Volume 5: Tenka Kaito Character Short

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Hey everyone! It's me once again, Shadow 264, and WELCOME, to the very first episode of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose Volume 5, where we will be looking at Tenka Kaito's character short! Do take note once again that I DO NOT OWN RWBY AND KAMEN RIDER EX-AID!! RWBY is from RoosterTeeth and Kamen Rider Ex-Aid and Build is from Toei. 

So enjoy, sit back, and LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!!!

(hits gong real hard)


Tenka's POV:

Weiss stands back up and jogs to fetch her weapon and goes into a defensive position. I then fired my weapons, which launches two arrows out from them, hitting Weiss on the head, stunning her on the process. While stunned, I took this as an opportunity to dash towards her at an incredible speed, giving Weiss a flurry of kicks, all in one swift motion. The last kick sends Weiss back a couple of feet. When she looks up, she saw me throwing his weapon aside and his hand outstretched towards her. She grabbed my hand and I helped her get up. When she finally gets up she crosses her arms and turns the other way with her head raised.

Weiss: Hmph! I let you win.

Me: If that's the way you want to put it..... it was an honor, sparring with you, Weiss Schnee. (I said as i bowed)

Weiss: Well, (bows back) likewise, Tenka Kaito.

After we bowed, we both then giggled to let this spar slide.  But, something made me think that this has happened before. So, I immediately sat down in front of Weiss as my head hangs down, saddened although the spar was a great. When she saw this, she looked at her father and my mother, and my grandfather talking with each other as she sat beside me as she noticed me about to cry.

Weiss: What's wrong, Tenka???

Me: Huh?? Oh, it's nothing, Weiss...

Weiss: Tenka, come on. We're friends aren't we? We can talk to me about it.

As she said that, I looked at Weiss as she gave me a concerned look and a smile at the same time. So, in determination, I tried to hold my tears as I explained.

Me: Alright then, Weiss. Tell me, who do you see behind us?

When I asked, Weiss had a puzzled look in her face as she looks back to see her father, my mother and uncle sensei talking with each other. She then turned back to face me as she answered.

Weiss: My father, your mother and your.... uncle....

Me: That's right.... they're here... but my father is not.

When I said this, it made Weiss go into a state of shock as she asked;

Weiss: Wha-whe-where is he now???

Me: I can answer the first one, 'What'. Well, what happened to him is that from that time till now.... he is still missing in action.

Weiss: Missing?

Me: Yes.

Weiss: But how? He is one of the strongest Silver-Armoured huntsman alive, to what I was told by father.

Me: Heheh. Coolest dad in the world.

We both giggled at my compliment to my father but, I cleared my throat as I revert back to topic.

Me: Anyway, I know your father has strong friendly ties with my father, but you havent seen the likes of him yet, and trust me, he has an army... like your father.... but his army is different as they are... well, odd as they are... I don't know how to say this but, they're somwthing else. But when my father went missing, his army went missing with him as well. People say it's due to over exerting himself he went missing or he's dead.... which I kind of find it hard to believe, but they sfill treat him as a symbol of having our own stages set up and rolling, with or without him.... He's a brave huntsman, and I know he never gives up without a fight. There is no way that he over exerted himself

Weiss: I'm... sorry you have to hear all of that.... even though his people love him a lot.

Me: Yeah.... they love him a bunch. And it's okay. Apology accepted.

A moment of silence surrounds the whole room until Weiss asked an interesting question.

Weiss: Tenka, what does your father do for you? I know my father works with our company but your father... ummm...

Me: Interesting question. Well, to answer that, he is the protector of a certain village.

Weiss: (eyes widened) really?

Me: Yeah. You can say that he's a super fruit father when he used his device to fight the Grimm off.... and... summon monsters to do his bidding... heheh.


7 years ago before Tenka's father went missing,

3rd Person's POV:

It was a nice sunny afternoon in Shion Village as the people of Shion Village are walking around doing their grocery shopping, taking their afternoon strolls and building new houses and structures to expand their village, cost of living and many more. (A/N: Do take note that Shion Village was not in ruins back in the times as it was 7 years ago that "it" happened.)

As everyone there are doing their everyday chores, a woman is seen holding onto a 10 year-old boy, Tenka Kaito as they walked through the village as they began to look around to see what to buy.

Mrs Arcee: Kai, would you like to walk around the village while I shop?

Tenka: Okay, mother.

Mrs Arcee: Now remember, do not to go into the woods, okay, sweetheart?

Tenka: Yeah.

And with that, he left in a rush as Tenka's mother smiled knowing that he can look after himself, but what she didn't know is that he will be in grave danger soon.


Tenka is seen running around the village from house to house, building to building. As he is running, some kids stopped him to ask if he is alone for a moment.

Kid 1: Hey kid, you alone?

Tenka: Ummm, for a while. Why?

Kid 2: We want to play hide 'n' seek with you, if that's okay with you.

After some thought, he nodded to his brand new friends as they started hiding, only for Tenka to be the seeker as he started to hunt them down.

It's been a few minutes now since he's been running around the village to find his new friends. As he ran to find the others, he ran past a house surrounded with water. Just as he was going to take a right turn, ---

???: ACHOOOO!!!

--he heard a sneeze. So, he stopped in his tracks as he smiles. He turned back as he walked back towards the same house he ran past and looked around. He checked under the house, around the water mout, behind the house and the crates, only to find nothing. But when he was about to give up, ---

???: AC--CHOO---

A sneeze was heard again but this time, someone was trying his or her best to keep it quiet, but it was too late as Tenka spread out his hands to spread the bushes open, only to see the same kid who asked him if he was alone and if he wants to play.

Tenka: (giggles) I found you.

Kid 1: awwww...

Tenka: But good spot to hide.

Kid 1: Thanks.

Tenka: I'm Tenka.

Kid 1: Brandon is my name. Let's go find the others.

Tenka: Yeah!

We high-fived as we started running to where Tenka was running. After seeking the first hidder (Brandon), the both of them then searched for the rest of them.

A few minutes later, 

It's been a few minutes now since Tenka and his friends started playing hide 'n' seek, with Tenka and Brandon finally found most of their friends. After finding most of them, they went to the back of one of the houses as they discussed about where the last hider had hidden himself at.

Tenka: Is everyone here???

Brandon: Jess?

Jess: Here.

Brandon: Danny?

Danny: Here.

Brandon: Tina?

Tina: Aeeyy! (Smiles as she waves her hand)

Tenka: Okay. How about Jolene?

Jolene: Here.

Brandon: Okay, we are missing out one more person a--

Jolene: Joseph. Where did he go???

Brandon: Ummm... that I'm not sure as he told us that he will be hiding somewhere that we will never find him.

Jess: Uuuuuhhh.... Jolene???

When we all looked at Jolene, we saw her worried face as Brandon knew that Jolene and Joseph are siblings.

Tenka: Brandon? What's wrong??

Brandon: No no. Jolene and Joseph are siblings. So, if one gets separated, she tends to worry quite a lot.

Tenka: ooohh....

As we all watched her started bawling in tears, I walked up to her and patted her head in comfort.

Tenka: Dont worry, Jewel-san. We'll find him.

As he said that, she slowly calmed down as she slowly looked up to him with watery eyes as she stops crying.

Jolene: O-o-o (sniff) -ok-o- (sniff) okay...

Tenka smiled as he took his hand off her head as he faces the woods, to his suspicion that he might be there.

Tenka: Friends, for now, let's go in there to search for him.

Brandon: In the woods??

Tina: But mommy said tha--

Tenka: Yes. We will never know if he were to be there, but let's hope he is.

Danny: Yeah...

And with that settled, Tenka and his friends decided to head out to the woods to find their friend, Joseph.

Weiss (Talking in the narration): So, you all went into the woods to find Joseph.

Tenka (Talking in the narration): Yes. Although I'm disobeying my mother's instructions but, if he were to be there, we have to find him. So, we went into the woods which is quite close to Shion Village to find our friend as fast as we can before their parents and my mother finds out that we are gone for too long.

We are now in the middle of the woods and we still find no signs of Joseph anywhere. When Tenka look into his watch, he noticed that it was going to be sun set real soon and he has to go back home anytime from now, that includes the friends he has who needs to go back home as well. 

Jolene: Big Brother!!! Where are you?!?!



Brandon: It's not funny anymore!!!

Jolene: Tenka.... is Big Brother going to be okay when we find him??

Tenka: Don't worry. We'll find him.

As we trailed on to find Joseph, we heard a scream and we stopped at our tracks as that was kid sceaming his lungs out. Then, Jolene gasped as she knows whose scream belongs to.

Jolene: Brother!!

Tenka: Let's go!!!

They then rushed in to the source of the scream as they tried to see what's going on, knowing that the screams belong to Joseph and he could be in danger. When they arrived at the scene, they are all in horror as we are now seeing Joseph running towards us away from an Alpha Beowolf.

Joseph: GO GO GO!!!!



And with that, everyone, including Joseph ran to the opposite direction as we ran away from the Grimm. As they ran, the Grimm caught up with us and swiped us to the side, luckily for his friends, Tenka shielded them from the swipe but, his friends sustained minor injuries when they hit the ground and Tenka sustained some scratches on his arms and stomach.

Tenka slowly got up from the ground as he went up to his friends to help them up as the Grimm slowly circled around them as they recovered from their fall.

Jolene: Tenka... your...

Tenka: I know....

I then drew a dagger out from my pocket as I took my defence stance (A/N: For a 10 year old kid.) as he triesto protect his friends from the Alpha Grimm.

Jess: Guys.... I'm scared...

Brandon: I think I--

Tenka: Don't worry, friends, I'll protect you.

Just as Tenka said that, the Grimm pounced towards them to sink its teeth against one of them but to no avail as the children scattered and Tenka moved to one side and stabbed a dagger into its eye, making it to howl in pain as it swung its head, throwing him to a tree, rendering his sight, to his friends' shock and horror.

Kids: TENKA!!!!

As they called out his name, the alpha turned to face them as it slowly walked towards them. As Tenka managed to have his sight clear once again, his eyes widened to see the Grimm walking towards them. So, with no time wasted, he grabs a fallen wooden tree trunk and rushed in to whack the Beowolf's head but to no avail as it used its claws to swipe him to a tree.

Then, it went up towards him as it delivers its death blow to him. Unfortunately for his friends, they couldn't do anything due to shock and dispair. 

Jolene: Tenka... PLEASE GET OUT OF THERE!!! (Crying her tears out)

Brandon: TENKA!!!

Tenka (Talking in the narration): I was too... naive about being someone I'm not. Because of this, my life was in grave danger....

Weiss (Talking in the narration): But, you are still here. What happened??

Tenka (Talking in the narration): .... (Sighs) Just as I was about to meet my end, someone or something, intervened.

Just as the Grimm's claws were about to reach me with my friends watching me die, I heard a piercing noise, coming from the Grimm. As I opened my eyes, I saw a lance-like spear pierced through the wolf's arm as it sank into the ground with force, my confusion and to my friends' shock.

(A/N: BananaSpear.)

Tenka: Banana... Spear...??? 

When he saw that spear, his face turned pale as he knew who is the owner of the spear.

Tenka: oh no... I'm in trouble...

As he said this, someone grabbed a spear and removes it from the ground and fromthe arm of the Alpha as the Grimm howls in pain. When everyone saw this, the kids including Tenka looked at the owner of the spear with their eyes widened as the owner is donned with silver armour with different fruits on his chestplate.

(A/N: Gaim, Dai-Shou-gan form.)

???: (Looks at Tenka) Getting in trouble again, are you, son???

Tenka: Uuuuuuuhhh.... not quite, dad. We tried to find a friend until we bumed into that...

When Tenka said that, the Silver-armoured warrior looked at the Alpha Grimm as it has its eyes at him, and the armoured warrior then looks at Tenka's friends and back at him.

Tenka's dad: I see... Well then, my son, go back to your friends. Head to the village, warn them in case it escapes my attacks.

Tenka: But dad.... what about you...???

Tenka's dad: Don't worry about me---


He says this as he flips the handle of his knife on his Sengoku Driver upwards as he spawns in a D.J. Gun as he aims it at the Grimm.

(A/N: D.J. Gun.)

Tenka's dad: --- I've faced powerful overlords and beasts like this one before.

After being reassured, Tenka went up to his friends as he told them to run back to the village with him as his father does all the work. 

Tenka's dad's POV:

After watching the kids and my son leave the scene, I looked back at the Grimm as it was getting ready to attack. I took the opportunity to go in my fighting pose with Banana Spear and D.J. Gun as I readied to attack as well.

Me: Grimm, your days of threatening this village is over!!

The Grimm growled as its eyes glowed bright red as its skull have more red crack lines on it. Worse case of scenario, it spoke, in a woman's voice whom I could recognise.

Alpha Beowolf (Telepathy): Go ahead and kill... or ESCORT ME, my true fear!!!

Me (Whispers): Salem? Even better....

Me: (smiles) Gladly, SALEM!!!

I acknowledged as the Beowolf which is controlled by Salem and I advanced towards each other as we both began our fight.


3rd Person's POV:

A few minutes later back at Shion Village, Mrs Arcee Kaito was about to finish his shopping when she realized that his son is taking an awful long time to come back to her. 

Mrs Arcee: Hmmmm... Kai seems to be taking an awful long time... I hope he didn't run off to the woods as instructed.

As she was starting to walk off from the shophouse she was at, she noticed some villagers running in the opposite direction. When she looked back, her eyes widened and her hands covered her mouth as to see some kids and her son to be in the group emerging from the woods with minor injuries.

She ran past the villagers as she ran towards her son with worry. When she reached her son, she hugged him real tight and her son doing the same to her. After a while, she broke the hug and took a look at her son.

Mrs Arcee: Kai! I thought I told you not to g---

Tenka: No, mom! A Grimm chased us for a bit in the forest... it gave me these cuts though a--

As he was going to finish, his mom hugged him tightly again, knowing that he is still okay, although the injuries inflicted by the Grimm.  

Mrs Arcee: I'm so glad you're okay.....

Tenka: Me too... (Eyes widened) Oh... I almost forgot. I must warn this village... in case... this Grimm comes here.

Mrs Arcee: What?!

Brandon: We have to warn everyone!! The Grimm might be on its way here real soon!

Just as brandon said that, everyone screamed, "Beowolf" as a Beowolf suddenly came out of nowhere as it fell onto the ground instead of landing in its fours, to everyone's confusion while being horrified as they knew that there could be more, but that wasn't the case anymore.

The Beowolf looked at the woods as one Humanoid being and a Boarbatusk-like creature emerged from there accompanying Tenka's dad.

(A/N:Inoshishi Inves.)

(A/N: Evolved Shika Inves.)

As the three emerged from the woods, Tenka's dad who's a Silvered-Armoured warrior spoke up.

Tenka's dad: Everyone, keep your distance from the Grimm!

When he looked at Tenka and his mother, he saw a different person within her and nods.

Tenka's dad: Keep your distance, Mai.

Mrs Arcee: (Unknowingly nods)

Tenka's dad: Grimm, it's OVER!!!

He said that as he prepped his finisher as he jumpsin the air to do Burai Kick, Inoshishi Ives roles in position as it increased its speed and the evolved Shika Inves  went behind the Inoshishi Ives as it readies itself to give the Inves a good punch.

Tenka's dad: NOW!!!!

And with that, the Evolved Shika Inves punched the Inoshishi Inves that it went forward. When the Alpha Beowolf saw this, it tried to flee by jumping but to no avail as Tenka's dad landed a Burai kick at the Grimm, and right after that, the roling Inves roled on the Grimm as it rammed it onto the ground real hard, causing a crator to form, to everyone'sshockand amazement..

Once the attack is done, the villagers, the kids and their parents, including Tenka and his mother watched as the Grimm withered away. Everyone looked at the two creatures and the Silvered-Armoured Warrior as one cheered, "Three cheers to the Silver-Armoured Warrior and his companions!!!" and everyone cheered for him for saving the village from the Grimm. When everyone is cheering for him, the warrior looks down at Tenka as he ruffled his hair.

Tenka's dad: I may not always be around to protect this world, Kai... but, know that you shall help to take my place as a Huntsmen in time, my son. Your stage you'll be standing shall come.

Tenka: (Nods) Yes, father.

He says his words of encouragement as he smiles behind his mask. Tenka soon smiled to  his father and nods. Now, after witnessing what he has faced and seen, he now wishes to become a powerful Huntsmen just like his father, to protect Remnant from the Grimm and anyone that threatens the peace in Remnant.

Weiss (Talking in the narration): Wow. A loving father, I admire him a lot, after what you told me about him.

Tenka (Talking in the narration): Thanks. But now that he's gone, I have to take his place.... but due to me being accepted to Beacon, it kind of ceased but thankfully, my granfather Sensei was around to help me with the problem when I enrole.


Weiss' POV:

After his story ended, I was in awe when he explained about his father. So, I placed my hand on his shoulder to calm him a bit.

Me: Your father loves you a lot, Tenka. And I know he disappeared for a reason.

Tenka: Yeah...

Me: Don't worry. We'll find him, eventually. I know we will.

Tenka: Yeah... thanks, Weiss.

And with that, we both smiled at each other as we got up from our sitting positions and walked towards our parents. They asked us what we were talking about, and we answered as after all, they were talking about tenka's father as well. "Ditto" I said as we all laughed.


Tenka's POV:

I looked out at a window of my room that my team chose to rest inside the house which was cattered for us as I looked at an Orange Lockseed.

(A/N: Orange Lockseed.)

Me: Father... I will find you...

As I said this, someone tapped my shoulder. I swiftly turned back, only to see my Team Leader behind me with a concern look in his face.

Me: Oh, it's you.

Shadow: Everything okay??? You've been looking out at that window for quite sometime now.

Me: Ummm.... (Sighs) Yeah. I'm just worried about my father.

Shadow: Oooh... okay. But don't worry, I'msure we'll find your father when this is over. I will make you smile again, when we do. 

Shadow then leaves me behind but before he could leave the room, he looks at me again to notify me on something.

Shadow: Oh, dinner is ready. Don't leave us hangin'  for the food will be cold. (winks)

He said this as he leaves the room. I silently chuckled as I looked at one of my father's Lockseeds as I smiled.

Me: Don't worry, father. We'll be together again when you're found.

I said this as I stood up from my seat as I left the room for dinner and closed the door of our team's room.


Tenka's dad's POV:

I stood at the rooftop of a house where Tenka and his friends are staying temporarily as I smiled at the sky as I looked down at the roof I'm standing.

Me: Don't worry, my son. You will never be alone again when I reappear to you and your mother once again.

As he said this, he looks at the western part of Remnant.

Me: Salem, if this were to be the final battle, Remnant's "Newly Created God", my son and his friends, allies and I will stop you.

He said this as a random crack appeared in front of him revealing The Woman of the Beginning before him as they spoke.

Mai: Tenka, your son... is alright, right, Kouta?

Kouta: Yes, Mai... or would I say, Arcee.

Mai: Oh you...

They laughed at each other after Kouta named her Arcee. After laughing and assuring each other of Tenka's safety, Kouta entered into the crack back into his realm as the zip of the crack closes and disappears.

End of Character Short.

And that's all, folks! Tenka Kaito Character Short of our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose. If you ladies and gentlemen and other deviants really, really love it, comment down below on the comment section if you want me to try something and make up for it. So, thank you so much for reading this. And if you enjoy it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause' that would be "Muteki" awesome and greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I can improve myself as well.

And, if this happens to be the first literature that you have seen by me, pleaseconsider leaving a watch to become part of "Ride-Player Troopers" (It's what Iprefer to call my watchers) today if you want to see more of the rest of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose insert. Apart from that, thank you so much again forreading this, and I'll see you Ride-Players (readers) on the next episode ofour RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! Until then! See you on the next game! Staylighted up! Stay Frosty! Stay Brave! Be Nice! SEE YA!!!!

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