Volume 3: A Worthless Hand, The Pharaoh & Stand's Alliance (PART 2)

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Hey everyone! It's me, Shadow 264 and WELCOME to the second part of this extra episode of the THIRD VOLUME of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! This Episode takes place before Weiss and Yang's Doubles Round in the Vytal Festival Tournament. So, to recap once again, I DO NOT OWN RWBY AND I DO NOT OWN KAMEN RIDER EX-AID!! RWBY is owned by RoosterTeeth and Kamen Rider Ex-Aid is owned by Toei. So, now sit back, enjoy and LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!!!

*punches the gong real hard many times like Crazy Diamond*


Me: Yes. This poker on Yu-Gi-Oh is not any ordinary game. It is a game of wits, brains and brawns.

Panic: HAH!!!! I like you, young chap, really I do! Very well. I accept your rules. Now, I shall deal the cards to us.

He said as he prepared to deal the cards to us.

I began to watch his dealing of the cards carefully, with a smirk on my face, to indicate that my Genius Gamer-self side is on to playing this game to the death.

3rd Person's POV:

Panic and Shadow looked at each other attentively while Panic began to deal the cards to himself and to Shadow one by one.

Panic: One for the Doctor (Deals a Card to Shadow), One for me (Deals a Card to myself), One for the Doctor (Deals a Card to Shadow), One for me (Deals a Card to myself), One for....

Panic was about to deal a card to Shadow until for some reason, Shadow swiftly aimed Parablade in its gun mode at Panic's index finger as he shot at it, but instead blowing his finger up, an icy narrow long needle-like projectile was pierced through his index finger, for Panic to scream in pain and anguish, to everyone's shock.

Mitchell and Ironwood looked in shock at what Shadow just did while watching him withdrawing his weapon back at his right side of his waist.

Mitchell: I-I don't understand! What happened?! Shadow!! His finger!! Why in Oum's name and in M's name did you shoot Panic's finger?!

Ironwood: I'm wondering the same thing, too. WHY?!?! Why use your weapon to shoot his finger?!

They both questioned Shadow.

Shadow sighed as he began to explain.

Shadow: Like I said before. You're not gonna cheat when you're playing against me.

Shadow implied to Panic, to Ironwood's confusion.

Ironwood: What? He was trying to cheat? But, he was only dealing the cards, wasn't he? I didn't see him doing anything suspicious.

Shadow: Oh yeah? Well, lemme give you a hand, General. Because that's what he wanted us to thin. Take a good look at the large deck of cards that he has on his left hand.

Shadow said while pointing at the deck of cards for Ironwood and Mitchell to look at it while Panic was wincing in pain about his pierced right index finger. Then, they saw it.

Ironwood: gasp I see now. The second card is sticking out of the deck.

Mitchell: A second deal, huh? Called it...

Ironwood: (Looks at Mitchell) Second Deal?

Mitchell: Yup. A Second Deal is a devious technique involving a dealer drawing out a second card of the deck instead of the top card. When the technique is executed by a professional dealer/s, the cheat is almost undetectable by the naked eye. 

Ironwood: I see...

Shadow: Precisely. That's the card he was trying to deal me. The whole time, he's pretending to deal the top card. But truth is, he's been dealing me the second card from the top!

Shadow got up and reached out to show the top, Panic's two cards that are dealt and the second card.

Shadow: If he took the top card, it would have just simply gone to him. And if he does that, the cheating bastard would have gotten away with it in a total of three level 10 monsters with different element types!

I explained more, showing the three monsters with 10 Levels and one monster with 4 Levels.

After explaining, Shadow, Mitchell and Ironwood took notice of Panic, removing the projectile from his index finger, holding that finger tightly as the pain is still unbearable.


Panic said, for Shadow to throw his cards like a shuriken, flying pass Panic's face barely missing him as they stuck onto the tent behind him, to Panic's shock to this move Shadow made.

Shadow: Hey. You're lucky I was playing nice with that attack. You should count yourself lucky cause' if I didn't, I would've just immediately shot your entire finger off without that needle shooter module Tenka made for me.

Shadow implied to Panic once again.

Panic had a disgust look in his face upon hearing this. Shadow soon shook his head and sighed.

Shadow: Good grief. Now I can't trust you to cut the freaking deck anymore....

Shadow said to himself.

Then, he looked to his right and tilted his body backwards with his chair as he noticed someone doing something behind and outside the booth tent, for Panic to look at the same direction where Shadow's looking.

Shadow: Someone else is going to do it, from now on. That teenage boy behind over there is up for the job. 

Shadow said.

Panic growled at this implication.

Panic: Very well..... have it your way.....

He said.

Then, Panic turned to Ironwood.

Shadow: General Ironwood. Ask him over.

Ironwood: Right away.


The General said as he soon took off to fetch the teen I spotted outside. While he's fetching the teen, Panic spoke up for Mitchell and I to listen what he has to say.

Panic: Most impressive, Doctor. 

Me: Hmm?

Mitchell: ???

Panic: Successful Cheating requires an element of surprise. And it takes more than sharp eyes to prevent that.

Panic stated while taking out his handkerchief from his left pocket as he began to wrap it around his fingers including his index finger on his right hand to stop the bleeding.

Panic: It would appear that I underestimated you as you saw through my Second Deal, Doctor.... I'll accept my pierced finger as proper punishment! From here on out, I'll devote myself to winning the game, with the applied rules that we'll make on our own.... Doctor... But seriously, when you shot and pierced my finger, you remind me of the time someone used his "Power" to break my finger at this peculiar moment, and another peculiar when someone tried to intimidate me before and during the dual. Unfortunately, I lost those games or duals due to their bravery and intimidating skills. BUT, that won't happen ever again once I've taken care of you!!

Panic stated.

After saying what he has to say, he fished out his shotgun, placing four particular colored chips representing the four particular souls he has taken, inside of it as rounds, to Mitchell's shock.

Mitchell: Those- Those chips represent my Brother's entire team!!! What do you think you're doing with them?!?!

Mitchell exclaimed.

Panic smiled as he aimed his shotgun upwards, shooting what I could actually hear are 24 shots as 24 chips began to fall onto the table, with the other chips to stack over each other, revealing to me that the four chips of Team JEWL's souls for chips have now been divided into six chips individually, making it a total of 24 chips.

(A/N: This shotgun.)

Panic: 24 Chips. One stack of six representing each of your friends. I've simply split their souls to six chips each, boy. I'm sure you know this, but in Poker, if you're on the verge of losing, it's perfectly acceptable to fold. However, if you use up all your chips, there is no way to bet and the game doesn't work. To put it simply, if you win all my chips, it's equivalent of you winning each soul of each of your friends. Make sense?

Me: Got it.

Mitchell: S-Shadow!!

Then, Panic took something from below his desk and place it in front of me, for me to receive them.

Panic: These twelve plain chips are the representation of your soul. Once I win all of your chips, I'll add your soul,... to my collection.

I smiled at this as I nod twice at what he said.

Me: Alrighty. Let us begin.


3rd Person's POV:

While the Battle of Wits is about to throwdown, minutes before that happened, Qrow is seen walking around the Fairgrounds while drinking his flask, ensuring nothing bad will happen. As he looked around, he thought about Shadow.

Qrow (Inner Thoughts): Apollonir's son is getting stronger by the day.... Was Apollonir right about what he said before??? He will accomplish greater things and he will become something even more greater, to smit the evil down effortlessly??? Well, sure Shadow is the Winter Maiden and all,.... but the Fall and Summer Maiden, as well? Is that a small portion of Icepop becoming something even greater???

He thought.

Just as he was about to think more about the novice, he noticed several Huntsmen and Huntresses, and civilians running towards a particular tent, to his confusion.

Qrow: Uh, hey! What's going on?

Huntsman: Didn't you hear? There is a fight going on at one of the tents. Well, not exactly a fight but, it's a dual of wits to what I heard from a friend of mine who's over there now. 

Qrow: And who's fighting who?

Huntsman: A professional gambler and a Huntsman from Team STRM. If i'm correct about this.... this Huntsman can manipulate ice.... I think.... 

The Huntsman replied.

Qrow then gave it a thought until he realized who he was talking about.

Qrow (Inner Thoughts): Is he talking about.... oh no.... Apollo ain't gonna like this.... ICEPOP!!!!

Qrow: Hey, pal! Think you could lead the way to where this Dual is about to throwdown?

Huntsman: Sure. Well, let's not stand here idly! Follow me.

He said as he ran towards the tent where everything will play out.

Qrow nods as he followed him from behind.



(A/N: Music starts here.)

Back to my POV:

Panic, Ironwood, Mitchell, the entire crowd watching the dual and I watched attentively as the teen dealt five cards to Panic and me individually after shuffling and cutting the deck by himself. Once he's done dealing, Panic began his turn.

Panic: For the opening action of my turn, I'll bet two chips of Wendolyn's soul.

He said.

Then, he threw two chips representing Wendolyn's soul in front of him, while I threw in three plain chips in front of me.

Panic: Once again I say this, let's begin.

Panic and Me: Let's dual!!!

We exclaimed while we grabbed our cards into our hands to commence the game. 

As we began, I notice more people streaming in, and that's not all, I notice Qrow rushing to my side, talking to Ironwood on what's going. Once Ironwood has explained, he went to me and whispered.

Qrow (Whispering): Icepop, what are you doing?! Don't you realize you're still too young to gamble?! Think of what happens if your father finds out about this!

Me (Whispering): Don't worry about it. I was given the greenlight by someone in my head. So, don't worry too much about me.... I can take him.

Qrow (Whispering): But, that's not exactly the point!! If you lose this game, not only your soul but, your Winter Maiden powers will go to him.

Me (Whispering): You think I don't know that? I know. That's why I have a plan in store for him, if you can trust me.

Qrow (Whispering): And how would you know it'll work?

Qrow asked.

There was a moment of silence before I responded.

Me (Whispering): Dunno. I just believe that it'll work, that's all.

Ironwood: Qrow. I think we shouldn't interrupt them. Several souls are on the line now, and I think it's best we let him deal with this since everything now relies on his soul.

The general implied.

Qrow turned to look at Ironwood for a brief moment. Then, he sighed while placing his hand on my shoulder.

Qrow: Win this, Icepop. This is your first time doing this so,.... don't screw it.

Qrow said, smiling at me.

Me: Heh! No pressure.

I said.

Then, I turn my attention back to Panic.

Panic: Hmmmm.... I think I'll raise with another one of Wendolyn's soul.

He said as he threw one chip in front of him, for the teen to deal three cards to Panic.

Panic: Doctor. Just to give you a take note, once again. These plain chips in front and beside you are the representation of your soul. So, my kind advice to you is that you think carefully before you make a move. Keep that in mind.

Me: Hm.

Teenage Boy: Huh?

Mitchell went up to the teen and assure him that he should treat this as this is a normal game.

Mitchell: Listen, dude. It's okay if you don't understand what's going on. Just chill out and relax. Treat this like any normal gambling game and just cut, and deal the cards normally, alright?

Teenage Boy: Oh... a-alright.

The teen nods.

Me: Six cards.

I said.

The teen dealt six more cards to me, for me to receive them and add them to my hand as I look at the cards, carefully with a serious glare, for Panic to take notice of this.

Panic: Oh? Now would you look at that? A serious glare coming from a Doctor. Judging from that look, you must have an outstanding hand.... Well, as a safety precaution, I'll add two more Wendolyns.

He said, doing the same process again for him to receive two more cards from the dealer, adding the extra two into his hand. I smirked at Panic as I threw in one chip, for the dealer to deal me one card.

Qrow, the General and Mitchell watched real closely as they see Panic having Ten Cards total and I have Twelve Cards total in our hands. Panic and I gave each other dagger-like glares while smiling as we began to summon what we have as our fold.

Panic: Alright, bring it on.... Doctor.

I looked at my cards and placed some down, revealing two pairs and a triple.

Me: Two Pairs and A Triple. Summon, Element Valkyrie and Element Magician - Level 4 Light Monsters, Light End Dragon and Archlord Kristya - Level 8 Light Monsters, and Three Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the Ends - Level 8 Darkness Monsters. Not sure why you have three of these but, that looks pretty cool.

(A/N: Element Valkyrie, Element Magician, Light End Dragon, Archlord Kristya and Chaos Emperor Dragon - Envoy of the End (x3).)

I implied after calling.

Then, I heard Panic chuckle for a bit.

Panic: Too bad, Doctor. But still,.... not bad for a beginner. But not good enough.

He said as he showed his two pairs at me.

Panic: Two Pairs, Slifer and Uria, Obelisk and Raviel - Level 10 Monsters.

(A/N: Slifer, Uria, Obelisk and Raviel.)

(A/N: Music ends here.)


(A/N: Music starts here.)

The three behind me gasp in worry for the crowd to take notice of this, for Panic to begin laughing at the sight before him that is my cards I called upon to fold.

Panic: I have to say, that was a lucky one.

Me: Yeah. A close one for you, at that.

Panic: Yes.... I was at the verge of a crushing defeat. 

Panic implied.

I looked on as he stood up, looking at my chips.

Panic: But still, to follow the rules as they still stand....

Panic said, raising his hand up high, slamming it down onto the table whilst grabbing the chips I threw forward to get more cards by the use of the palm of his hand. Once his hand is in reach of his chips and mine, he motioned his hand backwards as he took them away from me, ending up with me only having Five Chips remaining.

Mitchell: H-He only has five left....

Qrow: Is that bad?

Qrow asked.

Ironwood took notice of Qrow's question and nods, to their worry and his worry, too.

Qrow: Icepop, what are y-

Just before Qrow could finish, he heard a chuckle from me, to his confusion. Then, he watched as I threw three chips before me from my side.

Me: Let's have at it. Let's have another game, shall we?

Panic: Oh, indeed we will.

He said, throwing two of my taken chips before him.

Me: Cool. NOW! Deal the Cards and Dimension the Dice!!!

I exclaimed, for me to notice Panic to flinch a bit, to my confusion.

Me: What's the matter? Can't keep up?

Panic: N-No. S-Something's just on my chair, is all.

Me: Oh, alright. Then, let's get to the dealing, then.

Panic: Right right. Let's begin....

Panic implied, brushing it off while speaking in his thoughts.

Panic (Inner Thoughts): The way in saying that quote.... he surely reminds me of that BOY who wore the Millennium Puzzle who defeated me to save his Blondie Friend.... but.... who am I to judge.... this Doctor is just nothing but a teenage boy playing Doctor. Compose yourself, PaniK.... you're about to win, so DON'T STOP NOW!!!!

While he was talking to himself, the teen dealt the same number of cards to us. Once the cards are dealt,  Panic took the cards into his hand and looked at them, real closely. During a train of thought in looking at his own cards, Panic began to speak to me.

Panic: You should really be careful what you wish for, Doctor. The next game may well be your last.

Panic stated.

I smiled upon hearing this.

Panic smiled, as well upon noticing my smile while his attention is back onto his cards, having a good look at them. After looking at the cards, he smirked at the sight of the cards to see that he has something. Then, he threw two more of my taken chips.

Panic: I'll take two more cards, if you please?

He said.

After saying that, he turn his attention back to me, in confusion to see that I'm no longer holding onto my cards as my cards are all facing down, for me to sit on my seat, idly, to everyone's confusion. 

The teen looked in confusion as well, wanting to know why I didn't check my cards. Mitchell, General Ironwood and Qrow took notice of this as they looked in confusion.

3rd Person's POV:

Rachel: Mitch!!! What's going on there?!

Rachel sounded off from the crowd.

Mitchell turn his attention to Rachel and Tenka.

Mitchell: Cap's not looking at his cards!

Mitchell exclaimed.

The crowd is heard whispering and talking with each other as they wonder why the Team Leader of Team STRM isn't looking at his cards while being cordoned off by the foot soldiers from the Atlesian Military.

Panic: What's the problem, Doctor? Hurry up and check you hand so you can make a decision to either change or fold.

Mitchell: C-Cap?

Mitchell asked nervously.

Then, Shadow crossed his hands in front of his chest and sat there, relaxed as if nothing really happened while he began to answer.

Shadow: Nah, it's fine. These cards will most certainly do.

He said.

This shocked everyone crowding around except the Military Soldiers, Knight and Panic when they heard this.

Panic: My apologies, Doctor. Come again? There must be some confusion I'm hearing from your end. Perhaps I heard you wrongly. I thought I heard you say these card would do?

Panic said.

Shadow: Yeah, you heard me One Hundred Percent correctly. I'm fine with this hand. As after all.... I've got all the Exodia Cards.

Panic: Really? Then are you trying to say and tell me that you're gonna play the cards that is on your hand without even glancing at them?

Shadow: Like I said, these cards would do. And I have the Exodia Cards so, I won the Duel.

Shadow said.

This caused Panic to rise from his seat and confront him.

Panic: WHAT NONSENSE ARE YOU SAYING?!?! Nobody can have the Five Pieces of Exodia starting a duel!!! What the hell do you think you're doing?!?!

Panic exclaimed.

Shadow turned to look at General Ironwood.

Shadow: General, is it alright if you let my Team in, I require a favor from them.

Ironwood: What sort of favor?

Shadow: A Favor of Trust.... is the sort of favor.

Shadow said. 

This led the General to a very difficult situation until he finally gave in and called the rest of Shadow's team in.

Ironwood: Soldiers!! Let Mr. Kaito and Ms. Claws through!!

As commanded, the Knights moved aside for Tenka and Rachel to proceed as they stood before Shadow.

Tenka: Hey, Doc.

Rachel: What's the situation, Shadow?

Shadow: I need a favor from you first, Tenka... then followed by you, Rachel, then Mitch. You in?

Tenka: Favor? Well, of course. But answer something first, Doc. Why aren't you looking at your cards?

Panic: DAMMIT, Doctor!!! I demand that you answer me!

Rachel (Inner Thoughts): Jeez, rage much? Don't be trippin' over a game, boiii.

Panic demanded.

Then, Shadow placed the rest of his chips before him, betting everything in to count his entire soul for this entire round for five chips.

Shadow: Well, I'll raise you with the rest of my chips, and while I'm at it, I'll throw in Tenka's soul.

Shadow said, for Panic to look in shock at this.

Panic: What?!?!?!

Panic exclaimed, then growled at the situation.

Tenka nods at this as he understood where Shadow is getting by this.

Rachel: What is he doing?

Tenka: I see now.

Rachel: Huh?

Tenka: Trust me on this. I know exactly what he's up to.

Rachel: O-okay????

Tenka placed his hand on Shadow's shoulder and began to speak up to Panic.

Tenka: I admit, you're an impressive opponent, Panic. Sure, you're no match to our physical strengths, but under pressure, you can be amazingly calm and clever.... and a devious one, at that. So, if I had to say this, I have no means to becoming a gambler. It'll be easy for you to read me or either of us like a book.... even for a first time gambler like Doc, here. So, neither of us can never truly potentially defeat someone like the likes of you. But, we have the upmost confidence in Doctor Shadow. I do not know why he doesn't want to look at his own cards, but what I do know is that it is none of my concern. If he throws my soul into this predicament which he already has, it would be my honor, to place my soul on the line. So know this, Doctor, you have saved me, Rach and Mitch's lives back in past, thus my soul is in your capable hands to win this.

Tenka stated.

Then, he made his way to the several lifeless bodies on the floor as he placed his hands on his knees and knelt there, patiently, for Panic to take notice of this.

Panic: So, that's how it's gonna be, then? It would seem apparent that you and Samurai are beginning to be succumbed to the pressure of our little game.

Panic said. Then, he turned to look at the teen.

Panic: You there. I believe you were gonna deal me two more cards. So, hurry it up and deal me.

Teenage Boy: Oh, okay.

The teen said, giving two more cards to Panic.

Panic took them, to see that he has the cards he needed to win the game. Unbeknownst to Shadow, his team, Qrow and the General, the teen is actually working for Panic, as well, for the teen to secretly smile silently.

Teenage Boy (Inner Thoughts): I've dealt like you ask, Master Panic. Your opponent's hand is worthless. There is no doubt about it. My skills as a dealer never fail. You've won. I know you have.... 

The teen said in thoughts.

Panic (Inner Thoughts): The Doctor thinks and assumes that the teen has nothing to do with this. But what he doesn't know is that he is working for me, as a special virus variant. What he was doing back there was him simply placing all the chips of lost souls into the crate which the General thought it was just there to pack my books and my other essentials in. No matter what, I can't fail,... as my directives' to make sure that the Doctor's hand is weak.... still, he really caught me by surprise there when he didn't look at his cards. That's seriously a bold move right there. It's obviously a bluff. How dare he bluff against me. Does the fool think he's going to make me lie down and fold? 

Panic said in his train of thought. Soon, he took a deep breathe and compose himself.

Panic: Very well. If that's your game, (Throws another plain chip in front of me) I'll match you with Wendolyn's soul (Pushes all six chips of Wendolyn's soul in front of me) and raise you with Lazarus's soul (Pushes all six chips of Lazarus's soul in front of me).

Shadow: Not bad. Then, (I fished out 12 crystallized ice chips from out of nowhere as I placed them with the five chips I threw in) I'll match you with Rachel and raise with Mitchell's soul, with these.

Everyone including Qrow, General Ironwood, Rachel and Mitchell were shocked about this, which almost brought Panic into a very difficult situation, but he however, didn't break.

Panic: WHAT?! Those crystal ice chips?! Where did you get them?! They're hard to find around the World!!

Shadow: Dunno. An old lady gave them to me. Let's just say I have a kind spot for old ladies and for the elderly.

Rachel: Well, Tenka's right. If he's confident, then hell, I'll put my life on the line, too. And you Panic! Well, hell!!! You can kiss my ass!! Come on, Mitch!

She exclaimed.

Then, she went to Tenka's side and sat with him.

Mitchell: I'm with what they said.

(A/N: Music ends here. If you have to repeat the music till it ends here, well, it works that way for those who are in the zone to reading this.)

Mitchell implied as he did the same.


(A/N: Music starts here.)

Panic: Well, if we're getting personal, (Throws another chip and shoves 12 more chips in) I'll match you with Jon's soul and Emily's soul!! What do you think? the Team's all here.

Panic said calmly.

My teammates, the crowd, The General and Qrow were shocked upon hearing, for Qrow to rush in by my side and interjected. Shadow watched calmly as I see the whole team of Mitchell's brother right before me.

Qrow: HEY!!!! That's not fair!! How can you raise more when Icepop doesn't have anymore chips to raise?!

Qrow exclaimed.

Panic: He's out of chips? There's a way to resolve that.

Qrow: And that is

Panic: By rectifying them, of course. 

He stated while holding our a pen and a paper.

Panic: It's simple really as my Semblance has a written contract. Once the deal's done, any of my cards on my hand or deck, or the most powerful card in my hand will be launched to pick a soul. 

Qrow: And who's soul are you talking about, here?!

Panic: Isn't obvious, Doctor?

Qrow: Huh?

Panic: Your patient, Togo Kiyomiya you saved from Dr. Pac-Man's clutches. He always comes to you to get advice from you on how to make puzzle games. One time you had a tough time defeating a bugster with an army of them, you went to him, asking for advice, too so you in return can take the bugsters down offscreen, right? So, why don't you bet on his soul?

Qrow: WHAT?!?!?!

Qrow exclaimed, shocked at what he heard.

Panic (Inner Thoughts): Panic, you fool.... show my your doubt and fear.... let me see you lose your cool composure.... How dare he try to bluff me. Once this game is over, his soul is all mine, and his soul will go directly to my boss, and the reward that he said he'll give me, will be mi- huh?!

(A/N: Music ends here.)

Before he could finish, he had a puzzled look as he sees Shadow on the phone.

He notice Shadow on the phone mysteriously as he was talking to someone as he was whispering. Soon hung up and placed another tower of six crystallized ice chips before him.

Shadow: Not a bad idea. I'll seal your bet with Togo-san's Soul.

He said.


(A/N: Music starts here.)

This shocked Panic, General Ironwood, Qrow and my Team upon hearing this. While their in a state of shock, Shadow went ahead to use a paper and a pen and wrote everything down. Once done, he used the chips in front of him as a paper weight and placed it there, there, the paper read; 

I, Dr. Shadow Wrath, agree to surrender the soul of my friend Togo Kiyomiya in the event that I lose.

- Dr. Shadow Wrath

Qrow: Kid, putting someone's soul on the line without his knowledge is unacce-

Shadow: He already knows.

Qrow and Panic: Huh?!/Whaat?

Shadow: The guy on the phone just now? That was Togo Kiyomiya. I called him as I owe him an answer and I asked a favor if he can join us where ever he is and place his soul on the line. He accepted the offer and is now waiting for a reply once this game is over. Though it is kind of selfish as a Doctor to bet on someone's soul M and I just cured, though.

He said.

Then, out of nowhere, Shadow raised his right hand up, then out of nowhere, a flask is shown being held by his right hand as Shadow began to drink from it, to Panic, Qrow, General Ironwood and my team's shock.

Rachel: WAIT!!!

Mitchell: Isn't that Qrow's-

Tenka: Hmmm....

His teammates watched his team leader taking a drink from a flask which his teammates guessed, belonged to Qrow that he was drinking from.

Qrow: What the?! How di-

Panic: HEY, DOCTOR!!! What did you just do?!?!

Shadow: What did I just do? What do you mean by that?

Shadow asked.

This made Panic to shoot up from his seat.


Panic tried to exclaim that Shadow is underaged to be drinking at the time like this, but didn't have the courage to finish his line as he began to struggle to spout out what he wants to say.

Shadow: What's wrong with you? Not feeling well or something?

Shadow asked without emotion.

Soon, he placed the flask on the table, feeling hydrated enough to continue. Panic soon took his seat as he gave it a thought on what Shadow's up to.

Panic (Inner Thoughts): Impertinent! Why is he so calm and confident.....??? Could he really have.... could he really have all the five pieces of Exodia??? 

Panic thought.

Everyone watching, Qrow, General Ironwood, my teammates, Panic and even the teen who dealt the cards have sweat demeanors on their faces as things are about to get nasty soon enough. While everyone is watching Panic and Shadow duel and poker it out, the teen began to breathe heavily while slowly turning his head at Panic, for Panic to growl silently while turning away.

Panic (Inner Thoughts): Stupid brat!! What are you thinking?! Don't look at me with that worried grimace!! If the Doctor finds out that you work for me,... I'll murder you....

Panic thought to himself as he lectured the teen in his thoughts.

Then, he turned back to look at his seven cards in his hands while he, too began to breathe heavily also, looking at them while he's sweating profusely.

Panic (Inner Thoughts): Compose yourself, dammit... You have one Dark, Water, Fire, Earth and Wind Dragon of different Levels with different attack and defense points and one super polymerization card.... with one Kuriboh in hand which is no matter as I could make the Five God Dragon to defeat the Doctor's hand.... However, the hands that can beat me are the Five Pieces of Exodia, Horakhty The Creator of Light hand comprising of the three Egyptian God cards, one polymerization card and a Horakhty The Creator of Light card, the Chaos Phantom Armityle hand comprising of three sacred beast cards, one super polymerization card and the Chaos Phantom Armityle card. It's impossible for someone such as him to get all the pieces of Exodia in one Deal.... how dare he bluff me. I'm the great Panic.... The Executioner and The New King of Games, and the Mastery of Art in Gambling. I have had enough of you, Doctor! Your time has come! You only drank that flask just to Psych me out. So I know he's bluffing....

He thought to himself,

That is until he noticed something else, causing his eyes to open wide to look in shock as Shadow is now munching on an extremely icy cold ice shard in front of him, to everyone's confusion while listening to the crunching noises being heard inside his mouth while crunching on the ice shard which no one knows where he got it from, whereas to Qrow and General Ironwood, they knew exactly where he's got it from.

As the situation got worse or exactly the opposite, Panic finally have enough of this nonsense, and stood up, confronting Shadow one last time before calling his cards.



Me: Hold it!!!!

I exclaimed.

Panic gasp when he heard me exclaim, interrupting what he was about to finish. I soon stopped eating that ice shard which was halfway done and began to speak while having that shard in my mouth still.

Me: What in the blue hell, are you doing, Panic? Why are you jumping the gun when I haven't raised the pot, yet?

I ask.

That question earned me to hear a lot of gasping from the crowd, Panic, the teen (Dealer), my teammates, Qrow and General Ironwood as they look in shock as I'm about to raise more of something or someone on the line.

Panic: R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-R-RAISE THE POT?!?!?!?!?!?! NO!!!!!!!! YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE ANYTHING TO RAISE IT WITH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Panic yelled.

I turned to Qrow and the General while sighing.

Me: Forgive me...

Qrow and Ironwood: Huh?

I turn back to face Panic while removing my watch, my mother's necklace and taking out an old photo of me and Amber, to their confusion and shock, discovering what they are. After removing everything, I slam it on the table for all the towering chips to fall on the table. After which I grabbed onto my ice shard again, pulling it out as I crunched a chunk of it, while saying;

(A/N: Music ends here.)

Me: sighs ..... That's when you're wrong. I'll raise you..... no...... I'll triple raise you with my mother, Summer Rose and Amber's souls.


Panic exclaimed as more sweat began to trickle down his head. Everyone including my teammates, Qrow and General Ironwood had the same exclamation as they had their own exclaims about my triple raise. This caused Qrow and General Ironwood to step up as this has literally gone too far.


(A/N: Music starts here.)


Qrow: JAMES!!!!!

Qrow interrupted as he knew that the General was about to reveal something secret. So, Ironwood kept quiet. Then, Qrow turn his attention back to me.


Qrow exclaimed.

I sighed and got up from my seat, slamming my hand onto the table, confronting Panic even further.

Me: Why I'm here is not just to become stronger, become a Huntsman Doctor and change people's fates in my own two bare hands as a doctor. The entire reason I'm here in the first place, is to finding the owner of the white rose petal my father gave to me, to finding my mother, and to see Amber..... for Amber, well,.... she's in a tight situation at the moment as she's unwell somewhere here to what I sensed.... which you both should have told me about this....

My eyes turn to glare at Qrow and Ironwood, for them to stay silent as they knew that I found her.

Me: So, if I end up losing here, they'll die anyway. They won't mind if I bet their souls. So Panic, for your sake, I hope you have something to match their souls.

I implied.

Panic began to breathe uncontrollably while sweating even more profusely than just now as the pressure is too much and the stakes were extremely high.

Then, I smiled as I figured that I need answers, thus using this an advantage to get it out of him.

Me: Oh, I know what will match them. Panic.... I want to know where your boss, Salem is, and the secret to Salem's Power.

I said.

Upon hearing this, Panic launched himself backwards, causing him to fall to the ground on his behind along with his chair being dragged backwards till it hits the floor, not too far away from Panic, exclaiming while freaking out at the same time as he breathes even more frantically while sweating, for Ironwood and Qrow to figure that he works for the enemy that no one knows about but us.

Qrow (Inner Thoughts): Judging from his reaction.... he indeed knows where Salem is and her powers. Unfortunately for him, Salem doesn't treat treason sitting down. If he tells the information we require, he's as good as dead.

Qrow said in his thoughts.

Then, Qrow and General Ironwood looked at me.

Ironwood: Doctor.... if you're confident enough to bet on their souls, you sure your hand will win, aren't you?

Qrow: HEY!!! You wouldn't let us down, would you? You wouldn't let us down, would you?!?!

Ironwood and Qrow: ICEPOP?!?!?!?!/SHADOW?!?!?!

Ironwood and Qrow ask.

While they asked me those questions, I waited for an answer as I watched Panic breathe frantically in fear, even the teen and my teammates can be heard breathing frantically as well as the stakes are high and the game is on.

After waiting for so long, I began to be impatient and spat the ice shard from my mouth and exclaimed to Panic while smiling.


I exclaimed.

Panic exclaimed a yell of fear and he began going insane. He began to struggle to say something until he crushed his cards and chuckling at the same time. Then, his chuckle became laughter as it became louder.

Panic: I-I-I'll say it..... (Laughs maniacally) I'LL SAY IT, DAMMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Panic exclaimed again while standing up, banging the table with his fist while struggling to call. 


Panic stopped halfway as he tried to spout out what he's going to call due to him struggling to say the words to call and to declare that I'm bluffing all this time.

Panic: Ca- Ca- Ca- Call Cal- Ca- C- Ca- Call... Call.... I'm going to caaaaAAAAALLLLLLLL!!!!! CaaaAAAaaaAAAAaaaaa....---

Everyone including me watched as Panic continued to struggle to get the words out while breathing frantically and sweating profusely as he stammered the word; 'Call'.

Panic: Ca- C- C- C- C- C- Call.... C- Cal- C- C- Caaaaaaaal-

Panic tried to say the words but, the more he struggled, more steam began to emit from him, his hair began to turn white slowly and the more he will keep struggling to breathe whilst saying what he wanted to call.

Ironwood, Qrow and the teen watched as Panic is slowly turning weak and slowly going insane, to their worry.

Panic: Ca- C- C- Cal- Call......... aaaAAAAAAA- Ca- Caaaa- CAAl- Call... Ca- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA....!!!!!!!

And soon, Panic lowered his head as he still struggled to say the words until....

Panic (Inner Thoughts): Ca- C- C- .... I CAN'T DO IT!!!! I'M TOO PETRIFIED!!!!! I'M TOO TERRIFIED TO SAY THE WORDS!!!!!!!!!!!

Panic: Ca- C- Cal- Call- C- I ca- C- C- Cal- I can't.... breathe....

Panic said and thought as he kept on struggling to breathe while trying to call. While struggling, his hair turned completely white, he began to grow really weak, his eyes rolled to the back of his head, and slowly he's losing his sanity. After a while of struggling, we suddenly see mist emitting from his back, shoulders and his head, for me to notice that he stopped moving, to everyone's shock and for me to smirk, knowing that I've won.

Panic: Caaaaaaaaaaaa.....--

Qrow went up to Panic to see what happened to him, until his eyes widened in great shock upon seeing Panic's expression while he's motionless.

(A/N: Music stops here.)

Qrow: Th- That's unbelievable!! His eyes rolled back to the back of his head!

Ironwood: What the...?!

Tenka: Whoa...

Rachel: Holy-

Mitchell: Shit!!!!

Teenage Boy: (Screams) How is it possible for a person to faint, while being on their feet?!

Me: He's completely lost it.... the pressure's too much. Have to say, I guess I went overbored  with raising it till it was too much for the chap to handle.

I said.

Then, Qrow, General Ironwood, the Teen and my teammates noticed Panic tilting to the side as he fell over along with the table as both him and the table crashed onto the ground, with Panic to lay on the ground, still breathing, but motionless due to him being petrified.

After the table hit the ground, all the chips from our side of the table scattered around the floor as the colored chips began to lose its color and mist began to emit from them. Suddenly several gust of mists engulf the entire interior of the tent as each of them represents each of the lifeless souls that are on the floor, to Ironwood's relief.

Ironwood: The souls that he took just now are going back to their bodies.

Mitchell: Thank Oum...

As soon as all the souls are back into their specific bodies, the victims began to slowly wake up. I nod to my Teammates as they rushed in to begin helping the victims up and see whether or not they are alright, including Mitchell's brother's team.

Mitchell: You okay, bro?

Jon: I feel like tonnes of Goliaths trample over me....

Wendolyn: Ugh.... same....

Tenka: I got you, my friend.

Lazarus: Thanks.

Emily: Ugh....

Mitchell: Here (Offers hand).

Emily: Thanks. (Accepts it)

Me: Mentally, he has already forfeited the game.

T/R/M: Hmmm? (Looking at our Team Leader upon hearing that)

Me: Deep down, he knew he had lost. That's why the souls are released.

I said. 

Qrow and General Ironwood nods at my statement. Then, Qrow being curious, took a peak at Panic's hands.

Qrow: H-He has Five Elemental Dragons of Water, Earth, Fire, Air and Dark and a super polymerization card!!!!

(A/N: Cards that are in Panic's hands.)

Qrow exclaimed for Ironwood to rush in to take a look as well, to his shock, too.

Ironwood: You telling me he has these dragon cards to fuse together to make one powerful dragon by that spell card???

Me: It would appear so...

Qrow: Now for your hand, Icepop. Let's see what cards you have in your hand that inspired such confidence!

Qrow implied as he went to my hand which is still on the table for my team, the teen who dealt the cards and Ironwood to have a good look at what's in my hand that I didn't check. When Qrow took a look at them with the rest doing the same, their eyes widened in horror that the cards I said during the duel, was a bluff, for the teen to fall by his behind in shock, and for Qrow to almost faint at the sight.

Teenage Boy: L-Like I thought....

Qrow: You're..... KIDDING ME?!?!?!?!?!

Ironwood: All of this.... was a complete-

Teenage Boy: YOUR HAND WAS SHIT!!!!!!!! ABSOLUTE SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(A/N: The cards Shadow has will be the five cards below with the Kuriboh card on it, lol.)

The teen exclaimed.

Me: Even if I use my semblance to swap the card from that expert gambler like Panic, which is another possibility which I can get by, the plan would've still worked.... Though, it's a good thing my bluff and intimidation tactic worked so well.... for such a worthless hand... sigh.... good motherfuckin' freakin' grief... this is my first time gambling and drinking,.... and if I was this crappy, I would've freaked.

I stated.

Mitchell: WHAT?!?!?!?! WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU WOULD'VE FREAKED?!?!?!?!?! No!! Are you trying t-

Qrow: Are you trying to tell us that.... THAT YOU BET ON THEIR SOULS ON THAT WORTHLESS HAND?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Mitchell and Qrow demands.

The members of Team JEWL looked at each other in confusion as they couldn't remember what had transpired.

Suddenly, Panic is heard laughing maniacally as he turned to face us. Then, he began to laugh even louder, for us to take notice of this. While Panic is seen on the floor laughing, we heard a banging noise and saw a huge gust of mist flying and scattering away from where General Ironwood got the teenage boy from.

Tenka: it would appear that the collection of souls he has, has been released.

Rachel: Pretty~

Mitchell: Whoa...

Me: As much as I hate to stop you from saying that but, Point taken there. At least they are returning back to their original bodies. Thank Taddle Legacy's Excalibur...

Qrow: Well, it looks like you won't be getting answers from him, anymore, judging from how disably insane he is now....

Qrow said as we looked down at Panic.

Me: sigh... Yeah, but at least we freed everyone. That's what matters. But I have to admit, he is a fierce adversary. One wrong move, he would've wiped us all out like a snap of a finger.

Tenka: Yeah....

Rachel: But good thing you took him out until.... he's in that state.

Me: Hmm. Well, let's be getting back to the Colosseum. We got a match to catch.

I said, for my teammates to nod.

Ironwood: I'll clear the path and clear him out of the way, while you're on your way. So you may leave it to us, Doctor. And thanks.

Me: Thanks. And my pleasure to be of assistance, of course. I didn't do it alone. We did it as a team, too, despite the recklessness to be worth it. Sorry guys.

Rachel: meh. Water under the bridge since you won.

Mitchell: Yeah. So, don't worry about it.

Tenka: Indeed.

Me: Thanks, you guys.

I acknowledged as we took our leave towards the colosseum with Mitchell's brother's team, Team JEWL.

Ironwood: Alright, nothing to see here! And men! Take him away.

Ironwood barked some orders for me to look back to take notice of this as the soldiers helped Panic up and were about to take him away. After watching this, I turn my attention back in front of me as I began to talk with Team JEWL and my own team.


Amber (In my Mind): Shadow!!

Me: Hmm?!

T/R/M and Team JEWL: Hmmm?

Me (In my Mind): Ambie?! What's wrong?

Amber (In my Mind): It's not over yet.

Me (In my Mind): What? What do you mean it's not over? We defeated th-

Amber (In my Mind): Think about it. How does he know your patient by name?

Amber said in my mind.

Then, it hit me that Panic somehow knew Togo Kiyomiya and he wasn't introduced to him yet. That was until I knew something was definitely not right here.

Me (In my Mind): Hey, come to think of it, you're right. How did he know Togo-sa- OH NO!!!!!

Just as I figured it out, my team and Team JEWL noticed a destroyed Atlesian Knight-200 flying pass us from behind as it crashed to one of the booths, to our shock. Then, we heard it.


Someone exclaimed.

We swiftly turn around to see the Atlesian soldiers and knights pointing their weapons at Panic somehow standing up while slouching which his arms all over the place as if he were crooked, but that was something more worse. General Ironwood was seen getting up from the mysterious attack as they including us witness Panic transforming into something as it began to glitch out.

After glitching for a transformation sequence, the glitch subsides for me to come face-to-face with a familiar bugster I fought before, to my shock.

(A/N: Genomes Bugster.)

Panic (??? Bugster): Guess who has returned, Shadow...

Me: ... you....

Panic (??? Bugster): Yes.... me....

To Be Continued at PART 3....

And that's all, folks! The second part of this extra episode of the Third Volume for our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose. If you ladies and gentlemen and other deviants really, really love it, comment down below on the comment section if you want me to try something and make up for it. So, thank you so much for reading this. And if you enjoy it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause' that would be "Muteki" awesome and greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I can improve myself as well.

And, if this happens to be the first literature that you have seen by me, please consider leaving a watch to become part of "Ride-Player Troopers" (It's what I prefer to call my watchers) today if you want to see more of the rest of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose insert. Apart from that, thank you so much again for reading this, and I'll see you Ride-Players (readers) on the next episode of our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! Until then! See you on the next game! Stay lighted up! Stay Frosty! Stay Brave! Be Nice! SEE YA!!!!

Somewhere in the Desert in another World,

A horse is seen galloping through the desert with someone donning an Egyptian Outfit riding on it. Then, he controlled the horse to stop as the rider sensed something from behind him as he had a serious look on his face.

???: So, it's time, then?

He said to himself.

He soon looked down to look at his three Egyptian God cards he has in his possession.

(A/N: These three Egyptian God Cards. As in the real ones he has in possession.)

???: Very well, then. If Panik wants a fight, we'll give the boy the time being spoke off the advantage to go against Panik, so that he'll have a fight, Panik will never forget. But the real question is, where is he? Hmmm, I guess I'll just have to ride back and find out.

He implied to himself.

Then, the horse neighed as it galloped around and back to where he began from, to assist the boy he was informed of from an unknown source, where ever he is.

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