Special Episode: Lupinranger vs Patranger & Evol's surprise Deal

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Hey everyone and WELCOME to the SPECIAL episode of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose Volume 3 whereby we will be looking at Shadow bumping into a short firefight between the Lupinrangers' LupinKaiser and Patrangers' PatKaiser and a surprise appearance of Kamen Rider Evol. Let's see what deal he has for us in this Special Episode today! This is also a 3k and above reader special so I hope you enjoy this, baby!! Do take note that this special episode links to the Battle of Beacon Episode. So, just a recap of the disclaimer again, I DO NOT OWN RWBY AND I DO NOT OWN KAMEN RIDER EX-AID AND BUILD. RWBY is from RoosterTeeth and Kamen Rider Ex-Aid and Build is from Toei.

So, enjoy the insert, sit back, and LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!! 


I landed behind the school of Beacon Academy after being spearated from Ruby due to the ship that has crash landed on downtown Vale. I also noticed that there is a high population of Grimm behind the school. So, I drew Parablade in its gun mode out as I fired rounds at the Grimm while I conjoured a copy of my weapon in its gun mode and shot rounds with it as well. While firing the Grimm, some of the Grimm suddenly went down on their own as they withered away, much to my puzzled look on my face while killing off the Grimm.

Me: Okay.... back-up.... or unsuspecting visits???

I questioned myself as I turned both Parablades into its Axe form while extending out the handle as I started slashing and chopping the Grimm down to find the source of the shots that were fired killing the Grimm. As I tried trailing the source, I felt a loud 'THOOM!!' closeby and realized that there is a firefight going on between either huntsmen, huntresses and the Paladins.

As I was about to head towards the source, I found footprints on the ground, bigger than the Paladins. As I followed the trail of footprints, it was heading to the east side of the school and decided to follow the trail as I also heard guns being fired from there, too. When I reached the east side of the school, my interpretations were wrong as it appears to be a firefight/fight between two mechs.

Me: Whoa!!! Two mechs fighting each other.

(A/N: LupinKaiser.)

(A/N: PatKaiser.)

As I lookedin awe at the two mechs, I noticed small marks beneath their feet indicating the mechs' names.

Me: Lupin... Kaiser... Pat... Kaiser... So, the one on the right is LupinKaiser and the left is PatKaiser then. But why are they fighting in a situation and time like this??

 As I fought on, several Grimm charged in towards me as I fend of them away from the battle zone. I chopped and shot my way through until an echoed boomed behind me.


Me: (Looks back) HU- WHOA SHIT!!!

When I looked back, I saw a Beowolf lunging in on me as I gave it a swipe, cleaving it in half horizontally. After doing so, I looked at the mech that alerted me to lookout. That's when I realized both mechs were talking to me, making me smile in relief.

Me: Thanks, PatKaiser! LupinKaiser!


Me: Yeah! But hey!! Whyare you guys fighting for?! What's with your business here?! (I said while knocking out a white fang member) Identify yourselves, the ones piloting the mechs!!

LupinKaiser: Lupin Red!/Lupin Blue!/Lupin Yellow!

PatKaiser: Patren 1gou!/ Patren 2gou!/ Patren 3gou!


(A/N: Lupinrangers.)


(A/N: Patrangers.)

Me: ... Okay... three in one mech... nice. SO, WHAT'S GOING ON?!?! WHY ARE YOU GUYS FIGHTIN'?!?!

LupinKaiser: (Female voice) They started it!

PatKaiser: (Male Voice) No! You started it first by getting in our way!

LupinKaiser: (Male voice) (controlling the mech to hit PatKaiser) No! You got in our way from our next Lupin collection!

PatKaiser: (Another Male voice) Oh, yeaaaaahh right! We did not! And you are under arre--

Just before they could continue to argue, I conjoured a loud hailer made of ice and shouted at the two mechs with three pilots, piloting each of them.

Me: HEEEYYY!!!!!!!

After thatsudden outburst, the twomechs looked at me with their pilots inside the cockpit looking at me as wellas one complained.

LupinKaiser: (Another Male voice) Awww... I haven't even started my line.

Me: WHATEVER!!!! (Gesturing them to look around) LOOK AROUND YOU!!!! WHAT DO YOU SEE?!?!

When I said that, theyall looked at where I am gesturing and they are in grave shock to see that the school, city, everywhere is now nothing but in ruins due to the attacks made by Grimm, Paladins and drones. After they looked around, they looked back at me.

PatKaiser: My... goodness...

Me: Now, whose fault is it?!



When they heard mesaid this, they controlled their mechs to look at each other with contradicting looks on their faces. But, seeing that the situation is hell here, they decided to do as I said as the mechs nodded their heads and looks down at me.

LupinKaiser: Very well then, I guess... we can do good in something since the situation here is worse... right, cops???

PatKaiser: Well, I guess a temporary alliance is necessary, then, phantom thief.


LupinKaiser/PatKaiser: YES!!!/ ROGER!!!

And with that, they advanced towards the destruction as they summoned their Dial Fighters Hammer and Cyclone, and Trigger Machines Biker and Strong (Crane) to the battlefield as they started fighting off a hord of Grimm, Paladins and drones with a mysterious mech which I claim that it belongs to Orochi's Tribe. I smiled as I sighed in relief as I finally see bitter rivalries turn into instant alliance for now, as after all... cops & robbers, the cops arrest the robbers depending on whether theyescpe, do murders or do crimes.

Just as I turned back to face a horde of Grimm and advance with Parablade, two illusion-like serpents appeared out of nowhere to take half of the horde down with just their scaly-holographic-illusioned bodies and their fangs. I took a step back in shock about what those snakes can do. I didn't waste anytime and decided to use mywatch like the last time but to no avail as someone grabbed hold of my arm with my watch on and decided to take a look at it. When I looked back, I faced in horror to see someone who I don't who could be either a god or a super-human with red, blue and gold armour with a constillation map on his or her forehead.

(A/N: Kamen Rider Evol.)

Me: Who . The freak . Are you?!

I asked as I grabbed his/her wrist as I used my other hand that got grabbed by this super-human, wriggle it out of its grasp and grabbed his/her wrist and threw him/her aside so as to face him right in front of me as I readied my Parablade and conjoured a same copy of Parablade made of ice as I went to my defensive stance.

Me: I'm not going to ask again. Who the freak are you?!

I said as I aimed my weapons at Super-human dude, in which it raised his hands in the air calmly as he walked closer to me.

???: Oh, don't get too serious. Although I'm your enemy, that doesn't mean I can't help you... now can't I~?

Me: (Still holding up weapons) Well, an enemy eh?? Looks like we are going to have some fun.

???: (Sighs) You doon't get it, do you?

Me: Eh??

???: I'm not here to fight you. Not now, not yet. The name's Kamen Rider Evol, I am here to make you an offer about what you're facing here, an offer that you can't refuse.

When I heard that he has an offer, I slowly lowered my weapons as it convinced me a little bit but I still remained caution as to think that he may do something in the meantime during our talk.

Me: Very well, Evol. What do you propose?

Evol: Let me posses you.

Me: What?!

Evol: You heard me!! Think about it!!! You were having a fun and yet a tough time killing off these grimm, drones and paladins, aren't you? So, If you let me posses you, you will have the power you'd never know to defeat the Grimm, drones and those Paladins. If you let me posses you, I shall give you something in return.

I looked at myself in shock, worried that Evol might just do something to my body and just let it be. During my worries and my thoughts, Evol spoke up to ask a question.

Evol: So, Shadow. Dowe have a deal???

I looked at him as I think about his deal. Then, I asked him;

Me: If I let you posses me, what will you give me in return??

Evol: (Cockily chuckles) This. 

Evol answered as he showed me a suitcase filled with EvolBottles.

Evol: EvolBottles and the Evolve-Driver. 60 EvolBottles, 6 Panels of the Evol Box. And just to give you a trustworthy offer, "NO Tricks". So, let me ask you once again, Shadow. Do we have a deal???

I then looked at the suitcase with one Panel of the Evol Box containing 10 EvolBottles as I thought about what I was going to do. I thought about if I were to decline his offer, he would eventually kill me. And if I were to accept the offer, he would give me what he said he will give me, but what are the odds that he will give me the real ones. So, after thinking for a long time, I decided to go through the flow as I answered.

Me: Very well, Evol. But, I have a condition for this offer th--

Evol: Very well. Name it.

Me: Let me control my own body while you posses me. Give me the power that I need while you posses me, and I will consider making a dealwith you.

Evol: Hmmm... Interesting condition. Very well. I shall heed to your condition. But do be warned, I can be too cocky a bit and control you.

Me: Well... that will be okay as long it's only for a short time. So, very well. It's a deal.

Evol: (Giggles a bit) Excellent.

So, we went forward towards each other as we shook hands. While we are in our handshake, Evol turned himself to mist/smoke and it then seeps through me, to posses my body. When I felt him take over me, I started shaking as I went onto my knees as I struggled to keep myself together while the possession process is about to be completed. Once it was complete, I stood back on to my two feet as I took a deep breather as I looked at both my hands in astonishment, in delight.

Me/Evol: heheheheheheheheheeeeeh! What power! Shadow, ma' boy. Your body feels.... so... so powerful. I can feel my own body inside of yours trembling... with your supreme... power.

Me: Hmph! Of course. That's our power after all. But my body is stronger so... it would overwhelm you a bit.

Evol: Aaahhh~ I see, that explains the power I'm feeling within you... so overwhelming... so, great. Well, let's transform into Kamen Rider Evol then.

Me/Evol: Agreed. Evol Phase 1... henshin~

I equip Evolve Driver on my waistline as readied my two EvolBottles.


I then placed two EvolBottles into my Evolve-Driver as it announced its bottles' name out loud.




Me/Evol: (breathing in pleasure due to our combined power) The power... (breathing) our power.... is combining with the Evolve-Driver.... I can tell.... (breathing) that when its to the max, and when we transform to Evol... (breathing) We will be unstoppable against the Grimm and robots!

Me: Ummm... to give you a lil' trivia, those huge robots are Paladins and those small ones are Drones.

Evol: Right. Thank you.

Me/Evol: Now... (breathing) let's Evolve... and Henshin!!!!

I held onto the handle of the Evolve-Driver and turn it 360° in a clockwise formation.


Me/Evol: Henshin!


(A/N: Transformation starts at 0:29 to 0:47.)


(A/N: Music starts here.)

Me/Evol: Kamen Rider Evol, Phase 1... Complete.

I then looked at myself in a mirror I found on the ground and I looked in awe at what I have become.

Evol: See what you've benefitted, Shadow? Now that you have the power, why don't we show them what we are capable of.

Me: If we can turn into any form, th-

Evol: You can.

Me/Evol: (Me) ... Okay then. The let's give them the "Evolution" they want! OOOOOH YEEEAAAHH!!!

I advanced through the remaining horde of Grimm as I kicked, punched and cleaved every Grimm that surrounds me. After a moment of seconds, I stopped as the Grimm falls in pieces as they wither away.

Me/Evol: (Me) This is... something else...

Evol: Of course. Wanna try Phase 2 and 3??

Me: Nope. (Holding two EvolBottles) We are trying something new.

I said this as I removed Cobra and Rider System EvolBottles as I place another set of EvolBottles into the Evolve-Driver.




Me/Evol: (Me) Since we are going through phases like Iron Man from Marks 1 to 49, why don't we start our own. Kamen Rider Evol... Phase 4, HENSHIN!!!

I turned the lever of my Driver again as I readied to transform into my Phase 4 form.



(A/N: Technically it's like Kamen Rider Evol, Rabbit Form, but in Gorrila form. And to give youa small trivia, Gorrila form will have two Muscle Gloves on each hand, and theyhave movable fingers to grab and punch.)

Evol: Phase 4?! How?!?!

Me: When you are a genius, it can be done. So, you wanna go for a spin???

Me/Evol: (Evol) Well, I don't see why not.

We said as Evol teleported us somewhere.


Orochi's POV:

I fought in my mech together with LupinKaiser and PatKaiser as we fought off against a couple of Alphas and small Grimms as we hammered, whammed and yoyoed them real hard.

(A/N: LupinKaiser Hammer Knight.)

(A/N: PatKaiser Biker.)

Me: Guys! We can't keep this up!!

PatKaiser: (Male Voice) There's too many of them!!

LupinKaiser: (Female voice) Then, we just have to l--

Just as they were going through a plan, an armoured rider came out of nowhere by using mist manipulation as he is now right in between a horde of Grimm and Three Mechs comprising The Pandora Paladin Buster, LupinKaiser Hammer Knight and PatKaiser Biker, and students of Beacon who were fending of drones from attacking their area.

When I saw the Armoured rider in front of me, I already knew who he was as he and I fought in battle before.

Me: Soichi Isurugi... Kamen Rider Evol....


Here I am, still being possessed by Evol, and I am in Kamen Rider Evol, Phase 4 Gorrila mode as I cracked my fingers.

Me/Evol: So, let's have some fun, shall we???

An Alpha then lunged towards me with its set of teeth showing, getting ready to chew me up, but I took two steps back as it clamped its jaws in front of me as I grabbed hold of its snout right after it clamped its jaw in front of me. Then, my grip tightens as the Grimm's skull began to break, much to the Grimm's whimpering noises.

Me/Evol: (Evol) Tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk. No teeth now, please~

Evol and I said in sync as I increase my grip and swung my arm backwards, ripping its head off its body. I raised its head in front of the horde as I dropped it in front of them as I menacingly asked;

Me/Evol: (Evol) Who's next in my Menu???

We stated in sync as I watched the horde of Grimm running away from me.

Me/Evol: (Me) Wanna go after them??

Me/Evol: (Evol) Yeah!

We agreed as I placed a ninja and rider system EvolBottles into the Evolve-Driver as I transformed into Kamen Rider Evol, Ninja form, Phase 5.




Me/Evol: It's Phase 5 time.... (Turning the lever again)


Me/Evol: Henshin!!

I then ran after the horde of Grimm as I transformed into my Phase 5 form.


Me/Evol: (Evol) Ninja Evol form, eh??? Huh, I get it.

Me/Evol: Then let's bring out our weapons!!

And with that, I felt my running speed going even faster and faster in every second as I brought out Parablade and utilize a 4Koma Ninpoutou that came out from the Evolve-Driver, to my shock and to my relief that I have another weapon to use.

(A/N: 4Koma Ninpoutou.)

Me/Evol: (Me) The Evolve-Driver can do that?!

Me/Evol: (Evol) Yes, it can do that.

Me/Evol: (Me) Cool!!

I said this as I pressed the trigger on the 4Koma Ninpoutou once as I cloned myself into the number of Grimm that are running away now as I or we took them down within seconds. Once that was done, I noticed an Alpha Beowolf getting away as I deactivated my Ninja Evol form and transform into my other form, known as Evol Wolf Phase 6.


I then ran as fast as I could as I readied my Wolf claws and turned the lever once again to ready my finisher.



I then lunged towards the Grimm as I clawed the Grimm apart with a flurry of slashes with my wolf claw gauntlets and concluded it with my Evoltech kick, making the Grimm to burst into pieces as it withered away instantly.

I then looked at the crowd behind as I saluted to them and disappeared in a grey fog covering my entire body.

Me/Evol: Ciao! (Disappears)

LupinKaiser/PatKaiser: Uuuuhh... bye???

Somewhere at Beacon Tower,

(A/N: Music ends here.)

I reverted back to my original form as Evol then comes out from me after having a fun time in my body, revealing to be some handsome guy in the process.

Evol: By the way, I am Soichi Isurugi. (bows)

Me: Okay.... So, remember. Deal's a deal.

Isurugi: Don't worry. Don't think I forgotton about that.

He said this as he threw a huge duffle bag in front of me.

Me: Wh-what's that?

Isurugi: What I showed you. Everything is all in there, in that duffle bag.

Me: Huh. Thanks.

Isurugi: No problem. And oh, Shadow?

Me: Hmm??

Isurugi then walked towards me as he whispered.

Isurugi: I felt your inner-self moaning due to the power we've been surging through your body. (smirking suspiciously)

As he said this, I blushed madly when I heard that as I tried to defend myself by contradicting it.

Me: Okay!! That was not me, okay!!! I was just breathing!! It was just breathing! And-

Isurugi: Ciao. (Waves at me)

Me: -how the heck did you even hear m- WAIT WAIT, DON'T GO! WAIT!!!

But, it was too late as he disappeared in a fog like just now, to my irritation as I heavily sighed.

Me: (Irritated as I sigh) But still, that was cool.

After saying those words, it hit me that I have to do something now.

Me: Oh yeah! RUBY!!!

I said in a worried tone as I ran to the front of Beacon Tower to continue my search. But, just as I made a turn, I saw Pyrrha and Jaune exiting out of the Tower. So, I caleed out to them as I ran towards them.

When I am in reach, I then stopped right in front of them. Out of exhaustion, I staggered forwards and my knees met the ground. Pyrrha and Jaune helped me up as I recovered.

Me: Wh-What... are you two doing in there?

Jaune: I don't know what happened that there was this machine that they put Pyrrha into, there was a girl inside one of them. Then there was this woman with fire powers. One thing I know is that wasn't a Semblance. And Professor Ozpin is still down there!

Me: Machine? Ozpi--- Oh no no no NO NO NO!!!!

Realizing what he had just said, I charged through Pyrrha and Jaune, before they could even stop from entering the tower.

End of Special Episode

And that's all, folks! The Special Episode of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose. Cool episode on PatKaiser, LupinKaiser and Evol, eh? So, if you ladies and Gentlemen and other deviants and readers really, really love it, comment down below on the comment section if you want me to try something and make up for it. So, thank you so much for reading this. And if you enjoy it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause' it would be "Muteki" awesome and greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I can improve myself as well.

And, if this happens to be the first literature that you have seen by me, pleaseconsider leaving a watch to become part of "Ride-Player Troopers" (It's what Iprefer to call my watchers) today if you want to see more of the rest of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose insert. Apart from that, thank you so much again forreading this, and I'll see you Ride-Players (readers) on the next episode ofour RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! Until then! See you on the next game! Staylighted up! Stay Frosty! Stay Brave! Be Nice! SEE YA!!!!

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