Antares Prime (halfarago's OC)(Logos Prime's Son)

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Hey everyone. Today, I am going to review to you my OC that halfarago and I have been planning so far for the upcoming war against Salem and Thanos (A/N: I'm making this short as you already knew which volumes and movies I'm talking about.). So, without further ado, let's get this started by introducing to you, halfarago's OC which goes by the name of Antares Prime.


(A/N: Antares Prime. Combine these two images togegther.)

-Personal Information:-

Name: Antares Prime

Age: 99999999999999999/Timeless

Gender: Male

Family: Logos Prime (Relation: Father, Occupation: One of the 13 Original Primes, Status: Deceased)

Favorite Colour: Black and Red

Eye Colour: Red

Hair Colour: Black

Occupation: Private Investigator, Bounty Hunter, Quantum Chaos Theory Scientist, Dimensional Janito (Cleans up any major mess in a current dimension he enters), One of the 13 New Generation Primes

Likes: Iberian Ham, Destroying the Forces of Evil, Movies, Chaos to some Degree, Doing the right thing when no one else will, Alcohol to some degree, Solving Cases, taking extreme actions to bad people

Dislikes: Thots, Sullen Wench, People who say let us resume our pleasentries, Arrogant fools who think they know more than they actually do, Dishonorable People, Self-Righteous People, Corruption

Speed: 420/10 (In Physical form)

Strength: 420/10 (In Physical form)

Leadership Skills: 7/10 (Usually doesn't play well with others but will take up a role as leader in dire situations)


(A/N: Antares's Outfit.)

Height: 2 meters in Human form, 9 kilometers in Transformer form

Weight: 9999999999999999999 Tons in Physical form (Usually gravity manipulation to not destroy the surface he walks on)

Race: Human/Cybertronian (Current Incarnation)


(A/N: Human Cybertronian Form. As usual as stated at the Looks: criteria, fuse the two images together to get his human cybertronian form.)

(A/N: Robot Form. Ensure the screen-visor is blue And he has an Autobot symbol instead of Decepticon symbol.)

(A/N: Vehicle mode 1.)

(A/N: Vehicle mode 2. Ensure this form is based on his robot and vehicle form, with a lot of edge there like shown above.)


Buzzsaw (A/N: Logos Prime's companion.)

(A/N: Buzzsaw. Merge these two pics together. Have this drawing of a helmet to have some flaming details on it to give it the intimidating look for Buzzsaw and ensure that Buzzsaw wears it, too.)

Now that his appearance and personal infromation has been stated, let us go through his weapons and accessories.

Weapons and Accessories:


(A/N: Add some plasma inside of it so it can show that the gun is charging up in battle. Ensure it is Cybertronian.)

(A/N: This rifle is shown in the Looks:, Outfit: and, Human and Cybertronian form in Form/s: criterias up above.)

(A/N: Plasma Needle Rifle. (A/N: He will only use this for emergencies or if his guns are overheated).)


(A/N: Each will have these rounds in them. It can be used on the weapons he has on his possession.)

Now that his weapons and his accessories have been stated, let us go through his aura and semblance.

Aura and Semblance:

Aura: Red, Blue, Purple

Semblance name:

1. Power and Space Time Manipulation

2. Disruption of Laws of the Universe

3. Contact with beings of the Void

4. Tapping into the Energy from Dead Universes

5. Matter Manipulation

Abilities of all five Semblances - Can be used for Self-Defense, for helping others and Revenge or Avenging others, physical form may deteriorate when they are all or individually been used too much

Trivia: A Timeless Extradimensional Being who can be reincarnated in different physical forms. Right now the son of Logos Prime. Currently, he has a pet, Buzzsaw, which has been given to him by his father, Logos Prime himself. He and his companion has seen universes collapse and die many times and swore to not let one particular world and several others in the future to die this time around.

Welp, that's all for now for halfarago's OC, Antares Prime. Hope you guys enjoy it. If you guys want to join me in my epic quest against Salem and Thanos, it will awesome to have more people as OCs. As after all, the More the Merrier.

So, since this is halfarago's OC, do give him tonnes of love and support on Wattpad as it will be appreciated. Well, that's all for now. So, be nice, be happy, stay frosty, stay brave, POUND IT, KNOCK IT!! Aaaaaaaaaaand SEE YA!!!!!

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