Rau (Zombienitro02's OC)

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Hey everyone. Today, I am going to review to you my other OC that zombienitro02 and I have planning so far for the upcoming war against our heroes. So, without further ado, let's get this started by introducing to you, zombienitro02's other OC which goes by the name of Rau aka, Evil Trigger, one of the Members of the Remnant Darkness Heels.


(A/N: Rau's Looks.)

-Personal Information-

Name: Rau

Real Name: Evil Trigger


(A/N: Rau's Emblem.)

Age: 40 years old (Human Form), Unknown (Ultra Form)

Gender: Male

Family: None

Favourite Colour: None

Eye Colour: Navy Blue

Hair Colour: White

Occupation: Scientist, Evil Trigger, One of the Members of the Remnant Darkness Heels

Likes: Tinkering anything that is in his interest

Dislikes: Someone disturbing his monologue

Speed: 10/10

Strength: 10/10

Leadership Skills: 5/10

Outfit: (Shown in the image above)

Height: Same as Graphite

Weight: Same as Ren

Race: Artificial Ancient Ultra


(A/N: Rau's Evil Trigger Form.)

Now that his appearance and personal information has been stated, let us go through his weapons and accessories

Weapons and Accessories:


Evil Sparklence

Evil Arms (A/N: Evil Counterpart to the Circle Arms.) - Multi Sword, Power Claw and Sky Arrow modes

(A/N: Evil Sparklence. Combine these two images together. Add some blue veiny details around the Sparklence to give it the Evil Trigger vibes.)

(A/N: Evil Arms (A/N: Evil Counterpart to the Circle Arms.) - Multi Sword, Power Claw and Sky Arrow modes. Ensure that the weapon is based on Evil Trigger's colours to give it Evil Trigger vibes and gimmicks on the sword when it turns to its Sword, Claw and Arrow types. And yes, he has a evil counterpart of Circle Arms that can turn into three different weapon types.)


Kaiju Keys

Evil Trigger Key

(A/N: Kaiju Keys.)

(A/N: Evil Trigger Key.)

Now that his weapons and accessories have been stated, let us go through his aura and semblance.

Aura, Semblance/s and Ability/-ies:

Aura: Navy Blue

Semblance Name/s:

1. Night Prowler

Ability - It allows the user to travel inside shadows, be it a shadow of an object or a person's shadow, grabbing someone by their shadow including objects, damaging enemies by attacking their shadows

Evil Sparklence Abilities:

(M-01) Evil Trigger - Shoots Evil Trigger's signiture finisher, Evil Shoot

(M-14) Ultroid Zero - Shoots D4 Ray concentrated energy beam from his Color Timer and the ability to absorb energies or powers by stabbing enemies with his hands

(M-19) Evil Tiga - Enhances the user's power to maximum power, including his/her finisher and increasing his/her size, this can also combined with the use of Gatanothor Key

(M-20) Ultraman Belial - Gives the user the abilities based on Ultraman Belial

(M-27) Gatanothor - It can evolve Camearra, Darramb, and Hudram Keys into the Dark Giants Keys (Carmeara, Darrgon and Hudram Keys) from Trigger's World. Not only that, it allows the user to use it's ability as well like Petrification Ray and Shadow Mist

(M-28) Carmearra - Demonthor's power plus Camearra's Ice Energy Whip and Ice Energy Izword

(M-29) Darramb - Superhuman Strength, enough to create explosions simply by punching anything

(M-30) Hudra - Gives the user Insane speed while utilizing attacks based on Hudra by the use of his/her bare hands

(M-31) Jugglus Jugglur - Peak swordsmanship that gives the user an ability to cut almost anything with his/her hand. This can be combined with the use of Camearra Key and/or Carmeara Key

(M-33) Carmeara - Curse manipulation (Curse damage), Megalothor's power plus Cameara's Ice Energy Whip and Ice Energy Baton, much more stronger, very vengeful and powerful than Carmearra key

(M-34) Darrgon - Gives the user High Defense and Superhuman Strength, enough to create extremely powerful explosions by simply punching anything in a large scale, much stronger, tougher and powerful than Darramb key

(M-35) Hudram - High speed movement that can create tornadoes while utilizing attacks based on Hudram by the use of his/her bare hands, much stronger, faster and powerful than Hudra key

Evil Arms Ability/-ies:

Evil Sword:

(M-01) Evil Trigger - Replicates Zeperion Sword Finish in its Evil Counterpart

(M-14) Ultroid Zero - Engulfs the sword on Evil Sword Type in a Golden blade based on Ultroid Zero with purple outlines on it based on Destrudos as the user does an "X"-shaped energy slash formed from the blade of Evil Sword

(M-19) Evil Tiga - Increasing the size of Evil Arms when user goes Titan Mode and creates a devastating shadow-like slash

(M-20) Ultraman Belial - Replicates Zeperion Sword Finish but will be based on Kaiser Belial Ripper and Claw Lightning combined

(M-27) Gatanothor - With one slash, it creates a slash made of Shadow Mist and Petrification Ray combined, giving the user the option to either give his/her enemies major damage, petrify them,.... or both.

(M-28) Carmearra - Transforms Evil Sword Type into an energy whip or Izword, and enhances it with Demonzoa's power

(M-29) Darramb - Creates and summons energy clone of Evil Arms in Sword Type to thrust to the ground, creating a series/stampede of fire magnums, stampeding towards his/her enemies for the user to use Evil Arms in hand as he/she will do a slash based on Fire Magnum, delivering a red energy-like shockwave at the enemy

(M-30) - Hudra - Creates and summons energy clones of Evil Arms in Sword Type and attack like homing missiles, and summons powerful navy blue tornadoes

(M-31) Jugglus Jugglur - Creates slashing attacks that can cut reality (A/N: Something like OOO's Sword finisher.)

(M-33) Carmeara - Transforms Evil Sword Type into an energy whip or energy baton, and Enhance Evil Sword Type with Megalothor's power

(M-34) Darrgon - Creates a red flaming blade as it launches Dark Burst and Dark Bullet combined, or at the same time

(M-35) Hudram - Creates a blue flaming blade for the user to launch an energy blade, Hudrast, binding ring, or all in one combined attack

Evil Claw:

(M-01) Evil Trigger - Replicates Zeperion Claw Impact in its Evil Counterpart

(M-14) Ultroid Zero - Allows EVil Claw Type to do an 'X'-shaped energy slash to launch Magnerium Slashers at the enemy while doing a horizontal bisection while replicating Magnerium Blade combined with D4 Ray 

(M-19) Evil Tiga - Similar to its Evil Sword Counterpart while replicating Zeperion Claw impact in its Evil Counterpart based on Evil Tiga

(M-20) Ultraman Belial - Like the Gatanothor Key, it enhances Evil Claw Type with Deathcium energy for a devastating blow or separation

(M-27) Gatanothor - Allows Evil Claw Type to replicate Zeperion Claw Impact in its Evil Counterpart with Shadow Mist to be in the mix. It can be combined with Evil Trigger key, Evil Tiga key, or both

(M-28) Carmearra - Allows the user to deflect attacks and does a horizontal bisection to the user's enemies

(M-29) Darramb - Allows Evil Claw Type to replicate Fire Magnum

(M-30) Hudra - Allows Evil Claw Type to replicate Valtester, letting the blades glow purplish blue

(M-31) Jugglus Jugglur - Allows Evil Claw Type to replicate Jugglur's energy slash in Claw Type

(M-33) Carmeara - Allows Evil Claw Type to replicate Carmeara Double Whip

(M-34) Darrgon - Allows Evil Claw Type to replicate Fire Beat Crusher

(M-35) Hudram - Allows Evil Claw Type to rush in towards its enemies in a form of a tornado while replicatng Hudrast in Claw Type

Evil Arrow:

(M-01) Evil Trigger - Replicates Zeperion Arrow Strike in its Evil Counterpart

(M-14) Ultroid Zero - Creates and launches D4 Ray-Energized Arrows. One shot is enough to make somthing or someone disappear from reality

(M-19) Evil Tiga - Allows Evil Arrow Type to replicate Evil Shot in a form of an Energy Arrow

(M-20) Ultraman Belial - Allows Evil Arrow Type to replicate Claw Lightning in a form of an Energy Arrow

(M-27) Gatanothor - Creates a Dark Arrow streaming dark mist. When the arrow is launched, the dark mist will form a giant dome from above, preventing enemies from escaping and can also drain enemies' energy if they are inside the dome for too long

(M-28) Carmearra - Allows the user to blast numerous Demon Jabber or Jab Rush at his/her enemies

(M-29) Darramb - Allows Evil Arrow Type to replicate Fire Magnum in a form of an Energy Arrow

(M-30) Hudra - Allows Evil Arrow Type to replicate Hugust

(M-31) Jugglus Jugglur - Allows Evil Arrow Type to replicate and launch numerous number of Energy Blast with just one shot or numerous shots at the time

(M-33) Carmeara - Allows Evil Arrow Type to replicate Energy Bullet

(M-34) Darrgon - Allows Evil Arrow Type to replicate Dark Bullet

(M-35) Hudram - Allows Evil Arrow Type to replicate Hudrast

Trivia: Reincarnated in the World of Remnant with his own human form by Belial after the events of Episode Z. He gave Rau a second chance for something far greater for Rau's purpose instead of being an artificial copy of Trigger

Welp, that's all for now for zombienitro02's OC, Rau aka, Evil Trigger. Hope you guys enjoy it. If you guys want to join me in my epic quest against our heroes, it will awesome to have more people as OCs. As after all, the More the Merrier.

So, since this is zombienitro02's other OC, do give him tons of love and support on Wattpad as it will be appreciated. Well, that's all for now. So, be nice, be happy, stay frosty, stay brave, POUND IT, KNOCK IT!! Aaaaaaaaaaand SEE YA!!!!!

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