Volume 5: The Vault of the Spring Maiden

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Hey everyone! WELCOME to the twelvth episode of the FIFTH VOLUME of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! So, to recap once again, I DO NOT OWN RWBY AND I DO NOT OWN KAMEN RIDER EX-AID!! RWBY is owned by RoosterTeeth and Kamen Rider Ex-Aid is owned by Toei. So, now sit back, enjoy and LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!!!

3rd Person's POV:

After Summer took Shadow away from the group, Weiss is seen laying down with a gaping wound on her abdomen. Jaune immediately snaps out of his stupor when he sees Weiss like that.

Jaune: WEISS!!!

Jaune quickly gets up and runs past Cinder. Oscar watches Jaune approach Tenka and the unconscious Weiss from his position up on the stairs. Angered at the sudden predicament, Oscar smacks Lionheart with his cane, causing him to fall down the stairs and into Hazel, who remains unfazed at the sudden turn of events, as Lionheart falls to the ground. Oscar quickly runs over to Ruby, with Nora joining him with Mitchell and Rachel following up.

Oscar: Ruby, get up! Get up!! We need you!

Mitchell: Ruby!!

Rachel: please wake up...

Pallad: (Rushed in) Come on, wake up!

Hazel picks up Lionheart by his collar, lifting him off the floor.

Hazel: You're lettin' that boy make a fool of you.

Lionheart: That's not just a boy! It's Ozpin. 

Hazel's eyes widen in utter surprise when he says this.

Lionheart: He's already reincarnated!

Hazel drops Lionheart and looks over to Oscar, who is still trying to nudge Ruby to wake her up, but then notices Ozpin's cane being held in the young farm boy's hand.

Hazel: Ozpin?

Suddenly, the usual calm demeanor of Hazel slowly turns infuriated. After a while, Ruby stirs for a bit and finally opens her eyes.

Oscar: Ruby! You--

Hazel: OZPIN!!!! 

Ozpin (In Oscar's head): Oh no...

Hazel: You thought you could hide from ME?!!

He rips his coat off, before grabbing a pair of lightning Dust crystals from a couple of pouches on his legs.

Hazel: You'll pay for what you did! You'll die over and over again!!

He stabs the lightning Dust into his arms, with his blood vessels turning yellow and popping out from his skin as well as having some lightning coat them. His eyes glow yellow, and he lets out an intimidating roar. Oscar slowly backs away, holding his cane up cautiously.

Oscar: Do-- do we fight?

Ozpin: No, run!

Hazel leaps forward to charge into Oscar, but Qrow gets him out of the way in time. Qrow transforms his weapon into its scythe form while Cinder watches on with shock, with Raven and Vernal approaching to her sides.

Cinder: Ozpin is here?!

Raven: Is that a problem?

Cinder: I'm not sure, but right now we got the upper hand. Let's not waste it.

Lionheart is shown on his knees when Cinder's voice gets his attention.

Cinder: Leo! Open the path to the vault! Now!

Lionheart gets back up and approaches the statue in the room. He takes out his pocket watch and places it in a small niche on the statue. The hands on the watch gradually spin faster and the statue lowers. 

Yang watches the situation in front of her, and looks to Rachel, Tenka, Jaune and Ren as they tend to Weiss and then looks over to Nora and Mitchell who is still trying to wake Ruby up. Nora looks to Yang.

Nora: Stop them!

Mitchell: Go! We've got your team covered!

Yang lingers a bit before heeding their advice, but she gets kicked to the ground by Mercury, before being joined by Emerald.

Emerald: You wanna get to them? You're going to have to get through all of us.

Emerald uses her Semblance to create multiple copies of Mercury, which surround Yang, that is until Pallad came to possessed her again as she giggled, making Mercury and Emerald to exchange confused faces as she stood up.

Yang/Pallad: You think you won by just surrounding me? Heh, let the real fight begin. Max Dai-Henshin~

They said as they transformed into the same form from last time as they wield Gashacon Parablagun as they spun in circles, hitting Emerald, Mercury and Emerald's Mercury clones surrounding them.

Yang/Pallad: Let the real battle begin!

Meanwhile, Jaune uses his hands to apply pressure on Weiss' wound, while Ren holds her wrist checking her pulse. Tenka presses his ear on Weiss' chest where the heart is, and is shocked to hear Weiss's heartbeat getting slower, his hands shaking from the fear of losing his longtime bestfriend.

Jaune: Guys, talk to me!

Ren: This is bad.

Tenka: She is dying. We have to do something fast!

Rachel: Please.... not now..... (crying)

Jaune's eyes widen in horror.

Jaune: No, no, no, no, not again! Weiss, c'mon, please!!


Vernal steps onto the platform leading down to the vault as Cinder turns to Lionheart.

Cinder: Make sure they leave Ruby alive. This won't take long. As after all, we cannot risk having to possibly kill Ruby, we're taking her with us now as Salemand Gemdeus Machina wants her.

Raven seemed hesitant at the idea, but decided not to go against it. Cinder steps onto the platform, while Raven looks back a bit as she hears her daughter fighting vainly, shaking her head before she steps on the platform too. The platform then lowers down. 

Apollonir: No!!

My father recovers from his fall and chases after them, only to get blocked by Hazel, who began to stand in his way, before he could chase Cinder, Raven, and Vernal. 

Apollonir: Out of my way!

Hazel assumes her battle stance.

Hazel: You are not getting near them.....

The Elemental of Flames grits his teeth in anger, before he finds himself engaged in melee combat yet again but this time with Hazel as Oscar/Ozpin assist him in combat, with Oscar is dodging out of the way as Hazel slams his fist into the ground.

Ozpin: Oscar.

Oscar: No!

Oscar dodges another attack from Hazel as Apollonir dodged his attack as well.

Ozpin: Oscar!

Oscar: I told you, no!

Distracted this time, he gets punched back several feet into a column.

Ozpin: Please, let me take over! I can handle him!

Oscar: You told me I needed to fight for myself! So I will.

Ozpin: This is not your fight!

Oscar: What does that mean? Why is he so upset with us?

Hazel: He didn't tell you my tale, did he, boy?

He ask this as he approaches Oscar with a menacing look.

Hazel: I thought you looked familiar, to think that evil was inside you when our paths first crossed. Your blood won't be on my hands, it'll be on his.

My father seeing Oscar's situation turns to call out to his friend.

Apollonir: Qrow, the kid!! Ozpin's reincarnate is in trouble!! 

As Hazel slowly raises his fist, Qrow jumps in the way to block Hazel's attack, but he slams his fist into the ground, the shockwave knocking both him, Apollonir and Oscar back. The three get back up as Qrow and Apollonir engages Hazel.

Oscar: What was he talking about?

Hazel: Tell him, Ozpin! Tell him how you KILLED HER!!

Oscar: Her?

Ozpin: Gretchen Rainart was Hazel's sister. Despite her brother's wishes, she enrolled at Beacon Academy to become a Huntress and tragically lost her life on a training mission. Hazel... holds me responsible. Please, let me fight. I know Hazel. He's wounded in a way that cannot be healed.

Hazel: You know now! 

He holds Qrow by the scruff of his clothes and tosses him aside as he begins approaching Oscar.

Hazel: You can forgive me for what I'm about to do. 

Oscar: Did she know?!

Hazel stops in place at his inquiry.

Oscar: Did she know the risk of being a Huntress?

Hazel: She was only a child! She wasn't ready!!

Oscar: She made a choice! A choice to put others before herself! So do I.

Oscar holds his cane up defensively, but Hazel just glares at him.

Hazel: Then you've chosen death!

Oscar glares back, completely determined to end this. Then, suddenly:

Ozpin: I'm sorry.

Oscar: What?

Oscar's eyes glow and his body falls to the ground as Ozpin takes over him. Ozpin looks up, and Hazel looks back at him, enraged.

Hazel: OzzzzPIIIIIIIIN!!!!

Meanwhile, Tenka, Rachel, Jaune, and Ren continue tending to Weiss.

Ren: She's hardly breathing. 

Jaune: Tenka, you're smarter than the two of us right now. What do we do....?

Tenka: As much as I know.... I'm sorry... I don't know what we can do...

Tenka looks away in shame, as Jaune and Ren look down to Weiss, who struggles to breathe.

Jaune: No, it wasn't supposed to be like this! Please! We can't lose anyone else...

Rachel: Jaune... is that...??

Jaune sadly closes his eyes. Suddenly, a faint shimmering sound is heard and a white aura starts to coat over Weiss' body. Weiss suddenly gasps for breath again.


Cinder, Raven and Vernal are seen riding the platform down to the vault.

Cinder: Are you nervous, girl? The first Maiden in - why, I'm not sure anyone knows how many years - is about to open a vault. I would say it's quite an exciting time. Don't you feel honored?

Vernal: No, I'm not concerned with any of this. All I care about is my tribe - my family. This is a burden, not an honor.

Cinder chuckles in amusement at the girl's reply.

Cinder: You've conditioned her quite well, Raven.

Raven, on the other, doesn't reply. After a while, she soon replied.

Raven: I don't care!  I have nothing to do with this.

As the three continue to ride down the platform, they see the vault under Haven Academy - a massive cavern with a large tree that has glowing orange flowers. The platform reaches the bottom, and the gate protecting the vault is lowered into the ground.

Cinder: Hm, it's certainly grander than Beacon's. I wonder what the extra effort was for.

Raven: Can we please not linger?

Cinder: After you.

Vernal steps off the platform first, followed by Cinder, and then Raven, the latter putting her mask back on.


Back above ground, Hazel and Ozpin, and Apollonir were fighting each other intensely, while Lionheart tries to intervene by launching another attack from his weapon, but is stopped by Qrow. The two of them fight each other, with Qrow blocking Lionheart's projectiles. 

Ozpin, Apollonir and Hazel engage against each other again. Hazel tries to smash him with his fists, but Ozpin is too fast for him. Eventually, Ozpin manages to knock Hazel down on all fours. Ozpin then twirls his cane and prepares to deliver the finishing blow, but Hazel roars and smashes his fists into the ground, creating another lightning shockwave. 

Meanwhile, Weiss starts to gasp and breathes normally again as the white aura encoating her continues to glow.

Jaune: Huh? Wha- what's happening?

Rachel: Jaune.... it's your semblance.

Ruby: Weiss!

Nora helps Ruby up on her feet, who then quickly runs over to her teammate's side.

Ruby: What happened? What's going on?!

Ren: I think she's going to be okay! She seems to be stabilizing.

Tenka places his ear back on Weiss' chest again and hears her heart beating now in a normal pace. A great wave of relief washing over his body.

Tenka: Thank, Oum, she's gonna be okay! K-Keep at it, Jaune!

With Weiss breathing again, Ruby smiles, relieved that her friend's life is not endangered anymore. Ruby then hears her sister struggling, she looks over her shoulder to see Yang getting knocked back by Mercury but gets back up by a backflip. Yang charges forward, as she punched Mercury to the far end as another one of Emerald's Semblance hallucinations appeared. Emerald then creates an image of Raven, which Yang is hesitant to attack. Yang then blocks another attack from Mercury, but she is then countered it by conjouring a puzzle barrier to block and flung him to a side. 

Ruby then notices something:

Ruby: Wait, where's Shadow?!

Tenka: Ummm... about that.... we dont know who took him.....

Rachel: He was taken by someone in a white cloak for some reason.

Ruby was about to run ahead, but Tenka grabs her arm before she could do so.

Tenka: We don't know where he is. But the only thing we can do now is pray for his safety...

Ruby: ...

Ruby's POV:

I was speechless as I then looked over to Oscar fighting Hazel, with the latter's attack becoming too wild and unpredictable for the young boy. Oscar is then hit by one of Lionheart's projectiles and holds his shoulder in pain. Hazel is about to punch at Oscar again, but Qrow pushes Oscar out of the way and takes the blow in his back, but that was soon put to a halt when someone interrupted the fight throwing A White Fang soldier into the hall with everyone staring at him as he is now unconcious. We all soon looked at the person whois the cause of this.

3rd Person's POV:

???: Well hello. Am in the right room???

When everyone heard someoene asking that question, they turned their heads to look at a teenage-boy, shocked to see that a White Fang Member got thrown from outside, to here for a seventeen year-old to do that. (A/N: And yes, he'll be 17.)

???: Well, looks like I'm in the right room, then.

Hazel: Who the hell are you, child?!

Ozpin: Qrow Apollonir. be careful. I sense a great deal of aura, darkness and light within him

Ryosuke: I'm not just a kid... Ryosuke Akamutsu... and I'm Kamen Rider Evol--

He stopped halfway as he cranked the Lever of his Evol-Driver as he turned into Evol Blackhole NEO form.


(A/N: Kamen Rider Evol - Blackhole Phase 4.)

Ryosuke: --NEO!


(A/N: Music starts here. Repeat until you reach the end of the Truth of the Spring Maiden.)

He states as he dashed towards Hazel, Mercury and Emerald by using his Time Acceleration semblance. Just as Hazel was trying to figure out what is going on, Ryosuke reached him within less than one second as he punched Hazel, causing him to stagger a few steps back as Ryosuke cranked up the lever on his Driver.



He jumped as he kicked Hazel away with his finisher and kicked Mercury away who was about to kick him from behind away as well, causing two blackholes to suck itself into them as they explode, making both their semblance to render (A/N: Like what happened to Fu in his funky match form when Evol did his blackhole break at him.).

Apollonir: Young man, who are you???

Ryosuke: Ryosuke. Ryosuke Akamutsu.

Qrow: Well, thanks for dropping by. Could you help us for a bit?

Ryosuke: Help on beating the strongest God in the world? Sure~

He said as Hazel soon got up to his feet, without breaking a sweat as Oscar stood beside Qrow as the four took their battle stance in front of him.

Hazel: You will all not live another day...

As the rest are about to deal with Hazel, Hazel swiped a punch at them, but to no avail as Tenka stood in his way, allowing him to take the ounch instead as he flew to aside while falling to the ground. 

Mitchell/Rachel: TENKA!!!!

Hazel: No one, GETS IN MY WAY!!!!!

As Hazel rushed towards him to smash Tenka with his armour, an ice-beam shot its way to Hazel's legs as it froze him to his position, to Hazel's surprise.

Hazel: What the--

He struggled as he tried to move, but to no avail. He then turned to Tenka thinking he knows what's going on.


??? 1: Oh, I'll tell you what trickery is this. IS THIS!!!!!

Hazel: Huh?!

??? 2: AND THIS!!!! NOW JASON!!!!

Hazel: WHAT!?!?

Jason: Alright, Kori!

As Hazel and everyone heard this, they all looked up to see a Dragon rider falling down to deliver a fiery punch at Hazel and looked at a path made of ice an Ice Robot rider gliding along the ice to deliver an icy punch at Hazel.

Hazel was in a disadvantage when he charged up his attack, attempting to punch them away, but to no avail as they are both coming in real fast simultaneously as they punched Hazel real hard, throwing him to the other end of the building as they stood in front of Qrow, Apollonir, Oscar and Ryosuke. Kori soon looked back as he introduced himself and his brother.

Kori: Oh, hey guys. I'm Kori Hiyasu, aka, Kamen Rider Grease Blizzard. This is my brother, Jason Hiyasu, aka, Kamen Rider Cross-Z Magma.

(A/N: Jason Hiyasu - Kamen Rider Cross-Z Magma.)

(A/N: Kori Hiyasu - Kamen Rider Grease Blizzard.)

Jason: Yo.

Apollonir: Well, to rap this intro quick, I'm Apollonir, this is Qrow Branwen, Ryosuke Akamutsu and this is Oscar, also known as Profe--

Completely distracted, Lionheart takes the chance to release a large fireball at him, causing him to lose the rest of his Aura. 

Rachel: Take care of Weiss!

Just as Lionheart is about to take another shot, Rachel activates her Semblance as she punched Lionheart as fire dragons came out of her fist, striking the headmaster, protecting Oscar from further harm.

Ruby then lifts Jaune's hands up to see that Weiss' wound has closed.

Ruby: Whatever you're doing, don't stop!

Jaune: I won't.

Ruby: Good. Oscar, Tenka, Mitchell and Rachel needs help.

Ren: I'm on it.

Ruby: Jaune and Weiss still need cover!

Ren takes out his weapons, while Nora approaches his side holding her large, trustee hammer.

Nora: No one's gonna touch 'em.

Nora gives Ruby a reassuring smile, which Ruby returns with her own smile.

Ruby: Okay, make it happen, RNJR!

Ruby stands back up, transforming her weapon into its scythe form and flips over. She lands to her sister's side, knocking Emerald back. Emerald's Semblance copies of Mercury then disappear, reforming back into the main Mercury.

Yang/Pallad: Thanks, sis./Thanks, Silver. (standing back up as I chuckled) You okay?

Ruby: No Yang... Pallad, I'm angry.

Ruby proceeds forward and engages in combat.


Back down in the vault, Vernal, Cinder, and Raven walk towards the Relic chamber. Suddenly, a symbol on the ground glows bright, as well as the circle enclosed around it. Similar circles with symbols in them also glow leading up to the Relic chamber's door. The tree's flowers then glow even more, and it's petals gently fall and float around the vault. One petal falls into Vernal's hand.

Cinder: Having fun?

Vernal glares back at Cinder as the petal in her hand dissolves into particles.

Raven: Vernal, stay focused.

Cinder: Oh, come now, Raven, let her enjoy this. It's a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

Vernal: How does this work

Cinder: Once the Spring Maiden places her hand on the door, it will open. For you - and only you. Then I will walk into the vault, and retrieve the Relic. No one else. Is that clear?

Vernal: Yes.

Raven: It doesn't matter to us. Let's get this over with.

Cinder: Alright then. Vernal, when you're ready.

Vernal approaches the door. While she does so, Raven slowly reaches for the hilt of her sword, but stops when Cinder speaks.

Cinder: You know, I've heard so many stories about you, Raven. They say you're a cunning leader, that you're strong, that you're clever.

Vernal hovers her fingertips close to the door.

Cinder: It's a shame that they're wrong...

Cinder then lets out a blue, frost-like projectile from her hand.

Raven: VERNAL!!

Raven reaches out, but she is too late as she is frozen in place from Cinder's attack. Vernal takes her hand away from the door and takes her weapons out on Cinder, but she is stabbed by something in her stomach. She looks down and notices an elongated Grimm hand 
coming from Cinder's left arm.

Cinder: It's nothing personal, dear. You're just not worthy of such power. But I am...

Vernal is then pushed to the ground, and she screams out in pain as she struggles to get the Grimm hand out of her stomach. The ice coating Raven is shown cracking.

Cinder: So I will take... what is mine...

Eventually, Vernal stops struggling and goes motionless and quiet. Cinder smirks as she looks down on Vernal's body, but then realizes that something is wrong.

Cinder: Wha-- what is this? Where's the power?!

Cinder hears ice crack from behind her and sees Raven free from her frozen prison.

Raven: You won't find it, because Vernal isn't the Spring Maiden... (she takes her mask off) I AM!!!!


(A/N: Music ends here.)



The scene changed as I, donning in Action Gamer Level 2, gave Amber a right hook at her stomach causing her to stagger a lot of steps back towards the group, with Summer catching her to break her fall as the maidens and Summer Rose soon smiled at me as Summer addressed to me.

(A/N: Kamen Rider Ex-Aid Level 2.)

Summer: Well done. You finally found the answer, and you finally did it, Shadow.


My Level 2 form deactivated and my semblance deactivated as well as I answered.

Me: Yeah. It's worth the donkey years of training here.

Unnamed Winter Maiden: Then it is a job well done, Young Shadow, son of Isolde.

Unnamed Summer Maiden: With this training and test you have finally passed and achieved, you can master this new power now with your training.

Amber: Yes. With your powers, new-found powers and training, you will be able to tap in to different powers, including this new power you will recieve from us.

I looked at the maidens and Summer, confused.

Me: New... powers???


(A/N: Music start here.)

I said in confusion as I saw the maidens including Summer Rose raised their hands at me as their powers came to me as I shined in different varient of colours.

Summer: First, these are our powers that we will gave you, to acquire the full extent of their powers and my power, Shadow.

Me: So,.... the Maidens' powers and the silver eyed warriors powers are in a complete 100%.... within me???

The maidens and Summer soon nod at me, only for me to have a shocked expression as I tried getting words out of my mouth which I couldn't.

Summer: Here is your second last of our powers. One of which, we have to hide it from Salem for the longest of time.

Me: Huh??

I simply said in response as I saw the maidens and Summer raising their hands at me, only for their powers to be combined as one in front of me as their powers formed a similar Build of Gashacon Key-Slasher but it's different.

Summer: Second, this Key-Slasher can wield not just your game gashat abilities, but also Dust Crystal abilities.

Unnamed Winter Maiden: All Dust Crystals varies as there is a Dust Crystal slot for you to place it in to activate the dust abilities. And you will also recieve these Dust Crystals which are special.

Unnamed Summer Maiden: These special Dust Crystals wields all our powers, including yours. And you can use these to transform yourself into your ultimate form which starts today.

Me: whoa.......

I said as I grabbed the special dust crystals and the Key-Slasher. After doing so, they repeat their hand magic again, only this time, I felt something holy and different about this device. As the light dims around this weapon, my eyes widened as I am now face-to-face with a holy weapon of magnificence.

Me: Whoa..... what is that???

The four Maidens & Summer: This is the Holy Excalibur that would have won us the war against Salem and her dark faction. Behold!!!! The Holy Excalibur known as the Remnant Calibur.

(A/N: Orb Calibur. Rename it to 'Remnant Calibur'. Change Orb's Symbol at the center into 'Hyper Muteki Symbol', replace Flame Symbol into 'Atlas Symbol', replace Water Symbol to 'Vacuo Symbol', replace Ground Symbol to 'Vale Symbol' and replace Wind Symbol to 'Mistral Symbol'.)

They said as I grabbed the holy excalibur as I looked at the blade until I came to see five empty black slots on the sword. While looking at them and as I was about to ask them what's with the five slots, the center slot shined my semblance symbol (A/N: Hyper Muteki Symbol.) as the symbols of all the four nations, Atlas (A/N: Top Slot.), Mistral (A/N: Left Slot.), Vale (A/N: Bottom Slot.) and Vacuo (A/N: Right Slot.) shined at all of the four slots surrounding my symbol at the center, to my amazement.

Me: This is.... whoa.... I see.... (I looked at the Maidens and Summer) What I saw in the past........ and earlier..... was a vision of the future??

Summer: It is because you have what's left of my remains which has been keeping you alive for all these years, in your watch, which also cause you to tap into this realm, your time here might have flowed backwards into you after you recieved my remains of a rose petal from your father, Shadow.

She said this as the Maidens nod at me to prove her point.

Me: I see.... I must thank you, for helping me.

The Four Maidens & Summer: No problem.

Summer: Now, open your watch, let me enter, for your test is done.

As ordered, I opened my watch, only to reveal a White Rose coming out of it as I hesitantly asked;

Me: Will I see you gales again?

The Four Maidens & Summer: In time if you need us, Shadow. So, now.... try out your new powers, Shadow.

I simply nodded as I smirked.

Me: Sure!!

(A/N: Music ends here.)


(A/N: Music starts here.)

I answered as Summer went into my watch as the rose and my watch turned into a bracelet, and Summer taking over me as I have silver eyes as our ultimate transformation commenced.

Summer: (In Shadow's mind) Let's go, Shadow!

Me: Yeah!!!

I said as I wield Gashacon Key-Slasher and held onto a Fire Dust Crystal as I shook it as it glowed bright red.


I yelled as I placed a Fire Dust Crystal into my Key-Slasher as I raised my weapon up and fired it as dust particales and tongues of fire emit from my gun as an illusion figure of a Summer Maiden appeared by my front left corner.

I removed the Dust Crystal and shook another Dust Crystal as it glowed bright icy blue.


I yelled as I placed a Ice Dust Crystal into my Key-Slasher as I raised my weapon up and fired it as ice dust particales and a flurry of snow emit from my gun as an illusion figure of a Winter Maiden appeared by my back right corner.

I then loaded back my Fire Dust Crystal into the loaded Key-Slasher with a Ice Dust Crystal in it as it combined and raised my weapon in the air again, shooting one round, emitting a combination of flames and flurry of snow above me to combine both illusions as two dust crystals divided into two similar crystals as the other pair merged into one as the Key-Slasher announced;


As the merged Dust Crystal levitates in the air, and I grabbed two dust crystals and places them into my pocket as I got ready two more Dust Crystals and shook them.


I yelled as I placed a orange Dust Crystal into my Key-Slasher as I raised my weapon up and fired it as dust particales and tongues of fire emit from my gun as an illusion figure of a Fall Maiden appeared by my back left corner.

I removed the Dust Crystal and shook another Dust Crystal as it glowed bright orange.


I yelled as I placed a Dust Crystal into my Key-Slasher as I raised my weapon up and fired it as ice dust particales and a flurry of golden leaves emit from my gun as an illusion figure of a Spring Maiden appeared by my front right corner.

I then loaded back my Fall Dust Crystal into the loaded Key-Slasher with a Spring Dust Crystal in it as it combined and raised my weapon in the air again, shooting one round, emitting a combination of coal tinted sparks and flurry of golden leaves above me to combine both illusions as two dust crystals divided into two similar crystals as the other pair merged into one as the Key-Slasher announced;


As the merged Dust Crystal levitates in the air, and I grabbed two dust crystals and places them into my pocket as I got ready three more Dust Crystals and shook them.


I yelled as I placed two Dust Crystal into my Key-Slasher as I raised my weapon up and fired it as a dragon made of red golden flames and a flurry of white rose petals emit from my gun as an illusion figure of my dragon father and Ruby's mother appeared in front (Apollonir) and behind (Summer Rose) me.

(A/N: Stop music at 1:44 and repeat music from 0:00.)

I pressed the trigger again as both crystals combine to one as the merged Dust Crystal levitates in the air 


I then grabbed three of my merged crystals and placed them into my key-slasher to charge my weapon up one by one. Considering the Alpha Crystal to be first.


I yelled as I placed the Alpha Dust Crystal into my Key-Slasher as I raised my weapon up and fired it as ice dust particales and a flurry of snow and dust particles with tongues of fire start to emit from my gun as an illusion figure of a Summer Maiden and Winter Maiden appeared by my front left corner and my back right corner.

After which, I took the Beta Dust Crystal and placed it into my weapon.


I yelled as I raised my weapon up and fired it as ice dust particales and a flurry of golden leaves, followed by dust particles and tongues of fire start to emit from my gun as an illusion figure of a Spring Maiden appeared by my back left corner and my front right corner.

After loading two of my crystals, I took the Charlie Dust Crystal and placed it into my weapon.


I yelled as I raised my weapon up and fired it as a dragon made of red golden flames and a flurry of white rose petals emit from my gun as an illusion figure of my dragon father and Ruby's mother appeared in front (Apollonir) and behind (Summer Rose) me.

Once that is done, I removed all the three special merged crystals whilst its powers are inside my weapon now as I shook my last Dust crystal.


I yelled as I placed a golden Dust Crystal into my Key-Slasher as I raised my weapon up and fired it as gold particles emit from my gun as an illusion sillouette-like figure of me merged with me holding my weapon.


I lowered my weapon as I posed and shout out my catchphrase which I always use but this time, the catchphrase will be different;

Me/Summer: I will change Remnant's fate... IN MY OWN HANDS, for I have NO LIMITS!!!!

I pulled the trigger as I shouted out loud;


After shouting these two words, church bells are heard as a dragon roar is heard as well.

(A/N: Music ends here.)


(A/N: This is the only video that I can find so far. It will be temporary but don't worry. Once I found the actual vid with clear music, I will replace it. Focus on 2:29 - 2:42 for the transformation theme.)

Then, six of the strongest beings on Remnant merged into me with my golden sillouette form as I shined from Red, to Blue, to Orange, to Dark Red, to Golden Red, to Silver, to Gold and then to an infinite change of colour from red to purple and bright gold in an infinite loop of colour change as my Key-Slasher conjoured itself into four Key-Slashers as it went onto my head. I felt some changes on my head, back, arms, legs and my feet as they turned dragonic and godly, including my coat that my mother gave me.

(A/N: Music ends here at 2:42.)

After the transformation is complete, the four maidens including Summer Rose looked in awe as they stated;

Summer: This will be your...

The four maidens: ... new powers from now on!

They stated this as I immediately rise up in my Ultimate form and opened up a portal to where the battle is still at play.

To be Continued....

And that's all, folks! The twelvth episode of the Fifth Volume for our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHH THE TENSION IS NOW HYPED!!!!! We have a cliffhanger here once again. Finally, Shadow's Ultimate form will be at play at the next episode. And also, three of my OCs are stars today!!!! So, if you ladies and gentlemen and other deviants really, really love it, comment down below on the comment section if you want me to try something and make up for it. So, thank you so much for reading this. And if you enjoy it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause' that would be "Muteki" awesome and greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I can improve myself as well.

And, if this happens to be the first literature that you have seen by me, pleaseconsider leaving a watch to become part of "Ride-Player Troopers" (It's what I prefer to call my watchers) today if you want to see more of the rest of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose insert. Apart from that, thank you so much again forreading this, and I'll see you Ride-Players (readers) on the next episode ofour RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! Until then! See you on the next game! Staylighted up! Stay Frosty! Stay Brave! Be Nice! SEE YA!!!!


In another dimension,

A mysterious woman in white opened her eyes as she is seen leaving her throne as she smirked.

???: So, he has finally achieved his Ultimate form, eh? Well, I think it is about time that Morgan Freeman have to address what Shadow's actual status really is, if it is alright with you to explain, Mr Freeman.

Morgan Freeman: Oh, I would love to volunteer. (Smiles fruitfully)

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