Special Episode: Got away with it by a Pardon

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Hey everyone and WELCOME to the SPECIAL episode of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose Volume 1 whereby we will be looking at how Shadow got to drive around with Tridoron without paying fines or have tickets stuck onto his car! Do take note that his special episode links back to the twelveth episode of  this insert. And it is my first time doing this so please, show some love for this Special episode. So, just a recap of the disclaimer again, I DO NOT OWN RWBY AND I DO NOT OWN KAMEN RIDER EX-AID. RWBY is from RoosterTeeth and Kamen Rider Ex-Aid is from Toei.

So, enjoy the insert, sit back, and LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!!

*Hits gong real hard*


Me: Well, that being said that it is true... (Activates the same Gashat again and the same police sports car appears in front of us) ... TO THE TRIDORON MOBILE!!!!

I offered the girls a drive back to Beacon by car. When everyone is on board, I pressed on the accelerator and we sped off to Beacon.

Ruby: (Inner thoughts) This is just the Best . Day . Of my entire life...... EVER!!!

Me: (Inner thoughts) Best day, in my entire life. (smiles)

I was making a right turn to take a shortcut to Beacon until I was halted by the Vale Police Officer.

Weiss: It's the police! 

Yang: I think you sped too much. 

Me: Shh shh shhh... calm down, ladies. I got this.

I then put my game-face on as I put on my shades as I slowed down my car right next to the Officer.

Me: (Winding down the car window) Yes, officer. How may I help you?

Officer: Yeah, I'm here for a specific reason and that, is for that car of yours.

Me: (Tilts my head slighty to my right) Oh? Why is that?

Officer: Well, you have been speeding around here. And I don't tolerate that. I'm giving you a ticket.

As the officer is about to write me a ticket. Weiss then spoke to me.

Weiss: I told you speeding is a bad idea.

Ruby: We're gonna be i---

Me: Ruby, Weiss, chill. I got this covered.

I looked at the officer.

Me: Unfortunately, you may not wanna do that.

My response surprised Team RWBY and the officer.

Officer: And why wouldn't I?

Me: Because... (Bringing out a few sheets of paper, stapled together)... they wouldn't like that. Here, before you give me that, Ticket! (passes papers to officer)

Officer: (Takes papers) What is this?

Me: Read it for yourself, 'Sheirff'.

The officer began to read the papers I took out from the Glove-Compartment of my car. Team RWBY was watching the officer reading them as well until they noticed that the officer was in shockwhile reading them. Just as he finished reading, he told me, in a worried tone:

Officer: Uuuuhhh... Wait here for a bit, will ya?

Me: Of course.

then, Team RWBY and I watched the officer talking onto his scroll with probably his commander-in-chief as I could hear a lot of shouting from the phone itself. Then, we all watched as he sent in a picture of my papers to him while the commander is still on the line. Suddenly, to Team RWBY's shock, the officer was being told off, quite badly, while I was sitting there, watching the officers being screamed at. After the call ended, the officer walked back to me, and we noticed that he was sweating.

Officer: (crushes the ticket) Okaaaayyy... umm... here you go. (passes papers back to me)

Me: Thanks, Officer.

Officer: Actually, how did you get it?

Me: Well, it was an incident a few years back.

Officer: Oh, I see. Sorry to waste your time. Carry on.

Me: It's okay. Thanks though.

I quickly sped off to Beacon as the night draws near. When I looked at my rear mirror, I noticed Team RWBY and their stunned looks on their faces.

Weiss: How...?

Me: Uh, what?

Weiss: How did you get away with it?! What's in th--

Me: It's more of a Council thing, but what I put the terms back in C.R. is called, Presidential Pardon. I'm not sure how you put it in Vale, but... I'm just gonna callit, Council Pardon.

That statement shocked Weiss and the rest of Team RWBY.

Blake: H-How did you get that Special Pardon from the Councilmen?

Me: Well... it was an accident a few years back. It's a long story after all.

Yang: Whoa...

Ruby: Tell us!

Weiss: Yeah, I want to know how you got it.

Team RWBY began to ask questions on how I got a special Pardon from the Councilmen, until I gave in.

Me: (Sighs) Alright, ladies. I'll tell you. Since I told the guys, I guess I would call it evens when I tell the ladies about it. So, to summarize it, it all happened a few years ago before I came to Beacon.


Note: Shadow will be talking in this story.

3 Years ago:

While Rider Chronicle is still on:

Before the Gemdeus War:

Me (Narrating): While Rider Chronicle was still on, and right before the Gemdeus War even started,... I know it happened, early afternoon as I was out for lunch. I parked my car in front of the restaurant as after all, there was a parking lot stated there.


I was driving pass a few buildings until I came across a restaurant that I never seen before. I stopped in front of the restaurant and was intrigued about the food they have in store.

Me: This will be my lucky day, cause' I'm starving.

So, I went forward and reversed to park my car at a parking lot that is in front of the restaurant. I then alighted my car and went into the restaurant for a quick bite before I return to resume my job.

Half an hour later,

Me (Narrating): Then, just after I finished my lunch, it happened. 

Just as I entered my car after that delicious meal, I noticed a parking ticket on my windshield. I was shocked and upset that I got a parking ticket.

Me: I-I-I'm not in a non-parking zone!! There is actually a parking zone and it is right in front of this restaurant itself. HOW Did I even get a DARN, STUPID TICKET?!?!?!

Weiss (Talking during my narration): Wait! It was all just for one ticket!?

Me: Listen to my story first!

Me (Narrating): So, I picked up the ticket and it showed a fine of like almost a million dollars, that I have to go to the Councilmen to deal with the matter.

Me (In story): (Sighs) Well, better get to it.

It has been a few minutes that I've been trying to find the Councilmen's building, until someone walked past me with their own ticket, frowning. I then ask if they know where their building is stated.

Me: Excuse me, do you know where the Councilmen is stated at?

Random Person: You have to take a Bullhead to Vale. That's where you will find it.

As soon as they left, I was shocked but curious as to figure out what Vale is.

Me: Vale?? Wonder what building that is. Welp, better check it out.

As soon as my thoughts were aside, I drove my car towards a parking lot where I can catch a Bullhead to the building. When I hopped out from my car to head towards the Bullhead, I was stopped by some Officers,but when they saw me as a Doctor, they let me through to catch my flight to Vale.

Me: Well, at least I get to have one smooth flight there!

Ruby (Talking through my story): So, was that the time you first figured out that Vale isn't a building but a Kingdome?

Me: That's right.

Me (Narrating): So, when I reached a city, an announcement came by to say, Welcome to the Kingdom of Vale. And when they said that, I frowned louder as to figure out that Vale is a Kingdom, not a building.

Me: UUUGGHHHHHH!!! Does this day get any worse?!?!?!

Me (Narrating): It did as it started to rain. Heavily.

The rain suddenly came down upon me, heavily. I sighed as I find directions to the Councilmen's building. 

Me (Narrating): Well, it took many hours to find it until I finally made it. and when I entered inside the building itself, their whole joint was classic.

Me: (In awe when I entered the building) Classy Joint.... and I take that this huge glass door leads to the room where I will meet them.

So, I walked forward to the receptionist and request permission to meet with the Councilmen, and they accepted and told me to pass the glass door in front of me. So, I did as I was told and entered the Council chamber.

Me (Narrating): After doing as I told, I entered the chamber and here I am, face-to -face with the Councilmen.

I entered the Councilmen's chamberand here I am now, face-to-face with three Councilmen looking at me and whereas for me, right back at them.

Me: Councilmen.

Councilman: (Sighs) Is it that parking problem again?!

Me (Narrating): I was shocked to hear that the person I talked to and I weren't the only ones who were affected by this stunt. So, I asked more.


Councilman: Correct. Tonnes of people around Remnant came to each of the Councils in each kingdom to lodge a complain on how unreasonable we are to fine them. And don't get me started on the MONEY!! Millions and millions of dollars for one fine?! That's outrageous!!

Me: Well, I'm glad you three and I are on the same page and same team as this has gone far enough, AND I'M LATE FOR MY APPOINTMENT!! AS A DOCTOR!!!

Concilman: Which we will drastically apologize for this inconvenience. But, there are many speculation untowho is the cause of all this... trickery.

Me: And that is?

Councilman: One speculated that the culprit is yellow. has exhaust pipes on his back, blue spikes on his arm. Engine gears all over his body. Ridiculous, am I right?

Me (Narrating): After listening to the Councilman saying who the real culprit looked like, I stepped up.

Me: No. They're not being ridiculous. 

Councilman: Really? Okay, I'm all ears.

So, assuming that they didn't believe me, I started explaining to the Councilmen about the Bugsters and what they intentionally do to people, including the one that has been putting Parking Tickets on our cars. I showed them a live feed and pictures about them too. Once that was done, the Councilmen looked at each other as they agreed on something.

Councilman: Hmmm... Very well, you've convinced us. If you apprehend the culprit who has been giving out these counterfeit parking tickets to your manager, we will personally give you something in return, with the other three other kingdoms' Councilmen will do the same for you too.

Me: And what would that be?

Councilman: A special pardon for you to drive where ever you want, speed or no speed limit, we will not stop you.

Blake (Talking through the story): Soooo...Theygave you a special pardon to defeat the culprit?

Me: That's right.

Weiss (Talking though the story): So, you're telling me, that you've got a special pardon for apprehending a culprit who has been sticking counterfeit tickets on cars??

Me: Yes.

Weiss (Talking though the story): I'M GOING TO BREAK HIS FACE IF WE ALL FIGHT AGAINST HIM!!!

Me: I will see to that if the time comes.

Me (Narrating): Anyway, after I agreed to their deal, we heard laughter in front of them, and behind me. When I turned around, here he was, right where we wanted him. Motos, Baksou Bike Bugster.


Me: Leave him to me, Councilmen, he's mine.

The Councilmen nodded as I turned back to face him again, with a death glare.

Me (Narrating): When I turned to Motos, I said...

Me (Narrating) / Me: You SON OF A---

Motos: WOOOOO... I'm scared. Watcha gonna d--- Oh crud...


(A/N: Don't ask.... a friend recommended me this...)

(A/N: Music starts here.)

I charged in as I rammed Motos right throught the Council chamber, then outside the building after crashing through a glass door and the main door to the building. After bringing out from the Council building, Motos and I started fighting with just our fists. After just one minute of the fight, Motos crossed the road to get away, but I caught his leg, just in time for him to fall. We then continued the fight, until a truck that said 'From Dust Till Dawn' showed up. Using this as an advantage, Motos hopped onto the truck to get away, leaving me behind.

Thinking that this fight was over, Motos sat on the truck and looked forward, only to see me in front of him, on the truck.

Motos: How did you ge-- (Points back where I was standing and points to where I now stand)

Me: I don't know... And I don't particularly CARE!!!

After saying that, we continued our fight on an on-moving truck. Several roundhouse kicks, Superman punches and many Suplexes later, although Motos gave me a ton of damage he was on the verge of being defeated.That was until, he spotted a Bullhead flying by. By using that as an advantage, he pixelated himself and held on by his dear life at the wing of the Bullhead. I was feeling densed about this and decided to try my same new move out, by turning myself into a flurry of snow and headed towards the hanging Motos. Once I reached, I grabbed hold of Motos as we are falling down towards the Docks.


???: (Sighs while drinking from a smallbottle he has)

We then crashed to the docks and continued our fight. We gave each other blows of punches, kicks and headbutts until oneof Motos' punches got me into a weird snesation that I was about to pass out. That was until a ship was sailing towards us. So, using that as an advantage, Motos punches me again, only for it to get blocked by me as I threw him into the sea where the ship was heading towards us at first. 

It took me a minute until a GAME CLEAR Title came up, to indicate that Motos was defeated. So, I walked backto the Council building with my injuries still all over me.

(A/N: Music ends here.)

???: Hmmmm... (Grabs his sword-like weapon and takes off)


Me: I may have gotten some trouble for that fight with the Council, but I got this. (Shows the SpecialPardon given by the Councilmen, even the Councilmen from the other kingdoms)

Weiss: That's the story?

Me: Yep. You can ask the Council yourself when you return to Atlas.

Weiss: Well... ummm... Okay, just to be sure you are telling the truth.

Yang: You got all these papers for defeating a Bugster?

Me: Yeah.

Yang: Whoa...

Blake: (No words as she is still shocked)

Ruby: AWESOME!!!

Me: And here we are, back at Beacon.

I slowed down as to not disturb the other students who may be sleeping their own dorm. I ushered Team RWBY out of the car as I made it disappear via my Gashat as we walked back to our own Dorms.

Ruby: Thanks forthe ride, Shadow.

Yang: Sweet ride~

Blake: Thanks.

Weiss: Thanks for theride, Shadow. And to follow what you said, I will look into the matter with the Councilmen when I return to Atlas one day.

Me: Sure. By all means. (smiles)

Once that was out of the way, we went to our specific Dorm rooms and started to get ready to go to bed for our next class starting early morning.


And that's all, folks! The Special  episode of our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose. If you ladies and gentlemen and other deviants really, really love it, comment down below on the comment section if you want me to try something and make up for it. So, thank you so much for reading this. And if you enjoy it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause' that would be "Muteki" awesome and greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I can improve myself as well.

And, if this happens to be the first literature that you have seen by me, please consider leaving a watch to become part of "Ride-Player Troopers" (It's what I prefer to call my watchers) today if you want to see more of the rest of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose insert. Apart from that, thank you so much again for reading this, and I'll see you Ride-Players (readers) on the next episode of our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! Until then! See you on the next game! Stay lighted up! Stay Frosty! Stay Brave! Be Nice! SEE YA!!!!

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