Volume 4: Momma's Boy

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Hey everyone and WELCOME to the very last and extra episode of the FOURTH VOLUME of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! So, to recap once again, I DO NOT OWN RWBY AND I DO NOT OWN KAMEN RIDER EX-AID!! RWBY is owned by RoosterTeeth and Kamen Rider Ex-Aid is owned by Toei. So, now sit back, enjoy and LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!!!

3rd Person's POV:

It was a normal day in Mistral and it has been days as Shadow aka, Doctor Shadow is currently treating Qrow's injuries after he got poisoned by Tyrian inside the house that our heroes are staying.

Ruby: Is he going to be okay?

Shadow: Certain. The poison is about to be 100% removed. But for now, we have to pray for the best he pulls through to the fullest.... which he is still fighting for that which I can tell.

Qrow: Heh. Speak of a real doctor...

Shadow: Oh hush you....

Ruby giggled a bit at their conversation only for Shadow to silence them soon after.

Shadow: Alright, guys. Settle down. Qrow, you need some rest, so I'd suggest you rest up so that you will be full on energy in a few days.

Qrow: Alright.

Shadow: Come on, Rubes. Let's give him time to rest.

Ruby: Alright.

And with that, both Shadow and Ruby exited the room that Qrow was resting as they are about to walk out of the house.

Ruby: So, where to???

Shadow: Now.... we look for medicine. Tenka has given me the address to where we get it. But from the looks of things, things are gonna be tough when it comes to looking for the house...

Ruby: Yeah... I can see that....

Ruby said as she and Shadow looked at all of the houses right in front of us, some has numbers, and some without, some tall-rise, some lowe-rise.

A few minutes later,


A group of five people were walking through the neighbourhood of Mistral, luggages and bags in hand and on their backs as they mae their way to one of the houses. However, something about these group of people look awfully familiar as they all made their way to a specific house.....

(A/N: Person 1 aka, Surai. Change his clothes colour to entirely blue, black and some areas, white.)

(A/N: Person 2 aka, Viranias. Change the hoodie colour from black to gold.)

(A/N: Person 3 aka, Glocken. Change his armour colour to entirely silver with glowing blue outlines, with his face exposed.)

(A/N: Person 4 aka, Desuro. Change his clothes colour to entirely white with his bone armour covering his entire body.)

(Person 5 aka, Jathar. This is one of his disguises.)

(A/N: This group of 5 people.)

(A/N: This is the house they are making their way towards.)

As they made their way in front of the door of the house, the purple-haired boy soon pressed the doorbell of the house, with it to sound off for someone to respond.

???: I'm coming. Be right there.

They waited for the person to open the door as they began to talk.

Blue-Pink haired girl: So, how long are they going to take until they finish fumigating our secret base that is now infested with a horde of Sadoras, Surai???

Surai (The purple-haired boy aka, Person 1.): I hope it'll be done as soon as possible, Jathar. Although I respect Sadora as a Kaiju but, I loathe them being pests like they are now....

Jathar: Mmmhmm.

Surai: Besides, in the meantime, this will make our perfect temporary base until then.

As he said that, the house door opened to show an elderly lady in her late 80s walking towards the group as she stared at Surai. Then, she suddenly have a shocked look on her face, only for Surai to give her a smile on his face, to everyone's confusion until the elderly lady lunged in and hugged Surai, to Surai's shock.

Elderly lady: My baby!! (Hugs Surai and chuckles with joy)

Surai: ..... mother, pleeeease... Not in front of the henchmen...

Surai whined while his mom delightfully dragged him inside the house, with his group following behind with their things in hand and backs.



Ruby and I were walking through the neighbbourhood, towns and kingdom of Mistral searching for the house that we were suppose to look for but, there's no luck to finding the house we need to go.

Ruby: Are you sure the house is in Mistral???

Me: Well, according to the address, it should be here. So..... let's check out the several pharmacies that are here, Rubes.

Ruby: Hmm. Okay.

And with that, we went to several pharmacies to see if one of them have the medicine just for the job to cure Qrow's injury and poison. However, to our disappointment there isn't any pharmacy that sells that medication.

Me: Man.... this is tough to find, since the pharmacies doesn't sell this particular medicine...

Ruby: Yeah.... at this rate, we'll never get the medication in time.

Me: Hey. Hey... don't worry. Qrow is gonna get batter. We just need to get that medication to wash away the poison and to cure him from his wounds. Alright, babe?

Ruby: (nods).... okay. But, where do we find a pharmacy that sells that medicine???

???: You don't...

When we heard someone spoke up, we looked behind to see a young boy who's now looking at us.

Boy: If you are talking about the medication that can purify ones body from poison well... you don't find it in any pharmacies you went to. It's man-made by her.

When we heard this, Ruby and I looked at each other with confusion and then, looked back at the boy.

Ruby: Her???

Boy: Yeah.

Me: Who and where do we find this "her" and her house that makes that medicine???

Boy: Oh. I'll show you.

So, the boy walked in front of us to lead us the way to the house/pharmacy that sort of makes that medicine we are looking for.


3rd Person's POV:

At the same house,

The usual group of five people have managed to settle inside the Surai's mom's house as they helped out around the house with the house-hold chores, with Jathar helping with the cooking with Surai's mom, Surai and Viranias helping out in cleaning the furniture, Glocken helping with the sweeping and mooping of the floor and Desuro watering the plants and ensuring every antique around the house are clean and tidy.

While everyone was doing household chores, two German Shepards ran towards Surai as they greeted him with barks, knowing that they've been missing him.

Elderly Lady: Now now, Quaza, Jamie. Down. Junior's busy. You may play with him once he's done. Now Junior, you should play with them when you are done. They are missing you, so.

She looked back to talk to his son while chopping of a head of chicken, with one of the German Shepards to catch it with its jaws, eating it, to Surai looking at them while smiling. Then, his expression turned to an aggressive one when his mom called him Junior.

Surai: Ugh...!! Don't call me 'Junior'!!

Elderly Lady: Jaye has a good posture.

She said while raising the chicken that she's gonna cook at Jathar, for him to put the stuffings that are in the bowl inside the chicken itself, stuffing it. Once after Jathar finished stuffing the chicken, the elderly lady placed the chicken back onto the tray, preparing for it to be cooked.

Elderly Lady: Why can't you be more like her. Aaaah! Such a good girl, Jaye.

Jathar: Oh, thank you, Surai's mom.

This irritated Surai more but on the inside, heis laughing at Jathar as his mom is calling Jathar a she.

Surai (Inner Thoughts): Jathar is a HE (laughing) not a SHE... (laughing) Ahem ahem!!! Anyway...

Surai: Jathar is a HE! Not a SHE! He's my henchmen. And i'm an Evil Genius!!! The Leader of the Darkness Five!!!!

Just as he said that, Quaza and Jamie lunged in at Surai and played with him uncontrollably, ripping some parts of his clothes, for him to yell for his mom's aid.


Elderly Lady: (clapping) Quaza, Jamie! Ooouuuut!!!!

As commanded, the two German Shepards ran out of the house as they began to run around, chasing each other once again. Then, the Elderly Lady looks at Surai as she walked up to him and spoke with him, comforting him from his stress.

Elderly Lady: There there, Junior. (Pats Surai's head) I know you are evil. But, the world is such a big place! Even though you have failed and what you want wil not happen, but deep down, you know you have done your best.

Surai: Oh, that 'best' will still keep going, and my plan will still unravel no matter how many times I fail.... because TODAY!!!! It will happen.

Surai walked away from his mom as he continued speaking.

Surai: Just as soon as I capture and defeat Ultraman Zero... (turns and hop repeatedly at one spot angrily in front of his mom) and DON'T CALL ME 'Junior'!!!!!

Elderly Lady: (chuckling) You and your imaginary Ultraman friends. Someday when you grow up, you will have real friends, my sweet Junior.

She said calmly to Surai. Just as she was about to resume with her cooking with Jathar, the doorbell of her house rang, to her surprise that she has more guests coming.

Elderly Lady: Can you get that, Junior???

Surai turned and walked towards the door, as he spoke once more.

Surai: UGH!!!! If I want friends, I would recruit them or maybe, clone or make them, mother!!!!

Just as Surai was about to reach the door, he stopped at his tracks as he stepped on something on the floor. When he looked down, he raised his arms and fists in the air, angrily.

Surai: UGH!!!! YUCK!!!! BAD DOGS!!!! Although I miss you guys but still, BAD DOGS!!!!!!

And with that, he began to hop towards the door, raising his already dirtied feet slightly at 120° with his slightly torn off clothing, caused by his own dogs. As he reached the window to take a peak at who is at the door, his eyes widened to see a red-haired girl and most importantly, a boy with her and something about the boy made him think of something back then.


Surai: Ultraman Zero... this time, your Ultimate Force Zero cannot help you. You are DONE FOR!!!!

Ultraman Zero was about to get defeated by the group known as Darkness Five after they have ambushed him, separating him from his group. Just as they are about to walk towards Zero to deliver the finishing blow,--

???: HEY, YOU!!!

-- a voice boomed out, for everyone to look up to witness a ball of light landing in between them, only to reveal a Humanoid Titan donning armour of Fire and Ice which is of Perfect Knockout based as he gave Surai's group a death stare with his fiery and icy eyes glaring at them lime daggers.

Glocken: WHO ARE YOU?!?!

???: I, am your worst nightmare from another universe. Just passing by.


Surai was shocked to see this boy from before once again, as he smiled behind his scarf in delight as he turned to look at his mom.

Surai: It's him!! It's the boy I was telling you about!! He is the ally to Ultraman Zero!!! And if he's here, that means he has Ultraman Zero with him!!!

And with that said, everyone inside the house witnessed Surai running in circles with joy while hopping around in circles, happily. Then, he soon ran to his group and his mom, pleading for his mom to open the door.

Surai: Answer the door, mother. Please???

Surai pleaded to his mom, in which she stood up from her chair at the kitchen and made her way towards the door.

Elderly Lady: Alright, Junior. Don't need to rush me. You know that I may be slow, but I still can move around, know???

Surai: No WAIT!!!! (Whispering loudly) Darkness Five. We need to hide. Like now!!

And with that, the group rushed up the stairs, but after a while, they all fell down to the first floor, only for Jathar in his disguise form to slide down by via the railing of the stairs. Then, they attempted to run up the stairs again, only for the same process to repeat itself again and for the Elderly Lady to cross her arms while smiling at them, to Surai's annoyance.

After a minute later, the group finally reached the second floor of Surai's house as they pant repeatedly, reliefed that they are finally at the second storey of the house.

Surai: Everything is going, (gasp for air) according to plan.

Viranias: Ummm....??? What plan, exactly???

Surai: Oh, sorry. I just thought of the plan ever since we got here, you see.

Glocken: Oh.....

Desuro: So, what plan did you have that is currently in your mind, Surai???

Surai: Well, basically I happened to have a secret plan, in my old childhood bedroom. There!! We can recruit, create and clone our armada in which they can destroy about every Ultra in the Land of Light, including that Wretched Boy!!

Glocken: Huh. Good plan.

Desuro: Yeah, that must be the best plan yet.

Jathar (Girl's voice): I agree with you.

Viranias: Then let's make our armada, then.

Surai: Thanks, guys. (Points at the door) AHAA!!!! THIS IS MY ROOM!!!

He said as everyone rushed towards the door, with Surai opening his old bedroom door, only to reveal that the whole room is all clean and tidied up, to everyone's shock.

Outside of the house,


We now stand in front of the doorway of the house that the boy led us to, realizing that this is just a normal multi-storey house, not a pharmacy that my teammate stated.

Ruby: I think your teammate has gotten the wrong info.....

Me: Maybe.... he might have been misinformed. But hey, look at the bright side, we found the place. Now all we have to do is to wait for him or her to attend to us.

Ruby: Yep.

As we waited, the door opened to show an elderly lady attending to us, to our confusion as we looked at each other and then back at her.

Ruby: Ummmmm.... hi????

Elderly Lady: Well, Good evening, children. Well... suppose to be good afternoon but I guess it works, too.

Me: Oooookay???? Ummm, we are looking for someone who could make this medicibe to cure poison and heals th--

Elderly Lady: Oh, you are talking about my Herbal Tea and my potions.

Ruby: Ummm, yeah. You make them?

Elderly Lady: Well, I may be old but, I still have it.

??? (Further distant): They are friends of mine.

Then, we notice the elderly lady turning back, shouting at something to speak up.

Elderly Lady: Huh?! What was that, Junior?!?!?!

???: They are friends of mine. --

3rd Person's POV:

Surai is seen at the edge of the wall facing downstairs talking to his mom about his enemies, trying not to be seen by Ruby and most importantly, Shadow.

Surai: -- Invite them in for dinner! Don't tell them I'm here. It's a surprise!

Elderly Lady: Okay! Okay!

And with that settled, the Elderly Lady aka, Surai's mom went back outside to tend to her guests.

A few minutes later,

3rd Person's POV:

Jathar: Not this box.....

Surai: Keep trying!! The equipment for my machine should be here, somewhere!

In Surai's room, Surai, Desuro, Viranias, Glocken and Jathar are looking high and low for an equipment to make or clone kaijus. While they were at it, everyone has been putting stuff to one side which are non-relevent to his objective.

Just as Surai was about to call it quits, Jathar and Desuro opened Surai's closet, to see that his actual equipment are being stashed behind Surai's old stuff including his clothes. So, they decided to pull, place aside and throw them aside, to Surai's shock.

Surai: Desuro!! Jaye! What the heck are y--

Jathar (In disguise) (Girl's voice): You mean this, Surai?

Desuro: We found them stored behind these boxes of hkme clothes, toys and other things which are blocking the way.

Surai: Ah!! Yes!! Excellent work, Desuro and Jaye. Now, we can finally get to creating our army of Kaiju!!

Surai said while walking up and down his room, thinking on what to create or clone.

Surai: However.... what can I create or clone...???

While thinking about what to clone, he suddenly stepped on something once again, causing him to stop at his tracks to look down, only to scream at the top of his voice again like just now when he was about to peek through the window moments ago.

Surai: YYYUCK!!!!!!! BAD DOGS!!!!!! (Turns to face his dogs while summoning my signiture weapon) AAAA-- *

Just he was about to teach his dogs a lesson with his lance, he lowered his arms, weapons and stopped screaming as he looked at his German Shepards.

Quaza and Jamie are seen wagging their tails while looking at Surai happily. This was when, Surai has an idea.

Surai: .... (an idea popped in) wait a second....


3rd Person's POV:

Ruby and Shadow were seen seated at the table waiting for the food to arrive, to which it did when the elderly lady came walking into the dining room to serve them food that she made for them.

Elderly Lady: My son and his friends and his girlfriend are upstairs! They will be down in a minute!

Ruby: Oh sure. Take your time, Mrs.... Uuuuhhh....

Elderly Lady: Oh, just call me Mrs. Surai.

Ruby: Okay then, Mrs Surai.

Ruby replied while taking a bit on the old lady aka, Mrs. Surai's food she's made. To her delight, it tasted good.

Ruby: mmm~ it's really good.

Mrs. Surai: Oh, glad you liked it, sweetie pie.

Shadow: Yeah. (Munching on my food) this is really good. And yes, Mrs. Surai. What of the medicine that I heard of???

Mrs. Surai: Oh yes! I will be right out with it in a form of drinks and food.

Shadow: mmm. Cool. Then, we'll see it once it's ready.

Mrs. Surai: Well, look forward to dem wide smiles on your faces.

She said as she left them to eat the meal Mrs. Surai made for them. As they both eat, they began to talk to themselves about their situation.

Ruby: Well.... this is....

Shadow: Too easy???

Ruby: Tell me about it.

Shadow: (chuckles) Yes! Never knew there is a place and a person who makes that kind of medicine we are looking for.

Ruby: Yeah... it's so fortunate to have her around.

Shadow: mhmm. So, how long till we see the headmaster of Haven??? If you were Ozpin?

Ruby: hmmm.... well,.... I hope as soon as possible.

Shadow: Mm. True.

As they were talking, Mrs. Surai walked in with a huge platter consisting a huge-sized braised herbal chicken in her hands.

Mrs. Surai: one of my dishes, Full-body Herbal Chicken, with the medicine to be the gravey on it.

Shadow & Ruby: wow....

Shadow: this is gonna taste good!

Ruby: Then, let's DIG IN!!!

Just as they were about to dig in, we hear metal noises upstairs, followed by sparks flying around the corridor upstairs, then a huge explosion was heard in one of the rooms upstairs, to everyone's worry as they looked at the ceiling, at the specific direction where the explosion was heard.


Me: Whoa! Who the hell is that?!?!

Mrs. Surai: Oh (chuckling) That is my son, his friends and his girlfriend, Jaye. They've been upstairs doing their nonsensical things like experiments, robot creations and other useful stuff to help around the house.

Me: Experiments????

Ruby finished chewing on a sliced chicken she tried as she began to question.

Ruby: Uuuuuh,.... sorry no offense but,.... who's your son????

Mrs. Surai: His name is Do-

Surai: (Upstairs in my room) Madō no Surai!!!!! (professor maniacal laughter)

Mrs. Surai: Meh. He's not a real Dark Wizard. I'll go get some more of my medicinal food.

She said as she left us be on the table. As if right on queue, five teenagers walked down the stairs to face us, with the first teen heading downstairs first, with purple hair did his laugh. Then, it dawned upon me that something about them and their aura felt and look familiar.

After recalling who they are, my eyes widened to finally realized who they really are.

Me: (whispers) darkness five....

Ruby: (looks at Shadow) huh? What?

Me: Darkness Five. Surai!!

I yelled at the leader of the Darkness Five as he laughed even louder. Soon after five seconds later, he stopped laughing and began to speak.

Surai: I believe you already know my henchmen, Viranias, Glocken, Desuro, and my girlfriend-- wai-- I mean henchmen again, Jay-- wait... no no no no no... I mean uh, Jathar!!! Yes.

Jathar in his disguised form nodded his head.

Surai: And now, it's time for you two to meet m-- wait, where's Ultraman Zero???

Me: uuuuhh,.... he's at the Land of Light.

Surai: Oh. I thought he was in today?

Me: Sorry man. He's up there at the Land of Light. He's currently on a mission. Sorry~

Surai: ..... aaaaaahhh, shucks. Nevermind, this would do, too. NOW!!!!! IT'S TIME FOR YOU BOTH TO MEET MY HELLHOUNDS!!!!!!!!!! WHO ARE NOW MY ARMY OF HELLBEROS!!!!!!!!

He yelled as we heard huge footsteps coming from upstairs heading downstairs towards us. When these two sillouettes made it down, we realized that these two are new Grimm/Kaiju that we have never seen before but what puzzled us the most is that, there are only two. One Hellberos and the other looks like the original hellberos but, it's Grimm.

(A/N: Hellberos (x2). One normal Hellberose and the other Grimm Hellberos.)

Ruby: Ummmmm.... why are there only two of them instead of an army that you said that there will be????

Surai: It's the best I could do in such a short notice.

Ruby & Me: Oh. Right.

Surai: Yes. Now anyway, (Points at them) QUAZA!!! JAMIE!!! FETCH!!!!

As command, Hellberos and Grimm Hellberos charged towards us, but just before they could reach us, Four Eye-Sluggers swooped past us, stopping the Hellberos at their tracks. Then, out of nowhere, a huge portal appeared in front of us with someone appeared to be ascending from the portal.


(A/N: Music starts here.)

As all of us watched the person ascending, I noticed that the person is donning familiar business suit, but this time, it was different. His business suit had Kamen Rider Chronus vibes on it excluding the armour pieces on his chest and the henshin device on his waist, there are some metal plating on his head to store his four Eye-Sluggers, he had a NEO Zero-Eye on his eyes for either shades or Sunglasses to look cool, he had a pair of Zero Twin Swords in hand, and best of all, his outfit is silver with purple, his gauntlets and boots turned silver, his hair turned purple with black tints and is longer (A/N: Long as in Saiyan mode.).

My eyes widened to realize that this dude, isn't any ordinary dude, that guy is a Fusion of Leito and Zero.


The person aka, Leito looked back at me and nodded at me, while giving a thumbs up at me.

Leito (Zero): Long time no see, Shadow. Ruby.

I nod at him. After a second of us nodding at each other later, Zero turned his attention back at Darkness Five and the two Hellberos.

Surai: So it would seem.... you came to the rescue just in time....

Leito (Zero): I finished my dispatch early so, might be a good time to save your bums for a moment. So, you guys picking on my buds again, huh? Then, I shall take your pets all on, then, YOU'RE NEXT!!!!

Surai: QUAZA!!!! JAMIE!!!! FETCH!!!!! (Evil laughter)

Leito (Zero): BRING IT!!!!!!!

And with that, we all watched on as Zero and the two Hellberos charged towards each other, commencing the battle insode the room. Just as they were about to start the battle, we were brought to a halt by the same old lady who served us dinner a few minutes before.

Mrs. Surai: HEY!!!!!

(A/N: Music interrupts here.)

We all stopped at our tracks and looked back and in front of us, at the old lady aka, Surai's mom who is now showing a frown on her face, indicating she is quite angry of the situation that was about to throw down.

Leito (Zero): Uuuuh, Shadow.... who is this???

Me: Uuuuuuuhhh--

Mrs. Surai: Quaza!! Jamie!! (Claps hand) NOOOOOOO!!!! BAD DOGS!!!!

As she said that, we all saw the two Hellberos went on their bellies like usual dogs and lowered their heads whimpering, saddened knowing that they aredoing a wrong deed.

Mrs. Surai: THERE'S NO PLAYING AFTER DINNER!!! (Points at the Dining Table) Now everybody, SIT DOWN!!!!

And with that, we all have our heads lowered as we made our way to the dining room to eat our dinner, passing Mrs. Surai who has her hands on her hips in disappointment.

Me: Yes, Mrs. Surai....

Ruby: Yes, Mrs. Surai....

Surai: Yes, mother....

Members of Darkness Five: Yes, Mrs. Surai....

Leito (Zero): Yes, Mrs. Surai....

After we sat at the dining table, Mrs. Surai made her way to her seat and sat on it. Then, she spoke;

Mrs. Surai: Alright, everybody! Hold hands, and then give thanks!

As instructed, everyone held hands awkwardly, knowing that we are arch enemies, fighting each other for like many many years now.

Mrs. Surai: Junior?

Surai: (Whispers silently) Mother! I told you not to call me that!

Mrs. Surai: .... Whatever you say, Junior! Now, give thanks!

Surai: Very well.

And with that, Surai began to give thanks with a spotlight shining and sparkling on him only.

Surai: OH, GREAT ONE!!!!! Thank you, for the enemeis and Ultraman Belial, that you've all brought before me~ and especially for, Ultraman Zero~! In which to your infinite wisdom, you have bestowed on me also~

Surai said as grace while reaching out to Ultraman Zero while our eyes are closed as we are in the middle of giving thanks, but to no avail as his mom wield a Sledgehammer and slammed it onto his hand, causing him to scream in pain.

Surai: AAAAAAAHH!!!!!!!!! MY HAND!!!!!!!!!

Mrs. Surai: Where's your manners, Junior?!

Mrs. Surai lectured.

Mrs. Surai: Now, who wants my special herbal tea, mixed with the medicine that can cure poison, and some mashed potato mixed with my special secret gravey.

Surai: You mean the one that you have been giving me? Me, mother! Me~!

Mrs. Surai: Alright Junior. You may have some. Then pass it to your friends! Sharing is caring, Junior. Come now, (looks at Shadow) Have some.

Me: Alright. Thanks.

And with that, everyone began to eat the food that Mrs. Surai fished out for us to eat. With Surai politefully passing one dish to me, in which I began to serve myself some food, followed by me passing it over to Mrs. Surai. Then, she served herself some food and passed it to Ruby for her to serve herself, along with Zero, Viranias, Glocken, Desuro, Quaza, Jamie and Jathar.

3rd Person's POV:

While everyone was eating, without Mrs. Surai looking at them, everyone had their eyes staring at each other to see if anyone is about to make their move while eating.

While everyone is staring at each other, Mrs. Surai stood up as she rushed into the kitchen.

Mrs. Surai: Oh yes! My pie. I will be right back! I'mma fish out my pie for you all to eat. So, be nice and enjoy your dinner!


(A/N: Food Fight Music starts here.)

She implied to everyone in the dining room as she took her leave to grab her pie that she's baking in the oven. As soon as she is nowhere in sight,--

Surai: FOO--


Surai: Oh. Ahem ahem!! (Whispers) Food Fi-- AAAAAAAAAAAHH!!!!!!!!!!!!

Surai screamed as he got hit and splattered by a huge bowl of Mashed Patato as our food battle commenced.

Everyone threw the food that was served on the table at each other, with each dish swooped past or splatter on the heroes and/or their enemies. The two Hellberos however, were going head-to-head with Zero wielding his dual weapons, Ruby fought against Jathar in his disguised form as they both wield the similar weapons, clashing against each other "with one minor difference", and Shadow was just simply throwing food at the rest of the members of Darkness Five with them doing the similar thing to Shadow.

While they were throwing food at each other and slice-n-dicing each other with their weapons or claws, they suddenly stop when- 

(A/N: Food Fight Music interrupts here.)

-they hear Mrs. Surai from the kitchen, heading her way towards the Dining Room. They looked at each other with panic look on their faces as they tidied the room, clean the dishes and place the food back on the dish-plates. Then, Shadow used the PANDORA Gauntlet to rewind time, to the time that our dishes are not contaminated by germs on the floor and on them, to everyone's relief.

Surai: (Whispers) Good to be cautious.

Shadow: (Whispers) I know....

Shadow replied while secretly removing the gauntlet back inside his bag. Then, everyone sees Mrs. Surai walking out from the kitchen with her delicious pie which smelt really good to what everyone could agree.

Mrs. Surai: (Places pie on the table) Is everybody enjoying their dinner???

All: (Stuffed Voice due to food) Yes, Mrs. Surai.

Mrs. Surai: Oh, that's great. Don't talk with your mouth full or you'll choke.

All: (nods)

Mrs. Surai: Oh! I forgot my Unagi.

She then walks back into the kitchen to fetch her Unagi dish.


As we watched her return back into the kitchen to prep her Unagi dish,- 

(A/N: Food Fight Music resumes here.)

-we returned to our food fight and combat. Just as Surai was about to pounce at Zero after jumping on the table and running towards him, I threw a bowl of mashed potato at him in the face, interrupting his surprise attack.

Then, Ruby and Jathar resumed their scythe combat against each other with Desuro helping Jathar by launching fireballs at Ruby, but to no avail as Ruby kept slicing, spinning and blocking his projectiles to counter his attack while dealing with Jathar in his girl disguise form.

The battle continues with Leito aka, Ultraman Zero resumed fighting against the two Hellberos with the remaining members of Darkness Five. Just as Viranius was about to grab Zero's arms by using his summoned crab-like arms, Zero dodged it and instead of grabbing him, he grabbed Glocken's leg, pinching it so hard at the process as one of Hellberos' tail was in the way, causing Viranius to trip and catch Glocken's leg, causing Glocken's face to turn red while flinching and in the process, Glocken dropped his sword.

(A/N: Food Fight Music interrupts here.)

Then, Glocken he slowly place his two fingers in his mouth and whistled to everyone to stop fighting first. We looked at Glocken in confusion while noticing his face is red, turning into purple any moment. We watched Glocken release Viranius' grip off his leg as he walked towards the kitchen. We took a peak when we noticed him placing earmuffs on Mrs. Surai's ears, and then walking back out to face us and his comrades.



(A/N: Refer to 2:07 - 2:08 for the time Glocken placed a pair of earmuffs on Mrs. Surai's ears in secret and 2:09 - 2:12 for the scream.)

He screamed at the top of his voice, to our shock. Then, I sarcastically asked.

Me: Y-you okay, now??? Ready to continue???

Glocken: (inhales) yes, now I am.

(A/N: Food Fight Music resumes here.)

He said as he blew a cold mist in the kitchen, blowing the earmuffs off Mrs. Surai's ears. And with that, we resumed the fight to where we left off, carefully and cautiously not to attract Mrs. Surai's attention with any noises.

A few minutes later,

It has been a few minutes now and we were still having our food fight and for some, they were still battling it out. Then, the two Hellberos launched their Spike Projectile and Grimm Spike Projectile as Zero, only for Zero to backflip away, dodging them. Due to the numerous number of projectiles, striking the floor, this caused Mrs. Surai who is getting ready her other dish onto the platter.

Just as every single one of us are about to launch our beams,-

(A/N: Food Fight Music interrupts here.)

-we heard Mrs. Surai coming out to tend to us once again with her dishes. So, we did the same process whereby everything was cleaner before the fight and food fight happened, and despite our battle injuries, we dash and flashed back to our places on the table as we waited for our next dish to be served.

3rd Person's POV:

Shadow and Surai's allies watched Mrs. Surai stopped in front of the dining table, placing two dishes on the table.

Mrs. Surai: Here now, children. My Unagi dish and a platter of chocolate chip cookies with some special sauce for you all to dip in. There is plenty for everyone, children!

Mrs. Surai implied.

And with that, everyone helped themselves with the food as they resumed eating. While everyone is eating, Mrs. Surai accidentally dropped her wooden spoon onto the floor that she had to slowly lean downwards to retrieve her wooden spoon.

While she is trying to retrieve her wooden spoon on the floor, Shadow, Ruby, Zero, Hellberos and Grimm Hellberos, and Darkness Five resumed fighting with their fists, weapons and their food that they're being served. A few seconds later after Mrs. Surai retrieved her Wooden Spoon and stood back up slowly, everyone returned to their sitting positions with the food still on the table, thanks to the power of the stones and our speed again. (A/N: XD XD.)

While Mrs. Surai is eating her food, everyone had their dagger eyes looking at each other, menacingly like as if we are about to fight to the death. As everyone are staring at one another, Shadow whispered to Ruby and Zero.

Shadow (whispering): Uuuuuuhh, guys..... I think it's time we get out of here....

Surai: No, you can't go. We haven't got to my roo-- uh uh I mean.... We haven't had our pie.

Surai said in a kind way to cease the suspicion he was about to make.

Ruby (whispering): He's right, Shadow. We haven't even tried her cookies yet. And also, we haven't gotten the cure from her....

She whispered to Shadow while eyeing on the pie and the cookies.

Shadow (whispering): Okay, point made but, Darkness Five are planning something so for now we have to retre-


(A/N: Food Fight Music resumes here.)


I heard Surai ordered Darkness Five to cease us. So, with not a second wasted, we scattered ourselves around the room having our weapons locked and loaded, ready to shoot.

After loading our weapons and Darkness Five along with the two Hellberos readied their moves and weapons, we advanced towards each other and once again, resumed our combat but this time, it was personal.


Leito (Zero): ALRIGHT!!!!

He showed his Aegis Brace as it began to glow brightly in the dining room. When Darkness Five saw the light illuminating the room, Surai knew one thing that is gonna happen.


And with that, the five members of Darkness Five and the two Hellberos launched their attacks at the Light, only for Zero to deal no damage at all as when the light dims, a weapon/shield appeared before Zero.

Leito (Zero): Surai, if you think I'm reverting back to my zero form to form up with Aegis, well you're wrong. Now that I have assembled all six special armaments! All six pieces of the puzzle!

Zero implied as the shield/weapon separated into six pieces, forming themselves onto Zero Beyond as armour.

Leito (Zero): I am Zero, Ultimate Ultraman Zero Beyond!!

Leito (In Zero's mind): Uuuh, Zero? Is this form new?

Leito (Zero): Yeah. Right now, I feel like I can go beyond my limits with this armour on.

Leito (In Zero's mind): Well, glad to hear it but..... let's be careful with them, okay?

Leito (Zero): i know. So, LET'S GO, LEITO!!!!

Leito (In Zero's mind): YEAH!!

Me: Zero! Let's take them down!

Leito (Zero): Yeah!

Me: Ruby!

Ruby: Ready!!


And with that, Darkness Five revealed their alien forms except for Jathar-

(A/N: Darkness Five's true form. Jathar's true form will come after.)

-as he is doing just fine with his weapon in her disguised form. Then, Zero leaped to deal with the two Hellberos, Glocken and Desuro with his new form with the aid of Ultimate Aegis, Ruby used her semblance as she began to resume her scythe to scythe combat against Jathar's disguised form and I tranformed into my Winter Maiden form to resume my fight with Surai and Viranius.

Every single one of us began to fight serious, causing every part of the house to take damage, to Mrs. Surai's horror.

3rd Person's POV:

Mrs. Surai: (sighs) Everytime my son and his friends get into a fight like this.... I'm always the old hag to take care of this and to stop the fight. Oh well, then. It's my job after all. Time to get my Scythe-like sickle.

Mrs. Surai said to herself as she slowly made her way to her bedroom upstairs. To grab something from her room.

Back to my POV:

Meanwhile we kept fighting, breaking a lot of furniture, vases, pots of flowers and anything that stood in our way, we even set some areas on the house on fire.

Surai: I may have almost defeated Ultraman Zero!! But it will be the first, to defeat an ally to Ultraman Zero who has the POWER, OF WINTER!!!!!!!

Me: That will never happen, Surai!!!!

Just as we are about to clash blades with each other, Viranius jumped in to attempt to clamp me down to give Surai a fighting chance, but to no avail when I blink, causing time to slow down a bit, for me to push Viranius aside. Then, I blink again for time to resume flowing for Viranius to fly through the wall and for Surai and I to clash our weapons again, and again, and again repeatedly.

Meanwhile, Zero fought hard against the two Hellberos, Glocken and Desuro with Glocken breathing his icy breathe, Desuro to blast fireballs and the two hellberos to launch their Hell Slashes at Zero with Ultimate Ultraman Zero Beyond to do his fusion attack of Ultimate Zero Sword and Zero Hundred-Fierce Punch, combined to deflect their every attacks by the Ultimate Aegis Blade.

Ruby and Jathar are still at it with their scythe combat as Jathar gave her a swipe with her scythe, but to no avail by clashing his/her scythe with Crescent Rose, followed by Ruby shooting herself upwards and backwards in mid-air making Jathar to lose his/her Scythe, giving Ruby a chance to shoot Jathar in the head but to no avail as Jathar used his manipulation abilities to conjour another scythe in his/her hand and blocked Ruby's projectile that was about to hit his/her head.

Back to our fight against Surai and Viranius, I clashed blades and mandible claw-like pincers with them as the three of us are showing no signs of holding back.

Me: You are not going to defeat my pal, Zero!! Not now, NOT EVER!!!!

Surai: Oh, we will!! Even if it means taking you down first!! Viranius!!!!

Viranius: ON IT!!!!

Viranius implied as he broke out of the clash and aimed his pincer arms directly at me as he was about to launch his Ultra Brother Finisher Ray, an Anti-Ultra Beam that was used against the Ultra Brothers and a few other Ultras that he has faced before.

I took noticed and broke the clash with Surai as I used Parablade to knock Viranius's pincers in the air, causing him to strike the ceiling, for the rubble from the ceiling to fall upon him.

Me: Now I know why I love keeping you as my weapon!! (Kisses Parablade)

After kissing my weapon, I transform my weapon into its axe form as the gunpoint swapped over to its axe-point, with its bit extending itself bigger and sharper, and it's haft extending longer, along with Surai extending his weapon on his right arm a little longer as we both clashed weapons at each other.

However, just before we could even clash our weapons, someone grabbed my weapon with its bare hand by the handle and Surai's lance-like weapon by her weapon's blade which turned out to be a scythe, to our shock and our confusion. When we looked at who grabbed our weapons, that's when everyone as in the members of the Darkness Five stopped to look in shock.

(A/N: Food Fight Music ends here.)

(A/N: Alien Mefilas Sickle.)


(A/N: Music starts here.)

Viranius, Glocken, Jathar & Desuro: S-S-Sicklu Mefilasu Seijin-Sama?!?!?!

3rd Person's POV:

Darkness Five revert back to their human disguise forms as they watched on as they were shocked to see Alien Mefilas Sickle grabbing Shadow and Surai's weapons like as if it was nothing.

Surai: S-s-s-s-sicklu Mefilasu-Sama?? From the Guild Guard?!?!?! But how?!?!?!?! We thought that you were dead?

Then, the said Sickle Alien Mefilas looked at Surai turned to look at him.

Alien Mefilas Sickle: That's what I want them to think! So, Surai..... why the fuck are you fighting with our guest.... AND WRECKING EVERYTHING IN THE HOUSE AS IF YOU OWN THIS HOUSE?!?!?!?

Surai: WAIT!!!!! MOTHER!?!?!?!?!?!

Members of Darkness Five: WAIT?!?!? SHE'S YOUR MOM?!?!?!?!

Shadow, Zero and Ruby looked at each other with confused looks in their faces.

Leito (Zero): What.... is going on????

Ruby: No.... clue... you?

Shadow: I am so confused as you both are....

Alien Mefilas Sickle took notice of their conversation and looked at Shadow.

Alien Mefilas Sickle: Oh don't get too confused, child~ Mefilas Sickle.

Shadow: Oh (nods). Shadow Wrath.... y-you look beautiful.... radiant..... and extremely young.... for a old lady...

Alien Mefilas Sickle: I'll take that as a compliment... Now, Shadow. Nothing personal but.... you and your friends, too wrecked my house with them in a fight~

Shadow looked around and knew that he and his friends, and Darkness Five fucked up so badly.

Shadow: yeah.... sorry about that, miss....

Alien Mefilas Sickle: Forgiven yet still.... this behaviour will not be left forGOTTEN!!!!!!

She yelled at the last last word as she used her power to repel us at different directions, causing us to create a huge hole on the walls upon impact, with Darkness Five tending to Surai and, with Zero and Ruby to tend with Shadow.


Jathar: Not when I take you down first!!!


But, it was too late as Jathar in his disguised form flew towards one of the members of the Guild Guard as he/she swipped his/her scythe at Mefilas Sickle, but to no avail as Mefilas Sickle managed to somehow block Jathar's scythe attack by using a sword that Darkness Five knew of as she swiped Jathar's sword away and swipe her scythe at Jathar, rendering his disguise while flying backwards through the wall and through other houses next to the one everyone are in.

(A/N: Djent's Sword.)

Surai: ................. fly further away in great distances.....

Glocken: Wait... Isn't that sword belonging to--

Alien Mefilas Sickle: That's right. This sword was given to me by Mefilas Djent. After a comrade of mine took over as head of the Guild Guard due to my retirement, Djent gave this sword to me as a gift.

Desuro: Lucky bitch....

Alien Mefilas Sickle: I heard that!!!!

Desuro: sorry....

Alien Mefilas Sickle: Now, let's get down to business....

Viranius yelled while charging with his pincers at the ready as he began to launch his Anti-Ultra Beam at her, but to no avail as Mefilas Sickle twirled her scythe round-n-round with great speed, deflecting Viranius's attack while slowly walking towards him, to everyone's shock.

Just as Viranius was about to bring his beams to full power, Mefilas Sickle used his sword and slashed Viranius away causing him to be thrown out of the house. Then, Desuro launched tonnes of fireballs by using his semblance as they went straight towards Mefilas Sickle, but she deflected them all by using her sickle, causing the fireballs to strike Desuro out of the house.

Every member of Darkness Five tired to fight back, but Mefilas Sickle was just too powerful that she managed to defeat them all, including her pets as well due to their loyalty to the Darkness Five. Then, Mefilas Sickle turned her attention to Ruby, Zero and Shadow.

Leito (Zero): Alien Mefilas Sickle.... she's really that strong....

Ruby: Yeah.... Shadow???

Shadow: Let's give it our all....

Ruby: Blizzard Aegis Flower!! 

Zero then wields Ultimate Aegis Armour in its bow form, Ruby thust Crescent Rose onto the ground as she's ready to fire her sniper round, and I readied my Winter Maiden Powers as I aim Winter's Glare at Mefilas Sickle.

Shadow: You sicken me..... FIRE!!!!

The trio then launched their attacks with the Aegis weapon zooming towards Mefilas Sickle first along with a sniper round with rose petals and an ice beam following behind as they all merged together into one attack as it struck Mefilas Sickle.

(A/N: Music pauses here.)

Just as they got her, they looked in shock to see that Mefilas Sickle managed to use her sword to stop Ultimate Aegis from landing a combo hit on her as she swung her sword for the Aegis to fly back at them, for Zero to have managed to grab it just in time before it create a hole on Mrs. Surai's wall.

(A/N: Music resumes here.)

Leito (Zero): Seriously?!

Leito (In Zero's mind): How is that she's strong?!

Leito (Zero): Don't know... I never fought with her before...

Ruby: She's powerful than ten Megoliaths....

Shadow: Yeah.... tell me about it....

Leito (Zero): So, UltraInfinity-san..... options???

Ruby: Yeah....

Shadow: ..... There is only one.... (I look at the both of you) Rubes, Zero.... I will grab the medication. You get help.... I will take care of the Old Lady who transformed into a chick for a old lady.

Ruby and Zero nod as they ran out of the house to get help. 


I looked at Mefilas Sickle as I disarmed myself. Then, Mefilas Sickle unarmed herself, too. I soon don my defense stance with Mefilas Sickle donning the same thing.

Alien Mefilas Sickle: Are you ready?

Me: You have no idea what I'm capable of....

Alien Mefilas Sickle: I can see that. But let's see how capable you are~

Me: GLADLY!!!!!!

I then switch to my attack stance as I pounced towards her, delivering my power punch at her, only to have my power punch to be grabbed by her as she charged a pulse at me, throwing me back, but I managed to backflip back up on my feet.

After I managed to het back on my feet, I see Mefilas Sickle launching her Pair Hand Ray at me, only for it to be deflected by my Lightning Powers that Amber gave me with her Fall Maiden powers which somehow as powerful as Mefilas Sickle's Ray as our lightning rays clashed with each other.

While we clashed our beam-like lightning at each other, our beams then blow up in sparks of lightning as we both advanced at each other, delivering blow after blow, punch after punch, kick after kick and attack after attack at each other.

Then, I shot out my hand to blast a fire beam at her, only to be deflected and for my wrist to be grabbed by Mefilas Sickle. I looked Sickle as she flung me to the kitchen,only for me to be extra careful by holding onto a corner of a stove, while doing a hand stand. 

(A/N: Music ends here.)

After doing that hand stand to save the trouble from wrecking the kitchen, I looked at Sickle eye-to-eye and while doing so, I secretly slot something on my belt and Sickle took notice of it.

Alien Mefilas Sickle: You're up to something, boy~ Tell me, child~

Surai and Glocken tried to slash her with their blades, but to no avail as somehow, she managed to catch them by surprise by grabbing their blades with her bare hand and pulse them out of the house.

Alien Mefilas Sickle: Come, child~ What are you up to~?

Me: Nothing for you to know but for me to know only.

I said as I watched Viranius, Desuro and the two Hellberoses surrounds Sickle as they readied to attack as well.

Me: Let's do this.... SHADOW! SHINOBI... HENSHIN!!!!!!

Gachan! Level Up! Makimaki! Tatsumaki! Hurricane Ninja!

(A/N: Kamen Rider Fuma.)


(A/N: Music starts here.)

After transforming, I leaped out of the kitchen and ended up landing in front of Mefilas Sickle. Then, my eye-visors glowed in a blink as ten Ninja-Players appeared out of nowhere from a poof from smokebombs blowing up out of nowhere as they all surround everyone of us.

(A/N: Ninja-Players.)

Me: You ten, take care of the remaining members of Darkness Five and the those Hounds.... The lady's mine....

The Ninja-Players nod as they pulled their enemies away from us as they fought outside, causing Viranius and Surai to join their fight as well after they recuperated from being thrown out of the house. Meanwhile in the house, I wield my Fuma Sōzantō and Sickle wields her Scythe and her Sword as we readied to strike.

Then, our armed combat began as we began to slice and dice, clashing our weapons with every slash causing sparks to to form with every slash and clash. While slashing and clashing our blades with each other, we made our way upstairs slashing some furniture and some doors leading to some of the bedroom, vacant to be occupied. We then clashed our weapons hard till our weapons locked with more sparks emitting from the lock.

We locked weapons for a minute while we kept grunting. Knowing that I must rap things up fast, I jumped and land my foot on the locked weapons as I did a strong kick to break away from the lock clash as I flew to the other end of the room as I removed Hurricane Ninja Gashat from the Game-Driver and insert it into the Kimewaza Slot as I don my finisher.


I readied myself as I don my finishing move.

Alien Mefilas Sickle (Inner Thoughts): He's more formidable than any other individuals I fought before....

Me: Prepare yourself, Mefilas Sickle!!

Alien Mefilas Sickle: Oh, I intend to!!

I pressed a button on the holder as my finisher activates


I was about to spin my Fuma Sōzantō to don my tornado-like slash but instead, I placed my oth my blades at my waistline as if sheathing both of my blades away as I slowly leaned forward, then quickly draws both of them at once with the same tornado-like slash to spew out from my blades and dashed forward, slicing through Sickle. After unleashing my finisher on her, I land on the floor ending up stopping right where we got off those stairs after we made our way up here during the clash.

I mysteriously nod to myself as I looked up at nothing while my eyes glowed emerald green with a huge green fire streak on my right eye.

Me: (Smirks) Himitsu no ninja āto - Asuka no Nitō Ryōzan.... (Looks up) Asuka.... Watashi ni kono tsuyo-sa o ataete kurete arigatō... Dō iu wake ka...

I said as my fire streak disappeared with me coming back to my senses with me blinking my eyes twice as I'm at the edge of the stairs with my Hurricane Ninja form automatically deactivating by itself, to my shock.

(A/N: Music ends here.)

Me: This..... will be the time that every part of me will start to hurt, is it...????


Me: ooooooooohh.............

I said as I tumble down the flight of steps as I reached the floor. Just as my face was about to land on the floor, my face landed on something metallic. I slowly opened up my eyes and looked up to see Mefilas Sickle holding her sword given to her by Mefilas Djent as she saved me from being knocked out when I completely land on the ground, hitting my head which fortunately didn't happen.

Me: Mefilas Sickle....

Alien Mefilas Sickle: You need something from me, yes?

Me: (nods)

Alien Mefilas Sickle: Well,.... not bad for a human. You really did earn my medication after all~ I'll be with you in a moment. I'm going to fetch my ingredients so that you may lead me to your patient later on once I have them.

She said as she reverted back to her Old-Hagged state as she made her way to the kitchen to grab her ingredients. I smiled at the fact that I finally managed to get what I require. I looked out side of the house to see the Four members of Darkness Five being beaten to a pulp with the pair of Hellberos still standing as I got back up on my two feet.

3rd Person's POV:

Shadow then sat on a damaged and burnt sofa as he waited for Mrs. Surai to grab her essential items so they can make their way to the house Shadow's group are living in. While waiting, Shadow heard someone's zipper is being unzipped. He turned back to see that a crack was formed and Kouta in his overlord mode emerged from the Crack along with Ruby and Leito (Zero) along with Jathar being dragged out from the crack.

???: Oh no!!! Mrs. Surai?!?!

Mrs. Surai: Right here, Overlord Kouta, I'm fine.

Shadow: ???? You know each other???

Kouta: I've been her patient since she found me badly wounded.

Shadow: Ohhhhh....

Ruby: I see....

Leito (Zero): Okay, now that's cool

Shadow: Cool, and Jathar flew that far to our house???

Kouta: Yup.

Shadow: oooooohhh....

Kouta: SO!!!

Kouta places his hands on his hips.

Kouta: What happened and what are you, Ruby and Zero doing here???

Shadow looked at Ruby as he sighed in defeat.

Shadow: Fine..... Well, Zero wasn't here yet so technically Ruby and I were here first.... So, here is what happened.... really....

a few minutes of explaining later,

Kouta: I see...

Mrs. Surai: It's alright, Overlord. I fogave them and my baby, and his friends, too. Now, if we are done, I would like to see his patient.

Shadow: Oh yes. Are your things ready?

Mrs. Surai: (Nods)

Ruby: Then, let's go.

Outside the house,


We emerge from Mrs. Surai's house as she went in front of Surai aka, Junior.

Mrs. Surai: Alright, junior. You, your group and your girlfriend come along. We are gonna have dinner.

Surai: Yes, mother.... and pleaase.... don't call me junior....

And with that, everyone made their way back to the house with Mrs. Surai, the two Hellberos and Darkness Five, considering Darkness Five have now submitted to Mrs. Surai knowing that if they step out of line again, they get the scythe and the sword. As we left, Mrs. Surai noticed something.

Mrs. Surai: I noticed Mr. Kouta isn't with us.

Me: Oh he? He's got some..... business to tend to. 

Mrs. Surai: Ah, I see. So he disappeared to settle his things. He and his disappearing tricks... So, predictable.

Me: Yeah. heheheh.


Me: So, where did you find him, Rubes?

Ruby: I was just about to reach our house until he showed up in front of me out of nowhere. I told him what happened and here we are. By the way, this is Hyoudo Kouta.

Me: Is he now?

I said as I went up to him.

Me: Shadow, Shadow Wrath. Thanks for dropping in.

??? (Hyoudou): No problem. I'm around when anyone needs me.

Hyoudou replied.

Me: Cool.

Mrs. Surai: Alright, junior. You, your group and your girlfriend come along. We are gonna have dinner.

Me: Hmmm... Hey, Rubes. Why don't you lead her the way back to our house. I'll catch up after Hyoudou and I talk.

Ruby: You betcha.

Ruby implied, leaving the house as she began to show the group the way back to the house we are staying temporarily.

??? (Hyoudou): You got a good friend in her, and your comrade outside.

Me: Zero and Rubes. Yeah. Including you.

??? (Hyoudou): Huh?

Hyoudou looked at me with a puzzled look on his face.

Me: You came with Rubes to try and access the situation. So, an ally against the evil forces is an ally to me. As after all, i'm impressed with the nature manipulation you just threw at some of the baddies we were trying to stop.

??? (Hyoudou): I see. Thanks. And by the way, we're already friends.

He implied.

I looked in confusion, not knowing exactly what he meant.

Me: Uuuummmmm.... i'm sorry. What do you mean we are already friends? I just know you.

??? (Hyoudou): And I know your father.

Me: Wait, wha-

??? (Hyoudou): Here.

He said as he fished out a photo for me to take a closer look. I see a team in a photo. Two unknown people and two others I know of. Two of which was my father and him with a Specific Driver which turns him into a Rider that is god-like. Then, several memories of what Tenka told me about his dad came back to me until it all make sense now. 

Then, Hyoudou, or so his name is called, placed the photo back into his pocket, only to see me with my eyes widened, realizing who he really is and his real name.

Me: You're..... my Teammate's dad. Tenka's dad. Your real name,... Kouta Kazuraba of Team-

Kouta: Team APEX.

Me: Whoa.... and thatmeans you're.... You're Kamen Rider gaim-san. That explains the vines and Mrs. Surai calling you an overlord. Neat.

Kouta: Indeed, you are correct.

Me: But.... I... don't understand..... Tenka.... well.... your people to what Tenka said that yo-

Kouta: That case was.... overly exaggurated. I managed to escape Salem's associates' blast by "zipping" myself elsewhere, which ended up me being in this house. That's how I met Mrs. Surai. 

Me: Whoa.... you can travel thatfar, from that?

Kouta: Yep. 

Kouta replied.

Kouta: I must get going. I have more people to protect in this world in the darkness.

He said as he opened an opening to another dimension as he ented it.

Me: Wait!! Don't you want to see Tenka,... your son again?

I asked for Kouta to stop and pause for a moment to think about this.

Kouta: Don't worry, Shadow. In due time, I will see him and reunite with him once again. But for now, now it's not the time.... for now, he's not ready. Promise me, until then, we keepour meet-up a secret until he and I are reunited once again. Understood?


I looked back at saw him again, waving at me, for me to wave back. After which, we went to our separate ways, for now until he shows himself again, when, that is for Kouta to decide.

A few minutes later and after treating Qrow with the cure and medication he needs,

3rd Person's POV:

Team RNJR, STRM, Leito (Zero), Darkness Five, the two Hellberos and the two Huntsmen are seen seated at the table as Mrs. Surai came out with the last dishes she's cooked.

Mrs. Surai: Alright, laides and gentlemen. Here we go.

Apollonir: Thank you for the food and for the cure, madame.

Qrow: Yeah. Thanks.

Mrs. Surai: Oh no problem, gentlmen (Sits down beside Surai)

Apollonir: Well, there's nothing like sharing a wonderful meal with friends and new friends. Right, son?

Shadow giggled sarcastically as he had a nervous look on my face but, he decided to go with the flow since his dad is here and he wouldn't want to be a bad example to his love that is Ruby Rose.

Shadow: Heheh... Yeah, dad. Friends and new friends.


Surai yelled in delight as he was about to use his hand and reached out to grab a piece of chicken wing, but was stopped when Mrs. Surai hits her own son with a huge wooden spoon many times to stop him from using his hands, for his head to hurt and for us to laugh at the situation.

As everyone laughed, Shadow looked out at the window as he nodded to himself.

Shadow (Inner Thoughts): Understood, Kamen Rider Gaim-san... until that day, this will be between us, for now.

End of Volume 4.

And that's all, folks! The very last and extra episode of the Fourth Volume for our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose. So, If you ladies and gentlemen and other deviants really, really love it, comment down below on the comment section if you want me to try something and make up for it. So, thank you so much for reading this. And if you enjoy it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause' that would be "Muteki" awesome and greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I can improve myself as well.

And, if this happens to be the first literature that you have seen by me, please consider leaving a watch to become part of "Ride-Player Troopers" (It's what I prefer to call my watchers) today if you want to see more of the rest of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose insert. Apart from that, thank you so much again for reading this, and I'll see you Ride-Players (readers) on the next episode of our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! Until then! See you on the next game! Stay lighted up! Stay Frosty! Stay Brave! Be Nice! SEE YA!!!!

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