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3rd Person's POV:

It was just a normal day in Mistral when Shadow, his friends, Haruto, Kouta, Apollonir, Eiji, Ankh, Sougo, Graphite and Apollonir left the house with their essentials as they made their way to the train station to make their way to Argus and to Atlas.

Shadow: Don't worry, Weiss. If anything happens, we'll all be here for you.

Weiss: I just want to make sure that when I return home.... I hope I made the right choice....

Haruto: The right choice or not, it doesn't matter. All it matters is that you carved your own path, and you've made your decision instead of having others to make the decisions for you. That's what matters.

Weiss: Well... I guess you're right. 

Tenka: Cheer up, Weiss.

Weiss looks at Tenka.

Tenka: If something happens between you and your father, my dad and my Cap. will there to help you.

Shadow: Yeah, all of us.

Weiss looked at Kouta and Shadow as they nod at her and everyone to smile at Weiss, earning her smile soon after.

Weiss: Thank you.... all of you.... 

Neon: Hey, no problem. As after all,-

Neji: What a friends for?

Neon: Yeah. Like what Neji said.

Weiss: ... Thank you.

Shadow watched as everyone cheered Weiss up, to the adults behind us to take notice of this. As he watched, Shadow noticed at one of the alleyways, a pink umbrella swiftly disappeared, to his obivious answer as to know who is holding the umbrella, for Ruby, his girlfriend to take notice of what his boyfriend is doing.

Ruby: Shadow, are you okay???

Shadow goes back to reality.

Shadow: I'm fine. Something I....

Mitchell: What's wrong?

Shadow's teammates took notice at their leader's doubts as Shadow reassured to his team that everything is fine.

Shadow: Guys guys. I'm just thinking about the obstacles ahead when we get the lamp to Argus and Atlas. It'll not be easy.... But I'm sure we willget through this. That's all it is to it.

Rachel: Well, okay. If you say so.

And with that settled, Shadow's teammates continued to cheer Weiss up. That is until Shadow saw the same umbrella again.

Shadow: Uh, Rubes. You and the guys go on ahead. I'll catch up.  Need to throw something away.

Ruby: Okay. Want me to go with you?

Shadow: As much as I want you to come along but.... that won't be necessary. I'll be back in a few minutes. I'll be fine.

Ruby: Alright. Be safe.

Shadow: Count on it.

Shadow said as he kissed his lover's forehead as he made his way to the specific alleyway where he spotted the umbrella that disappeared within a second.

At the Alleyway,


I walked along the dark quiet alley where I spotted the umbrella as I found nothing in the trash, the stairs or anything hooked on the door of every house that resembles to Neo's umbrella.

Me: Hmmm.... nothing. I could have sworn I saw her around here.

I said as I kept looking. I stopped at my tracks to sense something isn't right. I looked back to block a thrust by using Parablade in its Axe form as our armed combat began. We slashed and swung our weapons as both weapons clashed together causing sparks to fly out as our weapons collided with each other. With our greater strength, we donned our strongest slash as our weapons clashed together causing a lot of sparks to emit. As we clashed our weapons together causing sparks to form in between our clash, I found an opening as an advantage and land a punched to the figure only to see it shatter into glass shards that scattered everywhere.

(A/N: Girl's aka, Neo's Weapon.)

(A/N: Shadow's Weapon, Parablade in axe form (A/N: Description of weapon is in BOOK 1. So, again, 'A' and 'B' Buttons are excluded.).)

Then, I sensed the same person levitating downwards gracefully with the aide of her umbrella as she fly drop kicks me, but to no avail as the only thing she kicked was an ice glass copy of me as the copy shattered to ice shards and glass shards (A/N: Shadow and Neo's semblances combined.) in front of her, to her shock. She looked around to find me but, I was nowhere to be found. That is until she felt a light tap on the shoulder that she turned back, only to get punched by me. She staggered a few step backwards while seeing me walking towards her about to deliver my punches again as I deliver a flurry of Zero-Hundred Fierce Punches at the girl donning an umbrella for a weapon only to see that I'm punching both glass-wall illusions and her at the same time as she tried to use her semblance to get away and to find a different angle to strike me.

When she did, she used her last-wall illusion to strike me from behind, causing me to go on my knees as she did her acrobatic-like tactical attacks on me, only forme to block them and to sustain blows from them. Knowing thatenough was enough, my eye streaks appeared as I launched a small pulse, causing us to shatter into tiny glass pieces. After thatshort Alley Fight, there is nothing, but silence.

 In the now silent alleyway, a sound of glass cracking was heard, disrupting the peace and quiet of the alleyway when one of the garbage bins shattered into glass shard, for me to appear as I stood up from my squating position, smirking.

Me: Well, jolly good fight there, I'd say. Now, (Looks around) Where are you?

I asked as I heard the girl gracefully landing with the help of her umbrella a few feet away from me, as I smirked knowing who that umbrella wielder truly is.

Me: Neo, relax. I'm all alone. So, you may come in front of me now. 

I said as if I was talking to myself however, more light footsteps were heard as the said girl walked in front of me with a frown on her face, gesture pointing me and herself, asking how I knew she was behind me.

(A/N: Neo.)

Me: I'm a Doctor, Neo. I've been hearing people's heartbeats a lot of times before I enroled to Beacon.

After answering her gestured question, Neo had a shock look at her face, not knowing that she's fighting a doctor.

Me: It's alright, Neo. It's understandable. Cinder didn't tell you everything about me. As after all, she always jump to conclusions and kill anyone who stands in her way and sees how huntsmen and huntresses fight so she mayoverpower them in due time. You still got it, you know that. I praise your fine and yet formidable fighting skills you have.

I praised Neo, earning her smile and a thumbs up from her, for me to give her my own thumbs up to her. Now, with the short spar out of the way, I began to talk business with her.

Me: Now, have you done the things I told you to do?

Neo skipped around me, happily and then she jumped to sit on a corner of a flight of stairs as I looked to my right to face her. Then, she gave me a small sheet of paper as I looked a it. The sheet of paper states, 'Phase 1 is done. I did as requested. And, about Cinder.....'

I stopped halfway as I looked at Neo with a serious look on her face as she nods at me as I have my own serious look on my face, too.

Me: I see.... she's still alive.... Well that's obivious considering her powers aren't drawn out of her body yet to a new host.

I said, earning Neo's puzzled look as she looked at me while tilting her head slightly sideways.

Me: It's a long story but, long story short, remember the time you passed me a paper consisting a question about the Relic and I drew a picture of one that we currently have as an example??? The Relic of Knowledge???

Neo nods.

Me: Well long story short, the  relics are only revealed when a specific maidens comes to retrieve them. Maidens have numerous feats of Magic. Winter for Creation, Summer for Destruction, Fall for Choice, and the relic we are now holding onto, Spring for Knowledge. It is paramount that Salem must not have them.... otherwise, bad things will happen in the future.

After explaining, Neo nods her head, seem to understand what is happening. Then, she wrote another question on paper and passed it to me. The paper read, 'So, what now since Cinder is still alive. I suppose it will be a problem for you.' I nod at the paper knowing that it is about time that Neo is now making sense and understands as the more she works with Cinder, the shorter time she is going to live another day. 

Me: Well, excellent question. And good that you know that the more you work with her, you'll die. Since Cinder is alive and good you informed me of this, honestly,... my other plans for Salem has been foiled.... until now.

I said. Neo curiously looks at me as I have a plan in mind. Then, I wrote something on paper on the wall as Neo waited till i'm done writing. After I was done, I passed the paper to Neo as she read it. 

Me: Since Cinder is still alive, with Phase 1 complete and I have just an idea for her and for Salem when they reach Atlas and when Cinder emerges to walk on Mistral grounds again and reaches Atlas whenever she pleases. So, the paper you are reading now, is Phase 2 of "The Master Plan".

After Neo finished reading the note, she looked at me and gave me a nod to say that she understood my instructions and my second phase.

Me: As long as you act naturally, Cinder will think that you are still on her side. Remember, once the deed is done, unlike Cinder and Salem, I will reward you.

Neo nods as she smiled. Then, she had the same serious look on her face again.

Me: What is it??? .... (Smirks) Alright, let's read it, what do you want in return?

Neo then writes one last paper as she passed it to me. The paper says, 'I'll do it. At one condition. I want to fight her,... FIRST!! I know you are the one who killed him but... The amount of Grimm we are drawing in.... I know  he didn't want this.... and neithr did I.' I looked at Neo and noticed she's now wearing Roman's hat as she began to tear.

(A/N: Roman's hat.)

Me: Oh......

I said as I walked in front of her and placed both my hands on her shoulders.

Me: Remember, there are two things you need to know. One: I'm sorry that this happened. My rage got the hold of me when Cinder had numerous people to die..... Penny... Pyrrha.... Roman included. But remember, Cinder only wanted this to happen because she thinks they, including us, are Salem and her own pawns to discard. So, understand that what I did to Roman.... was their doing, understand, Neo?

Neo slowly looked at me as she nodded.

Me: And Two: That fight against Cinder thatyou wanted, you may do as you please. Just ensure that everything is going according to plan, according to the Phases, okay?

Neo nods her head and left but before she did, she gave me a paper with a last remark. It read, ' Thank you.'. I look at Neo and nod at her.

Me: Your welcome. And uh, Neo?

Neo tilts her head in response.

Me: Let our encounter a few days ago and now be, your "First" and "Only" lesson that you must be careful on who you're working with. 

Neo nods as she used her semblance and disappeared. Inod as I jog out of the alleyway and back to the group in a rush. But just before I started jogging back to the group, a shiny bright light stopped me as I looked back to see a hooded figure.

(A/N: Hooded Figure.)

Me: Uuuhh, who are you suppose to be????

???: I'm a loyal subject to Ohma Zi-O II. I believe you and my King have met and along with you, Ohma Zi-O and my King you three defeated Another Decade and Another Ohma Zi-O.

Me: Oh, yeah! How is he and What does he need?

???: He's well. That's why he sent me to give you this.

The hooded figure gave a Special RideWatch and Two RideWatch Holders to me. I looked at the Holders and and the RideWatch, to my shock that I know what that RideWatch is.

(A/N: RideWatch Holders (x2) & Ohma Zi-O II RideWatch (A/N: The face of Ohma Zi-O will be replaced by Ohma Zi-O II's face on the RideWatch.).)

Me: Ohma Zi-O II RideWatch? And my own RideWatch Holders? Whoa dude, did he tell you to give this to me???

???: Yes. 

Me: But,.... I can't accept this, this is-

???: His power, yes. I know. But this RideWatch is designed by him, not obtained from his own powers. 

When the figure said this, this confused me.

Me: I.... I-I don't understand.... 

???: You see, Your Majesty-

Me: Not yet. My rank as... what Sougo would say as, "The Greatest, Kindest" King in this world has not been bestowed uponme yet. So, it's Shadow for now...

I corrected the hooded figure as I see the hood covering his face nod in agreement.

???: Very well. You see, Shadow. You already know that you have a Royal Timeline aka, Ohma Zi-O II Timeline of the year 2090, where I came from.

Me: Yeah, that Rider is the Old Version of me, correct?

???: Precisely. And there, Older Versions of your Teammates are there as well. Now you may wondering where they are, yes?

Me: Hmmm... as a matter of fact, yes.

???: Mitchell which Mistral renamed him, "The Silver-Phoenix Warrior" is currently soaring through the skies, protecting Mistral on air, and on land, Rachel, known as the "Galaxy Dragonoid Queen" is currently protecting Vacuo, just as similar to what Mitchell is doing but this time, on air, land, sea and beyond Remnant's atmosphere.


???: I'm serious.

I looked at the hooded figure with my jaw hanging down in shock.

Me: Whoa. What about Tenka?

???: Tenka, just like your Tenka in your Timeline, he is the Protector of his village, to take over his father's place.

Me: Whoa.... Actually, that doesn't answer the question on how he obtained this watch for me.

???: Well, to answer that, since Tenka from your Timeline and my Timeline are the same, before he took his father's place as the new Protector of his village he was in Ohma Zi-O II's Fortress for about two years as he made a special lab, specially to design RideWatches with the help of the World Defense Foundation's Top Mechanics Neji X Machina and few of Atlas Military's best Scientists from the year 2090.

Me: Whoa..... what's the Atlas Military and World Defense Foundation like in 2090???

???: High-Tech. Their technology is beyond limits to the technology you have in your timeline.

Me: (Eyeballs pop out of my sockets out of shock. I picked them up and clean them, after which I slot them back inside my sockets) .... SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

???: Anyway, how he designed the RideWatch, was not that simple. He had to have an injection, a special injection to achieve the blood of Ohma Zi-O II. There were several fails, but due to Neji's knowledge of Symbiosis, after months of utter failures and intensive experimenting, we finally obtained the blood we require. 

Me: That's gonna remove a lot of blood out of him....

???: Well, that's not the case as Another Blade volunteered herself to bravely accept the experiment which lead us to get a final result of the Blood of Another Blade, thanks to Neji.

Me: Okay... go on.

???: After obtaining a small sample of Ohma Zi-O II's Blood, we went on to designing a Special RideWatchin which you are holding now at the present. When we merged the Blank RideWatch with the blood itself, the design was..... unsuccessful. Numerous tests, Trial and Errors, DNA testings and experimentations, we couldn't get anything to activate that RideWatch, until Tenka had an idea. So, thanks to his A.I., April, we managed to find the problem. According to April's knowledge, we were short of every Rider which will help boost our design. So-

Me: You guys have to travel through time from 2000 to your timeline and collect data of every Rider, correct?

???: Exactly and not exactly. That's why we have Tenka and April on our side to record and jot every data down on what forms, attack and abilities they use.

Me: And how did you dothat without being seen?

???: Time Mazines with a cloak shield function.

Me: Cool.

???: Moving on, once we have collected every single data from April that we need, we returned back to the lab to complete Ohma Zi-O II's design. In which, the end product, is now in your grasp. So, in the name of my King Ohma Zi-O II, use it to your hearts content, Shadow.

I look down looking at the RideWatch as I nod at it. Then, I looked up and back at the hooded figure but, the figure was already gone when I wanted to tell it to thank my older self for me.

Me: I... don't know what to say.... Well, you should... (The figure is long gone) ... thank..... him.... for me..... (Whispers) Dammit!

3rd Person's POV:

Everyone was walking towards the train station with Shadow finally catching up with the group as they are relieved that he's back.

Dalthale: Hey, you're back.

Jacob: Where've you been?

Dylan: Yeah?

Blake: Yeah, and what's with the get up on your arms?

Ruby: Yeah, Shadow, where did you get them?

Some of Shadow's friends and his own girlfriend asked curiously.

Shadow: Well, remember the time I was sucked to a portal with a few others?

Blake: Yeah?

Shadow: Long story short, an old friend gave me these before I go.

He said as he briefly explained what he did back when he was transported to the year 2090 to fight the unspeakable evil with many other allies, carefully not to mention about Neo, to everyone's excitement to find out what happened in the end of his journey in that timeline as Shadow explained further while making their way to the station to catch a train to Argus.

Volume 6 Begins Here, NOW & at Episode 1.

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