Volume 4: Two Steps Foward, Two Steps Back

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Hey everyone and WELCOME to the nineth episode of the FOURTH VOLUME of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! So, to recap once again, I DO NOT OWN RWBY AND I DO NOT OWN KAMEN RIDER EX-AID!! RWBY is owned by RoosterTeeth and Kamen Rider Ex-Aid is owned by Toei. So, now sit back, enjoy and LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!!!

*Hits gong real hard*

3rd Person's POV:

Yang lifts up her head, arms as the ready for a fight. Her father, Taiyang, takes a swing at her, and so their spar began.

Nearby, Zwei watches the two spar, panting happily. Beside him is a low stool with two white towels. His head changes angles, oscillating to the sounds of grunts and contact. Abruptly he holds his head straight and makes a noise of surprise.

Taiyang stands alone and moves forward, doing his own roundhouse kick. Yang joins both hands atop each other to block Tai's landing foot. With a loud cry she pushes it up and back. Taiyang regains his footing in a flip while Yang waits for his landing. Using her robotic arm, she knocks him back with a single hit.

Holding onto his right bicep, Tai slides through the dirt, his feet flat on the ground until he comes to a stop.

Taiyang: Whoa, that thing packs a punch!

Yang: We've been at this for weeks. I get it, you wanna make sure I can still fight. (bumping her own fists) I think I'm doing just fine.

Taiyang: You're close.

He stands upright, no longer nursing his arm. Walking around his daughter in a circle, he assesses her progress.

Yang: Oh, really?

Taiyang: You're still off balance.

Yang: What?! No I'm not!

Taiyang chuckles.

Yang: Honestly, I'm kind of surprised.

She lifts her robotic arm, looking down at it with a smile.

Yang: I thought it would be just this huge weight, but it feels... natural. They really did a great job with this thing.

Taiyang suddenly comes in, delivering a left hook right into her face. Yang's upper body rears back both from impact and surprise. She's ready to block his right hook, however, and uses the turning momentum to deliver an elbow jab. Grinning the entire time, Tai blocks it and then dodges all the kicks she follows through with. Yang switches to punches, but Tai is too on point for her. While she uses her left hand to block an elbow thrust, Tai has grasped her robotic arm and pulled it forward. The position puts Yang in the position of having her balance rely on the weight of one leg.

Taiyang: I wasn't talking about your actual balance.

He sweeps her forward leg, sending her onto the ground on her back. He leaves her there and walks over to Zwei, who happily gets the top towel for him.

Taiyang: Although, that could use some work, too.

Taiyang takes the towel and give Zwei a rub on the top of his head. Zwei hums happily. Arms spread on the ground, Yang takes a breath before speaking.

Yang: Meaning?

Taiyang: I saw your tournament fights. During the Vytal Festival.

Yang: Let me guess. "I was sloppy."

Taiyang: No, no, you were predictable. And... stubborn. And... maybe a little boneheaded.

Yang sits up and spins to stare at her father.

Taiyang: Do you realize that you used your Semblance to win every fight after the qualifiers?

Yang: So what? How is me using my Semblance any different than someone else using theirs?

Tossing the towel on the ground, Taiyang moves toward Yang.

Taiyang: Because not everyone else's is basically a temper tantrum. 

Yang's father laughs at his own statement as he crouches by her daughter's side.

Taiyang: I'm serious! Once you take damage, you can dish it back twice as hard, but that doesn't make you invincible! It's great when you're in a bind, but what happens if you miss? What happens if they're stronger? What then? Now you're just weak and tired! Why can't you be like your blue red-haired friend at the very least?

Yang: Oh? What does Pallad have to do with this exactly?

Taiyang: Well, although you two are similar in attitudes and personalities, your fighting styles are completely different. Pallad has the better fighting style and at least tries to time when and when not to use his Semblance. Unlike you, who always deal with your opponent head on, Pallad tends to be more tactical in his fighting style. I mean, I saw what he did when he kicks and punches. But you've always been one to burn brighter than everyone else, whether it was with your smile, or, well, I remember your first haircut.

He playfully tugs the hair on the back of her head. Smiling, Yang bats him away. He chuckles and gets up, walking away a few paces with Zwei just behind him.

Taiyang: But you gotta keep your emotions in check. Keep a level head, and think before you act. Your Semblance is a great fallback, but you can't let yourself rely on it. It won't always save you.

He lowers his head, sadness creeping into his tone.

Taiyang: Obviously. You definitely have your mom's stubbornness.

Taiyang faces one of the trees, not looking at Yang. Between the two of them, Zwei moves his head back and forth as each speaks.

Yang: Oh, so now we can talk about her?

Taiyang: Well, as I have been informed, you're an adult now, remember?

Yang: Well, sorry I remind you of her.

Taiyang: Don't be. Raven was great in so many ways - her strength, her ambition, her dedication to whatever cause she thought was worth fighting for.

He then turns around to face his daughter.

Taiyang: I'm proud of how much of her I see in you. But, I'm glad I don't see all of her in you.

Yang: Why?

Taiyang: Your mother was... a complicated woman. Like everybody, she had her faults, but those faults are what tore our team apart. And, it did a real number on our family. You both act like the easiest way to tackle an obstacle is through it. That strength is all that matters in a fight. But Infra always remind her. She'd say, "If you just take a second look, then maybe you see...  there's a way around as well." You can't believe how much Kouta said that to your mother when we were still students. 

Yang raised an eyebrow at her father out of confusion, curious to who he just mentioned a while ago.

Yang: Kouta? Who's he?

Taiyang: You didn't know? Kouta used to be on Apollonir's friend when we were still studying in Beacon. He's Tenka's father. Didn't he tell you anything about his dad?

Yang: No.... He was really dodgy on that subject. I asked him about his dad but,... he said he didn't want to talk about it...

As Yang contemplates on this, Taiyang walks towards her daughter and extends his hand at her.

Taiyang: Come on - one more before dinner.

Yang takes his hand and he helps her up. They circle each other, arms at the ready. Taiyang makes the first move with a left hook, followed immediately by a right cross and a kick. Yang blocks and dodges, continuing to avoid being hit even when Taiyang flips in the air. She cartwheels, avoiding him and he lands across from her. They face off again, Taiying doing a single punch and kick. Veering to avoid it, Yang rolls a few feet away before turning and rushing at him. They meet in the middle, each with their left hand on the other's right elbow, pushing against each other.

Taiyang: Heh. See? Alright! Now you're using your head instead of your—

Yang kicks his leg out from underneath him, but catches him as he falls back. They pause in that pose, grasping hands and smiling together. They hear clapping and turned towards the sound to see Pallad leaning on a tree. Yang helps his father back up as they dust themselves off.

Pallad: Glad to see you haven't gotten rusty over the months, like Emu.

Yang: Hey, Pallad.

Taiyang: Good to see you, Pallad.

Pallad: You too, Mr. Tai.

Taiyang: Yeah. Right, I'll leave you two for now so I can go and prepare something for dinner.

With that, Taiyang picks up the towels, and leaves the two of them and heads inside the house with Zwei following behind him.

Pallad's POV:

Me: So...

I smirked as I pushed myself off the tree trunk as I encircled Yang.

Me: If you really haven't gotten rusty....

I inserted my Dual-Gashat into my Game-Driver.


Me: Why not prove it to me completely?

He says as he flips the lever tocthe other side, activatkng his Level 99 form.



(Kamen Rider Paradox, Level 99.)

Yang smirks as she adapts her own fighting stance to get ready.

Yang: You're on!

Yang lunges in first, but I sidestepped to evade her right hook countered with a roundhouse kick, only for Yang to block it. She tries to sweep me off my feet, but I backflipped gaining some distance between us. This time, I lunged at Yang. Yang readies herself to intercept me, but she gets caught off-guard when I suddenly disappears in mid-air (Invisiblity Power-Up). A few seconds later, I suddenly appeared in front of Yang before I delivered a knee strike on her abdomen. Yang retaliates by attacking with her robot arm, but I noticed how she suddenly hesitated, her left arm suddenly trembling slightly for some reason.

Me: Focus, Yang!

Using my own momentum of force, I easily redirected the punch, sending Yang off balance before I took the opportunity to grab Yang's robotic arm and uses it to twist and spin the rest of her body. I then flipped the lever of my Game-Driver twice, activating my finishing move.




Using the built-up momentum, I landed a final devastating jump-kick to Yang's face, effectively knocking her down.

After a while, Yang finally sits up. She raises her left arm to see it shaking. She grabs a hold of it to calm herself down. A shadow looms over her, and Yang looks up to see me with a disappointed look, making Yang sigh in dismay.

Me: If you're still letting your fear get the best of you, you'll not exactly last long out there. You're good but, could have been better. 

I turned my back on Yang, whilst crossing my arms over my chest. Yang just hangs her head down as she sighs. The house's  backdoor swings open to reveal Taiyang, wearing an apron, and in his right hand, he carries an envelope.

Taiyang: This came in for you, Pallad.

Me: Oh thanks, Mr. Tai.

While Taiyang helped her daughter up, I opened up the envelope to see a letter along with bundles of Lien. As I read the letter, Yang and her father walked up to me, interested on what the letter says.

Taiyang: So, what did it say?

Me: Oh, it was just my payment from C.R for delivering Yang's arm. Turns out, my original payment from C.R will take a while to be given, so Professor Glynda sent her own money instead. Huh.

Taiyang: Wow. Who would've thought that she'd actually do that and to know you.

Me: Huh, I'll probably owe her this one.

Just as he pockets the payment he received for delivering Yang's robotic arm, he hears the squawk of a bird. He looks up to see a black raven fly low, dropping a small envelope to me, who catches it with ease. Yang stares at the raven questioningly as it flies away, and turns her attention back to me who flips the envelope over my name etched on the surface.

Yang: Whose it from?

Me: Don't know. It just bears my name on it. Nothing else. 

I opened the envelope and the only thing the envelope contains is a map with a dotted location northwest near the coast of Anima. On the low left edge of the parchment is an eye-widening offer of Lien and a drawing of raven's head. I then put away the letter as I smirk.

Me: I guess someone needs me now. Catch you later.

Yang: Wait, just like that? Don't you think it's weird?

Me: Why not? Trust me, Yang. I've spent enough time being a mercenary and a powerful Bugster to know what this is.

I then take my leave as I head back inside their house. Yang and his father, on the other hand, were skeptical of the letter and raven that gave it to me. Suspecting someone they are rather particularly familiar with.


3rd Person's POV:

In the makeshift practice area of her room, Weiss holds her rapier at the ready. She steps back, twirls, a stream of blue-white light coming from the tip of her sword. On the close of her twirl, Weiss hold it aloft before striking the tip to the floor. A Summoning glyph appears, a large sword slowly but surely beginning to emerge. Weiss' eyes are shut as she concentrates, the power of her Summoning causing a small wind to blow the hair around her face. A voice then interrupts.

???: Hello, sister.

Weiss' younger brother, Whitley, is propped up against the frame of her open door. The sword Weiss tries to summon shatters and disappears, the glyph fading away after.

Weiss: Ugh, leave.

Whitley: How hurtful. And here I am, about to offer you a favor. Father's taking me to town to introduce me to some of his business partners. I'd thought I'd see if you wanted me to pick up anything, since you're ... well, stuck here.

Weiss: Are you jealous? Is that it?

Whitley: Whatever do you mean?

Weiss: Is that why you hate me? Are you jealous of my abilities? Of Winter's?

Whitley: Hmm... no, not really. Honestly, I find it barbaric. It's beneath people like me. Like Father. What can a single Huntsman possibly do that an army cannot? That's why we have one, even if it is run by a fool. 

Weiss greatly fought the urge retort back to her younger brother harshly. She just gritted her teeth in anger as her grip on her rapier tightened.

Weiss: I said, leave.

Whitley: Fine, fine. I've got better things to do. Enjoy your... training, however pointless it is.

At the door Whitley turns around to leave, but stops for a moment.

Whitley: By the way, I suppose you've heard that Tenka is deemed missing in a--

A black glyph appears on the open door, promptly swinging it shut on Whitley's briefly surprised face. Weiss lowers Myrtenaster with a sigh.


Graphite's POV:

Back in Menagerie, while Blake, and the masked White Fang member leap from tree to tree with Sun following behind, I ran through the small town of Menagerie, trying to find and catch up with Blake and Sun.

Me: They're in the trees.... but I know they're close somewhere.... I smell them...

I then run through another alleyway as I took the next left turn. Just as I was about to take the next turn to the right, I heard glass breaking in one of the houses followed by cries for help.

Me: Someone's in trouble! Better attend to that quick!!

I equipped my Bug-Visor as I readied Dragon Fang as I quickly rush to the source of the noise. When I reached to the source of the noise, I stopped in my tracks to see a small house that its door got sliced opened. So, I quietly snuck inside the house to take a peek.

When I took a peek, my eyes widened to see the same kids and parents being attacked by Bugster Grunts with their spears, to my horror.

Me: (Inner Thoughts) Bugster?! How did they find their way here?! Hmmm... probably Gemdeus Machina must have sent them to find me... but I'm not gonna let them get infected by the likes of them!!!

I sneakily advanced towards them as I start my fight against the Bugster Grunts. When the grunts took notice of me, they swiftly looked at me as they charged towards me. I blocked every thrust, slice and slash made by the grunts as I gave them my fury slashes by using two of my weapons.

While I was slashing away, a bugster grunt was sneaking up behind me, having the opportunity to strike but failed when the kid sound off to me.


Me: Huh?! (Looks back)

As I turned back, a bugster grunt that was behind me was about to strike me but just in a nick of time, I flipped my Bug-Visor as I turned it from chainsaw mode to its gun mode as I fired it at the Grunt, making it explode to data, earning a "whoa" being sound off by the kids.

I looked at them as I gave them a thumbs up as I nodded. I turned back my attention at the remaining grunts as I prepared my finishing move.

Me: Want to see me do a trick?

The five kids: YEAH!!!

Me: Okay. Guren-Bakkuryuken---!!!

I shouted as I twirled my weapon aroubd in circles as I posed in my attack move after catching the swirl with the tip of my weapon as I prepared my trick.

When the grunts charged forward, I released my attack as the swirl turned into a milky-way-like halo as a dragon made of flames followed up with the halo as I shouted.


When the attack reached the grunts, it went through them, cleaving them in halves as the dragon that is following up struck them as they blew into data, causing a 'GAME CLEAR' sign to appear above him.

The five kids: whoa....

Graphite: That's how dragons like me role! (Thumbs up)

Kids' Father: Thank you....

Kids' Mother: We owe you one...

Me: Please, no need to owe me anything. But I could use your help. You heard footsteps on your rooftop lately??

Kids' Father: Yes, we've heard.

Me: Where?

Kid 3: The only direction we know is that it was going that way.

The kid said as he points to his left which is to my right.

Me: Thank you. Your assistance is appreciated.

I said this as I quickly ran out of the house to find Blake until;

Blake: Help! Somebody!

Me: (Looks up at one of the houses) Blake!

I ran as fast as I could as I climb-run the walls of several houses. While climb-running, one lone Bugster grunt came out of nowhere and tried to stab me with its spear but to no avail as I speared it first as I shot it to the air, making it explode into data.

As I reached the roof, I looked in horror to see Blake holding Sun who is lying down unconcious with a stab wound or a whip wound at his right shoulder. I quickly ran towards them as I knelt with them.

Me: What happened?!

Blake: The White Fang.... did this...

When I heard that the White Fang did this, I was infuriated as I roared loudly, making sure that the whole of Remnant could hear.



The others and I are now walking through a forest filled trees around us as Ruby and Jaune were carrying Qrow on a makeshift stretcher. Ren is before them on the path, leading the way while Tenka, Mitchell, Rachell, Nora and I catching up from the rear, with our weapons drawn. 

Just as we walked on, I heard a loud dragon roar from the distant as I swiftly looked back as I pointed my weapon at the greenery.

Nora: You alright?

Me: Besides the dragon roar I heard and the tiring walk... Yeah, I'm totally fine....

I manage to regain my composure back and continued walking.

Qrow: Tai. She's not... coming... Tai.

Qrow was mumbling and coughing on his sleep.

Jaune: He's getting worse.

Tenka: Yeah...

Ruby: How much farther?

Nora: We've gotta be close.

Ren: Without the map, there's no way of knowing. But I feel like we're close to something.

Rachel: Yeah. I kinda see a signpost up ahead so... we're in good hands for now.

Ren and Rachel has holstered their weapons as they spotted a signpost ahead, and rushes towards it.

Ruby: What is it?

Directly ahead is a fork in the road with a signpost. I was able to read the signs despite the distance and noticed you are coming from the direction of Higanbana. Kuchinashi and Mistral are to the right, where the land is mountainous. To the left is Kuroyuri, its name crossed out. The path that way, however, remains low ground.

Nora: Hey, hey! Mistral! We're on the right path! Oh...

Ruby: Does it say how close?!

Ren: No. And it looks like the path takes us up the mountains.

Jaune and Ruby gently sets Qrow down.

Jaune: Guys, I don't know if all of us can make that climb.

Mitchell: Doc, you should let me carry you. You're tired.

Me: It's okay, Mitch. I can make it, I just have to press on.

 Ruby looks at Qrow, concerned, before rushing forward to the sign post.

Ruby: Okay. Well, what about this place? Kuro... Kuroyuri? Can we get help there?

Ren: That village was destroyed years ago.

Me: We're limited on options here, Ren. If it takes us around the mountains, it's the best bet we've got.

Ren: It will take too long.

Ruby: The town would have had a doctor, right? Maybe we could scavenge for medicine!

Jaune: Right!

Tenka: Ummm, guys. We have a doctor here... that treated his wound like before we came here.

Me: Yeah, but that kind of medicine is only temporary. I told you guys it will onlylast for like two days or three.

Ren looks away angrily.

Ren: We're not going to find anything! We just have to press on!

There is just a brief moment of silence after Ren's sudden outburst. Ruby watches him, clutching her hands before her chest.

Jaune: Ren, why are you acting—

Nora cuts Jaune off and comes up beside Ren.

Nora: We can split up.

Ruby: Huh?

Nora puts her hand on Ren's shoulder in a reassuring manner.

Me: Ren, Nora, Mitchell and I can cut through the mountains while you, Tenka, Rachel and Ruby take Qrow around through the village.

Jaune: No, we're supposed to stick together! We keep each other safe!

Nora: We don't have time for safe! 

Tenka: Look Jaune, at least this way we'll be able to cover more grounds. If we make it to Mistral, we'll bring back help! 

Nora: If we don't, then at least we'll have a better view of the land! Up there, we can see if there's somewhere else we can go!

Me: Exactly.

Ren turns and looks at Nora. They exchange small, affectionate smiles. Still holding his gaze, Nora drops her hand from his shoulder. All of us remained silent for a second, feeling the weight of the choice before them. Qrow coughs, making us all turn in concern and giving the motive to continue. Ruby grabs a hold my hand, giving me some small comfort. I smiled at her affectionately, which she returns. Jaune then looks at me and Ruby before turning to Nora, Ren and the rest of my team.

Jaune: OK.

Jaune steps forward and he and Ren hug each other.

Jaune: Just take care of each other. Shadow, keep them safe.

Me: Trust me, bud. I've always have. Come on Mitch, let's go.

Mitchell: Yeah.

On the path to Kuroyuri, Jaune and Ruby lifts Qrow as Tenka and Rachel went to Qrow's side. They turn to you, Nora, Mitchell and Ren, as we continued on the path through the mountains to Mistral. Jaune nods at you and Nora waves. Ren starts to turn, but he looks back one more time, and then runs, with me, Mitchell and Nora following closely behind.

Ruby: They're gonna be fine, Jaune. 

Jaune: You don't know that. Shouldn't you be worrying for Shadow? I mean, he's your boyfriend. He's the son of a Winter Maiden, and that would only mean his life is in greater danger than ever. 

Ruby's expression saddens but tries to cover it up with a smile.

Ruby: Believe me, Jaune. I'm freaking out of worry for him. I mean, his status as the Winter Maiden's son is going to get him in a lot of trouble, but I've always believed on how resourceful he is when it comes to troubles like that. I remember Tenka always telling me that all we have to do is trust and believe in what he can do as a friend, a team leader, and someone very dear to me. And that's why I love him more the enough to bet everything I have to know he'll survive this...

Tenka: True, Ruby. So... true.

Rachel: (giggling)

To be continued....

And that's all, folks! The nineth episode of the Fourth Volume for our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose. If you ladies and gentlemen and other deviants really, really love it, comment down below on the comment section if you want me to try something and make up for it. So, thank you so much for reading this. And if you enjoy it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause' that would be "Muteki" awesome and greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I can improve myself as well.

And if this happens to be the first literature that you have seen by me, please consider leaving a watch to become part of "Ride-Player Troopers" (It's what I prefer to call my watchers) today if you want to see more of the rest of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose insert. Apart from that, thank you so much again forreading this, and I'll see you Ride-Players (readers) on the next episode ofour RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! Until then! See you on the next game! Staylighted up! Stay Frosty! Stay Brave! Be Nice! SEE YA!!!!

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