Volume 4: Character Short

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Hey everyone! It's me, Shadow 264 and WELCOME to the first EVER Character short of  RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose Volume FOUR where everything will begin, ONCE AGAIN in the Realm of the Winter Maidens! So, to recap once again, I DO NOT OWN RWBY AND I DO NOT OWN KAMEN RIDER EX-AID!! RWBY is owned by RoosterTeeth and Kamen Rider Ex-Aid is owned by Toei.

So, now sit back, enjoy and LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!!!


I am now looking at the same destruction that Gemdeus Machina has done. And now, he stares at me again saying...

Gemdeus Machina: You're next!!!

Gemdeus Machina aims one of his arm-like heads at me, about to fire a projectile at me.

Me: No... No! NO!...

Back to reality.....

Me: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Not again! NOT AGAIN! NOT AGAIN!!! NOT A- Wait... wha-

I suddenly jolted as I sat upright from the altar where I was lying in. I am a bit confused at first, then I remembered. I am now inside my mother's home, an ice castle, meditating while my mother is gaining entry into the deepest part of my mind, where a painful memory was hidden, and uses it to my meditation. I turned my head to my Maiden mother, who was sitting beside me, slowly shaking her head in dismay.

Me: I'm sorry, mother. I just... I just can't....

Isolde: You managed to focus longer than last time. Remember, my son, holding back a painful memory in the past is a fatal flaw for a Winter Maiden, and your case is no different. You have to face it, or sooner or later it will face you instead.

Isolde stood up from her seat, and I stood up from the altar. 

Isolde: Regardless, I think you're strong enough to return to Remnant. But you have to work on that fatal flaw. Now, come with me.

My mother floated off the ground and uses her powers to glide off of the floor while I just walked with my feet as I followed. I am lead into a large circular room with a large octagonal mirror on the floor. I am now fascinated by it as it was like a clear water completely still. My mother conjured up a small snowflake in her palm and let it float down into the mirror. As soon as it did, mists formed on the edges of the mirror and completely covered the mirror. After a while, the mists parted showing a girl clad in a tattered cloak and new outfit. I instantly recognized the red cloak that is always worn by a special someone.

Me: Ruby!

My mother nodded to my answer, and with a wave of her hand, the mirror readjusted, and is now showing Ruby, walking towards a cliff, overlooking a burning village that is under attack by Grimm.

Isolde: Situation in Vale is getting worse and worse ever since the fall of Beacon.

Me and your mother watched as Ruby hitches a ride on a Nevermore and drops into the village, skillfully eliminating a pack of Beowolves in the village square. After defeating the Beowolf pack, Ruby is confronted by a new Grimm resembling a large gorilla, which made my eyes widen.

Me: Whoa... the heck is that?!

Isolde: A Beringel, one of the stronger known types of Grimm.

Me: That's one strong motherfucker.

Isolde: Language please...!! But still... you could say that.

Me: Thanks.... and sorry....

I watched as Ruby's opponent proves to be quite fearsome, being entirely unfazed by multiple hits from Ruby's scythe, and even manages to land some solid hits on Ruby. Out of instinct, I decided to lunge into the mirror, but my mother held an arm in front of me.

Isolde: Let her take on the challenge herself.

I was a bit hesitant and worried at first, but I decided to stand down, while putting up a lot of trust in her fighting skills. I watched as displays increased proficiency with her Semblance and her skills. After a protracted fight over the village rooftops, Ruby uses her Semblance to engulf the Beringel in a whirlwind, impaling it in the chest with Crescent Rose and finishing the beast off with a point-blank headshot. My mother was impressed as she slightly smiled at the small display of strength.

Isolde: She's strong. Nevertheless, in her current state as a Silver-Eyed Warrior, she still has a long way to go.

My mother then turns to me.

Isolde: I've decided.... to return you back to Remnant.

Me: R-Really?

Isolde: I don't see why not now. You've finally displayed immense power and proficiency with your powers. And your friends need your help now more than ever. But the question is, are you ready?

Without having anymore second thoughts, I smiled and nodded. My mother smiled back, and then she snapped her fingers, creating a sharp snap sound throughout the room. After a couple of seconds, the past Winter Maidens teleported themselves inside the room one by one. One of them handed me Ice dust crystals, my gear, my temporary weapon since it got destroyed back then, and then finally an unfamiliar coat, but I sensed a lot of power, radiating from the coat.

(A/N: It's like Yang's coat but it's short-sleeved and it's snowy white.)

Isolde: We've blessed this coat for you with the use of our own powers to protect you on your journey. May it serve you well.

With much determination and courage, I accepted the surprisingly light and smooth duster coat. Gearing up, I fastened my utility belt in my waist, placed my case of accessories behind me, put on my new coat, and strapped my trusted weapon in your back, but not before noticing my mother's insignia on the scabbard.

Isolde: Consider it as a reminder of the time you spent here.

With a small smile, I engulfed my mother in a tight hug, who returned it with her own soothing hug.

Me: Thank you, mother, and all of you. For helping me. I appreciate it. ( looking at my mother and the rest of the past Winter Maidens while giving a Nod)

The both of us separated and said my goodbyes to each other. After that, I waved goodbye to the other maidens as well, who waved back in return. My mother conjured the same ball of energy she used to bring me both to the spirit world, and throws it into the mirror, creating a wide portal, showing the same place where Ruby is, only it is high up on the ground.

Me: Will I see you again?

Isoldê: Don't worry, my sweet... sweet Shadow. I will always be with you. You are a grown boy, my son. You will be alright.

Me: (after being reassured) Okay. (A tear came out from my sockets while i smiled)

Out of nowhere, my mother gave me a big hug for the last time, and i returned the hug. After a few seconds, we released the hug and I looked at the portal. With one more glance from my mother and the other maidens, I spread my arms wide and began falling into the portal.

Me: Okay... let's do a dramatic enterance and a super hero landing, Baby.

I brought out my armour, my four pairs of wings, my tail and my horns that were used to be on my head and my back, and began twirling around to create a tornado made of snow.

Isoldê: (chuckles slightly) You and your father are the same. Always with the dramatic entrances and super hero landings.

Ruby's POV:

Just as I was about to engage in on the Grimm horde, I suddenly felt the air getting cold, then noticed that snow was slowly falling from the sky. I looked up to see a tornado of snow hurtling down towards her direction.

Me: Oh... Cheese....

I evaded the tornado just in time as it plummeted on the ground, creating a mist around the ground where it crashed. 


(A/N: Music starts here.)

After the mist cleared, I saw a boy with white hair, wearing a snowy white coat, and sword strapped behind his back including an axe. I tried to see who the boy is but when I saw his horns, his armor, his wings and his tail, I knew one thing that the certain boy was none other than.....

Me: Shadow....?

Shadow: heheh.... Good to be back.

Me: Shadow!

Shadow: Ruby, talk later, kiss and making up later! We have a hord of Grimm incoming!

Me: K-Kiss?!


Ruby's face instantly turned red at the thought as she began daydreaming, before snapping out of her thought and joined me in the fight. Charging in, I instantly made the ground below the Grimm into ice, making them slip. Using the ice to my advantage I began skating in it, while effortlessly slicing and slashing the horde of Grimm. Ruby was impressed and mesmerized at my new moves as I began killing the Grimm one after another without much effort at all.

Ruby: Woooow......

Just then a Beringel suddenly leaps into the air and is about to crush on me while I was too busy dispatching the rest of the Grimm, prompting Ruby to jump in the air, intercepting the gorilla-like Grimm and slashing it across the chest. I saw what Ruby did and followed up the attack by summoning a large ice pillar, launching it in the air again.

Me: Ruby! Now!

As if reading my mind, we both jumped into the air, turning into my snow form while she used her Semblance, and infused with each other, creating a white, red, blue and black, forward-pointing hurricane. Upon reaching a height higher than the Grimm, I finished the Beringel off by doing a spinning attack with my ice sword (that ice sword is what my mother gave to me. If you are askjng about my hand-me-down weapon, read the previous chapter) and Ruby' scythe, decapitating the Grimm.

Upon falling, I landed in the middle of the Grimm. With a focused finger gesture, hundreds of ice pillars emerged within a wide radius and began exploding icy sharp shards towards the Grimm. Ruby, trying to avoiding to get caught in the onslaught, I used my semblance on four of my wings to shield her from my attacks inflicted on the Grimm (Note: this semblance is specifically for my wings. This defensive ability is called Neo Valute). After a while, Ruby no longer heard the screeches and bellows of the Grimm and explosions were also gone as well. Ruby emerges out of the my wings to see me hunching down as I breathed heavily, the Grimm around slowly dissipating in black smoke.

Just then, Ruby heard thundering footsteps approaching her. She turns around to see Mitchell, Rachel, Tenka, Jaune, Nora, and Ren running towards her.

(A/N: Music ends here.)

Ruby: You guys made it! But I think you are a bit late.

Jaune: Yeah, sorry about that.

Nora: By the way, who's that guy with the white hair over there?

Ruby: Oh, he's---

Rachel: Stop! Stop! (Stopping Ruby from speaking and looks at me and my new appearance) Doc... is that... you??? (Looking at my new appearance)

Me: (my dragon parts dissipating) Well, good to be back.

Rachel: (about to squeal)

Mitchell: Oh no...

Me: (covering her mouth with my one finger) I know how much you miss me, I know. So, come here you guys! Lets hug it out.

My Team, Jaune's team including Ruby came around for a huge hug. After a long while we broke loose from our big reunion hug.

Ruby: So, you're joining us now, Shadow?

Me: Well, I did said I was going to catch up, didn't I?

I said as I patted her in the head. Then to my surprise, Ruby suddenly hugs me, nearly falling off balance. 

Nora: Wait! But "S" can't fit in Team JNRR!

Ren: It's RNJR.

I just laughed it off the topic.

Me: Hey, that's okay. I'll just play as the supporter of Team RNJR---

Nora: Team JNRR!

Me: Whatever fits your bill, Nora. (mutters) Although, RNJR sounds better. Anyways as I was saying, I'll just be the support for the team with my team. You know? Just like the old days? So, yeah. I won't mind.

The team and my team smiles at me as they welcome me to their group. After a while, they began to continue towards their journey. I looked up on the starry night sky with a sad face, thinking of Pyrrha, Penny, and Ozpin. But I am still forever grateful that I've finally rejoined with the girl you love. Which reminds me....

Me: By the way, Ruby! I forgot to give you that kiss!

Ruby: Oh, right. I wait, Wh-Wh-What?!?!

To be continued....

And that's all, folks! The Character Short episode of the Fourth Volume for our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose. If you ladies and gentlemen and other deviants really, really love it, comment down below on the comment section if you want me to try something and make up for it. So, thank you so much for reading this. And if you enjoy it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause' that would be "Muteki" awesome and greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I can improve myself as well.

And,if this happens to be the first literature that you have seen by me, pleaseconsider leaving a watch to become part of "Ride-Player Troopers" (It's what Iprefer to call my watchers) today if you want to see more of the rest of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose insert. Apart from that, thank you so much again forreading this, and I'll see you Ride-Players (readers) on the next episode ofour RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! Until then! See you on the next game! Staylighted up! Stay Frosty! Stay Brave! Be Nice! SEE YA!!!!

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