Caligo Daemonium Prime (jkora3's OC)(Revice)(Alchemist Prime's Son)(PART 5)

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To be resumed here.

Caligo's Form/s:

-Caligo, Ryuga & Aoi's Combined Super Final Form-

(A/N: Kamen Rider Katsumonium - Grand Makoto Form. A fusion of Katsumonium, Ultimate Rex Genome forms, Evility Live form and Invincible Jeanne. All these forms combine to one superior fusion being that can go toe to toe with Giff, Diablo, Juuga and many other Demons and Deadmans. 

Caligo (Revi) Component - The main component of Makoto aka, Caligo's Revi Rex Genome will be upgraded to Ultimate (Giffard) Rex Genome. The cape behind the form will be based on Ultimate Rex Genome's colour scheme.

Inedia Component - The armour is similar to Revi's but this time, add some demonic features on the lower torso and legs to give it the Inedia's inner demon gimmick. Add Ultimate Rex tail to give it Inedia's Ultimate Rex Genome vibes going together with Caligo's Ultimate Rex Genome vibes.

Evility Live Component - The eye-visor of Evility Live will be placed at the lower jaw of Caligo's Ultimate Revi Rex Genome form. The armour on the shoulder and chestplate will have black outlines on them to give of the Evility Live vibes on the white part going to its Truth form. The cape's colour scheme will follow the armour's colour scheme. The gold outlines shall remain but will have some black outlines on them. A pair of Perfect Wings will be placed at the back of this form to give it the Evility Live vibes.

Invincible Jeanne Component - The head sculp armour pieces including her cobra-like hair features on top and on both sides of the form's head will be placed at the upper part and the sides of Caligo's Ultimate Revi Rex Genome form. The armour on the shoulder and chestplate will remain the same, but with orange outlines in forms of cobras to be shown on the blue parts and blue outlines in forms of cobras to be shown on the orange outlines. Four snake tail-like tendrils behind of Invincible Jeanne will be placed behind of this form to give it the Invincible Jeanne vibes, and make sure those tendrils are scaly to give it the snake-like gimmick.)

Inedia's Form/s:

(A/N: Kamen Rider Inedia - Jack Demonium. (A/N: Caligo and Inedia share the same form so, in a way, Inedia can wield this form by using his own personal Rolling Vistamp, as well.).)

(A/N: Kamen Rider Inedia - Crimson Vail form. Ensure there is a Revice-Driver on the form, Inedia's personal Driver (A/N: Yes, he has his personal Driver which will be explained down below.).)

-Inedia's Super-Enhanced Final Form-

(A/N: Kamen Rider Inedia - Jack Crimson form. Add the red ribcage-like outline at the otherside so to give it the look like the blue outlines are overlapping with the red outlines. Ensure a Revice-Driver is added into this form. This form also has wings (A/N: Something like Holy Live and Evility Live's wings but they are black with grey feathers in forms of demonic blades.) and a tail (A/N: Something like Ultimate Vice's Rex tail but with red and grey spikes, with the colour scheme of the tail to be black and grey.) added in. )

Weapons and Accessories:


Rolling Vistamp

Demon Rolling Vistamp

Crimson Vail Vistamp

Demon Crimson Vail Vistamp

(A/N: Rolling Vistamp (x2). The pink, yellow and purple paint blobs will be replaced to Inedia's Emblem. He will have a secondary Rolling Stamp known as the Demon Rolling Vistamp, just so he can double-wield it with his Demon Crimson Stamp while his Primary Rolling Stamp is inserted into the Driver. Ensure the secondary Rolling Vistamp's details is positioned opposite for the Vistamp to be wielded on the left. In other words, Inedia will have two rolling stamps to be wielded right-handedly (Rolling and Crimson Vistamps) and one rolling stamp to be wielded left-handedly (Demon Rolling Vistamp.)

(A/N: Crimson Vail Vistamp. Ensure Inedia's Emblem is included on the Stamp. He will have a secondary Crimson Vail Stamp known as the Demon Crimson Vail Vistamp, just so he can double-wield it with his Demon Rolling Stamp while his Primary Crimson Vail Stamp is inserted into the Vistamp Holder. In other words, Inedia will have three rolling stamps to be wielded right-handedly (Rolling, Crimson and Demon Crimson Vistamps) and one rolling stamp to be wielded left-handedly (Demon Rolling Vistamp.)


50 Gale Ultimatum Vistamp

Inedia's Revice-Driver

(A/N: 50 Gale ultimatum Vistamp. Basically it's similar to 50 Gale Vistamp but the Vistamp's colour scheme except for the 'Makoto'-like symbol will be based on Giffard Rex Vistamp's colour scheme. The colour scheme on the eyes symbolizing Live and Jeanne will remain the same but with additional colour scheme with black outlines (Left white and gold eye) and, orange and blue outlines (Right orange and blue eye).)

(A/N: Inedia's Revice-Driver. The colour scheme on the Driver will be metallic black with the colour red to replace the blue and pink colouring on the Driver. The belt will be grey with blue outlines all over the belt. Ensure there are spikes all over the Driver. This Driver is designated only for Inedia.)

To be Continued at PART 6

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