"Superheroes! Part 1"

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It was dark out. The moon was up and the sun was down. A superhero was running through the alley way as Roman and Neo growled chasing after them only to see they had escaped. "Curse you HuntsMan!" Roman yelled as their was also a bark. "And you as well Wonder Zwei!" He yelled only to cry afterwards holding himself. Neo sighed and offered him some tissues as well as patting him on the back. Going back home Jaune sighed as he put everything back. "You know Zwei being a superhero is fun and all but sometimes it can really take a lot of energy out of you." He said as Zwei agreed barking. "You know I've been thinking, what we need is another hero to the group, three heads are better than one! And I think I know who to ask." He said happily. "But it can wait, I'm really tired, night Zwei!" He said as they both separated and went to bed.

The next day. (Y/n) smiled happily eating a sandwich as Jaune and Zwei went over. "Hey (Y/n), wanna be a superhero?" He asked. He looked over eating and finished. "Sure why not." He Smiled. It was nighttime. (Y/n) had his outfit, he covered his face with a mask. He had Pyrrha's shield on his back. He held the sword belong to Weiss, he stood with Jaune and Zwei on top of a building as all three of them jumped down ready to patrol for the Night. The three looked around only to see Roman and Neo bulling Velevt. "Stop right their!" Jaune said jumping in front of Velvet as Wonder Zwei and (Y/n) stood next to him. "HuntsMan, you and your dog, and a new hero I assume. I'll get you next time!" They were about to run off. "Wait!" (Y/n) said as they turned around looking at him. "If you run that way you'll fall into the sewer, see, you could really get hurt." He said making his voice deeper as they looked over seeing the lid was off. "Hey, I could of really gotten hurt, T-Thank you. You saved my life." Roman said as Neo help up a sign saying "what a true hero." She Smiled. They both walked away as Jaune blinked. "You okay?" He asked Velvet as she nodded. "Who are you?" She asked as he ran off ahead as Jaune and Wonder Zwei followed. "That actually felt nice. Can I come along with you guys tomorrow?" He asked Jaune as Zwei barked. "Cool." He Smiled. Jaune thought for a while walking into his dorm. "I'm a real hero, besides people don't even know who he is." He Smiled and relaxed going to sleep.

The next day. (Y/n) smiled walking around town only to hear Ruby screaming as was driving a car. He panicked and ran to an alley putting on his costume and ran out fast moving through everyone. He saw penny and turned her around adjusting her as he was in her arms. "Launch me!" She Smiled and aimed throwing him over as he flew. Everyone saw as they stared in amazement. (Y/n) landed on the car as Ruby and Tai screamed. "Relax, I'm here to help you. Put your seatbelt on." He said as Ruby was scared and did so. He moved hanging onto the side of the door. "Slowly let go of the peddle and then apply pressure to the brake." He said as Ruby was scared holding the wheel and tried to as (Y/n) placed a hand on her head. "You'll be alright, I promise." He said. She nodded and slowly did so as the car came to a stop. "We're alive? The car? It's okay, IT'S OKAY!!" Tai said crying happily and holding onto his car. Ruby looked over wanting to thank the mysterious hero as he was gone. He panted tired and walked back as he soon saw Roman and Neo carrying boxes liberated from the store as they snickered. "You two! Stop!" He said as Roman panicked and Neo looked over. "You should be lifting those boxes properly or have a forklift." He said as Neo blinked hearing his voice. "Your right, I could mess up my back, thank you! You saved my life again!" Roman Smiled. Hearing sirens (Y/n) ran off. Neptune and Sun saw this as they shook their head. "You two never learn." They said. They booked them and took them downtown.

Jaune yawned watching TV as the news interrupted the program. "Today the city was saved by a hero! No a guardian! This mysterious hero has stopped a run away car, thieves and has done countless other acts of heroism." It said. Jaune looked seeing it was (Y/n) in his costume as he blinked and grumbled a little.

(Y/n) ran around town stopping people from doing bad things. A fire hydrant was about to go off and shoot water at Blake as she panicked only to be saved by the hero kicking it to face the other direction as it put out a fire on the noodle stand. He ran again and saw sun and Neptune about to throw away a plastic bottle and stopped them. Showing them the recycling bin. Their was an author writing a book about to step on Gum as (Y/n) turned him around to walk the other way as he picked up the gum. It was soon Night time again. (Y/n) panted barely resting. Jaune and Wonder Zwei walked up to him. "Man, I don't know how you do it HuntsMan, Wonder Zwei, being a hero is difficult." He said getting up and stretched. "The city seems quiet tonight. Me and Wonder Zwei will look around, you should rest." Jaune said as they both jumped down and ran off. He nodded rested a little. Jaune looked around until seeing a shadow cast over him as he turned around having Nora's hammer ready.
"You again, Red Huntress!" He said as Zwei barked. "That's right HuntsMan, so you have a new superhero friend, causing quite the trouble for me." She said happily as Jaune growled. "I don't talk to villains, if I were you I would turn yourself in!" He said about to charge. She smirked pulling out a remote as he was confused. "I want you to tell your new friend to take off the costume and stop being a hero, you have until tomorrow or the city goes bye bye!" She Smiled and Ran off fast as HuntsMan and Wonder Zwei chased after her only to lose her in the shadows. Jaune groaned as he sighed knowing this wouldn't end well.

(Y/n) sighed stretching as someone whistled catching his attention. He looked over seeing a girl smirk. "I don't believe we've met, I'm the Red Huntress. You've caused quiet the problem for me." She Smiled as he groaned getting up and facing her. "What do you want?" He asked. She giggled. "Simple, don't take off the mask. If you do, then this city with go sky high." She grinned as he grumbled and looked at her. "Your bluffing. It's villains like you that try to hurt others." He said as she giggled. "And what if I'm not, you willing to take that chance?" She asked. He growled and ran after her. She jumped down and hid in the shadows as he growled. He sighed knowing this wouldn't end well.

To Be Continued...

(Hey Guys!! Please Vote and comment on this chapter it really helps the book. Thank you! Also theirs a terminator reference in this book hopefully you'll see it, and I don't own it. I DO NOT own any of the characters from RWBY Chibi, they belong to there rightful owners and franchise! The reader belongs to themselves. I DO NOT own any of the media in this story! I only own the OC I created named Alice! Thank you and please vote and comment! Thank you!)

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