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Alex pov

We got our gear as we see rwby and jnpr plus the rest even stralph

Ruby:what's happening

Me:its the sith's they must of track us. We have to protect the school

Everyone ran in the front and see everyone from the school fighting there were explosion,gunfire everything

Wolf:this is too must!

Phantom:you think this is new!

Wolf:technically yes but here no!

Carnage:guys focus!

Venom:well let's not stand here LET'S SMASH

everyone attack the sith's leave the rematch to carnage and the apprentice

Starkiller:hello carnage


Starkiller:call me starkiller and prepare to die

Me:trust me I've been itching for this rematch

No pov

Both carnage and starkiller collided with each other hitting saber and blade testing each others strengths

Starkiller:I've see your weapon is saber proof

Me:you may have got lucky the first time but I'm not going down so easy

They both go into a duel hiting sabers against blade. Carnage get distracted by seeing the rest fighting then carnage senses kick in he looks to see starkiller in the air like last time but carnage blocked it with his robot arm but luckily his arm did not get chop off carnage grabbed starkiller's neck choking him with the robot arm but he force pushed carnage away. As starkiller dose a air stab carnage rolled out of the way they both get on there feet panting each breath

Starkiller:i misjudged you your better than I thought

Carnage:like i said you got lucky last time

Carnage looked to see wolf get thrown across the the field by a mech but then venom dropkick it making it stumble forward he turned back and starkiller slash his back then force pushed him so hard that he hit the wall he jumped in the air stab one of his lightsabers in his left arm and sinks it all the way through and force chokes him

Starkiller:your skill are great but you have so much to learn

Before he could finish carnage ruby tackles starkiller she swings her shyth at him but starkiller ducks and slashed her leg and stomach leavening marks she falls to the ground in pain then wolf runs in and kicks him and stabed him with his knive but ends up getting slash at his chest. He walks back up to carnage and raised his saber up and was going to stab him


She runs up to carnage and something bad happens


I see starkiller raising his lightsaber about to kill me so I just closed my eyes waiting when I heard it hit something i opened my eyes and see......yang with the saber in her stomach


He pulls the saber out of her and she falls to the ground

Starkiller:haha how does it feel carnage seeing your lover die in front of you!

I changed into demon fire knight

Demon carnage:you will pay!

I grabbed him by the leg and started to slam him to the ground over and over then I grabbed him by the throat and kept hiting him to the face once I think he had enough i throw him to the ground and transform back. I run to yang

Me:yang I'm so sorry I should of-

Yang:It's okay i-i'm going to be fine. I love you

I was crying so hard I've never cryed this hard since the death of my parents now my wife. Then I remembered something

Me:(remembering what dad said) you can bite someone like a vampire they might be part demon but if you come to that than do it

Me:no i won't let you die

I picked her up carrying her back in the school while everyone else was still fighting. The building was quiet i lay her down on a table i looked at her

Me:dad you better be right

So I gave her a quick kiss on the lips and bite her neck sence my teeth were sharp anyway it was easier to bite her. It felt like my blood was draining from my body when I finished I looked at her two minutes later her eyes opened I was filled with joy she sat up and looked at me and gave me a smirk all i could do was hug her tightly then kiss her putting my tounge in her mouth she kisses back sucking on my tounge later we broke it as i stared into her eyes

Me:oh yang i thought i lost you

Yang:why do I feel weird. And why is there a bite on my neck

Me:well before the attack my dad said that I can bring you or someone back to life. Though it could only be done by like vampire style so that's why you have a bite on your neck. And there's one side effect


Me:he also said that who ever I bite they might be part demon

Yang:so I'm part demon

Me:if your angry at me then I'm-

Yang:that's awesome


Yang:yeah. I mean it's weird that I'm with a demon but now I'm a demon this will be an adventure

Me:ok. Wait your eyes


I give her a mirror and she seems that her eyes are red but not like regular her hole eyes where black and red

Yang:this might takes some getting used to but (gasp) alex your back

Me:yeah he got me. Stay here I'm going to see what's out side

I opened the doors and there was still fighting i see wolf holding ruby and the rest so I yelled to them


they walked up and in side so I shut the door

Wolf:i-i don't think we can hold out much longer

Ravenger:there forces are strong

I was thinking until

Me:maybe carnage and wolf can't. But demon carnage and wolf angel can

I see wolf healing ruby's wounds after that he noded

Wolf:rubes stay here with yang ok will be right back

We both opened the door


Wolf:let's go


They both turned and now it's angel and demon

Demon carnage and angel Wolf runs and stared killing sith's left and right then carnage somoned a demon cerberus

It's seven feet tall

Demon carnage:go boy kill all siths

It barks and killed all siths later they just retreated everyone cheered with happy and carnage and wolf change back and the cerberus disappeared. And everyone went back in the school

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