Telling the others (Team JNPR & Team CFVY)

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Hey guys! Welcome to the new story. Remember if you have ideas for a drabble make sure to message me or leave it down in the comments. I decided to put both team JNPR and CFVY in the same chapter cuz why not :3. Sorry if CFVY is a bit short, its just that I'm a lazy motherfucker xD. Without further interruption, enjoy!!


It had been a few weeks since Ruby and Weiss were official but no one else but Yang and Blake knew. Ruby and Weiss knew they couldn't keep this secret forever so today since it was the weekend they decided to tell all of their closest friends starting with team JNPR. "Are you sure you want to do this Ruby?" "Of course snowflake, how bad can it be?" Weiss was nervous to say the least, she was wary of telling anyone that she and Ruby are dating but her dolt of a girlfriend convinced her to do it. Ruby intertwined their fingers and gave a reassuring squeeze with a smile. Weiss gave a smile back and wondered how someone like her got lucky in finding someone like Ruby. Taking a deep breath they walked across the hall to team JNPR whose dorm was right across from them. Untangling their fingers Ruby knocked on the door. They waited until the door opened revealing Jaune Arc, leader of the team. While Jaune may not be the strongest, he certainly earned his place as leader by demonstrating his strategic excellence during initiation. "Hey guys, what are you doing here?" "About that, is everyone in the room?" "Yeah come in." He ushered them inside and sure enough all of team JNPR was there. Pyrrha studying while Nora was eating pancakes talking to Ren about something random. Nora was talking so fast it was a mystery how Ren could understand all of it. The bigger mystery being how the two of them became friends in the first place. Jaune got his teams attention saying Ruby and Weiss were here. The rest of team took note and turned to face them. "Hello guys, what are doing here?" Pyrrha asked. "We wanted to tell you guys something that we've been keeping secret for a couple weeks." Weiss saying this got the attention of everyone. "Is it something serious? If it is you know you can trust us" Pyrrha said. "Welll, I wouldn't say it is serious." This earned Ruby a glare from Weiss as she chuckled nervously. "Will you excuse us for a minute" Weiss said as she pulled Ruby and started whispering/yelling. "Will you stop dancing around it and just say it already!" "Oh? Why don't YOU say it then?" "Arggg, this is getting us nowhere!" At this point all of team JNPR could hear them argue as they all sweat drop. "Think we should stop them?" Ren asked. "Yeah, at this rate they could on for hours" their leader replied. Jaune stepped in and separated the two. "Alright that's enough, now can you tell us what was so secret?" Jaune asked while making quote marks at secret. Ruby stuck her tongue out at Weiss and Weiss could only roll her eyes at her girlfriends childish antics. " do I say this..." "Go on now..." "It's not that hard to say Weiss, come on!" "Shut it you dolt! How am I supposed to tell them that we're dating?!" At this Weiss put her hands over her mouth. Well, shit, now the cat was out of the bag. Everything was dead silent as team JNPRs eyes went wide in shock. "I think you broke them" "Shut up.." Ren the first to snap out of it said in his monotone voice congratulations though there was a hint that he was happy for the two. The rest of the team snapped out of it a few seconds later as Jaune asked if they were actually serious. "Of course we're serious." Weiss replied. "Yeah! And just to prove it..." Ruby turned to Weiss with a smirk on her face and Weiss knew what was coming. "Ruby do no-" Too late. Ruby pulled Weiss in for a kiss. After a few seconds Ruby pulled away as Weiss' face had a massive blush. "Is that enough proof for you?" Ruby asked. "...Yeah. I think we've seen enough proof..." "Well then, just know that I'm happy for you two! We all are, right guys?" Pyrrha asked her team. Ren gave a nod as Nora as energetic and enthusiastic as ever agreed. "Yeah! Totally, I always thought you two were cute together." Jaune on the other hand expressed how glad he was also, he actually knew that the two had feelings for each other but decided to let things play out, besides if he we to just say it out loud then he would most likely be victim to Myrtenaster and Crescent Rose..."Really thanks you guys for being cool about this whole thing." Ruby said relieved. "Yeah! No problem, just make sure we don't catch you in the act if you know what I mean" Nora said with the biggest grin she could muster. The WhiteRose couple blushed furiously. "Yeah...we're gonna go now, and thanks again." As they left the dorm everyone went back to doing whatever they were doing as if nothing happened. Jaune then spoke up "Well, that was a thing" "Yeah, it sure was" the rest of his team replied.


Now that Ruby and Weiss had told team JNPR about them dating they planned to tell team CFVY next. Feeling more confident this time the two walked through the halls until they reached the dorm they were looking for. Weiss knocked and waited for someone to answer. After a moment of waiting the door opened to reveal Velvet who looked like she had just woken up from a nap. "Huh? Ruby, Weiss do you need anything?" "Oops, sorry if we woke you up Velvet." Ruby said. "Nah, its all good, I've been sleeping for a good 2 hours; now I'm recharged and ready to go." "Thats good, anyways is the rest of your team here because we need to tell you guys something." "The rest of them are doing some training, but they should be back at any minute now, you guys wanna come in and wait?" "Sure." Weiss growing up was told by her father that the faunus are nothing but lowlives who look to destroy. When she came to Beacon, she wasn't expecting her teammate Blake to be a faunus, but she could care less of that because Blake had proven to Weiss that she wasn't a threat. Velvet on the other hand was always picked on for her faunus heritage. When she was constantly bullied by Cardin and his goons Weiss realized that may be faunus like the White Fang were giving the faunus who wanted peace a bad name. When the bullying stopped Weiss decided that it wouldn't be too bad if she befriended Velvet. Velvet was one of the nicest people Weiss had come to know. The bunny faunus was shy and nervous that a Schnee wanted to be her friend, but she became less nervous when she found out that Weiss spoke out against her father against the mistreatment of faunus. Ever since the two were good friends. That was the mentality that Weiss had for years of the faunus, nothing but trouble, little did she know that her father was telling a big lie; she found out eventually and now she rarely ever speaks to him unless its about the company. After a few minutes of waiting the CFY members of the team showed up. They greeted Velvet and turned to the two visitors that was in the room. After asking what the two were doing in their dorm, Ruby and Weiss decided to tell them that they were dating. Everyone was happy that the two were together. "Well, its about damn time!" Coco said. "Wait, what?" Weiss said in a shocked voice. "Well, we kinda knew you two liked each other from the start." "Did all of you know this?" "Pretty much yeah." Weiss just face palmed and groaned. "Anyways, I speak for everyone here saying that we are happy for you two." Velvet said. "Yay! Thanks guys." Ruby said before she and Weiss walked out. "Things just got more interesting here" Coco said. The rest of the team nod their heads in agreement.


First chapter done. Just a reminder to leave requests.


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