Volume 4: Menagerie

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Hey everyone! WELCOME to the fifth of the FOURTH VOLUME of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! So, to recap once again, I DO NOT OWN RWBY AND I DO NOT OWN KAMEN RIDER EX-AID!! RWBY is owned by RoosterTeeth and Kamen Rider Ex-Aid is owned by Toei. So, now sit back, enjoy and LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!!!

*Hits gong real hard*

My POV (In a dream):

In my dream, I was looking at a world that was totally destroyed by some people and two others who are leading an armada. The one on the left lead the Grimm Armada and the one on the right led the Bugster Armada.

Me: I'm not going to let that happen!!

???: Not so fast, Mister Shadow.

I suddenly stopped at my tracks as the two leader parties came towards me. My eyes then widen to see Salem and Gemdeus.

Me: Salem. Gemdeus!

Salem: So, this is the warrior you said that destroyed you, right?

Gemdeus: That's right.

I rushed at them while they are going out with their small talk but, Salem saw me and out of nowhere, a tendril came out from the ground and choked me.

Salem: Rather reckless, but noble.

Me: Wha-uk! What do y-you want from me... urk...??

Gemdeus: Easy. We...

Salem: ...want you...

Then suddenly, a red and orange glitch, and black fog surrounds the two gods, making it hard for me to see what is going on in there. But when the fog and glitch cleared, my shocked look turn into a terrified look of fear when I saw a being that is much more powerful than me, the other Huntsmen and Huntresses, and the Super Medical Team can deal with.

Gemdeus/Salem (voices in sync in combine form): DEAD!!

My POV (Real world):

In the real world, I am lying in my bed, yelling, thrashing, and flailing my arms around as my friends tried to keep me in control.

Ruby: Shadow! Wake up! Please! Wake up!

Ren: Ugh! You hold him down!

Jaune: I'm trying to!

Nora: Gosh! Wh-Whoa! Hey! Watch where you're kicking!!

Tenka: Shadow!!! Wake up!!!


Mitchell: COME ON DUDE!!!

Ruby: SHADOW!!!!!

My eyes suddenly went wide open, and unintentionally let out a large gust of chilly wind around me and for an unknown reason a beam of silver light emitted out from my eyes as I screamed, knocking Ruby, others and my team on the walls around the room. I looked around to see the room looks it had been ransacked, with Ruby, Nora, Jaune, Tenka, Mitchell, Rachel and Ren nursing where they are hurt. The door to the room slightly opened as the other occupants of the inn peeked though it.

Me: Guys.. I'm.. I'm...

Before I could even finish my apology, I took my weapon, gears and my back packs, then broke off into a sprint and left the room.

Ruby: Shadow, wait!

Jaune: Ruby! No! Let him go! He needs his own space!

Jaune tried holding her back, but she pushes him off of her and uses her Semblance to quickly leave the room and starts following you out of the inn and into the moonlit forest. Ruby was hot on my tail as I ran through the forest.

Ruby: Shadow!

I didn't care. I just wanted to be alone right now. The nightmares were getting too much for me to handle, and there was only one place where I could feel at ease. A place where someone I know could help deal with the nightmares like she always did for the past months. I had to get back into my mother's domain. Ignoring Ruby's call, I desperately tried summoning a ball of magic that would take me into my mother's domain with my hands, while running ahead.

Me: Come on, come on, come on! OPEN YOU SON OF A--

I focused my Aura between my hands as I tried summoning it. After a few tries, I finally managed to summon the troublesome ball.

Me: Yes!

The ball glowed brightly between my hands as it illuminated the forest. I looked back to see Ruby still chasing me, only with an amazed look on her face, which only slowed her down. I gave her an apologetic look as I threw the ball into the ground, summoning the portal and ran into it. No sooner than I did, the portal instantly closed, turning the forest slightly dark again. Ruby collapsed down on her knees out of exhaustion, not believing at what she just saw. 

Ruby: What... was that???


Graphite's POV:

An air horn sounds loudly. The offramp is slowly lowered on the ship bearing Blake, Sun and I to allow passengers to disembark. The town has many small buildings and homes set among dunes and palm trees. A loud clanging of bell from the town bell is heard ringing from its belfry.

Sun and Blake make their way from the deck to the offramp. Blake proceeds without pause while Sun stop to look at the town, and as for me, Ilooked at the town in awe.

Me: Menagerie... Good to be back.

Sun: Huh.

Several Faunus in summer wear meander casually at the dock, some waiting for friends or family among the new arrivals. The dock is also a commercial area, with mobile kiosks selling food and other wares. It is a relaxed atmosphere on a sunny day.

Sun is looking around while he and Blake disembark and walk through the market area together.

Sun: I've never seen so many Faunus in one place!

Blake: This is the one place everyone can feel safe, no matter who or what they are.

Sun: Wow, sure is, uh, crowded, huh?

Blake: Yes. Yes, it is.

Sun: Is it always so... cramped?

Blake: Well, when you try and take an entire species and put them on an island that's two-thirds desert, yeah, it tends to be cramped.

Me: (lands beside them, in human form but leaving his left arm in dragon form) Are Faunus kind the only ones living in here, sorry Blake. I forgot to ask this the first time we met... when you're little.

Blake: Well, Graphite... Pretty much, yes.

Sun: Wait! You guys have that much more space? Why waste it? A little desert never hurt anyone!

Blake: It's not like the desert in Vacuo, Sun. The wildlife here is more dangerous than most other regions.

Sun: So, they give us a terrible island, in the corner of Remnant, to try and shut us up.

Blake: That's a pretty good summary, yeah.

Sun: Huh. Jerks.

Me: Unreasonable for those who forced the faunus here...

Blake: We try to make the best of things.

The three of us pause in our walk to look at the view of the town the road affords. The road they are on goes downhill and to the side, bordered by palm trees and homes that have either canvas or wood roofs. The vista of palm trees spreads out to the edge of mountainous dunes in the distance. Right in the middle of all this is a large house with an open courtyard that the road appears to lead directly to. 

Sun: Whoa...

Blake: This, is Kuo Kuana.

Sun: It's... beautiful. I take it all back. This place looks great! Why would anyone ever want to leave?

Blake: That's not the point, Sun! We asked to be equal, to be treated just like everyone else! Instead, we were given an island and told to make do. So we did the best we could. We came together and we made a home where any Faunus could feel welcome. 

Me: (Inner thoughts) I remember the last time I came here... A horde of black creatures attacking innocent lives... that is when I met Blake and her parents.

Sun: (putting his hand on her shoulder) Well, hey, this guy's feeling pretty at home.

I removed Sun's hand from her shoulder and walked a few steps in front of them.

Me: I like to see you try, Monkey-boy.

There was an awkward silence between the three of them, before decided to break the uncomfortable ice.

Blake: Alright, time to go home.

Sun: Oh yeah? Which one's yours? Can you see it from here?

He wraps his arm to her shoulder, pulling her in. I simply rolled my eyes as I watch Blake watching Sun using his free hand like a visor to help him peer at the houses.

Blake: Kind of.

Sun: Is it that one? What about that tiny one down there? I like the paintjob.

Blake sighs, taking Sun's intruding arm by the wrist and directing it toward the large house.

Blake: It's... that one.

Sun stares for a second before pointing his finger at her with a questioning expression. Blake nods. Sun looks at her for a beat before taking his arm off her and stepping back. He covers the sides of his head and crouches a bit, staring wide-eyed at the house and making a comical, amazed noise. As forme, on the other hand, just had a neutral expression on his face as he knew that house as he'd been there before.

Me: Let's go, then.

I said so as we began to starts walking down towards the house. Blake, Sun and I walked up the stone steps to the front door of the house. Blake hesitates when she moves to use the knocker.

Sun: What is it?

Blake: I um... it's just been a long time since I've seen my parents.

Sun: Well, you came all this way.

Me: Yeah. So, come now. Knock the door. Let them embrace you.

Blake: Graphite, you sound... different...

Me: Yeah... I know what it was like to be embraced when I return to the Game World once. So, for your case, you should do too... but this time, it's not a game, it's your family you're talking about.

And with that, Blake takes a quick breath for courage and bangs the door knocker. It makes a loud, heavy, resonating sound on the large door, surprising me a bit. Sun stares up, stepping back while Blake politely backs away from the door a few paces.

Sun: Okay, if we're being honest, that's kind of intimidating.

3rd Person's POV:

Graphite, Sun and Blake give a start at the sound of the door being opened. Kali Belladonna, a short, female cat Faunus is behind it, looking around at the visitors. Her ears perk and she moves the door out of the way so she can step forward when she recognizes her daughter. She stares at her almost in disbelief

Kali: Blake?

Blake awkwardly lifts her arm in greeting her mother.

Blake: Hi, mom.

Kale steps forward and hugs her daughter.

Kali: My baby girl.

Blake hesitates, uncertain for a moment, before her face gentles into a smile and she hugs her mother back.

They stand in front of open doorway. Tealle hears footsteps come closer and a shadow falls onto the carpeted entryway. Kali lets go of Blake and turns behind her at the sound of her husband's voice.

Ghira: Kali? Who is it?

Ghira stand with his hands on his hips, waiting to greet the visitor. His quizzical expression changes to wide-eyed surprise, before his hands, shoulders, and face all fall in a clear, emotional reaction to the sight of his daughter come home.

Sun sees this and grins, pleased at Blake's welcome as he turns to look at how she's taking it. Blake has her hands clasped in front of her, awaiting her father's reaction. Kali has not let go, with her hands supportively on Blake's shoulder and arm.

Ghira says nothing, but smiles, clearly happy. Blake smiles back, relieved. She, Sun and I exchange sideways glances.


Blake's POV:

Kali sets down her cup on the table. 

Kali: We were horrified when we heard the news. The Kingdom of Vale isn't perfect, but it certainly didn't deserve what happened. Oh, we were both so worried.

Ghira: Please, I knew she'd be fine!

Kali: (scoffing) That isn't the slightest bit true. You should have seen him pacing.

Sun: You guys have nothing to worry about. I've seen your daughter in action before! And trust me, she's got some moves!

Graphite and I, who were sipping from our cups while Sun spoke, abruptly lift their heads and swallow at their last choice of words. I planted my face in his palm as Ghira glares at the young man on his right.

Ghira: And what exactly do you mean by that, Mr. Wukong?

Sun freezes and slowly turns toward his host.

Sun: I... uh, well, you see sir, it's just that, you know, that she's such a good fighter and all, uh, and as a fellow fighter, I have a lot of respect for her...

Kali: (leaning in to ask quietly) Why is he here again?

Me: He just kind of followed us home.

Sun: ...because of her fighting. Not her looks. I mean, not to say she's not good-looking. She is! Very! Or...

Kali: I see. And I see Black Dragon man has accompanied you through your journey here.

Me: He... found us and volunteered to follow soon after during my journey here.

Kali: I see.... it is a honor to meet you once again, then, black dragon

Graphite: Honor is mine, Mrs Bella.

Sun: ...slightly, I mean she's definitely above average. I mean, Tenka Kaito won't date her unless she is right? I mean, uh...

Sun struggles for words as Graphite and all three Belladonnas watch him and wait for him to either get out of the hole he just talked himself into or keep digging.

In the awkward silence, Sun uses his tail to pick up the tea kettle and pour some more tea into his cup.

Sun: This tea is really good. 

Sun takes a sip from his cup of tea, laughing sheepishly. 

Graphite: Ignore him....

Graphite grumbles as he takes a sip from his tea. Kali leans towards me as she speaks not quite quietly enough.

Kali: I like him.

Me: Mom!

Graphite: Wait, wha-

Ghira: Wait, what do you mean she's dating----

The loud sound of the front door knocker resonates, catching everyone's attention.

Ghira: Darn it, I completely forgot about the meeting!

Ghira hits his fist onto the table and Kali quickly covers it with her hand.

Kali: Ghira...

Ghira: Give me a moment.

He gets up and walks out.

Me: Is everything okay?

Kali: Yes, dear, just poor timing. He can reschedule. It's just been hard dealing with them lately.

Me: Dealing with who?

Kali: Hmm? The White Fang.

Surprised, they rise up from their feet.

Sun, Graphite & Blake: WHAT?!

Sun and I rush to the door, where Ghira is speaking with two fox Faunus. The two visitors maintain respectful, formal postures, keeping their hands clasped before them.

Me: Dad!

Ghira: Blake, what's wrong?

Faunus with Fox Tail: Miss Belladonna.

Faunus with Fox Ears: We had no idea you'd returned.

Every time either one of the two Fox Faunus speaks, they gesture with their hands and end with clasping their hands before their chests again. Graphite slowly caught up with the two and approached them, equipped with the Buggle-Visor.  

Me: What are you doing talking to these people?

Ghira: This is Corsac and Fennec Albain. They represent the White Fang here in Menagerie now.

Sun: Those psychos are here, too?!

Fennec: Young man, I'm not sure what you've heard of our organization, but I can assure you, we're not nearly as ferocious as the media would have you believe.

Me: What we've heard? We've seen firsthand. Your fanatics slaughtered people!

Ghira: What is she talking about?

Corsac: Precisely what we came to discuss with you, Your Grace.

Kali soon arrives a little while after, joining up with the rest.

Kali: Is everything alright?

Sun: Wait, you guys seriously don't know?

Ghira: Know what?

Me: The White Fang was at the Fall of Beacon. They attacked innocent people. They were the ones that released Grimm into the school! 

Graphite: They even brought in the Bugster armada there as well... Including the Bugster Grimm.(growling)

There is a brief silence. Fennec makes an innocent, sideways glance at his brother. Ghira slowly turns to face the two White Fang representatives.

Ghira: Is this true?

Fennec: Sadly, Your Grace, it is.

Me: Don't act like you're s—

Ghira: That's enough! Explain yourselves.

Graphite: (slowly peaking at Blake's dad)(Inner thoughts) Wwwwooo... he's far more pissed than Mr Masamune and Johnny Maxima/Gemdeus Machina...

Corsac: Though it pains us to admit, it has become apparent that the Vale branch of the White Fang is no longer operating under orders of High Leader Khan. Rather, they've elected to follow the rule of one Adam Taurus. I believe you're all familiar with the young adept and his... extreme philosophies.

Sun: You know, Beacon wasn't the first time the Fang started shooting up Vale!

Fennec: The High Council had their suspicions of a splinter group, but they could prove nothing until this latest incident.

Me: "Incident"? People are dead!

Corsac: And it is a tragedy.

Fennec: Your Grace, we came to assure you that Brother Taurus and his followers do not represent the will of the White Fang.

Ghira: And how can I be sure of that?

Corsac: We understand if you bear any skepticism towards these claims. The White Fang's tactics are admittedly, more aggressive since you stepped down as High Leader and became Chieftain of Menagerie. But this, this is no way to make our message heard.

Fennec: We have ample documentation from the council meeting, as well as several strategies to apprehend and punish these strays if you care to review them.

Ghira: I will, but another day. I'd like some time to reconnect with my daughter.

Corsac: But of course, Your Grace.

Fennec: We completely understand. 

Fennec then turns to Blake.

Fennec: It was a pleasure to see you again, young Blake.

Corsac: We were saddened when we heard of your departure from the White Fang, but understand if you can no longer support our cause.

Fennec: It is a wearying fight, after all.

Me: Who says I'm done fighting?

Corsac: Hmm... If you ever do wish to return, you need merely come find us.

Fennec: Sister Ilia would be elated.

The brothers suddenly then turn to Graphite as he brought out his weapon right in front of Blake to threaten them.

Graphite's POV:

I unsheathed my weapon as I brought it out right in front of Blake in a defensive way so as to not let them go near her as I threaten them.

Me: Touch her... and you're DEAD!!!

Then, Ghira went in my way to address the two faunuses.

Ghira: Goodbye, gentlemen.

He firmly closes the door on them. Kali moves to stand closer and face her husband.

Sun: So... those guys were creepy.

Ghira: I really don't like you. And I'd like to hear about you dating someone without our knowledge, Blake.

Blake's cheeks flushed a light shade of pink instantly, as she gives Sun a firm look for not holding his tongue about it. 

Me: Sorry I have to do that...

Kali: Oh, it's alright, Black Dragon. You only did that out of self-defense.


3rd Person's POV:

Back at the tavern in Higanbana, the waitress is seen scrubbing the floor. The sound of approaching footsteps cease when a voice addresses her, making the waitress look up, and sees a somewhat psychotic man.

Tyrian: Excuse me. I was hoping you could... help us find someone.

Tyrian laughs maniacally

To be continued....

And that's all, folks! The fifth of the Fourth Volume for our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose. So, if you ladies and gentlemen and other deviants really, really love it, comment down below on the comment section if you want me to try something and make up for it. So, thank you so much for reading this. And if you enjoy it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause' that would be "Muteki" awesome and greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I can improve myself as well.

And,if this happens to be the first literature that you have seen by me, pleaseconsider leaving a watch to become part of "Ride-Player Troopers" (It's what Iprefer to call my watchers) today if you want to see more of the rest of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose insert. Apart from that, thank you so much again forreading this, and I'll see you Ride-Players (readers) on the next episode ofour RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! Until then! See you on the next game! Staylighted up! Stay Frosty! Stay Brave! Be Nice! SEE YA!!!!

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