OC Sneak peaks PART 2

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Hello to one and all, to all RWBY, Kamen Rider fans and Avengers fans, and WELCOME to the FIFTH VOLUME of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! So, to recap once again, I DO NOT OWN RWBY AND I DO NOT OWN KAMEN RIDER EX-AID!! RWBY is owned by RoosterTeeth and Kamen Rider Ex-Aid is owned by Toei. So, now sit back, enjoy and LEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET'S GET'EM!!!!!

Today, we will be touching on Brianna-san's OC, @Build_Rider who is now known as Symbiote_Spider, zombienitro02 and azurecrozz's OCs. So without further ado, let's see where they will show up in today's sneak peak.

Episode 11:

Outside Haven Academy on the tree tops, two individuals watched as things aren't doing too good during the battle for Haven Academy. They watched on as one of them suggests something.

???: Brother, what do you think of this?

??? 2: (sighs) This isn't going well. Let's take action now, Kori.

Kori: Yes, Jason. So, any ideas?

Jason: Yeah, I got one, bro. You freeze that big-lug's legs, then you advance. Followed by me entering through the roof. After which, we both strike him, then we assist the rest.

Kori: Very Wise, brother. Let's go!

Jason: Yeah, bro.

Kori/Jason: HENSHIN!!!!

-Are you ready? Gokunetsu kinniku! Cross-Z Magma! Achachachachachacha Acha!-

-Are you ready? Gekitō Shinka! Grease Blizzard! Gakigakigakigaki Gaki~n!-

(A/N: Cross-Z Magma.)

(A/N: Grease Blizzard.)

After they finished transforming, they advanced towards the academy as they readied their plan to commence.

Episode 12:

As the rest are dealing with Hazel and Hazel is about to smash Tenka's armour, an ice-beam shot its way to Hazel'slegs as it froze him to his position, to Hazel's surprise.

Hazel: What the--

He struggled to move, but to no avail.


Jason: Oh, I'll tell you what trickery is this. IS THIS!!!!!

Hazel: Huh?!

Kori: AND THIS!!!!

Hazel: WHAT!?!?

As Hazel, Tenka, Ren and Nora heard this, they all looked up to see a Dragon rider falling down to deliver a fiery punch at Hazel and looked at a path made of ice an Ice Robot rider gliding along the ice to deliver an icy punch at Hazel.

Hazel was in a disadvantage when he charged up his attack, attempting topunch the brothers away, but to no avail....


Episode 13:

As Kori and Jason are fighting against Hazel, another Rider came out of nowhere with a Cross-Z Dragon made of fire with RabbitRabbit Mech parts for horns and for a helmet piece stuck onto it as the huge dragon rammed and blasted into Hazel, rendering his semblance, to the brothers' amazement.

The rider soon stood up in front of them as he deactivated his semblance.

Kori/Jason: Who... are you??

The unknown rider turned to face the brothers as he introduced himself.

(A/N: Kamen Rider Cross-ZBuild. Iglesias Cross-ZBuild's form will be different from the original as stated in the BIO Insert.)

???: I'm Hiro Kiken Iglesias. You can just call me Iglesias. I am Kamen Rider, Super Cross-ZBuild, and I'm here to assist you in your fight.

Kori/Jason: Coooooooollll...

Episode 14:

As Adam is trying to escape, Iglesias came in front of him to block his way from retreating.

Adam: Out of my way, FOOL!!!!

Iglesias: Fight me.

As Adam heard this, he chuckles as he point his katana at him.

Adam: You're a fool when you say you want to challenge me.

Iglesias: I'm not a fool. Iwant to avenge for my love that you took her life away from me.... away from this world....

Adam: Hmph! Jessica....

Iglesias: Exactly. I want to make sure that you . pay for your crimes by my hand!

As he stated this, Adam sheaths his weapon into his scabbard as he smirks.

Adam: Very well, then.

Iglesias: For mynew friends,.... for my love. (Inner Thoughts) If I make it out alive, I will return to Haven to see to my new friends.

He stated as Iglesias and Adam swiftly charged at each other as they clashed blades......


At Haven Academy, new friends, Ruby'sTeam, Shadow's Team and the remaining members of JNPR all gathered around to ensure everyone is alright as Iglesias soon returned from the forest....

(A/N: And guess what, I will be putting extra episodes into this fifth volume.)

Episode 15:

In the Headmaster's office where Professor Leonardo Lionheart is laid after that gruesome death, Another Pallad, weak from battle rummaged into his pockets as he took out a Thumb-Drive.

Another Pallad: .... Allthe info w--*.... WE Need... is all here.....

(A/N: Skip.)

Another Pallad: ... Send whateve--*

While Another Pallad was talking to Gemdeus Machina and Salem by via the Seer Grimm, it was soonshot down by someone behind him as he swiftly look back to see whocut him off.

(A/N: Skip.)


???: This will be.... your end mark....

Another Pallad: Wha--* AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA---

(A/N: Skip.)

The girl, in Geist Paladin form thrusted a sword made of rocky boulders through Another Pallad as he blew up into data. After his gruesome death, she detransforms back into her human-like Grimaced formas she looked at a photo of Shadow.

???: Finally... after so long..... (Smiling while tearing) I found you....

(A/N: Skip back towards the end.)

Ozpin watched as the two brothers knelt in front of Shadow as he addresses themon something.

Kori: So... what is this huge responsibility that we brothers have to uphold, Shadow???

Jason: Yeah, fill us in.

Shadow: After talking to myfellow Maidens and Summer inside mymind during meditation, I decided to give you news about your semblances.

Kori/Jason: Okay, and that is....???

Shadow: Your semblances are very special, and after discussing the matter to the maidens and Su**er **se, although my maiden powers will still remain intact on me, but still, after our discussion, we decided that you two have the potential to be . the new generation of Maidens.

When they heard the news, they were shocked about this and psyched.

Kori/Jason: COOL!!!

Oscar (In his head): What is he doing???

Ozpin (In control): Something that no maiden has done before..

Shadow: So, without further ado, I pronounce Jason Hiyasu, a Summer Maiden and Kori Hiyasu, a Winter Maiden. Congradulations, you two, for proving yourselves worthy of our powers.

And that's all for now. No spoilers allowed in this sneak peak.

So, if you ladies and gentlemen and other deviants really, really love it, comment down below on the comment section if you want me to try something and make up for it. So, thank you so much for reading this. And if you enjoy it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause' that would be "Muteki" awesome and greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I can improve myself as well.

And also, I'm doing a sneak peak on the last few episodes including the extra episodes that I will be planning soon so, hope you enjoy part two of this sneak peak. This sneak peak is being touched on Brianna-san, Symbiote_Spider, zombienitro02 and azurecrozz, so give them a shout out here and their stories. Give votes, kind comments and do show them some love as it'll be appreciated.

More love and support to Brianna-san, please.... I'm not sure what happened to her  after this.... "Misunderstanding". I tried reaching out to her and her friend, SorcererVaati including many other of her friends and followers tried reaching out to her to see if she is okay, but she didn't reply. So, Brianna-san, if you are seeing this, come back home, home as in come back to us. We can't be a Wattpad Family without you fitting the last hole to the piece of the puzzle. 

I know you are in pain, I know. But, you must be brave and come talk to us about what you are going through... and don't hide it all within yourself, as this is going to make you feel much worse. As a Guardian Angel, I like you when you are happy but,... it pains me to see you gone missing and sad so... come back to us and we will always be there to support you and we will always love you as we'll be rooting up for you all the way, Brianna-san.

So, if this happens to be the first literature that you have seen by me, pleaseconsider leaving a watch to become part of "Ride-Player Troopers" (It's what I prefer to call my watchers) today if you want to see more of the rest of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose insert. Apart from that, thank you so much again forreading this, and I'll see you Ride-Players (readers) on the next episode ofour RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! Until then! See you on the next game! Staylighted up! Stay Frosty! Stay Brave! Be Nice! SEE YA!!!!

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