Episode 4: Luna Sea PART 1

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(A/N: Luna Sea <Indian Ocean/Arabian Sea> (Leviathan).)

Hey everyone! It's me, Shadow 264 and WELCOME to the fourth episode of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose (The Ocean Hunter) where we shall see twelve of our students from Beacon together with four other huntsmen/huntresses go on their mission to fight one of the seven of the dangerous creatures deep beneath the seven seas of Luna Sea! So, to recap once again, I DO NOT OWN RWBY, I DO NOT OWN KAMEN RIDER EX-AID AND THE OCEAN HUNTER!! RWBY is owned by RoosterTeeth, Kamen Rider Ex-Aid is owned by Toei and the Ocean Hunter is owned by SEGA.

Take not that this insert is linked to the main insert which happened in between Volumes 2 and 3 while Teams RWBY, JNPR and STRM are on their break and training.

So, now sit back, enjoy the sea floor and LET THE GAMES BEGIN!!!!!


Location: Indian Ocean/Arabian Sea

Area Location: Luna Sea

Occupants/Animal Life in Location:
1. Hammerhead Sharks
2. Shotfin Mako Sharks
3. Stingray
4. Hydra (x3)
5. *LEVIATHAN* (TAKE NOTE: The damage sums up to 11 Ships, and 364 People have died.)

Climate: Varies

Temperature of Climate: High to Moderate

3rd Person's POV:

Torel:  So, that's what they are, then?

Shadow: Yes. The Creatures of Grimm are entities that feeds on people's negativity.

Ruby: And they come in various forms like what you've saw in our previous expedition with the Kraken.

Shadow and Ruby explained.

Roland: And it would appear the reason why the Seven Creatures of the Seven Seas are now roaming freely is because-

Chris: Rahab's resentment against humanity still lingers as he mentioned before during Torel and my encounter against him once before.

Roland: Precisely.

Yang: So...... since we've gotten one in our tank, does that mean we have one less Grimm to take care of?

Orochi: Hopefully so. 

Torel: Orochi's right. We took down and contained one in our ship, and we have six more to contain.

Torel said.

Blake: Soooo.... what's our next Creature of the Seven Seas?

Blake ask.

Chris when to his desk as he fished out a sheet of paper as he placed it on the meeting table for everyone to see.

Chris: Our next Creature is the Leviathan, located at the Luna Sea in the Indian Ocean.... specifically the Arabian Sea.

Torel: Hhhoooooo wweee~ The Leviathan was a little hermit when we fought it. It loves to hide and surprise us after it recuperated itself for a moment. Wouldn't be surprised if it surprises you guys.

They both said.

Jaune picked the Wanted Paper up as he read it for everyone to hear.

(A/N: Leviathan WANTED Paper.)

Jaune: For 8,000 Lien.... Leviathan.... The damage sums up to 11 ships and..... 364 people have died?! Guys! Does that incident in our classes with Professor Oobleck sounded familiar?

Shadow: Right..... Oobleck mentioned about a Mighty Beast of the Seas devouring three hundred over people with eleven ships being destroyed by the son of a gun.

Weiss: And those people are related to the Schnee Dust Company itself when they were transporting Dust and other Resources around Remnant.

Chris: Well now, you know your studies well. I'm impressed.

Torel: Speaking of being impressed, we're close to our destination.

Torel said.

Everyone looked at the view outside the windows as they notice that they're in between Mistral and Menagerie as the ship headed towards a small island.

Blake: The Luna Sea.... That's near Mistral and Menagerie.

Shadow: Yes..... in other words, looking for the Leviathan will be not as straight forward as we thought.

Shadow said, looking at Chris and Torel.

Shadow: By any chance do you two know anyone who knows their way around the Luna Sea?

Shadow ask.

Chris and Torel looked at each other while pondering about his question until one name came to thought.

Chris: Actually..... we know someone....

Shadow: Who?

Torel: Let me make a call. While that, you bunch might wanna prepare for deployment as we are just minutes away from the drop zone. I'll let her know to meet you bunch at the drop zone.

Torel mentioned and said.

Shadow nods at this as he looks back to Orochi, his team, Teams RWBY, JNPR and RNHK.

Shadow: Welp, you heard them. Let's suit up and ready ourselves for deployment.

Everyone nods as they made a run for it towards the Hanger Bay where their weapons and EXO-Suits are on standby.

As they arrived, everyone geared up in their suits, equipped their weapons onto their Diver Repulsion Vehicles as they walked towards the center of the Hanger Bay, standing at one line, with Orochi Tenma to stand beside Shadow without her suit and her Repulsion Vehicle.

Shadow: You're not gonna use the gear we have?

Orochi: Heheh! Don't worry about it. I have creatures and gears to help me through the underwater world filled with sea creatures and deadly Grimm.

Shadow: Ah, that explains the shark with Bike parts. 

Orochi: Yes.

Shadow: So, which creature will you be using next?

Orochi: You'll see~

Orochi said.

Shadow nods at her.

After their brief conversation, Shadow turned to look at his lover as he checked to see if she's ready.

Shadow: Ready, Rubes?

Ruby: Yeah!

Shadow: Jaune? JNPR? You ready?

Jaune: Yeah! We're ready!

Pyrrha: We are.

Nora: YEAAHH!!!!!

Ren: nods

Shadow: Tenka? Blake? Mitchell? Yang? You two lovebirds ready?

The four blush at each other for a moment, smiling. Then, they replied.

Tenka, Mitchell, Blake & Yang: We're ready. blushing

Shadow: Weiss and Rachel?

Weiss: We are ready.

Rachel: thumbs up

Shadow: Team RNHK?

Roland: My team is ready.

Hiro: What he said.

Neon & Katie: Yeah!

Shadow: Alrighty. Let's get to work.

Everyone: YEAH!!!!

Everyone said.

Torel (P.A. System): Attention Crew Members! We have arrived at Luna Sea. Are all Teams including Orochi ready for drop?

All: YES MA'AM!!

Chris (P.A. System): Alright. Team Alpha, you first followed by Bravo, Charlie and Delta. Orochi, they'll lead the way so you may follow up on them.

Orochi: thumbs up

Torel (P.A. System): Okay! We have reached the Luna Sea. Opening Draw-ramp for you to deploy by jumping in. All Crew, Drop in 3, 2, 1.... DROP!!!!!

Torel exclaimed on the last word.

When an order was given, Team Alpha jumped from the Hanger ramp and into the water first with their vehicles held in hand, followed by Teams Bravo and Charlie. When it came to Delta's turn, they soon jumped off, as well into the waters of the Luna Sea with Orochi following Team Delta.

Once all Teams are in the water, they began to look around while swimming when they stumbled upon a group of Grimm Hammerhead Sharks swimming around their location while noticing a Diver shooting some of them to defend himself.

(A/N: Grimm Hammerhead Sharks. Something like the image shown above but make it more realistic, ensure it has Grimm Great White's features all over the shark's body and its head to have a bone-like hammer-like look with spikes to give it the hammerhead shark-like look with spikes.)

Shadow: Alright guys. We know our orders! Let's get rid of the Grimm here.

Everyone: RIGHT!

And with that, everyone began firing their Weapon-enhanced & equipped Repulsion Vehicles upon the Grimm Hammerheads as several of them kept constantly charging in towards the Teams and Orochi, but to no avail.

Orochi noticed some Grimm Hammerheads coming from both sides as she began using her two odachis to slice them in different halves, horizontally and vertically. While slicing and dicing, Orochi spun around while the Grimm swam around, circling around her. While circling around the Masked Huntress, several tentacles can be seen coiling around the Grimm as Orochi revealed herself to have transformed into a creature based on an Octopus with Light combined into it as it has smaller light bulbs and wires/circuits embedded into every tentacle, a huge light bulb can be seen at the Octopus's head being infused with it and a Shade Breaker to be located at the Octopus's Mouth with a beak infused with it so as to emit electricity from it or to consume anything.

After revealing her next form she turned into, the large bulb began to light up, along with the small bulbs on its tentacles, giving the Grimm a shock, killing them instantly. Once they were handled, it released them and took one of the bigger hammerhead Grimm as it shocked it while consuming by using its beak-infused Shade Breaker. Seeing that the bigger Grimm was taken cared of, Orochi reverted to her OctopusLight Rider form with her Tribal Outfit combined with the form, for Shadow to notice this as he went up to her, amazed.

Shadow: That was.... something...

Orochi: Yeup.

Shadow: OctopusLight?

Orochi: OctopusLight.

After briefly talking, they went back in combat to eliminate the Hammerhead Grimm that were around the area, when several shots came from above water as Roland and Tenka noticed someone swimming down to the Teams with a Repulsion Vehicle in hands.

The someone had dark orange with brown tone hair with pink streaks as she swam quickly at us while taking care of the rest of the Grimm, for the Teams to stop their assault as they look at the girl firing at the remaining Hammerhead grimm. After taking care of the remaining Grimm, she stopped firing as she looked at the four teams and Orochi.

???: So, I'd take it you're the Teams and Orochi Tenma, Chris and Torel mentioned.

The girl asked.

(A/N: This girl.)

Ruby: Yeup!

Jaune: Umm... Well, that's us.

Roland: Indeed.

Shadow: Yes we are.

Orochi: Yes.

Rachel: Hold that thought. points behind the girl You missed one.

Rachel notified the girl.

So, the girl, lifted her repulsion vehicle over her shoulder as she fired a round as the last Hammerhead Grimm, killing it by a headshot as it slowly withered away.

???: And got'im.

Rachel: Nice shot.

Rachel implied.

Then, Shadow swam up to the girl as he praised her for her assistance and actions.

Shadow: Thank you, fellow diver. Your assistance and fighting skills are to be commended.

???: Oh ho ho~ it's nothing. It's what I do. Anything for Torel and Chris, as well.

Shadow: I see. What is your name and how do you know Aunt Torel and Uncle Chris?

???: Ela. Ela Hatcher. I work with Torel and Chris. I may be new by just a few years but, I'm already experienced enough to be fighting creatures in the deep. 

Nora: Well it's nice to MEET you~!

Ela: Wow. smirks Someone's excited.

Shadow: She's like that, and also, yes. I'm Shadow. Team Leader of Team STRM and Delta Team Leader. My Teammates, Tenka, Rachel and Mitchell.

Jaune: Jaune Arc. Team Leader of Team JNPR and Bravo Team Leader. Pyrrha, Nora and Ren are my Teammates.

Roland: Roland Arcadia, the LAST of the Arcadians. Team Leader of Team RNHK and Charlie Team Leader. Hiro, Katie and Neon are my Teammates.

Ruby: Ruby Rose. Team Leader of Team RWBY and Alpha Team Leader to Weiss, Blake and my big sister, Yang.

Orochi: Orochi, Orochi Tenma. Leader of the B.T. Tribe. B.T. stands for Build Tenma.

Each Team Leader and Orochi introduced everyone, including themselves.

Ela: Well now. it's nice to meet you. looks at the Team Leaders and orochi I was notified by Torel and Chris that you needed a guide around Luna Sea, right?

Shadow: Yes. Considering Mistral and Menagerie is surrounded by huge beds of water.

Blake: And floating islands.

Weiss: And other uncharted territories.

Roland: Exactly. Which also leads to many hideouts for grimm to hide in.

Ela: Welp, you're in luck, guys. I just so happen to have swam in the Luna sea for countless of times to train up on my underwater skills.

Pyrrah: And I suppose that back shot was one of them, yes?

Ela: Correct!

Mitchell: Niccccee~

Shadow: Then can you lead us there, my friend? We are here to hunt and contain the Leviathan.

Ela: That I can, Shadow. thumbs up

Shadow: Then swim lead the way.

Ela: Right this way. And oh yes! Don't worry about that Diver over there. He's fine.

Ela said.

Everyone looked at the diver ahead of them as they see the diver swimming away once he's done shooting the Grimm.

Katie: We can sure do tell of that.

Ela: nods Anyway, right this way, Team~!

Ela said as she began swimming ahead, for the rest to follow her from behind.

As everyone followed Ela, they notice more Hammerhead Grimm swimming from the distance as they locked and load their repulsion vehicles, readying themselves for another fight, up ahead to get to the Leviathan while being led by Ela as their guide to it.

To be continued....

And that's all, folks! The fourth episode of our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose (The Ocean Hunter). If you ladies and gentlemen and other deviants really, really love it, comment down below on the comment section if you want me to try something and make up for it. So, thank you so much for reading this. And if you enjoy it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause' that would be "Muteki" awesome and greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I can improve myself as well.

And if this happens to be the first literature that you have seen by me, please consider leaving a watch to become part of "Ride-Player Troopers" (It's what Iprefer to call my watchers) today if you want to see more of the rest of RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose (The Ocean Hunter) insert. Apart from that, thank you so much again for reading this, and I'll see you Ride-Players (readers) on the next episode of our RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose (The Ocean Hunter)! Until then! See you on the next game! Staylighted up! Stay Frosty! Stay Brave! Be Nice! SEE YA!!!!

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