Starbee Prime (Starbee-Prime's OC)(Prima's Daughter)

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Hey everyone. Today, I am going to review to you my OC that Starbee-Prime and I have been planning so far for the upcoming war against Salem and Thanos (A/N: I'm making this short as you already knew which volumes and movies I'm talking about.). So, without further ado, let's get this started by introducing to you, Starbee-Prime's OC which goes by the name of Starbee Prime.


(A/N: Starbee Prime.)

-Personal Information-

Name: Starbee Prime

Fake Name: Honeybee


Gender: Femme (Female)

Family: Prima (Father, Occupation: One of the 13 Original Primes, Status: Deceased), Cheetor (Best Friend, Occupation: Guardian of the AllSpark, Status: Deceased)

Favourite colour: Purple & Silver

Eye colour: Blue

Hair Colour: Brown (Human Form),  (Robot Form)

Occupation: One of the 13 New Generation Primes

Likes: Watching people getting along, Enjoy the culture, Reading, Writing the history

Dislikes: Seeing people split into two different side, Losing her friends

Speed: 10/10

Strength: 7 - 8/10

Leadership Skills: 10/10 (A/N: Aw COME ON, everyone knows that the Leadership skills of a Prime is absolute and high!)

Outfit: Wearing purple shirt with the word says Prime in Cybertronian language, blue jeans, silver shoes

Height: 5'1 (Human Form), A bit taller than Bumblebee (Robot Form)

Weight: -UNKNOWN-

Race: Human/Cybertronian


(A/N: Starbee Prime - Human Form.)

(A/N: Starbee Prime - Robot Form)

(A/N: Starbee Prime - Stealth Jet Form. Her vehicle form will be based on her Robot Form's colours. Her jet form will have some spike-like edges to give this vehicle mode an edge like her robot form considering she has a lot of sharpness on her head, wings, arms and her fingers.)

Now that her appearance and personal infromation has been stated, let us go through her weapons and accessories.

Weapons and Accessories:


Star Saber (Given to Kieron Prime passed down from Primus, to Prima, to Optimus, to Starbee and finally to Kieron)

AllSpark Saber

AllSpark Dagger

AllSpark Staff

AllSpark Shield

(A/N: Star Saber which was handed down from Primus to Kieron Prime.)

(A/N: AllSpark based weapons stated above.)



AirKor & JetKor (x2) Gears (Enclosed Forms)

(A/N:AirKor & JetKor (x2) Gears in their enclosed forms. Ensure the second JetKor Gear is coloured White)

(A/N: AllSpark.)

Now that her weapons and his accessories have been stated, let us go through her aura and semblance.

Aura and Semblance:

Aura: Blue with the Silver tips

Semblance name:

1. Power of the AllSpark

Ability 1 - With the AllSpark inside of her, she can open a Network of GroundBridges and SpaceBridges

Ability 2 - Fuse any Combat Vehicles (A/N: Bullhead, Atlesian Paladin, Atlesian Carrier Fleet to name the few.) to any person or any bot so that anyone or anybot can wield those certain vehicles as their own armour known as Spark Armour

Trivia: Starbee and Cheetor were good friends back when Cheetor was looking after the AllSpark as the Guardian of the AllSpark. When Cheetor returned to the AllSpark, Starbee decided to take it upon herself to protect the AllSpark for the sake of her friend. While looking after the AllSpark in her Spark Chamber, the first sign of her Semblance activated when she opened a portal to Remnant where the AllSpark will be safe from Decepticons and during her journey guarding the AllSpark and being the daughter of Prima, she decided to explore more on her semblance. She opened network of GroundBridges, SpaceBridges and created her own weapons from the AllSpark or without the AllSpark herself (A/N: You can say she's an extent to Dr.Strange in a different way.). During her journey on Remnant, she discovered her other signs of semblance which is not just create weapons and open a network of GroundBridges & SpaceBridges, she can also combine herself with any combat vehicles to create her own armour known as Spark Armour. Now that she knows what she can do with and without the AllSpark and Semblance, visi-versa, she can protect this world from the Grimm, that is until a portal led her to another location which is Argus, to meet up with the few other Primes and their allies.

Welp, that's all for now for Starbee-Prime's OC, Starbee Prime. Hope you guys enjoy it. If you guys want to join me in my epic quest against Salem and Thanos, it will awesome to have more people as OCs. As after all, the More the Merrier.

So, since this is Starbee-Prime's OC, do give her tonnes of love and support on Wattpad as it will be appreciated. Well, that's all for now. So, be nice, be happy, stay frosty, stay brave, POUND IT, KNOCK IT!! Aaaaaaaaaaand SEE YA!!!!!

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