Wearing Each Others Clothes

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Nothing important happening besides the NBA playoffs. Comment down below who you think will take home the NBA championship. (My bets on the Celtics or Warriors xD)

It was like any other normal day for the members of team RWBY. Currently we find our scythe wielder Ruby walking around Vale trying to find a gift for Weiss birthday which is in a couple of days. After finding nothing that caught her eye Ruby decided to head back. Ruby looked up and noticed that the sky was cloudy and dark, then it started to sprinkle. A few moments later it really started to pour down on Ruby. Hurrying back to the docks she got on the bullhead back to Beacon. Once inside she was noticed by Professor Goodwitch who walked up to her. "Ms. Rose, care to explain why you are soaking wet?" Goodwitch asked in a tone that sent chills up Rubys spine. "Uh, you see, I was walking back from Vale when it started raining and I got dumped on." Ruby explained. "I see...but that doesn't mean you can stroll in here dripping with water. You cannot walk in until you change your clothes, I suggest you call your sister for a change." (Just to clear things up Ruby is wearing her school uniform) With that Goodwitch walked away leaving Ruby at the entrance. Letting out a sigh Ruby pulled out her scroll and called Yang. Ruby waited for a moment before her sister answered. Ruby explained her situation to Yang and she said that she would be there in a few minutes, but poor Ruby had no idea what crazy idea her sister had. After waiting a few minutes Yang showed up with a bag that Ruby assumed was her clothes. "Hey sis! Sorry for the wait" Yang said. "It's good Yang, your a lifesaver!" Ruby yelled while grabbing the bag and heading for the bathroom. Once inside Rubys eyes widened in shock when she looked in the bag; inside was Weiss' signature outfit, everything including her little tiara and even Myrtenaster. Realizing there was no other way out of this Ruby decided to suck it up and put the outfit on. Coming out of the bathroom the first thing she saw was a flash; it was Yang who took a picture with her scroll while giving Ruby a sly smirk. "Well well, I never thought I'd see the day..." "Uh! Shut it Yang!" Ruby yelled while storming off back to their dorm being followed by Yang who was laughing the entire time. 

Weiss was not okay at the moment. It was a long day of classes and Weiss was looking to just relax after a nice shower. After wrapping a towel around herself she walked out to the empty dorm. Weiss wouldn't usually walk out without putting clothes on, but she was alone and was positive no one would be back for a while. Opening her closet she let out a scream that would make someone temporarily deaf. Her outfit was gone, her skirt, tiara and even her precious weapon, gone. She knew that Yang had something to do with this but she would worry about that later, right now she needed to find something to wear. Looking over the room her eyes settled on Rubys open side of the closet where her outfit was hanging. Oh, what the heck, why not? Weiss put on her girlfriends signature outfit, cape included. Looking at herself in the mirror, she had to admit that the outfit suited her even if it wasn't her style. She smelled the familiar scent of her girlfriend, cookies and strawberries. Maybe wearing this isn't so bad...

Yang had stopped her laughing but let out a giggle every few seconds which was getting on Rubys nerves. "Will you quit it Yang! First I get dumped on by the rain and now I have to deal with you...." Yang stopped and wrapped an arm around her sisters shoulder, "Ok geez, calm down sis, but you gotta admit you are rocking that outfit!" Yang exclaimed. Ruby looked at herself in the window and Yang was right, white looked...good on her. "I guess your right...but I don't know how Weiss fights in these!" Ruby yelled her feet getting tired from walking in heels. "Beats me, one thing we'll never understand about the Ice Queen." Ruby and Yang had reached their dorm and opened the door to an interesting sight. Inside Weiss was not in her nightgown like they expected her to, instead she dawned Rubys outfit. Weiss hadn't noticed them come in because she was too busy smelling Rubys cape. "U-um, Weiss?" Ruby squeaked out. Weiss became startled at the sudden interruption and turned to see Ruby and what happened to her outfit. The two stared at each other while Yang snapped a picture then walking out the room laughing her ass off. "So...you look good, in my outfit" Ruby awkwardly said. "Y-Yea, you too, I guess." Weiss said. "Oh my god please don't kill me!" Ruby shouted. "Relax you dolt, I'm not mad at you, and I mean it, the outfit suits you well." "Thanks Weiss..." Ruby said blushing. "Good, now thats over, can we please change back, I am going to murder Yang..." Weiss said fuming. "Heh heh, I don't have a problem with that." The two switched back to their own outfits, both letting out a sigh of relief being back in their own clothing. Before Weiss left to go mutilate Yang Ruby gave a quick kiss while telling Weiss not to go too hard. Weiss could only 'tsk' at this. "Your lucky that I love you dolt..." Ruby just gave a cheeky grin and gave another kiss.

Hello! Sorry if the posting is inconsistent but I have finals so the wait might be long for another chapter to be up. Sorry for that, anyways you know the drill, so I'll see you next time!


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