe."

Pinkie: "I'm sure he's fine, Flutters. Maybe, in later chapters, Ajimu can bring our Jake over here quick when we get the chance to ask her."

Sunset: "What are you talking about, Pinkie?"

Pinkie: "Oh, nothing! I'm just so excited!"

Rainbow: [chuckle] "You're not the only one, Pinkie."

(Everyone stopped talking when they saw Ajimu walked in on stage with a remote floating beside her head.)

Ajimu: "Is everyone ready to react?"

(Everyone nodded in excitement as some of them continue to eat their food.)

Ajimu: "All right. Here's the first universe!"

End of chapter.

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