A Halloween SPECIAL (2018) (Part 3, FINAL)

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Hey everyone and WELCOME to the SPECIAL episode part 3 of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose Volume 2 whereby we will be seeing Team RWBY, JNPR and STRM hosting and organizing a Halloween Party. So, just a recap of the disclaimer again, I DO NOT OWN RWBY AND I DO NOT OWN KAMEN RIDER EX-AID AND BUILD. RWBY is from RoosterTeeth and Kamen Rider Ex-Aid and Build is from Toei.

Take note this happened before the Vytal Festival and in between Volumes 2, 3 and after the Lovelica-tastrophy event.

So, enjoy the insert, sit back, and LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!! 

3rd Person's POV:

After seeing Grimmphos utilizing all of the Bugsters, Grimm and Atlesian tech's powers by copying, reacting and adapting to them, this made Shadow and the rest of the human and Bugster army to take a few steps back in fear as we now know that is was just the beginning of the end. But for some Bugsters however begs to differ.

Gutton: He can't beat all of us.

Kaiden: Yeah!!! He may be bigger now, but that doesn'tmean he's powerful!!

Grimmphos: HAHAAA!!!! Don't you see, of course I CAN!!!!! I AM . ALL of YOU!!!!!! BETTER WATCH OUT, FOR YOUR HALLOWEEN NIGHTMARE HAS JUST BEGUN!!!

Gutton soon advanced forward as he jumped forward toward Grimmphos as he attempts to use his Gauntlet to directly punch him in the face, but to no avail as Grimmphos used his six arms from his left side, blocking his punch as he used Arunbura's arm from his right side as he summoned a runic circle and blasted Aurnbura's Strongest Abilities, Ruin at Gutton, causing him to be thrown back to the crowd, to our shock.

Gutton: This is bad. 

Shadow: What is?

Gutton: I've scanned Grimmphos's data. Power levels doesn't compute as it is now off the charts. He has gone from base form to Maximum.

Ruby: Then that means he i--


Gemdeus Machina: Well, you can put it that way.....

Lovelica jumped over Maximum Grimmphos as he landed in front of him as he launched his charm-like beam at Grimmphos, but tono avail as he blocked them by using Hatena's armto generate puzzle piece-styled energy shields to deflect his attacks while using Graphite's arm to slash him into the air as he used Vernier's Rocket Launcher arm to blast him away from him to top things off.

Gemdeus Machina flew up in the air as he wields his sword to wield Graphite's power.

Gemdeus Machina: Dododododododododododo... Machina Guren Bakuryū-ken!!!

He said his finisher as he slashed his sword at Grimmphos, causing a dragon made of flames to emit from his sword, in which Grimmphos countered it by using Salty, Aurnbura, Graphite and Vernier's signiture attacks, all combined to create one beam as it overpowered Gemdeus Machina's attack, causing him to be taken aback by the impact as he crashed through some buildings, to his shock and slight sense of over-confidence.

Gemdeus Machina: Well, (Sweeping dust off of me) That didn't work.

He said as he got up on his feet.

Gemdeus machina: Time for Plan B....


Block after block that were generated by every step I took in the sky with Emu in his Maximum gamer Level 99 form, I found a slight opening to Maximum Grimmphos as I activated my finisher as I alerted him on what I'm going to do, which I knew it is a bad idea but I got to try stopping him by reprogramming him.

(A/N: Kamen Rider Ex-Aid - Maximum Gamer Level 99 form. (x2))

Me: Hey, Porcupine Genosider!! Let's see if you can deal with the power of reprogramming, TWICE!!!

Emu: YEAH!!!

I acquired Maximum Gamer Level 99 like Emu's form as the both of us soon activate our finishers as we head towards Grimmphos with our feet, getting ready to give him a kick of his life and to reprogram him as well. However, Grimmphos launched Vernier's Missiles, causing them to hit Emu as his finisher has been countered, I swiftly dodged every single one of them as I neared Grimmphos as our victory is now at hand, but perhaps I thought so soon as he launched Gemdeus Machina's attack from both his fore-arms, hitting me, but instead, struck Yang as the both of us flew towards Ironwood's ship, crashing into the hanger as my Level 99 form deactivated, as yang was on top of me as she got up.

Yang: Well... that was a thing. (Offers a hand) 

Me: Thanks. (Accepts and grabs her hand as she helped me up)

Yang: What can I say. Anything for my Silver Jet~ Now, at least we are safe here so that we can recuperate.

Me: That's besides the point, Yang... although you are right. But, I'm actually worried about the people he turned into monsters like him....

Yang: Now that the bugsters who are with us due to a temporary alliance is keeping him busy and trying to find a way to beat him with the Huntsmen and Huntresses out there, whilst including my sister, what can we do??

Yang's POV:

I watched as Shadow is currently in his thinking state as he asked me a question, in which he is asking the wrong person for the answer.

Shadow: Is there anyway for me to create a big enough Anti-Virus Data-like energy, to blanket the Kingdom without using Reprogram from Maximum Mighty Gashat??

Yang: Sorry, Doc. Wrong person, but the only thing I can tell you is that you need absolutely more power. Like me for example. That's why I always start things of with a "Yang"!!

Shadow: Seriously, Yang? Puns? Now? How are we gonna save the world when you are ju-- Wait a minute...

As I said that, I watched Shadow going into his train of thought once again as he was thinking of something. When he is done, he looked at me as Ihave a puzzled look on my face when he did that.

Me: What??

Shadow: You're a genius.

Me: What?!

Shadow: Of course!!! If I need more power, I need to get it from the source to do so, and get things started back up in terms of our halloween battle, with a YANG!!!! In a rematch kind of way.

Me: Okay...??? So that means??

Shadow: We need the Nexus Chamber. 

As the leader of Team STRM exclaimed the solution, I questioned further.

Me: Does that help???

Shadow: Yes, but.... it's dangerous when I dose its energy alone.... But I think the both of us don't even have a choice....

Me: Great... So, now what d--

Just as I was about to finish, someone behind me and in front of Shadow interrupted my sentences, and that someone, is non other than, Gemdeus Machina.

Gemdeus machina: Ooooohh~ How very exciting~ How can I be of service??

He asked as he did a bow while looking at us as we looked at each other with wary looks in our faces.


The doors to the room that we hid the whole Nexus Chamber in soon opened as Gemdeus machina, Yang and I entered inside the chamber. When gemdeus Machina saw the whole Chamber, he was in awe and overwhelmed by its power.

Gemdeus Machina: By the Virus Plagues... What is this DELICIOUS Place?!?!

(A/N: Nexus Chamber. More techy than this one but this pic is just an example.)

Me: This place is our only chance to defeating Grimmphos.

Gemdeus machina: The power in this room overwhelms me, wanting me to take it as my OWN POWERS!!!!

Yang: (Whispers to Shadow)You know, I think bringing him here is a bad move...

I looked at yang as she exclaimed this while looking back to Gemdeus Machina.

Me: Gemdeus. Stay there and operate the controls.

I stated as he activated the controls online as I made my way towards the center of the chamber after placing two empty gashats into two empty podiums as Yang took a few steps back away from the center.

Me: Yang, assist Gemdeus Machina in piloting the ship down to ground level, on my signal.

Yang: Okay.

Gemdeus machina: Sounds like fun.

Me: Then, let's do this, guys.

I exclaimed as Gemdeus Machina and yang pressed some buttons on the console, causing the center of the chamber to emit a large amount of Nexus Energy into me and into the two Gashats as well.

Yang: So, how long are everyone out there gonna hold Grimmphos out for??

Gemdeus Machina: I'm afraid the others won't be able to hold Maximum Grimmphos of long. So, let's get this show on the road!

He stated as he kept on pressing buttons as he pressed the last button on the console to commence Nexus Energy transfer.

Gemdeus Machina: Nexus Chamber, Initiated.

After pressing on the button, the chamber now emits a large amount of Nexus Energy as they are being absorbed into Shadow and the Two incomplete Gashats as Gemdeus Machina kept pressing and adjusting buttons to amplify it so thatthe transfer could go easy as Yang watched on as some of the Nexus Energy unknowingly went inside of her.


3rd Person's POV:

Outside the ship, Graphite is seem clashing his weapons with Grimmphos's arms as he broke the clash and slashed him, but to no avail as he grabbed his weapon by using Motos's arm as he used Revol's arm to blast Graphite away. Ruby and Weiss shot some rounds, causing Grimmphos to be encased in ice (Ice Flower) as Nora, Pyrrha, Ren, Tenka, Rachel, Mitchell and Blake launched their attacks with the Bugsters' aid.

Once that was done, they stopped firing, thinking that they got him this time, but they're wrong as it charged at them while throwing them back by using its arms. Everyone were being thrown back except for Blake, Mitchell and Tenka as they used their semblances just in time to dodge them. After dodging them, the three gave Grimmphos a barrage of attacks whipe dodging his attacks.

It was going great until it lashed out a DeathStalker tail as it wrapped around the three as Grimmphos turned around a few times to throw them further away from him, in which Graphite caught them just in time.

Tenka, Mitchell & Blake: Thanks!

Graphite: Your welcome!

Glynda Goodwitch started to get annoyed at this as she summoned a huge streak made of her magic and crystals as she controlled it, motioning her arm to lead the streak to Grimmphos while Graphite launched his signiture move at the streak, combining the attacks as it flew towards it. As it did, the streak caused the creature to get thrown back due to the force caused by the streak, making it land onto a truck filled with dust crystals as it exploded right at Grimmphis upon impact.

Some of the Bugster and the members of RWBY, Team JNPR and the members of STRM gathered as they looked at the wreckage, thinking that they got him for good this time. However, in the wreckage, they noticed something just jumped from it as it landed in front of them as they took a step back in shock as they couldn't believe their eyes that Grimmphos is still alive.

Grimmphos: Is that the BEST, you could you do?!

I questioned as it jumped real high as landed onto the ground hard, causing a huge shockwave to emit upon impact. This made everyone around the area and close to Grimmphos to get blown away by the shockwave attack.


While the Bugsters and the Huntsmen and Huntresses-in-training and the headmasters are keeping Grimmphos busy, The Atlesian Airship was seen landing to ground level as the outlines of the ship began to glow as every inch of the airship is being covered by Nexus Energy.

Inside the ship, Shadow is still struggling with the Nexus Energy as it may be too much for him to bare.

Yang: Don't you think it is too much?!

Gemdeus Machina: Not exactly. He must accumilate the maximum amount of Nexus Energy so that to purify and cleanse the infected from Grimmphos's infection. (Looks at Shadow) Don't let up, Shadow!! We're almost there!!

He said as he slowly pulled up a holographic button to reduce the spikes that are affecting Shadow and increasing the dosage on Shadow as he is now seen glowing white with shades of blue. While the process is about to be completed, the ship that the three ere in began to glow brighter like the sun as the creatures of Grimmphos began to charge towards it, with the intention of infecting the passengers remaining inside the ship.

As they approached, inside the chamber, Shadow now watched on as he noticed his Game-Driver equipping itself onto you as I watched the twoEmpty Gashats glow as theyturned into something powerful than the powerful Gashats Emu, Dan Kuroto and Pallad are wielding as illusions of two forms of Mighty Brothers XX, Maximum form of Gashat Gear Dual Alpha, Maximum Mighty X, GOD Maximum Mighty X and Hyper Muteki forms and datas are being sent over and transferred into the two gashats as they are now complete as they activated by themselves as they flew to me and they soon insert themselves into my Game-Driver, to Gemdeus Machina and Yang's shock and amazement.

-NEXUS MAXIMUM MUTEKI DOULE X!- (NEXUS MAXIMUM MUTEKI XX) (Upbeat with remix dramatic techno-rock and choral music)

-NEXUS MUTEKI DOUBLE X- (NEXUS MUTEKI XX) (Remix Upbeat techno-rock guitar riff with techno-angelic tune)


-NEXUSZA DOCKING- (NEXUS DOCKING) (Remix Nexus Looping upbeat techno-angelic tune with rock guitar riff)

Me: LEVEL SHIFT!!! LEVEL NEXUS INFINITY DOUBLE X!!!!! NEXUS DAI-HENSHIN!!! (I flipped the Game Lever and pressed the buttons of the Maximum Gashat and Mureki-like Gashat downwards to activate my super form.)



-NE~EXU~S! HYPER MUTEKI EX-AI~D!- (Remix Nexus-like Angelic chorus mixed with upbeat techno-rock guitar riff)

After transforming, my transformation caused a huge shockwave of Nexus Energy to spread around the globe as the infected turned back into their normal human-selves, to the survivors and Bugsters' relief. Inside the ship, Gemdeus Machina watched his arm as his infected arm turns back to normal, in which Yang noticed it.

Yang: Gemdeus... your arm. Is back to normal!

Gemdeus Machina: (chuckles with joy) You did it, dear boy! You, DID IT!!!

Yang: Yeah. You di-- whoa... hello handsome~~

Gemdeus Machina: well, I must say! I LOVE THE NEW LOOK ON YOU!!!!!

(A/N: This is what Nexus Muteki Gamer Level X Infinity looks like.)

My POV: 

I looked at myself as I look at myself as I observed that my Super Form is like a combination of GOD Maximum Mighty X, Maximum Mighty X, Gashat Gear Dual Alpha, Mighty Brothers XX and Hyper Muteki forms, powers and energies. I also observed that I also have some parts of my form from my arms, legs, sides, my chesplate and my head are covered with Exo-Armor made out of N.E.X.U.S. Energy whichallows me to get much stronger, faster and more durable.

I soon walked down from the podium as I looked at both Gemdeus machina and Yang as I smirked behind the mask as I stated.

Me: Now that this is out of the way, there is now one thing left to do now! And that is to take down Grimm-Face!!!

Yang: Uuuuh guys.... why do I have the same powers as him???

Gemdeus Machina and I looked at Yang as we saw her emitting the same energy as I did as Gemdeus machina explained what went wrong which turned out to be an advantage.

Gemdeus Machina: Well, it would appear that some of the Nexus Energy has leaked into some areas of the room and somehow went to her as well during the transfer process. But don't worry. It will not affect you, Yang as it will be an advantage for you.

Yang: Oh yeah?? Will I be like Shadow but, different?

Me: Yeah.

Gemdeus machina: Yeah, you can say that.

Yang: Cool.

Me: Now, let us be going to deal with Grimmphos! 



(A/N: Music starts here.)

After the people who have been infected by Grimmphos and his creatures turned back to their human-selves, they were clueless as they were on the ground questioning themselves on what was happening. While doing so, they saw Grimmphos as they looked in fear while being escorted by Huntsmen and Huntresses, teachers and Headmasters out of the city temporary as they themselves including the Bugsters are now attempting to contain Grimmphos.

Tenka: It seems that Shadow has done it.

Dan Kuroto: (Laughs maniacally) THE SHADOW HAS DONE IT!!!!!!

Emu: Then let's do what we can to bring the people to safety and contain him.

Ruby: Right back at you!


All: RIGHT!!!!

They stated as half of the group and the Medical Team assisted their group to escort the victims to safety as Grimmphos roared with rage.

Grimmphos: You may have cured them from my plague... BUT I COULD ALWAYS RECLAIM MY ARMY SOONER ENOUGH TO DEAL WITH YOU!!!!

Me: Let's agree to disagree!!!

When the group who stayed behind heard this, they looked back as they saw me in my special Rider Form as I advanced towards Grimmphos.

Ruby: Shadow?!

Emu: Shadow.

Me: It's me, Rubes, M!!

Grimmphos: WHAT IS THIS?!?!?!


I exclaimed as I was close enough to punch Grimmphos. As I punched him, I felt that my punch strength was infinite times powerful than my Maximum and Muteki forms' punch strength as I witnessed Grimmphos flying backwards, hitting against the wall real hard as chunks of debris from above crashed onto him, to everyone's shock and my shock.

Me: Like the new form? I call it Nexus Maximum Muteki form!! I must admit, this form is cool.

After exclaiming, I watched Grimmphos emerging from the debris as it growled at me.

Grimmphos: I'm sure I will place that name, ONTO YOUR TOMBSTONE!!!!

Grimmphos roared as he pounced at me, in which I countered it by grabbing his fore-arms and slammed him to the ground. It soon got up as the creature and I began our fight.

Lovelica: I am going to--

Gemdeus Machina: Everyone, stay back! This is a battle, that we're hoping to see, that Mister Shadow succeeds in defeating Grimmphos....

Lovelica: Right... Then I shall help the civilians get out of here.

He exclaimed as Grimmphos punched me, but to no avail as I side-stepped to my right as I gave him my punch in the face. It soon used Hatena's arm to spawn some blocks to make one line to launch an attack on me by simply matching the colour and line them up to form a wall, but I simply jumped in the air and land in front of it as I did a back-kick at his chest. Grimmphos roared once again as it used its tail and wrapped it around my leg, swinging me around from wall after wall, finalizing his swing by swinging me to the ground hard as my semblance was rendering inside the suit. 


Me: (Panting) They were never able to defeat me.... And you WON'T EITHER!!!!!!!

As I got up quickly with my eyes glowing red and blue, it soon used Hatena's arm again to launch a puzzle-like beam, Revol's arm to launch a barrage of bullets, Salty's Gauntlet to launch an electric beam and Graphite's arm to launch his Pyrotechqnics at me, but to no avail as I pressed a button at the side of the Maximum Gashat as I felt meself changing into a different form. After changing into a different form, I simply dodged Grimmphos's barrage of attacks by going to my left and right as i looked at each other in shock as there are now two of me, to everyone's shock.

(A/N: Nexus Muteki Double X - Nexus Brothers Muteki Gamer Level XX Infinity. This is what it looks like.)

Me 1: Whoa...

Me 2: This is... a bizzare gimmick.

Me 1: Now, shall we, me?

Me 2: Yeah, ME!

We both exclaimed as we watched Grimmphos charging all of his arms' attack as he charged towards us so as to take us down while his arms are fully charged with each of their attacks, but to no avail as we boosted our Nexus Energy and blocked his attacks while holding it back, to Grimmphos's confusion due to the ovrwhelming power that he is feeling right now from the two of us.

Grimmphos: WHAT... IS HAPPENING!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Me 1: You're not the only one---

Me 2: ---who's powered up, Grimmphos!

Me 1 & 2: Because we are, too! And we're gonna clear this with NO CONTINUES!!!!

The two of us exclaimed as we created a power surge, causing Grimmphos and us to stagger back a bit as some of Grimmphos's limbs broke off, with the other me throwing Lovelica's arm away, unfortunately it was thrown in front of Lovelica, causing him to cringe a lot.

Lovelica: (Cringing) EEEEEWWWW!!! Gross.... 

Grimmphos charged at us once again as we pressed the button on the Maximum gashat downwards as we began charging as well towards him while merging back to Nexus Muteki Gamer Level X Infinity, with Grimmphos punching me with the use of Geonome's arm and my fist as we both clashed fists with each other. While our fists clashed, Grimmphos broke the clash and tries to whip me with his DeathStalker Tail but, to no avail as I jumped over it as I dodgd his Lightning Beam attack fired by his Salty Gauntlet arm.

Grimmphos cross-punched me by using Arunbura's arm as I spun around, delivering a drawback attack by cross-punching Grimmphos in the face. Grimmphos opened up his wings as he took to the skies as he flapped his wings strongly, hailing a rain of feathers down upon me, which I smirked as I spawned in Gashacon Key-Slasher and slashed all of his feathers as I took to the skies as well and gave it a strong slash, causing it to be thrown into the air. I boosted myself up as I went close to grimmphos.

Just as I was close enough to him, I raised my right leg up in the air as I dropped it on Grimmphos, kicking him downwards towards the ground. The kick was so great that it caused 'Hit', 'Great' and 'Critical' jingles and signs to be seen and heard as well and it also caused Grimmphos to land onto the ground real hard due to the kick and the momentum, leaving me alone to land safely to the ground. Just to think that the ordeal is over, Grimmphos stood back up again, this time, without wings and his arms intact as he spoke.

Grimmphos: Don't you see. You can't defeat me! I'll simply rise up again!!! MORE POWERFUL!!!!! It's What I DO!!!!! REACT, AND ADAPT!!!!!!!

He states as his limbs and wings grew back once again.

Me: (Scoffs) ADAPT THIS, BITCH!!!!!

I scoffed as I pressed the button on the Muteki Gashat as it sounded of, preparing for its finisher as I pressed it once again, to activate it.


As my finisher is activated, I suddenly split into two, acquiring Nexus Brothers Muteki Gamer Level XX Infinity once again as we gave each other nods of agreement while taking a huge leap of faith, as the both of us charged towards him as we had our feet raised up to acquire our hyper kicks at him. When we reached him, we at each of Grimmphos's side spun around in circles like a tornado as we gave him a flurry of kicks. This soon went on as we went behind him as we did the the same thing as well. After which we went back in front of it as we gave it aflurry of kicks in his face as we land onto the ground and leaped upwards once again, kicking his its chin to stun him, blurring out his vision.

While Grimmphos is composing and clearing his vision, we soon rushed behind him as we merged into Nexus Muteki Gamer Level X Infinity as our fists glowed in a multitude of colours as we rushed him from behind as we did an upper-cut from its back, causing him to fly and recieve tonnes of blows (A/N: Like Hyper Muteki.) while being in mid-air. To finalize our attack, we flew up in the air and above Grimmphos as I split myself into Nexus Brothers Muteki Gamer Level XX Infinity once again as we landed an extremely strong icy kick and our finishers at Grimmphos due to our semblance, bringing him down to the ground as he blew up beneath our feet, to everyone's shock while a thick fog is now covering the whole area of impact caused by our finisher. 

(A/N: Music ends here.)

Everyone was shocked at what has happened and what power they are witnessing. Ruby however was worried that I didn't make it.

Ruby: SHADOW!!!!

There wasn't any repsonse until she heard a voice.

Me: Don't worry, Rubes. I'm okay.

I exclaimed as the fog cleared while I am seen walking out of it, still in my Nexus Muteki Gamer Level X Infinity form leaving the lifeless body of Grimmphos at the crator created by my finisher. Ruby soon sheds a tear as she rushed to hug me.

Ruby: I'm so glad you're okay....

Me: (Hugged her back) And I'm glad too, that you are okayas well... and so am I.

Gemdeus Machina: Now that is whatI called, a flawless victory.... or should I say,... Mutekatality.

Me/Yang: Pun intended???

Gemdeus Machina: Yes.

He stated as we all laughed at that pun which we don't know if that was a good or a bad pun.

A few minutes later,

Everyone is back to whatever their doing, Beacon students and teachers are backin Beacon to keep partying away for halloween, the Super Medical Team has reclaimed their ultimate weapon and has returned back to Seito University Hospital, regaining most of the NEXUS Energy back to its former glory, and for Gemdeus Machina and I, we watched on as Atlas Soldiers are escorting Grimmphos who is now in chains into a Cage as General Ironwood is now being questioned and lectured by Professor Ozpin about his so called, "Experiment" and Ironwood kept on saying, "I will see to it", "Forgive me, Oz. We thought it was dead after it was deemed dead and a failed experiment." and "I will look into the matter with my best engineers.". While watching them, we also watched Gemdeus Machina's Brothers fled the scene as he spoke to me.

Gemdeus machina: Well, looks like all our allies have fled the coup! Grimmphos is down and apprehended to its former owner/s once again. He may have been the greatest villian of us all, well you... you are the greatest hero that I've ever met, including your Super Medical Team, your Team and your Beacon Academy followers,.... as well as your girlfriend, lil' red. (Points at Shadow) You did it with all your help you've got, Shadow Wrath.

I smirked as I deactivated my super form.

Me: No. We did it.

And with that, we both shook hands with each other and broke the handshake soon after.

Gemdeus Machina: Which means, our little alliance is at an end. Until we meet again, Shadow. And when I do, I won't be as kind as today.

Me: Don't go all easy on me. Legendary mode would be great.

Gemdeus Machina: I know.

He exclaimed as he disappeared while I sighed in relief that this Halloween Nightmare is finally over. As I looked at the view, Professor Ozpin who is still in his costume came up to me from behind as he spoke.

Ozpin: Well, at least the night is still young, isn't it?

Me: Yeah... indeed it still is, Porf. Oz.

Ozpin: Although it was a nightmare, but you still learnt something from that outcome.

When he said that, Ilooked at him with a puzzled look planted on my face.

Me: And that is...???

Ozpin: That is, that you've sought to rescue and help your greatest rival in times of desperatesituations like today.

Me: Yeah.... I guess I learnt something from there, like what you said just now.

Ozpin: Mmmhmm. Now, it's 11.30pm now, why don't we stick to the party while the night is till young? As after all, you planned this party didn'tyou?

Me: yeah. Let's go. And to figure this out, I got a surprise for Rubes.

-Time: 2335 Hours-

Ozpin and I soon returned to the Ballroom where the Halloween Party is located as everyone including I applauded for our victory against Grimmphos and its army as we all continued partying with the time close to 12 Midnight.

A few hours later,

It has already been a few hours and unbeknownst to everyone, it was already 1:30am in the morning and October 31st was over, this made Ruby very sad. I took notice of it as it was her birthday almost one and half hour ago, but it seems none of the others had even mentioned that they remembered at all. It was like they had all forgotten due to that nightmare.

Ruby's POV:

I stood up from my chair and decided to rest for the night, but then suddenly, a spotlight was shined unto me, confusing the me and everyone in the ballroom. It even confused me more when I saw the leader of Team STRM, standing on the stage, a mic on his hand.

Shadow: Hello? May I have your attention everyone? Ahem! Ahem! Well, first of all, Ladies and Gentlemen, on behalf of my team and friends, it has been a great pleasure for us to host this year's Halloween Party for Beacon Academy, and to be the saviour... no, for us to be saviours from this Halloween Nightmare several hours ago!!

A round of applause was given to him, before he settled them now. 

Shadow: Now, the Halloween Party may have ended, we're starting another celebration today. A birthday celebration.

Shadow emphasized the word birthday as he turned his attention to me, as my eyes widened at the sudden turn of event.

And then suddenly, Pandemonium broke loose; the lights flew on, streamers and confetti flew from every direction and birthday poppers exploded, flag-lets of red rose unfurled from the pillars, balloons fell from the ceiling, and everyone was shouting, "Happy Birthday, Ruby!"

I was so stunned by the sudden noise that I didn't really process what happened. 

Me: Uh, what?

Yang: This is your surprise birthday party, sis!

Yang ran up and hugged me real tight.

Me: Pleash shtop.......

I could hardly take a breath from Yang hugging me. 

3rd Person's POV:

Rachel then steps forward, separating Yang from her sister, and drags Ruby on the stage. 

Rachel: Come on, Yang. We still have a lot of other things to do besides saying 'Happy birthday'.

Rachel exclaims as she lead and sat Ruby down on a throne-like chair, with the other students continuing their party.

Ruby: What's next then?

Rachel: Ooh! Ooh! How about presents?

Rachel asked, excited as Mitchell immeidately flew up to Ruby and handed her own wrapped present for Ruby.

Ruby was so anxious to see what her friends got her for her birthday. She tore through the wrapping and ripped open the box. She reached in and pulled out a red mass. Holding it up, she realized it was a red cloak.

Mitchell: I noticed the cloak you wear now is made of a wool. This one is made out of Mistral's finest polypropylene, so it's lighter and great for summer use! I even ask them to place some silver outlining along the ends and sides of your cloak.

Ruby: Thank you, Mitchell! 

Ruby took off her wool cloak and put on the polypropylene cloak. Mitchell smiled widely at Ruby for this.

Jaune: Open mine next.

Jaune looked kind of nervous, as he said this. Ruby picked up the next box wrapped in colorful paper. Only problem was that it was more of a cylinder than it was a box. 

Ruby: What's in here, Jaune?

Jaune: You'll have to open it if you want to find out

Blake looked concerned as she remembered the last time Ruby got a cylindrical package from someone. It had been from Taiyang, Ruby's father, and he had sent her a dog. IN THE MAIL! Blake took a couple steps back preparing for the inevitable.

Ruby's hand flew across the paper tearing it to shreds. She finally popped of the cap to the container. Luckily for Blake no dog appeared out of the depths of the package, but instead it was a big piece of paper.

Ruby pulled out a full-sized poster. On this poster was Ruby's favorite and legendary Huntsman, who also happens to be The Great Elemental Warrior of Flames and Shadow's father. Shadow planted his face in palm at this embarrassment, while Jaune looked sheepish because of it.

On the bottom in letters, it read: It is time we burn our passions brightly for the one that you hold dear.

Ruby: Thanks, Jaune, this really means a lot to me, you know.

Everyone stared at the poster and looked fascinated about what the sentence meant.

Now, it was Blake's turn to hand Ruby a present. It was an unusual looking package with many weird angles and wrinkles.

Ruby gladly opened it to find a book. Ruby was pleasantly surprised she hadn't expected a book, but loved them so she didn't complain. Ruby hugged Blake. As Ruby pulled away she looked confused.

Ruby: Why did the wrapping have so many weird angles if this is a book, Blake?

Blake blushed intensely, completely embarrassment as she looked down to the ground.

Blake: I really suck at wrapping.

Shadow: Haha, you're so adorable Blake. But I must say, at least you tried your best making a present.

Shadow commented as he laughed at this, unfortunately earning himself a punch to the stomach by his own girlfriend, who is flushing red in anger, and this time it was Mitchell who is laughing at the sudden predicament of his team leader.

While the team leader of STRM was busy apologizing to his beloved girlfriend, Tenka stepped up the stage and handed Ruby her present. It was a decently sized box, wrapped in smooth silver satin.

Ruby thought it would be a waste to tear the satin since it looks so expensive, so she gently unwraps the box and opens it, revealing a futuristic eye-visor with personal antennas on it.

Ruby's eye literally sparkled as she stared at the high-tech gadget. Tenka first explained the appearance it could give to the holder, and the fantastic accuracy one could have while using it to see if the target is in sight. Then, he soon explained about the eye-visors in terms of the use of it in the day and night as she tried it on, with Shadow turning off and turning on the lights, to Ruby's amazement.

After thanking Tenka, Weiss stood up as she strolled over to Ruby and handed her another box, which Ruby gladly accepted.

Ruby shook it a little to try and guess what was in there. Everyone watched in anticipation. Ruby opened the box and took hold of all the tissue paper that was stuffed into the box and held it over her free hand. Into her hand dropped a red and black object, it was a brooch in the shape of a rose.

Ruby was a little taken aback, but squealed like a little girl.

Ruby: Thank you Weiss! 

She rushed over and almost knocked Weiss over in a hug.

Weiss: Do you like it?

Ruby: Of course I like it. I've always wanted a brooch!

After Weiss gave her gift, Ren took the initiative.

Ren: Here, Ruby, Blake helped pick it out. I hope you like it.

Ruby took the present he offered her. It was wrapped in green paper.

Nora: Oh, me next! Boop!

Nora placed a huge box at Ruby's feet. Weiss and Tenka covered their mouth trying not to laugh at Mitchell, Rachel and Ruby's expression which were a mixture of curiosity and pure horror. Yang and Rachel scratched their heads in contemplation of what it could be. The rest of team JNPR did the whole "Say no evil, see no evil, hear no evil" kind of thing.

Ruby opened Ren's gift. Ruby was excited; he had got her some more red hair dye. She had, coincidentally, almost depleted her current store of it.

Ruby: Thanks, Ren, I was almost running out of these.

Ren: You're welcome.

Me: (Inner Thoughts) Never knew she dyes her hair.... owch... (still holding at the area Ruby punched)

Ren bowed in gratitude. Ruby then turned to the gigantic box next to her with apprehension. Truthfully speaking, she was a little scared as to what would be in there. She was sure it was a gag gift or something. Maybe an Ursa doll would pop out, or some pie will smash into her face.

Seriously with Nora, the possibilities were endless; there could be an empty jar of syrup or even an explosion that sings 'Happy Birthday.'

Ruby hesitantly sliced the top of the box open, and was assaulted by a miniature statue of Nora in the box. It poked Ruby's nose and yelled, "Boop"

Everyone started laughing. The statue appeared to be wearing a dress that read in pink lettering BOOP. Then Ruby realized that it wasn't a red cocktail dress it was a shirt that was in fact Ruby's size.

Nora: Now, we can wear matching shirts!

Ruby: Thank you, Nora. 

Ruby thanked her as she started laughing. She had to hand to Nora, she knows how to get an outrageous gifts.

This time, it was her fellow team leader's turn. Ruby is surprised when he sees Shadow pulling a red cart, filled with presents. Excited, she rushes down the stage, and opens one of them. Ruby gasps in amazement as she pulls out a magazine with the title: The Elemental Warrior of Flames and his Adventures Through The Center of the Galaxy - Volume 5 Chapter 1. She opens the others and finds out it's the whole series of her favorite comics, and they all have their own autographs from the Legendary Huntsman himself.

Ruby: Oh, thank you! Thank you! Thank you so much, Shadow! You're the best!


She squealed as she glomped me down to the ground. While Ruby was preoccupied with hugging the air out of me, Rachel and Yang sneaked off for unknown reasons.

Ozpin: Happy birthday, Ms. Rose!

Ozpin said grinning widely as he dropped a neatly wrapped box in front of Ruby, startling her and causing the whole ballroom to go dead silent in a heartbeat.

Glynda: We didn't know what all you liked so we just got you stuff we thought you might need or want. 

Professor Goodwitch said placing a beautifully wrapped present in front of the red-caped girl as well.

Oobleck: Hopeyoulikeit, Ms. Rose! 

Professor Oobleck hastily said, as he quickly set down a hastily wrapped present.

Port: Why I know you will one day be a great Huntress, young Miss Rose. Hope you enjoy the gift.

Professor Port said setting down a present wrapped in old newspapers. He would have launched into a story, but with the way Goodwitch was glaring at him, that wouldn't be advisable.

Port: What? It was the only thing I had on hand when I bought the present and you all were too busy to loan me some wrapping paper!

Professor Port said defensively at the glare Goodwitch was giving him. She facepalmed at this.

Glynda: And you didn't think to buy wrapping paper while you were buying the present?

Professor Goodwitch asked raising an eyebrow at her coworker, who blushed sheepishly at this.

Ruby: Thank you so much professors! You didn't have to get me anything though! Really.

Ruby said beaming up at her professors happily and a little embarrassed, causing Goodwitch's face to soften as she looked at the young girl.

Glynda: Today just so happens to be a special occasion, and we just went a little...farther with yours because you are the youngest student here.

Professor Goodwitch said blushing slightly under the knowing looks that her coworkers were giving her.

Ozpin: What dear Glynda here is trying to say is, her motherly side comes out more often around you than the other students because of your young age and innocent nature. So naturally, she went a bit..... overboard on getting your present and making sure we did the same.

Professor Ozpin commented nonchalantly as he sips on his mug of cocoa, making Glynda's blush an even deeper shade of red before she stomps away, followed by her chuckling co-workers much to everyone's silent shock and mine.

Ruby was happy that she'd opened all her presents especially from the professors.

Me: Time for ye cake now, right?

In response, Blake and Weiss stood up and picked up an enormous red velvet and chocolate cake. There were 16 candles on it, all of them were already lit. Ruby was squirming in her seat with joy. They put the cake down on the table that Pyrrha and Jaune had just moved to the center of the stage.

Everyone gathered around Ruby and sang to her. While they were doing that she was thinking about what she wanted to wish for. She couldn't do it. The day had gone perfectly. Yeah, sure it would have been nice to know earlier that her friends hadn't forgot about her, but they were all here now, they were all having a good time.

Ruby knew that they all loved her and she loved all of them. There was nothing else she wanted more than to have a family of her own and now she truly had that with the rest of Team RWBY, Team STRM and Team JNPR.

Mitchell: Well, blow out the candles and make a "rosey" wish.

Ruby: Pun intended?

Mitchell: Yep, for a birthday girl.

Mitchell was sitting next to her 

Me: But don't tell us what you wished for. 

I reminded her. Ruby hesitated she still didn't know what to wish for. After a second of thinking it came to her. She blew out the candles in a somewhat vicious manner. After being applauded by her friends and the students, she noticed that some people are missing.

Ruby: Wait, where are Yang and Rachel?

No one knew. They started looking for them all over the place, but they were nowhere. Just as there were about to look outside, Yang and Rachel burst through the doors riding their respective motorcycles, with a huge box behind each of their respective bikes. The students knew about this amd so did Tenka as he knew there is a gimmick to the eye-visors that he gave Riby as a present. So, everyone were able to leave a space in the center of the ballroom in the nick of time.

Yang: Did we miss the presents?

Yang scanned the room quickly as she got off her bike, as Rachel replied.

Rachel: Looks like we did, Yang.

As she got off her bike, Yang spoke up to Ruby.

Yang: Sorry, Rubes. We went over to the garage to get your presents.

Me: Wait, I remember now. You and Rachel haven't given your present/s yet. 

Now that Ruby though about it, they hadn't. Suddenly, Yang held up a set of keys. The only question was: Keys for what? What are the contents inside those identical boxes? Then, Yang held them out for Ruby.

Yang: Come on, sis. Wouldn't want to spoil the surprise for you so, knock yourself out.

So, Ruby took the keys as Yang and Rachel opened up the two boxes as in its contents comprise two similar chests in two respective boxes. Rachel and Yang placed two of the similar chests in front of Ruby as she unlocks the chests, opening them up to reveal its contents. Ruby's eyes widened as she sees one gauntlet in each chest as her eyes glittered in delight.

(A/N: Gauntlets for Ruby as presents. They will be red except the LED Lights which will be blue. There will also be plasma cannons at the palm of the gauntlets.)

Ruby: I love it! 

Ruby threw her arms around her big sister and her sister's best friend. 

Ruby: Thank you soooo much!

Yang and Rachel hugged her back as they winked at each other as they know these are the gauntlets she wanted for so long. Ruby took the gauntlets and was jumping up and down squealing like a fangirl.

Tenka: Wear the visors. This actually works well with your gauntlets. I will explain further once you calm down. heheheh.

3rd Person's POV:

Everyone began to laugh at Tenka's remark as the birthday party was still ongoing. As the Halloween/Birthday party still went on, Shadow and his team decided to retire now for the night, since they still have a mission to go through first thing in the morning. But just as Shadow is nearing the doors...

Rachel: Oh, look! A photo booth! Doc we, Doc? Can we? Please?

Rachel clasped her hand together as she pleaded. Actually, there was a lot of booths during the Halloween Party such as kissing booths, and other Halloween-themed carnival booths. And it seems that the photo booth is the only booth left that they didn't went to yet.

Shadow: All right, Rach, alright. Anyone up for Halloween pictures?

Shadow asked as they all agreed with the idea and they all took a few props with them before their pictorial, with Tenka grabbing Jack-o-Lantern, Rachel holding a black cat-themed basket, Shadow putting on a top hat, while Mitchell just raised a double thumbs up.

Shadow: All right. Everybody ready? On the count of three, everybody say 'STRM!'" 

Tenka: 1....

Rachel: 2.....

Mitchell: 3.......


They all yelled in joy as they were engulfed in a flash of light, with the camera perfectly capturing their picture. As they got their picture, Rubycame in as she wants to be in the picture with Shadow and herself. So, he accepted the offer and decided to take some pics with STRM and RWBY, Mitchell and Yang, Blake and Tenka, Tenka and Weiss, Mitchell, Rachel and Yang, and last but not least, Shadow and Ruby as they have pictures of their likings.

Needless to say, it was the best birthday for Ruby, and a Halloween party for everyone.

End of SPECIAL Episode.

And that's all, folks! The SPECIAL episode of the Second Volume for our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose, Halloween edition Part 3. So, if you ladies and gentlemen and other deviants really, really love it, comment down below on the comment section if you want me to try something and make up for it. So, thank you so much for reading this. And if you enjoy it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause' that would be "Muteki" awesome and greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I can improve myself as well.

And, if this happens to be the first literature that you have seen by me, please consider leaving a watch to become part of "Ride-Player Troopers" (It's what I prefer to call my watchers) today if you want to see more of the rest of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose insert. Apart from that, thank you so much again forreading this, and I'll see you Ride-Players (readers) on the next episode ofour RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! Until then! See you on the next game! Staylighted up! Stay Frosty! Stay Brave! Be Nice! SEE YA!!!!


Somewhere at Vale,

The masked figure known as Orochi Tenma looked across the city and at Beacon as investigations of Atlas's Experiment are still ongoing. As she turned towards Beacon, she sighed in relief.

Orochi: Heh. Guess my work here is done,... for now.

As she stated this, as if right on queue, someone spoke up behind her.

???: Oh yeah?

Orochi: Yeah, "EVOL"!

She swiftly turned around as Evol in his monster form and Orochi are now staring at each other with their own death glares.

Orochi: What . do you want?

Evol (Kaiju form): Nothing. Came here to see how Shadow is as well... after seeing what he did with this so called, "NEXUS Energy" which was supposedly belong to me from the start.

Orochi: Well, C.R needed a cure to counter every Bugster... So, I had to steal it from you so thatto have my secret messenger to send it to them.

Evol (Kaiju form): (Sighs) Although you're good, like always, defeating me with Sento... I still want to say, 'Thank you'

Orochi was puzzled when Evol said thank you. So, she asked further to get a reason why he said that.

Orochi: Hmm? Why's that?

Evol walked closer to Orochi as he stated his point.

Evol (Kaiju form): Because, if Shadow and C.R didn't get their hands on my NEXUS Energy, they wouldn't be here today. And to be honest with you, even with my strength, i wouldn't be able to defeat that creature.

Orochi: I see. Well, if that was formerly the case,thank you for being honest with me, Evol.

Evol (Kaiju form): Likewise. Ciao~

He stated as he disappeared out of sight, leaving Orochibehind to look at Beacon once again.

Orochi: Be safe... my brother. And have a Happy Halloween to you all.... and happy Birthday, Ruby... (Smirks)

She said as she smirks while opening the portal as she enters through it as it closed behind her.

OFFICIALLY the End of SPECIAL Episode.

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