George Kawasaki (Meme_LordDan_Kuroto's OC)

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Hey everyone. Today, I am going to review to you my other OC that Meme_LordDan_Kuroto and I have been planning so far for the upcoming war against Salem and Thanos (A/N: I'm making this short as you already knew which volumes and movies I'm talking about.). So, without further ado, let's get this started by introducing to you, Meme_LordDan_Kuroto's other OC which goes by the name of George Kawasaki aka, Kamen RIder KuuGenm Drive, another Fusion Rider.


(A/N: George's Looks.)

-Personal Information-

Name: George Kawasaki


(A/N: George's Emblem.)

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Family: None (Orphan)

Favourite colour: Light Green

Eye colour: Grey

Hair Colour: Blonde

Occupation: Rider, Traveller, Anomaly Explorer, Book reader

Likes: George likes to observe and study various anomalies, Record anomalies in his Notebook

Dislikes: George does not like it when someone tries to disrupt his research without good reason, Reckless people

Speed: 8/10

Strength: 9/10

Leadership Skills: 5/10


(A/N: George's Outfit.)

Height: 195cm

Weight: 95kg

Race: Human


All forms of Kuuga

All forms of Drive

All forms of Genm

Kamen Rider KuuGenm Drive - Level 2 Mighty Speed

Kamen Rider KuuGenm Drive - Level X Amazing DeadHeat

Kamen Rider KuuGenm Drive - Level Billion Ultimate Formula

Kamen Rider KuuGenm Drive - Level Musou Rising Ultimate Tridoron

(A/N: Kamen Rider KuuGenm Drive - Level 2 Mighty Speed. Combine these three images together. Basically, this form is a fusion of these three Riders with the main body to be Genm and with many alterations on the form.

Genm Component (Based on Level 2 form) - In this form, Genm will acquire something similar to their game-based forms in Ex-Aid Pac-Man Movie and Ganbarizing Special Show in a form of Adventure Guy Kuuga and Full Trottle Drive, with the Kuuga and Drive's armour colour scheme to be based on Genm's colour scheme instead.

Kuuga Component (Based on forms and Adventure Guy Kuuga Game Gashat and Form) - Genm will acquire Adventure Guy Kuuga form (A/N: Colour scheme stated in above paragraph.) to give it the Genm and Kuuga fusion with many changes. The Golden Parts on Kuuga's form will be detail accurate to Kuuga's Mighty form on this fusion to give the Kuuga vibes, the shoulder armour will be from Genm's shoulder armour to Kuuga's and the Level 1 head piece of Kuuga will be replaced to Genm's head piece to be implemented on the fusion.

Drive Component (Based on forms and Full Trottle Drive Game Gashat and Form) - For Drive's components, Genm in this fusion form will gain some parts and armour from Drive and from Full Trottle Drive form, such as the shoulder armour which will be fused together with Kuuga's shoulder armour, forearm armour which will be fused with Kuuga's forearm armour, the leg armour, Head Wing Spoiler on the top of the form's head, feet armour, some chestplate armour features on Speed form, a Shift Tire and a Shift Brace will be implemented on the fusion.)

(A/N: Kamen Rider KuuGenm Drive - Level X Amazing DeadHeat. Combine these three images together. Basically, this form is a fusion of the same riders that lets George achieve a specific amount of power beyond that of his fusion base forms and his Rider base forms. If he wants to, he can be unstoppable in this form if he wants to.

Genm Component (Based on Level X form) - In this form, like the fusion's base form, Genm Level X will acquire something similar to their game-based forms in Ex-Aid Pac-Man Movie and Ganbarizing Special Show in a form of Adventure Guy Kuuga and Full Trottle Drive but this time around, it'll be based on Kuuga Amazing Mighty and Drive DeadHeat forms, with their armour colour scheme to remain the same to give this fusion form a zombie-like gimmick and some vibes. Ensure the bone parts can be visible to give it more on the Undead vibes.

Kuuga Component (Based on forms and Adventure Guy Kuuga Game Gashat and Amazing Mighty Form) - Some aspects on Kuuga's Amazing Mighty form will be infused with Genm's Level X form, such as the golden armour pieces and details, the head crown piece and head details, and the eye-visors on Genm will be fully red to give the Kuuga Amazing Mighty form's eye-visor gimmicks combined with DeadHeat eye-visor gimmicks.

Drive Component (Based on forms and Full Trottle Drive Game Gashat and DeadHeat Form) - The red armour pieces based on Drive will be on Genm Level X's right side, with some at the lower part of the form's upper torso. Genm will also have a DeadHead helm head piece to cover most of the form's face while hiding the left side of the form's hair, pretty much to give the form a gimmick and a vibe of an undead racer. Ensure the DeadHeat Tire in its berserk state and the Shift Brace are implemented on the form)

(A/N: Kamen Rider KuuGenm Drive - Level Billion Ultimate Formula. Combine these three images together. Basically, this form is a fusion of the same riders that lets George achieve not just immense strength and flight, but immense speed, as well which goes as fast as any Formula Car seen all over the World.

Genm Component (Based on Level Billion form (Rider)) - In this form, it is much like Genm in Level 2, but just ensure that the armour pieces are as per usual as Level 2 to give the Level 2 vibes. The silver white linings leading down from below the chestplate to outer thighs will remain the same to give it the Level 0 and Billion vibes. The head sculp will have Ultimate Kuuga's gold parts found at the sides along with its crown piece will be combined to the form, with Drive Type Formula form's head sculp armour to be combined behind of Genm's hair-like armour to give it the Kuuga Ultimate and Drive Type Formula form gimmicks. Ensure a pro shield for a second layer of the form's eye-visor is placed in front of the form's eyes to give it the form like as if it's wearing a helmet to give it the Formula vibes.

Genm Component (Based on Level Billion form (MECHA)) - In this form's mecha, everything will be the same but Kuuga Ultimate and Drive Type Formula will be combined together with it to give the mecha the Kuuga and Drive vibes.

Kuuga Component (Based on forms and Adventure Guy Kuuga Game Gashat and Ultimate Form) - Kuuga's armour and golden parts and outlining will be similarly placed and similarly combined onto Genm's Rider and Mecha forms, much like stated on Level 2 form stated above to give it the Adventure Guy Kuuga and Kuuga Ultimate vibes. However, the difference will be that this Rider form will not have a Level 1 head sculp armour piece behind due to Formula's armour pieces to be stationed behind.

Drive Component (Based on forms and Full Trottle Drive Game Gashat and Formula Form) - Drive Type Formula's blue armour pieces will be combined onto the Rider form and onto the metallic grey areas on the Mecha's arms and legs. The Type Formula's chestplate will be combined onto the Rider and Mecha form, with the Mecha form's eyes to be located at Formula's two Engine intake armour pieces located behind the Nose Cone armour piece Ensure the Shift Brace and Formula Tires are implemented on the form.)

(A/N: Kamen Rider KuuGenm Drive - Level Musou Rising Ultimate Tridoron. Combine these three images together. Basically, this form is a fusion of the same riders that lets George achieve not just all of his fusion forms, but also all his forms based on Kuuga, Drive and Genm themselves.

Genm Component (Based on Level Musou form) - In this form, it is much like Genm in Level 2, but just ensure that the armour pieces are as per usual. The head sculp will have Rising Ultimate Kuuga's gold parts found at the sides along with its crown piece will be combined to the form, with Drive Type Tridoron form's head sculp armour to be combined on the fusion to give it the Kuuga Rising Ultimate and Drive Type Tridoron form gimmicks. Ensure the colour scheme for Rising Ultimate and Tridoron when fused with this form are coloured based on Genm Musou's colours.

Kuuga Component (Based on forms and Adventure Guy Kuuga Game Gashat and Rising Ultimate Form) - Rising Ultimate's armour will be combined together at the chestplate, arms and legs.

Drive Component (Based on forms and Full Trottle Drive Game Gashat and Tridoron Form) - Tridoron's armour will fuse together with Rising Ultimate armour to give out the Kuuga and Drive vibes. Wheels will be included on the fusion's feet and right shoulder, as well, including the huge tire on the left for weapon arsenals.)

Now that his appearance and personal information has been stated, let us go through his weapons and accessories.

Weapons and Accessories:


Tikhar Railgun

Weapons wielded by Kamen Rider Kuuga, Drive and Genm

(A/N: Tikhar Railgun.)


Mobile Base - a jeep converted to survive in a post-apocalyptic world.)




ArcleDriveGame-Driver (A/N: Baiscally, it's a Game-Driver combined with Arcle-Driver and Drive-Driver.)

Shift Cars


Baksou Gouram Booster (A/N: Basically it's Baksou Bike in Bike form combined with Rising Beatgouram with Ride Boosters Red and Blue attached at both sides, giving the bike the ability to go on land and air.)

(A/N: Mobile Base.)

Now that his weapons and accessories have been stated, let us go through his aura and semblance.

Aura and Semblances:

Aura: None

Semblance Name/s:

1. None

Ability - None

Trivia: George Kawasaki - The son of a Russian and a Japanese woman. The world in which he lived was the most ordinary, because there were no superpowers or magic in it.However, when World War III began in the world, the whole world changed forever as a result of the use of nuclear weapons. Now in this new world, George has no choice but to search for and study anomalies. In this way, he distracts himself from his depression that he may be the only surviving person in the world.

That is when a portal opened up in front of him one day, offering him an unusual and yet unique Driver to him, showing him the way that there are more than just anomalies he can discover in the world the portal wants him to go to, to save it and maybe have a specific someone to help with his depression.

Welp, that's all for now for Meme_LordDan_Kuroto's other OC, George Kawasaki aka, Kamen Rider KuuGenm Drive. Hope you guys enjoy it. If you guys want to join me in my epic quest against Salem and Thanos, it will awesome to have more people as OCs. As after all, the More the Merrier.

So, since this is Meme_LordDan_Kuroto's other OC, do give him tons of love and support on Wattpad as it will be appreciated. Well, that's all for now. So, be nice, be happy, stay frosty, stay brave, POUND IT, KNOCK IT!! Aaaaaaaaaaand SEE YA!!!!!

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