Black Trailer

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Hey everyone and WELCOME to RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow/S) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose, the Black Trailer where we will be focusing on Mitchell Striker and Blake Belladonna! Just a recap of the disclaimer, I DO NOT OWN RWBY AND I DO NOT OWN KAMEN RIDER EX-AID.

So sit back, an LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!!!

*hits gong real hard while knocking a random person unconcious*

A/N: Next time, get out of the way. Otherwise you will be unconcious for the next few days.

Blake is seen sitting on a rock located in a clearing within the forest of Forever Fall. A minute later, Adam approached her...

Adam: Blake, it's time...

Blake turns to him, and by the looks of it, she seems a bit uneasy, but regardless....

Blake: Okay...

Then the two of them began running through the forest before arriving in a cliff overlooking train tracks just in time to see a train appearing from behind the mountains. The two of them then leap off and slide down the side of the cliff, using the momentum to boost themselves up into the air once again, and onto the train. Midway through the air, Blake and Adam draw their respective weapons,and drived them into the top of the train to prevent themselves from sliding off. They sheath their weapons and continue along on the roof of the train. Upon reaching a hatch, Adam slashes the lock off with a mere sheath of his weapon and opens the hatch. The two of them jumped in.

When they were inside, the duo found themselves inside with inactive androids, which are then activated as the pair appears to have set off laser-tripwires from their entry.

Adam: Looks like we're gonna be doing this the hard way...

The lights in the androids flicker on as their metal visors slide into place over their "faces", as they start to surround the two faunuses

Blake: Don't be so dramatic...

Blake then stands up, while drawing her weapon. An android proceeds to transform its arms into Gatling guns and points them at Adam.

Robot: Intruder. Identify yourself.

Instead of answering, Adam pulls the trigger on Blush, shooting Wilt out of the sheath towards the head of the robot, stunning it in the process. He then dashes forward, catching the sword mid-air before slashing the robot, cutting it clean from neck to under its left shoulder as Adam resheaths Wilt.

The remaining robots switch their arms to a blade mode and begin charging at Adam and Blake. Two robots came up behind Blake, but she activates her semblance as she jumps backwards and uses Gambol Shroud to split them both at the chest. She leaps forward to cover Adam's back as he slices at several advancing robots. Adam uses Blush to fire at the robots as Blake backflips to evade another robot.

They cut down several more robots before one switches its arms into a minigun mode. It fires rapidly at Adam and Blake, but Adam is able to deflect the bullets before it get too close. After Adam sheathes Wilt, Blake charges towards the robot and it resumes firing. She is able to deflect the bullets and gets close enough to decapitate the robot. She immediately slices down another robot and cuts off another's legs. She rapidly unsheathes Gambol Shroud to begin dual wielding the sheath and the katana before striking another robot, then leaps into the air and slams it into the floor.

Blake charges towards the remaining robots and begins cutting them down rapidly, slicing off one's arm and shoving her sword through another. She reaches the last robot in the train car, knocks it into the air, then proceeds to slice it several times before landing on the floor. The robot is still in the air when Adam leaps up and kicks the robot out the door of that train car and onto another train car ahead. They both inspect the train car only to find it empty. Well, it used to until they heard metallic sounds of something coming from all the sides of the car. They went at the end of the train car, and out of nowhere, 6 pairs of androids appeared and just as they are about to fire their rounds, someone flew through the car and sliced the androids to pieces with his wings that are made out of silver. Once that was done, the winged faunus stood up while folding up his wings.

Adam: Thank you... for your charity. Who are you?

Winged faunus: I'm Mitchell Striker... I'm a silver-winged faunus.

Adam: (Inner thoughts) Silver-winged? I thought they were ext--*

Blake: Blake, and this is Adam. How did you find us?

Mitchell: It's a heck of a long story... So, I take it that you guys are raiding the train for weapons and stuff?

Adam: Yes.

Mitchell: Mind if I join your raiding team?

Blake: Do you know how to fight?

Mitchell smirks before walking over to the locked door, equipping his guantlets from both hands, transforming them into blade form (A/N: There are numerous forms for his guantlets which shall be told during the series), while opening up his metallic wings and starts spinning in great speed, slicing the door to the next car open.

Blake: I'll take that as a 'Yes'...

And with that said and done, Adam, Mitchell and Blake walked to a flatcar ahead. A number of other robots run towards them from the other end of the flatcar.

Adam: Let's do this...

Mitchell glances over Blake and decides to take things to the next level by activating his semblance.

Blake: What semblance is that??

Mitchell: Watch.

Mitchell dashes towards the robots, and Blake and Adam was surprised when they saw the winged faunus uses his wings to shoot out metallic feathers out of his wings, stabbing some robots.

Mitchell: The lion's share's yours, guys. (Uses his left wing to whack one robot behind him until its head got crushed in)

Blake and Adam then runs forward as Adam hits a couple of robots up into the air, Blake leaps up towards them to slice them up, and Adam partly unsheathes Wilt to knock them away with the hilt. While Blake and Adam are busy fighting their share of robots, a dozen of robots surrounds Mitchell, but he twirls himself around with his wings opened and his swords up, slicing the robots clean. Blake switches Gambol Shroud into its kusarigama-pistol form. She throws the sickle part past one of the robots, and pulls on the ribbon while using the pistol shot to launch the blade back towards her, cutting the robot in half.

Adam jumps forward and kicks the upper half of the robot away while it is falling as Blake swings her sickle around to cut down another robot. Adam jumps forward and kicks the upper half of the robot away while it is falling as Blake swings her sickle around to cut down another robot. Mitchell decides to join in with the group as he turn his swords into a bow and shots some arrows at the robots, making them explode. Blake jumps in the air and swings the sickle blade around in a spherical motion several times using its gunfire, cutting down three more robots and getting the sickle wrapped around the neck of a fourth. Adam leaps forward and slices the fourth robot as Blake fires off the pistol, pulling the robot's upper half into the air.

As they rushed forward, Adam slices up seven robots, causing five of them to explode. Blake and Mitchell charges up from behind. Blake cuts off the sixth robot's head, and then knocks another robot up into the air using Gambol Shroud's katana form, while Mitchell transforms his guantlets into crossbow mode and shot 5 arrows at the fifth and fourth robot. Blake lunges forward as Adam takes down another robot, using the kusarigama form of Gambol Shroud to perform a continuous pinwheel attack that launches two other robots into the air. Adam then fires a shot from Blush to send one of the robots flying back.

Adam jumps up and slices the other robot further up into the air as two robots approaching from behind are kicked into the air by Blake. The four other robots are then sliced repeatedly by Adam, keeping them in the air until Blake jumps up and slices through all four as Mitchell followed up, with two going further up into the air with Blake and Mitchell. Blake kicks the robot down and Mitchell impales the other one down with his blade-like bow from his guantlets, while Adam slices another as it is falling then shoots it with Blush as it falls behind him. He sheathes Wilt and then he, Blake, and Mitchell headed into the next train car ahead of them.

Blake, Mitchell and Adam emtered the train car, and they saw that this train car is filled with crates of Dust that were mined from the Schnee Dust Quarry. Adam opens up one of them, looks inside and is pleased with what he sees.

Adam: Perfect. Now move up to the next car. I'll set the charges.

Blake: What about the crew members?

Adam: What about them?

Mitchell: But Adam, we all due respect here. We can't just let the crew members be involve in th--

While Adam, Blake and Mitchell are discuassing what will happen to the crew members on board the train, a Spider Droid drops from the ceiling of the car and engages them before their conversation could continue. 

Blake: Adam!

Mitchell: Alp.(Alpha), best time to skiddadle.

The Spider Droid swiftly attacks, using its quartet of cannons to shoot at Adam, who deflects some of them and dodges the other. Blake then lunges forward, launching her own attack, only to be head-butted by the massive robot. Mitchell then flew in and caught Blake just in time and place her down onto the car ground. After that is done, he transforms his guantlets into talon form and slides under the mech with the help of his wings while clawing on it. He then jumps over the droid as he impales his one of his talon guantlets unto its head. The droid shakes them off of its head along with Mitchell, who was then slammed on the corner, his guantlets transforming back into brace form due to the impact. The droid raises one of its massive foot to crush Mitchell, but he activates his semblance and move his wings to block the droid's massive foot from squishing him. 

Mitchell: Trying to squish me, eh?? Over my. (Lifts its foot with his wings) Dead. (Loosen his strength a bit) BODY!!!!! (Liifts his wings again but this time, pushing the droid back with his semblance, applied in his wings)

The spider droid was at the verge of losing his balance, letting Blake and Adam to have an advantage to suddenly unleashes a flurry of blows, only to momentarily stun their enemy. When they finished their attack, Adam took a moment to glance over his shoulder at Blake, but the Droid then kicks Adam away. The Droid distracts him with a barrage of cannon fire before moving to crush Blake beneath one of its massive feet. However, Adam quickly moves in, grabbing Blake and fleeing to the other end of the car, and Mitchell rallies up with them. After he sets her down, the Droid quickly combines its cannons to unleash a massive energy barrage, which sends the trio crashing through a metal bulkhead, and out onto another flatbed car.

The Droid steps out of the train car as it begins to advance towards the three faunus.

Adam: Buy me some time.

Blake: Are you sure?

Adam: Do it!

Blake glances over Mitchell, who gives her an approving nod. And together they both dashed towards the Spider as it continuously launches a barrage of energies at them, which they both swiftly dodge. Blake then uses her weapon to divert one cannon, while embedding the blade into the thick armor, allowing her to launch herself far into the air, with Mitchell following up with her, before swiftly coming back down with Blake giving two furious slashes from her weapon, while Mitchell kept firing explosive arrows.

Blake equips both the sheath and katana form of her Gambol before attacking two leg joints and the head in rapid succession, forcing the Spider Droid to stumble with the help of Mitchell's firing. This gives Blake the opportunity to slam her weapon through the base of the Droid's skull and rapidly open fire, causing no effects other than slight disorientation whatsoever. Blake and Mitchell regroups with Adam as the Droid combines its cannons again.

Mitchell: Alp. That huge spider robot is about to use that super attack again!

Adam: Move!

He screams at them just in time for the barrage to be launched at him, who absorbs all of the energy fired at him using Wilt's blade. 

Mitchell: Whoa....

Adam gives off a sinister laugh as his body's red colorings glow intensely. The Droid leaps at Adam, and when it comes within mere inches from impact, Adam uses his semblance, Moonslice, unleashing all of his energy in one blow, causing the Spider to slowly recoil and disintegrate. 

Mitchell saw Blake crossing on the next train car, and thought to himself that it would be wise to follow by her side, since she just can't bear the fact of killing innocent crew members of the train that did nothing to them, and so she did. Adam turns around to see the two on the next car. He tries to reach for them but they do not follow. Blake and Mitchell gives Adam an apologetic look.

Mitchell: I'm sorry, Alp. ...

Blake: Goodbye....

And with that, Blake decides to leave him by cutting the line connecting the two train cars. She and Mitchell watched Adam's figure disappear off the distance. Once the figure disappeared, Blake gave a soft sigh that Mitchell noticed.

Mitchell: So...with his distaste for humans and raiding train like the one we just raided that belonged from the Schee Dust two are members of the White Fang, right??

Blake stayed silent for a moment before answering....

Blake: Yes. I was a member of th-- 

Mitchell: (smiles) Save your breathe, my friend. It's cool. Say, don't mind if I tag along with you for a while? I'm just dropping off at Vale for a special reason....

Blake: Well, sure. I'm just passing by there by train.

Mitchell: Oh, okay thanks.

Blake: Don't mention it, Mitchell. So, why go to Vale? What's this special reason?

Mitchell: Good question, Blake. Hmmm... Well, I'mma... looking for an old friend of mine who's a doctor. The greatest friend in the world. And with you as my new friend, that makes it four, including two others.

Blake: (smiles in ammusment) I see.


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