Volume 5: Mitchell Striker Character Short

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Hey everyone! It's me once again, Shadow 264, and WELCOME, to the very first episode of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose Volume 5, where we will be looking at Mitchell Striker character short! Do take note once again that I DO NOT OWN RWBY AND KAMEN RIDER EX-AID!! RWBY is from RoosterTeeth and Kamen Rider Ex-Aid and Build is from Toei. 

So enjoy, sit back, and LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!!!

(hits gong real hard)

Ten years ago,

3rd Person's POV:

Somewhere in the City of Mistral where everything you want like weapons, food, resources and a roof on top of your heads are all there, lived a family of four, Mr and Mrs Striker, Jon Striker and Mitchell Striker. They lived a simple life in Mistral. Mitchell's mother and father are highly trained Huntsman and Huntress, with skills unlike no other that the Striker Brothers made a really quickdecision that one wants to go to Haven Academy and the other to Beacon Academy.

When they heard what their children had to say, they were pleased that their children want to become Huntsmen like their parents. But something hit their minds that there are a lot of responsibilities to be taken upwhen being a huntsmen.

At night,

Mitchell's POV:

My brother and I are on the rooftop of our house, gazing up at the night sky filled with stars and a nearly broken moon above us. As we all looked up at the night sky, my brother, Jon asked me a question.

Jon: Yo yo, bro. Got a minute to spare?

Me: (sighs) Yes, bro?

Jon: Why do you want to go to Beacon??? Why not Haven, where is... you know, conveineant.

I sighed as I knew there has to be an answer to why I want to enrole to Beacon. So, I answered my brother.

Me: Well, there is a whole new adventure out there. There's Vale, Atlas and Vacuo. I want to enrole to Beacon because I want to feel what it is like there at Vale,... what the people are like there, too... especially the food. I want to soar sky-high around Vale and Beacon to stretch them out so that to make myself feel that Beacon... including Vale are good places to be. That's why I want to enrole to Beacon.

Jon: I like your thinking, bro. But, I know you better. You want to go to Beacon to make the world better right??

Me: Wha- I... ummm... yeah.... there's that too.....

Jon: Heheh! Knew it. But still, it's alright that you want to do that. But, remember what mother and father said to us, we-

Me and Jon: We can't expose ourselves too much.

Me: Ugh! I get it, our family are the last of their kind, The Silver-Winged Faunus Kind, I get it! I'm not a kid you know....

Jon: Ummm, Bro.

Me: Hmmm???

Jon: We're still kids.

I blankly looked at my brother, knowing that he's right as I sighed once again.

Me: (Sighs) GOD DAMMIT!!!

I shouted as my brother laughed and I laughed with him soon after I cursed myself when I said I wasn't a kid. When we stopped laughing after a while, Jon asked me another question.

Jon: So bro, how's your girlfriend???


Jon: Yikes... what happened???

Me: Well..... it happened past our bedtime when our parents are asleep. Remember I said I went out for a walk?

Jon: Uuuuuuhhh, yeah???

I sighed as I said the truth.

Me: I secretly flew to Vale.

When I said that, Jon's eyes widened as he is now in shock that I went to Vale without our parents' consent.


Me: SHHH SSSSHH SSSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! (Whispers) No one needs to know, okay?? My parents must not know about it, got it????

Jon: (Sighs) Fine... if you give me a huge Sundae filled with chocolates and ice-cream, I'll shut it.

Me: (Sad tone) Joooooooooooonnnnnn....

Jon: (Chuckles) Come on...I'm just kidding. I won't tell anyone, promise.

Me: Promise???

Jon: Promise.

Me: Okay... fine. It started a few months ago when we are sleeping.


3rd Person's POV:

It was late at night as everyone in Mistral are asleep and peaceful. It was peaceful until a window at one house opened up, revealing an Eight Year-Old boy named Mitchell Striker looking out at the night sky. He sighed as he walked across the room as I opened the doorquietly,calling out for my brother.

Mitchell: Big brother???

Jon: ZZZZZ---* Mmmmm...??

Mitchell: I'm gonna go out fowa walk.

Jon: Mmmmm... be back before mother and father.... finds out...

Mitchell: Okay brother.

After getting his consent from his brother, Mitchell, still in his room shuts the door quietly as he quietly walks towards the window. He then climbed out from the window, spread out his wings and flew out from the house as he started his journey to Vale.

Mitchell: A few hours to Vale, here I come.

He said this as he increased his speed tolfy further away from Mistral towards the direction of Vale.


At Vale,

Rachel's POV:

I was on my way back from a shop with some groceries as my mommy instructed me to buy them as she is eally busy cooking supper. So, I offered to help her and, I did. As I was on my way home which is quite a distant away from Vale,in which I didn't mind, some older kids were standing in front of me, blocking my way.

I moved to my right, and the older kids did the same. I went to the other direction and they followed. I felt uneasy as I start to question them.

Me: Uuummmm... wh-what do you want...???

Bully 1: What do we want??? Heh! Easy! You're a faunus right?!?!

Me: Uummmm.... Yeah??

Bully 2: Knew it. You're a faunus! And you're not welcome here in Vale! Faunuses are not welcome here as well.

Bully 3: Yeah! Like whathe said!!!!

Me: HEY!!! Everyone is welcome here! You all are kids as well as I am! You and I have no rights saying that!

Well, it was a bad idea saying that as my statement kind of triggered the older kids.

Bully 1: What did you say?? No rights?? HUH!?!?!?!

He screamed as he brought out a metal rod at me. This made me shiver in fear as I ran at the opposite direction, in which the bullies soon followed up.

Bully 1: GET THAT BITCH!!!!

And with that, the bullies ran after me to give me a good beating after what I said about rights.

Mitchell's POV:

I've finally reached Vale. And believe it or not, the view is so beautiful from uphere. I sighed in relief as I never knew those who have silver wings can fly for that long.

Me: I'm here... I'm finally here. Look at this kingdom! It's a better view from up here. I better hand it to you, father. These wings never tire down, never knew peple with Silver wings can fly for so long and in a really high altitude. Now, let's go exploring.

And with that, I started flying around the kingdom as I am now in awe as to how beautiful Vale is, I even caught a glimpse of Beacon Academy, and it's like a castle of some sort.

Me: Wicked... I bet someone powerful owns that place. Daddy was wight about Beacon, it is hu--

???: Help!

As I was about to finish, a faint cry for help was heard from down below. So, without anytime wasted, I swooped down to the source of the cry as I ready myself for anything.

3rd Person's POV:

Rachel soon ran into the alleyway of some shophouses as she tried to get away from those bullies but to no avail as they followed her all the way to where she is going. As she took another turn through the alleyway, she stopped as it was a dead end in front of her. She tried looking left, right, up and down, but there was no sign of hope of escaping. As she looked back, the only thing she saw was the bullies stopping in front of her.

One of the bullies cracked his fingers as the others surrounded Rachel, all wielding metal rods or hard objects to beat the hell out of her.

Bully 1: Now that you have no way out,... I think it is time that we all teach you, a thing or two about, "rights".

Bully 3: YEEEAAAAAAHHHH!!!!! (revving up a chainsaw)

Bully 1: DUDE!!! Seriously!?!?! Just rods, man!!! What's the matter with you?!?

As the bully implied to the other, the bully wielding the chainsaw he found in the trash dumped it back to where it was as he held back his metal rod.

Bully 3: Sorry....

Bully 1:  Damn, you're too extreme....

Rachel: This is awkward.....

Bully 1: ... (looks at Bully 3) Now look what you did, dumbass, you made our gang beat-up awkward now!!!

Bully 2: UUUGHH!!!!!! 

Bully 3: COME ON, I said I was sorry!!

Then, they all started to argue among themselves as one of them took the beat-up too literally, to Rachel's ammusement as they are not focusing on her now but focusing on what theyare arguing instead.

During the arguement that Rachel is now witnessing, she yawned as their arguement is starting to get boring she thought. When the bullies saw her yawn, they figured that she's not beaten up yet. They sighed as they wield their rods once again, to make Rachel to worry a lot now.

Bullies: Sorry to keep you waiting, but now that our conversation is over, we are ending this here and now!!

Just as they finished their lines, they walked to her as they started beating Rachel up to a pulp. Rachel knew she shouldn't have said those words to them, but she did. Now she has to face a death sentence by three kids alone, or so she thought. Just as the bullies were about to kill her, someone landed in front of them and kicked them away from her, much to the bullies' shock as they tried finding out who did that. 

Bully 2: HEY!! Who the hell are you?!

Bully 3: We're in a middle of somethin'

Bully 1: YEAH! SO, BUZZ OFF!!!!

???: Buzz off you say??

Mitchell's POV:

I questioned as I closed up my wings as I came into the light made by the moon, revealing myself to the bullies and the fatally injured girl as my wings shimmered into the moonlight, to the bullies' shock and to the girl's relieved as she is saved by someone.

Bully 1: Whatever! I'm goi-

Bully 2: Hold on, bro! I don't think you should be messin' with him... his wings bro! He's a Silver-winged faunus!

Bully 3: Thought those kind of faunuses are extinct!


Me: Oh??? Heheh! I like to see you try.

Bully 1: Why you lil'....

Bully 2: Oh no bro... heck no, bro!!!

To the bully's annoyance by my cocky attitude, he lunged forward as he struck me with his rod, but to no avail as I blocked it by using my wings and blew him back, much to the other two bullies and the girl's shock.

When the bully saw this, he looked back to his comrades as they lunged forward with him, trying to find an opening to strike me. I then lunged forward with my wings opened up as I am curious as to what my wings can do. During the fight, it started to rain heavily, and the bullies and I clashed rods and wings as we fought. Although I sustained some hits and scratch marks from their rods, it didn't stop me from protecting the girl who is at the verge of death. As I clashed weapons with my wings once more, that was when I had enough of them, that I broke the clash as I spun around in a circle in an extremely fast rate as I heard slicing noises coming from the rods.

Just as my attack was done, I noticed some pieces coming from the rods that the bullies are carrying coming off, much to my shock. 

Me: Wow.... never knew I can do that....

I stood up as I looked at the three bullies with worried looks on their faces. As they looked at me, I said "boo!" as they screamed and ran away from me. After seeing them disappearibg from the scene, I slowly walked over to the girl as I carried her. As I carried her, I slowly walked out from the alleyway due to my injuries sustained at my legs as the heavy shower poured over the both of us.

Jon (Talking in the story): That's how you met Rachel?

Mitchell (Talking in the story): Correct. You can say that I saved her from death. So, As we walked out from the alleyway, I decided to take the left turn.... I don't know why I wanted to do that but I just felt like it.... but now I know why.

Jon (Talking in the story): Because....

Mitchell (Talking in the story): Because of an old man and a young boy at my age came to our aid to treat our wounds.

As I walked out of the alleyway and took a left turn, I started to feel tired and uneasy. So, I went on my knees in exhaustion as I gently place the girl tocthe ground as she looked at me.

???: You're.... a silver.... winged... faunus....??

Me: Yup..... and that I am......

As I stroked the girl's head, she eventually introduced herself to me.

Rachel: R... Rachel.... Claws..... a Dragon.... Faunus...

Me: Oh? A dragon faunus? Interesting....

I stated as I laid on the ground with Rachel as I let the heavy downpour rain down on us.

3rd Person's POV:

While they were laying down on the ground, at the distance quite close to them, an old man carrying an umbrella with a kid beside him are making their way home when they spotted Mitchell and Rachel laying down on the groubd with injuries.

They then looked at each other as they shook their heads as they bith sighed.

Old man: (sighs) People. Why can't they just get along with faunus well like your mother, you and I, huh Young Kaito?

Young Kaito: I don't know sensei. They just wanna think they're powerful than faunus.

Old man: Unforgivable.... (looks at Young Kaito) come now, let us help them.

Young Kaito: (nods)

And with that, they went up to them as they helped them up and picked Rachel's groceries up as they made a U-turn back to their home which turned out to be a Dojo-like temple.

Once they've entered the compound, a woman came up to them in shock when they saw the condition of the kids.

Mrs Arcee: My Oum! What happened?!

Old man: We found them lying on the ground while Young Kaito and I were on our evening walk. And it looked like some bullies hit them hard.

Young Kaito: We help them, mommy???

When Young Kaito's (Tenka) mom looked at him, she smiled as she nods.

Mrs Arcee: Of course, Kai. We'll help them. 

So, the three individuals closed the doors of their home as they treated the kids' wounds.


Mitchell's POV:

I sighed as I thought about the family that cared for Rachel and I when they treated our wounds.

Me: That was the time that I met the Kaito family who are the only ones who cared about the faunuses. When Rachel woke up, she thanked them as well and Rachel and I... well, including Tenka to what the young boy introduced became best friends.

Jon: Oh. That's... a brave thing to do, Mitch, ma' bro.

Me: Although it was a gutsy move, but, it was worth it, even though I sustained some injuries.

The both of us started giggling as we thought about our past. We both then eventually stopped laughing when mom called us in.

Mitchell & Jon's mom: MITCH! JON! BEDTIME!!!

Me & Jon: Alright, mom!!!

Jon: Mitch.

Me: (looks at Jon) yeah, bro?

Jon: Although you and I are gonna go into different academies, we will still, be brothers... (Spits into my hand) to the very end.

Me: (Spits into my hand) Heck yeah we are!

Jon: Jon and Mitchell...

Me & Jon: Brothers forever!

We both said as we shook our hands.


I am now on a train with Blake Belladonna as I waited for the right time to hop off the train. While waiting, Blake placed her hand on my shoulder. I looked back to her.

Blake: This'll be my stop.

Me: Oh! You're leaving??? Well, if you're leaving, I'm leaving too... in a different direction.

Blake: rrrrright...

Me: Until we meet again, Blake Belladonna.

Blake: Sure. (Smiles)

We both shook hands as we hopped of the train that we were on and went to our separate ways.

Me: Blake Belladonna, eh???? Nice name. (Looks forward) Tenka, Rachel, Doctor Wrath, where ever you are, here I come.

And with that, I rushed off as I opened my wings to ready myself to fly as I began my search for my friends once again.


I am now sitting on the dining table with Apollonir, Qrow, Team RNJR/JNRR and my team members of STRM as I gobbled down my food ina rush.

Shadow: What a appetite....

Me: What do you expect, Doc. Silver-winged faunuses have a large appetite.

End of Character Short.

And that's all, folks! Mitchell Striker Character Short of our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose. If you ladies and gentlemen and other deviants really, really love it, comment down below on the comment section if you want me to try something and make up for it. So, thank you so much for reading this. And if you enjoy it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause' that would be "Muteki" awesome and greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I can improve myself as well.

And, if this happens to be the first literature that you have seen by me, pleaseconsider leaving a watch to become part of "Ride-Player Troopers" (It's what Iprefer to call my watchers) today if you want to see more of the rest of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose insert. Apart from that, thank you so much again forreading this, and I'll see you Ride-Players (readers) on the next episode ofour RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! Until then! See you on the next game! Staylighted up! Stay Frosty! Stay Brave! Be Nice! SEE YA!!!!


Mitchell's POV:

As it stopped raining, I walked out from the dojo as I waved goodbye to Tenka and his family, and Rachel as I quickly find my way home. Although I still feel exhausted after the fight and carying of my new friend, I still didn'tgive up hope as I tried flying my wayback. As I took to the skies, I felt rather uneasy and decided to land knowing that I can't fly due to exhaustion. When I realized I shouldn't have flew off that far, it was too late. I bawled as I knew it was a mistake, a worse mistake.

While I was bawling my eyes out, someone in a suit-like uniformcame by to see if I'm alright.

???: Hey, kid. You alright???

Me: I'm... I'm (Sniffs) I'm far away from... (Sniffs) home...

???: Well, don't worry. I'lltake you back home. Got a name, kid?

Me: (Wipes tears away) Mitchell Striker....

???: Well, Mitchell. I'm Gentaro Kisaragi! A teacher from Amanogawa High School, I am also a Kamen Rider.

Me: Kamen.... Rider...????

(A/N: Gentaro Kisaragi.)

(A/N: Amanogawa High School.)

As I questioned, Gentaro utilized a Special Belt with four coloured switches on it with a sreen at the center as he flips four red switches downwards as he held onto a lever at the right side of his belt.

(A/N: Fourze Driver.)




(Techno space music)

Gentaro: HENSHIN!!!!!

He flips the lever forward then backwards, causing him to transform into some kind of astronaut-like humanoid which is kind of awesome. 

(A/N: Kamen Rider Fourze.)

(A/N: Cosmic Switch.)

Then, I saw him fishing out a bootleg Switch as he removed an orange switch from the first slot on his right and placed that switch into the slot as he pulled the lever down to reveal a red button as he pressed it to activate the switch.


Cosmic On! (Bombastic space music)


(A/N: Focus on 21:40 for cosmic states, including the transformation theme.)

(A/N: Kamen rider Fourze, Cosmic States.)

Gentaro: Come on. Let's take you home. (Offers a hand)

I was amazed when he turned into some Cosmic Astronaut-like being as, you know no one has ever turned into cosmic energy before. So, I accepted as he helped me up and places his "Cosmic-like Switch" into his weapon as he activated his semblance. As he did so, he held me tight as a Vortex portalappeared from nowhere as he flew into it, believe it or not, it was amazing to travel back to my home by a vortex portal. (A/N: Focus on 25:17 to 25:36 for the vortex portal)

Jon's POV:

I am sound asleep in my bed,in my bedroom as the rain finally stopped. As I was sleeping, I woke up to realize thatmy brother is taking an awful long time to ome back. So, I went out of bed deciding to go and look for him.

Just as I was about to leave, a vortex portal appeared outta nowhere as an astronaut came out of it with my brother, to my great shock.

Mitchell's POV:

We entered out of the vortex as Gentaro dropped me off here as he was going to leave me here where it's safe now.

Gentaro: Welp, guess that's your stop. 

Me: Thanks, Mr Kisaragi.

Gentaro: Ah, don't mention. As after all, we're friends and buddies. And you're my buddy.

And with that, he did his handshake on me, which I felt very ammsed to it. After that handshake, he immediately took off as the vortex closes. I sighed in relief as I amhome as I looked at my fist that he did a handshake on.

Me: Kamen... Rider... Fourze, eh???

Jon: Who... the fuck was that???

End of Character Short.... For real.

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