Chapter 1: An unknown Spiderman from another World

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Inside the Portal, 


I was on my way to the World that Evol has spoken off when I noticed a glow in my pocket, for me to fish the glowing object out which turned out to be the Build-Driver that Evol gave to me as I watched it turn into an Evol-Driver, to my confusion.

(A/N: Evol-Driver. Basically the Build-Driver that turned into an Evol-Driver as stated above.)

Me: Huh? It turned into an.... Evol-Driver...??? Well, that's a new one. Possibly it's to give me more compatibility to the Spider trinket he gave me.... oh well, worth a shot when I get there.

I assumed for now.

After assuming what I said, I packed the Driver back into my pocket and began to fly through the portal towards the said World that I need to be headed for, real fast... hoping that I wasn't too late.

In the Year 2018,

At Spiderverse Earth No: 1610,

Event: The Collider Event

3rd Person's POV:

It was in the year 2018 and the so called, "Spider-Gang" that Peter B. Parker named his team are at the location of the Collider together with Peter Porker - SpiderHam, Peni Parker, SP//DR, SpiderGwen (A/N: Let's put it like that or Spiderwoman for now.), Miles - Spiderman and Peter Parker (1933) - Spiderman (1933) as they fought Scorpion, Kingpin and Dr Octavious aka, Live. It was going well at first until Scorpion stood in Peni Parker's way as she was in her partner, SP//DR which is also a mech as well.

While they are all ighting the bad guys, the Spider-Gang except for Miles began to glitch out, and the glitches were getting worse than before as they all have not much time left due to the Collider being active, giving the bad guys the opportunity to strike back. Some of the Gang were regaining the upper hand to fight, while some are trying to get it together after the side effects of the glitches caused by the Collider.

At Peni Parker and SP//DR's end, SP//DR tried to kick Scorpion off to aside but he grabbed its feet and destroyed the connection connecting the legs together, causing SP//DR to lose its balance and fall on its back. After SP//DR is down but still active, Scorpion went on top of the mech and punched the glass showing SP//DR's face in the attempts of killing the pilot. Inside the mech, Peni kept tapping and pressing buttons to counter Scorpion's attack as the mech gave him a left cross punch but to no avail, as he caught its fist and ripped its arm apart.

Then, Scorpion threw SP//DR's ripped arm to aside as he gave a sharp sting through the glass-like face, barely missing Peni by a few inches but to injure the mechanical spider's face, causing SP//DR's systems to have tons of errors and to shut down. Scorpion retract his tail stinger as he smirked, readying his fist.

Scorpion: Any last words, Mech? Little Girl?

Scorpion asks.

All Peni could do now is to watch him break through the glass and give her the final blow. 

A few minutes ago,

At a Construction Site close to and at the side of the Collider (Where Miles saw his first Spiderman battle against the Prowler and Green Goblin),

3rd Person's POV:

A portal opened for Shadow to emerge as he landed onto one of the top Metal Grates with a metal mesh flooring and steel pipes for fencing and protection. After landing and emerging from the portal safely, his eyes widened to see a lot going on in the Collider.

(A/N: The Collider in its overloading state (TAKE NOTE: This image is an example ONLY).)

Shadow: O.... M.... G.....

Shadow exclaimed silently.

While looking at it with shock, he then noticed and watched numerous Spider people and villains fighting each other while the Collider is seen summoning buildings, towers and vehicles from different universes at the center of the two beams launched from the two ends of the Collider as they began to converge themselves together with this World, to your worry. Then, to his greater worry, you notice some Spider people aren't doing so well with the villains they were fighting, for him to act fast.

Shadow: raises arm for me to see Killbuspider Ready to get to work?

Shadow ask.

The Robotic Spider, hearing the question, began to crawl around him as it webbed his arms to create Killbus Spider versions of Webshooters, to Shadow's surprise. After a swift few seconds of weapon-making, it stopped to look up and nods its head, for Shadow to smile.

(A/N: These Webshooters. Ensure they are red and black to fit the Killbus Spider vibes.)

Shadow: Will take that as a yes.

Shadow said.

And with that, he soon see that someone is in need of help, for Shadow to proceed to that particular Spider person in a form of a robot first who its now currently taking a heavy beating by a person who has Scorpion appendages.

And Now,

Scorpion growled at Peni as he was just close to reaching her after bashing SP//DR apart and piercing its cockpit window, for him to pull his fist backwards to inflict the final blow in hopes he'll grab the girl to end her reign. But just as Scorpion's fist is about to break the glass entirely by delivering a powerful and strong punch, he was then grabbed at the wrist, to his confusion. He looked at the person who grabbed him, to noticed that a person in a Doctor-like outfit, is seen grabbing his wrist, for him to start conversing with him.

Scorpion: Why are you? Who are you? And aren't you suppose to be working with Liv?

Scorpion ask.

The person aka, Shadow giggled while smirking at the questions.

Shadow: Oh who am I and why I'm here doesn't concern you. And for this Liv person, I don't affiliate with her as I don't know her. looks at someone inside the badly damaged Mech And it would seem you are not a Gentleman... picking on a little girl like that. That's a no no.

Scorpion: If you don't work with Liv.... then that means you're our enemy.

Shadow: That's the idea, Scorpion King.

Scorpion: So, what are you... and what's with the stron-.... grip...??? 

Shadow: My friends call me by numerous names... but my enemies call me by either two names.... Spiderman... or.... Killbus Spiderman.

Shadow said.

Scorpion's eye began to widen at the sudden reveal. for Shadow to use his other arm to crank the lever on the Evol-Driver as a jingle sounded off.

-Killbus Spider!-



After transforming, Shadow soon was cladded with not just Evol's Rider form's armour, but also Killbus Spider's head sculp, shoulder, chest and lower torso armour, to Scorpion's shock.

(A/N: Shadow's Spiderman/Killbus Spiderman form. Basically, the chest armour, upper arms, legs and Evol's armour on his Rider form will remain the same with some add ins. Kamen Killbus's head and shoulder armour will be implemented, the cobra and tail gimmick on the chestplate armour will be replaced with a Spider gimmick on it, the legs on the chest armour will be added and finally the lower torso will have Killbus's spider legs added onto it. Ensure the colour scheme on Killbus spider parts are based on Spiderman's colour scheme to give it the Spiderman gimmick while having the Killbus Spider gimmick on it, too.)

After the transformation was complete, Shadow used his icy mighty sharpened claw-like gauntlet conjured on his arm and did an uppercut slash at Scorpion at great strength and speed, causing him to fly downwards towards the oncoming debris erupting from the Collider.

Shadow (Demonic Voice): And stay there!!!!

Shadow exclaimed with a different voice before calming down.

Soon after that extremely short fight, he turned to the destroyed mech as he used his powers to repair the broken glass and the destroyed limbs completely, to Peni's shock. After he finished repairing SP//DR, he turned away from the mech and was about to leave to either get out from the place or lend his assistance to the others when Peni called out to him.

Peni: opens glass cockpit Wait!!!!

Peni called out.

Shadow stopped at his tracks and turned around to see her again.

Peni: You're like us,... right?

Shadow (Changing voice to his nornal voice): ........ that's correct. smirks Who's asking. 

Peni: Who.... are you?

She ask.

It took Shadow a few seconds before he finally answered Peni's question, as he responded.

Shadow: I... am--

A/N: And that's how everything went down from the Prolonge to Today's Episode aka, Chapter 1 as he is about to take on some villains while assisting the Spider-Gang. There will be a special chapter soon so, be on standby for it. For now, let's carry on with the Chapter.

Shadow: -- an Unknown Spiderman from another World. I was informed by my associate that you guys needed help so... I came.

Peni: But, if you stay here for too long, you'l-

Shadow: Oh don't worry about that. I didn't come from a weird Collider Portal.

Peni: Oh?

Shadow: Yeah.

This surprised Peni as she began to ask more questions.

Peni: oooh... so...... how did you get here?

Shadow: Explanations will come later. For now, I must help them.

Shadow said.

Just as he was about to leave,-

Peni: Wait!

Shadow: hmm?

Peni: .... thank you...

Peni said.

Hearing her thanks, Shadow nod while smiling behind his helmet. After that, he turned and began slinging his web to help the others. 

At the other end of the Collider, Miles, Gwen and Peter B. Parker are seen taking down Doc. Ock., but the green Goblin got in the way as it began targeting the other Peter Parker as it grabbed him with its claws.

(A/N: This Green Goblin which was supposed to be dead.)

Green Goblin: I took you down with me before.... AND I CAN DO SO AGAIN, SPIDER!!!! strengthens grip

Peter B. Parker: How about I.... take you down, bu- but.... you won't take me... with... you...

Green Goblin: growls

Green Goblin growled a loud growl and flunged the Spider into center of the two beams colliding, but to no avail as his hand being webbed up along with the other Peter, preventing the Goblin from throwing him, to his confusion.

Miles and Gwen watched as that life-threatening moment has been ceased unknowingly.

Green Goblin: What?! W-Who did that?!

Shadow: I'll give you one guess, dragon-breathe.

Shadow called out.

The Green Goblin turned to see who answered him, only for him to be kicked in the face by Shadow web-slinging towards him as he gave the Goblin Monster a double Boot to the head, for him to be sent flying. Seeing this, Shadow webbed his way to the Goblin's webbed hand as he ripped the web off him, freeing Peter B.Parker.

Shadow: You alright, my Friendly-Neighbourhood-Interstellar-Spider Brother?

Peter B. Parker: Ummm,.... now I am, since you saved me from being thrown into those beams that will eventually destroy the Multiverse? And you are-

Shadow: No time.... we must retreat temporarily, in order for our victory to be set in motion.

Shadow said, letting Peter B. Parker out of the Goblin's hands while swinging upwards as he shot some webs, latching onto the Goblin.

Peter B. Parker: What are you doing?!

Shadow: Ending this temporarily, sending this Goblin home, and after that, we'll talk.

Shadow answered.

So, Peter B. Parker watched as Shadow began swinging the Green Goblin around with incredible speed, to his shock. When the gang and the villains notice this, they too watched as Shadow is seen spinning the Green Goblin round and round really really fast. Reaching the speed momentum, Shadow began swinging at the Goblin at Doc. Ock. and Tombstone's direction, for the Spider-Gang to move out of the way for Shadow to see many openings.

Eventually, Shadow struck the villains down while sending the Goblin flying towards the Control Center that operates the Collider, crashing through as he destroyed some tech inside the Control Center, stopping the Collider from being operational for an extended period of time, for Kingpin to watch his plan got foiled. Seeing that most of everything is damaged and the Collider has deactivated, Kingpin slowly stared at Shadow with eyes as sharp as knives, for Shadow to do the same.

After seeing the Collider slowly deactivating and everything is back to normal inspite of the major damages caused by the Collider, Shadow webbed the Goober out of the Control Panel at the ceiling and grabbed it in the palm of his hand, as he spoke.

Shadow: I'll see you and your people for Round 2.... kid....

Shadow said, implying the message directly to Kingpin while he teleported away in a blackhole, for the Spider-Gang, Kingpin and his researchers to watch him leave.

Spider Ham: Uuuuhh.... so what now???

Peter B. Parker: Now... we leave back to Aunt May's.

Miles: Then let's go!

Gwen: Hurry, before the others wake up!

And with that, the Spider-Gang took their leave in a hurry, no knowing what was going on during that fight.

Kingpin however, kept looking forward as he sternly watched his damaged and deactivated Collider doing nothing while thinking about that Spiderman aka, Shadow. While thinking about that Spiderman, he hears a blackhole forming behind him, for him to turn back swiftly to see that the green Goblin is being sucked into it. Once completely inside, the blackhole closed up by itself, for Kingpin to look extremely angry than before.

Kingpin: that spiderman,... that came out of nowhere..... is a deadman.....

To be Continued....

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