Caligo Daemonium Prime (jkora3's OC)(Revice)(Alchemist Prime's Son)(PART 7)

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To be resumed here.

Extra Form/s 2:

(A/N: 1. Kamen Rider Demonium - Buffalo Genome & Remix forms. (Caligo Buffalo Genome and Inedia Buffalo Genome)

2. Kamen Rider Demonium - Buffalo Divine Truth Combo Genome & Remix form. In this form, both Caligo and Inedia will wield Barry White's Divine Truth Combo form in a form of their Buffalo Genome and Remix forms. The colour scheme on both forms will be replaced to OOO Divine Truth Combo's colours, details and features to give it the form's other OC's looks combined together with Caligo and Inedia's OOO Buffalo Genome and Remix forms.).)

(A/N: 1. Kamen Rider Demonium - Crocodile Genome & Remix forms. (Caligo Crocodile Genome and Inedia Crocodile Genome).

2. Kamen Rider Demonium - Crocodile Necro Infinity Genome & Remix form. In this form, both Caligo and Inedia will wield Ethan O'Dragon's Necro Wizard Infinity form in a form of their Crocodile Genome and Remix forms. The colour scheme on both forms will be replaced to Necro Wizard Infinity's colours, details and features to give it the form's other OC's looks combined together with Caligo and Inedia's Wizard Crocodile Genome and Remix forms.).)

(A/N: 1. Kamen Rider Demonium - Octopus Genome & Remix forms. (Caligo Octopus Genome and Inedia Octopus Genome)

2. Kamen Rider Demonium - Octopus Type High Tridoron Special Genome & Remix form. In this form, both Caligo and Inedia will wield Takori Asuma's Type High Tridoron Special form in a form of their octopus Genome and Remix forms. The colour scheme on both forms will be replaced to Drive Type High Tridoron Special's colours, details and features to give it the form's other OC's looks combined together with Caligo and Inedia's Drive Octopus Genome and Remix forms.).)

(A/N: 1. Kamen Rider Demonium - Kurosai Genome & Remix forms. (Caligo Kurosai Genome and Inedia Kurosai Genome)

2. Kamen Rider Demonium - Kurosai Mugen Grateful Damashii Genome & Remix form. In this form, both Caligo and Inedia will wield Roland Arcadia's Mugen Grateful Damashii form in a form of their Kurosai Genome and Remix forms. The colour scheme on both forms will be replaced to Ghost Spectre Mugen Grateful Damashii's colours, details and features to give it the form's other OC's looks combined together with Caligo and Inedia's Ghost Kurosai Genome and Remix forms.).)

(A/N: 1. Kamen Rider Demonium - Kajiri Genome & Remix forms. (Caligo Kajiri Genome and Inedia Kajiri Genome[Sword])

2. Kamen Rider Demonium - Kajiri Wonder Almighty Xross Saber Genome & Remix form. In this form, both Caligo and Inedia will wield Shriyans's Wonder Almighty Xross Saber form in a form of their Kajiri Genome and Remix forms. The colour scheme on both forms will be replaced to Saber Wonder Almighty Xross Saber's colours, details and features to give it the form's other OC's looks combined together with Caligo and Inedia's Saber Kajiri Genome and Remix forms.).)

(A/N: Kamen Rider Demonium Shin.)

(A/N: Kamen Rider Demonium Shin - Ultimate Giffard Rex form. Basically, it's Shin form encased with Ultimate Giffard Rex Armour. This form will also have a tail to give it Inedia's Rider form gimmick to show that it is a fusion. ENsure there are Shin spikes on the armour, too to give it the Revice Shin vibes.)

In case you ask how Caligo and Inedia will obtain those Super Ultimate Final Forms in their Genomes and Remixes, well... if you could remember the Lightning Gale and Barid Rex gimmick back in the Revice series, same applies to the other vistamps but this time, Caligo and/or Inedia will have to stamp their specific Vistamps onto the 50 Gale Ultimatum Vistamp to acquire the form/s.

Note that these forms can be acquired without Katsumonium - Grand Makoto Form to be formed. So, in a way, the 50 Gale Ultimatum Vistamp has several uses. One would be for Transformation uses, the other is for Weapon Finisher uses, and lastly to acquire each vistamp/s Super Ultimate FInal Form/s.

-Caligo and Inedia's Combined Super Final Form-

(A/N: Kamen Rider Demonium - Bernazoid Genome Remix Form. Combine those three images together. This form is a fusion form of every Genome and Remix Form (A/N: Not sure why it says All Remix but, oh well.) Revice has used throughout the movie and the specials, including a fusion of both Caligo and Inedia themselves. Here are the following parts that make this form to be stated below;

Head - The head of this form will be based on Ultimate Rex Genome in the second image combined with the Genome Remix parts on the form's head in the first image. Include Kangeroo Genome's eye-visors at the tip of the form's eye-visors, tilting like so it looks like it is based on Kangeroo Genome while its eyes are based on Rex Genome (A/N: In other words, both eye-visors of Kangero and Rex Genome will be fused together with the left eye to be blue and the right to be red now instead of the original shown above.). Do make sure the white outline extends up to the Kangeroo Genome eye-visors pieces to give it the Jackal Ex-Aid Genome/Remix vibes. Its lion mane-like detail on the form will have ice and fire-like features on it like spike tips to give it the Barid Rex, Volcano Rex and Jack Inedemonium (A/N: In terms of the Spikey head on the side of the form.) vibes. There will be a Kajiri Sword Crown on the head piece to give it the Kajiri Genome vibes which will be encased with Ultimate Giffard Rex armour along with some crocodile teeth at the eye-visors and mouth mask, and a small crown piece which will be found below the Sword Crown to give it the Crocodile Genome vibes. Octopus Head Wing Spoiler can be found behind the form's head for aerodynamics to give it the Octopus Genome vibes. Caligo Oomukade Horn Remix can be infused at the mid-section of Kajiri Sword Horn to give it the Oomukade vibes on the sword horn, being encased by Ultimate Giffard Rex Armour.

Entire Body - The entire body will be based on Ultimate Rex Genome with Inedia's Ultimate Rex Genome's tail and form (A/N: Shown coloured black with blue outlines on the form.) stated in this OC to be implemented on this form merging with Caligo Ultimate Rex Genome's form to give this form the Kamen Riders Caligo and Inedia vibes. Inside the Ultimate Giffard Rex Armour will be based on Revice Shin to go well and together with this Ultimate Giffard Rex to bring out this Ultimate Fusion for a Bernazoid form.

Chestplate (Front & Back) - Exclude the scarf behind the form as it'll be covered up completely by Ultimate Rex armour, either way. The parts shown on the first image will be implemented on the fusion form with the form's Ptera Caligo (Revi) Accelerators to have just a bit of reddish pink at the connecting points at its chest, with the rest of the Accelerators's colour scheme to remain the same. Plus, add some ice features on the accelerators with lava/fire outlines on them to give it the Barid and Volcano Rex vibes. The back parts of the Chestplate shown at the first image will also be implemented onto the form, as well. The shoulder parts same applies to the front and back chestplate armour pieces on this form. Do make sure the purple blades on Mammoth Genome's boomerang blades are coloured cyan instead of purple for colour and series accuracy. It's back will have Inedia's Inner Demon Wings to have this form's motive to give it the form's vibes with its left wing to be encased with ice-like armour based on Barid Rex and its right wing to be encased with lava/fire-like armour based on Volcano Rex go give it the Barid and Volcano Rex vibes on the wings. Kurosai Remix Ear armour pieces from Caligo Kurosai Genome will be found on Ptera Accelerators at the connection parts. It can open up to give out the Tricera Genome and Remix gimmick or Agito gimmick, indicating that the form will be even faster, or donning its finisher, or both.

Arms - The Genome/Remix armour pieces shown on the first image will be implemented onto the fusion form. Ensure the two halves of Kamakiric Arrow's blades are facing forward, not back to give it the Megalodon vibes. Add in Kangeroo Genome/Remix's Metal Boxing Gloves onto Kong Caligo (Revi) Puncher to give it both Kong and Kangeroo vibes. Just make sure the metal boxing gloves are coloured based on Kong's Remix form's colour scheme to give it the Kong vibes and also the kangeroo vibes when the form wants to use its default mode (Kong & Kangeroo Caligo Puncher), combat mode (Kangeroo Caligo Boxing Gloves (A/N: Gloves will automatically shift from above the form's hands to having the form wear the gloves.)) and launch mode (Kong Caligo Puncher (A/N: Same as combat form but the form can launch the punchers to enemies. Even in default, combat or launch mode, the form is able to launch them at will.))

Lower Torso - Revice-Driver with a specific Vistamp stated in the accessories and Eagle Caligo (Revi) Windy will be implemented on this fusion form and ensure they are jagged like teeth to combine the Crocodile Genome gimmick onto the Eagle Genome Windy. Ensure to extend Brachio Caligo (Revi) Band until it reaches a certain length based on Brachio Genome form in the series with its colour scheme to be cyan instead of its silverish grey colour for colour accuracy.

Tail - Inedia Oomukade Remix form will be implemented as a tail to combine with the form's actual tail (A/N: The head end part of the tail will have either eyes or no eyes on command for Inedia to fully control this form, too if required. You'll see what I mean in battle when the time comes.). Each segment of the Oomukade Remix body, there will be spikes all over to signify its Hedgehog Genome and Remix form. Below the segmented tail, it'll be filled with Inedia's Ultimate Giffard Rex's tail with some Blue, Pink and Gold features on it with some "special" attachments on it. When Inedia gains control from its tail, the lower part of the tail will open up to unleash its arsenals for the upper section to have a pair of shields based on Buffalo Genome and Remix with its Tricera horn blades to be connected at the sides along with Inedia's Crocodile Genome and remix shoulder armour to be connected at the center of the shields, with King Crab Remix arms to be located at the upper section below the Tricera Shields, with its arms to be armoured up by Komodo Dragon's shoulder-armoured shields, whilst allowing Inedia Oomukade Remix head to have the ability to breath fire. At the upper section's chest, Inedia's Hashibiroko shield beak-like arms will become to upper beak to form the upper torso armour to go with Komodo Dragon shield arms for heavy-duty armour. The lower segments of the Oomukade segmented body will have legs of Caligo and Inedia's Octopus Remix forms, two legs of each segment armed with horn blades of Caligo's Buffalo Remix, giving Inedia's Oomukade Remix head the same Buffalo horn blades at the lower part of the helmet-like fangs that it has for charging effect and for more edge on its fangs. Kurosai Wisp Horn is connected onto the top of the tail end of the Oomukade Remix head to give it the Kurosai vibes

Legs - Its lower legs will have Neo Batta Caligo (Revi) Legs and Boots implemented on both legs to give it the Caligo and Inedia Neo Batta Genome form vibes. Ensure the colour scheme for Inedia's Neo Batta leg will change to Caligo's Neo Batta's Colour scheme with green outlines on it to give it the Neo Batta vibes for Inedia. On the Batta Legs, Hedgehog Genome Spikes will be infused with Neo Batta Legs to give it the spike and the edge. There will also be Batta armour leggings based on Buffalo Genome for extra kicking effect hidden inside the Neo-Batta combined Hedgehog legs to give it the Buffalo Genome vibes.

Extras - Bernazoid Sword which the main body is Kajiri Sword will be found on the left side of the form's Eagle Windy in times when the form needs to use it and when Inedia takes over the sword for attack, offense and defense effects (A/N: Weapon will be explained in Weapons and Accessories.), to give it the Kajiri and several Genome and Remix gimmicks.

Weapons and Accessories:


Bernazoid Sword (A/N: Bernazoid Sword is a combination of Kajiri Sword, Hashibiroko Swords, Komodo Dragon Drag-visor and Octopus Shift Brace to give these specific weapons and/or accessories their specific vibes.)


Bernazoid Vistamp

Giffard Rex Revice Shin Vistamp (A/N: Much like the original Giffard Rex Vistamp but this time, it will not separate. It'll be much like Kamen Rider Rogue/Prime Rogue and Build's Rabbit and Tank FullFullBottles. So in other words, this Vistamp is thinner and not bulky for the stamp to be able to stamp on the Driver itself to acquire Demonium Shin Ultimate Giffard Rex form.)

(A/N: Bernazoid Vistamp. This vistamp will be these two vistamps combined with each Genome Caligo and Inedia used to be at the background of the vistamp. Do include Neo Batta and Kangeroo symbols on the background, too. The main symbol at the center of the stamp will be based on Revice's Stamp symbol shown on the first image on his fusion form. Colour scheme will be pink for the main symbol and the stamp itself will be coloured rainbow. The top will be coloured white, and the bottom will be coloured the same with the symbol below the stamp to bare the same stamp symbol as stated on the stamp.)

Welp, that's all for now for jkora3's other OC, Caligo Daemonium Prime aka, Kamen Rider Demonium - Bernazoid Genome Remix Form, the first Prime to be a Kamen Rider. Hope you guys enjoy it. If you guys want to join me in my epic quest against Salem and Thanos, it will awesome to have more people as OCs. As after all, the More the Merrier.

So, since this is jkora3's other OC, do give him tons of love and support on Wattpad as it will be appreciated. Well, that's all for now. So, be nice, be happy, stay frosty, stay brave, POUND IT, KNOCK IT!! Aaaaaaaaaaand SEE YA!!!!!

And also, get ready for the "PEN"-Demonium!!!!!!!!

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