Volume 5: Lighting the Fire

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Hey everyone! WELCOME to the fourth episode of the FIFTH VOLUME of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! So, to recap once again, I DO NOT OWN RWBY AND I DO NOT OWN KAMEN RIDER EX-AID!! RWBY is owned by RoosterTeeth and Kamen Rider Ex-Aid is owned by Toei. So, now sit back, enjoy and LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!!!

Haruto (Wizard): Now, it's showtime.

Yang/Pallad: (Voice in sync) (In Dragon Perfect Knockout Form) Let's Play!!

3rd Person's POV:

Yang is seen riding her motorcycle with the Shady Man while Pallad is seen jumping from tree to tree through a forest in Anima.

Yang: How much further, pal?

Shady Man: This should just about do it.

With that, Yang stops her bike at a clearing.

Shady Man: You wait here. I'll go up ahead and make sure the coast is clear.

The Shady Man dismounts from the bike and runs into the bushes. Yang shakes her head in annoyance and discards her sunglasses, sleeve and coat tails before stretching a little as Pallad walks beside her. Suddenly, someone pulls the trigger of a gun and Yang blocks the shot with her robotic arm. The Shady Man reappears with several bandits in tow.

Shady Man: I can't believe you were dumb enough to let me lead you here.

The bandits present all have their weapons drawn at Yang and Pallad.

Yang: Is this everyone?

Shady Man: Yes, little lady. This is it. Well, unless you count the whole rest of the camp back that way.

Pallad: ... hmph.

He gestures behind him with his thumb. Yang points a finger in the same direction.

Yang: That way?

The Shady man grunts in confusion, before looking at his tribe mates first.

Shady Man: Yes. That way.

Yang: Good to know. Thanks.

Pallad: Good to know

Shady Man: Now to pay me back for this tooth, we're going to take your bike. And you're going to take your lumps.

He punches his fist as he says this to prove his point. Yang glares at them as she activates her gauntlet on her left arm, making the bandits get cautious and keep their weapons trained on her.

Pallad: (whispers) Yang, I got an idea. But you have to let me merge with you.

Yang: (whispers) Is this going to help teach them not to mess with us and my bike.

Pallad: (whispers) Naturally. And you're gonna like it.

Yang: (whispers) Then do it.

Shady Man: You got the jump on me last time, sweetheart and rabbit-boy. But you guys really ought to think twice about fighting all—

He cuts off when Yang engages the gun on her robotic arm as Pallad pixelated himself as he merges with Yang. After the merge, a Dual Gashat automatically slots itself into the Game-Driver as it activated itself as it goes onto Yang as it turned her into something different as a bright light of amber blinded the bandits.



-Akai kobushi tsuyosa! Aoi Puzzle rensa! Aka to ao no kousa! Perfect Knock Out!-

(A/N: Yang's Rider Form will be Kamen rider Paradox Level 99 form but different.)

After a few seconds, the bright light slowly dims down to reveal Yang in a different outfit. Her outfit is of Pallad's Level 99 form with two dragons mystically drawn onto the armour. Dragonic Ember Celicas with dragon details which are red, blue and gold in colours, in detail donned themselves on Yang's arms and legs as it activated themselves. The Rider mask except the golden eye-visor then opens up to reveal Yang's face and her golden hair soon appeared at the back of Paradox's helm. as a dragon tail appeared behind Yang.

Once the transformation is complete, Yang suddenly smirked menacingly due to Pallad controlling her facial expressions and her movements as her eyes are now red and blue, instead of red at both eyes. The rest of the bandits gasp and step back in slight fear.

Shady Man: Alright... Get her! Wait... I mean him... I mean they... I mean...UUUGH, WHO AM I KIDDING?!?!?! GET THEM!!!! (A/N: Lol.)

Yang & Pallad's POV:

The bandits soon charged towards us as we readied ourselves as well as we slowly walked towards the charging bandits. One of them was close to us as he attemptsto kick me, but to no avail as I blocked his attack and kicked him off-balance so as to punch him down to the ground. The other one lunged forward and tried to stab me, but I simply backflipped to dodge the attack as my tail slapped his face as  I kicked his arm up, disarming him and gave him two good punches in his face and kicked him, causing a dragon made of fire to appear out from my leg gauntlets to strike him all the way up to the tree.

Just as i was going to cool down, gunshots were being fired at me as I swayed my hands left and right, causing Blue Puzzle Pieces to emit from my bare hands to generate a puzzle piece-styled energy shield to deflect enemy attacks. While deflecting their shots, I went over to a bandit and jumps onto her and kick her to a tree, giving me a momentum to do a flying backflip to the two bandits that are about to shoot me.

But before they could even do that, I flipped the lever twice to activate my finisher as I made some hidden Power-ups around the forest of Anima to levitate as I quickly chose my Power-Ups. once done, I selected a few Power-ups to help me with my finisher as it went into my body and my aura glows with the specific colour of the selected Power-ups.




As my Power-ups and my finisher are checked in, I immediately did a flying side kick to the right to disorientate the remaining bandits as I land behind them while disappearing out of sight. As the bandits were trying to find me, i let out a soft giggle as dragons made out of flames came out of nowhere as they did Punch bite and punch kick the bandits, making them fly to my front direction.

While I was busy ensuring that allof the bandits are down, the Shady Man who fought Yang/Pallad then grins evilly at the blonde.

Shady Man: You're going to get it now, whoever you are. Hahaha!

He said this as he shot a few rounds at me, to no avail as punched his rounds away from me. As he kept firing, his gun suddenly jam. 

Yang/Pallad (Voice in syncc): (Giggles) What's wrong? Gun jammed??? (A/N: Child's Play reference.)

As the Shady Man tried to hit his weapon a few times to unjam his weapon, I shot my way towards him swiftly thanks to the power-up I selected earlier while shooting his bullets away from me...


... and gave him a good kick and a whip from my tail as he flies to the last bandit I missed out as he hit him to a tree and for himself, he fell to the ground, drained of energy and injured from the battle.

I soon ignored the Shady Man as I made my way to my bike.

Shady Man: Wha--? Who are you?! Well, it doesn't matter! When Raven finds out about this, you're all dead!

Yang/Pallad (voice in sync): Possibly. But I doubt it. I am her daughter, after all.

The resemblance enough was uncanny as the man's face turned from serious to fear look as I showed both my eyes red.

Shady Man:  I'm dead.

The Shady Man then falls to the ground in defeat.



Back in Mistral, Oscar and Ruby are training hand to hand combat, while me and my team stood on the sidelines along with Nora, Jaune and a meditating Ren.

Jaune: Man, Oz wasn't kidding. Oscar's picking up on this stuff fast. 

Me: Perks of having a thousand and above year-old entity living inside your head, I'm afraid....

Oscar hits Ruby straight in her face. Ruby recoils from the blow and looks visibly angry.

Oscar: Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry!

Me: Next time, try do duck! Or maybe even sidestep---

Ruby: Shut up!

I raised my hands in defense, before Ruby hits Oscar back and he lands a few feet away on ground as Jaune and Nora wince.

Ruby: Ha! Yes! I did it!

Her brief moment of cheering is replaced with concern as she looks back.

Ruby: Oscar?

Ozpin: (mentally) You forgot to engage your Aura, again.

Oscar: Why didn't you tell me?

Ozpin: (mentally) Because this method makes you less likely to forget.

Oscar groans and gets to his feet.

Ozpin: (mentally) Mind if I give it a shot?

Oscar stiffens briefly while his eyes glow in a yellow light.

Ozpin: Not bad, Miss Rose. But Oscar doesn't have the years of training that you do. Or I do.

Oscar's body shimmers green as Ozpin engages their Aura. Tenka, Rachel, Mitchell, Jaune, Nora and I realize what Ruby is in for. Oscar determinedly approaches Ruby.

Tenka: Now this should be interesting to watch....

Mitchell: Indeed.

Ruby: Oh, ha, well, maybe we should uh... take a break.

Ozpin attacks Ruby with a few punches aimed at her head, forcing her onto the defensive until he lands a blow to her face which knocks her back several feet. Ozpin closes the gap with a leap and kicks her in the face. Ruby leaps at Ozpin to throw a left cross which Ozpin evades by ducking and retaliates with a headbutt from below. Before Ruby could even fall down to the ground, I summoned a small patch of snow to soften her landing.

Nora: Ouch.

Rachel: Ooooohhh.....

Ozpin: The next time you want to throw a left cross, remember to push off with the appropriate foot. And as always, do be aware of any openings.

Ruby: Gooooot it.

Eventually Ruby got up to her feet as I walked over to her. I then conjoured a feather duster made of ice as I brushed off the small amount of snow in her clothes and hair. I then notice the small bump forming on her forehead, and formed an ice cube in my palm and smoothly brushed it against the bump, making Ruby wince a little before growing accustomed to it.

Me: You may want hold onto that ice cube for a while.

Ruby giggles sheepishly before she takes the ice cube from me. Ozpin relinquishes his control and Oscar falls to the ground on all fours, panting.

Ruby: Oh! Hey. Are you okay?

Oscar: How is this so exhausting?

Tenka and I offered the farm boy a hand, which he quickly took, allowing us to help him back up on his feet

Ren: Your body isn't used to this kind of training, not to mention generating a defensive Aura on your own. It takes intense concentration at first, but in time it will become second nature, allowing you to deflect attacks and gradually heal your wounds. After that, you can begin focusing on your Semblance, whatever that may be.

Oscar: Semblance?

Nora: You know! Like your very own superpower! Everybody's got one. It's just a matter of finding it and mastering it. Tenka moves silently and fast in one second, Rachel can spawn dragons from her limbs and she can copy people's semblances, Mitchell can fly, Shadow can form and manipulate the entities of ice and snow itself, Ruby moves super fast, Electricity makes me stronger, Ren can mask emotions, and Jaune... can, uh, um. Hmm.

Jaune: I can't do anyth—

Ruby: Jaune's like you!

Ruby takes Oscar by the hand and leads him over to Jaune.

Ruby: He hasn't found his Semblance yet, but we all know he will. And you will, too. We all just have to try and help each other get stronger.

Oscar: Cool.

Me: Ahem.

There was a sudden gust of cold wind as I eyed on Ruby and Oscar, before my eyes landed on their intertwined hands. They both immediately let go, blushing in embarrassment. I glared at Ruby in jealousy, while she just rubbed her nape nervously.

Ren: A common philosophy is that a warrior's Semblance is a part of who they are. Some say your personality and character can define your Semblance while some claim that it is the other way around. Of course, there are still many who don't see a connection at all.

Nora: It's hard to know when you know sometimes. Ren's Semblance was unlocked from intense stress.

Ruby: And mine kicked in during training one day.

Oscar then turns to Me and Nora .

Oscar: And what about you two?

Nora: Oh. Struck by lightning. Didn't die. Craaaazy Thursday.

Me: What, didn't Oz tell you what I have?

Oscar: Uhm.... 

He looks nervous for while, making me sigh plainly.

Me: I already had my Semblance after I was born. Perks of being the sole son of a Winter Maiden.

Jaune: I just don't understand what's wrong with me. I train. I meditate-

Me: How about getting struck by lightning or love someone? Who knows, maybe you'll get the same powers as Nora. Or not. Maybe Rachel, maybe.

Mitchell, Tenka, Rachel, Ren, Oscar, and Ruby laughed a bit at your statement, while Nora and Jaune gave me a not-so-amused look.

Jaune: Not funny. I still remember the brain freeze you kept giving me back then, Shadow. Not funny.

Me: Hey! At least I helped you achieve your iron will. Even if it's just a little bit.....

Oscar's eyes glow momentarily as Ozpin takes control of his body again.

Ozpin: Don't worry, Mr. Arc. Your journey is far from over. And the same might be said for all of you. Unlocking your Semblance isn't the end. It can still grow and evolve. Providing you're willing to put in the work, who knows what could happen.

Ruby: Then let's get back to it.

But before she could even resume her sparring with Oscar, I grabbed her hand.

Me: Nope. Later.

Ruby: What?! Where are we going?!

Me: Some place where we can have a private time for ourselves.

This was when Ruby notices me walking straight at the edge of the balcony.

Ruby: Wait, we're not jumping over the balcony are we? Shadow?

I then started carrying her bridal style, still walking towards the edge.

Me: Hang on, Rubes!


I whooped in delight, while Ruby screamed out in panic as we both jumped down. Oscar and the others watched as I flew up in my snow form along with Ruby, heading towards the sunset.

Oscar: Are they going to be okay?

Nora: Ah, they'll be back. Shadow only does this to get back at Ruby for... you know, spending more time with boys other than him?

The farm boy tilts his head in confusion, before the voice in his head tells him something, making Oscar look guilty a bit.

Ozpin: (mentally) He's jealous.

Oscar: Oh.


Pallad's POV:

Yang and I finally entered the camp, escorted by a few bruised bandits who we had roughed up earlier. She notices more bandits lining up along the path, giving angry glares at them. Vernal steps out of her tent to see what the commotion is about. 

The two bandits guarding Weiss are playing cards with each other, before joining the rest of their tribe to see what the commotion is. Weiss notices this and takes this chance to once again summon a small knight from her Glyph, who begins to get to work on freeing her from her confinement. Yang and I, and their escorts arrive at the camp's main tent, where Raven emerges from it with her mask on.

Yang: Mom.

Me: Ms Branwen.

Raven removes her mask when she sees her daughter and her client. 

Raven: Yang. So, after all this time you finally decided to visit me.

Yang feels her left hand shaking once again, but she uses her robotic hand to calm it down.

Yang: You know that I searched for you. I spent years looking for you.

Raven: And you've found me. You were patient, determined, and strong enough to make your dream a reality. Well done, Yang. But did you have to be so rough with my men?

Yang: I didn't want a fight. They started it.

Me: And we both cleared the bonus level.

Raven: Well, you two certainly finished it. Like how you.... rephrased it to your terms, Paradox.

Raven's comment earned Pallad a nod from Raven, in which Pallad returned the nod to her. There was a moment of silence between them before Raven speaks again.

Raven: Right. I'm sure this is all very overwhelming. But I must admit that you've proven yourself. So any questions you have I'll be happy to answer. You both can stay with us tonight. I'll even have the cooks whip up something for you.

Yang: That's not why we am here.

The bandits react to Yang's irreverence, making Pallad get a grip of his fists out of caution.

Raven: What was that?

Yang: I'm not here for you. Ruby is somewhere in Mistral. She's with Qrow, and she's going to need my help. I just need you to take me to her.

Raven: And why would I do that?

Yang: Because we're family.

Raven scowls as she mutters to herself.

Raven: Family. Only coming around when they need something. 

She composes herself and projects her voice out again.

Raven: I have to say, I'm disappointed. After all, you found me, didn't you? Why not take that drive and use it to find your little sister if she means that much to you?

Yang: Because you're going to save me time. Ruby was heading to Mistral, but there's no guarantee she's made it there. Looking for her in Anima could take ages. But... Dad told me how your Semblance works.

Raven: Tai...

Yang: You can bond to certain people. And when you do, you could create a portal that takes you straight to them. You've got one for Dad. One for me. And you've got one for Qrow. He promised me he'd watch out for Ruby before he left. And I trust him. So, make a portal to my uncle and sister, and I'll be on my way.

Raven: You know, it takes real strength to march in here and demand such a favor of me. I've got to say, I'm impressed. It's very noble to want to help out your sister. But if she's with Qrow, then she's already a lost cause.

Me: What did you say?

Yang: What does that mean?

Raven: You don't want to get mixed up in all of that, Yang. Ozpin is not the man you think he is. And Qrow is a fool for trusting him. I would know, I trusted him once, too.

Yang: I don't care what you think.

Raven: Your choice is your own. All I'm suggesting is that instead of getting wrapped up in something too big for you, for any of us, that maybe you take a moment to wonder if you're already where you belong.

Yang: Save your breathe. You can spout off whatever you want, but nothing is going to keep me from my sister.

Raven: Well, aren't you stubborn.

Yang: I get it from my mom.

This causes me to look at her as I remained silent, yet disturbed.

Raven: Well, if that's how you feel, then it sounds like we're done here. Take them away.

The bandits surrounded us and began moving in on Yang and I. But someone out of ordinary came out of nowhere, steps forward to stand up for the two of us.

???: Wait.

Raven turns back around before she can enter her tent

???:  Where the White-Haired girl? The one you took away. 

Yang becomes confused and begins to guess what he is talking about.

Me: What?

???: I saw you and your... lackeys here take her from the ship she has crashed from not far from here. Give her to me and I'll be on my way. If not, then I'll have to use force, my dragon Infinity force.

The man replied as he utilized his rings to get ready to henshin. 

(A/N: Infinity Ring.)

Raven: If you want answers,you have to fight all of us, to get it.

???: Find by me. HENSHIN!

-Infinity, Please: Hi-Sui-Fu-Do, Bou-Zaba-Byu-Dogon!-

(A/N: Kamen Rider Wizard - Infinity Mode.)

Wizard: I am Kamen Rider Wizard. Now, it's showtime.

Wizard's POV:

After transforming and introducing myself, I saw a bandit charging towards me. So, I grabbed his arm as I threw him through a tent and slams him into Weiss' cage, much to the latter's surprise. I jumped up and lands over the bandit as I wield AxCalibur as I placed my weapon at his neck. When Weiss saw the uncanny resemblance of the diamonhead man and the usual Wizardry get up that I was wearing, the white-haired girl was overjoyed.

(A/N: AxCalibur.)

Weiss: Haruto! 

Yang: Weiss!

Me: Weiss! (Looks at Blonde girl in defensive position)

Yang: You know this guy, Weiss?

Weiss: Yes, I do. It's okay, Haruto. He was helping me along my journey to Mistral.

There was a short pause of hesitance between the me and Yang, before the I withdrew my blade from the bandit's throat. Weiss then takes notice of Yang.

Weiss: Wait, Yang?

Yang: Weiss?!

Me: That again...

Weiss: Alright, well, subtlety is out.

Weiss turns to her miniature knight and makes it grow, surprising me and destroying the cage in the process. Weiss, Yang, and I then quickly made our way towards the now-giant summoned knight following close behind.

Yang: What is that?

Weiss: Don't worry about it. 

Pallad: And who is this wizard guy, Weiss?

Weiss: I'll explain later. What are you and Pallad doing here, Yang?

Yang: Well, that's my mom and she can take us to Ruby.

Raven: Ugh.

Weiss: Your mom kidnapped me?!

Pallad's POV:

When we heard Weiss asked if Yang's mom kidnapped her, we literally snapped as we turned into our Dragonic Perfect Knockout form as we readied our gauntlets from our arms and legs as we both questioned Raven about this predictament.

Yang & Me: You kidnapped her?!

Yang, Weiss, Wizard guy, the summon and I turn and run to fight the bandits, but a lightning bolt mysteriously appears, stopping the fight before it starts.

Vernal: Enough!

Raven: Thank you. If you people don't keep it together this place will be crawling with Grimm. Give the girl her weapon back.

Vernal looks surprised at the command, then tosses the rapier to Weiss. 

Raven: You four. In my tent. Now.

Yang & Me: Why?

Raven: If you're really going after your sister, then you need to know the truth. 

With that, Raven enters her tent and the bandits go back to their own businesses. Weiss places her hand on her chest in relief as Yang, Wizard guynd I revert back to our original forms.

Yang: Sorry about-

Suddenly, Weiss drops her rapier and strongly hugs Yang.

Weiss: I missed you so much.

Yang: I've missed you, too.

Yang puts her hand on the back of Weiss' head and hugs back as her summon disappears. The two girls remain embraced, as Wizard and I shookhands.

Wizard: Been a while.

Me: Yeah, it has been a while, Haruto Wizard. (Smiles)

To be continued....

And that's all, folks! The fourth episode of the Fifth Volume for our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose. Well, it appears that Kamen Rider Wizard has finally met up with Pallad and Yang. Let's see what's gonna happen when they go into Raven's tent. So, if you ladies and gentlemen and other deviants really, really love it, comment down below on the comment section if you want me to try something and make up for it. So, thank you so much for reading this. And if you enjoy it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause' that would be "Muteki" awesome and greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I can improve myself as well.

And,if this happens to be the first literature that you have seen by me, pleaseconsider leaving a watch to become part of "Ride-Player Troopers" (It's what Iprefer to call my watchers) today if you want to see more of the rest of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose insert. Apart from that, thank you so much again forreading this, and I'll see you Ride-Players (readers) on the next episode ofour RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! Until then! See you on the next game! Staylighted up! Stay Frosty! Stay Brave! Be Nice! SEE YA!!!!

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