Volume 6: The Battle for Argus

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Hey everyone! WELCOME to the SPECIAL and sixteenth episode of the SIXTH VOLUME of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose where Round 1 of the Battle of the GODS shall play out and when Volume 6 shall officially end with our heroes saving Argus and making their way to Atlas! So, to recap once again, I DO NOT OWN RWBY AND I DO NOT OWN KAMEN RIDER EX-AID!! RWBY is owned by RoosterTeeth and Kamen Rider is owned by Toei. So, now sit back, enjoy and LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!!!

3rd Person's POV:

Shadow, Zill and Tokuro looks at Shane's direction to see Salem regaining her Extremer, Circular and Hexa OOO powers as she launched a powerful beam at them, for the Shane, Tokuro and Zill to wield their weapons, awaiting what happens next, while Shadow can be seen looking at his new sentient weapon as he wondered what this weapon can do while looking at the oncoming beam.

Looking at the beam heading straight towards them, the sword spoke.

Talking Sword (Demonic Voice): Why the hesitation?

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness, & King's voices in sync): Huh?

Talking Sword (Demonic Voice): I slice and dismember whatever I want, whoever I want, and whenever I want. Which means I can take her annoyance for a laser beam no problem.

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness, & King's voices in sync): looks at the Sentient Sword What! You can do that?!

Talking Sword (Demonic Voice): Just hold me in front of  you and your team and I'll show you my very MIGHT!

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness, & King's voices in sync): Well... if you say so.

Shadow said, smiling.

Seeing the beam getting closer, Shadow went in front of everyone as he held the sentient sword in front of him, hoping what the sword said will work. And just as the beam is about to strike Shadow and his friends, the Sword opened its mouth as it absorbed Salem's beam, to Shadow's surprise that the sword can do that.

After awhile, Salem stopped firing at them for the sword to close its mouth. Seeing that Salem's beam have stopped blasting at them and the sword has absorbed her beam, Shadow reeled his arm to his chest for his Remnant Aegis Sword to retract its blade to become smaller, then he pulled back his arm to gain momentum and lunged it forward, causing the sword to open its mouth as it blasted Salem's beam right back at her, to everyone's surprise. Salem saw this in shock, conjuring Circular's barrier, for it to block her beam being hurled back at her, but to no avail as the barrier soon cracked and got destroyed, causing the beam to break through and strike Salem and her surroundings.

Seeing this, Shadow looked at the talking sword to his shock after just witnessing one of its powers that it possesses. After looking at the sword, Shadow shook himself back to reality as he began to fight once again.

Zill: Wow! You just UNO Reversed her beam back at her!

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness, & King's voices in sync): Yeah! W-Wow! Anyway, guys! Let's finish this while she's down! Let's give it everything we have!!!!!!

Shane, Tokuro & Zill: RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They exclaimed with determination.


(A/N: Music starts here. Music Name: Zero to INFINITY.)

My POV: 

After Salem got struck by her own attack, Shane utilized his King Haouken Xross Saber as he landed a powerful slash at her side, inflicting a deep cut. Salem felt that slash at her side as she conjured two blades from her hands as she did a double slash, sending him flying. While Shane was being sent backwards due to Salem's double slash, Zill zoomed in, delivering her upward slash, forcing Salem to be disarmed off her weapons, for Salem to thrust her Hexa OOO tentacle blades at Zill, only for Zill to hop backwards while using her levitating Beroba Mecha arms to grab them, giving Zill the opportunity to use her Raise Riser in Spear Mode and her Kyuun front claws with Kekera claws to slash Salem's tentacle blades into bits and pieces.

Seeing an opening, Tokuro swiftly zoomed straight in to deliver multiple slashes while Salem was caught off guard from her tentacle blades to be cut in pieces by Zill. Having enough of this, Salem used her outfit's Extremer Eyes as they began shooting him, only for Tokuro to summon Espada's Arabiana Night's power as he pointed the tip of his sword at Salem's Extremer Eyes as streaks of Lightning and blue streaks of energy emitted out from the blade of his sword, striking out all of Extremer Eyes' projectiles while taking out some Eyes. Then, Tokuro used Xross Saber's powers as he lunged in to do fourteen slashes at Salem, with each slash, thw sword's blade changes it hue to each of the Rider's Elements for the hue colour to change to Desast's element color for Tokuro to inflict the final slash which caused Salem to stagger and fall onto the ground.

Seeing this as an opportunity, I nod at Tokuro while charging towards Salem, for Tokuro to nod back while I zoomed past him as I began to jump, in the attempts to deliver a flying dropkick. Salem saw this while she regenerated as she rolled aside for me to create a crator in the Crystal Ground, giving Salem the opportunity to thrust her crystal creatswords through me, for everyone at the Arena to gasp. However, what confused Salem was that I was still standing, for me to smirk at this as I grabbed her blades with my left hand. Salem tried to remove her swords from impaling me, but to no avail, which is when she realized that I was still slive.

Me (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness, & King's voices in sync): Did you forget.... who you're messing with?

I ask.

Hearing this, Salem took a few steps back after letting go of her greatswords while being in shock. Then, I used my powers to destroy and absorb her blades, using my left hand to send them back to Salem, for her to arch backwards to let the two greatswords fly pass her. Annoyed, Salem lunged in to fight while conjuring a crystal and dark energon spear as she thrusts it towards me, only for me to use the sentient sword to block it while trailing it and pushing it downwards, causing the spear to thrust the ground while ending up getting up close in person with Salem again.

Seeing that I am next to her again, I used my left hand to land some punches and a headbutt, causing her to stagger backwards due to those punches and headbutt, giving me the opportunity to deliver some slashes with the sentient sword I'm wielding on my right hand. With every slash I did, Salem was inflicted with slash marks all over inspite some of them missing due to her dodging them with her powers she was gifted and assimilated as she teleported out again when I tried delivering the final slash at her. Seeing her gone, I tried looking all over for her with the three Riders to do the same, when I sensed someone creeping up behind me. Sensing it still, I turned my right hand holding the sentient sword backwards as I held it over my left shoulder quickly, for the sword to launch a pair of multi-coloured beams from its eyes. Launching it backwards, I heard a yell, a thud and a roll behind me, smirking at the sounds as I turned around to see Salem on the ground while she was holding a crystal knife.

Me (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness, & King's voices in sync): LUNATIC BURST PLUS, SWALLOW BULLET PLUS, SPARION KOURIN!

I yelled.

Yelling that combined ability, I shot a multiple of purpleish flame buzzsaw projectile combined with Swallow Bullet at Salem, only for Salem to use her Extremer Eye cloak to fly in the air as she dodged it. In the air, she conjured energy balls, for Salem to blast numerous energy beams from the energy balls as they aimed directly at me. Seeing the beams raining down, Tokuro thrusts his sword into the crystal ground for a large ice barrier to be conjured around and above me, and himself, creating a barrier dome made of ice for the beams to strike at it, to Tokuro's relief that he intervened just in time.

While his barrier was holding up steadily, I began to converse with the Gods and Ultraman King, yet again as I closed my eyes.

Me (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness, & King's voices in sync) (In my Mind): God Brothers of Light and Dark, and Ultraman King. I have an excellent question.

God of Light (In Shadow's Mind): Speak your mind, Young one.

Me (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness, & King's voices in sync) (In my Mind): How am I using the Ultramen's Powers when I have UltraInfinity and the Gauntlets? This is... impossible.

Ultraman King (In Shadow's Mind): It's not impossible.

Me (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness, & King's voices in sync) (In my Mind): Huh? What do you mean?

I asked, puzzled.

Ultraman King (In Shadow's Mind): In basic, once we transferred all our powers to you only for a temporary moment, your full potential has been unlocked. In other words in this form which is further evolving, you will be able to use your father's powers, your mother's, the four maidens, and everyone's powers, which includes the Ultras that are in the Land of Light itself.

Ultraman King explained.

Me (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness, & King's voices in sync): So that means.... in my God form.... I am able to use every power and semblances that resides inside of me, including the powers of all Ultraman?

Ultraman King (In Shadow's Mind): That includes my powers, as well.

God of Darkness (In Shadow's Mind): And ours, as well.

Me (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness, & King's voices in sync): chuckles after hearing this Now, this should be interesting. Thank you, for your clarifications. Now, I can let loose, at ease while being careful at my surroundings.

I said in my mind.

Then, I opened my eyes as I looked at Tokuro.

Me (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness, & King's voices in sync): Tokuro. Mind if I borrow your barrier dome for something?

Tokuro: Sure? What do you want to use it for?

Tokuro wondered.

Wondering what I was up to, Tokuro sees me walking up beside him as he dug his sentient sword's blade into the dome and-

Me (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness, & King's voices in sync): This!

- lift it off the ground at ease. After lifting the barrier dome off the ground, I began spinning it around in circles, to Salem's confusion. Watching the ice barrier dome being spun at great speed, she noticed Tokuro leaving the dome as he conjured an ice chain as he shackled her, distracting her, giving me the opportunity to fling the dome at her while she was distracted.

Salem, trying to break the shackle made of ice used her Extremer Eyes to do so, breaking free, only to be introduced to a flying ice dome heading her way, for her to quickly conjure up huge crystal sabers, cleaving the dome into four quarters, to her relief. After cleaving the ice dome, I smirked as I flew up in the sky where Salem is while the sentient sword conversed with me for a brief moment, for me to look at it.

Talking Sword (Demonic Voice): Let's go, Shadow.

Me (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness, & King's voices in sync): nods Yeah! Anything that disturbs the peace of this world... we will deliver them JUSTICE!!!!! looks down SHANE! ZILL! TOKURO! LET'S DO THIS!!!!!

Shane, Tokuro & Zill: YOU GOT IT!!!!

The three said as they donned their finishers, as they flew in the air.

Seeing them heading towards her, Salem conjured up her blades to try and slash them in the attempts to disrupt their finishers, only for them to be too swift for Salem as Shane to to a Reiwa boost Grand Victory, followed by Tokuro to do a Leo blizzard Cascade with Arabiana Nights and Xross Saber powers to be combined with it as he kicked across Salem, and for Zill to swoop pass Salem while inflicting her with numerous slashes by using the edge of her form's wings as she continuously did this while gunshots were heard. When it stopped, Zill whistled for Salem, making her turn to face her when Zill pointed upwards. Salem looked up, only for her eyes to widen as she now sees Zill's Raise Riser's projectiles surrounding her, for Zill to snap her fingers as they zoomed at Salem, striking her out at one go.

After that onslaught of finishers and attacks, I see Salem flying down towards us showing her wounds while flying towards her as I held the sword in front of me, noticing a button, for me to press it once. Once after pressing it,-

Talking Sword (Demonic Voice): GRIMM CLAW! PROJECTILE!

The sword said.

- the sword announced its finisher, for me to reel my arm backwards while lunging it forward, for multiple energy claws of different Grimm to fly towards Salem. Salem saw this as she conjured every ounce of power she had left in her, launching her powerful beam at it, only for the claw projectile to slash and cleave it while making its way to Salem, to her shock. Once close, the projectile soon closed its claws in at her, inflicting harm on Salem, causing Salem to scream in pain from this. After the attack was done, I pressed the button three times for the sword's blade to glow red and purple, causing its blade to extend.

Talking Sword (Demonic Voice): GRIMM SLASH! KATANA!

The sword said.

Hearing it saying its finisher, I held the sword in a Samurai and Ninja kind of way as I swiftly flew in, delivering a powerful slash at Salem after swinging it to gain a momentum I required to deliver a strong slash in my swing. After that attack, the four of us landed back down onto the Arena while Salem can be seen falling back down onto the Arena, for a loud 'THOOM!' to be heard.

(Zero to INFINITY Theme ends here.)

We turned around to see that the dust has cleared as we observed our surroundings. Looking around from where we now stand, we could see Salem lying motionlessly in the center of the Arena, to our relief. Seeing that the fight with her has ended, I looked at my friends.

Me (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness, & King's voices in sync): Come now, let us deal with the Grimm. We'll deal with her later once we return.

I said.

The three nod at me, for the four of us to take our leave, when we heard something where Salem was lying motionlessly. We looked back upon hearing that noise, only for us to look in shock to see Salem struggling to get up after being heavily brutilized by our powers.

Salem: There... is no way.... I WILL LOSE!!!! TO AN INFERIOR BEING LIKE YOU....!!!!!

Salem yelled.

Salem: I... want Ozma back! Before he became Ozpin.... And I... will become much more powerful to get what I want!!! I!!! AM THE MOST POWERFUL BEING!!!!! AND YOU!!!!!! ALL OF YOU!!!!! WILL BOW!!!!! TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Salem continued.

God of Light (In Shadow's Mind): Salem's.... in really bad shape....

Me (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness, & King's voices in sync) (In my Mind): I can tell with the black goop oozing out of her profusely all over her... We must end this now peacefully, but drastically if she keeps going.

God of Light (In Shadow's Mind): nods

The God of Light nods at me inside my head, understanding that I have two choices if Salem were to choose wisely through what I'm about to say and do.

Me (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness, & King's voices in sync): Salem, give it up!!!! This is Over!!!!!!

I said.


Me (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness, & King's voices in sync): SALEM?!?!?!


Salem yelled at the top of her voice while conjuring the most powerful beam she could muster in her hands inspite of her critical injuries while more black goop and her own blood started pouring down from her scars profusely even more.

Me (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness, & King's voices in sync): Guys... stand back.... this is going to be a big one....

I said.

The three nods as they got out of the way, for me to safely charge up my powers, storing up at my Remnant Aegis Armour chestplate and my crystals that were hidden by the armour.

Me (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness, & King's voices in sync) (In my Mind): Infinity Demon plus, Dextra Attack plus, Dragon Clash plus, Vestroia X plus, Neo Legend X plus, Burning Infinity plus, Shining Ultimate Zero plus, Reiga Ultimate Blaster!

I said in my mind, for a multi-coloured aura to surround me.

Once fully charged, I looked at Salem.

Me (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness, & King's voices in sync): Salem!!! Stand..... DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I yelled, blasting a gigantic and powerful beam at Salem, for Salem to do the same.

Firing our beams, they began to clash with each other for a few seconds before my beam swiftly overpowered Salem's, to Salem's shock as my beam was heading her way.

Salem: THIS IS Im.... POSSIBLE!!!!!!!!!

Salem said as she was immediately engulfed by my powerful beam which immediately destroyed half of the crystal Arena.

After launching my powerful beam at Salem, I powered down for the beam to slowly dissipate to show that half of the Arena that the four of us are now standing on remained intact and Salem was completely annihilated, to your surprise and shock.

Me (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness, & King's voices in sync): Salem.... i-it didn't have to end this way....

I said.

Looking ahead, Shane, Tokuro and Zill walked up to me as they began to ask if I'm okay, out of concern.

Shane: You okay, Shadow?

Tokuro: Yeah... from the looks of things, I could tell you didn't want to do this.

Zill: But you had no choice, right?

They asked.

I sighed before answering them.

Me (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness, & King's voices in sync): Yeah.... I'm okay, thanks. And yes, Tokuro and Zill. It wasn't suppose to end that way but.... she left me no choice when she chose to oppose me inspite of her condition.

I said.

Shane: So... is it over?

Tokuro: Not yet. We still have a horde of Grimm and that thing points at the abomination for a Grimm to take care of.

Tokuro said, pointing at the Gigantic Grimm which is fighting against the Ultras, the Titan and the Bots.

I looked at where Tokuro was looking to see our same compatriots including the dark giants fighting against the combined gigantic kaiju Grimm with many more Ultras and a Titan holding an axe arriving at the scene to help their allies fight off this creature. making things worse, there were still hordes of Manticore and Sphinx Grimm flying in the sky and more are on the way, for me to make a suggestion.

Me (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness, & King's voices in sync): Guys. I'll help the others deal with the combined kaiju Grimm. Think you can take care of those Manticores and Sphinxes?

Tokuro: By your word, Shadow.

Shane: Why not, my friend!

Zill: Fine by me. But in case you run into trouble, you know who to call.

Me (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness, & King's voices in sync): nods Noted. Now, let's rock'n'Roll Out.

I said.

And with that, the four of us separated our way to help the others deal with the Grimm with Shane to difuse back into their specific Riders as they began to discuss how excited they were when they fought in that special fusion form while they took off to deal with the horde of Manticore and Sphinx. When they notice an army of the said Grimm are arriving by air, they turned into their Super Ultimate Final forms as they began fighting against them.

At the scene further up in the middle of the ocean, I flew towards the scene for while thinking that I should do the same power transfer whizz bizz as what I did to Takiyama, Shriyans, Tokuro, Caligo, Inedia, the Shane Incarnations and Zill, for me to fly in front of my allies and blasted a powerful pulse to repel the Kaiju Grimm away for a moment.

Me (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness, & King's voices in sync): DRAGON CONTENDER!!!!!!!

I yelled, emitting a pulse.

Emitting a powerful pulse from using that ability, the Kaiju Grimm can be seen being pushed back by that ability as it roared, feeling aggitated by the attack while being repelled to a distant. Seeing that the Grimm is far enough away from us, I stopped using it and turned my attention to them, for everyone to look at you in shock at your different appearance.

Kieron: Whoa! Shadow! You look like.... you can take on Unicron.

Ultraman Z: You're Ultra-Amazing! And you look like Ultraman King!

Ultraman Ginga: Shadow, it's been awhile. Like the new look.

Ultraman Zero: Heheh! You and I have the same Aegis Armour. Nice. doing the usual finger pose

Me (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness, & King's voices in sync): Thanks.

Ruby (By via P.A. System): SHADOW~!!!!! We all saw you fight! You were amazing!!!!

Mitchell (By via P.A. System): Love how you schooled Salem. Impressive dissection work there! 

Me (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness, & King's voices in sync): I see you've been observing my handywork while your operations. Good eye.

Apollonir (By via P.A. System): Son! I'm so glad you're okay.

Me (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness, & King's voices in sync): Heheh! Glad you're okay too, dad. All of you, especially. And dad, about these abilties. We can talk later. For now, we need to deal with this Kaiju Grimm mutation first.

Perceptor (By via P.A. System): I agree. This power scale this monster is utilizing scales far beyond to what we had anticipated.

Ratchet (By via P.A. System): And I assume when you repelled that thing away, you had a plan in mind?

Me (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness, & King's voices in sync): Yes, I do. Kieron! Are your Combiner Crew available in Fort Max?

Kieron: They are. Why?

Me (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness, & King's voices in sync): Cause' I'm about to do this. But first, I'll address it.

I said as I began to address the matter.

Me (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness, & King's voices in sync): Now, everyone! What I'm about to do is very simple. I'll be shining as brightly as the sun to give you some of my powers.

Yang (By via P.A. System): That's what that light from the Arena is all about?!

Me (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness, & King's voices in sync): Yes!

Rachel (By via P.A. System): Well, this'll be fun! But our activities in here still remains the same!

Me (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness, & King's voices in sync): And that is?

Jon (By via P.A. System): We have to support Fort Max by using its turrets on him!

Me (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness, & King's voices in sync): Then do it! They'll play apart, too! So, you ready?

I ask.

Awaiting for an answer, Kieron nods at this, along with the ultras who arrived. The King of the Monsters and Kong did their usual roars, for me to smile at this, knowing their answers.

Me (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness, & King's voices in sync): Alright then. BRACE YOURSELVES, EVERYONE!!!!

I said.


(A/N: Music starts here. Music Name: Transformers Cybertron theme on Guitar.)

Then, I roared out loud, for the same light to engulf everyone who is here in front of me while the Grimm I repelled slowly advances and it was drawing near. Meanwhile, while the light was engulfing everyone, Victorion can feel the Enigma of Combination merging with her, the Autobot Combiners and Kieron Fortress Maximus aka, Kieron Maximus as they became Ultimate Kieron Fortress Maximus with the same Ultimate colour scheme as Ultimate Victorion but with blue glitter-like veins to indicate the Matrix is present in this combined form with many more weapons forming up on the Ultimate form, ready for combat and his height is now almost as tall as the Kaiju Grimm.

As for Godzilla and Kong, Kong's axe is boosted with my powers being transferred to his axe, for Kong to roar in determination while raising his axe and beating his chest with his free fist, and for Godzilla's doral fin plates to grow longer and bigger with my energy, roaring while blasting a beam in the sky above it, testing out its newfound power.

This continued on to the Ultras when Ultraman Mebius, Ultraman Hikari and the Six Ultra Brothers fused together, while Ultraman Taro and Ultraman Mebius are seen giving Ultraman Ginga some of their powers for him to use during their fusion process. Once they completed their fusion and their light dissipated to reveal themselves, Mebius, Hikari and the six Ultra Brothers revealed to be one entire Ultra Fusion that no one has ever seen before named; Ultraman Mebius - Phoenix Brave INFINITY.

This continued on with Ultraman Ginga and Ultraman Victory when Tiga, Dyna, Gaia, Cosmos, Nexus, Max, Mebius and Zero turned into Energies of Light as they merged with the two Ultramen, causing a huge orb of light as bright as Mebius Phoenix Brave INFINITY's during their fusion process. Once the fusion process is complete, the light slowly dissipates to reveal another new ultra fusion known as, Ultraman Ginga Victory - Strium Knight.

Ultraman X looked at himself as he suddenly felt a surge of power coursing through him while spheres of light began cladding onto him while he become Exceed X automatically.




In his Exceed X Mode, Ultraman X and Daichi noticed that their Hybrid Armour and Beta Spark Armour are being equipped onto X as his Hybrid Armour is equipped onto his upper body and the Beta Spark Armour to be equipped onto his lower body, giving Ultraman X a new armour called Beta Spark Hybrid Armour.



-Ready! FIGHT!-

Ultraman Orb and Geed were next as they began to undergo some changes themselves, as well. Undergoing their transformation, Orb turned into Orb Trinity automatically as some changes were formed on the form's head sculp, chest protectors, shoulder armour, arms and legs, achieving a form known as; Ultraman Orb Trinity - Strium Knight EXCEED. Geed turned his Primitive form as three Ultra Medals went inside of him, acquiring his Ultimate Final Form while donning on Royal Mega Master and Galaxy Rising Armour all over its body for him to acquire his Ultimate Royal Master form.

Ultraman Rosso, Blu and Ultrawoman Grigio merged to become Gruebe but this time, their Gruebe form is different from the original, earning them to become Ultraman Gruebe INFINITY.

The Tri-Squad, like Gruebe merged to become Tri-Strium but this time, Tri-Strium's form is cladded in Photon Earth's armour with his ultra horns extended like Father of Ultra's but in Taiga's style of things, earning the Tri-Squad to become Ultraman Taiga - Tri-Strium Supreme.

Ultraman Z automatically turned into Delta Rise Claw while his form evolved by his Delta Rise Claw Medals to evolve into Shining Ultimate Zero Beyond, Geed Ultimate Final and Belial Atrocious Medals, earning Z to achieve a form beyond Deathcium Rise Claw named; Ultraman Z - Deathcium Rise Beyond.

-Ultraman Z - Deathcium Rise Beyond!-

-Boot Up! Glitter Truth Eternity!-

Trigger and the Dark Giants merged to become one with Trigger to don up his Glitter Eternity form while Trigger Dark and the Dark Giants merged onto Trigger, donning up with armour to give Trigger the powers of both light and dark, achieving the form known as; Ultraman Trigger - Glitter Truth Eternity.

-Glitter Trigger Truth Eternity!-

-Ultra Dimensions!-

And finally, Decker turned into his Dynamic Type while clads of armour from his Flash, Strong and Miracle Types went onto the Ultra with a golden glow of the Eternity Core given to him, fused with Decker, for Decker to achieve a new Type of Form known as; Ultraman Decker - Dynamic Glitter Type.

-Ultraman Decker - Dynamic Glitter Type!-

Once everyone's transformations and power boosts were completed, I stopped transferring my light energy to them, revealing their new looks.

(A/N: Music ends here at 1:38.)

(A/N: Ultimate Kieron Fortress Maximus aka, Ultimate Kieron Maximus. Ensure Kieron's Combiner head is connected onto the head, replacing Fort Max's head. And ensure that the colour scheme is based on Ultimate Victorion's ultimate colour scheme to give it the Ultimate vibes.)

(A/N: Ultraman Mebius - Phoenix Brave INFINITY. A fusion of Mebius INFINITY and Mebius Phoenix Brave. All you have to do is bring over Mebius INFINITY's Protectors and Colour Timer over to Mebius Phoenix Brave. Ensure Mebius Phoenix Brave's Protectors on his chest (A/N: Including the blue and gold protector details shrink a bit and narrows a bit so that the INFINITY Protector armour doesn't clash with with Phoenix Brave's Protector armour. The head details of Mebius INFINITY will go over to Mebius Phoenix Brave. There will also be be INFINITY's Brace Arm on the right arm which will go well together with Hikari's transformation trinket. The detail information must be accurate enough to give off the Phoenix Brave and INFINITY vibes inside this combined form.)

(A/N: Ultraman Ging Victory - Strium Knight. This Ultra Fusion is another step forward kind of fusion made of Ginga Victory, Ginga Strium and Victory Knight. The head sculp is pretty much simple as the black and red details on it will be replaced to blue to give off the Victory Knight's colour scheme and the red details on the ear-like crystal parts will become a shade of a lighter blue to give of the Ginga colour scheme at the ear-like crystal parts. Lastly, there will be a beam lamp on Ginga Victory's head crystal to give off the Ginga Strium vibes. The neck's colour scheme will become blue to give off the Victory Knight vibes. The chest and shoulder protectors will have Ginga Strium's protectors to go with the Ginga Victory Protectors and Colour Timer with its silver details on the body will turn into Ginga Strium's silver details trailing below to the form's feet. The black colour scheme on the form's body, arms and legs will be replaced to blue with its feet colour scheme's black colour scheme to be replaced to silver. The red colour scheme at the thrights, legs and feet will remain. The yellow crystals Ginga Victory on his shoulders, chest, arms and legs will become red to give off the Victory Knight's red crystals' colour scheme. The Brace that Ginga Victory has will have the additional six more ultras to bring in the Ultra Brothers into the mix with the brace to have Ginga Strium Brace details onto it with the Ginga Victory face on the brace to have the form's current form's face on it as stated above.)

(A/N: Ultraman X - Beta Spark Hybrid Armour. A fusion based on two of X's powerful Armours used to combat against Greeza and Zaigorg. This formation is special as it uses GEATS's technology to create a dual-on formation to make this form a reality. The form's base form will be Exceed X. Hybrid Armour is equipped onto his upper body and the Beta Spark Armour to be equipped onto his lower body with his chestplate armour to be the thigh armour, his leg armour to be as per usual, the arm armour to be connected onto the leg armour and finally the shoulder armour to be equipped onto his knees.)

(A/N: Ultraman Orb Trinity - Strium Knight EXCEED. In basic, this form is like Orb Trinity with some changes. The Gold 'v' shape detail below the Ginga Crystal on the form's head will be coloured red to give it the Victory Knight vibes. Like Spacium Zeperion, this form has Ginga Strium's head sculp to go with the form and Exceed X's blue armour tips at his ear part components to give it the Exceed X vibes. The the gold chest protector surrounding the colour timer (A/N: Excluding X's colour timer protector.) will bare the similar details like X's colour timer protector with the two golden protectors which resembles to Ginga to have cyan-like colour crystals over them to give it the Ginga vibes and the lower protectors that almost resembles to Victory's colour timer to have red colour crystals over them to give it the Victory Knight vibes. The Orb Slasher remains the same. The shoulder armour will have armour platings around them, there will also have black with Exceed X body outlines at the center of the Armour and the yellow details on it will be red to give it the Ginga Strium, Victory Knight and Exceed X vibes. The armour and the blue details on the arms and legs will remain the same. The crystals on the arms and legs will have crystals based on Ginga Victory with the yellow (Victory) crystal to be red and the blue (Ginga) crystals to remain blue. Finally, there will be gold ring-like details on the form's wrists and ankles to give it the Exceed X details on the arms implemented on the form's arms and legs.)

(A/N: Ultraman Geed - Ultimate Royal Master. This form is a fusion of two of Geed's strongest forms and his Z-Riser form. His base form will be Ultimate Final with armour fused onto it. The red, silver and gold details on the form will remain as it is. The grey colour scheme will be replaced to purple. Royal Mega Master's armour will be implemented onto the form. The head sculp will be a fusion of Ultimate Final and Royal Mega Master. Galaxy Rising's shoulder armour will be implemented below the Royal Mega Master armour with the shoulder details of Ultimate Final to be implemented on the armour. Galaxy Rising's armour on the arms and the blades on the arm will be implemented onto the form's arm, so ensure they're golden to give it the Royal Mega Master and Galaxy Rising vibes. Galaxy Rising's body armour details at the waist will be implemented on the form. Finally, the thigh and knee armour will be implemented onto the form's legs and lower leg armour for the knee armour pieces, just ensure they're all gold for the same vibes as the armour on the arms.)

(A/N: Ultraman Gruebe - INFINITY. Basically it's Ultraman Gruebe but, the black colour scheme becomes Gold. In this form, Gruebe Infinity can utilize any R/B Crystal's elemental attribute. Which means, Gruebe Infinity can launch Gruebing Beam in its flame variation, Gruebe Vortex Buster or Gruebe Kourin Shot in its aqua variation/s for examples.)

(A/N: Ultraman Taiga - Tri-Strium Supreme. This form is a fusion of Tri-Strium, Tri-Squad and Photon Earth. Tri-Strium will have more armour on his forearms, his lower torso, thighs, lower legs and feet based on Photon Earth. Ensure that the additional armour are based on Tri-Strium's armour protector's colour scheme and details.)

(A/N: Ultraman Z - Deathcium Rise Beyond. This form is basically an evolution to Delta Rise Claw and Deathcium Rise Claw. Take it like Z in his form has mastered his true potential. In this form, instead of the red and blue colour scheme (A/N: With the exception of the Beyond Crystals he has on the form.), this entire form will be silver and mostly gold to give of the Shining and Shining Ultimate form Zero has. There will be some areas on the face, torso, arms, lower torso and legs that will be metallic black to give of the Deathcium Rise Claw vibes. And on the form's head, instead of three Z-Sluggers, the form will now have Five Z-Sluggers. Finally, this form will have an Aegis Armour but not like what you know from Zero's Ultimate Aegis. The Aegis Armour will be cladded onto the form as a permenant armour and the Retractable Aegis-like Sword will be on the form's right arm like Noactive Succeed form Geed has in the Game Exclusives. The armour will have red details and outlines and gold outlines with the five crystals on the Aegis-like armour to be glistering like Geed Ultimate Final's shoulder and thigh armour to give of the Geed Ultimate Final, Geed Noactive Succeed and Shining Zero form vibes. There will be a chestpiece to go with the armour to give the Ultimate Zero vibes, as well with the crystal on it to have a 'Z' Symbol on it.)

(A/N: Ultraman Trigger - Glitter Truth Eternity. This form is a fusion of Trigger's Glitter Eternity form, Trigger Dark and the three Dark Giants. It's something like the image shown above but more realistic. (A/N: Since Trigger Dark's details are implemented accurately to what I was thinking of, I'll skip the details of him on Trigger Glitter Eternity.) In this form, his colour timer will have not just three, but four colour timers. Which means the Glitter Blade will have the same Four-Crystal pattern, for the form to summon it from its diamond-shaped crystal colour timer on his chest with each crystal to represent Multi, Power, Sky and Dark respectively. Finally, this form will have upper limb armour fused onto him representing Carmeara, forearm armour for the arms (A/N: Excluding the mounted blade.) to represent Hudram and armour at the waistline (A/N: Include the skirting at the back.) along with armour on the lower legs to represent Dargon. Ensure the additional armour from the Dark Giants are gold in colour with Trigger Glitter and Dark's details to be implemented on them to give it the Dark Giants and Trigger Glitter Eternity vibes.)

(A/N: Ultraman Decker - Dynamic Glitter Type. This form is a fusion of Decker's Flash, Strong, Miracle and Dynamic Types, and the portion of  light energy from the Eternity Core given to him by Trigger. Since there's a portion of the Eternity Core's energy inside this form, the red, blue and black colour scheme on the form will be replaced to Glitter Eternity's colour scheme with black colour scheme to be orange, the red and blue to be gold. The colour scheme for Dynamic Type's head will be the same as Glitter Eternity, as well.In this form, Miracle Type's arm Protectors will be on both the form's arms, with Strong Type's forearm Protectors and armour parts to be implemented on the form's shoulders, upper limbs and forearms. Ensure that Dynamic's Gold brace-like protectors are implemented on Strong Type's armor on the forearms. Strong Type's protectors will be implemented onto the form's chest with some Miracle Type protectors to be on top of it at the top armour at the back. This front armour will be based on Flash Type's armour with Dynamic Type protector and colour timer to go on to it. At the form's pac, like Glitter Eternity, Dynamic Glitter will also have the same pac gimmick with the top pac to have a protector based on Flash Type, the middle being Strong and the lower pac to be Miracle. Strong Type's leg armour will be implemented on both legs. Ensure the armour colour scheme excluding the front armour are changed based on Glitter Eternity's colour scheme.)

Seeing their new looks, I smiled at the sight before me as you all are now upgraded by my light energy transferred to you all.

Me (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness, & King's voices in sync): So guys, how does your new forms feel?

I ask.

Kieron: Amazing! Now I have the power of not just Fort Max, but the other combiners and the Enigma. Does it always feel so great? With the Enigma combined with you, inside of you and all like how I'm feeling?

Me (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness, & King's voices in sync): You can say that, Prime.

Ultraman Ginga Victory (Hikaru): Not bad, Shadow! You shared your light energies to us so we can further surpass our potential.

Ultraman Decker (Kanata): Now, it's like we can take on that kaiju!

Me (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness, & King's voices in sync): Heheh! Thanks, guys. And speaking of which, it's coming back!

I said, turning to face the kaiju grimm.

Further ahead, the Mother Spheresaurus fusion can be seen making its way towards us as it is now getting closer.

Ultraman Orb (Gai): Well, let's put these new powers to good use!

Ultraman Geed (Riku): Sitting around doing nothing won't get us anywhere!

Ultraman Taiga: Then let's take'er head on!!!

Me (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness, & King's voices in sync): Then let us proceed!!! then, I realize something as I looked at Ultraman X Oh! Uuuh, Daichi. X.

Ultraman X: Eh?

Me (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness, & King's voices in sync): You dropped this. holds out Beta Spark Sword

Ultraman X: Oh! The Beta Spark Sword! Thanks! reclaims back my Sword to complete my Beta Spark form Where did you find it?

Me (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness, & King's voices in sync): It was found by Sir Nicholas, a friend of mine's Grandfather who's inside Fort Max.

Ultraman X: I see. Thank you.

Me (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness, & King's voices in sync): It's no problem. Now that we have our essentials, looks at the Kaiju Grimm Let's clean house!

I exclaimed.

Ultimate Kieron Fortress Maximus and the Ultras nods, followed by Kong and Godzilla to roar at what I said as we all prepared for battle. Then, it hit me that since Mother Spheresaurus has fused with a lot of Grimm and Kaiju Grimm, this gave me an idea. I quickly turn back to look at the City of Argus as I spoke with Shriyans telepathically.

Me (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness, & King's voices in sync) (In Shriyans's Mind): Shriyans, you there?

Shriyans (In Shadow's Mind): Huh? Who said that?!

Me (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness, & King's voices in sync) (In Shriyans's Mind): It's... me.

Shriyans (In Shadow's Mind): Oh, hey dude, what's up?

Me (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness, & King's voices in sync) (In Shriyans's Mind): I need to borrow your KingXCalibur. I need it for someone.

I said, requesting for Shriyans to lend me his power.

Shriyans (In Shadow's Mind): Say no more, Shadow. It's on the way.

Me (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness, & King's voices in sync): Thanks. I appreciate it. 

I said.

As I waited for a few seconds, I notice a blade coming this way for me to catch it swiftly, seeing that it is the sword I required. Getting the sword I want for now, I enlarged it even bigger while looking at Kieron.

(A/N: KingXCalibur. Ensure it is big enough for Ultimate Kieron Fortress Maximus to use it.)

Me (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness, & King's voices in sync): Yo, Kieron!!!

I called out.

Ultimate Kieron Maximus turned to look at me.

Me (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness, & King's voices in sync): You'll need this as you could use more power to cut through its tough hide! You may thank Shriyans later for the KingXCalibur, so catch!!

I yelled, throwing the sword at Kieron.

Seeing the sword being thrown to him, Kieron sheathes his Star Saber and Fortress Maximus's Sword as he grabbed hold onto KingXCalibur, nodding at me.

Kieron: Thanks!

Me (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness, & King's voices in sync): No problem! Now, let's get started!!!

I said.


(A/N: Music starts here. Music Name: Ultraman Mebius & Ultra Brothers OST #27: Ultra Brothers Main Theme.)

3rd Person's POV:

Everyone looked at the Combined Kaiju grimm as it roared at them while getting closer and closer, with its heads by her sides to roar at them, as well. Seeing this, everyone nods at each other as they proceeded to charge in with the Ultras flying right at the kaiju, the Titans to dash at the kaiju, Ultimate Kieron Fortress Maximus aka, Ultimate Kieron Maximus to advance while his turrets on Fortress Maximus's body began to open fire with the help of Shadow's friends and Shadow to swiftly fly in towards the kaiju while utilizing Flame Striver and Aero Dragon abilities to get in closer faster.

Seeing them flying and advancing towards the kaiju, it roared at them while its other heads began launching their specific beams in the attempts to strike them down, only for Ultraman Z to use Belialok to absorb some of its beams, Ultimate Kieron Maximus to use KingXCalibur to block a beam and Decker to use his Decker Shield Calibur in its shield mode to absorb the remaining beams. Once the three were done absorbing and blocking the kaiju's beams,-

Kieron: This is for the History Books!

Kieron said.

- Ultimate Kieron Maximus deflected it in an open sea where there is no people around while he spun around three times, for the final spin to let him unleash a powerful slash, for a huge energy slash to fly towards the kaiju and, for Z and Decker to hurl its attacks back at the kaiju, for their attacks to combine into a powerful beam with an energy slash combined to it as it struck one of the kaiju's heads that resembles to Gigantic Grimm that Kieron was dealing with. Struck by their powerful energy beam slash, the head resembling to the Gigantic Grimm lunged in to land a chomp on Kieron, only for Kong to land a chop with its axe, right into its temple, causing it to roar while Godzilla blasted its empowered Atomic Breath at it, giving it the burns. Seeing this as an opportunity, Z and Decker flew towards the head as they land a Deathcium Slash and a Decker Dynamic Dynamic (A/N: New Ability.), delivering a large letter 'Z' and 'D' slashes at it, followed by Kieron to deliver a final blow to the head, cutting its head into two halves for Kong to rip one of the halves off by using its axe that is still pierced into its temple, with Godzilla assisting Kong by blasting its signiture attack to hasten Kong to rip the half off. 

After dealing with one head, the two heads resembling to the Genegarg Leviathan Grimm and Megalothor Leviathan Grimm can be seen trying to sink its fangs on Trigger, Gruebe and Geed, and even tried to use its tentacles (A/N: Megalothor Leviathan Grimm's ability.) to grab hold on one of them, only for them to be too fast for them to keep up while they used their weapons to deliver numerous of slashes, leaving marks on them while cleaving its tentacles off the Megalothor Leviathan Grimm's head and neck.

Ultraman Gruebe (Minato Siblings): GRUEBE! KOURIN GROUND SHOT!!!!

Ultraman Geed: ROYAL EEEEEEND!!!!!!!



With their finishers set, the Genegarg head lunged in, only for Geed to blast a huge golden beam at it to strike it down while disorientating it, giving Gruebe the opportunity to swing his Gruebe Light Ring three times for three Light Rings encased with the element of Earth to cleave its head, with each light ring to sever its head by flying through the left going down, right going down and down going up. The Megalothor head saw this as it was going to lunge in, only for four illusions of the Dark Giants to appear around it as Carmeara and Dargon blasted their beams at it while Trigger Dark and Hudram used their blade and Circle Arms to deliver a powerful slash at it. Seeing that the head is taking heavy damage, Trigger charged up his Glitter Blade as he-


- lunged it forward, blasting a dark golden beam to blast at it, for the head to be destroyed. 

After blasting its head, Trigger wields his circle arms as he began to fly at the severed Megalothor Leviathan Grimm head as he donned his Eternity banish ability, spinning as he flew in while the tentacles of the severed head remained as they lunged in to grab Trigger, only for Ginga Victory to blast numerous energy slashes at them to make the save as an assist, cleaving them while Trigger Eternity Banish the tentacles and the entire neck, cleaving them all in pieces. Seeing that the deed is done, a head that resembles to the Spheresaurus Leviathan Grimm lunged in as it chomps down onto Ginga Victory, only for them to hold its mouth in place by his hands and feet, while utilizing Ultraseven's ability and King Joe Launcher to-


Ultraman Ginga Victory (Hikaru & Shou): EMERIUM BEAM!!!!!

- blast a barrage of rounds and a beam from Ginga Victory's beam lamp directly into the kaiju's mouth, for it to roar in pain as it spat him out while Ultraman Z can be seen swooping in as he did a Deathcium Fang on the kaiju head, inflicting damage onto it from the outside. Then, the attack soon carried on when Ultraman Orb and X did an 'X' formation slash, criss-crossing while they flew pass as they used their Orb Calibur and Beta Spark sword to deliver an 'X' slash at the kaiju.

Once their attacks were done, the Spheresaurus head was about to launch its Energy Beam at them, for the Ultras to face it with caution. Just as the head blasted its beam, Ultimate Kieron Maximus made the save as he cleaved its horn by using the KingXCalibur, rendering it from using its beam attack while using his free hand to hold the head steady.


Ultraman Ginga Victory (Hikaru): Thank you! Shou, Z, Orb, X. Let's take it down!!

The other Ultras Hikaru called out and Shou nods as they charged up their beams to acquire their finishers.

Ultraman Ginga Victory (Hikaru & Shou): Ultra Fusion Cosmic Miracle Shot!!!!!

Ultraman Z (Z & Haruki): Deathcium Nova Beyond.... DEATH BURST!!!!!!!

Ultraman Orb (Gai): Trinitium... STRIUM.... KNIGHT.... EXCEED.... KOOOOOOOOOOOUUURINN!!!!!!!!!!

Ultraman X (X & Daichi): BETA ULTIMATE XANADIUM SHOT!!!!!

They exclaimed their finishers.

Then, they blasted their finishers at the Genegarg head, cleaving it and destroying it while Ultimate Kieron Maximus is still holding onto it so it doesn't move or budge. Once it is finished, Kieron released the destroyed head as they proceeded to the last few heads. The Grimudo Leviathan Grimm head blasted a beam from its eye, for Taiga to dodge it gracefully while landing in the ocean with his legs submerged, charging up his finisher while the head began charging up its beam again to strike Taiga.

Taiga: I don't think so! Not again!!!

Taiga yelled.

Taiga (Taiga, Titas & Fuma): TRI-STRIUM... BLASTER!!!!!!

The three Ultras inside the Tri-Strium Supreme form exclaimed, blasting his beam while the Grimudo Head blasted its own beam, for both attacks to clash and collide with each other. While they fight for dominance, Mebius swooped by while charging his finishers as he utilized Mebium-Knight Shoot while having Cosmic Miracle Attack activated, for him to blast a powerful beam at Grimudo's head while his beam cleaved off one of its horns, for the head to roar in anger.

Seeing the opportunity, Taiga launched the same beam again, only then that the head got destroyed with Mebius's assistance as he was still launching his beam at the head. Seeing that the head is done, Mebius swiftly zoomed in towards the last head, thanks to his Cosmic Miracle Attack ability while he witnessed the last head fighting against Ultimate Kieron Maximus. The larger Leviathan Grimm head can be seen lunging in as its jaws clamped onto Kieron's arm holding KingXCalibur, for him to fish out his blaster to shoot him to let go as he struggled and for the Grimm to keep sinking its teeth in. Requiring an assist, Mebius still utilizing his Cosmic Miracle ability swiftly zoomed in as he pierced through the Grimm's jaws while utilizing his dual blades as he cleaved the Grimm's jaw off, for the Grimm to roar at this.

Ultraman Mebius: Let's end this creature's head!

Kieron: You got that right!

They said, agreeing on their similar goals.

Then, the two teamed up as Kieron blasted his blaster along with the other turrets on him to start blasting at the Grimm's damaged head while he thrusted his blade forward, for Mebius to use his Cosmic Miracle Attack combined with Mebium Phoenix as he flew beside the sword, combining his very being with it for extra damage for Kieron to see that KingXCalibur is now engulfed in Mebius's Phoenix Brave INFINITY's powers, for him to smirk at this. The grimm shook itself to resist the pain as he attacked again, only to be introduced with a Phoenix Brave INFINITY-powered KingXCalibur, now thrusted through its insides of his mouth and its neck, for Kieron to stop as soon as the sword's blade has completely went through the Grimm's head and neck.

Seeing that the team-up combo attack has done its purpose, Kieron used his free hand to grab the sword as he slashed the sword out, cleaving the Grimm's head, destroying the last one. With all the heads being dealth with, Shadow can be seen in front of the Kaiju Grimm fusion while holding some sphere missile spikes as he crushed them in his hand, before charging up his Balkey Chorus-based attack while Godzilla charged up its atomic breath and for Kong to get read to throw his sword.

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness, & King's voices in sync): Remnant Chorus~.

Shadow said.

Hearing this, Kong roared loudly as he threw the axe directly at Mother Spheresaurus, and for both Shadow, and Godzilla to launch their powerful beams at the axe, empowering it even further as it flew directly at the kaiju, for the Mother Spheresaurus to launch her Mother Sphere Phalanx directly at the oncoming axe and combined beam, unbeknownst to Mother Spheresaurus, its attack is only going to charge the axe even more. Once the axe flew closer and closer, it soon struck Mother Spheresaurus, for a huge shockwave and explosion to emit upon impact, for everyone to try maintaining their stances while the explosion and shockwave was in progress. 

As soon as everything got silent, Ultimate Kieron Maximus and the ultras soon gathered around as they looked at the cloud of dust covering the kaiju grimm fusion, where ever it lies within. While observing carefully, Shadow noticed Kong's axe flying back towards him, for him to catch it, and giving it back to the Titan Ape.

(A/N: Music ends here.)

Kieron: You think we got him?

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness, & King's voices in sync): I pray to Oum and God that we hope so.

Shadow said, hoping that they got it.

Suddenly, something began to glow within the cloud of dust, for everyone to be ready for anything. Then, to everyone's shock, the kaiju grimm fusion emerge still standing tall with its Mother Spheresaurus component to be left standing commanding the entire body as the destroyed and severed heads became spikes or tendrils for combat.

Kieron: Seriously?! After everything?!?!

Ultraman Trigger (Kengo): This.... is bad....

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness, & King's voices in sync): What's it gonna take to take this thing down?!

The three of them said.

Everyone looked in shock and worry as the kaiju is about to launch its attacks, only for it to get struck from behind by a group of someone coming from the sky, to everyone's confusion as they witnessed the Leo brothers, 80, Yullian, Justice, Xenon, Ribut and Regulus utilizing their attacks, martial arts and finishers to weaken the kaiju for a moment, when someone spoke.

Ultraman Gruebe (Asahi): OH! My distress call has reached them!

Ultraman Geed: Eh?! You called for back-up? When?

Ultraman Gruebe (Asahi): While we were fighting against one of its heads. I don't think you noticed it as while we were attacking its heads, I kinda sent a distress call to those who are near here.

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness, & King's voices in sync): Then I appreciate you calling for back-up, Asahi.

Ultraman Gruebe (Asahi): giggling Thanks. Happy~!

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness, & King's voices in sync): Heheh

Shadow giggled, nodding at Gruebe as he spoke with Asahi.

While the kaiju is disorientated by the attacks caused by the eight Ultras, the eight soon landed before everyone as they began to speak.

Ultraman Leo: Everyone. 

Ultraman Regulus: As soon as we got it, we came as soon as we could.

Ultraman Z: Master Leo! Regulus!

Ultraman Justice: I never thought that we'll be facing something this dangerous.

Ultraman Ribut: It's been a long time, Kengo.

Ultraman Trigger (Kengo): Ribut.

Ultraman Leo: notices Shadow Ah. We meet again, Shadow.

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness, & King's voices in sync): Indeed our paths have crossed, once again, Master Leo, Master Astra. And all of you who have come. I hope to see you in the best of circumstances but, we need your help.

Astra: We can tell.

Astra said, looking back to see the kaiju grimm fusion is almost cleared from its disorientation.

Ultraman 80: So, what do we know about this kaiju, Shadow?

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness, & King's voices in sync): Well Master 80, it fused with some kaijus, Grimm and Mother Spheresaurus seemed to be the ringleader of it all. And it would appeared it is not gonna go down without a fight as it is-


Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness, & King's voices in sync): thumb points at Ultraman Z Like what he said.

Shadow said.

Xenon: I see.

Ultraman Orb: Then what can we do to defeat it?

Kieron: I'm not sure. Can we combine even further or something?

Ultraman Taiga: We can but if we were to form Reiga.... I'm not sure whether it is enough to beat it..... 

Ultraman Ginga Victory (Shou): Then what are we suppose to do now?

Xenon: If there is a will, there is a way. ne way or another.

Ultraman Xenon said when he heard Shou question like this.

When Taiga mentioned Reiga, this gave Shadow a good idea.

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness, & King's voices in sync): That's it! I know how to tip this battle to our favor! Thanks to Taiga, I believe we have everyone set for this.

Shadow said.

Hearing this, the Ultras looked at each other, wondering what they need to do, for Shadow to instruct them.

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness, & King's voices in sync): Okay, there's no time. I need all of you Ultras, to pass all of your Light Energies to Taiga. Like what Master Taro said before, ensure all of your Light Energies go to Taiga's horns. While you do that, I'll do the rest.

Shadow stated.

The Ultras nod at this as they scattered around to form a circle around Taiga, donating their light energies as all of their lights enter Taiga Tri-Strium Supreme by via his horns. While witnessing the entire power transfer process taking place, Shadow began to do his light show again as he transferred his powers to the Leo Brothers, 80, Yullian, Xenon, Justice, Ribut and Regulus. Donating his powers to them, they felt the same surge of power and energy in them as they donate their powers and Shadow's to Taiga. 

Once the transfer process is complete, Shadow stopped his power transfer ability while all the ultras turned into light energies as they went into Taiga's horns, for Taiga to become Ultraman Reiga while glowing brightly in a ball of light as his body began to evolve. Seeing this, Shadow and Kieron watched on as the light soon engulfed the area where everyone is standing at, causing the kaiju grimm fusion to be taken aback by this. 

After awhile, the light slowly dims and dissipates as Shadow and kieron watched as the fusion Ultra revealed himself, in a whole new look, to Kieron's shock and for Shadow to smile at this.

(A/N: Ultraman Reiga - Hatachi Form. Combine these three images together to make this form (A/N: Exclude the clock hands and the Driver.). This form's base form is Ultraman Reiga himself donning a specialized armour that connects the power of Twenty despite being more than twenty Ultras in this fused form. Since this form is an evolution to Ultraman Reiga, let's make Reiga Hatachi more... "Invincible".

This form has the following parts;
Head - The head sculp will be based on Reiga but this time, instead of Reiga's usual horns, it will be Taiga - Tri-Strium Supreme's flame horns but longer.... Probably as long as Father of Ultra's, but the red and blue details will still remain. At the top of Reiga's head, there will be an armour piece embedded onto his head known as the Ultra Relief with Ultraman Taiga statue to be stationed there (A/N: There's actually no necessity to add the halo on the head sculp as hsown on the second image.).
Interior Body - The interior suit will still remain as it is based on Ultraman Reiga.
Upper Torso - Since Ultraman Zero is in this fusion too and seeing that Reiga's original main body is taiga, Reiga's protectors will fuse with Zero's Aegis armour like so it forms a chestplate with its details to be based on Reiga's Protectors and Taiga's Tri-Strium Supreme's protectors (A/N: Ensure the colour scheme is gold instead of blue, this time.) to give it the Ultimate Aegis, Tri-Strium Supreme and Reiga vibes. On the chestplate, it has five Ultra Reliefs with the following Ultra statue/s allocations;
Ginga and Victory - Center Ultra Relief Placement
Zero - Top Right Ultra Relief Placement
Mebius and Hikari - Bottom Right Ultra Relief Placement
Decker - Top Left Ultra Relief Placement
Trigger, Trigger Dark & The Dark Giants - Bottom Right Ultra Relief Placement
Shoulder Armour - Like so with the Upper Torso, it will fuse with Ultimate Aegis shoulder armour, Tri-Strium Supreme's shoulder protectors (A/N: Ensure the colour scheme is similar to the chest protector colour scheme as stated above.) and Reiga's shoulder protectors to give them the same vibes as the Upper Torso's. On the shoulder armours, it has one Ultra Relief at each shoulder with the following Ultra statue/s allocations;
6 Ultra Brothers - Right Shoulder Ultra Relief Placement
X - Left Shoulder Ultra Relief Placement (A/N: Since the right shoulders have six ultras in one Relief placement, let's even it up by having Cybers Gomora, Eleking, Bemstar and Zetton to be with X on the Ultra Relief Placement.)
Left Arm - The armour on the left arm will be cladded in Tri-Strium Supreme's armour with two Ultra Reliefs on the armour's forearm with the following Ultra statues allocations;
Orb - Upper Armour Ultra Relief Placement (A/N: Seeing that there are some dark Ultras here, let's why not add Jugglur in here as an exception.)
Geed - Lower Armour Ultra Relief Placement (A/N: Seeing that Geed is the son of Belial, let's add him in, too as an exception.)
Right Arm - The armour on the right arm will be the same as the left, but this time, infuse the Taiga Spark with it to combine with the armour while to have the following Ultra statues allocations;
Leo brothers - 
Upper Armour Ultra Relief Placement
80 & Yullian - Lower Armour Ultra Relief Placement
Lower Torso - The Lower Torso Armour will be based on Tri-Strium Supreme's armour but the colour scheme will be gold instead of its blue colour. On both the armour's skirting at the left and right, there will be Ultra Reliefs equipped on them with the following Ultra statue/s allocations;
Z (A/N: Ensure he's holding Belialok.) - Left Armour Skirting Ultra Relief Placement
Max & Xenon - Right Armour Skirting Ultra Relief Placement
Legs - The leg armour will have three Ultra Reliefs at each leg while fusing with Reiga's leg armour fused with Tri-Strium Supreme's leg armour to give them each their vibes with the following Ultra statue/s allocations;
Titas & Fuma - Upper Leg Armour Ultra Relief Placement
Ribut & Regulus - Middle Leg Armour Ultra Relief Placement
Rosso, Blu & Grigio - Lower Leg Armour Ultra Relief Placement
Nexus - Upper Leg Armour Ultra Relief Placement (A/N: Considering at some point Nexus and his host were in good terms with Dark Mephisto despite his battles and helping them out fight of Dark Mephisto Zwei, let's bring Dark Mephisto into this, too.)
Cosmos & Justice - Middle Leg Armour Ultra Relief Placement
Tiga, Dyna & Gaia - Lower leg Armour Ultra Relief Placement

There is a reason why I added some Dark Ultras into this form. Why? It's because there are some Ultras who have embraced the darkness, using them for good, even some dark ultras turned to the light through acceptance and realization of their actions. There is a saying; 'Action speaks louder than words', thus that is why I added some Dark ultras into this form and some cyber kaijus, as well.

And there you have it, Reiga Hatachi form. The form of Twenty comprising of specific Ultras to become one or fighting as one as a duo.)

Kieron: Whoa! Taig- Oh Wait! Reiga! Looking sharp with the new form and armour on!

Kieron commented.

Kong and Godzilla grunts in acceptance of the stunning form.

Reiga gave a thumbs up to the three of them.

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness, & King's voices in sync): Uuuuuh, Reiga doesn't usually talk but the thumbs up means that he say thanks and a bunch of other positive things.

Shadow said, giving Kieron and the Titans a heads-up.

Kieron: Ah, I see. 

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness, & King's voices in sync): Mhm. nods

Kieron: So,... good question. What about us? 

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness, & King's voices in sync): Hmmmm... honestly, that's a very good question right th-

???: Loud Laughter How about we give your walking chariot a hand?!

Someone yelled out from somewhere.

Hearing this, the five of them looked around to see who that was when the kaiju grimm fusion roared as something was attacking it, for them to look at the Grimm. Looking at it, everyone can see that there is some kind of Mecha attacking the kaiju grimm fusion and they were very fluent with their moves and attacks, to Shadow's surprise and amazement. Seeing the five of them, the Mecha used some kind of armaments on its back to slash, blast and strike the grimm, causing it to get knocked down off its feet and claws.

Once it was down for the time being, the Mecha lands before them as they introduced themselves.

(A/N: This Mecha aka, GOD King Ohger.)

???: I am the Evil King, Gira! New King of Shugoddam!

Yanma: Yanma Gast, President and Intelligent King of N'Kosopa.

Hymeno: Hymeno Ran, Dazzling Queen of Ishabana. And I'm also a Professional Medic.

Rita: Steadfast Ruler of Gokkan, and your Judge, Rita Kaniska.

Kaguragi: The Lord of Abundance and the Lord of Toufu has arrived~ I, am Kaguragi Dybowski!

Jeremy: Storyteller and a hybrid who desires to become King of Chikyu, Jeremy Brasieri.

Gira, Yanma, Hymeno, Rita, Kaguragi & Jeremy: Together, we're Ohsama Sentai King Ohger!

They introduced themselves.

Shadow nods, listening to them.

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness, & King's voices in sync): It's an honour to meet you, Kings and Queens of your designated Kingdoms. My name is Shadow, Shadow Wrath. The new god of Remnant. These are my fellow allies, Ultimate Kieron Maximus, Ultraman Reiga - Hatachi, Godzilla and Kong.

Ultraman Reiga: nods

Kieron: Yeah, nice to meet you guys in one Combiner yourselves. And good question. Is the Evil King things a joke?

Rita: He's a Evil King with good intentions, Kieron. It may just be a name he names himself, for a cause to restore order to his kingdom from corruption by his own brother, Racles.

Kieron: Whoa... that's heavy.

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness, & King's voices in sync): About what you said, your honour Rita. Is Gira's quest successful?

Rita: Yes.

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness, & King's voices in sync): Then his title as the Evil King has a meaning to it, then. Very well.

Shadow said, nodding at what he has heard.

Then, going back to the task at hand, you began to ask them about what they meant when they said they'll give them a hand.

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness, & King's voices in sync): Anyway, back to the task at hand, you said you'll help us, right? How so?

Shadow wondered.

Gira: Oh yeah! That's easy! We'll combine our Shugods with Kieron!

Gira said.

Hearing this, Kieron was surprised when he heard this.

Kieron: You guys will be combining with me?

Gira: Yeah! All Twenty Shugods!

Kieron: But will Fortress Maximus and I handle the combina-

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness, & King's voices in sync): Kieron!!!

Shadow interrupted.

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness, & King's voices in sync): Don't forget how you became Ultimate Kieron Maximus, my friend.

Kieron: yeah, sure but with your light energy and mine with them combined, it's gon- ..................................... oooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhh....... lifts a finger up I take my point back! looks at Shadow So, you'll be doing the light transfer donating thing with us and them, right?

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness, & King's voices in sync): Exactly.

Kieron: Okay. looks at the Mecha Just know that I'll be doing the driving as I am like you guys, but different.

Yanma: Sure, why no- wait, what do you mean by that?

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness, & King's voices in sync): He means he's a cybertronian from another planet. Cybertronians are like people, but difference is, they can transform into vehicles but humans can't.

Yanma: So that means-

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness, & King's voices in sync): Yeup! You're gonna take a back row seat while a cybertronian is driving and fighting.

Yanma: A robot alien.... wooowwwww....

Kaguragi: Very interesting.

Rita: Hmmm... how presidented.

Jeremy: this'll be fun.

Hymeno: I can tell I'm going to enjoy this already~.

Kieron: Alright, Shadow. Let's get this started!

Kieron said, smirking behind the mask.


(A/N: Music starts here. Music Name: Transformers Cybertron theme on Guitar.)

Shadow smiled back as he took a deep breath. After that, I immediately emitted the same energy of light as the light engulfed both the Mecha and Ultimate Kieron Maximus. After a specific period of time, both bot and mecha began to fuse.


During the fusion process, the Mecha separated into Twenty Robotic Bugs (A/N: Aka, Shugods.) comprising of a Stag Beetle, Dragonfly, Butterfly, Mantis, Hornet, Two Spiders, Two Ladybugs, Ant, Rhinoceras Beetle, Scorpion, Grasshopper, Snail, Pillbug, Tarantula, Centipede, Cicada, Caucasus Castle in Tank Mode and Golden Hercules beetle as they all converged together with Ultimate Kieron Maximus while growing to the Titan's size to better suit the combination process.

As they were about to converge to Kieron, Kieron felt his entire combined head detaching for a moment as the entire body of Fortress Maximus is separating into several parts.


The Robot Stag Beetle transformed to become the body, arms and upper legs of the Mecha, for the body of Fortress Maximus to configure itself onto the body, cladding the Stag Beetle Mecha body with its Fotress Maximus armour leaving the Stag Beetle horns exposed, the Mecha Arms inserted themselves into the Fortress Maximus arms, forming the Mecha its new arms, the runways became the new wing capes at the lower torso attaching itself below Robot Stag Beetle's wings and finally, its upper leg armour will have a layer of Fortress Maximus's leg armour, to complete the docking and combination (gattai) process on the body of the Mecha itself.


The two Robot Spiders converged and landed onto the Mecha Combiner body's upper torso and lower torso, giving the Mecha Combiner its armour at the upper and lower torso.





Two Robot Ladybugs, a Robot Rhinoceras Beetle, a Robot Scorpion and a Robot Grasshopper converged and landed onto the Mecha Combiner's body as the Robot Rhinoceras beetle transformed into a Cannon, attaching itself onto Fortress Maximus's right arm with one Robot Ladybug to follow suit after the Rhinoceras Beetle Cannon, the Robot Scorpion transformed into a Claw as it too attached onto Fortress Maximus left arm, being Fortress Maximus's new forearm and hand, with the second Robot Ladybug to attach itself onto the Robot Scorpion Claw, and finally the Robot Grasshopper opened up to be the chest armour while detaching its legs, for them to attach onto the Robot Spider on the Upper Torso and onto the Mecha Combiner body's knees.





The Robot Tarantula, Robot Dragonfly, Robot Butterfly and Robot Ant converged behind of the Mecha Combiner's body as the Tarantula detached its abdoman, forming a Cannon while attaching itself onto the upper legs on the left as it attached itself onto the Mecha Combiner Body's back. The Robot Dragonfly detached its tail as it attaches onto the Robot Butterfly, making the sword then, attaches onto the robot dragonfly after the sword is formed. Soon after, the Robot Ant attached itself onto the Robot Dragonfly's tail for a sword blade, completing the wings and sword as they all combined, attached themselves onto the back of the Robot Tarantula's body. After attaching itself to the back, KingXCalibur flew to the back as it replaces the Robot Dragonfly's tail blade, making it the sword's new blade tip to make it more powerful.


The Castle in its tank mode separated into several parts as they began configuring themselves onto the form, circling around it while levitating in the air.



When the legs were next, Fortress Maximus's Cannons on its legs angled upwards at 90 degrees while lengthening its cannons shorter for both Robot Mantis and Robot Wasp to turn into legs as they attach themselves into the gaps of Fortress Maximus's legs where the cannons were used to be stationed at. Then, the parts that make the Mecha's legs from just now detached again as they make the new feet and leg attachments on Fortress Maximus's legs joints, with the arm parts of the Castle's tank mode to be configured at the same way as the former.

Then, the remaining part of the Caucasus Castle went onto the upper torso of the Mecha Combiner's body, for its wings to open up, making a new and extended chestplate for the new body.





The Robot Pillbug, Robot Snail, Robot Centipede and Robot Cicada converged and attached themselves onto the upper cannon legs of Robot Tarantula (Robot Centipede and Robot Cicada) and the lower legs of Robot Tarantula's right legs (Robot Snail (Top leg) and Robot Pillbug (Lower leg)).

Then, Fortress Maximus's blaster can be seen configuring itself below of Robot Tarantula's Tail Cannon as it attached itself onto the last leg on the left.


The last Robot bug flew in as it detached itself into two parts. One is a horn and the other is a armour plating as the armour plating attached itself to the lower torso of the Mecha Combiner's body, for the spider to detach and attach itself back once the armour plating is attached, and for the horn to attach onto the last pieces of armour belonging to the Caucasus Castle, attaching themselves to make a crown for a helmet.

As the Combination is about to be completed, Kieron's Combiner Titan head safely attached itself onto his new body followed by the last armour piece which turned out to be the Mecha Combiner's crown piece, completing the docking and combining process.


(A/N: Music ends here at 1:38.)

After the transformation was complete, Shadow deactivated his powers, causing the light to flow back inside of him. Then, before his very eyes, Shadow sees that Kieron has become not just Ultimate Kieron Maximus, but Ultimate Kieron God King Ohger Maximus, to his amazement as he began to ask Kieron how it feels.

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness, & King's voices in sync): WHOA!!!!!!!

Kieron: I know how you feel... I feel the same way, too!

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness, & King's voices in sync): So how does it feel?

Kieron: HEH! Not bad! And the six royalties are safe in Fortress Maximus's cockpit, getting a front row and back row seat.

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness, & King's voices in sync): Excellent. looks at the Grimm Now that we're ready... let's finish the job....

Kieron: OH YEAH!!!!!!

Kieron exclaimed.


(A/N: Music starts here. Music Name: Ultraman Geed (Fusion Rise) OST.)

Having had enough at what's going on, Mother Spheresaurus roared as it immediately advanced towards them inspite of recovering from falling earlier, readying to dish out every arsenal of fusion attacks and sphere attacks it has in store without its other six heads. Donning their own fighting stances, Shadow, Ultimate Kieron God King Ohger Maximus, Ultraman Reiga, Godzilla and Kong immediately charged forward towards the Grimm, arming themselves with their attacks and their weapons.

Mother Spheresaurus began launching a barrage of beams and sphere missiles (A/N: It's something like those Sphere Obelisks but this time, they can fly.) at them, for Kieron to notice this, running forward ahead of everyone as he plans to destroy the barrage of beams and missiles. Seeing the missiles and beams getting close, Kieron stopped as he raised his arms forwards, followed by the legs of the Robot Tarantula utilizing Robots Centipede, Cicada, Snail, Pillbug and Tarantula's Abdomen Tai Cannon, and Fortress Maximus's Blaster to angle themselves to lock on targets, readying to fire. Once target locked, Kieron began shooting his  projectiles and beams from Fortress Maximus's parts and the Robot Insects armour parts, and arsenals that were combined onto him and Fort Max as their firepower destroyed majority of the barrages delivered by Mother Spheresaurus's fused body.

Some projectiles can be seen flying pass Kieron heading towards the others, for Godzilla to charge its empowered atomic breath as it blasted them, destroying each of them at the King of Monsters' direction while Reiga tapped on one of the Ultra Reliefs, activating on of the Ultras' abilities.


Utilizing Zoffy's powers, Reiga blasted a M87 Beam at the remaining projectiles at his side. Once done, he tapped onto a different Ultra Relief as he activated another of the other Ultras' abilities.


Utilizing Rosso and Blu's powers, Reiga soon has a single R/B Slugger Rosso and a R/B Slugger Blu equipped in each hand while making his way towards the kaiju grimm fusion, accelerating faster than mach speed that he disappears. Reaching the Sphere Kaiju's main body, he reappears before Mother Spheresaurus while delivering a double Cross Slugger empowered with his powers, inflicting damage onto the kaiju. Mother Spheresaurus roared as it used its claws to swiftly slash Reiga with its sharp claws, only for Reiga to deflect and clash with them by using the R/B Sluggers. While the kaiju and the fusion ultra were clashing claws and weapons, Kong emerged from behind in mid air from leaping as he landed on the kaiju's back, grabbing Mother Spheresaurus's right claw as it land a devastating chop into the kaiju's right shoulder, causing the kaiju to shriek, giving Reiga the opportunity to utilize Twin Strium Slasher on R/B Slugger Rosso and Galaxy Saber on R/B Slugger Blu as he landed a double slash onto the kaiju, leaving an 'X' mark at its chest.

Mother Spheresaurus seeing that mark on its chest, roared as numerous sphere soldiers emerged from its lower fusion's body as they regenerated its wounds, for it to swipe Reiga's R/B Sluggers off his hands while pulling out Kong's axe, causing Kong to jump in front of it as it landed a punch, shove and a kick while reclaiming its axe, delivering some chops and slashes, only for the kaiju to use its tail to swipe Kong out of the way while taking all of Kong's axe strikes. Just as it swiped Kong away back into the ocean,-


- the kaiju was soon introduced by Reiga's new weapon as he delivered stabs, slashes and spears into its body by using Ginga Spark Lance infused with Shepardon Saber fused at the center blade. Meanwhile, just as Kong was about to fall into the ocean, Shadow used his powers to lift it mid air, to Kong's relief. Then, Kong noticed the kaiju's large lower body's legs as he used its axe to stab into it, breaking its fall as it began climbing on its leg, chopping and crawling its way up. Seeing this, Shadow nods as he kept flying while launching a barrage of attacks and abilities around the kaiju grimm fusion's body.

While Kong is making its way up again with Shadow to attack all over the kaiju grimm fusion, Kieron and Godzilla can be seen dodging the kaiju's lower body's gigantic legs as its legs can be seen trying to crush them beneath its claws, only for Kieron to dodge them and for Godzilla to unleash numerous beams from its dorsal plates, giving its gigantic claws radioactive burns. Feeling it, Mother Spheresaurus looks down as she had numerous tendrils and tentacles to latch onto them, causing both Kieron and Godzilla to struggle. While struggling, Godzilla growled as it launched many beams from its dorsal plates and its mouth, cleaving through the kaiju grimm's tentacles and for Kieron to use its weaponized Robot Tarantula arms, extending them to have more joints on the legs as they launched an electric strike with the Rolling Hammer (Robot Pillbug), orange energy volley from the Snail Gatling (Robot Snail), an extending chainsaw strike with the Pede Chainsaw (Robot Centipede), green sonic bolts from the Cicada Claw (Robot Cicada), a huge energy beam fromTarantula's Tail Cannon (Robot Tarantula) and rounds of Fortress Maximus's Blasters from Fort Max's Blaster, shooting directly at the tentacles and the mid-section connecting Mother Spheresaurus and the lower hydra-like grimm fused body, for the entire kaiju to roar because of this, releasing them while Reiga gained the upperhand, launching Gomora Oscillatory Wave at it, utilizing X and Cyber Gomora's power to utilizie Cyber Gomora Armour.

Seeing this as an opportunity, Shadow lunged in as he too fought Mother Spheresaurus head on with Reiga, for both of them to deliver blows and kicks at the kaiju's body, to weaken it. Watching the kaiju letting out a weak roar, Reiga tapped a Ultra Relief to utilize-


- Mebius's power as he combined Mebius's Lightning Counter Zero with his Reiga Photon Blow, while Shadow utilized some close-combat Semblances, Aero Dragon Ability and Power Type ultras' abilities, for the both of them to land a double punch on the kaiju, causing the kaiju to stagger backwards. As it was staggering back, Shadow utilized his sentient sword as he pressed the button twice, utilizing its other finisher.

Talking Sword (Demonic Voice): GRIMM FANG!

The sword said.

Hearing this ability, Mother Spheresaurus launched Salvo Firing and Mother Sphere Phalanx as they all flew at Shadow, only for him to lunge his sword forward hard, causing a huge kaiju head based on the sentient sword's head to appear as it flew in, consuming the kaiju's attacks while it sank its jaws into the kaiju, delivering some damage upon it with its Sphere abilities to be sent back at it, adding more damage upon it (A/N: Basically, for this Fang attack, Shadow's sword is able to absorb the enemies attack. Once landing its jaws into the enemy/-ies, the enemies' attacks will also be sent back from inside the Fang ability.). After lending the sword's Fang attack, Reiga tapped on several Ultra Reliefs to-




- summon Ultraman Orb in his Spacium Zeperion Form, Ultraman Geed in his Primitive Form and Ultraman Z in his Alpha Edge Form, for him to point directly at the kaiju, commanding them to fire their specific beams at them, in which they did, causing sparks and explosions to engulf the kaiju. Seeing them blasting the kaiju, Shadow smirked as he ran in a circle around the kaiju engulfed in the explosion while being launched at by Reiga's summons' beams to create several afterimages of himself. Once that is done, Shadow utilized Ultraman Ribut's finisher as he launched Galaxium Blaster around the kaiju that simultaneously attack it.

With Shadow and Reiga still launching their attacks, Mother Spheresaurus let out a loud roar while emitting out an electromagnetic wave disturbance to cause the both of them and Godzilla to get blown backwards from this, while Kieron experienced a minor shut down all over its body, for him to realize that the kaiju can emit such a wave disturbance to temporarily shut down anything that is electrical and more.

Kieron: What was that?!?! And furthermore... Can't... move!!!

Perceptor (By via Comms): It must have been due to the kaiju fusion's electromagnetic wave disturbance it was emitting, Kieron.

Kieron: So that means.... it doesn't just disable electromagnetic things.... it disables Cybertronians, too!

Perceptor (By via Comms): Correct.

Gira (By via Comms):Guys! I have an idea! Allow us to take over!

Perceptor (By via Comms) & Kieron: What?!

Gira (By via Comms): Listen. You guys maybe affected by its wave.

Yanma (By via Comms): But our Shugods aren't. Our Shugods were made 2000 years ago. So, their ancient tech can't be affected.

Kieron: Then There isn't much choice. Perceptor, manually open the doors inside so the King Ohgers can get to their Shugod components. They must move my body manually until you and the autobots can get Fortress Maximus online and mobile again.

Perceptor (By via Comms): Understood. Doing that now.

Kieron: And while you're at it, I must know. How are you and the autobots not affected by its electromagnetic wave?

Perceptor (By via Comms): Well.... it is... rrrr... trying to pry the doors open with someone in the background possible that.... RRRRR.... our six King Ohger friends'.... Mechas dated so long ago...... were able to.... trying to pry the doors open still..... shield Fortress Maximus's insides from affecting us.... but due to this combination being part of their mecha and part you with Fort Max combined.... it affected Fort Max instead, and it is also possible that the crown piece you are wearing now must be shielding you from the effects. Got it, guys now go go go!

Kieron: I see. That explains how you all and myself are still functioning. Interesting Bots they are using to form one titan mecha....

Kieron said, complimenting them.

While talking, Kieron sees the kaiju's gigantic lower body about to use its claws to smash him, for him to watch helplessly as it did so. But just as its claws were an inch of touching his face, Kieron watched in shock, surprise and amazement to see that his arms can move as they were blocking its claws from crushing him.

Kieron: Okay.... now that's impressive that they can manually control this body while I'm up here.

He said.

Then, Kieron heard laughter was heard from a P.A. System as a familiar voice spoke.

Kieron: Gira?

Gira (By P.A. System): Now, fear Me! And then Tremble in your feet and claws, BEAST! I will show you no shred of mercy nor restraint, and spare no effort nor intent! For the name of your doom is... GIRA!

Gira exclaimed to the kaiju grimm fusion.




Then, using Kieron's body, his arms glow red and gold for the Robot Ladybugs on Kieron's weaponized arms to generate a red energy pulse in the shape of its shell while slashing using his Kabuto Cannon and Scorpion Claw, repelling the Grimm while slashing its claws, causing the Grimm to rear upwards.

Jeremy (By P.A. System): Allow me to bring him down so he could kneel before you, Kieron.

Jeremy said.




Hearing this, Kieron watched as all of Fort Max's cannons, the Robot Tarantula and the Robot Spider at the lower torso of the combiner's armour fired webbings from God Kumo, the Extreme Cannons of God Tarantula and Fortress Maximus's cannons and defenses as the webs all latched onto the Grimm.

Latched on, Kieron suddenly took a few steps backwards, causing the Grimm to fall before him while- 


- Yanma piloted Kieron's combiner form to fly backwards to safety. Once on the ground, Kieron landed a few meters away from the Grimm, giving Hymeno and Kaguragi the opportunity to-



- launch a barrage of sting projectiles and mantis air slashes at the Grimm's main body aka, Mother Spheresaurus.

Kieron: Perceptor?!

Perceptor (By via Comms): Good news which you may have noticed, we got Fortress Maximus's Systems and his other Systems back online!

Warpath (By via Comms): Now we all can break loose once again and KAPOW!!!!

Kieron: Then that is what we'll do! Gira! We fight together!

Gira (By via P.A. System): Then, LET'S GO!!!!

Kieron and Gira said.

And with that, the webs came off of Fort Max's weapons as the people and bots piloting his guns began firing while Kieron, Gira and his team began blasting everything they had at the kaiju grimm fusion, for the Grimm to fire its Salvo Firing to counter their attacks.

(A/N: Fusion Rise theme ends here.)

While trying to get through the Grimm's attack, an energy spear and a beam struck the Grimm, causing it to halt its ability. Seeing it getting hit, Godzilla and Kieron turned to look who that was. Looking at where the attacks came from, they see an ultra and a mecha walking towards them.

(A/N: These Mecha and Ultra aka, Earth Garon and Ultraman Blazar.)

Seeing them, Shadow flew in beside Godzilla and Kieron to see them coming to them. Watching them nod at him, Shadow began to telepathically communicate with them, for him to understand their intentions.

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness, & King's voices in sync): I see..... you're..... mhmm.... mhmm... yeah.... I see..... very well, then.

Shadow said.

Kieron: Good news?

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness, & King's voices in sync): Well, the good news is their Names are Ultraman Blazar and the Mecha is Earth Garon. Earth Garon is being piloted by Ms. Anri, its pilot for today. They happened to have discovered Grigio's distress dispatch so they tagged along. Oh! They say they're willing to assist us.

Gira (By via P.A. System): The more the merrier, then!

Ultraman Reiga: Well, it's a good thing there are more like us in a different world.

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness, & King's voices in sync): looks at Reiga So, you speak, in Taiga's voice, Reiga or perhaps, Taiga?

Ultraman Reiga: Heheh, it took time to adjust and I managed.

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness, & King's voices in sync): nods alright. We end this, right here, right now!

Everyone: YEAH!!!!!

Godzilla, Kong & Earth Garon: roars together


(A/N: Music starts here. Music Name: Ultraman Blazar Opening Theme FULL.)

Taking matters into its own claws, Mother Spheresaurus separated itself from its critically damaged fusion body as it began to charge towards Shadow and his team while the discarded body began to wither away slowly. Seeing that the kaiju is taking desperate measures while blasting its Salvo Firing at them, Shadow immediately used Silver Eye Shot to launch silver beams from his eyes as they shot straight in towards Salvo Firing, striking numerous of them out as he turned his head to look aim at the attacks incoming. Blazar can be seen shooting numerous Suppressive Sprites at the kaiju and some Salvo Firing while making his way towards the kaiju.

Once close with the Titans and Earth Garon reaching Mother Spheresaurus first, Godzilla launched its atomic breath at Mother Spheresaurus. The kaiju was about to use its absorbing capabilities but it was soon put to a halt by Kong leaping towards it as it slashed the sphere kaiju in its side by using its axe, letting the beam to strike the kaiju. Earth Garon seeing an opening, launched a barrage of rounds from its Earth Gun while firing heat-seeking missiles from its tail, striking the kaiju in front of it. Suddenly, Mother Spheresaurus can be seen using its tail to tail whip the kaijus, only for Earth Garon to grab them in time, for Earth Garon to move aside, giving Blazar the opportunity to land a dropkick at it, causing it to fall into the ocean.

Seeing this as an opportunity, Kong pounced at Mother Spheresaurus with its axe, only for it to miss as the kaiju quickly got up, only for Reiga wielding Zero's Twin Edge Sword to deliver a slash at it, causing the kaiju to stagger back while Kong delivered its own slash at the staggering kaiju from behind.

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness, & King's voices in sync): Here! tosses an Energy Item It's only temporary BUT, this'll let you go toe to toe against Mother Spheresaurus!

Shadow said, tossing an Energy Item at Kieron.

Having toss it at Kieron,- 


- he began to feel himself shrinking a bit till he is the same height as everyone including the Kaiju, for him to smirk at this.

Kieron: Thanks! Now, we all can take care of this monster, no problem!!!!

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness, & King's voices in sync): Then let us proceed!!!!

Shadow said while growing to the same size and height like everyone as he and Ultimate Kieron God King Ohger Maximus charged forward.

While everyone is duking it out on the kaiju, the Sphere Kaiju Leader roared while it produced numerous Sphere Soldiers as they began latching on them, assimilating them while immobilizing them. Blazar, Reiga, Earth Garon and Kong struggled as they tried to get the Sphere off them, but to no avail. However, this assault angered the King of Monsters, Godzilla as it let out an-

(A/N: Music pauses here.)

 -ear-deafening roar while glowing its own blue glow, causing the Sphere Soldiers latched onto everyone while assimilating them, to stop while Kong can be seen looking at Godzilla upon hearing the roar, to everyone's confusion.

Ultraman Reiga: Uuuhh??? What's going on????

Kieron: They seem to have stopped. Why?

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness, & King's voices in sync): There's a reason for it. I summoned Kong and Godzilla knowing they have special capabilities. And understanding that Kong bows to no one while holding the Axe of the Ancients, he has the power of Godzilla's ancestors to cut through anything only if Godzilla is present to charge the Axe up. Whereas for Godzilla, he's the King of the Monsters now after beating a kaiju from space. Hearing that he has beaten it, it has been crowned king. And when he's crowned, his roar has the capabilities to command every kaiju it sees.

Kieron: So the reason why you had them come here is because you knew that this would happen, and Kong and Godzilla are the only ones, who can stop that kaiju, along with all of us here fighting against it.

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness, & King's voices in sync): Yes.

Kieron: You're a genius in your own way, you know that?

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness, & King's voices in sync): I know. And are you, too.

Kieron: Aww, thanks.

Ultraman Reiga: Guys! Something else is happening.

Reiga said.

Shadow and Kieron looked as Godzilla roared once again, this time, commanding the Sphere Soldiers to release its comrades and go onto it. Doing as commanded, the Sphere Soldiers did as they're told and unlatched themselves from everyone while latching onto Godzilla instead, causing a blue glow on its body to glow brighter. Then, as a bonus, Godzilla had the Sphere Soliders to also go onto Kong's axe, assimilating it as well.

Ultraman Reiga: What is it doing?!

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness, & King's voices in sync): It's commanding them to assimilate it and Kong's Axe so they can well combat against the Mother Spheresaurus!!!!

Kieron: Can that even work?!?!

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness, & King's voices in sync): Why don't you ask Godzilla himself?!?! He's the one using his roar to command those Sphere Soldiers so, IT'S HIS DEPARTMENT!!!!

Shadow said.

Once the assimilation was complete, Kong now holds its axe, empowered with Shadow's power and the Sphere's power and for Godzilla to roar in a mix of the Sphere's and its own, revealing its body to be covered in Sphere Assimilation, with its claw and feet nails to be sphere-like, its dorsal plates to be assimilated by spheres and appeared to be taller, longer and spikier, its tail seem to be longer now while being assimilated by the spheres (A/N: Treat it something like Sphere Gomora.) and finally, its eyes are still their normal Godzilla eyes instead of its assimilation sphere eyes to show that Godzilla is commanding them and is in control, reavealing itself now to be codenamed; the Sphere Synthetic King of the Monsters - Sphere Godzilla.

With the Assimilation completed, Godzilla roared again as it began charging towards Mother Spheresaurus, for the kaiju to launch her Mother Sphere Phalanx, only for Godzilla to take the hit while charging forward, feeling nothing has struck it as it rammed into the kaiju while emitting a pulse, causing the Mother Spheresaurus to fall backwards into the ocean, giving Kong the opportunity to jump above Godzilla, landing on top of the fallen kaiju as it struck the kaiju's stomach by using its empowered axe, for the kaiju to roar loudly from this.

Mother Spheresaurus, enraged from what has happened, swiped Kong of its body, getting up while launching Mother Sphere Phalanx at Godzilla, for Godzilla which is now Sphere Godzilla, launched its empowered Sphere Atomic breath at the kaiju, evenly matching up with it causing both its beams to start clashing at the middle.

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness, & King's voices in sync): Now it's our chance!!!!

Shadow said.

Kieron nods as they charged in again.

(A/N: Music resumes here.)

Charging in while the beams collided, Shadow used several fighting type semblances while utilizing Fire Grandum as he landed a punch into Mother Spheresaurus's gut, causing the kaiju to roar from this while interrupting her attack against Godzilla, for Godzilla to gain the upper hand as its beam struck the kaiju's chest, causing it to stagger backwards.

The kaiju roared and began launching its Salvo Firing at them, only for Kieron to use his Guardian Auxillary Attack at them to blast its projectiles away while aiming Kabuto Cannon at the kaiju, blasting its chest, causing the kaiju to roar while staggering back even more. Outmatched, Mother Spheresaurus blasted its powerful Salvo Firing at them, only for Sphere Godzilla to turn its back in front of the sphere kaiju as it launched its empowered beams combined with the sphere's power from all of its dorsal plates on its back, overpowering Mother Spheresaurus's attack. With its attacks halted, Kieron blasted webshots from its Robot Tarantula's upper leg cannons and Robot Spider Lower Torso Armour as they webbed the kaiju, immobilizing it, giving Blazar the ability to deliver a flurry of punches and kicks. After awhile, Blazar backflipped, giving Earth Garon and Kong the opportunity to land their attacks at it, for Kong to deliver numerous hits by using both its fists clasp together to bash Mother Spheresaurus so much along with some slashes from its empowered axe soon after, and Earth Garon to launch a barrage of tail missiles and rounds from its guns on its arm while firing a beam from its mouth, for Kong to absorb Earth Garon's Earth Fire by using its axe, empowering it even more as it used its power in the axe to thrust it into the kaiju's chest, releasing the axe as the beam went directly to where the axe struck, adding more damage to its Sphere Core. After the assault, Reiga accelerated in front of Mother Spheresaurus while-


- summoning a Ultra Dual Sword and a Decker Shield Calibur in its Calibur Mode as he immediately spun extremely fast to deliver an infinite number of slashes (A/N: More than the slashes Decker Dynamic Type did in his spinning slash with both weapons.), causing the kaiju to get more cuts while getting even more damage at its core. After delivering Reiga's most powerful spinning slash, he grabbed Kong's axe as he ripped it out of Mother Spheresaurus's chest, for the kaiju to roar painfully from this.

(A/N: Blazar Opening Theme ends here.)

Standing beside Kong now, Reiga hands its axe back, for Kong to gently grab hold of it while nodding at the Ultra, for Reiga to nod back. Then, Reiga looks at Shadow.

Ultraman Reiga: Shadow! Let's rap this up with our most powerful attack we can muster!

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness, & King's voices in sync): You got it, Reiga! thumbs up Guys! Surround it!

Shadow said, for everyone to do so, with Godzilla to be behind and on the right, Earth Garon to be directly behind, Kong to be behind and on the left, Reiga to be directly on the right, Blazar to be directly on the left, Kieron to be in front and on the right and Shadow to be in front of it as they all kept their furtherest distance from the Mother Spheresaurus.


(A/N: Music starts here. Music Name: Ultraman Taiga BGM: Victory.)

With everyone ready and surrounding the Sphere Kaiju, Ultraman Blazar went first as he summoned a giant energy spear in the shape of a double-helix from a blackhole summoned in his palm. After summoning his energy spear, he reared back and lunged forward strongly, throwing the spear directly at Mother Spheresaurus's chest, striking it while it bounced off towards Earth Garon.

Earth Garon saw this coming as it charged up Earth Fire at full capacity while the spear is heading towards it. Once its weapon is fully charged, it used its jaws to grab the tip of the energy spear as it launched its Earth Fire beam directly at Mother Spheresaurus, combining its power with the energy spear. Once the beam-like energy spear reached the kaiju, the spear and beam sturck the its chest while the energy spear bounced off towards Reiga while Earth Garon's beam caused the core in the kaiju's chest to crack even more after its beam kept blasting.

Seeing this, Ultraman Reiga summoned an-


- Ultra Lance as he caught the energy spear with his lance, spinning it around him so that he can increase the energy spear's momentum once he launches it directly at Mother Spheresaurus. Once he got the speed in his spin and the momentum he requires, he reared backwards and lunged forward, throwing his spear combined with the energy spear towards his enemy. While the spear is heading towards the kaiju,-

Ultraman Reiga: Reiga..... Hatachi (20) Ultra Ultimate Fusion... BLASTER!!!!!!!!

Reiga yelled, blasted his powerful beam from his 't' pose arms as the beam combined with the lance and energy spear.

Once the spear is enhanced with his finisher, Reiga looks at the rest who are yet to launch their strongest and powerful finishers.

Ultraman Reiga: I've combined everyone's power and the Ultra Lance I summoned with Blazar's attack!!! Use it, whoever is next and remaining!

Reiga said, notifying the rest who's going to launch their strongest finishers at Mother Spheresaurus.

Hearing this, the rest of them prepared themselves as they watched the spear striking Mother Spheresaurus while bouncing off it while cracks began to form even more at its core. Bouncing off and heading towards the next, the energy spear was then caught by Godzilla's jaws while he charged its sphere combined atomic breath. Once fully charged with its dorsal plates emitting out electric streaks suddenly, Godzilla absorbed the spear as it blasted its empowered sphere atomic breath while launching the spear out of it, striking the kaiju while bouncing off again this time, heading for Kong. 

When Kong saw the spear coming, it leaped to grab it as it threw it directly at Mother Spheresaurus with brute force, causing the spear to pierce through the kaiju, heading towards Kieron's way. Seeing this, Kieron unsheathed his combined Robot Butterfly, Robot Dragonfly Tail and KingXCalibur Sword as he swung it in a circle, catching the spear, empowering the Sword while igniting the blade in golden flames. Kieron then waves the sword again in a circle to form a honeycomb-based "G" as he executed a mighty slash, sending his slash and energy spear combined at the still immobilized kaiju.

Seeing this, Mother Spheresaurus broke free from its web-like bounds as it deflected the attack while getting its arms all badly banged up in the process by the energy spear's power for it to bounce towards Shadow. Once it reaches Shadow who is the last person, he soon casts off his Remnant Aegis Armour, transforming it into its bow variation as he grabbed it, swinging it around as he spun in a circle just once, to catch the energy spear with his armour-like weapon. Once caught, he reared his free hand backwards like as if he's about to shoot a bow as he aimed it at Mother Spheresaurus while the latter charged up her Mother Sphere Phalanx inspite of its wounds as Shadow's group began to gather to his right and left.

Shadow (Mixture of the Maidens, Summer, God of Light & God of Darkness, & King's voices in sync): YOU SEE THIS?!?!?!?!?! THIS, IS NOT JUST MY POWER ALONE!!!!! IT IS THIS PLANET'S POWER AND ITS LIGHT!!!!!!!!!

Shadow yelled, releasing his free hand, for the bow-like weapon to soon blast towards Mother Spheresaurus while the kaiju blasted its Mother Sphere Phalanx, for both beams to collide for a moment. Then, Mother Spheresaurus's beam began to get overpowered as the bow-like weapon flew in as it got closer to the kaiju's sphere core. Just as it got close, the weapon pierced through the kaiju for a huge blast to go through it.

Seeing that the attack is done, the weapon soon flew back as they detached and attached back onto Shadow while Mother Spheresaurus can be seen crumbling apart. Soon after, the kaiju then blew in a huge explosion, sending a shockwave that eventually neutralized the spheres that are flying around the city and the alleyways. Once there were no traces of the spheres in exception of Kong's axe and Godzilla using the sphere's assimilation as its double armour plating, loud cheers began to be heard, for Shadow and his group to turn around to see the people of Argus cheering for them.

(A/N: Taiga Victory Music ends here.)

Seeing this moment, Shadow smiled at this, knowing that he has accomplished something far greater than a mere major operation, for him to close his eyes, being at peace as a glow began to illuminate around him.

Inside the same plain white field,

Shadow is seen standing in front of the Gods, once again, exhausted from the fight.

God of Light: Exhausting, isn't it?

Shadow: Yeah... it really is. I suppose once I get used to it, I'll not end up like now, right?

God of Darkness: Yes. You won't be in this sorry state once you managed to have some practise with it, child.

Ultraman King: And once you overcome many obstacles in this form, utilizing it, will be possible.

They said.

While hearing this, Shadow soon stood up straight, breathing normally after standing in an exhaust manner, panting like a dog. 

Shadow: I... suppose you want your powers back, eh?

Ultraman King: Yes.

God of Light: Seeing that your task in stopping Salem from destroying Argus is complete,-

God of Darkness: It is by no means you should keep our powers within you at this moment.

Ultraman King: But fear not, Young Shadow. If you ever need us again, you know how to call us.

God of Darkness: And hope is not lost when we reclaim our powers back.

God of Light: Because our powers, are still inside of you, deep within you....

Three Gods: Yet to be unlocked.

They said in unison.

Shadow: So.... how do I unlock it?

Three Gods: We can only help by guiding you. The rest.... falls on you.

Hearing this, Shadow nods in understanding.

Shadow: Understood. I'm ready.

Shadow said.

Back to reality, Shadow can be seen falling into the water, sinking down as he is about to drown while he is unconscious. But then, a powerful flurry of snow picked him up as it flew out of the water and into the Airship where Teams RWBY, the members of STRM, the memebers of JNPR, the Huntsmen and some riders were on board, for them to look at the Snow Flurry form materializing itself to create a feminine figure, for Apollonir to drop his trident onto the airship's floor, shocked.

Kouta: Apollo? What's.... looks at the woman carrying Shadow My Oum....

Kouta said, knowing the woman, as well.

Some of everyone looked in shock to see the familiar woman carrying Shadow, revealing herself to be the wife of Apollonir and Shadow's son, Isolde.

Rachel: Uuuhh...

Weiss: Why is everyone so shocked?

Apollonir: Because..... my wife..... has returned..... from the grave....

Apollonir said still in shock.

To be Continued....

And that's all, folks! The SPECIAL and sixteenth episode of the Sixth Volume for our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose. So, if you ladies and gentlemen and other deviants really, really love it, comment down below on the comment section if you want me to try something and make up for it. So, thank you so much for reading this. And if you enjoy it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause' that would be "Muteki" awesome and greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I can improve myself as well.

Note that there is more to the ending. There will be a special episode about it coming up soon, so be ready and prepared for it.

And if this happens to be the first literature that you have seen by me, please consider leaving a watch to become part of "Ride-Player Troopers" (It's what I prefer to call my watchers) today if you want to see more of the rest of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose insert. Apart from that, thank you so much again for reading this, and I'll see you Ride-Players (readers) on the next episode of our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose! Until then! See you on the next game! Stay lighted up! Stay Frosty! Stay Brave! Be Nice! SEE YA!!!!

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