Volume 5: A Grimm-"Aced" Game (PART 5)

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To be resumed here.

3rd Person's POV:

Orochi, Dyna, Taiga and Gigant KishRyuOh CosmoRaptor braved the wind, trying to shoot Snake Darkness - Mark II down, along with the kaiju doing the exact same thing to the players, Shadow soon called by to discuss with them about the plan.

Shadow: Guys! It's Shadow. Here's what you gotta do.


At the destroyed Beacon Tower,


Me: -- once you lure Gemdeus Cheinian at the exact spot where we are going to aim the weapon at, we all must proceed to our specific spots to launch our attacks and launch the weapon!! Sounds good?

Orochi (By via comms): Affirmative. We'll keep him busy until then.

Koh (By via comms): As long as it takes that minosaur down, let's do this!!

Dyna (By via comms): Alright!

Taiga (By via comms) (Hiroyuki's voice): Alright. You heard that didn't you, Taiga?

Taiga (By via comms): Yes. Then, let's keep it busy until it's charged up!

And with that, everyone in the sky began to launch attacks at Snake Darkness to keep it busy while me and the platoon used our might to move the weapon.

A few minutes later,

It has been a few minutes now as the Four Knights Platoon and I are at the top of the tower, trying to turn the weapon downwards to make it face 45° down for the plan to work, but to no avail as the weapon is hard to move and it won't budge.

(A/N: This is what The Weapon looks like.)

Cardin: this thing..... WON'T budge!!

Me: We have to try harder so it will take the shot at the specific location!!!!

Sky: But how are we suppose to do that!!!!

???: If moving it doesn't work, then how about THIS?!?!?

When we heard a voice boomed, we looked back to see a familiar alien flying towards us, carrying a destroyed Atlesian Airship as it threw it at the weapon, for us to scatter to move out of the way and for the destroyed ship to hit the weapon, causing it to move downwards at the specific angle we need for the plan to work, to my shock and relief.

(A/N: @KieronTennyson - Kevin 11.)

Me: Kieron!!!

Then, we watched the alien deactivate its form as it revealed itself as Player @KieronTennyson aka, Kieron Prime.

@KieronTennyson: Sorry I'm late.

Me: (shrank myself down to human size due to my power-up completely drained) Where were you???

@KieronTennyson: Wish I knew.... but all I know is that after I came out from my trance, I saw like.... 30 over gamers.... no.... the entire world all around me in rows... in some kind of huge room or vault, playing this cursed game..... when they recieve their defeat from other gamers, they will knock out from their trance and.... it's brutal...

Me: Tell me. Speak.

@KieronTennyson: ..... something in the darkness.... brought the defeated players into a huge tube..... and.... put some kind of.... wires on them and tortured them to do its bidding and use their players to fuse with the beast you nullified and for you to use it currently for good.

Me: So, there is one more outside the Game World. And Gemdeus Cheinian lied to me when he said there are only 40 of them....

@KieronTennyson: That's right... but when you used our players' powers, it somehow nullified the monster's effects on them. And somehow you freed everyone from their trance.

Me: But how come you weren't affected?

@KieronTennyson: Because I managed to escape from its grasp in time, to assemble my autobots to save the effected players who are no longer affected by the game and transported them back to their homes, and our team to our house at Mistral. Second being, the Matrix of Leadership managed to ward them off me.

Me: Interesting. Then, it's good to have you with us, Kieron. We could use the extra firepower.

@KieronTennyson: I can tell. (Looks up to see a battle going on) I will help them with all I can.

Me: Thanks.

@KieronTennyson: And Shadow. Patch to your dad and the others. They have been trying to reach you since you cut off. But.... seeing that you got your hands full, Here.

He said as he gave me a headset earpiece with an omnitrix symbol on it.

Me: Thanks. (Removes my communicator and noticed that it's badly damaged) oh...

@KieronTennyson: Well. Now we know why they can't patch through.

Me: Yeah. (Equips with new communicator aka, headset earpiece) thanks.

@KieronTennyson: No prob. And also, more back up will be on the way.

He said as he transformed into his Kevin 11 form and flew into the sky with incredible speed.

Me: Nice. And while that, GUYS!!!! Is the weapon in position?!


Me: Alright. I'll be in position to charge it up!! Keep clear!!

3rd Person's POV:

Shadow implied to the four knights as he opened up his newly customized wings (A/N: King Ghidorah Wings.) along with Snake Darkness's wings as he flew on top of it. Then, he spread his Ghidorah wings more, causing streaks of lightning to strike its tips of his wings, allowing him to absorb the lightning's energy, and transferring its energy to the weapon, charging it.

Shadow: It's WORKING!!!!

Cardin: Great. We'll cover you while you're to it.

Shadow: Do it!!

And with that, The four knights man the base and launched a barrage of attacks at any enemy that stands in their way. While they kept them busy, Shadow patched through to his dad and the others. 

Shadow: Dad, you there?!

Apollonir (by via comms): Son!! Thank Oum you are safe! Why haven't yo--

Shadow: My communicator was damaged. But still, it's good to hear from you, guys.

Pallad (By via comms): Shadow glad to hear you.

Shadow: Yeah. Guys, we have a major problem! Gemdeus Cheinian ha--

Haruto (By via comms): I know. Kieron Prime filled me in on what he was up to and about the unknown kaiju inside the building that you were in before you mysteriously hung up.

Shadow: Yeah, I'm aware of that, too. I have an idea.

Graphite (By via comms): We saw what you have in mind. Are you sure this will work?

Shadow: I'm certain. What are the rest doing now?

Pallad (By via comms): They are readying some laptops for some volunteers who are willing to help you inside. But, it'll be sometime.

Shadow: Okay! Do what you must. But be quick about it.

Pallad (By via comms): Alright. Let's move it, guys!!!

Apollonir (By via comms): Son. Be very careful.... once you fire it, there will be a low chance that you will survive...

Shadow: I know.... but hey. I'm a god. So, there are many chances that I will and will not survive.

Shadow heard his dad chuckling as he spoke.

Apollonir (By via comms): I knew you'd say that.

They both soon smiled and hung up on each other while Apollonir did what he can to help those who want to go back in the game to aid Shadow at his side, and Shadow continued charging up the weapon which is now 50% charged.

Meanwhile in the sky, Taiga launched a flurry of Swallow Bullets, Dyna lunched his Solgent Beams, Orochi used an ability for P.Z.G. launched Zeppandon Thunderclap, Gigant KishRyuOh CosmoRaptor launched Shadow shots by using its gun and @KieronTennyoson in his Kevin 11 form used his arms to launch shards of diamons and flames at Snake Darkness - Mark II.


As he said that, he noticed a huge rain cloud above Beacon Tower where his weapon is. That's when he realized something wasn't right when he noticed Shadow on his weapon charging it up.

Gemdeus Cheinian: Wait.... what is Shadow doing on m-- wait... he's not just moving my turbo charger!! He's charging it with his own emergy!!!! NOOOOOO!!!!!!!

Snake Darkness - Mark II roared as it dived downwards, heading towards Shadow's location to knock him down from the weapon, for everyone to follow suit from behind to try and shoot it down from getting close to him.

Just as Snake Darkness was about to strike Shadow down, a familiar combiner with wings did a flying kick at it, causing Snake Darkness to fly off course and crash through a few buildings, to Shadow's shock.


I looked at the combiner and realized that I knew this combiner from before and knew who's wielding the power of that combiner.

Me: Jon!!

Jon: (laughing) Happy to see me?!

Me: Oh, sure do. I'm glad to see you.

Wendolyn (Left Arm): Sure good to see you still in one piece.

Me: Yeah. So.... how did you manage to gain combiner form here???

Jon: Oh, it's easy. Pallad, Emu and Sento made that possible. And, w--

Sento (By via comms): Injected some NEXUS Energy into all the discs we uncover to make it possible.

Me: Nice. Are the rest coming???

Sento (By via comms): Teams RABY and JNR are unable to join us as there are still some of our group being transported here from the building you were at. Your team and RNHK will be on their way shortly.

Me: Okay, will be waiting up for them.

Sento (By via comms): okay.

Me: Jon, think you can keep it busy while I charge this thing?

Jon: Why not. And look who's here.

When he said that, my Teammates in their player form and TIME Ragnorak landed in front of us as they are glad to see me.

Tenka: Shadow!

Me: Tenka!! It's so good to see you.

Mitchell: I see you've been busy.

Me: Yeah. With these four knights.

Everyone looked at the base and the four knights for players as they shot and slash tonnes of enemies to keep them away from me.

Mitchell: Looks like their as busy as you are.

Rachel: Yeah. Everyone has their hands full today.

TIME Ragnorak: Indeed. Let us land a hand.

Me: Yeah. Tenka, you, Mitch and Rach help the Four Knights Platoon.

T.R.M: Right!!!

Me: TIME Ragnorak. Jewel Brave. You and the others in the air help to keep Snake Darkness busy. All of you, as I told everyone here, once I let you guys know when the weapon is ready, you head for my position, and we will launch the weapon. Got it?

Tenka: Alright.

Mitchell: Cool.


3rd Person's POV:

Everyone went to their posts as they helped everyone with each of their tasks while Shadow kept charging up the weapon on top of Beacon Tower. Then, I saw a portal opening up above me as Weiss, Blake and Yang's Player form emerged as they aided the knights woth Ruby in her player form standing beside me.

Ruby: Shadow!

Shadow: Rubes! Are you okay?

Ruby: Fine... just a little headache after they strapped tonnes of wires on my arms, legs and head with the other players. You?

Shadow: Meh. Could've been better. And I see you are a Rose-like Grim Reaper with Alpha Beowolf arms. Cool.

Ruby: Thanks. So, need help with anything?

Shadow: Yeah. Thjnk you can help your team aid the Four Knights Platoon?

Ruby looked as she saw her teammates helping four knights against a horde of monsters and Grimm as she nod.

Ruby: You got it. So, tell me you have a plan.

Shadow: Oh I have one, and it's gonna go out in a bang.

Ruby nods at him as she swiftly charges towards the horde with her skill power and semblance while I charged more power onto the weapon. Meanwhile in the sky, everyone kept firing at each other as Shadow's group tried their very might to take Snake Darkness - Mark II down, but to no avail as it kept dodging their attacks recklessly and swiftly, wanting to sink its teeth against its enemy's flesh who is charging up his weapon.

As it managed to find an opening, it quickly swooped downwards and land further away from Beacon Tower as it quickly charged towards the Tower including the Base The Four Knights Platoon has trained and operating, to everyone's worry.

Cardin: Uuuuuuhh, guys....

Ruby: Oh cheese.

Yang: Crap!!

Just as Snake Darkness -Mark II aka, Gemdeus Cheinian was about to close in, Shadow appeared out of nowhere as he raised his Armoured hands in a 'Y' formation as he yelled.


(A/N: Like this video.)



I yelled at the top of my voice as I went into my punching position, raising my huge right arm-like claw of Snake Darkness and punched through the ground, causing a huge shockwave to emit first followed by a huge lava and boulder-like Geyser/s to emerge from the ground, with huge stone spikes to emerge, heading towards all direction like as if a tsunami is engulfing the entire city but for this case, stone spikes are engulfing the entire city which everyone, including Gemdeus Cheinian and I to look in grave shock.

Me: Cheinian.... you didn't tell me your player can do that.....



Gemdeus Cheinian: JUS--... SHUT UP!!!!!!

Ruby: Uuuuuuh, are we suppose to have a battle here at some point???

Jaune: Uh... yeah??? Are we having one now???

Gemdeus Cheinian and I looked as we looked at each other with blank expressions.

Me: I--... ugh.... (using my huge arm to facepalm) let's... let's just get on with it.

Gemdeus Cheinian: Ummm... yyyyeeeahhh...

Nora: Got it!!!

I looked back when I heard Nora replying as she charged forward and gave some hits to the kaiju. Just as Nora was about to do a power jab at it, Snake Darkness used its tail and its mouth at the tip of the tail grabbed onto her hammer and sent her flying back behind the base.


Me: I could say the exact same thing.

Gemdeus Cheinian: Hmm?!

I pixelated into data as everyone saw the data then being absorbed into me while charging up the weapon which is now Maxed up, ready to fire.

Gemdeus Cheinian: WHAT?! HOW?!?!

Ren: It must be one of Shadow's Power-Up bottles!!!


Gemdeus Cheinian: You fool..... 


Then, I watched as Dyna, Taiga, Orochi, Jewel Brave, Time Ragnorak, @KieronTennyson in his Kevin 11000 form and Gigant KishRyuOh CosmoRaptor flew down as they formed a circle around the weapon in a vertical formation. I soon closed my wings as I removed Grimm Colossium Gashat and slots it into the Kimewaza Gashat Holder and pressed the button, to acquire its finisher.

(A/N: @KieronTennyson - Kevin 11000.)



Me: You ready, guys?!

All: READY!!!



Cardin yells, unknown to everyone that the Four Knights Platoon is Team CRDL as he activated the Mac-Round, aiming it at Snake Darkness -Mark II as the Kaiju began to charge Tragedy shout hell, but a powerful one.

I slowly moved my hand towards the Kimewaza button as I readied to strike the weapon at the kaiju. Just as Snake Darkness was about to launch its attack, I immediately pressd the button to activate my finisher which is now in sync with the weapon.


After the finisher was announced, the seven who are in a circle formation around the weapon ready themselves to launch their strongest attacks.

With Ultraman Dyna launched his Solgent Beam, Ultraman Taiga - Photon Earth launched his Aurum Storium, Gigant KishRyuOh CosmoRaptor combined his CosmoRaptor finisher with his Gigant KishRyuOh finisher to add its effect, @KieronTennyson used everything he has in his Kevin 11000 form as he launched every projectile and beam he had, Jewel Brave wield its combined weapon as it launched a beam from the tip of its combined weapon, TIME Ragnorak also wield their combined weapons and launched a beam from the tip of their own combined weapon, and Orochi in her P.Z.G. Player kaiju form launched streaks of lightning from its fingers, shoulders, horns and eyes, blast Heat beams from the Pandon heads, blast a powerful beam from its mouth and launched Supreme P.Z.G. Spark Cannon from its Galactron Spark Cannon.

I watched as all of their attacks merged in front of the weapon as I charged the weapon, emitting lightning streaks and Plasma Particles surrounding it. As we charged our attacks, Snake Darkness - Mark II was just about to finish charging up its attack. Just as it was about to launch its beam at us, something fast was coming this way.

3rd Person's POV:

Then, a Golden dragon with wings with diamonds all over it for armour aka, @AlexWizInfinity30 flew in together with a Player who turned out to be a rider who wields the power of Zi-O and Chronus in one aka, @ClockworkTime555 riding on it while launching their attacks on Snake Darkness, distracting it.

(A/N: @AlexWizInfinity30 aka, Alex Fang's Player form.)

(A/N: @ClockworkTime555 aka, Striker Clockwork's Player form.)

Shadow: Alex! Striker!

Alex: Don't worry, Shadow!! We got you!!!

Striker: Once you get the thing ready, we'll split!!!

Shadow: You guys.... thanks.

Alex & Striker: No problem!!

Alex: Striker, why don't we demonstrate the very MIGHT of our powers, shall we???

Striker: I thought you never ask, Alex!!

Striker hopped off the Dragon's back as he conjour tonnes of glyphs and made a dash for it in a really fast pace. Alex then coil around the path that Striker made for himself as he wields his Katana in hand and for Alex in his dragon form to breath fire while flying around in a spiral formation.

Then, Striker flew and and lands beside Snake Darkness - Mark II while giving it a slash at its leg, causing it to go into its knee followed by Alex ramming into the kaiju while blasting it with its mouth breathing fire, giving Snake Darkness a critical hit.

Snake Darkness launched Tragedy Shout at Striker, but to no avail as he simply phased through time, avoiding the beam from hitting him and to phase back behind it and gave it a flurry of slashes and slashed its wings off, to the kaiju to roar in pain.

Gemdeus Cheinian: HOW DARE YOU!!!!!

He yelled as he controlled Snake Darkness to swipe him far away by using its huge arm that still remains intact on it. Then, Alex controlled the dragon to constrict his enemy to make it imobile till the weapon is ready to fire.


I watched as Alex and Striker Clockwork tried their very best to keep Snake Darkness - Mark II busy as I ready to launch the weapon. Just as the weapon was hitting critical levels, I quickly gave the notification to Alex and Striker to move.

Me: Alex!! Striker!! It's ready!!! MOVE!!!!

As instructed, Alex and Striker moved out of the way as Snake Darkness turbed around to fire his beam at us. In the end, both Snake Darkness - Mark II and my group fired beams at each other, which caused a clash to occur at the center to show that our beams are equally matched..... but not for long.

While our clash is still ongoing, Cardin's Mac Round hit Snake Darkness, causing it to lose the clash and for the weapon's beam with the combined power of everyone's attacks to strike Snake Darkness - Mark II, to Gemdeus Cheinian's shock as he now feels what it is like to be nearly destroyed.


Snake Darkness tried to resist the beam emitted from the weapon with its durability and its armoured skin by struggling to walk towards us slowly. Seeing that it's still heading towards us slowly, we increased the firepower on the beam in which it gave Snake Darkness some damage due to its durability.

Orochi: He's still too strong!! We need to do something about his durability!!

Gigant KishRyuOh CosmoRaptor (Pilot - Koh): But, we can't!! If one of us move out of place, our combined attack will be useless!!

Gigant KishRyuOh CosmoRaptor (Pilot - Canalo): We have to do something and NOW!!

As I was trying to figure out what to do while powering the weapon, a voice in my head called for me.

??? (In my mind): Shadow.... there is a way to defeat him.

Me: Huh?


Inside my mind,

I was looking around my mind, figuring out who voiced out in my head while calling out to the source of the voice.

Me: HELLO!! Anyone here can hear me?? Hello~!! May I know who said that???

I asked as I bumped into someone.

Me: Oh my... I'm so.... sorry???

I apologised however, I only apologised the air as no one was there which I could have sworn I bumped into someone.

Me: Okay.... that is so weird....

???: It won't be if you understand why we called you.

Me: Huh?!

I swiftly looked back to see no one around until someone placed its hand on my shoulder. I stopped at my tracks, frozen to feel that someone has touched me at the shoulder. So, I looked at my left to see a Shining Golden hand on me. Then, I slowly turned around ending looking face-to-face with a Golden dude with horns that are gold as well with some sort of light that shines at his chest at the center of his body, to my confusion not knowing who he really is.

(A/N: Unknown Being.)

Me: ......... Who are you????

???: Who am I, is non of your concern for now. What concerns me is that you are running out of ideas on defeating your enemy.

Me: ... yeah.... But.... how am I to take it down when I don't know how to???

???: Think deeper into the solution. Think about the weapon. Why is it hard to move before it was launched. Think of sources that can also be used to launch the weapon also.

Me: Okay.... but wha--

Just before I can say anything, he was already gone, to my confusion.

Me: Okay.... he's gone now, a-- wait a minute... "Think about the weapon."??? ...... "Why is it hard to move before it was launched."???? ..... "Think of sources that can also be used to launch the weapon also."???.....

As I thought of these three quotes that the mysterious being said to me, that made me realized something.


Back at the battlefield,

As I shook my head back to reality, I looked at the weapon, noticing a sign that says 'For payloads only' which gave me an idea. So, I punched the lock and pryed the Breechloader open, only to see lightning streaks emitting out of it and to also realized that the hole to load up the payload is of human size.

Me: Knew it! He was gonna use himself as a payload once he defeated us with that kaiju to free the bugster from the Game World.... but that's gonna change, cause' I'm gonna kill'im with it.

I said as I slot myself inside and closed the Breechloader on me as I readied myself to be launch out from the weapon to take Gemdeus Cheinian down. Then, I pressed the button on my kimewaza holder three times to triple my finisher's effect.

After prepping myself for the biggest bang ever, I launched myself from the weapon, destroying it after I was launched with everyone to fly out of the way in shock, not knowing what just happened. 

Orochi: What just happened?!

Dyna: I don't know! It just blew up while we were launching everything we got!

Gigant KishRyuOh CosmoRaptor (Pilot - Koh): WAIT, GUYS!! LOOK THERE!!!


(A/N: Music starts here.)

The mech pointed in front as they looked, only to get a shock of their lives that I was the one who made the weapon blow up and about to give everything I have on the Kaiju aka, Gemdeus Cheinian. 

Taiga: How powerful is he?

TIME Ragnorak: Much powerful than anything on this planet.

Taiga: whoa. Then are you sure he can beat this guy with our combined power??

TIME Ragnorak: No doubt he shall. He has to, to Game Clear this Game.

After Snake Darkness - Mark II managed to deflect our beam, only to sustain critical damage all over its body, it soon charged up its strongest Tragedy Shout hell at us, only to meet a bright silver light, to Gemdeus Cheinian'a confusion.

Gemdeus Cheinian: What is this... light?!

As the light got closer, his eyes widened as he realized that the bright light turned out to be me in not my Action Colossium Gamer - Level X, but Action Heisei Infinity Gamer - Level X, donning my finisher on him with the combined power of everyone's finisher.

(A/N: Kamen RIder Ex-Aid - Action Heisei Infinity Gamer Level X.)


Gemdeus Cheinian: I-Impossible!! That Gashat.... that Ultra!!! He couldn't--

Snake Darkness roared as it used its huge arm, swinging it to fore me away from it being hit, but to no avail as I struck its sharp talon-like claws, breaking them, followed by its whole arm, to everyone's shock.

While everyone watched in shock and Gemdeus Cheinian watched in shock as well inside Snake Darkness - Mark II, I immediately broke through Snake Darkness's huge arm, destroying it while piercing through its thick armoured scale like a spear as I flew away from it from behind after finishing it off with my finisher. 

3rd Person's POV:

Everyone watched as Snake Darkness - Mark II in its critical state as it began to have cracks on its entire body. When everyone think it was going to evolve, they were wrong as the kaiju began to shatter, and to their relief, their battle is over as Snake Darkness - Mark II shattered to millions of pieces, leaving Gemdeus Cheinian to be exposed, only for him to fall onto the ground, struggling not to give up so he can obliterate Shadow and his group.

Gemdeus Cheinian tried crawling and getting up but, his time was almost up due to the damage he has sustained. Everyone deactivated their player form and were about to use their own weapons to take care of him once and for all. But, Shadow in his Heisei Infinity Gamer - Level X stood in their way, but his appearence was different this time. He not only wields a Game-Driver but, he has a Colour Timer on its chest and its head is of the Gamer's face with the combination of Ultraman Orb's head, to everyone to be in a time of shock.

(A/N: Music ends here.)

(A/N: UltraInfinity. Combine these two pics together and exclude the Game-Driver.)

Then, they watched him kneel and looked at Gemdeus Cheinian as he placed him on his lap, as he knelt.

(A/N: Something like this scene.)


(A/N: Music starts here.)

Gemdeus Cheinian: Ultra.... Infinity..... are you here to.... gloat on your victory..... and my loss???

Shadow/???: (shook my head) No, brother. I'm just here to... see you one last time, like our past back in those days in the Game World....

Gemdeus Cheinian: .... I'm sorry.... brother.... I didn't mean to.... destroy this world and your host's world. I just.... want so badly to-

Shadow/???: Help me improve and evolve all games of all ages? I know. However, we can find other alternatives to make games evolve. That's why we have Genius Gamer M by our side, Game Planners and Dan Kuroto.

Gemdeus Cheinian: ..... The Game we are currently standing on requires a lot more testing....

Shadow looked more as someone in my body knew that he need to say more things than this at this moment in time.

Gemdeus Cheinian: On experienced Gamers, not the entire world, yet..... but.... now look at me..... it may be too late now.... for my time has come...... (raise my hand up) but know this.....

Shadow/???: (grabs his hand with my hands)

Gemdeus Cheinian: I wanted to make you proud.... of my accomplishments, brother.... although it went berserk due to my..... twisted dillusions.....

Shadow/???: Although your actions towards people was unacceptable, thanks to a small source that told me of this.... but, I'm still proud that your game has brought wonders to all people alike. Which I have seen it all. Before you went berserk on the game, I saw people, smiling, using their imaginations to their good use, and bad to get loots, but still I see that they are happy about their accomplishments. And for that, I'm proud that you tried your very best.... despite your twisted dillusions.

Gemdeus Cheinian: (pixelating) Promise me.... you carry on this game at your side.... at your Genm Corporation.... promise me you all evolve all games,.... in your own two hands for me..... Shadow..... promise.... my brother as well you'll do it...

Shadow: (Nods) I promise, CEO Tachibana..... Emu and I, will try to create new games.... in our own hands.....

Gemdeus Cheinian: (nods while using his other hand to grab his shoulder) Although we are enemies..... and we just met at my office hours ago.... I am still.... glad.... to have met you...... Genius Gamer Shadow, and UltraInfinity..... one last time... brother....

Shadow/???: (nods)

Sadly, to his last breath, his hands slipped off Shadow's shoulder and his hands grabbing it as Shadow watched Gemdeus Cheinian pixelate in data while a sign said Game Clear appeared above me.


Shadow look in the air of the Game World while breaking in tears mysteriously in his Ultra Gamer form to what Gemdeus Cheinian have spoken off as Shadow's special form and the Gashat pixelated into data, returning him to his Colossium Gamer form. Soon, everyone came up to him to see if he is okay.

Ruby: Shadow....

Yang: Are you... okay???


I used my arms to wipe my tears away as I stood back up and turned to face them.

Me: Yes. I'm fine, thanks.

Jaune: You didn't sound, "okay" when we heard you talk to our enemy.

Me: I know.... there's a reason for it.

A few minutes of explaining later,

Ren: I see.....

Koh: So, he just wanted to create that game so that to make people smile like you do.... but sue to his twisted dillusions, his plan suddenly turned from good, to bad....

Me: Yeah....

Asuka: I.... felt sorry for the guy. He only wanted to make people happy. But due to his dillusions caused by an unknown cause? He had no choice.

Me: True... !!!! hey, Asuka. When you said unknown cause, how did you know?

Asuka: Because before you came into the building, I was there first and sensed that unknown cause which turned out to be dark powers, from an unknown being, Shadow.

Me: Then that means we must find him or her.... soon....

(A/N: Music ends here.)

A few minutes later,

After seeing Jaune, Nora, Ren, Team RWBY, TIME Ragnorak and Jewel Brave off as they need to exit & save the game and rest their heads, Team CRDL, Orochi and I sought to see Asuka, Hiroyuki, Koh and Canalo off as they need to return to their own worlds.

(A/N: Asuka, Hiroyuki, Koh and Canalo.)

Me: So, Koh. Canalo. Until we meet again.

Koh: Yeah. Until we meet again. Oh! (Shows a Soul Shadow gave me) We'll make use of this to our good use.

Canalo: Yeah. This CosmoSoul has helped us a lot during our battle.

Me: Heheh. Yes, by all means, you two. (Looks at Hiroyuki) So, Hiroyuki. Heading back go yours?

Hiroyuki: Yeah. Me, Taiga, Titus and Fuma will be back there to protect our world from Tregear.

Me: I see. Save travels and good luck. And send the Tri-Squad my regards and save travels.

Hiroyuki: I will. And thanks.

Me: Asuka, you said you wanted me to follow you to somewhere?

Asuka: Yeah. But I need to let the Ultras and the Space Garrison know that you will be coming. So, I will meet you at the house at where you are staying?

Me: Heheh. Yeah. I'll be waiting.

Asuka: (nods)

Orochi: You guys take care.

Our departing guests nod, Canalo however walked towards her.

Canalo: Take care to you, too, Orochi~ If you want, I can be your man, if you wa-

Koh: (drags Canalo back) Hey! Canalo! No flirting!!!

Canalo: Awwwww....

Everyone laughed at the sight. I laughed and shook my head. Then, I opened a few portals leading each of them back to their worlds, with Dyna transforming to Ultraman Dyna and flying through the portal back to the Land of Light, Hiroyuki walking back to his own world to protect it, and Koh and Canalo walking through their portal back to their world together with his comrades.

Once everyone has returned to their specific worlds, I closed the portal in front of us as everything went back fo normal.

3rd Person's POV:

Cardin: So.... what now????

Shadow turned back to Orochi and Team CRDL aka, Four Knights Platoon.

Shadow: Now, we get outta here. (Turns on comms) Dad, you there??

Apollonir (By via comms): Yes, I read you. Teams RWBY and the remaining members of JNPR, JEWL and RNHK are back and are resting. We saw how everything went down.

Jay (By via comms): Yeah!! KICKED IT LIKE A CHAMP!!!! (Maniacal laughter)

Pallad (By via comms): Nicely work, you guys. Way to solve a puzzle to create a game clear.

Me: Yeah. Either way, we are patching out of here, so... be ready for me and Orochi.

Apollonir (By via comms): Alright son. What about your four friends.

Orochi: They are playing this game from a different location, father. So, don't worry about them. Either way, we got something to worry about at your side as well once we get out of here.

Graphite (By via comms): I know. Kieron and I saw the building's natural form. So, you may wanna get back quickly before it frees itself and finds us.

Me: No problem.

I said as I deactivate my Colossium Form--



--and began to exit out of the game.

Me: Ready?

Orochi: Ready!

Cardin: Ready.

Russel: Ready.

Dove: Ready!

Sky: Ready!

Me: ... ready.

We implied to each other as we pressed the exit button in front of us to indicate that we are about to exit from the game, to our relief that our problems are finally over...... for now.

To be Continued at PART 6.

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