Chapter 4: A "short" word with the Ultra Supreme Demon King Beast

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Hey everyone! It's me, Shadow 264 and WELCOME to the fouth episode of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose, the CREEPYPASTA Edition! So, to recap once again, I DO NOT OWN RWBY!! RWBY is owned by RoosterTeeth. So, now sit back, enjoy and LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!!

3rd Person's POV:

In Slenda's Manison,

It has been a few days now since Shadow aka, Maga Maga Tano Orochi has been under Slenderwoman's roof at her mansion as he is in Benny's room, locked up alone as he tried concentrating his power to control his dark powers, knowing that if his dark powers goes out of control, it will eventually destroy everything.

As he does so, outside the room, Benny and Jill are outside listening to what he was doing with worried looks on their faces.

Jill: So,... That's what you want me to do? Listen?

Benny: Yes. (Sighs) I think he needs help, Jill.

Jill: Help? (Laughing) Awwww come on. He's bunking with you so, shouldn't you be he--

??? (In the room):  Aw, come on. You and I should be doing this together, Shadow.

When the both heard someone else inside the room with the boy, their eyes widened while they began to shiver in fear.

Jill & Benny: What, the fuck?

Shadow (In the room): Dude, no... We just had dinner....

??? (In the room): Come on, Shadow. We have been doing this a few times, but to no avail. If you want, the way I see it, we can do whatever we want, here.

Jill and Benny looked at each other while having their faces on Benny's room door as they officially agreed thatsomething had to be done.

Jill & Benny: We need Slenda!

A few minutes later, 

My POV: 

I am currently still in Benny's room, locked up as I kept concentrating my power to surpass the evil within my body. While concentrating, I sensed a surge behind me. I slowly opened my eyes as I stopped meditating and concentrating my power to see who that was, only to be surprised by Slenderwoman behind me, sitting on Benny's bed.

Me: Wha- how did you get in here???

Slendy: I have my ways to get in.

Me: ... rrrright...

Slendy: Now, let's cut to the chase. I heard you have spirit trouble.

Me: Huh???

??? (In my mind): Who is this chick?

Me: (Stammering) uuuuuuhhh... nonof your your concern???

??? (In my mind): You should talk to her. I like her.

Me: (Stammering) duuuuude.... not coooll...

As I talked to myself, it made Slenda aware that a berserk spirit is talking to me as she tilted her head in curiousity.

Slendy: Maga Maga Tano Orochi. Would you be so kind to show your inner-self to me? I would like to have a word with him.

Me: Him???

??? (In my mind): Rrrrrr... FINE! Just put me through....

Slendy: I know you're talking to my "favourite" boy which you are nowone with him. So, come out and we can talk.

??? (In my mind): Hmph!! Fine! I like you anyway....

As I heard him say that in my mind, I blushed a bit as I began to glow in a dark aura, revealing my Pasta-self from the forest, but this particular one, is in my human form.

(A/N: Shadow's dark-self in human form (A/N: Yes, he has chains.).)

Me (Demonic Voice): You seek audience with me??

Slendy: Yes. I've got questions to ask you... many questions...

Me (Demonic Voice): Ask away~ Pretty woman.

Slendy: (Blushing) Well.... First, who are you?

Me (Demonic Voice): An easy question. My name same implies to who you spoke with just now, my name is not just Maga Maga Tano Orochi... it's Shadow Wrath, you can call me Shadow, for short. What's your name, beauty?

Slendy: Just call me Slendy.

Me (Demonic Voice): Okay..... 

Slendy: Anyway, how did you come to life from Lazari's drawings?

Me (Demonic Voice): Who is she?

Slendy: She's the daughter of Zalga. She loves to draw things from past, present, and future....

Me (Demonic Voice): I see. Well, you can say I love making lil girl's dreams come true,that's number 1. Number 2, is that I was activated when someone.... well.... someone killed his friend.... he snapped and that was when.... he activated me like as if h--

Slendy: Unlocked your evil-self and your power.

Me (Demonic Voice): Yes. Precisely. Believe if or not, I wasn't suppose to unleash all of my power but.... he somehow did it. One example how is that he ripped a pillar of the ground and hit a boy with prostatic legs.

Slendy: That explains how you grabbed the tree to save Lazari with no difficulty.

Me (Demonic Voice): Yep.

Slendy: Hmmm. Interesting.... very well. Keep it up. However, I want to know,....

She said as I watched her going close to me as she began to ask me another question.

Slendy: Why bother the innocent you when we are not fighting at the moment???

Me (Demonic Voice): Well.... (Sighs) I'm just... hungry. Hungry for people, demons and more.... Rake's eyeball and flesh tasted.... fresh, delicioussssssss.

Slendy: So, you are just hungry, my lil one.

Me (Demonic Voice): (Blushing)...... yes... Sorry if I made some of your precious lil proxies due to my hunger for one of your own.... or Zalga's own lil people.....

Slendy: Yes, I can tell.... Zalga came to me for a fight the other day due to missing number of Rakes and her undead army. Which I can tell it's you due to hunger.

Me (Demonic Voice): And one more thing. Power as well..... 

Slendy: Oh???

Me (Demonic Voice): Yep. It's kind of a whole goddish and a whole genie-like kinda gig....

I said as I turned into my Maga Maga Tano Orochi form as I yelled while a surge, streaks and beams of powers emerge from my monster-like flesh.


Then, after I yelled, I Shrank down onto Slendy's arms as I spoke in my teeny form.

Me (Demonic Voice) (Teeny voice): In an ity bity tiny space in terms of hunger....

(A/N: This is basically the video on how he did this when he spoke.)

Slendy: Oh..... I'm so sorry about that...

Me (Demonic Voice): Nah, it's okay. I'm just hungry and that's all.

Slendy: Well, which is why I have an idea for you.

Me (Demonic Voice): Eh?

Slendy: Benny, Lily, Jess, Jane, the rest of us, and myself decided that we can give you some, fresh resources of carcasses, provided if we can find one. And that will be all, how about it?

Me (Demonic Voice): I can go with that. Thank you, Slendy the beautiful~

Slendy: (Blushing) Heh. Well, your welcome, Shadow the Great~

And with that, we both laughed at the remarks we gave each other. While laughing, we heard the room door opening to reveal Jill and Benny peeking on us as we both looked at them, with shocked looks on our faces, they had shocked faces too.

Jill & Benny: Uuuuuuuuhhhh...

Me (Demonic Voice): They do this all the time????

Slendy: I'll deal with them....

And with that, Slendy left me behind as she began to deal with them personally outside Benny's room, when my dark-self told me in my mind this;

Me (Demonic Voice): When you tell them the truth, soon.... fuck every single one of them. Ilike Slendy more. (Smiles lustfully)

Normal Me (In my mind): SHUT YOUR A-HOLE, ME!!!!!!! AND PUT A SOCK INTO IT!!!!!!!!

And that's all, folks! The fourth episode of our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose, the CREEPYPASTA edition. If you ladies and gentlemen and, Creepypasta fans, Ultra fans and other deviants really, really love it, comment down below on the comment section if you want me to try something and make up for it. So, thank you so much for reading this. And if you enjoy it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause' that would be "Muteki" awesome and greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I can improve myself as well.

And, if this happens to be the first literature that you have seen by me, please consider leaving a watch to become part of "Ride-Player Troopers" (It's what I prefer to call my watchers) today if you want to see more of the rest of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose (CREEPYPASTA) and RWBT: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Reader inserts. Apart from that, thank you so much again for reading this, and I'll see you Ride-Players (readers) on the next episode of our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose (CREEPYPASTA)! Until then! See you on the next game! Staylighted up! Stay Frosty! Stay Brave! Be Nice! SEE YA!!!!

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