Volume 6 Trailer

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Scene shows a snow ridden forest in a middle of nowhere revealing Team STRM, RWBY, Oscar, Apollinir and Qrow walking along feeling depressed.

(A/N: Scene 1.)

Salem: It's important not to lose sight of what drives us.  

Scene changes to see the same group but in a large number encouraging each other that they can make it to Argus by train.

(A/N: Scene 2.)

Salem: Love....

Scene changes to show White Fang Headquarters with the White Fang Members lying down lifelessly on the ground due to Adam's rage.

(A/N: Scene 3.)

Salem: .... Justice....

Scene changes to see people on a path bowing to an unknown person levitating above the ground.

(A/N: Scene 4.)

Salem: .... Reverence.... But the moment you put your desires before my own.....

Scene changes to see Salem stating her point to her dark faction as Gemdeus Machina stood forward to finish what Salem was going to say.

(A/N: Scene 5)

Gemdeus Machina: They will... (point his sword and points it to everyone) be LOST, to you. This isn't a threat. This is simply the truth....

-Everyone is making their way to Argus to head to Atlas.-

Then, scene changes to the scene of a train battle occuring against the huntsmen and huntresses of Beacon against numerous number of Grimm Griffons and a Sphinx. Another scene changes to show Crystal launching her Solar Dragon Beam at one of the Grimm Griffons from inside the train to protect Oscaraka Ozpin, followed by another scene change to show Ruby turning into a flurry of red rose petals as she flew across the Train Station at Mistal.

-Huntsmen and Huntresses band together to defend the train to Argus as their fight gets tougher.-

Jet Storm removing his Saber from killing someone who has opposed him in his wake in one scene followed by another scene change showing the Dark Faction getting ready to strike back. Following scene chnages to show Ruby looking for the relic of knowledge as she found it lying in the snow in the wreckage. Scene changes to show Adam screaming in rage.

-More truths to uncover.-

Ozpin is seen in the later scene going on his knees trying to reach out to the  relic, but Teams RWBY and STRM did not allow him to do so as their readied their weapons with a stern look shown on their faces. Scene changes to show passengers heading towards the next car when an old lady looked back, knowing that something is familiar about the Silver-Eyed Girl aka, Ruby and her Silver eyes. 

-Will everyone survive their Quest to Argus and Atlas?-

Scene changes to show the same scene of the train battle with our heroes fighting off the Griffons and Sphinx but this time, a flying train known as the Den-Liner flew by and sent a barrage on the Grimm. 

Momotaros: Let's go! Go! GO!!

(A/N: Den-Liner.)

-Who's side will they go? Ozpin's side or Their own side.-

Barrages kept firing on the Grimm from Den-Liner. Scene changes to see Ozpin yelling "NO!!!" at someone preventing the truth to be uncovered as the last scene changes to see Salem in her Gemdeus Form infecting one of her subjects with a new scene shows Hiro going Evol mode but far more worse than his usual Evol form and Shadow's as well as they  both screamed/ roared as both scenes changed simultaneously in a fast pace.

(A/N: Salem combine with Gemdeus Machina and you will see that she will wear his armour.)

-Will they get the Relic of Knowledge to Atlas in time?-

Next scene shows Team RWBY and STRM readied their weapons.

Yang: What's the plan, Ruby?

Ruby: Don't ley anyone else die!!

-Find out when RWBY: (Genius Gamer Shadow) Ex-Aid Reader x Ruby Rose Volume 6, BEGINS!!!!!!-

A new scene shows Evol's Fever Flow form as he reveal his Human disguise-like face, revealing who he really is.

Evol: I am, your father!

Then, the scene went black when Salem asked Shadow;

Salem: What are you a God of again, Dear Shadow~?


(A/N: Theme starts here.)

Roars of thunder were heard when streaks of Lightning began to light up the pitched dark scene. As the flickering lights made by the lightning shone bright in the pitched dark scene, a left arm was visible revealing it to have a combination of all of the Four Maidens, Summer, Gods of Light and Darkness, Build Genius, Nexus Muteki and Grand Zi-O. His left leg was visible as well to have the same detail, along with someone's wings toveil the same detail. Followed by his chest to be purple and gold as the two gods with the same detail as last time (Volume 5). Rainbow streaks emit from the user's silver winter eyes as he now has another additional two pairs of horns representing the two gods. As such, the dark scene turned bright as a huge golden clock with a few pillars in between it began to shine bright as twenty of the Heisei Riders appear in front of the golden clock as statues along with many other people from different crossovers behind them. As everything is now in place, he yelled;

Shadow: I... am Genius Gamer SHADOW!!! HENSHIN!!!!!

(A/N: Theme ends at 0:42.)

He pressed the button on his Gashat as the flap flipped open, unravelling his final form.


Scene changes to show Shadow charging towards the Griffons on the train with the aide of a Grimm Leo sent forth by Drazen.

(A/N: Grimm Leo.)

Drazen: This shall be your pet to guide you from then on out, Shadow. Use Grimm Leo well.

Shadow: I know....

Drazen: I know you will, God beyond Gods.

-Till the Next game.-

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