Volume 5: Downfall

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Hey everyone! WELCOME to the thirteenth episode of the FIFTH VOLUME of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! So, to recap once again, I DO NOT OWN RWBY AND I DO NOT OWN KAMEN RIDER EX-AID!! RWBY is owned by RoosterTeeth and Kamen Rider Ex-Aid is owned by Toei. So, now sit back, enjoy and LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!!!

3rd Person's POV:

Ruby and Yang are facing off against Emerald and Mercury. The half-sisters switch positions and leap forward to take on their opponents. Yang knocks into Emerald while Ruby takes on Mercury. He uses his left boot to kick Ruby's scythe out of her hands, and proceeds to mock her sarcastically.

Mercury: Uh oh, what're you gonna do now?

Mercury tries to throw a left cross, but Ruby ducks and headbutts him upwards - in a similar manner to what Ozpin taught her what to do. Mercury steps a few feet backwards and holds his nose in pain, before growling at Ruby, who picks up her scythe nonchalantly.

Ruby: Whatever it takes to shut you up.

Meanwhile, Nora is seen holding her hammer up defensively protecting Jaune, who is still healing Weiss.

Nora: You guys doing okay?

Jaune: I-I think so. She's coming to. I just wish this would go faster.

Rachel: Don't complain, Jaune. You're doing fine.

Nora: Rach is correct. How about you don't complain and just be thankful you unlocked your Semblance when you did.

Jaune: My Semblance?

Rachel: Yeah.

Nora: How else do you think you're healing her, dummy?

Jaune stares back at her in disbelief before looking back down at Weiss.

Jaune: No. I don't think I'm healing her. Our Aura heals our bodies. It feels... it feels more like I'm using my Aura to amplify hers!

Nora: Wait, aren't you worried about running out?

Jaune: Pyrrha once told me I've got a lot of it. I still believe her.

Rachel: Jaune's got a point. He's got a lot. Lots of it.

Suddenly, Weiss opens up her eyes, stirring from her sleep.

Weiss: Jaune

Nora and Rachel smiles before standing guard again. Meanwhile, Ren is taking on Hazel, who punches the former back into the wall. Hazel then launches an electrical charge from his lightning-Dust enhanced arm, electrocuting Ren, causing him to scream in pain before falling to the ground.

Nora: REN!!

Jaune: Go! I've got her!

Rachel: No, we got her.

Nora nods at him before proceeding forward.

Weiss: Jaune... what's happening?

Jaune: You took a heavy hit, you need to stay with me while the others fight.

Weiss: That's.... annoying.

Jaune: Heh, good to have you back, Weiss.

Rachel: Yeah Weiss.

The Three entities are still dealing with the monster trio and things are going evenly between the six of them. Qrow and the Flame Elemental Warrior with the aid of four riders are fighting with Hazel as they tried dodging all of his electric projectiles after they saw what has happened to Ren. They tried outmaneuvering him by using a pincer movement, but he managers to see right through them. They both swing their respective weapons at him, but Hazel blocks all with great effort before he counterattacks, kneeing the Flame Elementor in the stomach hard and kicking Qrow away with a roundhouse kick, knocking him back into the wall and then falls to the ground next to the downed Ren, who struggles to get back up as well as for the riders, Hazel attempted to do the same but they dodged his attacks by jumping backwards as they run back to aid Ren, Qrow and Apollonir.

Oscar, with Ozpin in control, uses his cane to block flaming rocks being fired from Lionheart's weapon. Tenka soon charges forward as he aims his weapon at Lionheart and then firing his Tri-Sector Sparrows at him. Leo manages to deflect the energy arrows out of the way, but Tenka activates his Semblance and disappears and reappears to proceed to fight the traitorous headmaster in the terrace at the top of the stairs.

Hazel, on the other hand, charges forward and punches Oscar several feet back.

Hazel: Hiding behind the face of a child? A monster like you must be stopped!

Nora charges at Hazel with a loud battle cry. She leaps into the air, but Hazel catches her hammer and slams Nora into the ground. Hazel then grabs Nora's head, electrocuting her with his lightning Dust-enhanced arms, making her scream out in pain.

Hazel: How many more children must die for you?!

Suddenly, Nora grabs Hazel's wrist.

Hazel: Huh?

Nora, inadvertently enhanced by Hazel's electricity thanks to her Semblance, stands back up and flips him over her shoulder. He rolls back several feet away. Nora then holds her hammer up defensively, before Ozpin gets her attention.

Ozpin: His Semblance... he can block out pain. It's how he is able to handle injecting so much Dust into his body.

Nora stares back at Hazel, who stands back up, her voice containing a dark tone.

Nora: I don't need him to hurt...

Hazel screams and charges forward again.

Nora: I just need him to GO DOWN!!

As Hazel nears her, Nora preps to swing her hammer, before swinging it right into Hazel's chest.

Goemon MUGEN: I'm not done with you ye-- OKAY, I'M DONE!!!

Kamen Rider Jam: Huh?! (Looks) OH FU--

Her counterattack launched him, causing him to brjng Dark Arms with him through the wall and outside onto Haven Academy's quad as she falls a few feet away from him before she blew up in her demise. Adam and the White Fang look on.

White Fang Soldier: What's going on in there?

Hazel: None of your concern...

Adam and his followers stare in amazement as they watch Hazel get back up. He then takes out a pair of red Dust crystals and stabs them into his arms. He lets out another roar as Ruby watches from inside the building.

She then looks back to her friends and allies, all of them looking tired and worn out from the battle they've endured. Ren is all on fours, completely exhausted, with Nora assisting him. Qrow tries standing up, but he struggles. Yang is hunching down, panting. Stormlight falls down the stairs with a push from Leo. The Flame Elementor falls to his knees, tired.

Adam: Stay focused! Our friends are almost done here.

Adam and his followers get back to work, but then they hear a voice call out to him.

Blake: ADAM!!

They all look up and see Blake proudly on top of the roof of a nearby building.

Adam: Blake?

Hazel: Who is that?

Blake: Stand down!

The White Fang soldiers aim their firearms at her.

Adam: Wait! 

He puts his hands up as the White Fang soldiers stand down, before laughing evilly

Adam: To think that I went through so much trouble to find you, only to have you deliver yourself to me..

Blake: This isn't what's right for the Faunus! Do you think it's right to take your own kind a hostage and control others with it?! Stop what you're doing and we can end this peacefully.

Adam: You're wrong, Blake. You can't stop us.

Blake: No, I can't. Not by myself.

Sun: That's why she didn't come alone!

Adam and his followers turn to the left in surprise, seeing Sun standing in front of a massive legion of Faunus all armed with blunt weaponry, their shields bearing the old White Fang symbol.

Adam: What?!

White Fang Soldier: Who's there?

They then turn to the right, and see Ghira leading another massive legion of Faunus.

Ghira: Your brothers and sisters.

Graphite: (With Os, Ankh and Zi-O) Surrender now, or face our wrath of the true meaning of the White Fang.

Adam and his followers look all around them assessing the situation.

Adam: Make no mistake, brothers! These are our enemies! And we will not let them ruin--

Suddenly, Adam is interrupted when a Mistral airship shines its searchlight down on Adam and his group. The Mistral police captain is seen on the airship with Kali.

Mistral Police Captain: (over P.A.) Adam Taurus, this is the Mistral Police Force! Lower your weapons and surrender peacefully.

More Mistral airships arrive. Back inside, Ruby knocks Emerald back a few feet. Emerald then hears the sounds of the Mistral airships as their searchlights shine through the windows. Because of this, everyone stops what they are doing. Weiss leans up as Jaune continues healing her.

Weiss: What's happening?

Jaune: I'm not sure. 

Rachel: Looks like the police are here.

Tenka/Mitchell: Weiss!

Tenka: (Inner thoughts) Im glad she is okay...

Jaune: How are you feeling?

Weiss: Better.

Weiss starts sitting back up and activates her Glyph in the palm of her hand.

Weiss: Much better. Keep it up.

Back outside, Blake lands to the ground from the roof.

Adam: How?! How did you do this?!!

Blake: Adam, it's over.

Adam looks around as the crowds of Menagerie Faunus get closer to him and his group. Suddenly, he pulls out the detonator from his back.

Adam: Then it's over for all of us.

Graphite: ADAM!! WAIT!!

Adam's followers hold up their arms as they brace for the impending explosion as Adam presses the button, but nothing happens.

Adam: Huh?

He presses the detonator button a few more times, but nothing happens.

White Fang Soldier: What are you doing? Trying to get us all killed?!

Suddenly, Adam grabs his collar, enraged.

Adam: I am making humanity pay for WHAT THEY'VE DONE!!

Adam lets him go and pushes the White Fang soldier back when Blake speaks.

Blake: We sent someone over to confirm your explosives, and once we did, she disarmed them.

Ilia walks out from around the tower, dropping her black camouflage as she holds the wires in her hand that disabled the bombs. 

Adam: How?! How did you get past those assassins guarding them?!

Graphite: That's because we disposed them.

Graphite stated as he points at Os, Ankh, Zi-O and Ilia, actually surprising Blake, not knowing they helped Ilia to deactivate the bombs in secret.

Graphite: It's payback time.

Adam seethes, realizing that the situation is no longer in his favor. Adam turns to Hazel, hoping he could help. 

Adam: What do we do?!

Hazel: This... is your business. Not mine. Fix it.

Adam just glares back at him before turning to Blake.

Blake: I told you, Adam. It's over...

Then, out of hate, Adam soon charges towards Blake until someone intervened.


Jay Mercury in his Maximum Zombie Gamer went in front of Blake as he did a hulk smash to the ground, causing the ground below Adam to explode on him, causing him to fly backwards as he hit the ground, loosing his sword.

Blake: Thanks, Jay...

Jay: Your welcome.

Adam: KILL THEM!!!

And thus, the battle between both Faunus groups begin. The White Fang soldiers from Adam's faction draw their weapons and attempt to fire at the Mistral airships.

Blake charges at Adam with her weapon at the ready and swings them at her, but he effortlessly blocks it. Sun leaps around twirling his weapon in its staff form, before engaging a fight with the with the White Fang members with Os, Ankh, Graphite, Zi-O and Maximum Zombie Genm.

As the fight went on, a ship in the sky cloak shielded itself as it began to levitate above Haven Academy as its doors invisibly opened.

Hazel observes the situation in front of him but is then suddenly impaled by a white, glowing stinger. He is then pulled back inside the building and sits up to see that Weiss is back on her feet with a summoned Queen Lancer flying above her. As she prepares to fight again, she gasps as she notices someone entering the building.

Upon seeing a familiar someone, Weiss instinctively looks over to her childhood friend and notices the grip on his weapon tightening, before he sprints out of the building. Yang and Ruby look back as well and gasp when they see Blake, her eyes widening as she sees all of her teammates and friend in the same place.

Blake: Yang?

Yang stares back at her in disbelief, before her sister snaps her out of her trance.

Ruby: Yang! Go!

Goemon MUGEN: I got you!

Ruby starts pointing in the direction of the vault entrance, and Yang runs forward. Emerald and Mercury try to stop her.

Emerald: No!

Goemon MUGEN: Not so fast you Illusive bitchy girl.

Emerald tries to stop Yang, but fails to and gets a fright when Goemon came outta nowhere and falls to the ground. Mercury grabs her prosthetic arm. Yang's eyes briefly turn red before turning back to normal. She detaches her arm and continues forward, causing Mercury to lose his balance for a bit. She jumps down the hole leading to the vault.

Emerald and Mercury attempt to give chase, but they are stopped by an ice wall that suddenly appears in front of them. They turn around and see Weiss with her Queen Lancer summon as she prepares to fight the both of them. Jaune watches from his position and smiles. Ruby then turns back around to look at Blake, and both nod at each other as the cat Faunus goes back outside to join the battle.

Hazel: You should have never, came back, Schnee. Now, it is your turn to die again, LIKE OZPIN!!!

Jason/Kori: (goes in front of Weiss) I like to see you try!

The rest who tried to fight with Hazel attempts to get up, but they fell on their knees in due time except for Ruby, Rachel, Mitchell and Ryosuke. Hazels scoffs as he spoke.

Hazel: Then you shall die as well.

He said as he raised both his arms up to inflict the finishing move at them, but just as he was about to do so, his attack was put to a halt by an explosion, causing everyone to scatter around the building as everything turned in different elements on the ground of the school. Each quarter of the ground is in each element, to everyone's confusion and shock.

Ruby: Huh? Spring?

Hazel: Fall?

Apollonir: (gets up) Winter???

Ozpin: Summer?

Hazel: (looks at Lionheart sternly) What are you hiding?

Lionheart: I-I'm not hiding anything!!!

As he said that, a huge portal appeared in the middle of the ground of the created arena as a beam of light suddenly appeared from the center of the portal. 


(A/N: Transformation Theme starts at 2:28 to 2:42.)

While the beam of light still lit up the inside of the building, a red halo and blue halo appeared expanding out, bypassing through everyone as the beam disappeared showing a person inside of it. After the beam is completely gone, a gold halo soon expands out to bypass everyone as my sillouette disappeared to reveal me instead, to everyone's shock.

Ruby: Shadow?

Apollonir: Son?

Roland: Finally... our prodical god returns

Rachel: What?

Ryosuke: Explanations later.


I stood in the center of the arena as my Key-Slasher conjoured itself into four Key-Slashers as it went onto my head. Two Golden Dragon horns emerged from my head in between my Key-Slashers as my appearance began to change.

My coat that my mother gave me have extra colours of red, orange, yellow and silver with blue crystals embedded onto it at the shoulder areas and the back of my coat. Six pairs of wings appeared behind me as the first pair belonged to my father, second pair has Summer, third has Fall, fourth has Winter, fifth has Spring and the last comprising of Silver-eyed warriors' power as the last pair of wings are different as they are like Summer's cloak but it's dragon-like.

My upper torso has only little changes as it had two G-like ice dust crystals embedded into me (like Ultraman Ginga and Ultraman Zero Beyond) and a diamond-like crystal embedded onto the center of my chest in between two G-like crystals, changing its colour repeatedly.

I then felt my arms embedded with the same crystals on my chest that changes colour repeatedly as six different small dust shards are embedded into my arms.

This process continued at my legs when the same process was done like my arms. Six different small dust shards appeared in between the crystal while my legs are encased with unbreakable ice. My shoes are then encased with molten lava and coal and beneath the soles of my shoes are encased in ice, forming my shoes into dragon feet.

A tail then appeared behind me as it has different kinds of dust crystals embedded on its tail and forming a Trident-like tip made of fire and ice dust crystals, and an orb at the center of the trident that changes colour repeatedly at the tip of its tail.

To finish the transformation, I closed my eyes, and opened them up again, causing two streaks of flames to emit from my eyes, changing its colours repeatedly while showing my eyes to be silver instead of my original red and blue eyes. Blue vein-like details stated to form on my eyes and from my jaw to all over my body (A/N: Not like Salem's eyes. Treat it as Ultraman Zero Beyond's detailing that are kind of vein-like details), to Hazel's greatest shock ever, including Emerald and Mercury's.

Mercury: Uuuuhhh, is it just me or is Red's boyfriend different??


He roared as he charged towards me. I raised my hands up as I pointed at him.

Me (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices): Your willpower and strength are high and powerful, but... (clenched my fist) what you are doing, is NOT huntsmen-like.

I said that as Hazel stopped in front of me as he punched me, causing an electric projectile to emit out of his fist, but to no avail as I moved my head to aside while grabbing his wrist, motioning his fist to aside, not letting his projectile hit me. After blocking his punch and projectile, I flung his fist in the air as I tract my fingers, causing sharp claws to come out as I swiped Hazel left, right, up and down, leaving marks on him while he staggered back as he held his left arm which is scratched as well.

Hazel: How?! After the fall of Beacon... till now, you are so powerful?!

Me (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices): I have friends, lots of friends who helped me become stronger, see.

Hazel: Then, I shall destroy them all, and your father as well!!!

Apollonir: ....

Me (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices): Heheh, that will be an issue for you. Wanna know why?

Hazel: Why?!

Me (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices): Because I now have something even more powerful than this. First, I will ask later but second, this... I can show you.

I took a deep breath as I shouted two words which is a weapon's name.

Me (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices): REMNANT CALIBUR!!

After shouting, an Excalibur emerged from the ground as it displayed itself in front of everyone. I held my right hand up as the calibur flew straight towards me as I caught it with everyone watching with shock.

Lionheart: It- I-It cannot be... Remnant's holy Excalibur lost for eons, the only relic that can destroy Salem... it's here?!?!

When he said this, this caused Apollonir, Qrow, Ozpin, Hazel and everyone including me to look at him in shock as I looked at Remnant Claibur, smiling.

Me (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices): I see, this is the calibur destined to defeat Salem? Cool Trivia.


Qrow: And how did you manage to obtain every single one of them?!

Apollonir: He is not just a huntsman....

Qrow: What?!

Apollonir: I was going to tell my son his true status, but... but.... (shook his head) now since this is the right time, I should say it.

When he said that, this lead Qrow and Oz into a small confusion.

Apollonir: Son!! You are not just a Maiden itself

Hazel: WHAT?!?!

Apollonir: Yes, that's true. He... is The God of the Seasons, the only god that can stop you, and your evil doi--

???: That's when you're wrong, ladies and gentlemen.

When everyone heard someone exclaimed, they turned to see a man with dark skin emerged from a pillar from the right side of the room as he walked towards me. As he revealed himself, Apollinir questioned.

Apollonir: What?!

???: My name is Morgan Freeman and I am here to tell you all, the "real" status of Shadow Wrath.

When he said real, Ruby turned to everyone as they gave her puzzled faces as she looks at Morgan.

Ruby: Real,... status???

Morgan Freeman: Correct. He is not just the God of the Season, or a son of Apollonir, or Son of the Winter Maiden, or The Ultimate Grimm slayer. He is so much more. You see, after Shadow came to the world, Apollonir and Isolde didn't know that they created something great, something powerful, something that can change the world and can stop Salem's tyranny. And that something and someone, is who you are looking at now, if you know the books and copies that you have all disposed as you all think that it can't happen.

When he stated this, everyone is now confused until Hazel, Ozpin, Qrow and Apollonir knew what is going on as their eyes widened.

Hazel: Are you telling me.... that he's a--

Morgan Freeman: Yes.

Ozpin: He's actually a--

Morgan Freeman: Yes.

Qrow/Apollonir: He ca--

Morgan Freeman: Yes. May I present to you, 'Shadow Wrath, (smiles) The God of Remnant'.

When he told everyone my real status, everyone's eyes widened all except for Ryosuke as he smiled with joy as they didn't know that a god was working together with and studying at Beacon Academy. Roland laughed as he knew his status as well.

Roland: You guys are so fucked now!!

Hazel: no... No...NNNOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hazel roared in rage as he was about to fully charge his arms with electricity to electrocute me, in which I smiled as I held my calibur up while turning the wheel at the side of the sword as a symbol of Atlas. I soon pressed the trigger at the handlenof the calibur as I spun the wheel at the other side of my weapon as I shouted; 


(A/N: Music starts here.)


I made an 'X' sign, followed by a horizontal and vertical slash as I motioned my calibur backwards and thrusted it into the center of the slash, causing it to fly towards Hazel as it started spinning like a bullet through the air. Hazel shot a fireball from his fist to counter the attack, but to no avail as the projectile got deflected as my attack hit him, rendering his semblance, greatly.

Ruby: Whoa.....

Mitchell: If I were to have those powers... I'd be extremely powerful by then....

After Mitchell stated that, Hazel charged up his attack as he shot it right at me, which my teammates and my Grilfriend took notice.

T/R/M/R: Shadow, LOOKOUT!!!

Me (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices): Easy. 

I thrust the calibur into the ground as I spawned in Gashacon Key-Slasher from my head as four of them emerged from my head, combining into one sword while I grabbed it, inserting a Rainbow Dust Crystal into it.


I then spun a couple of times as I held my sword upwards, with the tip of the blade facing downwards as I stopped spinning in front of the incoming projectile, shouting;

Me (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices): MAIDEN GENERATIONS BARRIER!!!


(A/N: New Generation Barrier aka Maiden Generations Barrier from 0:10 to 0:27.)

This caused five being-like illusions to appear around me from behind, with Summer being on top of me, Winter and Summer maidens to be on my right and the Fall and Spring maidens to be on my left.

I then thrusted the weapon into the ground hard as the illusions shot their power beams at the projectile, causing the projectile to be drawn back to Hazel, with everyone watching with shock at what they are witnessing. Soon, the projectile and beams combined hit Hazel, causing him to loose a huge amount of Semblance.

Morgan Freeman: Well, since my work here is done, I shall now take my leave.

He said this as he walked back to the same pillar where he appeared from as he disappeared.

I smirked as I glowed blue, orange and gold as I split myself into two.

Me 1 (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices): Me, go and help Raven. She may be in trouble.

Me 2 (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices): Alright, me. 

The other me replied as he flew up and down to the vault as Emerald readied her weapons to fight me. I readied my Key-Slasher as I royal pose in front of her but, my eyes widened as to see my mother in front of me. Fortunately with my semblance, I secretly scanned for life signitures which there are non. So, I threw my weapon in the air as I motioned my arms to let my fingers touch my head, causing four Key-Slashers to return onto my head as I wield Remnant Calibur once again, this time, I turned the wheel twice, causing the symbol of Haven Academy to glow as I spun the wheel hard once again to activate its ability.

Me (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices): REMNANT HAVEN RELIC CALIBUR!!!!!

Just as Emerald was about to shoot me and commanding her illusion to launch her attack as well, I motioned my calibur to form a circle (A/N: Like Orb Flame Calibur but different.) as I made a blue orb with golden outlines surround the orb, forming a lantern as I slashed it horizontally as it flew towards Emerald, trapping her and her illusion of my mother. Once trapped, I swayed my calibur as I pointed it at the lantern-like outline as a Beam of light fired from the tip of the calibur, causing it to hit the illusion-like lantern as it explodes, causing Emerald's semblance to render and her illusion to disappear to everyone's shock.

Qrow: Icepop?!

Apollonir: What was that about?!

I walked towards Emerald as she tried to get up. She noticed me as she looked at me.

Emerald: Why... why did you ki--

Me: Oh cut the act. I already know she was a fake. In my god form, I utilize not just my own semblance, meaning that I can tap in to anyone's semblances as well. For this case, I only used Penny's eye scanners to see if that of my mother is real. Once I realized it is not, I fired!

Apollonir/Qrow: (Felt dumbfounded) Ooooohhh....

With that stated, her eyes widened when she heard this. Just as I was about to grab Emerald, Mercury got in the way by shooting a bullet in my face but to no avail as I polaritise his leg to shoot somewhere else as I did a godish backflip to keep my distance. After keeping my distance, I prepped myself as Mercury shot a thousand shots around him while motioning his leg downwards towards me as his projectiles flew towards me.

As Mercury's one thousand over shots are about to hit me like a ton of elephants crushing me, I dodged one as I stopped in my tracks and punched one of Mercury's rounds, causing it to bounce back towards him as I soon continued punching and deflecting the rest of his barrage of shots back at him, to his shock.

(A/N: Skip at 3:25 and resume at 10:01 and let the music end soon after you resume at 10:01.)

Mercury: Oh crap!!!

He exclaimed as some shots reached him and some simply flew past him while trying to shoot his own projectiles away from him, but to no avail as his projectiles that were being bounced back to him are too great, causing him to get hit many times by his own projectiles, rendering his semblance greatly as he went to his knees.

Taking this as an opportunity, I jumped as I did a flying kick at him.

Emerald: MERC!!!!

Sagittarius: Oh no.... MERCURY!!!! 

Sagittarius broke thw clash of his enemy entity as he ran in front of Mercury, taking the critical hit given by me to protect Mercury from being striked by my kick, causing him to blow to bits as he is defeated.


When everyone saw Sagittarius got destroyed, everyone was shocked at how powerful I've got.

Qrow: Uuuuuuhhh... do you know that he was that strong????

Apollonir: Two words, old friend.... or should I say two letters. N . O.

Qrow: Got it.

Tenka's POV:

While everyone is witnessing Shadow's powers, I was trying to get up from the ground as I have recovered from that hit made by Hazel. I was struggling until someone donning silver armour, white cape and his cloak covering his head came up beside me as I looked up as he spoke.

???: Giving up so easily, Young Kaito??

Me: Wh-who are you? How did you know I'm a Kaito and... you shouldn't be here.

???: I'm a nobody. I'm just here to join in the stage.

He said as he grabbed the lockseed that I dropped.

Me: Hey! That's my loc-- wait... Stage??? 

When I heard him saying stage, my eyes suddenly widened as someone I knew only says that catchphrase.

Me: No way... you're--

I stated as he inserted two lockseeds on his unknown driver as he locked them onto the Driver.




I watched on as he soon flipped the knife and turn the knob of the lock as the two flaps of the lockseeds opened up downwards.


(A/N: Kamen Rider Gaim - Kiwami Arms.)

When he turned into his Dai-Shogun form, I looked at him as I knew he none other than any person who can wield this power as I started tearing.

Me: Father....


(A/N: Music starts here.)

Everyone looked at my father in shock, Emerald, Mercury and Hazel had a great shock as well as they are about to break the truth to everyone.

Qrow: Kouta?!

Apollonir: Kouta? Gaim?

Me (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices): Kamen Rider Gaim-san.

Gaim: (nods)

Emerald: What?!

Mercury: I thought Cinder took care of him?!

Hazel: You two... you said he was dead, right?! Then WHY IS HE HERE AND ALIVE?!?!


Me (Mixture of the four maidens and Summer's voices): Uuuuhh, Gaim-san? Did Emerald, Mercury and Cinder tried to kill you???

Gaim: Actually Mercury was the one who did so, but... Cinder did most of the damage, but luckily I managed to escape.

Me (Mixture of the four maidens and Summer's voices): I see.

Kyoryu Greeed: I see you have risen from the grave. Now it is time to kill you once again, if that is what you three desire.

Hazel: Do it.

Kyoryu Greeed: With pleasure.

The Greeed replied as he walked slowly towards us as Hazel did the same as well beside him.

Gaim: I got Kyoryu, you deal with Hazel.

Me (Mixture of the four maidens and Summer's voices): Yes, Gaim-san. And Gaim-san, it's good to have you back.

Gaim: (nods) likewise. Now, This is my stage!


He said as he clashed claws and a pineapple-like wrecking ball at each other as Gaim took the opportunity to kick him aside as he motioned his wrecking ball upwards, then downwards hitting the Greeed down to the ground. He soon spawned in The DJ Gun as he grabbed him and began slashing him, to everyone's amazement.

Mitchell: Uuuuh, Tenka, that's your dad?

Tenka: Yup.

Rachel: He's really really good.

Qrow: Aaaayyyee that's his dad.

Qrow compliments.

While Kyoryu Greeed and Gaim are having it out, I dodged one of Hazel's electrical fire projectile by using my calibur as a shield as I dropped my calibur onto the ground while launching an electric beam from my arms, but to no avail as a beam of four primary ghost entities, a blackhole, fire and ice went past me, hitting Hazel in the gut as he flew back, hitting against the wall.

I looked back to see four riders walking in between me as they spoke to me.

Kori: So, you must be the one we saw in training?

Jason: Yeah.

Me (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices): Training???

Kori/Jason: We'll show you later.

Me (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices): Okay. But thanks for the assist.

Kori/Jason: Your welcome! (Thumbs up)

Ryosuke: Allow me to aid you in your task.

Roland: Me too, Shadow-sama.

Me (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices): Okay... not sure where that come from but, sure.

I said this as I grabbed my calibur from the ground as the five of us posed while Hazel got back on his feet.

(A/N: Music ends here. If you want to repeat until it ends, it's fine as well.)

Hazel: You will all DIE HERE!!!!!

As Ryosuke, Roland, Kori, Jason and I are about to fight against Hazel once again, another Rider came out of nowhere with a Cross-Z Dragon made of blue fire with RabbitRabbit Mech parts for horns and for a helmet piece stuck onto it as the huge dragon rammed and blasted into Hazel, rendering his semblance, to the our amazement.

The rider soon landed gracefully with a thud as he stood up in front of us as he deactivated his semblance.

Kori/Jason: Who... are you??

Me (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices): Identify yourself, brave huntsmen.

The unknown rider turned to face the brothers as he introduced himself.

???: I'm Hiro Kiken Iglesias. You can just call me Iglesias. I am Kamen Rider, Cross-ZBuild and Cross-Evol, and I'm here to assist you in your fight.

Kori/Jason/Ryosuke/Roland: Coooooooollll...

Me (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices): It would be an honour to be by your side, Iglesias.

Hiro: The honour is mine. (Bows) And also, I'm not here, alone for I brought an old friend of mine to join the fun.

All: Huh?

As they questioned, they soon hear epic music from further away as I spoke.

Me: Something tells me we have to take a few steps back.

Hiro: Yup.

He replied as a black sports car with blue outline details suddenly drove into the building as it knocked Hazel to the wall once again as it transformed into a rider.



(A/N: CKamen Rider NEXTridoron. Combination Of Drive Tridoron form and Drive NEXT Form.)

The driver of the car flew out of the car as all parts of his car went onto him to accumilate his final form of NEXTridoron form as he landed behind of Hiro.

Hiro: So, I see you still have those dramatic entrances.

???: Yeah, I just love them.

Hiro: I see.

???: So, who are they behind you?

Hiro: Allies.

???: I see.... name's Clancy Red, a special unit investigation officer, at your service.

Kori: Kori Hiyasu.

Jason: Jason Hiyasu.

Ryosuke: Ryosuke Akamatsu.

Roland: Roland Arcadia, one of "THE" Arcadians and the last.

Me (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices): Shadow, Shadow Wrath.

Clancy: Nice. Now, that we have introduced ourselves, let's get down to business.

All: YEAH!!!!

Ryosuke: Me first.

He stated as Hazel still stood up strong as he roared while charging towards Ruby and Ozpin instead of us.

Ryosuke: Have you gone to get to Black-hair and red-dress.

Me (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices): My other me got things under control, so.... what are you gonna do amd why ask that question??

Ryosuke: Since this, Hazel is fighting dirty by standing back up many times, it is time that I too, fight, "Dirty"! HEY Hazel!!!!

He attracts his attention as Hazel is now facing Ryosuke instead of Ruby, Ozpin and Qrow.

Ryosuke: (Pressing the Button on the Evol-Trigger while cranking the lever of the Driver as he walked towards Hazel) Pick on someone your own size!


Ryosuke: (Looks at me) One C.G.I Fight, order up. (Walks away towards Hazel)

Clancy: Oh man... Shadow, this is something you'd never seen before

Me (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices): I know Clan. This is ONE HUGE MUSCLIZED C.G.I FIGHT, COMING UP!!!!

They both interpreted this as Ryosuke is in his Evol Kaiju NEO Form as he jumped up as he lands towards Hazel giving him a punch while Hazel did the same but in defensive position as he and Ryosuke are about to clash fists with each other to everyone's shock as he is evenly matched now.

Me: Guys, we need to help him, NOW!!

All: RIGHT!!!

They soon charged towards Hazel as the huge battle against him began once again.


3rd Person's POV:

Outside the school grounds, Ghira's faunus army lead by Ghira, Blake, Sun, Os, Ankh, Jay and Zi-O are doing their best to keep the white fang at bay, as well for Adam.

While Blake was fighting off some of the White Fang Members from hurting their own kind, a White Fang Member with a Sniper Rifle got his sights on Blake as he is about to pull the trigger in which Sun and Graphite too notice of this.

Sun/Graphite: BLAKE, LOOK OUT!!!

As Blake heard Sun and Graphite calling out, she turned to see a White Fang member about to shoot her but, he eventually didn't and everyone stopped fighting when they felt a tremor.

Blake: huh?!

Sun: That's not good.

Then, another tremor kicked in, this time, it shook almost everyone to the ground.

White fang Member 1: Where is it coming from?!

White Fang Member: I don't know. I have t-

As he was about to finish his line, black goo splashed onto his head to his shock. No one knows where the goo came from as he touched it and see what it is. While examining the goo, he felt his head being ventilared by something above him. So, he slowly looked up, confusing everyone.

As he looked up, Alpha Grimm Maga Tano Orochi stared at him from above as it appeared out of nowhere with Drazen on its head.


Grimm Maga Tano Orochi lunged downwards hitting the ground as it ate him, preventing him from shooting Blake for some reason to Graphite's shock. Drazen then got off from the Grimm as she pointed the Battle-Nizer at the white Fang.

Drazen: Imprison them with your tendrils and make sure none of them escapes!!

The Grimm roared as tonnes of tendrils came out from its body to greet the White Fang Members. While the Grimm is occupied, Blake aimed her weapon at Drazen which she took notice and turned to greet her.

Drazen: I am Drazen. You need not fear my Grimm and I. We are just here to help you, in regards to Shadow.

Blake: Shadow?!

Drazen: Yes. Your people shall not fear this Grimm as this Grimm is on your side.

Sun: And how do we know it is on our side?!

Drazen: Take a good look, and guess.

When Blake and Sun looked, they saw the Grimm helping their people notnto get hurt as it flung the White Fang members in the air as they fell to the ground and Adam being thrown to a tree by its tail.

Sun: Okay, she's with us.

Blake: So what now?

Drazen: Now, you help your people, and I will help you.


Inside the building, 



I shouted as I slashed all of my enemies' attacks until they evaporated into thin air as the battle for Haven still rages on.

Everyone is doing what they can to defeat Hazel, Mercury, Emerald, Lionheart and Kyoryu Greeed and I stagger a bit as I blocked Hazel's punch by my conjoured Dino Charge Megazord's Stego-Shield.

(A/N: Stego-Shield from Dino-Charge Megazord.)

Me: This isn't good. How are we gonna beat them at this rate?

Hazel: I will tell you what your answer is. Surrender. And give us the power you have.

???: I'm afraid that's not gonna happen.

When everyone heard this, a portal opened and out came Orochi and her crew from her tribe.

Me: Orochi.

Hazel: Who are you?!

Orochi: I am Orochi Tenma, Leader of the Build Tenma Tribe, and I see we haven't missed a bit.

Orochi, donning her combat dress, Sento in his Build Genius Form, Ryuga in his Cross-ZEvol form, Kazumi in his Grease Blizzard form, Gentoku in his Prime Rogue form, NegaSonic in his Bi-Kaiser form, Rai in his Funky Match form and Fu in his gear engine form assembled as they posed their defensive positions while Orochi stood in front of them as she looks at me.

(A/N: Kamen Rider Build  - Build Genius form.)

(A/N: Kamen Rider Cross-Z - Cross-ZEvol.)

(A/N: Kamen Rider Grease - Grease Blizzard form.)

(A/N:Kamen Rider Rogue - PrimeRogue form.)

(A/N: NegaSonic Battlegear Warhead.)

(A/N: Hell Bros.)

(A/N: Engine Bros.)

Orochi: Okay, Shadow. Ask them.

Me: Right. (Smirks)

Ruby: Ummm, what are they...

Tenka: I dunno.

Me: So, guys. Have you heard of the story about the Infinity Stones of Remnant???

When everyone heard this, my teammates frowned, Hazel scoffed and Qrow, and my father objected to the question.

Tenka: Are you seriously talking about this now?!

Mitchell: My Dragon and I are busy and youre talking about this?!

Rachel: It's a fairy tale.

Hazel: Of course! But that is just a fluk!!! It's NOTHING BUT AN OLD WISE TALE!!!

Qrow: They don't exist!

Apollonir: Son, this is not a fairy tale, this is real so please le---

Before my father could even finish, I started giggling loudly which everyone noticed.

Me (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices): Oh man.... this is hilarious. But sorry to say but.... (actjng goofy) THAT'S CALLED BOGUS TALKING!! HAA!! HAA!! HAAAA!!!  (A/N: From Barnyard the MOVIE.)

And with that, I started laughing about their comments which everyone are now confused.

Me (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices): Now... this is hilarious.... (wipes a tear away) now, on the serious note. If you said they don't exist.... (place my bag in front of me on the floor) then what is.... "this"???

I said as I squatted down as I fished out my Gauntlet with six stones on it, in which everyone gasped at what I got.

Lionheart: What?!

Ozpin: That's impossible!!!!


Qrow: We tried finding them for ages! How did yo-

Me (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices): I happened to have find them at the "right place". Now, you see Hazel. Only those who are chosen to wield this power can wield the power of the stones to what a little bird once told me. And now you and Salem shall learn what it means to be FOOLS as you only want power for evil!!!!!!

I said that as I was about to place the Gauntlet on me.

Apollonir: Son, DON'T!!! You don't know what that power will do to you!!

Qrow: Listen to your father, Icepop!

Ozpin: Don't do it, Shadow! Last time one used it, it caused him his demise and the stones scattered once again!!

Hazel: You better listen to them, child! This power is like no other and it is forced tocbe reckoned with. So, give me the stones....

I looked at everyone as I slipped the gauntlet on me.

Me (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices): Whoops.

Hazel: NOOOOO!!!!!

Apollonir: Everyone TAKE COVER!!!!!!

Everyone took cover as they expected the worse outcome to come. It has been a few seconds and nothing happened as Apollonir looked back at his Godish son as his eyes widened as he looked at the guantlet.

Apollonir: How?? How did you...

When everyone heard my father questioned, they looked at me as they were shocked to see me around still.

Qrow: How did you survive that?!

Me (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices): Well, basically what your former wielder forgot to do is to say a little hocus pocus on the stones and gauntlet.

Hazel: A little hocus pocus?!?! What did you do to the stones that made them be in control by you?!

Orochi: Once he found them, he then find me for answers to see how to wield their powers. I gave them thw answers and he has done it. And so did I.

Orochi stated as she held up her arm, utilizing the Pandora Gauntlet with six other stones (A/N: These are stones from Thanos's infinity gauntlet but they are well improved.).

Emerald: WHAT?!

Mercury: There are more?!


Me (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices): Guys, one last round! One last fight for Haven. Let's change Haven's fate....

Everyone in the building including the riders posed as me and my girlfriend did a pose as well, with Orochi doing it beside me as well, with Tenka and Gaim posing their own pose as well.

All: ... IN OUR OWN HANDS!!!!!!!!

As we are about to fire our weapons, a huge robot that transformed into a human crashed trhough the ceiling of the school as he landed in front of me as he began to shoot at Hazel and the remaining group, a yellow car zoomed in, breaking through the wall as it transformed into a robot as he shoot some rounds as well while the rest of the autobots are outside, keeping the white fang busy as theyare shooting away with everything they got. 


(A/N: Use the scene from 0:00 to 0:38.)

???: Hello. Name's Kieron Prime. That friend of mine there is Bumblebee. Are you Shadow Wrath and are these your allies?

Me (Normal Voice): Well, yes.

Kieron: Okay, let us assist you in your mission.

Me (Normal Voice): You may proceed. EVERYONE!!!! FIRE!!!!!

Bumblebee: (By radio) Sting like a bee, motherf#*$^!!!!!

Kieron: Autobots, role out!!!!


Back down in the vault, Cinder and Raven are seen in front of the doors of the vault as Cinder was really impressed on how Raven tricked her and how she will die soon.

Cinder: Vernal was a decoy the whole time. The last Spring Maiden must've trusted you a great deal before she died. (Looks at Raven) I bet that was a mistake.

Raven growled as she shot her weapon out from her hilt as she flew towards her as he grabbed her blade amd jumps towards Cinder. Cinder on the other hand took a leap as she conjoured a glass fire sword as Raven clashed blades with Raven, only for Raven to be pushed back real hard by Cinder's brute force as she took a heavy hit while being dragged against the floor while backflipping to regain her footsteps away from Cinder before advancing forward once again, clashing her blade against Cinder's.

Every dash and power the two maidens used are equally matched as they kept clashing weapons until Raven concentrated her power at her sword as she gave her powerful slash, causing her blade to break and Cinder's sword to break as well, causing a shard to impale Cinder's Grimm Arm as Cinder groans in pain.

Raven: Aura cannot protect your arm. It's Grimm!

Cinder scoffed at Raven's remark as she removed the shard from her arm as she looks at her.

Raven: You turned yourself into a monster JUST for power.

Cinder soon conjoured another glass fire spear as she looked angrily at Raven.

Cinder: Look who's talking.

As she said that, they fought and clashed blades once again as Raven sheathes and unsheathes her sword, with blades donning different elements of dust as they kept fighting as to who lives and who dies. 



(A/N: Music starts here.)

As they were about to clash their blades once again, I landed on the platform of the elevator leading to the Vault as I turned into a flurry of snow, petals, rose petals, leaves and fire particles as I reverted back in between them as I wield a double-edged blade made of the Remnant Calibur and Gashacon Key-Slasher as I clashed weapons with them, causing their blades to break while causing a shockwave to emit from our clash as the three of us backflipped away from each other to safety as we all looked at each other. 

Cinder: Who dares intervene with our battle!!

Raven looked at me, unknowing who I was.

Raven: Thank you, I appreciate the help I need here.

Me (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices): Your welcome, Raven. And actually, Ladies... it's me!

Cinder's eyes widened.

Cinder: YOU!!!!!!!

She soon charged towards me with two blades conjoured. Raven soon unsheathed her sword as she began to fight Cinder once again and I conjoured Paverschlev sword with my season powers as I charged to fight along side with Raven.

(A/N: Paverschlev.)

The three of us began clashing weapons as we began flying from one place inside the vault to the other as we began to reveal the full extent of our powers.

At our last clash of our blades, we lost grip of our conjoured weapons as we took each others' weapon as we carried on the fight, with Raven revealing her true Maiden powers by having ice crystals and a flurry of snow to surround her, Cinder revealing her true Maiden powers by having obsidion, coal and fire, with a flurry of flames surrounding her and I revealed my own powers by having Ice Crystals, Petals, Rose Petals, Obsidion-like glass and Leaves, with a flurry of snow, leaves, petals and flames surrounding me as we clashed with each others blades, causing tonnes of slash marks to form on the walls of the vault.

With our last clash, we flew backwards as Cinder focused her power to form a huge saber made of coal, obsidion, glass and fire, to Raven and my surprise.

Me (Normal Voice): Never knew we can do that.

Raven: Just shut up and do it!

Raven did the same as Cinder as well as she conjoured a Huge saber made of Ice Crystals to my surprise.

Me (Normal Voice): Okay... let's DO THIS!!!!

I focused all of my auras, powers and semblances as I conjoured a huge Key-Slasher made of several elements as I shout;

Me (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices): ALL MAIDEN, KEEEEEEYY-SLASHER!!!!!

Raven looked in awe as she complimented me.

Raven: I must say, you aee good at calling your attacks and your weapons names. That weapon name suites that weapon good.

Me (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices): Oh, well. Heheheh, thank you.

We looked at each other as the three of us clashed our sabers together at the center of the vault, causing a huge shockwave to tremor the floors of Haven Academy and causing the whole school to shake. As they held on to their clash, Cinder looked up as her eyes widened. I looked confused as to see why she did that until I looked up and my eyes widened.

Me (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices): RAVEN!!! Time to GO!!!!

I stated as the three of us took a leap of faith backwards as our conjoured blades broke into billions of pieces while huge boulders and stalagmites began to fall down onto the grounds of the vault.

I looked around as I tried to find Cinder as Raven pushed me aside as she took the hit by Cinder's Grimm arm that stretched out, causing Raven to land into the gate where she entered with Cinder and Vernal as Cinder tried to take her powers away.

I was worried as I don't know what or how to save her until it dawned upon me that this happened before but in school. My eyes widened at this discovery as I shouted at Raven as I explained to her quickly on what is going on as her powers are about to be transferred to Cinder, luckily it hasn't reached Cinder yet.

Me (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices): RAVEN!!!! YOU HAVE TO DISTRACT HER!!!!! THIS WILL NOT WORK OUT FOR HER!!!

Raven: How do you know?!


When I said that, she looked up and stared at Cinder as she smirked at her.

Raven: Shadow, move. Trust me.

I soon nodded as I moved out of the way as Raven shot a ball of snow at Cinder, causing ice to form on her legs as she now can't move, in which she will see why when she looks up.

She soon looked up, only to see a stalagmite fall onto her as it sort of crushed her, freeing Raven from her grasp as Raven and I flew up onto a falling boulder as we waited safely.

Raven: I must say, Shadow. You know your stuff.

Me (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices): Studies save you. Remember that!!

I looked down only to see Cinder coming up towards us with her two swords as I got up and wield my Remnant Calibur as I clashed my weapon against hers as our battle resumed. Cinder tried to tackle and slash us all over the place but the both of us took it as an advantage as we sped things up a lot.

Incredibly shocked, Cinder wasn't able to anticipate our movements enough, and I was able to land a devastating palm attack on her guts as I buzzsaw her chest with my Remnant Calibur's wheel element selector, and Raven kept giving her a flurry of slashes, causing her to lose a lot of her semblance until I noticed something.

Me (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices): Uh, guys...

Raven/Cinder: WHAT!?!?!

Me (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices): is it just me... or are gonna hit the ground anytime from no--

Before I finished, the boulder that we were on crashed onto the ground of the vault as we landed on the ground safely, with our semblances rendering drastically.

(A/N: Music ends here.)

Raven: Had enough yet?

Cinder: SHUT UP!!!!

Me (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices): Heh, easier for you to say, woman! If you were stronger and more clever...

Raven: ...then maybe... you'd remember to watch your back!!

Me (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices): Nice, Raven. (Points at Cinder) And by the way, those strikes are for Penny, Pyrrha and what you've caused me.

As Cinder got up, she suddenly realized what Raven was talking about as she looked back to see Vernal taking the shot, in which she dodged it. As she deflected Vernal's shot, Raven and I swooped in on her as she looked back at us while we we both struck our powers into her face, shattering her mask and revealing the heavily scarred left side. 

Me (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices): (Inner Thoughts) Good rids....

The sheer force of the attack sends Cinder plundering to her to the dark depths of the abyss. With the last of Raven's Aura, she slowly began to freeze the Fall Maiden into an ice statue, before Cinder's frozen body fell all the way into the dark depths of the abyss, fading from view. 

Raven and I finally recovered as Raven sadly looks over to the now-deceased Vernal, whose eyes remain open on her lifeless body. Raven walks over to Vernal's corpse and gently closes her eyes. 

Me (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices): She was a really good decoy, Raven... even if this was the wrong things but at times, we must do wrongs, to make the rights. That's how people change their fates in their own hands....

Raven: I know....

Raven soon proceeds to the Relic chamber's doorway. She activates her Maiden powers again and begins the process to unlock the chamber. Eventually, the door opens up, and on the other side, a massive desert is shown with a path leading to the Relic of Knowledge, which rests on a stone pedestal. 

Before Raven could enter the vault, you called her out.

Me (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices): But still, I must know. Was it worth it? 

Raven stops and stared at me.

Me (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices): To think that you would side against us. And for what? Survival? But let me ask you this, Raven.... Who do you survive for? Why do you want to survive? Is it out of selfishness? Or is there someone or something that gives you the will to survive?

Raven: It's.... not that simple... it's--

Me (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices): Complicated. I know. But to be honest, we should do this someday but, excluding the dropping to the abyss thing.

Raven: I will look into that. But yes, we should do this someday.

We both laughed the situation out as we both looked at the relic that is outside of the desert.

Me (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices): Do your thing, if you want.

I see Raven nod as she makes her way towards the desert biome until I conjoured Plesio-Cannon and aimed it at her.

(A/N: Plesio Cannon from Plesio-Charge Megazord.)

Me (mixture of the Maidens and Summer's voices): But, I'm sorry... someone wants me to stop you, and that would be her.

As I said this, Raven and I heard a gunshot and we both turnef around to glare at her daughter and my friend landing behind us as Pallad exits from her body, knowing that Yang wants to talk with her mom.

To be continued....

And that's all, folks! The thirteenth episode of the Fifth Volume for our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHH THE TENSION IS NOW HYPED!!!!! And also, some of my OCs are stars today!!!! So, if you ladies and gentlemen and other deviants really, really love it, comment down below on the comment section if you want me to try something and make up for it. So, thank you so much for reading this. And if you enjoy it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause' that would be "Muteki" awesome and greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I can improve myself as well.

And, if this happens to be the first literature that you have seen by me, pleaseconsider leaving a watch to become part of "Ride-Player Troopers" (It's what I prefer to call my watchers) today if you want to see more of the rest of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose insert. Apart from that, thank you so much again forreading this, and I'll see you Ride-Players (readers) on the next episode ofour RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! Until then! See you on the next game! Staylighted up! Stay Frosty! Stay Brave! Be Nice! SEE YA!!!!

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