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The sun rises with beacon barricaded and everyone in the school and even atlas soldiers were waiting outside of beacon awaits for the Sith's a couple of minutes later the sith's arrived in a huge army they stopped no team said a word they just stared all active there lightsabers then beacon then the jedi as the siths started running at them as beacon ran at them to then all weapons collided as gun fire is heared and lightsaber

As carnage was in the middle Darth stalker just happens to run in front of him

Carnage:you sun of a bitch

Darth stalker:bring it

They start to go into a dual then master zan comes in as they began to be in a dual darth stalker then starkiller showed up in a new armor

He then started to attack carnage but he blocked every hit then carnage started to use some attacks but only one slice hit him then seline jumps in but asoka helps give carnage some back up then carnage sense turned on he looked and darth stalker force pushed carnage so high that he flew back in the school he crashes down to the ground as darth stalker and starkiller

Starkiller:give up?


Darthstalker:you can't beat us

Carnage:maybe I can't

Team rwby and jnpr comes in

Carnage:but we can together

The two sith's run at them as starkiller took on jnpr and Darth stalker took on rwby and carnage

Nora swings her hammer and hits him but he ganged his balance pyrrha sweeps his legs with her shield as jaune tries to stab him but gets force pushed and gets up ren fired his guns but starkiller blocks them all pyrrha stab him in his leg making him fall on his knee nora swung her hammer again and starkiller flew and broke the wall. Jaune  stabs him in his chest making him cough up blood and collapse to the floor

Ruby swings scythe at darth stalker but missed blake slash his back and leg stalker force pushed her weiss freezes his legs but stalker force chokes her Yang punches him in the face breaking the choke hold carnage fire punched him making him break the ice and it the ground Carnage's symbiote on this hand opened up and started to burn him making his sith suit burn and skin once he stopped sith stalker was burned up removing the mask

Darth stalker:now you'll die

He use the unleash mode and started to attack everyone

Time skip

Everyone was hurt carnage was fighting stalker he force pushed carnage to the ground

Darth stalker:time to die


Carnage:yang no!

Darth stalker turned and slashed her right arm off then wolf tryed to kick him in the face but stalker slashed his foot off as they both fall to the ground he turned back to carnage but his sword met him in his chest

Carnage:that was for max and yang you son of a bitch

He pushed his sword in more killing him slowly stalker falls to the ground as carnage checked on yang and alex

Carnage:guys are you okay

Wolf:yeah sort of ok

Carnage picked them up

Yang:y-you probably can't tell but I'm giving you a thumbs up

Carnage:hehe I bet max

Wolf:I'm hopping

Jaune:did we do it

The door opened and some atlas soldiers were killed but at least we still have some left everyone cheered in victory

Carnage:I'll take that as a yes


Yang and max got robot parts

Max new foot

(Yangs you'll see later)

Master zan:thank you all to you the sith's are defeated

Max:your welcome to stay if you want

Master zan:no there still more sith's out there. Still we thank you you'll be honored in jedi history. And thanks for fixing our ship

North:no problem

The jedi get in the ship and take off in hyperdrive as the rest wave

Matt:this is getting challenging

Max:yeah but no matter what happens will be ready we can fight grimms instead

Scott:maybe but I'm looking forward to a challenge like this time

Alex:don't get to cocky scott there's more out there that meets the eye. Welp let's go back

Nora:what to play charaids

Max:im in anyone else



In the middle of the forest a red symbol shows up and a hand rises from it

???:finally I'm free

See you on part three and thank you guys for looking at my story it makes happy and I hope you enjoy this story bye😆

Credit music

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