Volume 3: End of the Beginning

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Hey everyone! WELCOME to the Last episode of the THIRD VOLUME of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! So, to recap once again, I DO NOT OWN RWBY AND KAMEN RIDER EX-AID!! RWBY is owned by RoosterTeeth and Kamen Rider Ex-Aid is owned by Toei.

So, now sit back, enjoy and LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!!

*Both Shadow and and Isolde holding hands as they enter the portal*

Graphite's POV:

Inside the dining hall, Adam and I were circling each other, like a pair of lions about to pounce each other for an attack. Adam was the first one to move, dashing towards me. I parried his thrust with the blade attachment of his pistol, then punched him straight across the face, before doing a backflip kick. Adam staggers a bit before engaging again, his quick strikes and slashes being dodged and evaded by me, before he was able to time his attack correctly and catch his hand. He yanks it forward, sweeps him off his feet, then does an inhumanly-quick jump back kick, which sends him off at the end of the dining hall, crashing himself against a pile of tables. Adam slowly recovers from the pile as he dusts himself, then they began encircling each other again, with my weapon now in hand.

Adam: I'll admit, you've proven to be a worthy opponent for a Bugster. I should've expected much more from The Great Graphite, even if you fight with or without your weapon..

Me: Hmph! Was that a compliment or a ridicule?

Adam: Who cares? Your superiority in power won't be enough to stop me.

Me: Are you even listening to yourself? Your war between human and Faunus has gone too far enough, and I'm ending it here now by defeating you. Right here, right now. I'm giving you a second chance, Adam: Surrender, and you might as well save yourself from a life-sentenced jail cell in Atlas or a death sentence... by yours truly, me.

Adam: Over my dead body, bugster.

I shook my head disappointingly, before I raised my dragon fang.

Me: You've had your chance.....

As he finished his sentence, he activates the pistol in its melee form. The grip straightened out as the rest of the blade unfolds outwards, while the barrel compacts into itself until I finally went to my battle stance with my twin-edged weapon, which is longer than my own arm and still possessing a curved-shape neat at each end. As we dash at each other, flashes of velvet-red and red were emanated as our weapons clash against each other.

After a clash, we were both knocked back. Adam shoots a couple of rounds towards me, in which I deflected them all by twirling myweapon 360 in front of me in a really fast pace, and then darts forward and delivers a series of slashes at Adam, who was unable to keep up with the speed to block them. I then used my finishing move, and gave Adam a flurry of Dragon slashes. During the barrage of slashes, I noticed him absorbing my attacks, in which I decided to use it as myadvantage and went closer to him as I kept slashing. When I got too close to him that Adam didn'tsee this coming, I did an upper-cut slash to knock Adam's sword away, and giving him a roundhouse kick straight in the chest, launching him back, laying flat on his stomach. Before he could even have the chance to recover, I went up to him as I raised my Dragon Fang above his head.

Me: Your so-called philosophy... your REVOLUTION, ends now.

Just before I could deliver the killing bow, several movements caught my attention. I turned around to see an armada of White Fang members with their guns raised against me. He dodges and flips forward in time to evade the bullets that was being fired upon him before taking cover in one of the long dining tables.

Adam: STOP! He's mine.

He ordered his men to stand down as he picks up his sword and slowly advances towards the table I was hiding at. Outnumbered and outgunned, I only knew one solution to this situation: Final strike, then withdraw for now. Having no more regrets, I waited for Adam to move in closer to me. As Adam came close upon the table, not knowing his opponent had planned something, he slashes the table in half and finds me blocking his slash as his opponent's attacks are now being absorbed into my Dragon Fang, much to my opponent's greatest shock.

Adam: Impossible!! How did you manage to have my abilities?!

Me: Heh! Guess what, like I told you before... (As I stated my point, a New Ability Move sign appeared in front of me)... I am Blake Belladonna's.... GUARDIAN!!!!!

I said this as I kicked Adam with my knee and slashed him with the attacks that I'd absorbed from his blade, so powerful that it created a hole through the wall. I smirked at the scene as I pixelated away as a sign of withdraw. After my withdrawa, Adam recovered from thatcritical hit I gave him as he growls in disgust as he sheaths his sword back to his scabbard.

Adam: In due time, Graphite. We'll meet again. Withdraw the rest of you! Our business here is done.



I quickly ran towards the academy until I am able to see the exterior of Beacon Tower, out of it came Jaune and Pyrrha. Pyrrha noticed me running towards her and poked Jaune's shoulder to gain his attention towards me. When I am in reach, I then stopped right in front of them. Out of exhaustion, I staggered forwards and my knees met the ground. Pyrrha and Jaune helped me up as I recovered.

Me: Wh-What... are you two doing in there?

Jaune: I don't know what happened that there was this machine that they put Pyrrha into, there was a girl inside one of them. Then there was this woman with fire powers. One thing I know is that wasn't a Semblance. And Professor Ozpin is still down there!

Me: Machine? Ozpi--- Oh no no no NO NO NO!!!!

Realizing what he had just said, I charged through Pyrrha and Jaune, before they could even stop from entering the tower. Upon arriving down the vault, a bright light engulfs the entire place, forcing me to avert my eyes from the light. When it died down, I saw Ozpin's cane, with its owner nowhere to be found, and the woman Jaune was talking about, who I instantly recognized as a competitor on the same team as Emerald and Mercury.

Me: Cinder Fall......

When Cinder heard me call out her name, she turns towards me and smirks evilly when she recognizes me as well for some reason.

Cinder: So, we meet again, Keeper of the Winter Maiden's power: Shadow Wrath. I still remember that night you showed me that mark on your hand.

Me: You..... You were the one Ruby and I confronted the night you infiltrated this tower.....

When I realized what she did to Ozpin, I no longer cared as my eyes glowed intensely, I suddenly unleashed the power of the Winter Maiden, releasing a great force.

Cinder: So this is the famed might of the Winter Maiden. Such overflowing power inside a boy. Interesting......

Me: Enough games. You'll suffer for what you have done.

Meanwhile, Jaune and Pyrrha hears the rumble beneath them, which was Cinder and I still currently battling against each other as we both flew to the top, and stare at the tower in surprise, as they assumed that I am now facing the current Fall Maiden, with Jaune deducing that Ozpin has fallen.

Pyrrha: There's no time...... Go. Get to Vale and call for help.

Jaune: Huh? What are you gonna do?

Pyrrha slowly turns her head to stare up at the top of Beacon Tower. Following her gaze, Jaune realizes what she plans to do.

No... no, Pyrrha, you can't. You saw how powerful she is!

Pyrrha: But we can't just leave Shadow in there!

Jaune: You saw what he did to the Nevermores back in the Coliseum, Pyrrha! He's the only one that can do this!

Pyrrha: But you saw how weakened he was when he got here!

Jaune: Pyrrha, I won't let you do-

Suddenly, Pyrrha grabs Jaune's head in both hands and silences him with a long kiss on the lips. After a moment of hesitation, he gently pulls her in and returns the kiss, while Pyrrha slightly raises her foot behind her. She then pulls away, ending the kiss, and stares into his eyes, one hand on his cheek and the other on his chest.

Pyrrha: I'm sorry.

She then uses her Semblance on his armor, pushing him directly into a nearby locker, which slams shut from the impact.

Jaune: Hey! Wait! Stop, stop! Pyrrha, please don't do this!

While Jaune pleads, Pyrrha walks over to the locker and begins typing coordinates into it. She looks him in the eyes one last time, before stepping back and watching the locker fly away. Once it vanishes into the distance, she clenches her fists and, once again, adopts a determined demeanor as she walks toward the tower.

Pyrrha: (In head) Just hold on for a bit longer, Shadow.

Once she steps through the entrance, she runs to the nearest elevator and uses her Semblance to force the doors open. Inside, she finds that Cinder has left a large hole in the floor and roof of the elevator on her way up. Pyrrha steps inside the elevator, closes her eyes, and begins mustering all of her strength. The elevator begins shaking. She focuses even harder, straining herself, until the elevator begins a quick ascent toward the top.


Ruby's POV:

Out to the docks outside of Beacon, air buses are seen picking up the last few civilians and students, with Professors Port and Oobleck, who have survived the onslaught back in the Coliseum, oversee the evacuation.

Port: That's it! Everybody on board! This is a mandatory evacuation!

Oobleck: A safe zone has been established in Vale! Please, remain calm and listen to Atlas personnel!

Weiss stares at what is in front of her, in disbelief. As I came running down the path, Zwei barks to alert Weiss to her leader's presence, and Weiss turns around to greet me.

Weiss: Ruby!

Me: Oh, I found you!

Weiss: Ruby, where have you and Sha---

Me: Don't worry, I'm fine! What's going on? Is Shadow here?

Unsure of what to say, Weiss lowers her gaze sadly.

Me: Weiss? What is it?

Weiss steps aside, giving me a clear view of Mitchell, who has a bad injured left wing, Blake and Yang lying on the ground. All have bandages wrapped around their wounds, and the latter is unconscious. Behind them sit Nora and Ren, her knees as she wants bad things to "Go away". Shadow's ex-patients, Crystal and Ange are with them as well as they try keeping everyone else stable and as calm as possible. Blake then reaches over and places her hand on Yang's.

Blake: I'm sorry.

I reached out and opened my mouth to say something, but in her emotional state, I didn't know what to say. Blake turns to Mitchell and Rachel whojust turned up before she curls up, closing her eyes.

Blake: I'm so sorry.

Me: Yang...

Sun: Hey. She's gonna be okay. The soldiers have a ship ready to take you guys to Vale.

Nora: But Shadow, Jaune and Pyrrha are still missing.

Nora attempts to stand, but she quickly sits back down, groaning and holding her side.

Me: What!? I thought Shadow already got here!

Sun: Look, guys, that giant Grimm is circling the school! Even the White Fang are pulling out! We all have to go, now!

Ren: We're not... leaving!

He stands up, but then falls to his knees as he grunts in pain. Sun turns and casts a worried look at Mitchell and Blake.

Me: I'll find them... I'll find them, and I'll bring them back.

Weiss: No! We will find them. Watch after Blake and Yang. We'll be back.

With that Weiss and I ran back toward Beacon, while Sun watched us go.

Sun: You better be! Idiots.

As we ran towards the Academy, Weiss suddenly receives a call from her Scroll.

Weiss: It's Jaune!

Jaune: Weiss! Please, you have to stop them!

Weiss: What!?

Jaune: Pyrrha! She's going after that woman at the top of the tower! She doesn't stand a chance! Shadow already went in before her, and he's using that power we saw back at the Coliseum, but he looked weakened when he got there.

Me: What?!

Weiss: Jaune, what are you talking about!? Where are you?

Jaune: Don't worry about me! ....... Please, you have to save Pyrrha.

Weiss: We will. Are you okay?

Somewhere off in Vale, with one last flare of emotion, Jaune screams and throws his Scroll onto the ground, breaking it. He collapses onto his hands and knees, crying.

Jaune: Please....

Weiss: Jaune? Jaune!

Weiss tried calling out to Jaune from her scroll as the Grimm are now staring at Weiss and me.

Me: (readies crescent rose) I have a plan.

Weiss: (readies rapier) You always do.

Weiss nodded at me, who returned the gesture, prepare to fight the Grimm around the school. Meanwhile, at the top of the tower, in Ozpin's office, a large amount of smoke flows out from the elevator, as Shadow backflipped out of it, reverting back to his normal state, masking the entrance of Cinder Fall. She confidently strides to the window across the room, heading towards him, with a deadly smirk on her face.


Cinder: You may possess the power of one of the most powerful being in the world, but you don't have the strength or the skill.

I smirked as she doesn't know what I am capable of.

Me: Heh!! You know nothing of what I am capable of!!

I stood up as I have Parablade and Gashacon Sword in hand as I readied myself in my battle stance with my weapons, much to Cinder's slight annoyance and yet she smiled.

Cinder: How quaint....

(A/N: Grimm Dragon. I don't own this pic.)

Smiling devilishly, she summons a fireball in her hand and throws it at me. Caught off-guard, I quickly shot a round in front of me to  counterattack Cinder's attack. Fortunately, it was enough to stop the fireball from coming at me, unknowingly pushing me out of the room as well probably due to the impact as I was pushed towards the Grimm Dragon that grabbed me with its claws and flies away with me.

Me: Get your claws off of me, you beast!

As the Grimm Dragon flew further, to make matters worse as if luck is no longer at my side, a flock of Griffons came swarming around me.

Me: I'm really in a pickle on this...

With no time to loose, I used Gashacon sword and an ounce of my power, I furiously freed myself from the Grimm Dragon's clutches by slashing, and throwing ice shards at the claws up to the legs repeatedly. The Grimm Dragon screeches loudly, and loses its grip on me. I quickly turned into my snow form as I took flight towards the Dragon's back. When I reverted back to my original form, I saw the Griffons encircling themselves in the air as they prepare to attack me. Encasing my body in thick ice and flames  as armor (Perfect Knockout) and switching Parablade into axe form while conjouring an ice sword to my free hand, I prepared myself for the upcoming battle.

Back in the office, Cinder watches my battle with Grimm with a malicious look, until the sound of sparks distracts her, and she looks over her shoulder at the elevator. After a few moments, the sparks come to a stop, and immediately upon the elevator doors' opening, Pyrrha's spear flies toward Cinder, who casually leans to her right to dodge with a smirk on her face. The spear is soon followed by Pyrrha's shield, backed by Pyrrha herself, and Cinder puts her arms up, blocking it and pushing it away. While Cinder uses fire to hover in the air, Pyrrha calls her spear and shield back to her with polarity, staring down her opponent until Pyrrha started a heated battle against the current Fall Maiden.

Despite not having powers of her own, Pyrrha manages to hold her ground, until she launches herself toward Cinder and puts her arms around her, tackling her. The two turn each other in mid-air, fighting to be the one on top. Upon their landing, the room fills with a white cloud. When the dust settles, Pyrrha has Cinder in a choke hold, and Cinder is barely managing to hold Pyrrha's spear away from her neck. Cinder's eyes begin glowing as she applies heat to the spear in her hands. Her grip tightens as she heats the spear more and more, staring over her shoulder at Pyrrha.

As I cleared the last of the Griffons, my Perfect Knocout armor slowly dissipated as I collapsed in my knees out of exhaustion. As I noticed that the dragon was flying away, I summoned a thick chain made out of snow and thick ice. I threw it as hard as I could around the Grimm's mouth, and caught the other end, making a makeshift reins.

Me: COME ON, FAT BOY!!! I'mma take yer home to your Private Zoo!!! We're going back, Fat Boy!!!

Yanking the reins back, the Dragon screeched as it slowly made its way back. As the Grimm kept thrashing itself to remove the reins, I encased my arms in my ice gauntlets that I used in the Teams Round, giving me the necessary strength to deal with the struggle. With the Dragon being defiant as I would knew, I whipped the reins to get the Dragon's attention forcing it to fly faster towards the tower.

Upon hearing a loud screech, Cinder turns her gaze ahead and smirks, while Pyrrha gains a look of fear. While Pyrrha sets her focus on the Dragon that is flying towards the tower with me as its rider, Cinder finally snaps the spear's melted blade into pieces. I tried my best to redirect the Dragon's course, but the Dragon slams its wing into the roof of Ozpin's office, and I jumped off and land towards the office, doing a Superhero landing. Using the sudden opportunity Cinder elbows Pyrrha in the abdomen. The room fills with a green glow as the windows shatter and Pyrrha goes flying across the room. Giant cogs and debris come crashing down in the office, and the structure containing the CCT's transmitter falls to the ground outside, in pieces.

Pyrrha crawls toward her shield, while Cinder watches on from her position levitating off the floor with flame jetting from her feet. Cinder sees me still standing as I'm slowly glowing to regenerate your energy back. Then, Cinder slowly made her way to me.

Cinder: I'll have to admit, you really aren't easy to get rid off, are you?

Me: Well, seeing that you knew it already, (Goes into battle stance) How about we go on at it?

Pyrrha: Sh-Shadow....

While looking for a way to distract Cinder, Pyrrha notices Ozpin's collapsed metal desk and uses her polarity to throw it at the corrupt Maiden, knocking her to the floor. She then quickly grabs her shield and rolls across the floor, sitting up on her knees and holding the shield up. With a burst of flame, Cinder throws the desk off of herself and levitates in the air.

Pyrrha rolls out of the way of two streams of fire that Cinder sends her way and attempts to block a third. However, the force of the third sends Pyrrha tumbling backward, and the floor momentarily catches fire while Pyrrha rolls to her feet. From behind the wall of flame, Pyrrha throws her shield at Cinder, who confidently backhands it away. She then looks up in surprise to see a multitude of giant cogs floating in the air around her.

Using her polarity, Pyrrha directs her shield to knock Cinder's feet from beneath her and then slams a cog down on Cinder's abdomen to pin her to the floor. She calls her shield back to her arm, then brings the cogs together into a pile on top of Cinder. Pyrrha was surprised when the cogs were slowly getting coated in hard ice, and turns to see me, who had a determined look in my face.

Me: Thanks for keeping her intact. (Smiles)

Pyrrha: Well,... your welcome.

I turned towards the red-haired spartan with a faint smile, which she was able to return. However, Cinder blasts the ice-cased cogs away with a powerful burst of fire, sending them in all directions. One of the cogs flies toward Pyrrha, who raises her shield to block, in vain. The force of the impact slams her into the remains of a wall, taking away the last of her Aura.

Me: Pyrrha!!!!

Another one flies towards me, and hits me straight in the stomach, sending me flying out of the office, Pyrrha helplessly watching me fall towards the ground.

Pyrrha: No!


Weiss' POV:

On the ground below the CCT, Ruby and I are fighting the Grimm off as Ruby watched in horror as she watches Shadow fall.

Ruby: SHADOW!!!

Focusing with all his might, and gathering the last of his Aura, we watched as Shadow was able to conjour Dragon wings made of snow and ice, and safely land on the ground below, with Ruby and I quickly making our way towards him.

Shadow: Th-That was the last of my Aura......

Ruby and I  asked what happened up there, and he told us the situation about Pyrrha not doing well against Cinder.

Shadow: You.... girls have to.... hurry.

I looked around for a moment, before casting a series of glyphs up the side of the tower.

Me: You can do this.

Ruby: Will you be alright, Shadow?

Shadow: Don't worry about me, Rubes. It takes more than a little fire to melt the ice down. You got this, Rubes.

Before Ruby could leave, she kisses Shadow fully on the lips, before running forward, then uses her Semblance to propel herself up to the first glyph. She then sprints up the wall, the glyphs propelling her forward and keeping her from falling off. While I watched Ruby sprinting up the tower, Shadow decided sit down in a relaxed state and concentrate in regaining enough aura to use his snow form to carry him back up there. As soon as he concentrated, his body began glowing faintly with the color of you Aura, much to my worry.

Me: What are you doing?

Shadow: I'm concentrating to regenerate my Aura back, only enough to get me back up there

Me: You can't risk going up there! You're just gonna get yourself hurt!

Shadow: I'll be fine. Trust me, it'll take more than a horde of Griffons, and riding an over-sized big momma to take me down.

Me: I'm sorry, WHAT?!

Shadow: Weiss listen, the point is: I'm wielding the power of one of the most powerful legendary beings in this world. Something has to be done to change their fates... and I'm going to change it. It is my choice.

I was still reluctant to agree with his idea, but I decided to agree with him for once as I kept the Grimm at bay, while Shadow is busy regaining his Aura back.

Shadow: Alright, that should be enough.

He stood up from where he had been sitting, now filled with energy once again.

Shadow: Now to----

Shadow was about to make his up the tower until a blinding light shined up on the tower stopped me in my tracks, followed by a scream, which he were able to recognize it.

Shadow: Ruby!!!


Fueled by my emotions, I crouched down to propel myself upwards even faster and instantly turned into my snow form as I shot up towards the top. When I ran into the light, I instantly felt my eyes glowing silver as I ran extremely quick. After a while, the light finally fades, but for some reason, I started to slow down a bit back to my original pace as I managed to reached the top. I then quickly looked around the demolished office, and saw Ruby laying unconsciously on the ground.

Me: No... R-Ruby.....

My voice came out as a hoarse one as I literally limped my way towards my beloved girlfriend. I held her in my arms as I tried to wake her up. The sound of a woman groaning caught my attention, and saw Cinder, holding one of her eye in pain, and beside her was a small glint of metal. Squinting my eyes for a closer look, I recognized it as one of the pieces of Pyrrha's weapon, as well as the shield and her circlet. I only knew one thing that could have happened.....

Me: No..... Pyrrha.....

I then looked at Cinder again as she stood up, about to make her escape. So, I conjoured a huge barrier so that none of us could evern escape. She then looks at me as I stood up.


I screamed as I watched Cinder smirked as she conjoured her twin blade-like bow as she spoke to agree with my terms.

Cinder: Now that's a battle that I will remember... when I kill you and take your power.

Me: Let's see about that, THIEF and MURDERER!!!

And with that, I raised my Gashats, activating them.



(Upbeat dramatic techno-rock music with Upbeat techno-rock guitar riff with techno-angelic tune in sync)


I placed and docked both gashats as I flipped the lever while forcfully pressed two buttons on both my Gashats.





Kagayake~! Ryuusei no Gotoku~! Ougon no Saikyou Ga~mer~! Hyper Muteki Ex-Ai~d! (Angelic chorus mixed with upbeat techno-rock guitar riff)

(A/N: Hyper Muteki form.)

After turning into Hyper Muteki, I used my aura and semblance to turn myself including my form into my Winter Maiden form and my dragon form to form Winter Dragon Hyper Muteki. (A/N: I excluded Fall and Summer's powers so as to not raise suspicion)

Me: Let this battle end here, to whom shall remain standing.... and whom shall fall.

Cinder: (growling) ... very well!


(A/N: Music starts here.)

Cinder conjoured another sword and advanced towards me. I did the same as well as we both clashed our weapons together in the middle of the office tower that is now in ruins, causing a megaton shockwave to occur around Vale, in which Cinder staggered a bit.

Cinder: What.... power!!! Where is this coming from?!

Me: My friends who are by my side are the source of my powers, Cinder.

I said this as I broke off the clash and gave Cinder a flurry of slashes in which she couldn't block and deflect them.

Cinder: Then I just have to KILL THEM ALL!!!!!!

She then gave me a slash which I barely dodged it due to the fact I have a small nick on my left cheek now. Much to my pain, rage and sorrow, I sped up my attacks as I teleported around Cinder, giving her the greatest disadvantage. It wasn't long until she had enough of my tricks as she unleashed her power at me, throwing me back to the wall, much to my shock.

Me: Heh! You've grown strong since the last time we've met.

Cinder: Hmm. I get that.

She advances towards me while shooting arrows at me. I quickly teleported away in pixels and in my snow flurry form right before the arrows hit me and reverted back to normal behind her as I shot some rounds by using Parablade and my conjoured copy of it, surprising Cinder as she took some damage. After taking some damage, she smirked and looks at me suspiciously.

Cinder: I must say, you are really difficult to be brought down than the other maidens I took down.

Me: That's because I have high morals in protecting this world! And you DON'T!!!

Cinder growled when I said this.

As she growled, she raised her weapon to try and strike me down, but I used Parablade and a replica of parablade and clashed my weapons against her weapon, causing another huge shockwave to occur during the clash. During the clash, I noticed her weapon is in bow mode and she is about to shoot me. I simply smirked as when she released her arrows, I turned into my snow form and moved behind her. When I reverted back to my original form, I kicked her away, in which she took a really bad hit into the wall. I watched her as she tried getting up.

Once I saw her got up, she launched a flame at me, in which I launched my own attack at her and our attacks turned to mist when in contact. So, by using the mist as an advantage, I used a Speed-Up Power-Up and swiftly dashed and teleport across the room. Cinder on the other hand, had a rough time trying to look for me in the mist when she got hit countless of times by my wintry attacks, slash after slash, punch after punch, shot after shot, kick after kick. Just as she has had enough of my trickery, she flared up and a pulse of her aura and her maiden powers emitted from her, causing the mist to evaporate and for me to get pushed away by the pulse and hit the wall hard, rendering my aura a bit while I was in a daze.

(A/N: Music ends here.)

Me: Okay.... she's pissed.....

While recovering from my daze, Cinder walked towards me as she attempts to shoot me with her bow and arrow but what she didn't know now is that, someone is behind her.

Cinder: Any last words, Heir to the Winter Maiden?!

Me: You know.... I have just two words with one word after the two words.... for you.....

Cinder: Good!! What are they?!

Me: 'Behind you'. And, 'Clear'.

Cinder: Clear???

Me 2: (behind Cinder) (both hands fully charged with electricity with a Confusion Energy Item at each hand) CLEAR!!! PEACE BITCH!!!!!


(A/N: Focus on 0:12 to 0:20. You'll see what I mean.)


(A/N: Music starts here.)

When Cinder heard this, she then tried to turn back but the other me swiftly grabbed her head to prevent her from looking back to see him as he shocks her by the head and confusing her by using both his hands (A/N: All maidens use Thunder and Lightning if I'm not wrong so, yeah.... they do that to what I can understand.) and two similar Energy Items, stunning her and confusing her and rendering her aura and her powers greatly, much to my greatest relief.

Me: Phew.... glad I used Mighty Brothers XX aura for this one, otherwise I'm dead.

Me 2: Good plan.

Me: Thanks. And thank you for saving my ass.

Me 2: Your welcome, me.

I reverted two mes' back into myself due to my aura deactivating as I prep up my finishing move while seeing Cinder swaying around while being stunned with question marks flying around her body and her head. As I watched on, sheathed Parablade to my back and dropped the replica of Parablade as I prep up.

Me: Let's finish this!!!! (equips Gashacon Key-Slasher as I placed Maximum Mighty X and an Ice Dust Crystal into the Gashacon weapon.)




Me: Maximum Finisher?? Nice!!!

As I complimented my finisher, Cinder finally out from her confusion, daze and stun, noticed me charging my weapon to the max with my Maiden Powers, decided to do the same as well as she turned her blades into her bow mode once again as she charged her maiden powers to the max from her entire body, to her weapon. While I concentrated my aura and my energy through my hand which is holding the Gashacon weapon.



Once our weapons are fully charged up, Cinder and I advanced towards each other as we slashed each other with our own weapons, causing tonnes of ice crystals, fire balls and sparks to emit out from our strikes.

(A/N: Music stops here.)

-moment of silence-

We stood still as neither of us knew who would stand or fall, until I heard a "uugh", a "slice" and a "thud" behind me. When I slowly looked back, I found Cinder struggling to get up from her lying position and I also noticed that I've cut her left arm off and got worse on her eye as well. So, I pressed the button on Hyper Muteki Gashat as I activate its finisher.


Me: Cinder.... it's over....

I said this as she looked at me with a frightened face as I pressed the button on the same Gashat again.


I then charged up my Maiden Powers as my Hyper Muteki finisher starts to surge through my fist as I shout out my finisher.


I lunged in as I punched Cinder with my hand covered with my Muteki finisher and Winter's Glare. However, just as I was a few centimeters away from punching her to finish her off, someone grabbed my fist, in which I was shocked that someone grabbed me, and that's when I heard it.

???: tsk tsk tsk. Not yet, Mister Shadow... not yet.

I slowly looked up at the source of the voice, and my eyes widened to see my old mortal enemy once again.

Me: Gemdeus... Machina!

(A/N: Gemdeus Machina.)

I said his name as I pulled my fist back as I detoured my attack to Gemdeus Machina, letting him take the hit, in which ice started to form on him, in the attempts to freezing him but to no avail as after a while, he broke the ice and chuckled.

Gemdeus Machina: (chuckles) Not yet, Mister Shadow. Your time shall come for you to take her and me down. But for now, I have other ideas for her.

Me: (tilts head)huh??? Other... ideas???

I said that as he carried Cinder away while creating a hole in the ice dome I conjoured as he took his leave. Then he said:

Gemdeus Machina: Know this... we shall meet again soon, and when we meet, I shall kill you... myself... and don't expect me to be the same as today.

Me: Hmph! Bet on it as it will never happen.

I boast as Gemdeus Machina took his leave, boarding the Bullhead where Mercury and Emerald are waiting. After seeing them retreat, I deactivated my Muteki and Winter Maiden form as I ran towards my unconcious girlfriend as I began to cry.

Me: R-ruby.....

Tears made their way out of my sockets as they landed down on Ruby's unconscious face. Power slowly radiating off of me, cold smoke wafting out of my clothes. My skin and hair flickering into my Maiden form once again. Constantly stricken by loss, I remembered Penny's friendly smile every time I'd meet her, and Pyrrha's kindness. Anger and despair slowly building up inside of me, ready to be unleashed any second, clouds of snowstorm circling above them. Then, I let out a loud scream, unleashing a powerful storm throughout the kingdom.

Meanwhile back in the Evacuation center, my father arriveed to meet up with the rest of his fellow Huntsmen and Huntress.

Glynda: Apollonir! Thank goodness you're safe.

Apollonir: Has anyone seen---

He was cut off short when a strong sudden gust nearly whisks them away. They all turned to where it was coming from, and saw the snowstorm back on top CCT tower. Your father stared in horror and shock as he knew what you were doing.

Apollonir: No.... NO!

With the help of his Semblance, my father rushes off to find me with Qrow accompanying him. Flashes and streaks of light darted around me as I felt changes all over my body, but having used up every power that was contained within my body, I was then too tired to care as I lost consciousness next to Ruby.


At Seito University Hospital,

As I opened my eyes, I struggled to sit up with a groan, and I was greeted at the sight of Genius Gamer M resting his head beside me.

Me: Emu?

Emu: Oh, Doctor Shadow! (Swiftly gets up) You're awake!

Unfortunately, the commotion was enough to wake Ruby up as well, who was sleeping in a bed next to yours.

Ruby: Ugh.... What happened?

Taiyang: Apollonir and your uncle Qrow found you both, unconscious. They got you outta there; they brought you both safe here at Shadow's Hospital where he works at.

Ruby looks down in thought for a split second, then looks at her father.

Ruby: Wait! Yang! Is she alright?

Taiyang: Uh.... She's uh... she's gonna be alright. I think she's just... I think it's just gonna take some time for her to get used to things. She's too strong to let this stop her.

Kiriya: Yes. When they brought Yang here, they brought Mitchell here as well.

Me: Mitchell's here...?

Ruby: What happened to the school? And Vale?! Were they able to clear out the Grimm?

Taiyang: Things at Vale are not exactly doing pretty well. For some reason, a massive snowstorm was unleashed in Vale. On the bad side, Vale became a frozen wasteland, but on the good side, Grimm don't really have resistance to the cold.

Me: Even big momma?

He knew what I meant when I said 'big momma'.

Taiyang: That thing, whatever it is... Doesn't seem to be dead or alive. Don't get me wrong, Ruby did a number on it. But it's not disappearing. It's... kind of... frozen.

Me: Frozen? Like stuck in ice?

Taiyang: Not exactly. Let's just say it's similar to being petrified.

Ruby: So it turned to stone? Or something....?

Taiyang: Something like that.

Ruby: Wait. Dad, you said I did a number on it? What do you mean?

Taiyang: I... Look that's not important right now. We can talk about it later. Things are just... kind of a mess.

Qrow: It's always a mess.

Me, Emu, Kiriya, Ruby and Taiyang, look to see Qrow and my father suddenly standing in the room near the door. Qrow finishes off the contents of his flask before your father continued what Qrow was about to say.

Apollonir: Tai, Emu, Kiriya, mind if we have a minute?

Taiyang: What, I can't stay here?!

Qrow: Tai. Please.

Taiyang stands up, sighs, and then leans in to kiss Ruby on the forehead.

Taiyang: I'm glad you're alright

Emu: I'll go and make us some tea.

Taiyang glares at Qrow on the way out, but the latter doesn't appear to care, while your Emu pats me in the shoulder as they all leave us as well. I was about to get up from my bed, but my father pressed me back down. As Qrow approaches Ruby's bed, he grabs the chair and drags it with him. He then spins it around to face the bed and sits in it with a significant slouch, crossing one leg over the other.

Qrow: So, how you feeling?

Ruby: Um... I kind of hurt... all over.

Qrow: (Chuckles) That makes sense, after what you did.

Ruby: You guys keep saying that! That I did something! What are you talking about?!

Qrow: What was the last thing you remember, Ruby?

Ruby: I ran up the side of the tower, and when I got to the top, I...

She then suddenly gasps, sadness in clearly visible in her eyes.

Ruby: Pyrrha! Is she...?

I looked down in depression as I still can't believe what had happened.

Me: She's..... She's gone Ruby.

As you said this, tears began to fill in Ruby's eyes.

Ruby: I... I... I got to the top... and I saw Pyrrha... and Cinder.... and then everything went white!

Qrow: Anything else?

Ruby: I remember... my head hurting.

She turns towards me and is surprised of what she saw in me.

Ruby: Shadow! Your hair! it's white! Your eyes turned blue! And why are you so pale?!

Me: Huh?

I looked at her in confusion, before I lifted my hands up and saw that they were pale white. My father gave me a mirror from the nightstand and saw that Ruby was right. I pinched over at the new hair color, and deeply stared at the icy blue irises of my eyes.

Qrow: The night you met Ozpin, what was the first thing he said to you?

Ruby: I... I don't know.

Me: He did say something about---

Qrow: Silver eyes. That's an extremely rare trait. And I'm not talking to you Ice pop.

Apollonir: Qrow. Go easy on him. He's already been through a lot.

I tried to fight the tears back that was threatening to escape from my sockets. It was supposed to be a special day for me as I just realized that the night that everything happened was the very day when I first met the maidens, and yet it turned out to be the worst. Countless innocent people dying, losing Beacon, Vale, your uncle, Penny.... Pyrrha..... It was all too much, making me clutch my hair in anger.

Qrow: As I was saying, you're special, Ruby. And not in the "Daddy loves his special angel" kind of way. You're special the same way your mom was. Remnant's full of legends and stories, some of them true, some made up. But there's one Oz told me from a very long time ago. Back before Hunstmen, before Kingdoms, it was said that those born with silver eyes were destined to lead the life of a warrior. You see, the creatures of Grimm, the most fearsome monsters mankind had ever encountered, were afraid of those silver-eyed warriors. They were the best of the best. It was said that even a single look from one of these fighters could strike a Grimm down. Heh. It's a ridiculous story.

Ruby: But... you think that I might be...

Qrow: (Chuckles) Well, a giant monster is currently frozen on top of Beacon Tower. And you're here, safe in bed.

Apollonir: Then again, you somehow believed the Maidens actually existed. Back then, you and your sister were much of a skeptical type.

Qrow: Well, that's because one them actually nearly froze me to death upon first introductions, before someone literally "charmed" her. And it nearly happened again with this guy.

He says while pointing at me. He gets to his feet and walks over to a window, leaning on the sill and staring outside. While Qrow says he had been investigating the enemy under Ozpin's direction, my father decided to have a quiet chat with me.

Apollonir: Looks like your bond with the Winter Maiden's powers are getting stronger, son. Which is, to say the least, the sign of your white hair, blue eyes, and pale skin. I'd figured you'd find out about it eventually, because you looked exactly like your mother.

Me: So, I can't really hide myself being the so-called Winter Guardian anymore, huh?

Apollonir: Maybe. But... there is one way you can hide yourself from the world. But you have to prepare yourself for it....

He was just about to turn to leave until....

Apollonir: Oh, right. Before I forgot. Listen Shadow, you may have fully unlocked the Maiden' power within you, but it comes with a price. Remember of what Qrow about people having Silver Eyes? Not only the Grimm are fearful of it, but Maidens too. Being it is only their source of weakness. I bet you're already feeling it, are you?

Me: Okay... but, that's the thing. I didn't feel a thing when that happened.

Apollonir: What? What do you mean, son?

Me: When she unleashed her powers from her eyes, I didn't feel a thing... All I felt was my attacks, agility and speed being enhanced due to that power. Do you... think it's because of the petal you gave me...?

My father gave it a thought until he nod his head and talks again.

Apollonir: Well, that's highly possible. But, I'd suggest you keep it a secret from Ruby. Otherwise, it would care scare her away in fear of hurting you. You wouldn't want that, no?

With those words you decided to think about it as your father left the room.

Ruby: And what could I do? If I'm so special, then I can help, right?

Qrow: You really wanna help? Get some rest. You and your boyfriend are in no condition to go anywhere right now. Besides, our enemy's trail leads all the way to Haven. That'd be quite a trip for a pipsqueak like you. Catch ya later, kiddo.

Ruby sits alone for a while. She looks at the window that Qrow looked out of, then stares at herself in a mirror hanging on the wall across from her bed. After a long silence, I nervously asked Ruby if she wants to visit Yang and the others and nodded at your idea.

Meanwhile, Yang sits alone in a spare bedroom, staring out a window. Her remaining piece of her gauntlet rests on the nightstand next to the bed. Ruby stands in the doorway, with you beside her. Unfortunately, my body hadn't fully recovered yet from what Ruby had unintentionally done, supporting myself with a pair of crutches made of ice. Crystal, Taiga and Hirro are in the room with her. When they saw me and Ruby, Crystal gave me a sad greeting. She whispers something to Yang before she walks towards me.

Crystal: She's been like that since she got here. Just... try not to say something that might offend her?

With those parting words, she decides to leave the room with Taiga and Hirro.

Ruby: Yang?

Me and Ruby waited for a moment, but when she receives no response from Yang, we both turned to leave. Until...

Yang: Ruby. Shadow.

Ruby turns back around, and Yang turns her head to look at her younger sister, tears now in her eyes. Ruby runs over and hugs her, while I just stood near the door and decided to give them some space.

Ruby: I'm so glad you're okay!

Yang: But I'm not.

Ruby frowns and releases the hug.

Yang: It's all gone - the school, Penny, Pyrrha, and...

She then looks down at her severed arm.

Ruby: Yang, where are Weiss and Blake?

Yang: Weiss' father... came for her.

Ruby: What? What do you mean?

Yang: No one outside of Vale knows what happened here. Before the tower fell, the last thing people saw was Atlas robots attacking innocent people and Grimm destroying the city. Everyone's scared. No one knows who to trust. So, Weiss' father came to take her back to Atlas, where he thinks it's safe. She's gone.

Ruby: Well, what about-

Yang: And Blake ran! Sun saw her go. After we got to the city, she just... ran!

Ruby: But... why!?

Yang: I don't know... and I don't care.

Me: Look, there has to be a reason they-

Yang: No, there doesn't! Sometimes bad things just happen, Shadow! I mean, you'd know since you had probably the worst day in your life.

At this point, I just have had it, and decided to keep my mouth shut for the rest of the entire conversation.

Ruby: So, what do we do now?

Yang: You and Shadow can do whatever you want. I'm gonna lie here.

Ruby: Yang...

Yang: Just leave me alone.

Ruby slowly leaves the room, with me slowly following beside her, but she pauses in the doorway, looking over her shoulder to say one last thing.

Ruby: I love you.

After visiting Yang both decided to visit Rachel, Tenka and Mitchell as well. Unlike Yang, Mitchell seems to be alright, aside from the fact that his left wing was covered in bandages and a splint supporting it. Ange was in the room with them. When she saw me, she ran over to me and gave me a hug, which I weakly returned, happy that I'm doing okay. Ange broke the hug and gives me and Ruby one last smile before she leaves. Rachel warmly greets me with wave and reveals that she already knows what happened.

Ruby: What happened to your...?

Mitchell: What? Oh, this? Just a couple of broken elbow joint and bones. It would probably take me a few weeks or two months to recover, but ah well no biggie. I have no plans of flying for the time being.

He brushes it off with a small laugh, then turns sad for a moment as he sat down on his bed.

Rachel: So, I guess you guys have talked to Yang about now. Yeah, she won't talk to me either....

Me: What do you think we should do now?

Tenka: I don't know. But your dad came over a while ago and told us about a trip to Mistral and tells us to rest, Doctor.

Ruby: Can we help you in anyway?

Mitchell: Well, there is one way: You can let me rest.

Me: Okay then. We'll let you have your rest.

Mitchell: Thanks, Doc.

With that, we left Mitchell alone in his room as he thinks to himself unhappily.

Mitchell: (Inner Thoughts) If only I could say the same to your sister, Ruby.

After talking to Mitchell, Ruby went off to her room while I went off outside the hospital to breathe in some fresh air. Sitting down on the long bench, former patients who are my friends, Crystal and Ange suddenly joined me in my peaceful relaxing, and sighed sadly to myself.

Me: Is this world even worth saving?

Crystal: What are you talking about?

Me: I mean, what's the use of having a powerful Semblance if you can't even protect the ones you hold dear? And what's the point of being a doctor if I can't save anyone?! It's useless. I'm useless. USELESS!!!

Ange: Stop talking nonsense, Doc! You're not useless! Okay?

She says as she and Crystal began hugging me in comfort from both of my sides. Letting my emotions flow out within me, I began sobbing on Crystal's shoulder. They both didn't let me go until I finished crying. After a while, I began to calm down and wiped the tears away that were still in my eyes.

Me: Thanks for the pep talk.I really needed that. I.... I wasn't thinking straight.

Crystal: Don't sweat it, Doctor Wrath. We're here for you.

Ange: Always.

I smiled at their words as the three of us hugged each other, which they returned with a firmer one, squeezing out the life out of me. Crystal and Ange giggled as I wriggled my way out of their death embrace.

Me: So, what's going to happen to you two now?

Crystal: Ange and I will head back to Shade to continue our school. And while we're gone, don't do something we wouldn't do.

Me: (Laughs) You'd be surprised.

Ange: Then we'd better not be. Love the way you did with your hair, by the way. Matches your new eyes.

And with those words, my friends left me in peace, all alone. I suddenly felt uncomfortable with the new changes in my body, but only time will tell until I'll get used to it. I closed my eyes as I breathed in the cold air. Winter was just around the bend, and with the Winter Season around, I'd be able to recover much faster, since I'm strongly affiliated with the particular season. I was about to head back inside the hospital to see that my team, my girlfriend and Yang are okay, when.....

???: You've gone weak. Let me help you.

I stopped in my tracks as I whipped my head back, trying to find where the source of the voice is coming from until I heard it was coming from my head.

Me: Who are you? Identify yourself.

???: Go to the rooftop of your workplace, and we shall talk.

Me: ... Okay....

Doing as I was told, I slowly made my way up to the rooftop with the aid of my ice crutches I conjoured earlier on.

A few minutes later,

Once I made it to the roof, I used my free hand to grab Parablade as I tried to go on Battle stance as I question again.

Me: Okay, I'm here. Now, identify yourself!

???: Fear not. It is I, your mother. My beloved son.


(A/N: Music starts here.)

Me eyes widened as you saw a woman, wearing a long, white dress. Her pure, white hair shining in the sunlight, her skin as white as freshly fallen snow of Winter, her fierce ice blue that contained a magnificent radiance within them. This was no doubt the Winter Maiden: my mother.

Me: M-Mom?

The woman smiles at me and nods. She then frowns as she speaks in your mind.

Isolde: You seem weak, my child. Let me help you.

Me: How?

Without speaking, she turns with her hand raised summoning an orb of magic before throwing it down to the ground, summoning a swirly portal, which I presumed it leads to another world.

Isolde: Seeing as you have embraced my powers to the fullest, I can help you recover even faster. I can teach you the secrets of its might, if you come with me.

I was shocked by this, I am finally given the chance to have a proper time with my mother, my biological mother. But then I remembered everyone else in the current world, my father and friends. Ruby, most of all. Shaking my head to clear out negative thoughts, I decided to speak.

Me: I... I'll think about it.

My mother looks slightly displeased at my answer, but decides to comply and speaks into my head again.

Isolde: Very well. I'll give you time to decide until the first snow has fallen. By then, I shall have your answer.

With that, she walks into her portal, disappearing from sight along with the portal.

(A/N: Music ends at 1:50.)


Winter had come around quickly than I had expected. Nothing much had happened ever since I followed Ruby back to Patch, except for the fact that Crystal and Ange left for Shade to start their new semester. I bid them the best of luck as I watch them leave by via shuttle that would take them to Vacuo. My father has already left to carry out his mission once again. Ever since then I've been doing my best to enhance my powers even though my powers are at the max until the day has come for me to decide. As if on time, my mother the Winter Maiden appeared in one of her portals.

Isolde: Have you finally decided?

I faced my mother with a determined look as I gave her my answer. Meanwhile, Ruby steps outside the house, wearing a backpack, and quietly shuts the front door.

Jaune: Hey.

Ruby: Hey, Jaune. Haven's a long way to go.

Jaune: I know. It's the only way we have.

Ruby: Are you sure you want to come along?

Ren: The journey will be perilous, and whether we'll find answers at the end is entirely uncertain.

Nora: But we wouldn't be here if we weren't up for it.

Tenka: That goes for us too.

Tenka along with Rachel and Mitchell whose left wing had fully recovered came by with their bags packed up and ready as they are willing to follow Ruby and her friends as well. Ruby looks back towards the house with a sad look before she sighs.

Ruby: I really wish Shadow could come....

Jaune: I don't really blame him. He's been suffering a lot from the rest of us....

Rachel: True....

The seven then begin their long trek, down the road leading away from Taiyang's home. Jaune took out the map from the side of backpack as he begins planning their route.

Jaune: Right, so if we're going to take the small route here, we'll be able to catch the next shutt---

He was interrupted when a snowball suddenly hits him straight on his face. Nora snorted as she giggled slightly, while Tenka, Mitchell, Rachel, Ren and Ruby tried to search where the snowball came from. A few seconds have passed, and a swirl of snow suddenly forms before the group, and I emerged out of it.

Me: Leaving without saying goodbye? So cliched, yet attractively unusual of you, Rubes. As always.

Ruby: Shadow!

Ruby suddenly rushed up to me and glomped me to the ground with a fierce hug, the others watched on with interest.

Me: So... cliched....

Ruby says nothings as she snuggles at the crook of my neck. After a few moments, we both got up, and dusted ourselves off.

Ren: So you're joining us?

Me: I'd love to, guys. But.....

I averted my eyes off the group and looked at the woman far behind them, who nods at me.

Me: But there's something I've got to do first.

Ruby pouts as she looks down into the ground.

Ruby: But it's no fun without.

Altough you found this act quite adorable of her, you fought the urge of not falling into her cuteness and just patted her in the head.

Me: Don't worry, I'll just catch up with you guys. But for now....

I touched the center of Ruby's neckline, creating a small necklace around her neck that was a bit cold to the touch. Ruby gazed at it wonder.

Me: This will have to do for now, okay?

Ruby said nothing as she suddenly engulfs in another tight hug, which I returned soon after.

Me: Shouldn't you get going?

Ruby's eyes widen in shock as she suddenly remembers and separates herself from me.

Ruby: Oh, right! Well, wish us luck, Shadow.

Me: Heh, you won't need it. Because you have that. And team, look after them.

T/R/M: Yes, Doc.

I said to them as I pointed at the necklace Ruby had. With that Ruby and others waved goodbye. I waved back and watched them as they disappeared into the distance. My mother then suddenly appears beside me.

Isolde: A Silver-Eyed Warrior, you'd better watch yourself out for this one, my son. Then again, who am I to befoul my son's romance.

At that mention, I instantly facepalmed as my mother slightly giggled.

Isolde: Well then, should we get going?

Me: R-Ready as I'll ever be...

Isolde: Don't worry, we won't be alone.

Me: Wh-What do you mean?

Isolde: Why we'll be accompanied by the other Winter Maidens before me!

Me: Great.... I'll be training with my mother with no one to talk to, but girls and sexy hot chicks. Go figure.

Isolde: Oh, hush you.

My mother silenced me as she summoned one of her portals before me.

Isolde: After you, my dear.

Me: (Nods) (Gulps)

Gulping down my nervousness, I slowly stepped inside the portal, satisfied with my decision. With this I will be able to protect the ones I hold dear, and do my duties as the Keeper of the Winter Maiden's power... no, one quarter of my All Maiden form's power to what I secretly thought of myself.

Me: Don't worry, Ruby. I'll be back. Better than ever.

To be continued.....

And that's all, folks! The Last episode of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose. Special Episodes coming soon, guys. So, if you ladies and Gentlemen and other deviants and readers really, really love it, comment down below on the comment section if you want me to try something and make up for it. So, thank you so much for reading this. And if you enjoy it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause' it would be "Muteki" awesome and greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I can improve myself as well.

And, if this happens to be the first literature that you have seen by me, pleaseconsider leaving a watch to become part of "Ride-Player Troopers" (It's what Iprefer to call my watchers) today if you want to see more of the rest of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose insert. Apart from that, thank you so much again forreading this, and I'll see you Ride-Players (readers) on the next episode ofour RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! Until then! See you on the next game! Staylighted up! Stay Frosty! Stay Brave! Be Nice! SEE YA!!!!

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