Volume 5: Known by its Song

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Hey everyone! WELCOME to the sixth episode of the FIFTH VOLUME of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! So, to recap once again, I DO NOT OWN RWBY AND I DO NOT OWN KAMEN RIDER EX-AID!! RWBY is owned by RoosterTeeth and Kamen Rider Ex-Aid is owned by Toei. So, now sit back, enjoy and LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!!!

3rdPerson's POV:

Rain is heard pouring outside as Qrow and The Flame Elemental Master stood just outside a door to a restaurant. Qrow opens up the sliding door, and notices his friend not following.

Qrow: You coming or what?

Apollonir: You go on ahead, I'll just meet up with you later. We could cover more ground if we split up.

But before Qrow could even respond, Apollonir is already gone by then.

Qrow: Hmmm...

Qrow then finally walks inside, leading into the small restaurant. A man can be seen sleeping at a table in the corner, while the Ramen Shop Owner stands behind the counter sharpening his kitchen knife on a wood block. Qrow walks up to the owner, who is still paying attention to sharpening his knife.

Ramen Shop Owner: Regular? Or the Special?

Qrow: I'm actually looking for someone, goes by the name Shiro Wan. Ever heard of him? I heard he's a regular around here.

Ramen Shop Owner: Who's asking?

Qrow: Hey, I'm not some cop if that's what you mean. I need Shiro for a gig. We go way back.

Ramen Shop Owner: Way back, huh?  So, he's a friend of yours.

Qrow: Hm, yeah, I'd say so. He's a pretty alright guy.

Ramen Shop Owner: Well, in that case...

Suddenly, his tone turns hostile, pointing his knife threateningly at Qrow.

Ramen Shop Owner: You tell that jerk that he better not show his ugly face in here until he pays me the Lien he owes me!!

Qrow surprisingly gets taken aback in an instant, raising his hand in defense. 

Qrow: Uh, did I say friend? I, uh- I meant acquaintance.

The owner angrily slams his knife into the counter.

Qrow: Really, we're just colleagues!

He nervously chuckles again again as he slowly walks away from the angry owner. 

Qrow: Anyways, thanks for your time, buddy. I'll just be taking off now.

Qrow exits the restaurant, quickly closing the sliding door. He quickly turns around, leaning against the door. He takes a drink from his flask before pulling out his scroll, which has a list of "CONTACTS." Qrow crosses off Shiro's name, letting out a weary sigh.

Qrow: Great start.

Suddenly, the owner's knife is stabbed through the door cloth, barely missing Qrow's head. 

Qrow: I hope Apollonir is having a much better luck with the others...

Apollonir's POV:

I am seen walking towards a nearly run down house. He knocks on the door twice before the resident opens it up. When they do so, the resident, who is a male, gasps in awe as he recognizes me standing outside his door.

Resident: Oh my sweet Oum, you're The Elemental Warrior of Flames! You've gotta sign my comic book. I'll be right back.

The resident was about to sprint off to fetch his comic book, but I grabbed him by the arm, stopping him.

Me: Wait, that could be done later. Listen, um, is Blanka Griffin here?

In an instant, the resident's excited face turns into a somber-looking one.

Resident: Oh. My sister's been missing for three weeks now. I think she's.....

I lowered my head in sympathy.

Me: I see....

After a while, I gave the resident a small smile.

Me: Now, how about that autograph?

The resident's face lightens up and runs off to get his comic book. In just under a minute, he returns with his comic book along with a permanent marker. He hands them to me, which I signed the book and returns it to the boy.

Resident: Thank you so much! Hopefully, it'll take mind off things....

With that, the resident slowly closes his door, whereas I'm still having a somber look on my face.

Me: Yeah.... Hopefully.... it does take mind off things...

I said this as I walked off into the rain to find anymore Huntsmen and Hutresses available in the area.

3rdPerson's POV:

Back with Qrow, he walks up to several people asking if they know any of the Huntsmen on his list; first, a pair of two men standing on the rainy street. Next, to a one-eyed, blonde blacksmith selling her wares, unbeknowst to him, Shadow is in the Blacksmith's house to build something. Then, he seeks the help of a beat-up man filled with bruises, resting while two other men are currently fighting in a match. After every person he asks, Qrow's expression and body language grows more aggravated, and each time, the number of Huntsmen he crosses off the list increases.

After a while, Qrow and the Fire Elemental Warrior have finally met up.

Qrow: How did it go on your end?

Apollonir: Not good. Heather Shields is the last on our list. 

They are then seen walking up to a small house with boarded-up windows. Qrow looks at his Scroll for his two remaining contacts, the first of which had been crossed out.



Apollonir: I'll let you handle on this one, Qrow.

Qrow just shrugs as he knocks on the door. A group of small children is seen near the house. After Qrow turns around from looking at them, since there's been no response, he bangs it loudly with the side of his fist. As he's about to bang on the door again, a man opens up the door.

Qrow: Oh, uh, hey there. I'm looking for Heather?

The man just stares back at him.

Qrow: Look, pal, I've had a rough day. Do you know where she is or not?

Small Girl: Daddy? Does he know where Mommy is?

Having realized that Heather was missing in action, or worse, Qrow immediately regrets his mistake.

Qrow: I um... I'm sorry to bother you.

The man and his daughter go back into their house. Qrow walks back out into the rain. He removes his flask from his shirt and considers taking another drink from it, but when he sees his friend shaking his head at him, he decides not to.

At the park, they look up at the Mistral Bounty mission boards, listing the names of licensed Huntsmen and Hutresses, their mission type, status, and date. After looking at the boards, Qrow crosses off the following names on his Scroll:




He then checks for more names on the mission board one last time, before Qrow sighs and takes a seat on a nearby bench, realizing that all of his contacts, let alone many others on the mission board, were nowhere to be found. After a while, Qrow leaves to return to the restaurant he went a while ago.

Shadow's father stays to examine the boards and notices a few of the missions. 

Apollonir: Odd. Some of the missions between this "being" and some of the others are.... connected, in a way. Something tells me there's more to this. but I'd better not jump to any conclusions. Not yet, at least. If the Demon King really exists, the only way to destroy him or her is by the God of the Elements himself, aka.... my son.


Pallad's POV:

At the Branwen Tribe camp, Vernal pours cups of tea for Raven, Yang, Weiss, Haruto and I politely declining. We are all inside Raven's tent with the four of us seated around a table.

Raven: (to Vernal) You can wait outside. Thank you.

Vernal does so, with Haruto stepping aside the entrance to let her pass.

Yang: So, what's the "truth"?

Raven takes a sip from her cup, before she speaks.

Raven: You know, it's better when it's hot.

Weiss: You know, you're really obnoxious.

Raven: The truth is that "truth" is hard to come by. A story of victory for one person is a story of defeat for someone else. By now, your uncle has surely told Ruby and her friends plenty of stories.

Yang: Well, he's never given me a reason to doubt him before.

Raven: That doesn't mean those reasons don't exist. You know, you, friends, and your teammates might as well be the poster children for the Huntsman academies. Your motives vary, but you all enrolled to try and make the world a better place. It's adorable.

Yang: It's what Huntsmen and Huntresses do.

Me: To bring peace across the world of Remnant.

Raven: Not all of them. Some people are just in it for the money and the fame, but there's even more that are just looking to grow stronger. Your Uncle Qrow and I didn't attend Beacon to become Huntsmen, we did it to learn how to kill Huntsmen.

Yang and Weiss gasp at this, exchanging a brief look with each other, with Haruto looking disturbed at this.

Raven: Aside from the Grimm, Huntsmen were the only ones capable of ruining our raids and hunting us down. Our tribe needed a counterforce. And Qrow and I were the perfect age.

She then stands up from their table.

Raven: The entrance exams were child's play compared to what we'd already been through. We were good. So good, that we caught the attention of Beacon's very own headmaster, Professor Ozpin, their own Student Council President at that time: who you may all know currently as "The Elemental Warrior of Flames", Shadow Wrath's very own father. Even after we were put on a team, I could tell they were keeping his eye on us. Back then, I thought it was because he knew, but it was Team STRQ they were interested in. He and his team, Team APEX (A/N: It is meant to be A .P .E . K, but if you were to add an invisible 'S', it will be pronounced as APEX.) , would not take their eyes off of us because of this.

Yang: Team APEX? Who are the others?

Raven: They were consisted of the strict Apollonir, their team leader, the brave Percy Striker, the spunky Elizabeth Crane, and the loyal Kouta Kazuraba. Shadow's father, Mitchell Striker's father, Rachel Claws' combat teacher, and Tenka Kaito's very own father who is dead for many years now. 

Yang: What do you mean when they said they won't keep their attention off you?

Haruto: Answers....

Me: NOW!!

Raven: Constant attention, extra training missions, turning a blind eye whenever we happened to break the rules and get into more trouble than we should've. Sound familiar?

Yang, Weiss and I shared another glance at each other. Weiss gestures Yang to keep going.

Yang: What's your point?

Raven: How much do you know about Professor Ozpin? About his past?

Weiss: He was..... A prodigy. One of the youngest headmasters to be appointed to a school.

Raven: Because that's how he planned it. Because the man you know as Ozpin designed those schools and has followers inside every academy on Remnant that are loyal to him and no one else.

Me: Ummm... What?!

Yang: That doesn't make any sense! How could he have...? No. Why would someone even do that?

Raven: Because old man Oz has a great and terrible secret. One that could spread fear across the world. And when I knew of this, there was no going back. I needed to know more, but with every new discovery I made, the more horrifying the world became.

Yang: Okay, then tell us. What's the big secret? What's so crazy that the rest of us don't know?

Raven: The Creatures of Grimm... have a master named Salem. She can't be stopped, she can't be reasoned with, and she will not rest until humanity crumbles at her feet.

As she speaks, Haruto, Weiss, Yang and my eyes widen more and more. They sit in silence. 

Yang: What?

Me: So, Shadow's father knew of this,too?

Raven: Yes, he knew it too. But, instead of becoming frightened, he was..... determined, he was very brave about it. Something I've always envied of Infra, but still... I admire him when he fought Salem. Apollonir nearly had her but.... something went wrong. Thatwas before he met upwith us and Oz.... and Isolde, Shadow's dead mother.

Raven takes another sip from her teacup, while Yang stands up.

Yang: Why should we believe any of this?

Raven: Now you're catching on. So far you've done nothing but accept what others tell you.

She walks back to their table, putting down her cup.

Raven: But you need to question everything.

The four stare at each other face to face, before Raven turns around.

Raven: Otherwise you'll end up just as blind as Qrow... 

Yang grits her teeth, and her eyes narrow, seething 

Raven: ... and your fool of a father.

A shot from Yang's is heard, destroying the table. Raven's empty teacup clatters across the floor, stopping when it hits the heel of her boot. Raven looks toward Yang, faintly smiling. Yang's eyes have turned red.

Yang: Don't you dare talk about my family like that!

While Yang speaks, Weiss stares up at her wide-eyed and flinches when she raises her voice for emphasis, while I watched in amusement. A weapon is heard being drawn at Yang.

Vernal: You need to calm down.

Me: And you need to watch your back.

Vernal then looks back to see the me in my Perfect Knockout form as my Parablagun in its gun form is aimed at her face. But....


Haruto: You all, better simmer down. ALL of you!

I then look back to see Haruto wielding two Swordguns as he aimed them at my face and at Raven's face.

Haruto: Think about what you are doing, ALL of you!!. Things will be in regret if you do anything rash today. I know I have... once, but Iwill never do that again.

Me: Oooookay, point made there.

Weiss: (holding Yang's hand) Yang, Haruto's right so, please.

Raven: Listen to your friends, Yang. Your teammates never let you down before.

Yang: You don't know the first thing about my teammates! About me! You were never there! You LEFT US!! 

Her eyes then turn back to normal, as she then hangs her head in sadness. 

Yang: Why?! 

Raven: I know more than you realize. Not just about you, and not just what I've been told, but things I've seen with my own eyes. I know the Grimm have a leader, I know people who can come back from the dead, I know that magic is real, and I can prove it.

Weiss stands up, while Raven continues addressing her daughter.

Raven: You said Tai told you all about my Semblance.

Vernal, Haruto and I lowered our weapons, as I watched Raven heads toward the back exit of her tent.

Raven: Well, I doubt he ever told you what Oz did to my brother and me.

Raven exits her tent. Haruto, Yang, Weiss and I exchange confused looks.

Vernal: Go see for yourself.

Vernal leaves and we took her advice and exit the tent. 

Yang: You didn't believe what she said, right?

Weiss: I... of course not. Well, not all of it. It was crazy. We have Dust, Semblances... But, I mean, there's no such thing as magic.... Until Haruto showed up. So, how you Pallad?

Pallad: I've heard a lot of things, but I have not seen them myself from here. Seeing is believing, I guess.

Haruto: Weiss is right. 

Yang: Huh??

Just before she could explain to Yang about what Haruto meant, we hear a bird caw. We watched it fly in front of them.

Weiss: A raven?

Yang: I've... seen that bird before.

Me: Wait a minute, that's the bird that gave me the message to come here.

Weiss: Maybe it belongs to your mom?

We continued to watch the raven fly in the dusk-colored sky. It descends, flying and weaving between the trees, before shapeshifting into Raven herself. Raven lands back on the ground on her feet, while Haruto, Yang, Weiss and I have shocked expressions as she stands back up.

Raven: Do you remember the snowstorm that unleashed in Vale without warning? That was caused by Shadow using magic.

This causes confusion among the four of us.

Weiss: What are you talking about? Shadow's Semblance is manipulating ice. It's only natural, isn't it?

Me: Weiss, Yang... explanations later as... this happened before.

Yang/Weiss: What??

Raven: Well, I could explain it to you...

Raven then draws her sword, slashing behind her, creating a portal with her Semblance.

Raven: ... or you could ask your uncle.

Yang: You're letting us go?

Raven: I'm giving you a choice. 

Raven then sheathes her sword back to her scabbard.

Raven: Stay here, with me, and I'll answer all your questions and more. We can have a fresh start. Or... 

She steps to the side of her portal.

Raven: You can go back to Qrow and join Ozpin's impossible war against Salem, and meet the same fate as so many others. But can you really go back to trusting someone that's kept so much from you? Do you even know "who" or "what" your sister's boyfriend is?

Yang just glares at her mother, while Weiss reacts timidly as Haruto and I watched on.

Yang: All I care about is making sure my sister is safe, make sure Ruby knows what she is dealing with if what you're saying is true.

Raven becomes dissatisfied with Yang's response, letting out a short groan. As Yang walked off to fetch her bike with Weiss behind her, with Haruto and I soon following them from behind.


3rd Person's POV:

Yang and Weiss are then shown riding on Bumblebee, with Haruto and Pallad walking with them at each side. However, before they can enter the portal, Raven addresses her daughter one more time.

Raven: Yang. If you side with your uncle, I may not be as kind the next time we meet...

Weiss rolls her eyes and looks ahead. 

Yang: You weren't kind this time either.

Raven: And Pallad.

Pallad: Eh? (Looks at Raven)

Raven: Make sure you deliver the package to Shadow, safely.

Pallad: (Scoffs) I'll do what I can.

Yang and Weiss proceed through the portal on Bumblebee with Haruto and Pallad soon catching up with them. 

Raven: I know... Yang.


Back in Mistral, Qrow is seen leaning against a stone railing, with Shadow's father leaning his back against it, crossing his arms.

Qrow: This isn't right. We get one or two of them, Apollo, but... all of them?

Qrow sighs and hangs his head in disappointment. 

Apollonir: I don't know, Qrow. Maybe it's just natural bad luck, or I swear your Semblance is backfiring on us. Or is it something else, really.

Qrow: Not Funny.

Suddenly, they hear the sound of Raven's portal behind him.

Qrow: Raven?

Apollonir grits his teeth and unsheathes his Trident from his back. The sound of a motorcycle is heard coming from the portal, surprising both of them.

Qrow: Oh.

Apollonir: This is going to be interesting... and surprising...


In the kitchen,


Back at the house, Team RNJR, Ruby and I are staying at the kitchen, each of the members are helping prepare dinner: Ruby and Ren are cooking at the stove, Jaune and the members of Team STRM are setting up the table, and Nora is cutting carrots, occasionally eating slices, while I was taking out a few more tableware.

Ren: Alright, the first batch is just about done.

Ruby: Awesome! Now we just need Qrow and Shadow's dad, and we'll be all set.

Nora: Do you really think their gonna bring that many people? This is a lot of food.

Nora then tosses another carrot slice into her mouth, much to my chagrin.

Me: Please, Nora. At this point 'a lot of food' is going to be non-existent in a few moments if you keep eating those.

Qrow: We're back!

Ruby: Be right there!

I then decided to check up how Ruby is doing with the food on her end.

Me: You're.... going to overcook that, sweetie.

Ruby: No I'm not, shut up!

Qrow: Hey, uh, Ruby?

Ruby: I'm coming!

Some smoke comes from the pan Ruby is cooking with, making her eyes go wide for a moment, while I gave her an 'I-told-you-so' look.

Ruby: Fine! You take over.

Ruby grabs the tea tray and heads to the living room while I help cook the pan.

Ruby: (looking at the tea tray) So, we didn't know how many people were coming, so we just cooked all of it.

She looks up, and gasps as she drops the tea tray and its contents, which shatter on the floor. She stares in disbelief at the sight of not only Qrow and your father, but of her older sister Yang and her teammate Weiss, as well as Pallad and Haruto (A/N: She doesn't know him yet but on the next episode, she will.) Yang then approaches her little sister.

Ruby: Yang, I... I'm so sorry! I- I should've stayed, and I should've talked to you more! I'd-- I just... I wasn't sure if you wanted me around and--

Suddenly, her big sister gives her a strong hug. Ruby's lips quiver, and she looks toward her sister.

Yang: I love you. 

Tears stream from Yang's eyes as Ruby sobs and leans into her sister's hug.

Ruby: I love you too.

Jaune, Ren, Nora and I enter the room, smiling at the sight of the two sisters embracing each other. Qrow and your father smiles as well. Oscar then enters the room.

Oscar: Uh...

He looks up, seeing Ruby and Yang hugging, and smiles. Weiss smiles as she wipes a tear from her eye, before frowning while looking down.

Ruby: Weiss.

Weiss looks up, and sees the two sisters open their arms up for her. She smiles and eagerly joins them in their hug. Everyone smiles as they watch three of the four Team RWBY members embrace each other. During the hug, Ruby then noticed Pallad.

Ruby: Pallad, you're here!

Pallad: And that I am. With a friend of mi--


As I yelled, everyone looked at me as I ran towards Haruto and rammed him to the ground, to everyone's puzzled looks, but luckily Pallad is there to explain.

Pallad: They're friends when... they first met at the hospital. Consider this... a little payback actually to what Shadow forgot to say... from last time....

Weiss: Oooohh...

Rachel: Good to see him back again, actually.

Tenka: (Looks at Rachel) Yeah.

To be continued....

And that's all, folks! The sixth episode of the Fifth Volume for our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose. Hmmmm, I wonder what Raven gave Pallad to give to Shadow. Can anyone guess??? So, if you ladies and gentlemen and other deviants really, really love it, comment down below on the comment section if you want me to try something and make up for it. So, thank you so much for reading this. And if you enjoy it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause' that would be "Muteki" awesome and greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I can improve myself as well.

And,if this happens to be the first literature that you have seen by me, pleaseconsider leaving a watch to become part of "Ride-Player Troopers" (It's what Iprefer to call my watchers) today if you want to see more of the rest of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose insert. Apart from that, thank you so much again forreading this, and I'll see you Ride-Players (readers) on the next episode ofour RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! Until then! See you on the next game! Staylighted up! Stay Frosty! Stay Brave! Be Nice! SEE YA!!!!

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