Volume 3: Battle of Beacon

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Hey everyone! WELCOME to the nineth episode of the THIRD VOLUME of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! So, to recap once again, I DO NOT OWN RWBY AND KAMEN RIDER EX-AID!! RWBY is owned by RoosterTeeth and Kamen Rider Ex-Aid is owned by Toei.

So, now sit back, enjoy and LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!!

Shadow: (Demonic Voice) ZEATHCIUM WINTER.... STOOORMMM!!!!!! (Launches attack on Grimm with Brute Force)

3rd Person's POV:

As crowds of screaming civilians and students rushed pass, Tenka continued trying to get Ruby, who was still Shadow me in his unconscious state, to come to her senses, or at least move.

Tenka: Ruby! Snap out of it! We gotta---

???: SHADOW!!!

Tenka turned toward the sound to see the Hayes sisters running their way towards Shadow's spot. Tenka instantly recognized them as his old patients. While the sisters were attending to Shadow's aide, Tenka's Scroll vibrated against his pocket. He fished it out and answered a group call of Yang and Blake's phone altogether.

Tenka: Blake! Yang! Thank goodness. Are you two okay?! Where's Weiss?

Blake: She's with me, Tenka! We're both in the fairgrounds right now. It's total chaos down here!

Tenka: I could say the same up here in the Colleseum!

Yang: Is Shadow there? Or Ruby at least?

Tenka: Yeah, they're both here with me.

Yang: I-Is she okay?!

Tenka looked over to Ruby, who is still hanging her head down in sadness and shock, not saying a word and not even moving a single muscle at all, then to Shadow, who was now being cared for by his two former patients.

Tenka: Not exactly. But the worse is happening on Shadow right now. He's been knocked out cold, but other than that, he seems fine. But enough about that! There's a giant Nevermore trying to break through the Colleseum's defenses, but we'll handle it! You girls will just have to focus on fighting all the Grimm down there so the people can get to safety!

Yang: I'm heading towards the docks near the courtyard. The White Fang are releasing Grimm into the school!

Blake: The White Fang is here?!

The moment Blake said this, Tenka heard the sound of glass smashing and the growling of Grimm on Yang's side, followed by multiple gunshots, which was highly familiar with her shotgun gauntlets

Blake: Yang?!

Tenka: Are you alright?!

Yang: No! I have to go!

Yang quickly hung up her call, leaving Tenka and Blake.

Tenka: Right. You two focus on saving lives, we'll handle Ruby and Shadow here. We'll meet up with you guys later! Be safe!

He hung up his call and quickly placed his Scroll back in his pocket. Tenka turned towards Ruby, only to see her not moving an inch. An idea came to his head just then, as he uses his Semblance to quickly dash towards one of Penny's swords down at the arena, none of the people being able to catch up with their vision on him, and grabbed one of them, then came rushing back to Ruby. Tenka glanced at the weaponry as he uttered...

Tenka: Look, Ruby. I know that you may not change what happened to Penny nor could I, but...

He then slowly brought Penny's sword to Ruby's field of vision.

Tenka: ....You can make sure that nothing like that will happen to anyone else.

Tenka watched as Ruby slowly took hold of the sword in his hand with an assuring grip, raising her head up to show him her determined look, with tears still falling from her eyes, but it was enough for him to smile at the young huntress-in-training. Ruby gave you one last look, as she gave you a small peck in the cheek before going off. Unbeknownst to them, I was having a momentary flashback in my dream.

After finishing the Nevermore off, thanks to the combined efforts of Huntsmen and Huntresses-in-Training from the the different academies, another Nevermore swoops down from the air. The students all gave determined expressions, but it soon crumbled when another swooped down, then another, and another.

Sun: Okay, One we can surely handle. Two? We can still handle that. Three? With a little luck. But four of these Nevermore is stretching it down.


They all prepared themselves as they slowly fought the Nevermores back. Crystal and Ange could only watch helplessly in horror at the fight as they don't want you to leave me behind. Just then, I started stirring in my sleep, and saw my ex-patients looming their heads above me, looking relieved.

Crystal: Thank goodness, you're awake!

Me: Crystal? Ange? Man, I had such a bizarre dream. There was this----

I was then cut off in an instant when I heard a deafening roar. I stayed motionless for a moment, my skin turning pale of every second that counted.

Me: N-No.... no no no no no!!!!

I quickly scrambled off of their hold as I sprinted out of the tunnels to see Penny's remains on the arena grounds amidst the battle. Tears made their way through my eyes as my knees buckled in shock. I sobbed down to the ground as my ex-patients who are now my friends slowly approached me, but they stopped when they started noticing something out of the ordinary from me. My hair was becoming white, starting from scalp up to the tips of my hair. Then finally, my skin turned white as the freshly fallen snow. The floor below me was slowly getting covered in ice. My tears freezing up they made contact with the floor underneath me. Ange and Crystal stepped cautiously, their hand raised in defense.

Ange: Shadow? D-Doctor?

Me: Damn it (my eyes turn red as bluish white streaks emit from my eyes).......(Demonic Voice) DAMN IT... ALL TO HELL!!!! RRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRR!!!!!


(A/N: Music and hell breaks loose here.)

With a yell and roar of anguish and frustration, there was an explosion of bright light and the Coliseum slowly started becoming a frozen wasteland. The students stared in shock at the light, and they were even more shocked at what they saw. When the mist and light slowly settled down, I hovering slightly off the ground as my eyes glowed eerily bright red, my hair completely turning white with blue highlights on the tips, ice forming up around my clothes, arms and fingers to show a monster-like look.

Dashing down in a flurry of snow, I subconsciously made quick business with the four Nevermores, dispatching the three of them without much effort, combining brute strength and unmatched, yet uncontrollable, powers at my disposal.

Me: (Demonic Voice) RRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRR!!!!!!!! (Looks at last Nevermore)

As for the last Nevermore, its fate was much more brutal. Grabbing one its talon, I brought down the Creature of Grimm into the arena. Before it could even get up, large ice spikes pierced both wings, with a hook-like design at the tip. The students all stepped back in either shock or fear as they witness I conjured up countless of small to large ice spikes, continuously stabbing the Nevermore. I stopped the onslaught after a couple of minutes, but my deed was not yet done. Directing my right hand at the Grimm, a peculiar runic circle appeared before it.


I clenched my claw-like fists at the runic circle, and the ice spikes burst into million pieces, and so did the Grimm, leaving no trace of the creature. Then, a beowolf came out of nowhere to strikeme but to no avail as I caught it and raised him up as I threw it to one side as I swiftly charged my attack in a reckless and monstrous way.

(A/N: Skip to 2:12. to end it of.)

Me: (Demonic Voice) ZEATHCIUM WINTER... STOOORRRRMMM!!!!!!!! 

I screamed as I launched a beam of ice and red lightning as the Grimm turned to ice and broke into billions of pieces.

When it was finally done, much to some of the student's relief, I slowly glided back down, my back turned towards them. My skin color was slowly returning back to its original healthy look, so did my hair as it finally turned back to your usual hair color, with bits of white still left as highlights.

(A/N: Music ends here.)

I stared confusingly at my surroundings before I turned to my back, when I did they all slowly took a step backwards with each step I made towards them.

Me: G-Guys?

Was all I said before I lost consciousness. Just before my body could meet the ground, Tenka used his Semblance and sped to catch me in the nick of time.

Tenka: I've got you, Doc.

???: Shadow!!!

Tenka turned towards the sound to see Crystal and Ange sprinting across the arena towards me. Tenka handed you to them as they both slung each of my arms around their shoulders. Tenka turned towards the others, only to see them staring at me cautiously.

Neptune: Wh-Wha...??

Sun: H-How did he--

Sun's question was cut off short when he heard the shrieks of more Grimm coming. At the top of the arena, a group of Griffons landed, shrieking down at you and the others around.

Ren: Griffons.

Ruby: Mitchell can I borrow your scroll a bit?

Mitchell: Uh, sure.

Mitchell makes use of his wing to flick his scroll to Ruby, who catches and uses it to summon her locker, which opens up revealing her beloved scythe inside. However, Ruby is stopped when a Griffon lands on her locker, and roars at her before being scared away at the sound of a gunshot. They turned towards the source to see Port, holding his blunderbuss-axe in hand, with Oobleck holding his weapon in its club form.

Port: Students! I think it would be best for you to leave.

Ruby: But we can he--

Oobleck: Miss Rose! This day will surely go down in Remnant's history. I'd prefer it if my students could live to tell about it.

Tenka: Professor, are you sure you two are gonna be okay? The odds of winning against a lot of these creatures are 3 to 7, with 3 being in your favor.

Oobleck: Never tell us the odds, Mr. Kaito, as I can I assure you that me and my colleague here are fully aware about our chance of survival. Even so, we have decided that we shall remain here and hold off the Grimm until the civilians are evacuated from this suddenly-turned frozen wasteland. We could use it to our advantage.

Port: I should say that Mr Wrath put up quite a remarkable feat of power.

Tenka: Well, good luck you two.

Ruby: Let's go!

As all the students leave, Ruby gets distracted by the flash of Velvet Scarlatina's camera. She stops to look at the photograph she took but is interrupted when her leader calls out to her.

Coco: Velvet!

With the students clear of the arena, Port and Oobleck stand back-to-back with their weapons in hand as the Griffons circle around them

(laughs manically) One final match, Barty! Place your bets!

While the others ran, with Crystal and Ange having no problem of catching up with them despite you are being carried...

Mitchell: There're sure are a lot of Grimm around here.

Sun: Relax! We'll be fine! Besides, we got Shadow here on our side to do that thing again. We got this, Mitch.

Crystal/Ange: We won't permit it, monkey boy.

Sun laughed nervously as the twins glared at him. The others just listened in on the conversations around them as they all ran towards the shuttle station to get off the arena. As Tenka ran, Rachel ran alongside him.

Rachel: Hey, Tenka. I was hoping if you could explain what just happened to Shadow back there. Since you... You know? You are his partner and all that stuff.....

Tenka: It was only his Semblance acting up. his emotions are likely connected to it. The stronger the emotion the stronger his power will become. You and I both know that controlling and manipulating ice, snow, and frost to his will is his Semblance.

Rachel: R-Right.....

Tenka was able to hide up the true meaning as to how and why you acted like that. Half of it was true, but the rest were well hidden thanks to his serious facade.

a few minutes later,

3rd Person's POV:

They all turned a corner to see General Ironwood, gun in hand. The group ran towards him before stopping.

Ruby: What's going on!?

Ironwood: Grimm are crawling all over the city. The White Fang's invaded Beacon, and to make matters worse, some... vagabond has seized one of my ships. Until we regain command, the skies are out of our control. So I'm...

Ironwood is interrupted by a sneak attack from a Creep, which is swiftly dealt with from a bullet to its head.

Ironwood: ...going to take it back.

Ironwood turned towards the shuttle behind him and began to walk into it.

Jaune: What should we do?

Ironwood: You have two choices. Defend your Kingdom and your school... or save yourselves.

The students exchange looks with each other.

Ironwood: No one will fault you if you leave.

Ironwood then proceeds to climb up on the dropship in front of him, as he addresses the crowd.

Ironwood: Let's move out!

As Ironwood leaves, the students look at each other and murmur before a certain monkey Faunus speaks up.

Sun: I mean... come on!

Mitchell: Sun....

Jaune: We can take a ship to Beacon!

Back to my POV:

Just as the group began to sprint, Crystal and Ange suddenly tripped to their knees, prompting the others to help them, but stop in their tracks. I on the other hand finally coming back to my senses as I slowly removed my arms from my patients. With a heavy headache, I slowly stood up to my feet, with Tenka helping me up.

Mitchell: Doc!

Rachel: Rise and shine, Doctor Wrath. We still have a kingdom to save.

Me: Huh? E-Everyone? Crystal and Ange too?! What happened?

Rachel: Oh, nothing much. Just that the whole Coliseum literally became a frozen wasteland since you went Ice crazy.... Again.

Sun: Wait. This happened before?!

Mitchell: Yeah....

Sun: Cool.

Neptune: Not funny dude. Even the way how Shadow did with his Semblance was not funny. It really gave me the chills in my spine.

Rachel: You're worse than Yang.

Tenka: Guys! That's enough!! We still need to get to Beacon and fast.

Me: He's right. What ever happened to me that i didn't know will have to come for last. Now, let's move!

We all kept running until we reached the shuttle station and boarded a ship to Beacon. I quickly ran towards the driver's and addressed him.

Me: Take us to Beacon!

Shuttle Driver: Beacon?! You're kidding. That place is total chaos dude!

Me: I don't have time for chit-chat, so does the others. So either you take us to Beacon, or I'll turn you into a large Popsicle.

Shuttle Driver:
Yeah, right. As if you could drive this thing.

Me: Then I guess... (Demonic Voice) you won't have any problems if I turn you into it then?

I said this with a threatening calm smile as I held up my hand, which was glowing intensely with power and was about to turn into a claw that was used to fight the Nevermores, terrifying the driver, and the other students.

Shuttle Driver: Okay! Okay! Okay! Geez. You kids are so damn sick in the head!

Me: (Normal Voice) Thank you.

With that I left the the driver alone as the ship lifted off. I looked out towards Vale and Beacon through the shuttle's windows. The city and school were both on fire. Creatures of the Grimm of all kinds flying, slithering, trampling, and crawling around the kingdom. The sound of a explosion drew my attention, prompting me to follow the sound to see the shuttle Ironwood had boarded going down. Smoke and flashes of gunfire coming from the ship as it fell through the sky.

Me: Poor General.....

Sun: Ruby! What are you doing!?

Me: Hmm?

I looked around confusingly to see Ruby, running out of the seats and into the outside platform to the shuttle, to my shock.

Me: Ruby!

Mitchell: Doc! Wait!

Rachel: Mitch! No!

Mitchell was about to follow me as I followed Ruby, but her partner stopped him before he could. Ruby didn't notice me call out to her as she suddenly jumps off the Air Bus as it barely takes off, using her Semblance of speed to safely land on the runway after freefalling in the sky. I took a running start before I jumped off and started freefalling as well. As I fell, I activated my Semblance of flight (Jet Combat) as I glided up and down. As I landed down, I was greeted by the sight of the arena I had been in before, empty of Grimm and people, and Ruby, with look of surprise on her face.

Ruby: Shadow?


Ruby: Ah! Y-You saw the General's shuttle crashing down. Someone has to go shut down that ship he was talking about.

Me: You could've at least invited me along. I'm your boyfriend ain't I?

Ruby: I-I was rushing..... Sorry.

I sighed in exasperation, as I decided to leave the topic off.

So then, any ideas of how to get there?

Well, since you're here. I was hoping maybe we could fly up there by using the snow-flurry-thing....?

Me: You're kidding right? My Aura won't survive that trip! Wait, since your Semblance is speed, it could give us the advantage. All right, we'll try that.

I grabbed her by the waist, much to her surprise and embarrassment, as I stared up directing my gaze and focus towards the ship she was talking about.

Me: All right. Hold on tight, buckle up, and hang on. And try not to get sick on the way.

Ruby: Wha--?!

Before she could continue, my eyes glowed red and blue as my aura glowed Red and Blue (Perfect Knockout) as well, making her whole body and mine to suddenly transformed and together we flew up in the night sky. I felt my Aura drain as I got up higher, but thanks to Ruby's Speed, it helped me rise up a couple of feet in seconds. Just as I felt my Aura getting near its critical low level, I reverted back only to see that me and Ruby have risen up too much, falling down at least 15 feet below, landing down the airship with a thud.

3rd Person's POV:

Back at Beacon, the hacked Knights continue to fire, but they are cut up by flurry of slashes. Weiss is seen taking down a few knights using a combination of her Dust Rapier's strikes as well as her using her Glyph Semblance, while Blake fights off a group of White Fang soldiers, before using her Semblance to dodge a dual sword-wielding soldier before getting overwhelmed by more White Fang members, but they are all suddenly knocked back by Weiss. Meanwhile, a shuttle was zigzagging across the sky out of control before it went passed over their heads and crash landed just a couple of feet away from them. They quickly made their way towards it, clearing the rogue droids and White Fang along the way.

However, while they were fending off the rogue droids with the rest of the Huntsmen, Huntresses, teachers and Atlas Soldiers, a sudden tremor shakes the ground, in which the source of the tremor is at Mountain Glenn itself, neither did everyone know that a dark titan is about to be awakened from its slumber.

To be continued.....

And that's all, folks! The nineth episode of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose. So, if you ladies and Gentlemen and other deviants and readers really, really love it, comment down below on the comment section if you want me to try something and make up for it. So, thank you so much for reading this. And if you enjoy it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause' it would be "Muteki" awesome and greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I can improve myself as well.

And, if this happens to be the first literature that you have seen by me, pleaseconsider leaving a watch to become part of "Ride-Player Troopers" (It's what Iprefer to call my watchers) today if you want to see more of the rest of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose insert. Apart from that, thank you so much again forreading this, and I'll see you Ride-Players (readers) on the next episode ofour RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! Until then! See you on the next game! Staylighted up! Stay Frosty! Stay Brave! Be Nice! SEE YA!!!!

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