Special Episode: A short Trip with Hebikura to claim the Titan Gauntlet (PART 2)

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Hey everyone including to all Avengers fans around the globe! WELCOME to the Special episode of the FIFTH VOLUME of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose where we will be looking into Shadow's short trip with Jugglur to the World of Attack on Titan to find out what Shadow is going to do next. So, to recap once again, I DO NOT OWN RWBY AND I DO NOT OWN KAMEN RIDER EX-AID AND ATTACK ON TITAN!! RWBY is owned by RoosterTeeth and Kamen Rider Ex-Aid is owned by Toei. So, now sit back, enjoy and LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!!!

3rd Person's POV:

After Eren fell to the base of Maria Wall where a huge hole was created by a Colossal Titan, Armin who is standing at the top of the Wall and Jugglur who watched from afar while being in the debris of destroyed and burnt building while in his Zeppandon Titan form watched in worry that Eren has fallen, for the Colossal Titan to look at the fallen Titan before him.

(A/N: Colossal Titan (Bertholdt).)

Armin: EREN!!!!

Jugglur: EREN!!!!

They yelled.

Inside the Colossal Titan, Bertholdt looked at Eren's titan form with no emotion as he began to start his next move.

Bertholdt: It looks like I was right. The fight is already over. He probably suffered a heavy concussion. It looks like he can't even stand yet. That's enough.... I'm putting an end to this.... this time,... there will be NO MISTAKES!!!!

He said.

Armin watched as the Colossal Titan raised it colossal-sized hand as he swung it over where Armin was standing, only for Jugglur's Titan form to stop it in its tracks, to Armin's surprise, knowing that he was saved by his Captain.

Armin: CAPTAIN!!

Jugglur (Titan Form): GET OUT OF HERE!!! MEET UP WITH THE OTHERS!!!!!!! I GOT EREN!!!

Jugglur yelled.

Armin nods at this and quickly used his gear to grapple away to safety. While Armin regroups with the rest, Jugglur looks at Bertholdt in his Colossal Titan form.

Jugglur (Titan Form): Bertholdt, stop this!!!! You're going to dig yourself a bigger grave if you keep going like this!

Bertholdt (Colossal Titan): It doesn't matter. What matters is destroying the walls and everything in my path,... starting with Eren and the horses. And I think adding you to my list will be better so I won't ever again have to endure your pontificating.

Jugglur (Titan Form): Just try me...

Bertholdt (Colossal Titan): That i'll do.

Bertholdt said as he used his other arm to slam his hand onto Jugglur's titan form, for huge chunks of the walls in front of him to scatter all over the city, only for the Colossal Titan to hear laughter, to his confusion as he turned his attention to the left to see Jugglur slicing several broken chunks of Maria Wall while in his uniform still standing. After clearing the path, he immediately don his defensive stance while holding onto his katana, facing Bertholdt alone.

Jugglur: Surprise, Bertholdt...

Bertholdt (Colossal Titan): Now this is just getting annoying!

Bertholdt yelled from inside.

The Colossal Titan roared as he raised both his hands so both its fists can smash through a particular part of the wall where Jugglur is standing. However, just before the Titan could smash its fists into Jugglur and the Walls, Bertholdt sensed that someone has thrusted something sharp at the side of the titan's face, for him to control the titan to see who that was. 

Before the Titan could completely turn to even see who was intervening, a person that he and it has never seen in his life flying towards the Colossal Titan while carrying someone behind him as he reeled himself towards the titan with incredible speed. Once close enough, he punched the titan while conjuring white and crystal-like spikes at the right side of its face to give the punch its effect, causing the colossal titan to immeditately get stunned by that attack while falling to its side, to Jugglur's shock.

Jugglur: That's... the power of hardening and Warhammer Titan. That means...

Jugglur looks to see the person turned out to be Shadow himself, for him to sigh in relief that he managed to escape death from the hands of the Colossal Titan.

Jugglur: This kid...

He said.

While looking at Shadow, Jugglur noticed someone behind him being carried, for him to know who he is.

Jugglur: Wait... that boy... that's- 

Just before Jugglur could figure that out, Shadow landed down in front of Jugglur while carrying the boy.

Shadow: Hey! Thought you could use some help, so I stuck around.

Shadow said.

Jugglur slowly nods while looking at Shadow's gear, seeing that he's wearing a Knight System Coat, a Vertical Maneuvering Equipment and a Game-Driver over his casual wear, to his shock.

(A/N: Knight System Coat (A/N: Same one from A Disguised Worth Fighting (PART 6 - Epilogue) and Vertical Maneuvering Equipment. Take note that this equipment doesn't have an Iron wire propeller with plug-in blades, it has three canisters at each side for extra fuel and propulsion and the hand grips connecting to the Piston-shot grapple-hooks are replaced by Shadow's Keyslashers connecting to the pistons.)

Jugglur: Where did you even...

Shadow: Had Tenka do a quick 3D Nano-build for me. Gotta admit... it'll be difficult with wires sticking out but... I guess i'll figure out why momentarily. Even Tenka complained about it.

Shadow said.

Jugglur walked in front of Shadow and explained.

Jugglur: Those, "Wires" are to help with hooking, fuelage and slashing... mostly for fuelage to give the hooking and slashing their effects. That's why we have these gas canisters to fuel us in battle.

Jugglur said.

Shadow: I see.

Suddenly, they felt a huge rumble beneath their feet to see that the Colossal Titan is getting up from its spikey daze.

Shadow: I got Eren. But quick question for you. You alright?

Jugglur: I guess so... which you can tell.

Shadow: Can you grapple?!

Jugglur: I have three quarter of fuel left, so I should be fine.

Shadow nods at this.

Shadow: Where are you regrouping? We kinda need to talk about that big hunk of flesh there?

Eren: The church....

Shadow: looks back at Eren Eh?

Eren: There's a small church they said they'll be regrouping.

Jugglur: Welp, like Titan-Boy, Eren said.

Shadow: Okay, let's go there.

Shadow said.

Jugglur nods at this as they grapple away to their regroup point while the Titan slowly stands back up.


At the Church,

Inside the church, some of the regiment were still inside taking other with the others still out there to take care of the other titans, with Erwin Smith leading them as they checked on anyone coming back to their regroup point when Armin returned.

Erwin: Armin!

Armin: Commander!

???: Any luck?

Armin: no... The Titan is still alive. The Captain tried its best but,... he stood no chance,... even Eren.

??? 2: We can't just stay here and do nothing.

??? 4: Then what do you suggest we do?!

Erwin: Everyone, enough! I know these are trying times and we are facing this Colossal Titan, again.

Everyone: ...

Erwin: Listen, I know. But if w-

Just as the Commander was about to finish, a loud crash came from a window as Shadow and Jugglur appeared to be swinging through and into the church as they took cover, to everyone's surprise.

After landing inside, Jugglur stood up while Shadow dropped Eren off for him to stand on his own two feet knowing that Shadow has given him a Recovery Energy Item earlier on, before standing up.

Jugglur: Yo.

Armin: Captain!

???: Eren!

Eren: Mikasa.

??? rushed in to hug Eren, for Shadow to recall the first time he was in that situation before while feeling the ground rumble again from the Titan's footsteps.

Erwin: So glad you are still alright, Captain.

Jugglur: scoffs You yourself.

Erwin and Jugglur shook hands for a brief moment before turning their attention to Shadow.

Erwin: So, who's this? And what kind of weapons is he holding?

??? 4: Yes, sir. Who's he?

Jugglur smiled at this as he swung his arm over Shadow's shoulders as he brought him over.

Jugglur: Guys~ This, is an old friend of mine, who fought beings much more powerful, stronger, bigger and taller.... than Bertholdt aka, The Colossal Titan. This... is Shadow.

Jugglur introduced Shadow to everyone.

Shadow bowed his head to greet.

Shadow: H-hi. Like Jugglur mentioned, I'm Shadow.

Jugglur: And this, Shadow... is few of the many members of the Scout Regiment that I'm commanding along with the Commander, Erwin Smith.

Erwin offers out his hand, for Shadow to accept it and shook it.

Jugglur: You already met Eren before you came to me.

Shadow: nods

Jugglur: This is Mikasa Achermann, Conny Springer, Armin Arlett, Hange Zoë an-


Hange exclaimed to interrupt Jugglur's introduction as she rushed in to Shadow, looking at his gear.

Hange: Nice outfit! Where did you get the equipment from? What weapons are these? Is that a gun fused into your sword and an axe fused into it, too? What a nice outfit, too! Where did you get it from? How many titans have you killed?

Hange continued on for Jugglur to have a sweat demeanor on his head while hange kept asking on and on and on.

After a while, Jugglur pulled hange away from Shadow to see Shadow to have the same demeanor on his head.

Jugglur: Enough, Hange! I know his gears is interesting but, now that's not the time.

Jugglur said.

Hange crossed his arms and scoffs.

Hange: No fun...

Jugglur: There is a titan out there so, of course now that's not the time.

Jugglur crossed his arms.

Jugglur: Anyway, Shadow. The guy getting his gear ready at the corner, is levi Ackermann.

Shadow looked at him readying his Equipment, for Levi to notice as he sees Shadow.

Levi: Hmm.

Jugglur: He's a serious type so, don't let him get to you.

Shadow: It's fine. I've seen much more serious people before I met you. So, you can say; I know better.

Levi: ...

Levi said while making his way to Shadow.

Once close enough, he had that stern look, only for Shadow to be unphased by his stern look.

Levi: Then I trust you don't get in my way... if you intervene only to have my back, then I understand... considering our Captain trusts you.

Levi said.

Shadow: Noted with acknowledgement.

Jugglur: Getting along well, are we? That's nice.

Levi: If he's a friend of yours,... sighs I don't see why not.

Mikasa: Guys, The Colossal Titan is destroying buildings to flush us out. It's only a matter of time before he finds us here.

Mikasa said.

Everyone looked at Mikasa upon hearing this as they quickly plot a plan to defeat the titan while it's still outside the wall, using the wall's debris to destroy the buildings that are within the walls.

Eren: Then I'll go out there to take care of him. Armin can follow me out again.

Eren said.

Hange: But you can't! With that concussion and inju- wait, now that I mention it, how are you standing and where are your...

Eren: points at Shadow

Hange looks at Shadow for him to take out the cylindrical tube-like bottle of Recovery Energy Items, for Hange to look in awe at the bottle.

Mikasa: Anyway, like what Hange said... before that...

Conny: Even if we have a way to stop him at his tracks, there is no way we can stop him completely.

Conny said.

Shadow: Well, you don't have to worry about that, my friends.

Levi: Hmm?

Mikasa: ???

Shadow: I have a plan in mind to stop him and defeat it. It's a team effort... but it'll work.

Shadow said.

Erwin: Well, we're all ears.

Jugglur: Mhmm.

Shadow: Okay. Since we have like.... nine people which includes myself which will be ten of us here, it's more than enough to make this work. So here's how things are going to work out while the rest of the regiment are out there killing off some titans within the City Walls.


The Colossal Titan kept throwing the debris from the Maria Walls towards the buildings and houses, destroying them to flush the regiment out, but to no avail. Inside the titan, Bertholdt grew annoyed by this and decided to go into the city to flush them out himself.

Bertholdt: Persistant bunch. Then I'll find you myself before I take care of the horses....

He said, for the Titan to start moving.

Just before he could enter, he stopped in his tracks to feel that someone is shooting him from behind for him to turn back and look down to see Levi, Mikasa and Armin swinging about from below as they tried slicing his ankles in the attempts to force him to lose balance and fall, but to no avail.

Bertholdt: Those pests....

He scoffs.

Then, he slowly turned around as he raised his left leg to stomp on them, only for them to get out of the way, for the rest on top of the walls to start grappling and swinging, in the attempts to slice the Titan's nape, only for its steraming hot steam to prevent the rest of the fighters to do the deed.

While the seven young fighters are keeping the Titans busy with Commander Erwin watching the battle to bare witness of the sheer continued fight that is now transpiring from inside the Church, Jugglur transformed himself into his usual Titan form by using his Dark Z-Riser as he launched several attacks at the Colossal Titan.

The Titan looks down at Jugglur as he raised his other foot.

Bertholdt: You really are a pest, aren't you....

He said to Jullgur as he stomped on him, only for Jugglur to teleport backwards, dodging its foot from crushing him.

As he kept walking forward in the attempts on crushing Jugglur in his Titan form by the sole of its feet, streaks of lightning can be seen at the top of the wall further in front and away from the battle Eren in his Titan form can be seen holding Shadow in the palm of his hand as he began to run towards the Gigantic Titan. 

While running and once in range, Eren flinged Shadow towards the Colossal Titan as he is now seen flying towards it, for him to call upon his new powers while wielding the Titan Gauntlet.

Shadow: Let's go! BRING IT ON!!!!

He yelled as five projections of the four maidens and Summer Rose emerged behind him as they merged to him, one by one, turning Shadow to his usual All Maiden form with his outfit on him still, with the crystals on the outfit to be glowing brightly.

Once close, Shadow suddenly got engulfed into flames as he went towards and directly at the Titan's face.

Shadow (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices): Burning Dynamite Kick.

He calmly said as once he got so close to its face, it delivered several kicks, for the Titan to feel it.

Bertholdt felt that as he looked at whoever was kicking him, to see that it was that kid he never seen before, for him to use the Titan's heat and steam to blow and scauld him away, only for him to see the kid still there.

Bertholdt: T-That's impossible! That should hav-

Shadow (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices): You're not the only one who has firepower!

Shadow yelled as he lunged in and punched the Titan using his Gauntlet-wielding arm, for Shadow to summon an anicent portal for a Founding Titan to emerge as it clawed the Titan despite it getting burns on its fingers while delivering claw marks on the titan, to everyone's shock.

Once the Titan finished clawing the Colossal Titan, Shadow commanded it to return into the portal, for it to obey as the portal closed adfter the Founding Titan returned back inside.

On the ground, Jugglur in his Zeppandon Founding Titan saw this as he smirks.

Jugglur (Titan Form): So,.... this is what the Titan Stone is capable of... summon different variants of titan... and this must be Shadow's All Maiden form the universe has been talking so much about, huh? Interesting.

Jugglur said.


I lunged my gauntlet arm forward as I used three stones to conjure large long spikes out of my gauntlet, piercing the Titan through its chest while raising my free hand up in the sky for the clouds to go dark.

Once the clouds got darker,-

Me (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices): Four-Season Lightning Generade.

I calmly said.

- four different-coloured bolts of lightning based on different seasons struck my free hand, for me to lower it, pointing directly at the Colossal Titan, for the streaks of lightning to strike it while being impaled by some hardening, Warhammer and Armoured spikes, for the titan to slowly roar in pain.

I pulled both my arms back as I focused on my Winter Powers in the palm of my hands while my eye streaks began to glow even more, mostly in its blue side.

Me (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices): Your body heat is almost as hot as the sun.... here, lemme cool you down.

I said.

Then, I lunged my hands forward as I blasted two ice beams, slowly freezing the Titan from its feet, all the way to its head. Once the deed is done, I lowered my hands as I land onto the top of the Walls, for Eren in his Attack Titan form and Jugglur in his Zeppandon Titan to come meet me up here.

Once we met at one spot, we began to discuss on how we need to proceed to defeat the Colossal Titan aka, Bertholdt immediately.

Jugglur (Titan Form): Well, that'll buy us some time. So, now what?

Eren (Titan Form): What's the next move?

Me (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices): Next move, is for them to weaken it while the ice melts. In other words while the ice melts, our friends will have an opportunity to slice through its tough skin.

Jugglur (Titan Form): Okay? And then what happens? 

Shadow (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices): The Titan will be weakened due to the slashes made while its trying to free itself by melting the ice.

Eren (Titan Form): Then what can we do?

Shadow (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices): First, you looks at Eren Attack Titan are gonna thank me for this.

Eren (Titan Form): Eh?

Suddenly, Eren watched as I clenched my gauntlet-like fist as I point it straight at him, activating two stones for a coat of armour to form all over him, to his surprise.

(A/N: Something like this. Ensure you add hardening all over the Titan's body.)

Eren (Titan Form): Wh-What did you just do?

Me (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices): I coated your armour with Hardening plates and Armour plates all over you. I made it like so you don't have to worry about the Colossal Titan burning you.

Eren (Titan Form): Whoa....

Me (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices): And you. looks at Jugglur I brought something for you back at "his" Earth.

I said as I threw something at the Zeppandon Founding Titan, for it to receive them by a bite from its mouth.

Inside the Titan, Jugglur grabbed them as he looked at the medals, knowing what I meant when I said "his" Earth.

Jugglur: Oh? So, you went to Haruki and Ultraman Z's Earth to quickly find these Kaiju Medals so you can convert them into Titan-based Kaiju Titans for me to use?

Me (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices): Yeah. Seeing that you need the help you could get, I thought making a short trip would pay off.

Jugglur: Well then. Consider your trip there and back here to be paid off.

Jugglur said as he raised his Dark Z-Riser beside him as he began slotting three medals in first.

Jugglur: Golza-san slots Golza Medal into the first slot. Melba-san slots Melba Medal into the second slot. Super C.O.V.-san slots Super C.O.V. Medal into the third slot.

After slotting the Medals in, Jugglur then scanned the Medals by turning the blade to the right as the Access Scanner of the Riser scanned the Medals.




Jugglur: It's been a while. Let me borrow the power of darkness!

Jugglur said, raising the Riser above his head, activating the Riser to acquire this form.

Then, his Titan form began to change as its body turned into Golza Colossal Titan with many add-ons as the Melba Jaw Titan component is seen located on top of Golza's head, its back, its tail and its shoulder for wings, and the Super C.O.V. Beast Titan component can be located on Golza's lower torso and legs.

(A/N: Tri-King - Colossal Titan. Basically, Golza component will be based on the Colossal Titan with many add-ons, add Golza features and Colossal Titan features on it to give it the Colossal Titan and Golza vibes fused together and if you want the arms can be as long as the usual Colossal Titan, Melba Jaw Titan component will be located on top of Golza's head for its upper jaw, its back for its back horns, its tail and its shoulder for wings, add Melba features and Jaw Titan features on it to give it the Jaw Titan and Melba vibes fused together, and the Super C.O.V. Beast Titan component will be located on Golza's lower torso and legs, add Super C.O.V. features and Beast Titan features on it to give it the Beast Titan and Super C.O.V. vibes fused together.)


Once the transformation is done, he continued further as he slot two more Medals in.

Jugglur: Gan-Q-san slots Gan-Q Medal into the first slot. Reicubas-san slots Reicubas Medal into the second slot.

Once that is done, he did the same scanning process again.



Jugglur: Let me borrow a little more power of darkness!

Jugglur yelled, raising the Riser up, activating it once again.


Then, his Fusion Titan form began to grow stronger as Gan-Q Attack Titan appeared on the fusion at its left arm while forming a layer of hardening all around it, and Reicubas Armoured Titan at its right arm.

Once the fusion is complete, the fusion's chest began to protrude out numerous rib bones, with the four other components to do the same while it grew bigger in size and height. After the transformation was complete, Jugglur can be heard laughing maniacally with delight that he now once again is utilizing Five King's power like what Celebro has done before, for him to look at me.

(A/N: Five King Founding Titan. Basically it's like Tri-King but with some add-ons and with Gan-Q and Reicubas components added. Those add-ons will be that Golza (Fire Golza)'s chest will have numerous rib bones (Ribcages) protruding out, the head component of Golza will be a bit fleshy exposing its bones mostly and some parts of Five King will have some flesh and bones exposed at the Golza parts, the four other components of Five King will have the same effects and the fusion will be bigger in size and height, Gan-Q Attack Titan component will be located on the left arm of Tri-King, add Gan-Q features and Attack Titan features on it to give it the Attack Titan and Gan-Q vibes fused together, and the Reicubas Armoured Titan component will be located on the right arm of Tri-King, add Reicubas features and Armoured Titan features on it to give it the Armoured Titan and Reicubas vibes fused together.)

Jugglur (Titan Form): Shadow, you really did outdo yourself on me and Eren, this time!

Jugglur said.

Me (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices): Least I can do for this big-sized Titan before us thawing itself out.

Eren (Titan Form): Thanks.

Shadow (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices): No problem.

Jugglur (Titan Form): And speaking of thaw~ looks at the frozen titan that is currently thawing its way out Everyone!!! What's the progress on your assault?!

Suddenly, someone swooped in as he landed in between us. He stood up after he landed, appearing to be Levi.

Levi: We're almost done in slashing all over its body. We're almost out of fuel so, as planned.... Eren would have to deliver the final blow. And the big guy.... looks at the Colossal Titan Bertholdt's giving its all and is almost freed from its icy prison you just made for him, giving us the opportunity to inflict him pain...

Me (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices): nods

Jugglur (Titan Form): Alright.

Mikasa: lands beside Levi Captain. We're now focusing on its ankles so to buy you three sometime to make this work. looks at Eren Attack Titan Eren. Be careful.

Eren nods at Mikasa.


Jugglur (Titan Form): looks down at Hange Then you guys clear the way! We'll take it from here!

Me (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices): I suggest you guys go, too.

Levi & Mikasa: nods

Levi: Hey, Shadow.

Me (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices): Hmm?

Levi: Stop him.

Me (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices): You know I will.

Levi: nods

And with that, the remaining fighters who were with us swooped and grapple away from the Walls.

While everyone left, Jugglur, Eren and I watched as the Colossal Titan broke free from its icy prison, going on its knees as it began to stand up by using its own knees to do it while roaring in pain due to its injuries inflicted by the number of slashes it took while being frozen.

Bertholdt (Colossal Titan): I'll make sure you all suffer for this!

The titan roared.

I look at Eren and Jugglur.

Me (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices): Ready to role?

Jugglur (Titan Form): As I'll ever be.

Eren (Titan Form): Let's go.

Me (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices): nods Then let's fight it.

I said.


(A/N: Music starts here.)

Just as I said that, the Colossal Titan began to attack us by using its gigantic fists, for us to scatter. Eren hopped onto the Titan's arm as it ran towards its face, for the Colossal Titan to take notice of this as it tried to shake him off, but to no avail as due to my powers, it helped Eren Attack Titan to have extra footing on the Gigantic Titan due to the hardening and armour powers I gave him

Once close, Eren landed a powerful punch at the Colossal Titan's face for the Titan to roar in pain.

Bertholdt (Colossal Titan): How futile!!!!

Bertholdt yelled.

Then, The Colossal Titan unleashed its heat and steam to get Eren off it, only for it to still be on him, delivering several punches at the Titan's face. While punching, he noticed that the Colossal Titan was looking elsewhere for Eren to notice that Bertholdt was not just talking to Eren, but was talking to Armin who's attempting to face the Titan head-on while burning to death, to his shock.


Jugglus Jugglur (Titan Form): What?!?! That fool.... brave... but reckless... Don't worry about him! I'll have him out of the heat! Get out of there as I'm gonna barrage him!

Eren (Titan Form): Got it!

Eren said as he jumped off the Colossal Titan's Shoulder.

After getting clear, Jugglur in his Five King Fusion Titan swooped in to get Armin out of being turned to ashes while launching Gol Melba Cannon at the Titan, striking it at its chest then trails up to its face, halting it from continuously using its heat and steam ability to burn people to death. Then, the attack continued after propping the burnt Armin at its back as Jugglur launched a full barrage of Flash C.O.V. Shots at the Colossal Titan as it struck the titan all over its body.

After the barrage, he then launched an Ice Fire Combo Beam and a Gan-Q Beam into its eyes, blinding it, not before the Titan did a right hook punch at Jugglur, for him to immediately doing a Catastrophe Spark at the Titan's fist after launching two beams at its eyes.

Once the beams and the punch got to close, the clash caused the Colossal Titan to rear back its right arm in pain and for Jugglur to start flying backwards, for him to regain altitude after that blow from that close-in clash.

Upon regaining altitude, I flew beside Jugglur to ensure his safety.

Me (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices): Jugglur! Are you okay?

I asked.

Jugglur (Titan Form): Don't worry about me, lil' Shadow God. I'm fine. 

Jugglur answered.

Then, we heard and felt the ground and air rumbling (A/N: Heh, air rumbling? That's new.) for us to turn to see the Titan standing back on its feet as it proceeded forward.

Me (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices): Allow me to show him to the door.

Jugglur (Titan Form): By all means.

Jugglur approved.

I smiled as I flew towards it at high speed, reaching its face. Upon reaching close to the Colossal Titan's face, I activated the Titan Stone on the Titan Gauntlet as my free hand turned into some kind of Croc-like Beast Titan arm, for me to smile at this, delivering a direct punch straight at its nose while flying past the Titan. After the punch, the Colossal Titan looked back at me as it tried to swat me like a fly, only for me to use the Founding Stone, manipulating its arm that its using to swat me, reverting it smaller as it past me. Once its arm fully swung past me, I revert it back to normal, then use my Titan-like arm to punch the Titan again, only for it to grab me swiftly.

The Colossal Titan moved its hand grabbing me in front of its face as it opened its mouth, for me to smirk at this.

Me (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices): Maiden Chorus~

I said.

Then, I opened up my wings as it launched beams from each of my wings, striking the insides of the Colossal Titan's mouth for it to roar in pain. Seeing this as an opportunity, I used the stones' powers again, conjuring tons of spikes that pierce the Titan's hand, causing it to let go of me, for me to break free as I flew back to the Wall, noticing Jugglur doing the same as he landed there first before me.

Once reached, Jugglur and I smirked as we charged up our attacks, with Jugglur to charge up his fusion kaiju's Catastrophe Spark and for me to snap my fingers to acquire the full extent of the Titan Gauntlet's power. The Colossal Titan roared as it lunged its hands at us, only to be greeted by our beams that struck its arms, negating its arms while conjuring spikes and bones that pierce through its arms, immobilizing them.

Me (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices): EREN!!!!!!!!! ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I yelled.

As if right on queue, behind the Titan, Eren and I used our gears to grapple on the Titan's neck. Once we are both hooked, we flew in close by using our gears to pull ourselves towards the titan, cleaving the Titan's nape till it bled, for the Titan to roar loudly.

Me 2 (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices): Eren, he's all yours!

Eren: Gladly!

Eren said as he thrust his free hand into Titan, pulling Bertholdt out of the Titan, causing the Titan to slowly fall to the ground as it disappears to nothing in a huge cloud of steam, to my relief as we then grapple towards the other me and Jugglur to regroup with the others while Eren is holding onto Bertholdt from behind at the collar of his clothing.

(A/N: Music ends here.)

After this fight is over, on the roof top at one of the Buildings close to the church, everyone is seen crowding around to see who is accounted and unaccounted for while attending to Armin and ensuring that Bertholdt doesn't escape.

3rd Person's POV:

As everyone is doing that, Erwin, Jugglur and Shadow is seen looking at what is going on before there very eyes. After awhile, they began to look at each other.

Erwin: Shadow, I would like to thank you on behalf of everyone here. Without your help, this situation would have gotten worse.

Shadow: I'm happy to help.

Jugglus Jugglur: Not only him, me too. Would have been squashed if it weren't for you giving me these new Medals. You even got back the original Medals, too.

Shadow: nods We're friends, after all. So, it's the least I could do.

Erwin: If it were up to me, I would have offered you to join us as a Warrior, but due to the circumstances, that could wait.

Erwin said.

Shadow was taken aback by this but decided to decline the offer.

Shadow: Whoa.... let's not jump the gun for a sec. I'd be honoured but, I'm afraid I have to decline.

Jugglus Jugglur: He's already fighting for his life at the moment so,... yeah, Erwin.

Erwin: heheh, it's ashame. We could really use weapons and warriors like you, Shadow. And so does Jugglur.

Shadow: Heheh, I'm glad he's here to help.

Shadow said.

The three chuckled for a moment, until Jugglur changed the subject.

Jugglus Jugglur: So, I see you managed to wield their power, without my guidance?

Shadow: Y-Yes. But I still need more guidance on it though... looks at Titan Gauntlet

Jugglus Jugglur: Heh! Don't worry about it. I'll hand-write you a manual to read it.

Shadow: Thanks. I gotta need it. But for now,...

I said, removing it as I present the Gauntlet to them.

Shadow: You may wanna hold onto this.

Jugglus Jugglur: Keep it.

Shadow: Eh?

Erwin: Our Captain gave us some intel about that thing. So, don't worry, consider this as a gift from us for taking Bertholdt down.

Shadow: I.... thank you.

Jugglus Jugglur: No problem.

Jugglur said as he smiled.

Then, a portal opened up behind Shadow, for him to see that it's his ticket home.

Erwin: Do come back and visit us anytime.

Jugglus Jugglur: I'll be sure to give this area a take note about you.

Shadow: Heheh! Thanks for the heads up! I'd need it if I come back here again.

Shadow said, smiling at them.

Flix (In Shadow's Mind): Shadow,... we've done one good deed by helping them today. Let's go.

Shadow: nods

Jugglus Jugglur & Erwin: nods

After exchanging nods and acknowledging what Flix said, Shadow slowly turned as he entered the portal back home.

After entering, the two higher ups turn to see the group dealing with Bertholdt.

Erwin: So, what do we do with him?

Jugglus Jugglur: Don't worry, Erwin my friend.... I'm sure I have something in mind.... "Specially" for him...

Jugglur said.

Back in Shadow's World,

After exiting an Exit Portal back to his room, Shadow wrapped the Titan Gauntlet in a long piece of cloth and packs it inside his backpack.

Once done packing the Titan Guantlet in along with a few others, he smiled at this.

Shadow: Welp.... that's a hell of a trip.

Shadow said.

Then, as if right on queue, a small book flew towards him, for him to grab it while swiftly looking at the direction where the book was flying, for Shadow to figure it was Jugglur. He then look at the book to see it was a Manual for the Titan Gauntlet Jugglur mentioned he'll hand-write it, for him to chuckle.

(A/N: Instruction Manual. Basically based on the Titan Gauntlet that Jugglur mentioned. Ensure the book is a bit tattered and old-looking.)

Shadow: Jugglur, Jugglur, Jugglur, you too really have outdone yourself along with Commander Erwin.

Shadow said.

To be Continued....

And that's all, folks! The Special episode of the Fifth Volume for our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose. Well now, that was an epic fight with Shadow along with Eren and Jugglur, well at least the Colossal Titan is out for the count now. So, thank you so much for reading this. And if you enjoy it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause' that would be "Muteki" awesome and greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I can improve myself as well.

And, if this happens to be the first literature that you have seen by me, pleaseconsider leaving a watch to become part of "Ride-Player Troopers" (It's what Iprefer to call my watchers) today if you want to see more of the rest of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose insert. Apart from that, thank you so much again forreading this, and I'll see you Ride-Players (readers) on the next episode ofour RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! Until then! See you on the next game! Staylighted up! Stay Frosty! Stay Brave! Be Nice! SEE YA!!!!

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