Volume 4: Punished

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Hey everyone! WELCOME to the seventh episode of the FOURTH VOLUME of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! So, to recap once again, I DO NOT OWN RWBY AND I DO NOT OWN KAMEN RIDER EX-AID!! RWBY is owned by RoosterTeeth and Kamen Rider Ex-Aid is owned by Toei. So, now sit back, enjoy and LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!!!


*Shoots at the gong until it hits gong real hard*

Weiss' POV:

I am seen seated on my bed with my head bowed and my hands folded on my lap. My father, Jacques, pacing in front of me.

Jacques: Unbelievable. Absolutely unbelievable.

Jacques suddenly stops, then turns and points at me.

Jacques: Do you have any idea what your stunt cost us?

Me: I—

Jacques:  And don't think I'm just talking about Lien here! Our reputation! Our... our...

Jacques sighs angrily and holds his head, unable to come up with the words to finish expressing the gravity of her mistake. I waited for a moment before speaking.

Me: I want to leave.

Jacques: I beg your pardon?

Me: I said I want to leave. I don't want to stay here anymore. I don't want to stay in Atlas anymore!

Jacques: Young lady, I don't give a damn about what you want! This isn't about you. This is about the Schnee family name and your apparent insistence on dragging it through the mud!

Me: I have done nothing but fight to uphold the honor of my family name, a name that you married into!

Jacques slaps me hard on my left cheek, sending my head to the side as I gasps in reaction. I place my hand on my slapped cheek and turns to face my father, looking at him a little incredulously as I lowered my hand. He looks right back at me, unrepentant. When he begins speaking again, his voice suddenly sounds calm yet intimidating.

Jacques: This behavior of yours is incredibly disappointing. You couldn't possibly understand the lengths I've gone to in order to keep this family where it is. You think running off like your sister is going to make the Schnee name stronger? You're wrong. Siding with her only divides us. And siding with Skylar will only ruin the family reputation.

Me: I'm not siding with anyone. I'm siding with Sky because I know that he was not behind the attack. I'm doing what I feel is right, and that does not include wasting my time up here...

Jacques walks away, rolling his eyes as his daughter finishes her rant.

Me: ...with these clueless people in Atlas. The Schnee family legacy isn't yours to leave. It's mine, and I'll do it as a Huntress.

Jacques stops and slowly turns to face me again. As he speaks, he moves to stand in front of his daughter, peering down upon me.

Jacques: No... you won't. You're not leaving Atlas. You're not to leave the manor grounds unless I specifically allow it. You are going to remain here, out of sight and out of trouble, until you and I come to an agreement on your future.

Me: What?!

Jacques: Your presupposition that you can simply have whatever it is you want is a clear sign of our failure as parents. But from now on, I'll be giving you the full attention you require, starting by keeping you where I can see you.

With that, Jacques turns once more and walks away.

Me: You can't just keep me from leaving! You can't just... forbid me from seeing the only friend I have in these place!

Again, he stops and turns to look at me.

Jacques: I can, and the staff here will make sure of it.

Me: So now I'm just your prisoner?!

Jacques: You are my daughter. You're a child, and children are grounded when they misbehave.

He walks away, and this time, he continues walking even while his daughter speaks.

Me: This is only going to make things worse, Father. People will ask questions! They'll want to know why the heiress to the Schnee Dust Company is suddenly nowhere to be found!

Her father stops in front of the door and faces me once again.

Jacques: Which is why you are no longer the heiress to the Schnee Dust Company.

I took a step back, stunned. 

Me: Excuse me?

Jacques: Clearly, the trauma you endured at the fall of Beacon was too much for you. Which is why you've generally revoked your claim to the company and its earnings and passed it on to your brother Whitley.

I stared at my father, breathing heavily as I digest the news.

Jacques: It's time to wake up and face reality.


3rd Person's POV:

The man pulls his tail back, as Qrow turns around, swinging his weapon and holding at the ready by his side.

Crazed Man: As I live and breathe, Qrow Branwen. A true Huntsman has entered the fray!

Ruby gets up and sets Crescent Rose on its end as she supports her body by leaning on it. Qrow then glances back at her.

Ruby: I don't know, this guy's weird.

Qrow: (looks at the crazed man) Look, pal, I'm not sure who you are, but you need to leave my niece alone.

Tyrian chortles.

Tyrian: Why, friend, my name is Tyrian. And I'm afraid that is not possible. Our assignment from our Master was to retrieve this young girl and the young boy who is.... not here. So, that is what we must do. One does not upset the Queen!

Ruby: Queen?

Qrow: Salem....

Ruby: Who?

Tyrian: Hmm, I think we've had enough talk now, don't you?

Tyrian assumes a crouching position, readying himself.

Qrow: Took the words right out of—


(A/N: Music starts here.)

Tyrian rushes Qrow before he can finish voicing the thought and the two fight. The fight between and Qrow and Tyrian, how their fight was nearly hard to keep with their eyes, much to everyone's confusion except Tenka. Suddenly, Ren and Nora rushed towards the two bit they were sent back injured by Tyrian. Just as Tyrian was about to advance towards Nora and Ren, Qrow intervened as his blade is now locked into Tyrian's claw blades.

Qrow: Don't come closer! 

Everyone stayed behind to watch the battle until Ruby decides to get a better approach to back her uncle up.

Ruby: Fine!!

So, she ran up into a roof and was going to use her sniper. She tried getting a clear shot of Tyrian but their fight was too fast that she couldn't keep up, much to her annoyance. As Qrow is about to strike Tyrian, the scorpion faunus manages to gain the slight upper hand when he uses his tail to disarm Qrow. This slows things down enough for Ruby, who is positioned on top of the roof of a building, to repeatedly shoot at him, but Tyrian just deflects each easily with his tail.

While Ruby was busy laying fire on Tyrian, Qrow shrugged his shoulder after looking at his fist as he decided to continue the battle by using his bare hands as he punched Tyrian in the face, rendering his sight a bit. Qrow then punched him a few times until he kicked his ass to a side and went for his weapon, calmly. When he reclaimed his weapon, Tyrian lunged in but his weapon clashed with Qrow's as Qrow jumped above his weapon, turning it to its gun mode and shot himself up onto the roof, disorientating Tyrian's attack stance as the fight continues.

Just as they fought, Tyrian attempts to drop-kick Qrow but failed as he went through the roof, then to the ground. Then, Qrow decides to leap down from the building as well, but to no avail when a scorpion tail whipped forward and coiled around Qrow's leg as it dragged him through the roof where Tyrian had fallen, causing Tyrian and Qrow to crash inside the building.

Qrow and Tyrian had supposedly crashed down, Qrow himself comes out through a wall, his body and his weapon bouncing through the concrete ground. The weapon lands with its blade in the ground, and Qrow perches atop it, much to Ruby's greatest relief. Red flickers of damaged Aura move over his body twice.

Tyrian comes out of the floating dust and grime inside the building, purple flickers moving across his body. As the two begin to strike again, Ruby jumps in between and deflects Tyrian's blades with her scythe.

Tyrian: Do you wish to be taken?

Ruby: No! But I won't stand by and watch someone get hurt!

Ruby moves in to the left to attack, with Qrow going in the middle. They all clash with Tyrian blocking Qrow and Ruby's attack, while he kicks Qrow back. His eyes purple again, Tyrian almost gets Ruby with his stinger, but Qrow deflected it in time, making the both of them lock blades.

Qrow: Ruby! Get back!

Ruby: This is my fight, too!

She attacks Tyrian while Qrow were still locked blade-to-blade with Tyrian, but his legs arch away from the swing of her scythe.

Qrow: No, it's not that. It's—

Ruby attacks again, and Tyrian moves to her. He flips and sends her back with a two-footed kick. She slides closer to the building and gains her ground, but the wooden beams near the roof have been shaken up too much and a heavy one breaks and descends upon her. Qrow slices it in half so it falls in pieces to either side of Ruby without touching her.

(A/N: Music stops here.)

She smiles at him in gratitude and affection, and he raises his head from his stance to look at her, only to gasp in pain as he is immediately cut in the abdomen by Tyrian's stinger, and Ruby gets kicked back.

Tyrian: You're ne--

Just as he was about to finish, a huge portal opened above them. Everyone started looking up at the portal that is now shining extremely bright.

Rachel: What's with this portal?!

Tenka: Guys, LOOK!!!! (points up at the portal)


(A/N: Transformation theme starts at 0:36.)

Everyone including Tyrian looked up to see someone descending from within the Portal with four pairs of wings with four diffrrent colours. As the being made contact to the ground, its wings closed up and the being's brightness fades away, revealing to be Shadow Wrath, but different.


After landing, I encased my wings back while revealing my temporary ultimate form without silver-eyed warrior's powers and Apollonir's powers, with four weapons in between my dragon horn which ahows that I'm in my dragon form and in my All Maiden form, which made everyone's eyes widened.

(A/N: Music ends at 0:55.)

Whereas for Tyrian, he was shocked to see me in a different state.

Tyrian: Impossible.... IMPOSSIBLE!!!!!

Teams JNRR/RNJR and the remaining members of STRM, and Qrow turn their eyes on Tyrian, confused.



(A/N: Music starts here.)

Tyrian activates his claws and lunges forward. I lunged forward as well, as four weapons came out from the top of my head as it turned into one single weapon as I grabbed it. We both then clashed our weapons at each other, but due to the power that I have, I somehow pushed Tyrian back until he hit a few houses and buildings, rendering most of his semblance and aura.

Rachel: Yo... how is he doing that?!

Tenka: I have no i---

Nora: No clue...

I waited for Tyrian to be back on his feet to resume our battle. When he did, he eventually lunged forward to sting me with his scorpion tail, but to no avail as I turned myself into a snow flurry, flames, flower petal flurry and leaf flurry forms as I swoop past him, reverting back to my human form behind him as I grabbed his tail and flung him back to where he crashed.

Tenka: Whoa!

Ruby: wow.....

I simply waited for Tyrian to come at me once again. I waited, and I waited, and I waited, until I looked back and dodged Tyrian's flurry of slashes as I swayed my head back, recieving the lightning strike from the sky. Once my horns are fully charged, I swayed my body and my head back at Tyrian, launching the attack at Tyrian, stunning and electrocuting him, and rendering his semblance and aura greatly.

The battle didn't end there when I placed four crystals into Gashacon Key-Slasher to individually give Tyrian my Season Attacks.






I launched my attack in my weapon's gun form as a huge beam of ice emit from my weapon. Tyrian made an attempt to dodge it but to no avail as he got hit by my attack which not only severed his aura and semblance, it also immobilized him by freezing his legs onto the ground. Having the opportunity to strike, I aimed my gun at him once again to ready my next ability.


I launched attack again from my weapon as a tornado of red hot flames with a red beam at the center is then launched at Tyrian, giving him the burns and the critical hit at his torso. I held onto my weapon with both my hands as I readied my second last attack.


I advanced forward as Tyrian did the same with his weapons ready to pierce me. Just as we both got close, we both clashed weapons. During the clash, Tyrian felt a very hot sensation in his arms and felt that something isn't right.

Tyrian: What is this??? Why are my weapons suddenly becoming hot as anything?! WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY WEAPONS?!?!?!

Me: Nothing. It's the heat of my axe that is the cause... and if you think you can sting me with that sneak attack of yours during our clash???

Tyrian: WAIT!!! How did you know I was about to poison YOU!?!? (Tracting my tail back a bit)

Me: I can tell... cause' I have eyes at my back!!

I said this as I broke the clash as my axe is on full flames and did a huge fire chop at Tyrian, rendering his aura and semblance critically. Once that is done, I then wield my weapon with one hand as I readied for my last attack in my weapon's sword form.


I said as I spun five times while I started slashing Tyrian from a distance. Tyrian may think it may be an advantage, but he was wrong when the slashes came to him, much to everyone's shock and Tyrian's surprise.

Tenka: How is Shadow so strong?!

Rachel: He's like a... someone from AVATAR but in a different scale!!!


Tyrian: How are you so skilled?! You're just a child!!!

Me: Not just a child, Tyrian. (Inserts rainbow Dust Crystal into Gashacon Key-Slasher)


Me: I'm a Doctor, Maniac!! And you should be MEDICATED!!!! 

I aimed my weapon at Tyrian as my weapon is now fully charged.

Me: ALL~U MA~AIDA~ SHOTO!!!!! (English Translation: All Maiden Shot)

To an unknown reason, a small beam emit from my eyes to my weapons as the attack is then launched at Tyrian.

Tyrian: Oh, your attacks are no match for my high dodging ski--- wait, wait wait wait, WHAT?!?! T-THAT'S IMPOSSIBLE!?!?!?! AN ALL MAIDEN ATTACK?!?!? ALL MAIDEN SHOT!?!?!?!?! OH CRAP!!!!!!!! (Freaking out as I turned my scorpion claw form into gun form on both my guantlets)

Tyrian began to feeluneasy and decided to try and block my attack. But, due to intense amount of power, Tyrian was then overpowered by my eyes and my weapon, much to everyone's shock. Just as the attack stopped, all I can see is Tyrian, struggling to get up. So, I swiftly walk towards him as I grabbed his tail, saying:

You: Consider this..... a 'handicap'.

I clenched my fists against Tyrian's tail as I motioned my head downwards, looking at his tail as streaks of lightning came out of my horn and my weapons on my head, striking the scorpion tail.

(A/N: Music stops here.)

The strike is unbearable, that part of Tyrian's tail that was connected to its stinger got ripped off. The stinger bounces, spurting purple liquid, to the ground. Tyrian reels back and cries out from the pain. 

Tyrian: You BITCH!!!!!

He takes a step or two forward but is off balance. Tenka, Mitchell, Rachel, Nora, Ren and Jaune all move to block his path to me, Ruby and Qrow. Tyrian takes a few awkward steps, not engaging, as he talks to himself. 

Tyrian: Sh-She'll forgive you. 

He runs away in a panic. Then, Qrow, who had still been upright with his weapon at the ready, collapses to one knee and clutches at the wound, panting heavily.

Ruby: Uncle Qrow! Are you okay?

Qrow: I'll be fine. He just grazed me.

He pulls his shaking hand away to show the blood on it.

Nora: Who was that guy?

Ren: How did you get here? 

Jaune: Why are people after Ruby?

Ruby: Uncle Qrow? What's going on?

Qrow took in a few deep breaths as he faces up and replies;

Qrow: What's your favorite fairy tale?

After asking Ruby that question, he looked at me as he noticed four sillouette forms removing some of my powers due to a deal. Once my powers are back to its normal state (A/N: Meaning that he will still have his 100% of his Winter Maiden powers, some powers of the Summer and Fall Maiden powers.), I ran over to Qrow, worried.

Qrow: Heheh! It's about time you came... Icepop

To be continued....

And that's all, folks! The seventh episode of the Fourth Volume for our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose. So, if you ladies and gentlemen and other deviants really, really love it, comment down below on the comment section if you want me to try something and make up for it. So, thank you so much for reading this. And if you enjoy it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause' that would be "Muteki" awesome and greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I can improve myself as well.

And,if this happens to be the first literature that you have seen by me, pleaseconsider leaving a watch to become part of "Ride-Player Troopers" (It's what Iprefer to call my watchers) today if you want to see more of the rest of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose insert. Apart from that, thank you so much again forreading this, and I'll see you Ride-Players (readers) on the next episode ofour RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! Until then! See you on the next game! Staylighted up! Stay Frosty! Stay Brave! Be Nice! SEE YA!!!!

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