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It was a nice and quiet day. (Y/n) smiled happily walking around waving hi to everyone as he went to the store getting some new clothes. Then he went to the food vender getting something good to eat. He smiled happily and walked around town. A black car was slowly following him around the corner. He smiled minding his own business as he took a turn only to run into Neo as she waved happily and kissed him deeply and spun him as he was confused and dizzy as she giggled waving bye. He shook his head and smiled blushing. The car drove up next to him as he was thrown into a sack as he screamed out for help as the Car drove off fast. Ruby smiled and called him as someone had his phone and ended the call fast breaking his phone. (Y/n) heard voices as he couldn't understand them at all. He tried to move but was tied to a chair as he panicked still unable to see. "Ruby? If this is a surprise party this is really scary and not fun at all!" He shouted and squirmed as he heard footsteps going towards him as the sack was taken off of him as he looked around seeing Cinder, Neo, Roman, Mercury, Emerald, and some Grimm. "What do you guys want with me! I haven't done anything wrong I was having such a good day!" He said panicking as he kept rambling on. "Enough! What we wa-" before Cinder could finish Roman interrupted her. "We want to be included!" He shouted as (Y/n) looked confused. "I'm sorry what?" He asked looking at them. "Included, you know involved, taking part and stuff." Mercury said as Neo nodded having a sign up. "Wait I'm sorry could I get an explanation?" He asked as Cinder nodded showing a chart. "You've always spent your time with these four!" She said showing a picture of team Rwby as she soon burned it. "Now it's our turn!" She grinned as they nodded happily. He looked at them. "Sure why not." He said. They all smiled now having their time in the spot light.

The intro started to play as the set was engulfed in flames as they laughed maniacally and the Grimm howled.

Cinder Smiled happily as she was making evil plans and had (Y/n) sitting with her. "What we need is a plan to get rid of them for good, so any ideas?" Cinder asked as everyone thought. "Oh I have one! What if we put buckets of water over the door and once they walk through, Bam! They've been covered in water and their day is ruined!" Roman said as Neo held a sign agreeing as Cinder sighed. "Anyone else?" Mercury smirked. "Best idea, what if we launch an attack on the school using Grimm?" He smirked. Everyone looked at him and shook their heads. Cinder sighed as she walked around trying to think. (Y/n) looked over raising his hand. "I think I have one." He said as Cinder looked over as (Y/n) got up as he moved over the drawing board. Everyone looked over as he grabbed a marker. Everyone watched as they saw a master plan unfold before them. Neo blushed and passed out from this as Cinder grinned blushing as she hugged him. "It's perfect!" She Smiled.

Blake was minding her own business until seeing the bookstore showing there was a sale on books buy 10 and get 5 for free! Blake stayed calm until screaming with joy as she ran in only to be thrown out as she was sprayed with water as she hissed and ran off. Mercury and Emerald laughed at this. Yang smirked walking out of a store as she saw Grimm hijack her motorcycle as she growled chasing after them only to scream and run away as they chased her back having more Grimm in motorcycles ridding around. Weiss Smiled and was given a letter that winter would show up as she waited and looked around patiently. She soon saw Winter and waved hi as Winter looked at her and walked away as Weiss was now sad and walked away. Turning the corner Winter changed as It was Neo in disguise as she grinned. Roman sighed sitting on the side walk. "Hey what's wrong Roman?" Ruby asked as he sighed and looked down. "I was fired, Neo doesn't work for me, and I lost my cane." He said looking down kicking a small pebble. Ruby felt bad and looked around as she smiled. "I know I'll get you some ice cream!" She Smiled going over as she opened the door only to be splashed with water as the bucket was stuck on her head as she ran around screaming and panicking as Roman laughed and walked off. Cinder waited at the hideout seeing everyone had accomplished the mission as she was shocked and smiled happily pulling (Y/n) into a kiss. "Oh why didn't I kidnap you a lot sooner, oh the plans we can come up with!" She grinned caressing his face as he blushed only for Neo to pull him away and growl as she held him close and nuzzled him. Cinder relaxed as the Grimm enjoyed their winnings and new motorcycles. Ruby growled and finally got the bucket off as she growled. Yang panted walking down the street as she grit her teeth. Blake hissed gripping one of the books that were soaked and ruined. Weiss had got off the phone with Winter as the surrounding area got cold and had ice. All four girls walked down the street soon arriving to a warehouse as they all grinned.

Cinder Smiled. "Well to honor our new member I bought a cake, welcome to Evil!" Cinder said happily. "Wait is that what we're calling ourselves? Just evil?" Roman asked. Cinder sighed rubbing her eyes. Neo was holding onto (Y/n) and smiled. Knocking was heard as one of the Grimm answered only to be punched hard as it whimpered and ran off fast. Team Rwby smirked as the Grimm were trembling in fear. "I do not want to discuss this! I'm in charge!" Cinder said as Roman was using a chair to block her as best as he can. "Will You two cut that out!" Cinder said seeing Neo kissing (Y/n) multiple times. Soon a loud explosion was heard as everyone fell in front of the building and groaned. (Y/n) groaned as he was lifted over Yangs shoulder and gulped. Everyone else looked up in fear as Team Rwby stared down at them. "Don't. Mess. With. Us." The four said as they all nodded scared. "So which one of you thought of this dumb plan." Yang asked as Mercury instantly pointed to (Y/n) who was unable to escape as they smiled walking away and dragging him along. Neo held up a sign that said My Love.

To Be Continued...

(Hey Guys!! Please Vote and comment on this chapter it really helps the book. Thank you! Also theirs a terminator reference in this book hopefully you'll see it, and I don't own it. I DO NOT own any of the characters from RWBY Chibi, they belong to there rightful owners and franchise! The reader belongs to themselves. I DO NOT own any of the media in this story! I only own the OC I created named Alice! Thank you and please vote and comment! Thank you!)

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