Chapter 3: Trinitium Gungnir vs Hologram Riders (Part 2)

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Hey everyone! It's me, Shadow 264 and WELCOME to the third episode of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose, the SYMPHOGEAR Edition. So, to recap once again but to add something in it, as well, I DO NOT OWN RWBY!! RWBY is owned by RoosterTeeth. And Symphogear is owned by SATELIGHT Inc. So, now sit back, enjoy and LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!!

3rd Person's POV:

As the three stood in the holograms' way after their attacks that prevented them from harming the Symphogear users, the six users that are at the Factory's vicinity looked in shock and confusion as they see the three newcomers taking the lead.

Maria: Who are they?

Kirika: And how do they look like Gungnir?!

Chris: Whoever they are, they seem to be at the same page like us.

Shirabe: It looks that way...

??? (By via Comms): Everyone! FIND COVER, NOW!!!

Hibiki: Huh? Genjuro?

Tsubasa: Old man?


Genjuro yelled in the Comms.

The Symphogear users looked at each other in confusion and then back at the three individuals who are utilizing Gungnir.


I look at the holograms as they readied to fight, for us to be ready, as well.

Me: Ready?

Kanade & Isolde (In Shadow's Mind): Yes!

Me: Then, let's BOOK'EM!!!!!!!!!!

I yelled.

(A/N: Music starts here.)

Kanade, Isolde and I donned our other defensive stance with our spears as we began to advance towards the Rider Holograms, for the Holograms to do the same towards us. As the six of us ran towards each other and about to clash, I sidestepped to the right and kept advancing to avoid the New Rider's drill module, thrusting my Armed Gear into him as I kept advancing forward while having my spear thrusted into him, Kanade is seen going against Beast in his Hyper Form as she twirled her spear to deflect his projectiles, and mom is seen transforming her spear into her spear gauntlet-like armed gear as she began to go hand-to-hand against Vulcan in Assault Wolf Form.

While Isolde and mom are engaged, I swung my spear aside for the new rider hologram to get loose from being thrusted as he staggered, then stood back up as the wound immediately healed. Then, a familiar voice whom I already named spoke.

Ouja (Talking through New Rider (Demons) Hologram): Like my newest member?

Me: Hmph! Yes, but it doesn't change a thing! Who is he?

Ouja (Talking through New Rider (Demons) Hologram): HE! Is Kamen Rider Demons! A rider that can launch strings of webbing from his hands to restrain or suspend, and can also create red energy webs to protect himself from enemy attacks.

Me: I see. So, he's some kind of Spider Kamen Rider... like Killbas, Leangle.

Ouja (Talking through New Rider (Demons) Hologram): Exactly. He and many others that I created are here, to terminate these Symphogear Users so that we can finally and soon, about time, resurrect our Dark Lord. But seeing that you came into the picture, it would appear we must get through you, too.

Me: And that, you shall!

I said.

Then, I held my armed gear on my left hand for me to conjure an ice drill on my right arm as I lunged my entire right arm back, lunging it forward again to aim it directly at the new rider hologram by the name of Kamen Rider Demons, for him to do the same thing as we clashed drills with each other's drills.

3rd Person's POV:

(A/N: Music stops here.)

(A/N: Second Music starts here at 0:18.)

Meanwhile, Kanade like her former self before death, as usual had the upper hand as she always kept getting a headstart by giving hologram Beast Hyper Form a flurry of slashes by the use of her armed gear, despite missing her hits several times. while slashing, the hologram rider placed a ring into his Dice Saber, utilizing one of its finishers.


The Dice Saber announced as six of four different illusion animals appeared emerging from Beast's magic circle as they flew and charged towards Kanade, for her to be taken aback due to the hologram's attack. Then, Kanade smirked as she held onto her armed gear, reaching her arm backwards as she lunged her forward, throwing the gear towards the illusions. As the gear flew forward, it utilized an ability called 'STARDUST∞FOTON' as it multiplied itself, making severals replicas of it raining on them for each spear to take down each illusion.

After taking down every illusion, one Buffalo illusion somehow maneuvored passed her armed gear as it went charging towards her, for Kanade to quickly grab her armed gear to utilize another ability called, 'LAST∞METEOR', creating a tornado she diriged towards the Noises, destroying that very last illusion, striking down Beast, as well, to the hologram's shock. 

As Kanade jumped up into the air, the Symphogear users watched in shock to see that these Gungnir users know their stuff and they are using every ounce of their power to defeat those armoured beings. However, as they watched, Tsubasa watched in greater shock as she looked at a particular user, knowing that she has seen and knew someone utilizing those finishers and utilize the way of that particular armed gear before, for Hibiki to take notice of this.

Tsubasa: N-no way...

Hibiki: What? Tsubasa, what is it?

Hibiki ask.

Tsubasa: Those skills... those attacks... they're familiar...

Hibiki: How?!

Tsubasa: Her fighting style is as similar as.... Kanade's...

She said.

This made Hibiki's eyes widened in shock when she heard this.

Meanwhile, Kamen Rider Beast Hyper form hologram is seen rolling on the ground, weakened from Kanade's attacks and abilities she has utilized. As he slowly and struggled to get up, Kanade is seen readying her armed gear to finish the rider off.

Kanade: Finisher time~!

She said.

Then, Kanade jumps in the air and utilize an ability called, 'POWER∞SHINE' as she slashed the air with her Armed Gear creating a shockwave rushing towards the rider she's engaged with at the moment.

As the slash moves closer to Beast Hyper, Beast inserts his opened hyper ring into the Mirage Magnum as he utilizes the Magnum's finisher.

Hyper! Magnum Strike!

After utilizing the Magnum's finisher, he blasts it at Kanade's shockwave, only for Kanade's ability to overpower it, defeating the Beast-wielding Mage instantly, blowing up in flames and data in a mix, to her relief.

Kanade: Phew~ Who knew these guys are tough... good thing Shadow-dono cautioned us about them being strong... luckily they are easy to take down like he said they are.

She said.

(A/N: Second Music stops here.)

(A/N: Third Music starts at 0:04.)

Meanwhile, Isolde is seen giving Vulcan Assault Wolf hologram a flurry of punches, for the hologram to do the same as their fists to collide and clash with each others, causing tons of shockwaves to emit out with every punch from both fists colliding with each other.

While this keeps going, Isolde transforms into a flurry of snow, for Vulcan to punch through her as she flew behind him. Once behind him, she reverts back to normal as she extends her armed gear for blades to emerge from her gauntlets, giving the rider several slashes, for him to stagger forward while taking the hit. As he did, she noticed him changing colour, to her confusion. That is until he turned around to be greeted by his claws, for her to block it with her bladed gauntlets, for them to clash blades with each other.

(A/N: Rampage Vulcan changing colour in other words, he's changing forms.)

Shotrise! Orthros Vulcan! Awakening the instincts of two beasts long lost.

Isolde: So, you change forms, huh? Interesting. Well then, let's use this.

She said.

Then, Isolde broke the clash as she spun extremely fast for a small tornado of snow to be formed around her while she's in a 't' formation, giving the rider a flurry of slashes while spinning round and round real fast, for Vulcan's other form hologram to use its claws to block her slashes. 

While slashing, the rider soon grabbed her by her arm as he thrashed her real bad, throwing her to the ground, only to be greeted by tons of ice shards and icicles protruding out from the ground all over the place, occupying almost the entire grounds of the Chemicals Factory vicinity, for the Symphogear users to jump to higher ground for cover upon Isolde being slammed to the ground as the shards and icicles thrusts through Vulcan's arms, torso, legs and barely his face.

After that surprise attack, Isolde reverts back to normal in the ice figurine beside the hologram as she raised her spear for the sharp edge to be in contact with the hologram's throat.

Isolde: This is as far as you go! Give it up, it's over!

Isolde ordered.

The hologram slowly turned his head to face Isolde, for Isolde to look at him closely. Then, the rider swiftly slashed the icicles and shards off him as he broke himself free, for him to have the opportunity to slash Isolde, only for her to use her armed gear to block his attack, causing her to be disarmed of her weapon, to Isolde's shock. Vulcan soon see an opening as he land several slashes on Isolde's ice figurine body, causing some cracks to form on her, making her stagger back.

After sustaining several damages on her ice figurine-like body her son has created from her, she looked at Vulcan as he took this time to free himself from Isolde's trap. Once freed, the Vulcan hologram slowly walked towards Isolde as if stalking his prey that is in front of him, for Isolde to smirk while she growled.

Isolde: So, you want to play rough, huh? Well, damaging something that my son has created is your second mistake TODAY!!!

She said.

Then, the same snow tornado formed around her, this time bigger than just now for Vulcan to feel the cold and some damage around him, for him to be taken aback by this. While inside the snow tornado, Isolde's eyes glow bright blue while fire streaks on her eyes began to grow bigger as she raised her spear armed gear in the air, for more ice shards and icicles to fly around her, following the wind direction of the snow tornado (A/N: Which is the reason why Vulcan hologram was taking damage when he was in contact with the snow tornado, in case anyone asks.) is spinning.

Once at her climax, she spun her armed gear in an opposite direction as she twirled a few times, then stopped in front of Vulcan hologram as she spun her armed gear in front of him, while utilizing her super ability known as 'ISOLDE STYLE: GUNGNIR WINTER'S∞TORNADO GLARE', for a ice and snow tornado, along with a beam to emerge from Isolde's spinning armed gear as they combined together to form a powerful tornado beam, zooming towards the hologram.

The hologram noticed this as he utilized his form's finisher. Once utilized,-

Orthros Blast Fever!

- Vulcan hologram used his claws to slash the ground in front of him, freezing it. He then creates several copies of himself as they used their claws to block Isolde's beam. While the copies are blocking her attack, the real Vulcan hologram appears surrounds himself in blue energy with his claws positioned in front of him, ready to strike. Once all the copies burst to snow due to the extent of power coming from Isolde's beam, Vulcan swiftly advanced forward as he used his claws to block.

While advancing forward while blocking Isolde's attack, Vulcan's claws shattered for him to swiftly move out of the way, for him to get close to Isolde. As soon as he got in close, Isolde sensed something was wrong as she turned to her right to see Vulcan there as he is about to lend a powerful punch at her, only for Isolde to smirk at this, knowing that her sense of doubt and for the rider hologram to get close was part of her plan as Vulcan went ahead to land a punch on Isolde, only for him to not do so, to the users' confusion as they notice this.

Chris: Huh? Why didn't he lend that punch on her?! He had her! And why is she still firing at that exact same spot?!

Tsubasa: He didn't.

Chris: Huh?

Maria: What do you mean?

Tsubasa: Look at his arms.

Tsubasa said.

They soon did so, for them to notice that chunks of ice are forming around his fists and his arms, rapidly.

Hibiki: Whoa...

Chris: So that means-

Tsubasa: Yes. This Gungnir user got him. It must have been her plan from the start. She knew that he's too strong. So, she used her powerful attack which lead him to this result!

Tsubasa analyzed.

Soon, the hologram looked at himself as he is slowly succumbing to his own attack by Isolde's strongest attack which caused his attack to backfire on him.

Once the rider hologram is fully frozen in the air, Isolde spun her armed gear faster as she swung to her right together with her armed gear, for the beam to swiftly follow the direction at where the spinning armed gear was going when Isolde swung her arms while twirling her weapon even faster than before, causing the ice-trapped rider hologram to be sliced into two, eliminating him immediately as he blew up into snow and data.

(A/N: Music ends here.)

After the Rider Hologram has been taken down, Isolde felt weak as she suddenly went on one knee, for her to use her armed gear to prop herself up from falling head first to the ground. She breathed heavily knowing that she might have over exerted herself for a bit after so long of not using her Symphogear and her Maiden Powers, for her to slightly giggle to herself.

Isolde: giggles I guess... it's been a while since I've-... used my Maiden Powers and my Symphogear, huh? No wonder I feel so drained....

She said.

Then, she closed her eyes as she telepathically talk to her son.

Isolde (In her own Mind): Son... I'm coming back to you.

Shadow (In Isolde's Mind): Why? Mom, what's wrong?

Isolde (In her own Mind): It's nothing. I haven't wield both my powers for a long time, you see. So, it kinda added some strain to your old lady after I took this hologram down.

Shadow (In Isolde's Mind): Don't say that, mom. You did what you could, and you've done it.

Isolde (In her own Mind): Thank you.

Shadow (In Isolde's Mind): Just sit tight. I'm coming!

Shadow said in Isolde's mind.

Isolde nods while smiling at this as she knelt where she now kneels, to recuperate herself.

(A/N: Fourth Music starts here.)


After checking in on Kanade and mom to hear that the two rider holograms have been eliminated and mom is weakened to notify her that I'm on my way, I focused my attention back on Kamen Rider Demons hologram as we both clashed our armoured weapons for our own physical arms.

Seeing this as an opportunity, I conjured an ice replica of my spear armed gear as I raised it up high and swing it downwards to slice his drill arm off his hinge, disarming Demons of his drill module as I swung my lance-like drill armed gear module clad in ice to aside to fling his severed arm away. Then, I arched my arm back as I flung my arm forward to spear Demons, only for him to use his red energy web to deflect it. After deflecting it by the use of his hand that is still intact, he flung his red energy web aside along with my ice spear, destroying them both in the process as he charged at me.

I charged head on at him, too, delivering a powerful punch in his face, only for Demons to jump upwards to web me with his still intact hand, for my hands to be incased with his web after I swiftly turn around. My eyes glow blue as I encased the web in ice as both the ice and the web wrapping my hands slowly shatter. As soon as the webbing are encased in ice, I used my knee to shatter it, freeing myself as I jumped high, delivering a powerful punch in his face, disorientating him.

While he's disorientated, I grabbed his shoulders and began to do a little somersault to add the momentum on what I'm about to do to Demons as I flinged him down to the ground, causing a shockwave to emit, creating a crator for Demons to be down at the center of the impact and crator. After he was thrown to the ground, I wield two spear armed gear as I began to spin fast while falling to advance towards the disorientated rider.

Once reached, my spears thrust through Kamen Rider Demons hologram upon impact, causing a shockwave and an explosion to happen for a loud 'THOOM!!!!' to be heard everywhere, to the users' shock.

(A/N: Fourth Music stops at 0:52.)

Hibik: Whoa! I never knew I can do that!

Tsubasa: That's the problem.... you can't....

Hibiki: Eh?

Hibiki tilted her head in confusion.

At the crator, I looked down at Kamen Rider Demons who is laying at the center of the crator, unconscious, thinking that I have taken care of him, to me sighing in relief. Then, it hit me that my mom is weakened after the battle, for me to widen my eyes and to contact Kanade in a flash, knowing she might be weakened, as well.

Me (In my Mind): Kanade! Status!

Kanade (In Shadow's Mind): Don't worry about me. I'm fine I'm fine.

Me (In my Mind): Oh. Alright. Anyway, head to where Vulcan was defeated. Isolde's weakened from battle so, I'm bringing you guys back in me to recuperate.

Kanade (In Shadow's Mind): Alright.

Me (In my Mind): Mom, I'm coming over to you, now. Kanade will be proceeding to you, as well at the meantime.

Isolde (In Shadow's Mind): O-Okay. Take your time.

She said.

I soon began to climb out of the crator as I made my way to mom with Kanade meeting me at the same location where I'll be going to bring mom back inside me to recurperate. While Kanade and I made our way back to mom in her ice figurine form, recurperating from her fight, a portal open for someone (A/N: Aka, Ouja but, they didn't know that he was there, yey.) to exit out, with the portal still open behind him. He smirked as he fished out a card, inserting it into the Venovisor, acquiring his "No Ordinary" Advent, summoning it behind their backs. 

Unite Vent!

(A/N: Unite Vent Card.)

After summoning his Advent, the someone entered the portal again as it closed as soon as he entered in. Meanwhile, Kanade and I arrived to where my mom was recurperating as we helped her up, slowly.

Me: Don't worry, mom. We gotcha.

Kanade: We're the Trio Team, Isolde-Shou!

Isolde: Thanks, Kanade. Son.

Isolde thank the both of them.

Isolde: So, I take it we took them all down?

Me: Yes, mom. Now, you can rest easy.

I said.

Then, I place my palm on my ice figurine's chest mom's possessing as I reclaimed her soul back inside me to be with the others to recurperate more with them. After reclaiming her soul, my ice figurine shattered to pieces as I nod at the shattered pieces, knowing that it has served its purpose for mom.

As I looked at the shattered pieces of ice, a loud hissing noise was heard for Kanade to tap my shoulder as she sounded worried with a serious tone in a mix.

Kanade: Uuuuh... Shadow. Is it just me or are things gonna get worse from here?

Isolde (In Shadow's Mind) & Me: Huh?

Just as we asked, a loud hiss was heard once again, for me to pause for a moment, before speaking with a worried tone.

Me: Okay... after hearing that.... yeah.... it's about to get worse....

I said.

Then, I look back to where I climbed out from the crator, for Kanade to do the same as they both witness some kind of creature emerging from it.

(A/N: Genocider.)

As soon as it showed itself climbing out of the crator, I immediately recognized it, for me to don my fight stance while wielding Parablade and my Armed Gear, for Kanade to do the same with her own Armed Gear.

Kanade: Shadow... what is that thing? You seem to know it when you were quick drawing your weapons!

Me: Yes, I do know it. I devoured countless of its prey and challengers. I even witnessed it almost devouring one of my patients, too..... It's called, Genocider.

Kanade: I see... So, any idea on how to beat this one?

Me: Currently, none. Usually, there was back in my world.... but when we are here... there is currently none.

I said, for Kanade to have a sweat demeanor above her head.

Kanade: So,.... now what?

She asked.

I thought on how to take on this one, for Isolde to have come up with a suggestion.

Isolde (In Shadow's Mind): Son... we must use it.

She said.

My eyes widened as I knew what she was talking about, for me to fish out the Reiga Symphogear Eye, thinking about what will happen to me.

Isolde (In Shaodw's Mind): Son, listen. I know we haven't tested it out yet, but we don't have any options.

Kanade: I can hear her. So, she's right. Desperate times,calls for desperate measures. We have to use it.

Me: And what happens if there are drawbacks to this power?

Isolde (In Shadow's Mind): Listen. I understand that this is a lot of power to wield. Once this is over, I'll promise you I will help you tap into their powers so that using this will be a breeze.

Me: ... promise?

Kanade: Hey~ I know you are having trust issues but, at least trust someone close to you, okay? Look, I know i'm also still new to this kind of power, but oh well. There's first time for everything, right?

Kanade said.

After hearing what she had to say, I look down at the Eye as I grasp it firmly, taking a deep breathe and then, exhaling as I sighed.

Me: sighs Alright, Kanade. Okay, mom. Let's do this.

I said, smiling.

Isolde (In Shadow's Mind): Then let's wield it. However,... we need a ca-

Just as mom was about to finish, I held the eye by my right hand as my motioned my arm from my left to my right while motioning my left arm to the right, as well for my left palm to be at the left side of the eye just a few centimeters away from touching it.

Isolde (In Shadow's Mind): -tchphrase? Huh?

Kanade: Huh?

Me: Unite the seven songs. To form a Symphony of Light! SYMPHOGEAR REIGA!!!!!!!

I yelled while using my left free hand to grab the eye, motioning my hand holding the Eye towards me as I placed it onto and in front of my eyes as if putting on a pair of glasses in an epic way possible, pressing a button on the eye, activating its power from within the trinket.

3rd Person's POV:

After activating the Reiga Symphogear Eye, Shadow felt the Eye forming temples in a form of one ice shard at each side as they rest over his ears, while forming headsets, covering them, merging with the temples that connects with Shadow's Reiga Symphogear Eye.

Once after the Eye is connected onto Shadow's eyes (Reiga Symphogear Eye) and ears (Headset),-

(A/N: Music starts and pauses at 0:00 to 0:08. Ensure you combine both rises together and include all the symphogears' theme rise, too, to be in the mix.)

- a bright light soon shined bright like a diamond as a flash of rainbow-coloured aura emerge from the Eye's Beam Lamp, forming another Symphony Techno-themed base transformation rise as a background for Shadow's other form to rise. After the background rise is formed, Shadow's sillouette form appeared as he shot his right fist up high, flying out of his transformation rise transition, for everything to turn white.

Meanwhile, everyone who watched this including Genocider began to be blinded by a bright light. At S.O.N.G., everyone looked in shock while they suddenly gotten an alert that a New Symphogear has appeared before the other Symphogear users.

S.O.N.G. Staff 1: Commander! A new Symphogear just appeared!

Genjuro: What?! 

S.O.N.G. Staff 2: Sir.... About our new Symphogear and its user.... you'll never guess what its Codename is. I'm putting it on screen now..

Genjuro: Do it!!

Genjuro instructed for the Staff to do as he was told. After putting the codename on screen, everyone of S.O.N.G. looked in shock, eyes widened as they look at the screen that says; 'CODENAME: 'Gungnir', 'Ame no Habakiri', 'Ichaival', 'Airgetlám', 'Shul Shagana', 'Igalima' and 'Shénshòujìng'.

S.O.N.G. Staff 2: Tha-that's impossible. How are there similar Symphogears when our Candidates are there on the field?

S.O.N.G. Staff 1: It must be a glitch or something! Or a fusion of all Symphogear that is impossible.

S.O.N.G. Staff 3: Commander, advice! Commander? Commander!!!

The staff yelled for Genjuro, for the staff to see that their commander is in a deep shock at what he's witnessing.

???: Are you... okay?

The girl (Elfnein) ask for her to receive no response from Genjuro.

Genjuro: That light.... and that gear.... it cannot be... She's back...

He said.

Meanwhile, back at the battle, the bright slowly dims to reveal a sillouette humanoid being engulfed in the same bright light. As soon as the light disappeared, the sillouette disappeared as well to reveal that Shadow is in his other Symphogear known as, Reiga Symphogear, utilizing all of the seven Symphogears used by seven specific users.

(A/N: Reiga Symphogear is a fusion of the images above. Description details below.)

Reiga Symphogear takes the form of one of his Ultra Masters' fusions known as Ultraman Reiga, excluding the horns and Reiga's face to reveal Shadow's face wearing Reiga Symphogear Eye and Reiga Symphogear Headsets. On his headsets, seven different-coloured spike emerged to represent each Symphogear for the Eye to turn into some kind of mask to cover his eyes completely like as if a cloth was wrapped around him, but different. Beyond Crystals can be found on his head, as well.

His entire body from neck to toe is based on Reiga with the addition and a mix of details from the seven users of the Symphogear (A/N: Excluding Shénshòujìng's decorative and combat leggings for a specific reason.) with their armour pieces to be fused onto the form. His arms and his shines of his legs will be based on Reiga and Zero Beyond fused with the specific gear on the seven gears. Finally, his chest protectors is based on Reiga with Beyond Crystals with six pairs of spike ports leading behind him to be located on his back, his lower torso and his head individually.

(A/N: Music resumes at 0:15.)

After the transformation, the light illuminating Shadow's form completely dimmed and disappear, revealing his Reiga Symphogear form, to everyone's shock in the battle field. Whereas, Genocider roared at Shadow at this sudden appearance of his new form.

Kirika: He...

Chris: Fused with...

Tsubasa: All of our Symphogears....

They said in shock.

While everyone is in a state of shock, a spirit in a form of an energy ball emerged from the ground as it flew inside of the new Symphogear user as it spoke to him in his mind.

Kanade (In Shadow's Mind): Jeez, Shadow~ You remind me of me when I rush on things.

Shadow (In my Mind): I thought you were ready and you were coming back as soon as i transformed.... But either way.... this feels cool... and overwhelming to what I'm feeling.

Isolde (In Shaodw's Mind): Indeed it is. For now, we can't be in this form for long as it'll strain you due to the fact this gear is new to you. So, for now, let's make it quick.

Shadow (In my Mind): Gotcha. For now, Mom, Kanade. You rest up and leave it to me.

Isolde and Kanade (In Shadow's Mind): Alright.

They replied.


Then, I slowly looked at the Genocider as I watched it charge towards me, for me to do the same as I casually walked towards it. As I kept walking, Genocider is seen charging towards me as it got close to me as it used its claws to scratch me, only for me to raise my hands to block them from reaching me, to everyone's shock.

Me: Okay.... nth Round it is, then...

I implied to myself and to Genocider as my eyes emit blue flames, for Genocider to hiss loudly while spewing out venom from its lower jaw, for liquid to drip down onto the ground as we ready ourselves to throw down.

To be Continued....

And that's all, folks! The third episode of our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose, the SYMPHOGEAR edition. This battle's about to get serious and to throw down, man. Fasten your seat belts and have your popcorn ready as next part is gonna be the FIGHT TO REMEMBER OF FOR A LONG TIME!!!!!! SO, If you ladies and gentlemen and, SYMPHOGEAR fans, Ultra fans and other deviants really, really love it, comment down below on the comment section if you want me to try something and make up for it. So, thank you so much for reading this. And if you enjoy it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause' that would be "Muteki" awesome and greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I can improve myself as well.

And, if this happens to be the first literature that you have seen by me, please consider leaving a watch to become part of "Ride-Player Troopers" (It's what Iprefer to call my watchers) today if you want to see more of the rest of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose (SYMPHOGEAR) and RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Reader inserts. Apart from that, thank you so much again for reading this, and I'll see you Ride-Players (readers) on the next episode of our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose (SYMPHOGEAR)! Until then! See you on the next game! Staylighted up! Stay Frosty! Stay Brave! Be Nice! SEE YA!!!!

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