Caligo Daemonium Prime (jkora3's OC)(Revice)(Alchemist Prime's Son)(PART 1)

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Hey everyone. Today, I am going to review to you my other OC that jkora3 and I have been planning so far for the upcoming war against Salem and Thanos (A/N: I'm making this short as you already knew which volumes and movies I'm talking about.). So, without further ado, let's get this started by introducing to you, jkora3's other OC which goes by the name of Caligo Daemonium Prime aka, Kamen Rider Demonium - Bernazoid Genome Remix Form, the first Prime to be a Kamen Rider.


(A/N: Caligo Daemonium Prime's Looks. Ensure he has a pair of these robotic-like arms on his arms and hands to give him the Cybertronian look on him.)

-Personal Information-

Name: Caligo Daemonium 

Inner Demon Name: Inedia

Prime Name: Daemonium Prime (A/N: Thought it would be cooler to use Daemonium as you know... it's catchy.)


(A/N: Caligo Daemonium's (Daemonium Prime's)/Inedia's Emblem.)

Age: 24

Gender: Male

Family: Alchemist Prime (Relation: Father, Occupation: One of the 13 Original Primes, Status: -UNKNOWN-)

Favourite colour: Crimson

Eye colour: Purple (Caligo), Red (Inedia)

Hair Colour: White (Caligo), Black (Inedia)

Occupation: One of the 13 New Generation Prime, Kamen Rider Caligo (Revi (A/N: Caligo Daemonium Prime.) and Kamen Rider Inedia (A/N: Inedia.), Mercenary, Delivery man

Likes: Sparring, Helping out, Chilling, Learning new things, Philosophy, Patience

Likes (Inedia) : Crimes, Battling someone, Tax fraud, Illegal smuggling, Bloodshed, Playing around, Breaking the Geneva convention, Gambling

Dislikes: Making tough decisions, Losing, Recklessness, Unnecessary bloodshed, Wasting time, Inedia just doing dumb stuff aka, Inedia just running in with no plan

Dislikes (Inedia): Not doing what he wants, Staying too long, Knocking someone out, Not the one fighting, Actually following orders, Complications 

Speed: 9/10

Strength: 8/10

Leadership Skills: 6/10


(A/N: Caligo's Outift in Human Form.)

(A/N: Caligo's Outfit in Cybertronian Form.)

Height: 6"0'

Weight: 40kg

Race: Human/Cybertronian

Form/s (Cybertronian Forms and Rider Forms): 

Cybertronian State:

(A/N: His Human/Cybertronian Form is shown at Looks: section above.)

(A/N: Robot Form. Ensure his color scheme is changed to the colour scheme shown in his Human/Cybertronian form and to the colour he likes and his current eye colour.)

(A/N: Robot *#&%&#{+>"| Form. This form isn't seen by anyone yet as Caligo hasn't used this form just yet, unless "Provoked" or unless he lets his inner demon side of him to let him do so for a brief period of time.)

(A/N: Vehicle form. Ensure his vehicle form's color scheme is changed to the colour scheme shown in his Human/Cybertronian and robot forms.)

Kamen Rider Revice State:

(A/N: Kamen Rider Demonium - Rex Genome form. (Caligo Rex Genome and Inedia Rex Genome).)

(A/N: Kamen Rider Demonium - Barid Rex Genome form. (Caligo Barid Rex Genome and Inedia Barid Rex Genome).)

(A/N: Kamen Rider Demonium - Volcano Rex Genome form. (Caligo Volcano Rex Genome and Inedia Volcano Rex Genome).)

(A/N: Do add some demonic features on Vice forms to represent Inedia's demonic self and inner demon self for all forms he takes when Caligo and Inedia goes Revice.)

Form/s (Inedia):

(A/N: His Human/Cybertronian form looks just the same as Caligo's but with an evil look with this outfit shown above and you may add Vice's inner demon armor on Inedia's face, torso, arms and legs. You may add Vice's tail, too.)

(A/N: Basically in short, Inedia and Caligo share the same stats, personal info and other stuff with some differences in terms of their eye and hair colours, likes and dislikes, the forms they take and how sane they are.)

Now that his appearance and personal infromation has been stated, let us go through his weapons and accessories.

Weapons and Accessories:


Knives (A/N: Any kind. It can be combat variants, cooking variant, and many other variations of knives.)




(A/N: Gundephone50.)

(A/N: Ohinbuster50.)

(A/N: OsutoderuHammer50.)


An Orb in his Necklace that looks Ominous and has Eyes glowing in it

Revice Driver


Vistamp Holder

(A/N: Revice Driver and Vistamp Holder.)

(A/N: Vistamps (The ones Revi and Vice used).)

Now that his weapons and his accessories have been stated, let us go through his aura and semblance.

Aura, Semblance/s and Ability/-ies:

Aura: Dark indigo

Semblance Name/s:

1. Redirection (Caligo's Semblance)

Ability - The user can change the thrown objects' trajectory, distance and power but it all depends on what object is used however the power change is limited by how much it weighs the heavier it is. The more limitations there is, the lighter the object/s is

2. Demonic Morph (Inedia's Semblance)

Ability - The user can morph a part of his body and turn it into the demonic counterpart of the specific limb and use whatever demon art for that limb, BTW there's no limit to the changing even to organs themselves

Demonic Ability/-ies:

1. Flight (makes him sprout out wings, IS VERY PAINFUL (A/N: There will be training at this point so that there will be no pain when spouting his wings out.))

2. Demonic Flames (cannot be put out by conventional means but can be put out by Caligo/Inedia's command, can be shaped however he likes)

3. Demonic Ice (similar to Demonic flames)

4. Dark Lies (lies that make the victim fall for it depending on their mental state and vulnerability)

5. Demonic Parts (can change a part of his body and turn it into the demon counterpart of the specific limb and use whatever demon art for that limb, those are actually Inedia's limbs, BTW there's no limit to the changing even to organs themselves (A/N: That's oughta be scary.))

6. Illusion (can cast illusions that can be too real but fake, if used by a demon, it's potential is enhanced by 5 times(A/N: There will be training at this point so that the illusions will be real when casted in due time.))

7. Warp (can teleport anywhere he wants but depends on the distance though, the farther it is, the more concentration it needs as Caligo needs to imagine the destination he's going)

8. Minions (can make minions whenever he likes the minions are your average demon imps fast, punch like an elephant, but not intelligent they follow mainly Caligo's orders but the have mind of their own too so Caligo treats them like family)

9. Blood Draw (can draw nearby blood, whether it's his own or someone else's, and become powerful for a decent amount of time depending how much the more blood he draws he gets stronger and lasts longer, can even save himself from death with just one drop of blood(A/N: I bet you if they Blood Draw grimm's blood (goop), Salem will get a heck of a surprise on how powerful both Caligo and Inedia get.))

10. Contract Seal (whenever he makes a contract and sets the right conditions, the victim has to follow or they will receive the punishment that the contract says, there can also be multiple punishments as well)

11. Fusion (he fuses himself with Inedia to become a star-level powerful being this shall be used as a last resort because it takes a huge amount onto both Caligo and Inedia and if Caligo dies without Inedia finding another host he will die along with him they have used this before but that ended him meeting death and getting reject by it and got revived) 

Trivia: Caligo was a honest kid to heart, most likely he has taken after his father, Alchemist Prime since he has taught Caligo things he needed to know, that is until he has gotten to close and made a taboo that made him get possessed by a demon and got ostracized by his village the demon that lives inside of him often takes control over his body at random times and cannot control when it happens the demon Loves to be mischievous and cunning when not fighting but when he is, he becomes a bloodthirsty maniac who doesn't care about pain but to kill itself. The demon also granted Caligo to use any demon abilities that have used by other demons before him (Illusions, deception, lies that seem true, demon flames more details in future). While Caligo and Inedia are still working together while sorting out their differences as well as to look for his father aka, Alchemist Prime who disappeared many years ago, a mysterious package came for "them", specifically for them to grow curious. When they opened it, they see that their lives are about to turn to a whole new level as they have to work together as not just being one Prime, but a Kamen Rider, as well.

To be Continued at PART 2

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