Volume 5: Alone Together

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Hey everyone! WELCOME to the eighth episode of the FIFTH VOLUME of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! So, to recap once again, I DO NOT OWN RWBY AND I DO NOT OWN KAMEN RIDER EX-AID!! RWBY is owned by RoosterTeeth and Kamen Rider Ex-Aid is owned by Toei. So, now sit back, enjoy and LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!!!

Sougo: Armour Time!!!


I sat up abruptly in my bed as I had another nightmare. Cold sweat appeared from my forehead and started trickling down to my cheeks. 

Me: Okay.... that was... one weird nightmare.... like, what are those four-arm monsters and.... everyone disappearing. And on top of that, a huge purple dude with a golden weapon on his arm is the cause of it all. Wonder if that purple dude is Thanos. Well, that aside but still... A weird ass nightmare....

I looked outside the window of my room and noticed the sun is still rising up. I groggily went to the bathroom, approached a sink, and splashed my face with cold water. 

I stared up at the mirror as I still notice the peculiar features I have: white hair, icy blue eyes, and extremely pale skin. I let out an exhausted sigh as I left the bathroom and prepared for the day. I was on my way outside the training room when I noticed Yang tailing behind me.

Yang: You're up early.

Me: Yeah, I've been getting that a lot lately. Can't get much sleep these days...


I opened the door leading outside the training room and found Ruby lying on the ground on the patio outside of the training room. She watches a group of birds flying together, before one of them flies away from the group. As she watches it fly, Ruby sees her half-sister, Yang, peek over her head.

Yang: You're up early.

Ruby: Hey sis.

Yang: Boop.

Yang lets her hair down and uses it to tickle her little sister's nose. Ruby giggles affectionately at her older sister's action. Ruby then sits up as Yang sits down next to her, while I sat down next to Yang.

Ruby: So, what are you guys doing up?

Yang: Can't fall back to sleep.

Ruby: Ah, me neither.

Weiss: Well, fortunately, coffee exists.

Weiss carries a tray with three cups of coffee and walks over to join her teammates, with Tenka, Rachel and Mitchell sipping their own coffee. Tenka hands me my own coffee as Weiss lowers the tray down so Yang can grab a cup.

Ruby: No, please!

Weiss: Don't worry, I put in blasphemous amounts of cream and sugar, just for you. 

She then holds the cup out in front for Ruby.

Ruby: Oh yeah! Nice Weiss strikes again!

Suddenly, Weiss pulls the cup away just as Ruby was about to grab it.

Weiss: I will pour this on you and it will burn.

She hands the cup to Ruby, who nervously giggles at her. After giving Ruby her coffee, Weiss sits down next her teammates and grabs her cup of coffee after placing the tray down next to her.

Yang: Can't believe we're actually in Mistral.

Ruby: That's what you can't believe?

Rachel: I'm gonna have to agree with your sister on this one, Yang. But really?

Yang: Well, yeah! And all the other magic and stuff. But... Okay, you know what I mean!

Weiss: I honestly wasn't sure if I'd ever see you any of you again.

Me: Yup. Thought I never see you guys again. Even for Pallad.

Yang: Well, here's to defying expectations, right Pallad.

Pallad: Yeah.

Me: Cheers to that.

Tenka, Rachel, Mitchell and I raised our cups, while Yang and Weiss clink cups together,with Ruby gulping her cup down in one go, opening one eye to glance at the others' cups.

Ruby: I just wish Blake could be here with us.

Pallad: True. And Graphite as well.

Tenka immediately stops drinking from his coffee when Blake's name came up. I notice this and call him out of it.

Me: Hey, you okay, partner?

Pallad: You look odd...

Tenka: H-Huh? Y-Yeah, I'm fine. I just... I just remembered I had something to do. I'll see you guys later.

I was able to notice the somber tone from Tenka's words as he got up and walked away. Weiss stared up at Tenka in worry as she watches him enter training room and disappear from sight.

Rachel: I'll go talk to him....

Rachel gets and up leaves as well as she goes in to find Tenka, Mitchell caught up soon after. After they left, I soon then notice the bitterness coming out of Yang's words.

Yang: They could've been here if they just stuck around. It's no big deal though. We'll be fine.

Ruby and Weiss have concerned expressions on their faces, while I give Yang a firm look.

Me: Look Yang, I know you're mad at Blake for leaving, but for Tenka's sake--

Yang: (scoffs) Oh, whatever gave you that idea, Shadow? No, I'm totally fine. I'm great.

Weiss: Okay, calm down.

She turns to them sharply, her eyes turning red from her Semblance. 

Yang: Don't tell me to calm down!

Ruby and Weiss gain startled expressions at this.

Ruby: Whoa, Yang.....

Me: Get a hold of yourself!

Yang realizes what she did, and her eyes turn back to normal. Her hand shakes while holding her cup, which I eventually noticed.

Yang: Whatever.

She gets up and leaves. Ruby, Weiss and I watched her go before exchanging concerned looks with each other. I let a loud a sigh as I stood up, placing my cup on the tray Weiss had brought a while ago.

Ruby: Where are you going?

Me: I'll just go for a morning stroll. Get my mind off things. If my dad asks for me, can you tell him where I'm going, Ruby?

Ruby: I will. Be careful, okay?

Me: No promises, but for you, I'll try.

I leaned down and gave Ruby a peck on the cheek, much to her surprise, making her whole face flare up in the same color as her cloak. With that, I dissolved my body into its snow flurry form and flew away. Weiss, on the other hand, has a thoughtful look on her face after my display of affection.

While I was taking my mind out off things, I thought of something that I was suppose to finish before we head to Leonardo's place again.

Me: Oh yeah. I forgot. (Fishing out a small sack) I need to pick you up.


3rd Person's POV:

Back in Menagerie, Blake leans against the railing on the balcony of the Belladonna Family Home. She looks up into the night sky as a voice calls out for her from inside her home.

Sun: Hey, Blake! You ready to go?

Graphite: We are about to go.

Blake: Be right there!

She feels a note taped to the wooden railing of the balcony. She grabs it and reads the message written down:

Things going too far.
Not sure what to do.
Find a quiet spot,
I'll find you.
And bring Graphite with you.
I have something important to tell her.

Blake looks around a bit before hearing the sliding door open. She quickly places the note in her coat.

Sun: We going recruiting or what? 

Graphite: We still have the entire nocturnal section to hit up.

Blake doesn't say anything, still having a concerned expression on her face. Sun notices this.

Sun: You okay?

Blake: Yeah, I'll meet you there. We need to take care of something first.

Blake hears a quiet sound of rustling in the trees behind her. Unbeknowst to her is that Graphite is secretly watching her movements as well from the rooftop, as well as the one who's going to ambush her. (A/N: The Graphite that is on the roof is the realGraphite. Wanna knw who's the Graphite that is with Sun? Take a guess.)


Tenka's POV:

Back in Mistral, Rachel and Mitchell are seen making their way towards my room, but not before she sees Weiss walk inside Yang's room. Meanwhile, I sat alone on a bed looking at the "Cute Lovebirds!" photo of me and Blake, courtesy of Kiriya and Mitchell (A/N: Mitchell does all the editing work.). I heard a knock on the door and quickly puts the photo away.

Me: Yeah?

The door opens but I didn't look up to see who entered.

Me: Look Cap, I really need to be alone right now. Can you just leave me alone for a while?

I looked up, and to my surprised it wasn't Shadow, but Rachel and Mitchell who is at the doorway.

Me: Oh. Hi, Rachel, Mitchell. Did you need something?

Rachel and Mitchell says nothing as Rachel closed the door behind her and leans beside the doorway, and Mitchell soon leaves to check on Yang.

Me: Do you know how difficult it is to make friends because you're training, this hard, influential heir to be a guardian of a village? Despite Weiss being the only friend I had back then, it was still lonely. And when Blake left, that's when I felt empty..... abandoned. I've always been jealous to people like Ruby, Shadow, or even you and Mitchell, because you guys can easily make friends. Rachel, Mitchell, I must know, how do you do it? How do you make friends so easily?

Rachel remains silent for a moment, before responding.

Rachel: I'm just gonna come clean and say it, Tenka. I didn't get to easily make friends either. When I lived with my parents, I lived in a shadowy neighborhood. And you know the worst part is? It' mostly filled with people who would beat up visitors, just because they don't like you or they just feel like it. 

Rachel then sits down on a chair opposite to my bed.

Rachel: My mom would constantly leave every now and then, my dad as well, forcing me to struggle a lot. Most of my fighting was self-taught as I needed it to fight back against the people in our neighborhood, that was when... my mom hired me a mentor to help me fight my own battles and unlock my semblance. So, there I was, hoping that my parents could be proud of me. But now that my dad is gone..... although my mom is still around.... I'm nothing without him....

Me: I'm really sorry.... I shouldn't have assumed---

Rachel: But you're right. We all have our own versions of loneliness, and I think Blake has her own version of loneliness too.

I got up from my bed.

Me: But where does that leave, Rach? I loved her, Rachel. And yet she does not act like she trusts me at all! The entire time Blake was at Beacon, she was afraid to open up to people. She tried to keep her past separated from us. But we tore down her walls, and let us in. I was at her side and she abandoned me! 

I punched the wall, completely furious, small cracks appearing on where my fist landed. Tears threatening to make its way out of my eye sockets.

Me: If she was leaving me, she could have at least stayed in contact or just say a simple 'goodbye', and I could've understood that!  So tell me Rachel, how can I trust her if she does not trust me?

Rachel: I'm mad at Blake too, Tenka. But crying will not fix anything. Crying will not bring Blake to you, and I learned that the hard way. Just like it did not bring my father back.  

She then approaches her teammate, placing a hand on my shoulder.

Rachel: I know it's not easy, Tenka. The only thing you can do now is be there for her when she's ready. When she comes back. You do want her to come back, right?

Me: Despite the things she had done, yes. I do want her back.

Rachel: Then I'm gonna have to ask you to have the feeling I once had for my father: Hope.

With that, she playfully pats me hard on my back. I smiled at this, and blinks my tears away.

Me: Agreed. Thanks, Rachel.

After being comforted and cheered up by Rachel, I then notices the snow floating around the room, making me chuckle.

Me: You can turn back into your normal form now, Cap. I know you're here.

All the snow around the room collected itself, transforming back to his normal form in front of us.

Shadow: Observant as ever....

3rd Person's POV:
At the same time, Ruby, Weiss and our other lovebirds, Mitchell and Yang comes in as we all had a long chat with each other, reminiscing experiences and memories that were fun. After a while, everyone leave to go on with their business. Me and Ruby decided to hang around town for a while, maybe grab something to eat, or just enjoy each other's company. Tenka decided to busy himself by reading on his room. 

Rachel was about to something to train herself up with Haruto when Weiss asks a favor from her, telling Tenka to meet her outside the training room.

Rachel leaves as she still has to pass Weiss' message to Tenka. And when she did, Tenka was a tad bit confused as to what she could want. Without further ado, he went off to meet up with Weiss. When he arrived, he sees her overlooking at the mountains in the distance. Tenka walks to her side, admiring the view as well.

Tenka: Rachel said you were calling for me. Is there something wrong?

Weiss: No, nothing's wrong, Tenka. Figured I have to say something to you now.

Tenka: What do you mean?

Weiss lets out a shaky sigh as turns to look at him, her eyes staring longingly at his.

Weiss: I guess.... I guess what I'm trying to get at is--- This time, I-- I don't want this to go unsaid. You know? Just in case something happens? I-- Tenka... I have always been in love with you.

Weiss says it so plainly, holding his gaze and in a voice too frank, that her admission stuns Tenka into complete silence, like the wind has been knocked out of his chest.

Tenka: S-Since when...?

Weiss: Since... when we are kids? Since that day you promised to never leave? I have always, always, truly, loved you.

Afterwards, there is a great relief, a weight suddenly being lifted from Weiss' shoulders after so long. Weiss closes her eyes and lets out a breath of air. When Weiss looks back at him, there is nothing but hope in them. Tenka finds himself fumbling, scrambling for words. As it pains him to admit it, he is in love with someone else, and he can't give Weiss the same affection as she does. If only.....

Tenka: Weiss, I-- I'm...

Tenka draws in a breath. Rugged, and completely unsure. Though before Tenka could even string two phrases together, Weiss closes the distance between them, grabbing a fistful of his coat, and pulls him down. The next thing he knew, Weiss lips is on his. A smile's on Weiss face after they parted, her smile containing a hint of sadness. When Tenka moves to open his mouth, Weiss lifts a hand to his mouth, silencing him.

Weiss: you don't have to answer me. 

Tenka: But-- You should-- I should--

Weiss: No, I mean: You don't need to.

Tenka: Right, now I'm really confused. One moment, you were kissing me, and now you just want me to.... shut up?
Weiss: If that's how you put it, alright.

Tenka: No. Really. Some explanation would be nice, Weiss.

Weiss: It is....what it is, Kaito. I don't really need to hear it anymore. It's not that I don't want to. Believe me, if I were the same person I was, before this whole thing happened to us? I'd be elated. Excited even.... But like I said: I... I also realized somethings. Understood myself more. 

Weiss then places a hand over Tenka's.

Weiss: Tenka, I did love you; ever since we were kids, all those times that you would always come to my side when I cry, I don't think that's going to change anytime soon, even after this. But... at the end of the day, once you took a closer look of everything.... it also turned me into a really selfish person. I didn't really consider it would be just the two of us. That you'll find someone else--- and it won't be me.

Tenka: I'm... I'm so sorry, Weiss....

Regardless, she continues to smile through it.

Weiss: It's not your fault, Tenka. Don't say that. I'm the one who should apologize, since I suddenly sprung up this on you, when I know you're already with Blake. I just thought I should let you know.... so I can finally let this whole thing go. So, as your bestfriend and despite with what's going on right now, I wish you and Blake find happiness together.

With that, Weiss walks inside the house, a small skip in her steps, while the breeze carries the light tune of the song she's softly humming to herself.

Tenka: Hmmm....


Blake's POV:

Back in Menagerie, Graphite and I are making our way to our initial destination. While doing so, we stopped to find Ilia.

Me: Ilia?

Graphite: Ilia?

Ilia: I'm here.

Graphite and I both drew our weapons. Ilia walks out from the shadows with her hands up and drops her black camouflage.

Me: Ilia, I know you're scared, but you don't have to be. My family and I, we can keep you safe.

Ilia: I'm sorry.

Graphite: You can make it up to me by helping us stop Corsac and Fennec. 

Ilia: No. I'm sorry.

Ilia's right hand curls up into a fist. Footsteps can be heard running on the rooftop next to them. I looked up and sees Yuma fly down and land on my back, forcing me to the ground. I dropped my katana which landed at Ilia's feet. Yuma then does the same to Graphite but he didn't care as he thinks that kick wasn't enough to take him down. 

I gasped, regaining my breath, and struggles to get up as Yuma presses his foot against my back. He gets off me as two more Faunus join him. I got back up on my feet with Graphite.

Me: Wait--

Suddenly, Graphite and I got wrapped in spiderweb silk. One of the Faunus grabs the silk strand holding me and Graphite from her hand.

Trifa: I've got her.

Yuma: Well done, Sister Trifa - and too you, Ilia. 

Yuma then tosses Ilia my weapon, as Graphite looked in shock.

Me: Ilia! What are you doing?!

Ilia: I tried to warn you, Blake. I'm sorry.

Me: Don't tell me you're sorry!

Graphite: You tricked us!!

Ilia: But I am. I am sorry it has to be this way, but you and your family are holding the Faunus back!

Graphite: Because they're trying to protect people? Why do you need to hurt the innocent!? How is it the right thing to do!? This is wrong!!!! Why doesn't anybody GET THAT!?!?!?!

Ilia: There's no such thing as innocent! There's no right thing to do! Only what's best for us! There's the humans that still hate the Faunus, and there's the others! But you know what snuffs out hate? Fear. I don't like hurting people. But I'll tell you this... 

She the points my weapon at me and Graphite.

Ilia: ...it's gotten us results.

Me: Yeah, look where it's gotten you.

Ilia's eyes widen and she briefly ponders my retort, but she just shrugs it off.

Ilia: We are giving the White Fang the future they have been waiting for, but we have to take extreme measures. 

Graphite: Like using me and Blake and to use her family?

Ilia: We all have to make sacrifices for the greater good, no matter how much it hurts.

Me: And you think killing me is really for the greater good?

Ilia: No, but getting rid of your family is.

My expression turns shocked and fearful.

Me: You wouldn't! You can't! I won't let you!

Ilia: I know. That's why you are both being sent to Mistral. To Adam. So that to keep you (Points to Blake) As hostage, and bring you (Points to Graphite) to your tombstone.

My expression grows more afraid, almost on the verge of tears, as I kept struggling to get the webs off me.

Me: Ilia, please! You don't have to do this. This isn't you!

Ilia: Yes. It. Is! But I guess back then you were just too busy falling for Adam to notice.

My expression turns confused, as Ilia's spots turn pink.

Ilia: I was always jealous of the way you looked at him. I wanted you to look at me that way.

She closes her eyes, and when she opens them, they are suddenly pink.

Ilia: But we can't always get what we want!  Yuma, with me. You two, get them to the docks.

Her eyes then turn back to normal as Ilia and Yuma leave while the other two Faunus prepare to bring me and Graphite with them.

Trifa: Let's go, traitor.

Trifa tugs on the silk holding me and Graphite, but graphite started to laugh suspiciously.

Trifa: WHAT'S SO FUNNY?!?!?!

Graphite: As long as I want to follow orders, but... it's time that we begin, Phase Two...

Me: Huh?

Trifa: Phase Two???

Suddenly, Graphite disappeared from the web to Trifa and my confusion as Sun and Graphite jumped out of nowhere and knocks down the Faunus next to Trifa. Followed by Sun, kicking the Faunus at one side, further away from us.

Trifa: What?! How?!

Graphite: I knew you and Ilia would try something like that. That is why I snitched Shadow's Bottle of Shadow Clone Energy Item (Holding up a small bottle). So, I cloned myself soas to make Blake assume that I am folowing her, but instead, I'm not. I was watching your every move. 

Sun: Brilliant plan, I must say.

After explaining, Trifa draws her knife and engages in a brief duel with Sun, but to no avail as Graphite blocked it and disarmed her. Blake, now free from her bonds, then grabs Trifa's shoulder and punches her square in the face, knocking her out.

Me: Thanks for the back-up, and good plan, Graphite.

Sun: Thanks.

Graphite: Thanks.

Sun: So... Thanks for the invite. You okay???

I sighed as I reclaimed my weapon back.

Me: No. You heard Ilia; my family's in danger. Call the police and let's go!

Graphite: Let's go!!


Eiji's POV:

Ankh, Kamen Rider Zi-O and I are secretly watching Blake, graphite and Sun leaving for the Belladonna's house as we all knew that something is up there right now at this very night, on top of someone's roof of their house, as I sighed.

Me: Ankh, shall we go?

Ankh: (Chuckles) Yeah. Let's crash this joint from the White Fang Members. What about you, Sougo?

(A/N: Sougo Tokiwa.)

Sougo: Yeah.




(A/N: Kamen Rider OOO -TaToBa Form.)

After transforming into my default form, I watched as Ankh turned into a flurryof feathers as he turned into his Phoenix Greeed form, in its complete form.

(A/N: Ankh - Full Phoenix Greeed form.)

After his transformation, we watched Sougo as he transformed into Kamen Rider Zi-O.


(A/N: Focus on 2:47 to 3:10 for the default transformation.)

-(Clock ticking noise followed by a clock chime) Rider Time! Kamen Rider Zi-O!-

(A/N: Kamen Rider Zi-O - Default Mode.)

Sougo's POV:

After transforming to my default form, I took out a RideWatch as I flipped the nob and pressed a button on top of the watch.

(A/N: Build RideWatch - INACTIVE.)

Build RideWatch: (Digital beeping) BUILD

(A/N: Build RideWatch - ACTIVE (After the nob is turned to show a face and button is pressed.))

After activating my RideWatch, I slot it to my Ziku-Driver's left empty slot to activate my armour mode.

Me: Armour Time.

(A/N:Focus on 3:38 to 4:00 for Armour Time Build.)

-(Clock ticking noise followed by a clock chime) Rider Time! Kamen Rider (Rider name)! Armor Time! BEST MATCH! BUILD!-

(A/N: Kamen Rider Zi-O - Build Form.)

After armouring myself up, I looked at Eiji and Ankh. 

Me: Welp, (doing Build's pose and catchphrase) The rules of victory have been set! Let's go.

Eiji & Ankh: Yeah!

To be continued....

And that's all, folks! The eighth episode of the Fifth Volume for our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose. Well, looks like somebody's gonna crash a party in a rescue kind of way. So, if you ladies and gentlemen and other deviants really, really love it, comment down below on the comment section if you want me to try something and make up for it. So, thank you so much for reading this. And if you enjoy it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause' that would be "Muteki" awesome and greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I can improve myself as well.

And,if this happens to be the first literature that you have seen by me, pleaseconsider leaving a watch to become part of "Ride-Player Troopers" (It's what Iprefer to call my watchers) today if you want to see more of the rest of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose insert. Apart from that, thank you so much again forreading this, and I'll see you Ride-Players (readers) on the next episode ofour RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! Until then! See you on the next game! Staylighted up! Stay Frosty! Stay Brave! Be Nice! SEE YA!!!!

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