Volume 5: The More The Merrier

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Hey everyone! WELCOME to the eleventh episode of the FIFTH VOLUME of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! So, to recap once again, I DO NOT OWN RWBY AND I DO NOT OWN KAMEN RIDER EX-AID!! RWBY is owned by RoosterTeeth and Kamen Rider Ex-Aid is owned by Toei. So, now sit back, enjoy and LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!!!

3rd Person's POV:

A full moon illuminates the night sky above Haven Academy as Qrow and Apollonir takes the lead with the currently present members of Team RWBY, STRM, the remaining members of Team JNPR, Oscar Pine, with Haruto and Pallad following closely behind. Tenka, suddenly stops, completely uncomfortable. Rachel took notice of this and stops beside him.

Rachel: You alright?

Tenka: I sense something.... Bad is going to happen.

Rachel: Don't worry, Tenka. When there is a problem, we will overcome it.

She said this as she winks.

Tenka: Yeah. Let's go.

Upon entering the building, they are greeted by Professor Lionheart, who is standing on a terrace at the top of the stairs that is being held up by a statue.

Lionheart: Why hello. Thank you for... coming.

Upon noticing the sudden increase of people than last time, he lets out a nervous laugh.

Lionheart: There... seems to be more of you than last time.

Qrow, Shadow's father, and the rest of the group stop to look up at Lionheart.

Qrow: Eh, you know what they say, "The more the merrier". So what's going on with the council?

Lionheart: Why... did you bring your weapons?

When he asks this, Shadow notice him slowly hiding his arm behind him, making him feel suspicious of this.

Apollonir: The answer's quite obvious, isn't it? Leo, we're Huntsmen and Huntresses. Are you.... alright? There something you want to talk about?

Lionheart: Of course! Of course, sorry. Just haven't had my evening coffee.....

Qrow: Look, it's nice to see you, but we got work to do. Are we getting support from the council or not?

While the they talk, Yang notices from the corner of her eye a black bird perched on a balcony railing.

Yang: Mom?

Everyone's attention is suddenly turned to the bird. It flies away just as Qrow shoots at it, but he misses, albeit on purpose. The bird flies down behind Lionheart, transforming into Raven, donning her mask. Everyone then glares at her as she takes off her mask.

Ruby: Raven...

Nora: They... they really are magic...

Raven: If you're going to shoot me, shoot me. That was insul---


All of a sudden, there was the sound of weapon being drawn. We all turned towards the sound to see my father transforming his trident into its storm rifle form (A/N: From Halo 4.) and shoots at Raven, who barely dodges the bullet by mere millimeters, much to Raven's amusement. Me and the others stare at him in shock.

Apollonir: No one says that in front of my kid.

Qrow: Just let me handle this, Apollo. What are you doing here, Raven?!

Raven: I could ask you the same thing. You've been scheming, little brother. Planning to attack your own sister.

Qrow: Leo... what have you done?!

Lionheart: I...

Raven: Leo did what any sane person would in his position - he looked at all the information he had in front of him, assessed the situation, and made a choice. And it seems you all have too.

As Raven speaks the last sentence out, she sets her eyes specifically on her daughter, Yang, who just glares at her.

Qrow: You have the Spring Maiden.

Raven: Correct. I do have her.

Qrow: Then hand her over and let's work together! We can beat Salem!

Raven: All that time you and Apollonir spent spying for Ozpin and you still have no idea what you're dealing with. There is no beating Salem!

Ruby: You're wrong. We've done things that most people would call impossible, and I know the only reason we were able to do it is because we didn't do it alone! We had people to teach us, people to help us, we had each other. Work with us. At least I know we'll have a better chance if we try together. Please.

Me: Let us work together as one to beat her. There has to be another way than senseless violence. So, come... let us change our fates... in our own hands.

I said as I stepped foward and held my hand out. Raven glares at it.

Raven: You sound just like your mother... your mother, too... Shadow.

Suddenly, Raven draws her sword and creates a portal with her Semblance. From the portal, a fireball is suddenly launched.

Me: Ruby, watch out!

Out of instinct, I quickly jumped in front of my girlfriend to protect her from the blast, as I shouted something with a mixture of someone else's voice.

Me/???'s Voice: ZEPPANDON SHIELD!!!!!

I shouted as I go into a stance as a shield came out of nowhere, blocking the projectile as it blew my shield. Fortunately my Hyper Muteki semblance was activated before it blew up on me, to Ruby's shock as I fell on the floor real hard by my bum.

Ruby: Shadow!!

Me: I'm fine. It just hurts a bit at my backside!

While Ruby runs to help me, Cinder then steps out of the portal.

Cinder: Hello boys and girls.

She is then joined by Vernal, and her subordinates, Emerald and Mercury, as they too step out from the portal. As Ruby helps you stand up, I notice someone with black clothing near the statue, and I was surprised when Another Pallad reveals himself from his hiding spot as he walked out from behind the statue.

Me: You...

I glared daggers at Another Pallad, adorning his usual smirk as the original Pallad. Cinder and her group, along with Another Pallad, line up alongside Raven, while the rest gasp.

Mercury: C'mon guys, is that any way to greet your old friends?

Qrow: Everybody, stay calm.

Suddenly you hear the doors behind them open up.

Oscar: Oh no...

A bulky man in black and dark green clothing by the name of Hazel is seen closing the doors behind him as he enters.

Hazel: The White Fang are prepping demolition and securing the school grounds. No one's getting in, and no one's getting out.

Outside, White Fang soldier are seen placing a bomb on the CCT tower with Adam and his remaining White Fang Members guarding their activity, ensuring no interference.

Adam: Once the charges are set, move back to perimeter watch. Tonight, Haven falls. 

He said as he smiles evilly. 

Back inside, everyone else watch Hazel slowly approach. All of us then turn our attention back to Cinder.

Weiss: This was all just a trap?

Ren: It appears so...

Tenka: I knew something wrong was going on...

Qrow: Raven, tell me... how long have you been with them?

Cinder: Aww, don't take it personally, little bird. Your sister was a recent addition. The lion on the other hand... Entrance into the Vytal Festival was a real treat, Leonardo's been sending Salem and Gemdeus Machina all sorts of information for a very, very long time. Isn't that right, professor?

Lionheart shamefully turns away, closing his eyes in mortification.

Lionheart: Stop it...

Me: Gemdeus Machina? No wonder I see more Bugster Grimm roaming around and union forms attacking innocent lives!

Apollonir: It was you... The attack on Vale, the Fall of Beacon. None of would've happen unless they had every information that we, the only people Ozpin trusted, knew. You sit on the Mistral Council, Lionheart. You had information on every Huntsman and Huntress in the Kingdom, and you gave it all to her?

Lionheart: I--

Qrow: We couldn't find any of them, because you let her kill them!

Lionheart doesn't say anything, only still having a sad expression on his face.

Another Pallad: Don't beat yourself up about it, professor. Those you gave me were necessary for my training. Some of them were difficult to kill that I had to develop new techniques. Last time we fought, I didn't really give it my all.

Cinder: Well, I think you should show them the techniques you learned.

Jaune: What is wrong with you people? How can you be so broken inside... to take so many lives, and then come here and rub it in our faces like it's something to be proud of?!

Nora: Jaune...

Jaune: All with that damn smile on your face!! 

Me and the others draw our weapons at the ready, anger building up inside me.

Qrow: Everybody, stay calm!

Apollonir: There's no more reason to be calm about this, Qrow. Draw your weapon.

Jaune: I'm gonna make you pay for what you did!! Do you hear me?!

Qrow: Kid!

Jaune: Well?! SAY SOMETHING!!

After a short pause, Another Pallad steps forward.

Another Pallad: Jaune Arc, isn't it?

Me: And how would you even-- 

Another Pallad just simply smiles malevolently under he turns his attention to me.  

Another Pallad: I have been keeping an eye on you and those close to you, to exploit your weaknesses.

Being surprised to say the least would be an understatement, as I was more than surprised. I was extremely astounded. He then turn his attention back to Jaune.

Another Pallad: I do know the fact that you failed to protect a certain teammate. You want revenge? Can you even achieve it if you can't really fight? You might as well just join her. When you recieve a Game Over.

Jaune: SHUT UP!!!

Incredibly angered at this, Jaune transforms his swords to its two-handler form and recklessly charges and engages the Bugster in melee combat. Instead of facing him, Cinder intercepts him and summons an obsidian scimitar, and blocks Jaune's attack. I followed soon after by charging ahead in my flurry form and locked blades with Another Pallad.

Ruby: Jaune! Shadow!

Ruby leaps into the air, but a chain wraps around her and she is pulled to the ground by Emerald.

Emerald: You're not getting near her.

Jaune is then pushed back by Cinder and the two begin their duel. Yang runs forward to join the fight, but Mercury lands in front of her.

Mercury: Hey there, Blondie. I'm thinking you owe me an apology for my leg, don't ya think?

Yang growls and uses her gauntlet-shotguns to project herself forward.

Raven: Take out the heiress. Don't bother wasting your power, she's not worth it.

Raven then draws her sword as Qrow uses his swords to lock blades with his sister.

Qrow: Running away was one thing, but this... you've crossed the line!

Raven: Sorry, brother. Sometimes family disappoints you like that.

Qrow: We're not family anymore.

Raven: Were we ever?

Qrow: I thought so, but I guess I was wrong.

Raven then notices something from the corner of her eye, and she jumps back just before a trident and a Swordgun implants themselves between Qrow and herself. The Ancient Elemental Warrior of Flames, Apollonir and Kamen Rider Wizard, in Ground Form are seen approaching them, taking their sword and trident from the ground and hotsler as they take their place beside Qrow, holding their weapons at the ready.

Qrow: Apollonir! Wizard! This my fight!

Apollonir: To heck with that, we've been through thick and thin together. Why should I leave you now? And besides, I was told you're basically equal with your sister, might as well uneven the odds with Wizard, don't you think?

Wizard: Yeah!

Qrow just chuckle at him in amusement as they then proceed with their fight.


Vernal: Let's see what the Schnee name really means.

Vernal draws her weapons, while Weiss holds her rapier on guard.

Weiss: I'm more than a name.

Vernal: Hm, prove it.

Weiss activates a glyph below her and projects herself forward to fight the Spring Maiden. 


Meanwhile, Oscar sneaks up the stairs to Lionheart while Hazel confronts Ren and Nora, who hold up their weapons defensively.

Hazel: I don't wish to fight either of you.

Ren: Nor I you.

Nora: But we will if you're with them!

Pallad: An ally of my ultimate enemy, is my enemy!

T/R/M: We're are going to take you down!!

Hazel proceeds to cracking his neck and knuckles, ready to fight, and proceeds forward. 

Hazel: Very well, then.


As Lionheart nervously watches the fights going on, he then notices Oscar walk up behind him.

Lionheart: Young man, I don't know who you are or what you think you're doing, but for your sake, I suggest you leave. Now.

Oscar defiantly remains stationary before taking a few more steps toward Lionheart.

Lionheart: I'm warning you!

Lionheart holds out his wrist-mounted weapon, while Oscar prepares to draw something from behind him.

Lionheart: That's enough!

Lionheart rotates his weapon, having a glyph appear above it which then conjures a flaming rock that launches at Oscar, who holds out his arms in front of him defensively as the attack explodes. Oscar is unscathed, though his Aura shimmers. He continues to proceed up the steps and draws his cane. His eyes widen in shock as he realizes something.

Lionheart: Ozpin?

Oscar: Not quite.

Oscar then proceeds forward as he handily batters him around using his cane, his attacks force Lionheart on the defensive, before managing to whack Lionheart back a few steps.

Lionheart: This can't be... I knew you would be back, but... you made it here! You found Qrow and Apollo! How?

Ozpin: (mentally) Leo... what happened to you?

Lionheart: Wait. You can't have had this form for long. You're... not really Ozpin right now. Boy. Child. If I deliver you to Salem, she'll have to be pleased with me, and I can finally get out of all of this! I can finally be free!

Lionheart, now determined, preps his weapon again.

Oscar: What do I do?

Ozpin: Fight...?

With that in thought, Oscar proceeds forward and the two continue their fight.


In my Snipe form Level 2, I summoned an ice duplicate of my sword with Gashacon Magnum in hand, I held the ice sword in an offhand position as I blocked Another Pallad's saw attack from his Bug-Visor Zwei and try to counterattack by slicing his waist, but he skillfully dodges by flipping back, and kicking my jaw in the process. I staggered back a couple of steps before I regained my footing. I wiped the blood that formed in my lip with the back of my hand.

(A/N: Kamen Rider Snipe Level 2.)

Me: Another Pallad, that all you got?

Another Pallad: Not quite...

Suddenly, he took out his Game-Driver and his Dark Gashat as he place the Gashat into the Driver and place the Driver on his waist as he flipped the lever to transform into Dark Perfect Knockout form.


-GACHAAN! MUZZLE UP! Aku no Kobushi Tsuyosa! Yami no Puzzle Rensa! Ashiki Yami no Ouza! Perfect Knock Out!!-

(A/N: Another Pallad Kamen Rider Paradox - Level 99.)

Another Pallad: Now then, let's fight.....

Me: With pleasure.... Dark Perfect Knockout!!


Weiss leaps around on her glyphs, dodging Vernal's weapons as she throws them like boomerangs. Weiss is then forced on the defensive and creates a large ice wall. She then stabs Myrtenaster into the ground as her summon starts to crawl out of her glyph. 

Suddenly, a large beam destroys the ice wall as well as the armored giant before it could be fully summoned. One of Vernal's weapons knocks Weiss back several feet, before it returns to its wielder's hand.

Vernal: Don't think I'm going to let you take the easy way out.


Elsewhere, Jaune is knocked to the ground, as a chuckling Cinder towers over him.

Cinder: I'm starting to remember you, you're the dense one that can't tell when he's out of his league.

Jaune gets back up and clashes blades with Cinder again. 


Ruby watches them fight but is snapped out of her distraction by Emerald. She then transforms her weapons into their revolver forms and fires at Ruby, who twirls her scythe around, effectively blocking Emerald's shots.

Ruby: Why are you doing this?! Salem's--

Emerald: I don't care about Salem! But I owe Cinder everything. You want to fight her that bad? Be my guest.

Emerald then activates her hallucination Semblance, creating a wall of fire which Cinder emerges from and charges at Ruby. Suddenly, Cinder's form disappears, while Emerald trips Ruby. Ruby accidentally fires a bullet that narrowly misses Weiss, who is blocking Vernal's shots with her rapier. 

Weiss attempts to summon, but Vernal is too quick and prevents her from doing so. Eventually, Weiss manages to launch Vernal out of the way and prepares to summon again. Suddenly, Vernal appears in front of her and lands an attack that depletes Weiss' aura. Weiss lets out a pained scream, to my horror. 

Me: Weiss!

Out of worry, I attempt to rush towards her to help her out, but Another Pallad immediately intercepts me, and incapacitates me by kneeing me hard in the stomach as while kicking me in the face. I staggered back  couple of steps, holding my stomach and face in pain, while not allowing the blood that started flowing out from my abdomen to my mouth.

Another Pallad: They have their fight, and you have yours. Why don't you focus on the fight at hand? Now that is something you must fit in a puzzle.

Gnashing my teeth in fury, I summoned an ice and fire armor in my perfect knockout formation that covered my entire body as I duplicate Parablade while throwing Gashacon Magnum away as I fished out the original Parablade, before engaging him in melee combat again. 

Jaune hears Weiss' screams as well and looks in her direction as tears well up in his eyes.

Cinder: Are you going to let her die too?

Jaune: Stop messing with me!

Cinder: If that's what you want...

Cinder then ignites her scimitar, which is now fully coated in flames. Cinder and Jaune proceed forward to clash. Ruby looks behind her and notices this. She briefly thinks back to the moment when Pyrrha died, and her eyes start to shine bright again.


A bright light engulfs the area, but it immediately dies down when Ruby is knocked unconscious by Emerald. Suddenly, I felt a power surge in every inch of your body as if my semblance, body and insides were accelerated inside-out, making me form a sipver shield. 

Another Pallad: Pathetic. To think that your own weakness would be someone so dear to yo-- 

Before he could finish, his eyes widened when he saw me in a different look, but it eventually faded away.

Another Pallad: What th--

I ame from behind as I "fore" in the face with the blunt part of two of my similar weapons.

3rd Person's POV:

While Shadow's fight resumed, Cinder "falls" (A/N: heheheh. Get it? Cinder Fall and Cinder falls... (laughing)) to her knees, holding her arm in pain. She looks up, and barely misses Jaune's attack as it chips her mask that conceals the left side of her face. As Cinder moves out of the way, Jaune trips and falls by the momentum of his weapon. Cinder gets back up enraged, activating her Maiden power while doing so. She then steps on top of Jaune to hold him down.

Cinder: Did you think you actually had a chance against me?! You?!!

Jaune struggles to reach for his weapon while Cinder calms herself and deactivates her Maiden power.

Cinder: You're just a failure with a death wish.

Jaune: If.... I die buying them time, then it's worth it. They're the ones that matter....

Cinder looks to Jaune's comrades as they fight against their respective foes, before smiling evilly back down to him.

Cinder: You think so?

She then notices Weiss get knocked back several feet away, and begins to slowly proceed toward her while she conjures an obsidian spear.

Jaune: No...

Jaune watches helplessly while Cinder continues to advance towards Weiss.

Jaune: NOOOOOOO!!!

Cinder throws the spear and it impales Weiss through her abdomen. She gasps in shock as everyone stops their fighting and stare in shock as well. When everyone saw what happened, everyone shared shocked and saddened looks in their faces to see that Weiss got speared by Cinder, all except for Shadow as he deactivated his Rider form whiel an extremely dark aura surrounds him.

Tenka looked at Cinder in rage with tears flowing down his face as he yelled and armed himself with his Tri-Sector Sparrows.

Tenka: CINDEEEERRR!!!!!!!!

Tenka shouted as he attacked Cinder next as she advanced towards him as well. Tenka gave Cinder a flurry of slashes but to no avail as Cinder keeps blocking his attacks and countered them by slashing Tenka from downwards up, causing him to dodge it uncomfortably, causing him to fall on his bum while losing his weapons.

Cinder: You're strong. But you can't defeat all of us at once. Like what Raven said, there's no beating Sa--

Before Cinder could even finish her sentence, she began to feel a familiar presence from somewhere, and so did everyone.

Qrow: Huh?

Jaune: What?

Hazel: Why are you hesitating?

Cinder: It's... it's Salem... shes's here.

When she said Salem's name, everyone in the room suddenly looked at Cinder.

Emerald: What?!

Hazel: How is that possible?! Where?!?

Apollonir: Salem... is here?!

Qrow: Everyone, be on guard!

Cinder: I don't know... I can sense her presence here but... She's everywhere, I don't know where she i--

Just before she could finish what she has to say, someone behind her interrupted her.

??? (Demonic Voice (A/N: Refer to MrFoudgeMonkeyz Annoying Villagers and look at the part with Herobrine's voice and you will see whqt I mean.)): I will tell you where she is... She's right behind you.... (Raises his hand as obsidion began to form on the palm of his hand) aaAAAAAA!!!!

Cinder quickly turned back, only to be hit in the face by incoming rods made of obsidion and ice, causing her semblance to render, to everyone's shock as they know who that person is.

Tenka: Shadow?

Apollonir: Just as I feared...

Qrow: What?! What's going on?

Apollonir: Shadow.... somehow has the Blood of Salem, a glitch character of a system... and my mortal enemy.... Naga....


Everyone watched on as they see me in a really dark look. My eyes glowed eerily white with a mixture of dark red, my hair is completely white with black and purple highlights at the tips (A/N: By the way, his hair will be in a mess as well.). A layer of ice and obsidion formed up around my clothes, my arms and legs, some areas of my face and fingers and purplish black veins start to form all over my body to show a monster-like look in my complete form.

I also have wings from Naga filled with veins all over as the ends of my wings drag along the floor (A/N: These are my wings in cape form.) as I walked slowly towards the crows as I looked at my right hand with a purplish black orb embedded on it as I smirked.

(A/N: Component 1 - Salem's Powers.)

(A/N: Component 2 - Herobrine. Support MrFudgeMonkeyz onYoutube. His minecraft episodes are the funniest.)

(A/N: Component 3 - Naga's Powers.)

(A/N: Component 4 - Ultraman Belial's Powers. Together with Ultraman Orb - Thunder Breaster's powers as well.)

Me (Demonic Voice): I must say, you really did pissed him big time than the last time I saw you, (Looks at Cinder) Cinder....

As I said her name, she got up and took a few steps back in fear as Qrow interrupted me.

Qrow: Hey!

I stopped as I turned towards him.

Me (Demonic Voice): Yessssss?

Qrow: What are you??? And what did you do to Shadow?!

I scoffed as I raised my hands in a surrender kind of way.

Me (Demonic Voice): Nothin.! And my name still implies but the only difference is.... I am a combination of gods of darkness that you all see before you.....

When I said that, a few people from the crowd recognize what I was talking about.

Apollonir: Naga (A/N: Bakugan. There will be a prequel fo this.)....

Tenka: Herobrine (A/N: Minecraft. There will be a special episode for that.).....

Mitchell: yep. Him again as the obsidion rods coming out from his hands gave it away.

Qrow: And you have Salem's powers as well?!

Apollonir: Belial as well... including Orb's rogue mode...

I clapped in amazement as I smiled evilly.

Me (Demonic Voice): BINGO~!! You all know your stuff!

I said in delight.

Me (Demonic Voice): Now, if you would excuse me, I got some people to smash their heads in.


(A/N: Music starts here.)

I said as the veins all over my body soon glowed bright, then they turned dim after a while as I charged at Cinder, while I punched Another Pallad to the other end of the room, knocking him out as she conjoured a sword as she tried to relax as she charged towards me.

As I got closer, Cinder attempts to slice my head off, but to no avail as I grabbed her blade as i held onto her face with my free hand as my grip tightens. I soon roared as I ruthlessly dragged her all the way to the pillar, causing the pillar to break. After ramming her into a pillar, I started bashing her head in by my icy fists as I lost control of myself.

Mercury: Uuuuhh... that's Salem???

Emerald: CINDER!!!

I raised Cinder's entire body up by pulling her hair as I pushed her to one side as I kicked her waistline real hard, twice while kicking her at the chin as I punched her across her face.

I punched her two more times as her vision starts to blur. Then, in rage, I punched her across her face until a "crack" sound from either of her skull or her mask is heard clearly causing Cinder to fall to the ground, weakened from my brutal force, to everyone's shock and Emerald starting to worry about her as she ran towards me with Mercury taking notice of this.


Mercury tried to reach her as she ran towards me as she shot her rounds to distract me from getting near Cinder. I took all the shots that are ineffective to me as I turned towards Emerald as she attempts to slash me with her weapons, but to no avail as I grabbed it while covering them with obsidion to not let her break free. Giving this as an opportunity, I disarmed her as I gave her a brutal slap in her face using my back hand, causing her to spin as she fell to the ground. I stepped on her stomach and was about to give her a death blow until Hazel had to show up to punch me in the face, to my ammusement.

Me (Demonic Voice): Hah! A feeble attack!! How futile!! RRAAAWWWWWRRR!!!!!

I roared at Hazel as I kicked his outer thigh, causing him to be unbalanced as he went on one knee. I took the opportunity to wrap my arm around his neck as i brutally added pressure on it as I pulled him up, giving him a flurry of blows in the face with my fist which is glowing with dark icy aura.

After my punches are done, I released him from my arm lock making him spin as I kicked his stomach causing my aura to hit him greatly as well as he flew into a pillar real hard as his semblance rendered to Apollonir's shock.

Qrow: How do we stop him?! If we don't stop him now, he's gonna tear this whole building apart!

Apollonir: There's no stopping him.

I then looked at Mercury in a menacing way as he is shaking all over in fear while walking a few steps back.

Mercury: I... I... I take everything back for what I did....

Me (Demonic Voice): Too late!!!!

I shouted as I looked at the pillar to my right as I grabbed it, forcefully pulling it out from the ground. After ripping the pillar out of the ground, I carried it above my head as I faced Mercury.

Me (Demonic Voice): rrrrrRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!

I roared as I threw the pillar at Mercury as he tried running while shooting the pillar, in attempts of destroying the pillar, but to no avail as it reached him as it smashed into him while his semblance started to render greatly.

Tenka: We have to stop him!!

Mitchell: NOW!!!

Apollonir: I'm afraid it's a bad idea!!

Rachel: Why?

Apollonir: Because when he has sights on you, he will straight away kill you, in a matter of minutes or seconds.

When he said this, my teammates were shocked at the info my father gave to them.

Hazel got up as he attempts to punch me, in attempts of stopping me from rampaging, but I grabbed his fist with no difficulty as I grabbed hold on his arm as I swung him around in circles, throwing him to one side, causing another pillar to be destroyed.

I swiftly looked behind me as I saw Mercury and Emerald shooting their way towards me. I smirked as I fired my projectile as I charged my attack.


I said as a buzzsaw made of Obsidion and a ball of pure dark energy is conjoured from my hand as I swayed it, throwing the buzzsaw at them, causing them to fly to the other end of the room with a huge cut being cut through the wall.

I smirked as I knew my work is nearly done. I looked at Professor Lionheart as I gave him a wide smile on my face as he started launching his attack on my as I flew my way towards him as I grabbed him and smashed him against the wall. He looked in fear as I conjoured a dark beam from my hand as I held him by his throat.

He closed his eyes in fear as he knew his time has come. Just as I was about to fire my attack on him, I hesitated as I deactivated my attack while pulling him close to me, glaring at him.

Me (Demonic Voice): Don't . EVER . Taunt me . AGAIN!!!!!!

The professor quickly nod many times before I dropped him on the floor as I reverted back to normal as I felt weak. Oscar, aka Ozpin ran to me as he tried to help me up.

(A/N: Music stops here.)

Ozpin: It's alright.... I know it isn't you.... i know....

Seeing this as an opportunity, Cinder conjoured the same spear as she aimed it at Weiss again who is motionless on the ground.

Cinder: I'm going to make sure, her life ends... here....

Tenka's POV:

She said as she threw the spear at the motionless Weiss, which I took notice of this. I then pushed everyone out of my way as I went in front of her as closed my eyes, awaiting for my demise which didn't happened. I soon opened my eyes to see Shadow holding on to the spear, to my relief as my team leader secretly made his way to us by his snow form to save the two of us...

...But not himself....

As I got up to hug him, he gasped as he was impaled by two blades by Emerald's weapon. He sacrificed his life to save me and Weiss, I thought. Everyone was shocked to see that my frend and doctor who helped me and my teammates got killed by Emerald as she threw him off to aside, completely dead, to everyone's shock and their enemies' delight as they quickly got up and stared at us.

Qrow's eyes widened at the scene as he glared at Raven as he couldn't believe that she and the rest made this happened. So, out of pure anger, Qrow fought with Raven again. And soon, most of the group fought with their specific enemies except for some who were still shocked by Weiss' and Shadow's death.


Raven: Anything to be free from Ozpin!!

She shouted as they clashed blades at each other as they moved around the building.

Meanwhile for Hazel, Pallad was thrown to the ground by Hazel's strength as his life gauge is about to go to zero.

Pallad: Looks like I don't have time left...

Tenka: Don't give up, Pallad. We must stand strong!

Hazel: Indeed. But you all are weaklings to me.

Mercury: Weaklings, huh? Why don't we get this over with, shall we???

Rachel on the other hand, held her arm as she began to loose balance due to her injuries.

Emerald: It's time you join your dead leader....

As everyone readied to inflict their finishing blows on my teammates and my bugster friends, with Qrow and Raven are about to inflict their finishing blows at each other, at my lifeless body, my eyes opened wide as my eyes are now silver instead of red and blue. I smirked as I am being taken over by someone or something as I stood up with nobody noticing as I began to transform while speaking out to everyone in the building.

Me/???'s Voice: How very disappointing, Qrow.... Raven.....

3rd Person's POV:

Shadow with a different voice with silver eyes voiced out as everyone stopped whatever they are doing, while Qrow and Raven simply clashed their weapons instead of cutting throats as everyone including them looked at Shadow, unravelling his/her white cloak as he revealed himself to be someone else.

T/R/M: Sh-Shadow...???

Raven and Qrow soon widened their eyes as they know who has spoken to them, including Apollonir. It was none other, than....

Apollonir: Impossible.....

Qrow/Raven: Sum?/Summer?

They asked as they saw Shadow with Silver Eyes with a similar appearance of their demised team member with similar clothing from the past.

To be continued....

And that's all, folks! The eleventh episode of the Fifth Volume for our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHH SSSNAP!!!!! We have a cliffhanger here. Finally, Summer. About timeyou showed up. So, if you ladies and gentlemen and other deviants really, really love it, comment down below on the comment section if you want me to try something and make up for it. So, thank you so much for reading this. And if you enjoy it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause' that would be "Muteki" awesome and greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I can improve myself as well.

And, if this happens to be the first literature that you have seen by me, pleaseconsider leaving a watch to become part of "Ride-Player Troopers" (It's what I prefer to call my watchers) today if you want to see more of the rest of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose insert. Apart from that, thank you so much again forreading this, and I'll see you Ride-Players (readers) on the next episode ofour RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! Until then! See you on the next game! Staylighted up! Stay Frosty! Stay Brave! Be Nice! SEE YA!!!!


Outside Haven Academy on the tree tops, two individuals watched as things aren't doing too good during the battle for Haven Academy. They watched on as one of them suggests something.

???: Brother, what do you think of this?

??? 2: (sighs) This isn't going well. Let's take action now, Kori.

Kori: Yes, Jason. So, any ideas?

Jason: Yeah, I got one, bro. You freeze that big-lug's legs, then you advance. Followed by me entering through the roof. After which, we both strike him, then we assist the rest.

Kori: Very Wise, brother. Let's go!

Jason: Yeah, bro.

Kori/Jason: HENSHIN!!!!

-Are you ready? Gokunetsu kinniku! Cross-Z Magma! Achachachachachacha Acha!-

-Are you ready? Gekitō Shinka! Grease Blizzard! Gakigakigakigaki Gaki~n!-

(A/N: Kamen Rider Cross-Z Magma.)

(A/N: Kamen Rider Grease Blizzard.)

After they finished transforming, they advanced towards the academy as they readied their plan to commence.


Somewhere in space, a portal opened asa flying fortress swooped by the cosmos and planets as they are about to head towards their next mission until...

???: Prime! We have followed Jet Storm's ship for ages now. From the looks of things, he is making his landmark on a very special world!

Kieron Prime: Which planet has he landed on, Ratchet?

Ratchet: He's  landed on... Remnant.

Ironhide: Prime! There seem to be a battle going on at the east?

Kieron Prime: Decepticons?

Sideswipe: No, people. I'm giving you live footages now.

Sideswipe said as he view a live footage on what's going on.

Kieron Prime: They are at war.... because of...

Ratchet: A God named Salem. Much like Quintessa but different.

Kieron Prime: I see. Autobots, change of plans! We are leading Fortress Maximus to where their battle is, and we are going to assist them to whatever we can. TO REMNANT!!!

Kieron said as Fortress Maximus in Ship mode made its way to the eastern side of Remnant (Mistral) Where the battle is being carried out there.

To be continued....???

This is for kieron0103, azurecrozz and zombienitro02. You guys are stars for today's episode as you will be arriving real soon on the next episode as well.

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