Izuru Haruyoki (Baka_Noir's OC)(VULCAN)

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Hey everyone. Today, I am going to review to you my OC that zombienitro02, Baka_Noir and I have been planning so far for the upcoming war against Salem and Thanos (A/N: I'm making this short as you already knew which volumes and movies I'm talking about.) and Another Decade. I would like to personally thank zombienitro02 for his brilliance before we begin. So, without further ado, let's get this started by introducing to you, Baka_Noir's OC which goes by the name of Izuru Haruyoki aka, Kamen Rider Full-Rampage Vulcan.


(A/N: Izuru's Looks.)

-Personal Information-

Name: Izuru Haruyoki

Emblem: Vulcan's Emblem

(A/N: Izuru's Emblem.)

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Family: -UNKNOWN-

Favourite Colour: Red

Eye Colour: Purple

Hair Colour: Purplish Black

Occupation: -UNKNOWN-

Likes: Seeing drama, Seeing her (???) smile, Something that is not boring, Games

Dislikes: Boring things, Someone Ship him with anyone else other than her (???), Losing something entertaining, Someone steal his power, Being forced to do something

Speed: 20 - Unknown/10

Strength: 20 - Unknown/10

Leadership Skills: ∞/10

Outfit: (Refer to the Picture Above)

Height: 179

Weight: 67kg

Race: Human


(A/N: Kamen Rider Vulcan.)

(A/N: Kamen Rider Vulcan - Assault Wolf.)

(A/N: Kamen Rider Rampage Vulcan.)

(A/N: Kamen Rider Full-Rampage Vulcan. The right side of his Rider Body Armour will be like his left but the Rampage Actor on his right armour will be replaced with 13 other Rampage Armour Pieces. The said 13 Rampage Armour pieces will be stated down below. The 10 Rampage Armour Pieces on Rampage Vulcan will also be stated below.)

1. Left Armour:

1. Ability Wing (L) - The wing stored on the left shouder. It contains the Falcon Rider Model, which grants flight through an energy interference field with the wings. Also, when the "Rampage Blast" is activated, it has a role to stabilize the posture by piercing the frame into the ground behind as an anchor to suppress the super strong recoil. 

(Flying Falcon)

2. Ability Arm (L) - The left arm, comprised of the Gorilla Rider Model, which increases the arm's strength, and Shark Rider Model, which enables it to cut through anything with energy-based constructs and reduce resistance in water to enable high-speed swimming. 

(Punching Kong & Biting Shark)

3. Ability Gauntlet (L) - The left forearm armor and left hand. It contains the Scorpion Rider Model for poison generation through a telescoping piercing unit or a punch, the Tiger Rider Model for flame-based attacks, and the Polar Bear Rider Model for blizzard-based attacks. 

(Sting Scorpion, Flaming Tiger & Freezing Bear)

4. Ability Leg (L) - The left leg. It contains both the Hornet Rider Model for lighting-based needle constructs for knee thrusts, and the Cheetah Rider Model for strengthening the leg and enabling enhanced speed to run 100m in 0.9 seconds. 

(Lightning Hornet & Dashing Cheetah)

5. Ability Boot (L) - The left foot. It contains the Mammoth Rider Model, which adds ultra-high pressure to the kick. 

(Breaking Mammoth)

6. Ability Breast (L) - The chest armor, comprised of the Wolf Rider Model. It controls the operation of equipment including firearms from target search / capture / tracking to firing of bullets based on information from sensors in each part to maximize shooting efficiency. This is a re-dominated main ability, and the effect is spreading throughout the body. 

(Shooting Wolf)

2. Right Armour:

1. Ability Inferno Wing (R) - The wing stored on the right shouder. The Rider Forms will be equipped with another wing (Since Flying Falcon only have one wing in Vulcan's armor) and surround the user including the right wing with fiery scorching flame capable of melt any objects near it.

(Burning Falcon)

(A/N: Drawing 1.)

2. Ability Arm (R) - The right arm. It contains the Penguin Rider Model, which lets the user to have better control of the wind plus generate tornadoes by just a swing of a arm's strength, and Giraffe Rider Model, which enables it to enhance user's powerful headbutt with electricity to stun enemies.

- Penguin Rider Model will be located at where the Gorilla Rider Model is located at on the Right Arm

-Giraffe Rider Model will be located at where the Shark Rider Model is located at on the Right Arm

(Storming Penguin & Sparking Giraffe)

(A/N: Drawing 2.)

3. Ability Gauntlet (R) - The right forearm armor and right hand. It contains the Lion Rider Model to give an explosive roar that could leave huge craters, the Hedgehog Rider Model for shooting needles and shooting it at enemy's acupunture precisely to disable their movement, the Panda Rider Model for zooming its vision with a higher quality, and the Spider Rider Model to shoot webs and traps enemies with giant cobwebs.

- Lion Rider Model will be located at where the Tiger Rider Model is located at on the Right Gauntlet

- Hedgehog Rider Model will be located at where the Scorpion Rider Model is located at on the Right Gauntlet

- Panda Rider Model will be located at where the Polar Bear Rider Model is located at on the Right Gauntlet

- Spider Rider Model will be located at the Ability Gauntlet's right hand. So, you can say that his entire right hand, is Spider Rider Model itself.

(Dynamiting Lion, Gatling Hedgehog, Scouting Panda & Trapping Spider)

(A/N: Drawing 3.)

4. Ability Leg (R) - The right leg. It contains both the Kangaroo Rider Model to give the Rider the ability to Box, Kick-Box, travel through dimensions and to equip any weapons at his disposal, and the Whale Rider Model to give better control of water especially oceans.

- Kangaroo Rider Model will be located at where the Hornet Rider Model is located at on the Right Leg

- Whale Rider Model will be located at where the Cheetah Rider Model is located at on the Right Leg

(Hopping Kangaroo & Splashing Whale)

(A/N: Drawing 4.)

5. Ability Boot (R) - The right foot. It contains both the Buffalo Rider Model to give strength in ramming and crashing enemies, and the Stag Rider Model for cutting down unbreakable objects.

- Stag Rider Model will be located at where the Mammoth Rider Model is located at on the Right Boot

- Buffalo Rider Model will be located at where the Mammoth Rider Model is located at on the Right Boot

(Crushing Buffalo & Exciting Stag)

(A/N: Drawing 5.)

6. Ability Breast (R) - The chest armor and the right shoulder armour. It contains the Jackal Rider Model at the right Chest Armour and right Shoulder Armour Modules, gives inhuman speed that can't be followed with naked eyes almost like the user is teleporting, or invisible, and the Horseshoe Crab Rider Model at the center of the armour, overlapping both Wolf and Jackal Rider Modles. It gives extra armor protection.

- Jackal Rider Model will be located at where the Wolf Rider Model is located at on the Right Breast

- Horsheshoe Crab Rider Model will be located at the center of the chestplate and as stated, it will overlap both Wolf and Jackal Rider Models

(Fighting Jackal & Invading Horseshoe Crab)

(A/N: Drawing 6. To include Wolf Rider Model.)

3. Head Armour:

1. Ability Crown - The crown piece on the top of the form's helmet and forehead. It contains the Hercules Rider Model to give him powerful strength when it comes to gripping enemies with a bone-crushing hug. 

- Hercules Rider Model will replace Rampage Border as the crown piece will be covered entirely by Hercules Rider Model, only to reveal Rampage Signal below the horns of Hercules Rider Model

(Amazing Hercules)

2. Rampage Signal - The control device gem on the forehead. It adjusts the Rampage Actor to adapt to each ability at any time, maximizing its ability

3. Ability Border Hair (L) - The light-blue and red 'hair' located on the left side. Each colored 'hair' corresponding to each Rider Model functions independently and has the role of adjusting the parameters of the ability and adjusting the output balance when the special technique is activated. 

4. Rampage Face - The blue faceplate. In addition to the anti-poisoning function that removes impurities in the air during inhalation, the special labyrinth filter enables breathing in water. In addition, when flying at high altitude, a supercharger can be used to maintain the same oxygen supply as on the ground. 

5. Rampage Optical Visor - The blue compound eyes. It not only allows Vulcan to see at a 160° viewing angle at eight times the visual acuity of normal humans, but also allows him to see it in night vision or shading. Additionally, it functions as an optical sight by synchronizing with various parts and weapons such as the Ames shot riser via the "Ability Breast" on the chestplate. 

6. Rampage Communicator - The 'ears'/communication devices. Located to the left and right of the Rampage Head, it integrates wireless communication devices and speakers to communicate with outside forces. 

7. Ability Border Hair (R) -  Like the left side, Each colored 'hair' corresponds to each Rider Model functions independently and has a role of adjusting the parameters of the ability and adjusting the output balance when its special technique is activated. Take note that the Ability Border Hair (R) will merge with Rampage Border Ear and the colours on Ability Border Ear (R) will be different. 

7.1. Ability Border Hair (R)'s Border Ear, Border Hair and Hair detail colours are as follows;

Right Border Ear:

- Cyna (Penguin)

- Blue (A/N: Lighter than light blue and cyan.) (Kangaroo)

- Lime Green (Hercules)

- Blood Red (Buffalo)

- White (Panda)

- Orange (Stag)

- Grey (Horseshoe Crab)

Right Border hair:

- Brownish Orange (Jackal)

- Dark Blue (Whale)

- Crystal Red (Burning Falcon)

(A/N: Drawing 7. A drawing on what Ability Border Ear (R) looks like with Ability Crown.)

(TAKE NOTE: I know these drawings are quite blurry but, it happens when I edit them. And take note these drawings you see now, are rough sketches. Thanks.)

Now that his Appearance and Personal information has been stated, let us go through his Weapons and Accessories.

Weapons and Accessories:


Anything he have on his hand or knife



(A/N: Shotriser.)

(A/N: Slashriser.)



Shotriser (Weapons:) & Shotriser Belt


Progrisekey Holders

(A/N: Shotriser (A/N: Stated above at the Weapons: criteria.) & Shotriser Belt.)

(A/N: Progrisekeys. Progrisekeys as follows; Shooting Wolf, Assault Wolf and two Rampage Gatling Progrisekeys.)

Well, you may be asking, why does he have two Rampahe Gatling Progrisekeys? Well, there is a reason for it stated below.


The first Rampage Gatling key will wield only the powers of Rampage Vulcan that was extracted from data, battle or attacks by Zero-One, Vulcan, Valkyrie, Horobi and Jin alone. The second one will be different as it will be an enhanced version of Rampage Vulcan known as Full-Rampage Vulcan used by inserting Full-Rampage Gatling Progrisekey. For this Secondary Rampage Gatling Progrisekey, he will not just wield the power of Shooting Wolf, Rushing Cheetah, Flying Falcon, Sting Scorpion, Biting Shark, Flaming Tiger, Freezing Bear, Breaking Mammoth, Punching Kong and Lightning Hornet, this key will also wield the powers of Crushing Buffalo, Splashing Whale, Dynamiting Lion, Storming Penguin, Scouting Panda, Fighting Jackal, Invading Horseshoe Crab, Sparking Giraffe, Trapping Spider, Gatling hedgehog, Amazing Hercules, Exciting Stag, Hopping Kangaroo and Burning Falcon Progrisekeys as well, the Selector Magazine will be Gold instead of silver, Gathering Model will show a built-in Rider Model of all 23 species in the display monitor and the progrisekey cladded in blue around the Key will have seven-multi coloured veins (A/N: Rainbow-Coloured veins for short.) all over the key to show the full power of they Progrisekey when used.

(A/N: Progrisekey Holder (x3). To store his Assault and Gatling Keys into.)

Now that we have finished with his weapons and accessories, let us go through his Aura and Semblance

Aura and Semblance:

Aura: White

Semblance Name: 

1. Lie Detector

Ability: Like Robyn Hill, he is able to detect lies by just looking into their minds or with a shake of a hand. 

2. Full Rampager

Ability: The user can Master and Harness the strength of savagry of every Creature Rider Models in Full-Rampage Gatling Progrisekey with or without transforming to Full-Rampage Vulcan Form

Special Abilities aka, Finishers by using Shotriser and Slashriser:

- Rampage Power Blast (Biting Shark, Punching Kong, Breaking Mammoth)

Rampage Speed Blast (Rushing Cheetah, Flying Falcon, Lightning Hornet, Burning Falcon)

- Rampage Element Blast (Flaming Tiger, Freezing Bear, Sting Scorpion)

- Rampage Megaton Blast (Crushing Buffalo, Invading Horseshoe Crab, Amazing Hercules)

- Rampage Hunter Blast (Trapping Spider, Scouting Panda, Fighting Jackal)

- Rampage Onslaught Blast (Exciting Stag, Gatling Hedgehog, Dynamiting Lion, Hopping Kangaroo)

- Rampage Electro-Volt Blast (Splashing Whale, Sparking Giraffe, Storming Penguin)

- Rampage ALL Blast 

Special Abilities aka, Finishers by using Shotriser on Belt:

- Rampage Gatling Blast Fever

- Rampage Power Blast Fever

- Rampage Speed Blast Fever

- Rampage Element Blast Fever

- Rampage Megaton Blast Fever

- Rampage Hunter Blast Fever

- Rampage Onslaught Blast Fever

- Rampage Electro-Volt Blast Fever

- Rampage ALL Blast Fever

Trivia: He performed a surgery on someone that is in Coma, he is once known to be a test subject to create the ultimate talent and the Ultimate King of the Beasts, he once destroyed a horde of grimm using knife, Shotriser and Slashriser

Welp, that's all for now for Baka_Noir's other OC, Izuru Haruyoki aka, Kamen Rider Full-Rampage Vulcan. Hope you guys enjoy it. If you guys want to join me in my epic quest against Salem, Thanos and Another Decade, it will awesome to have more people as OCs. As after all, the More the Merrier.

So, since this is Baka_Noir's other OC, do give him tonnes of love and support on Wattpad as it will be appreciated. Well, that's all for now. So, be nice, be happy, stay frosty, stay brave!!!!!

And I would like everyone to thank zombienitro02 for this wonderful idea as without him, this Full-Rampage Vulcan Form idea wouldn't be around today for this special OC!!! If you want more tips and more brilliant ideas, you know who to go to!!

AND THAT'S THE BOTTOM LIIIII~IINE!!!! CAUSE' THE SHADOW WRA~TH SAID SO!!!! (A/N: From Stone Cold Steve Austin's catchphrase.)

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